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Welcome to Dokkebi Minnie’s channel

This your invitation to be an Incarnation on my Survival Star Stream

“Race to the Stars”

Inspired by the popular webnovel and manhwa, Ominesent Reader’s Viewpoint

The incarnations (contestants) will be put into different scenarios to test their abilities and
possibly develop their hidden skills in rapping and singing.

This survival will contain scenarios that is far from your regular survival!

The incarnations will go through a total of 15 challenges some are sub scenarios (tasks) and 9
are main scenarios (official round)

Now on to the benefits of joining my Survival.

1. You will be Acquainted to the great Doekkebi Minnie!

2. The finalists will have customized avatars similar to what you are seeing right now

3. The finalists will always have nicely edited videos of their covers.

But before we can get started we need a total of 90 participants.

So share it with your friends and let the Story begin! ~

Scenario #1 90 contestants

Proof of value

Welcome to the opening of my Survival Star Stream

Pretty sure you are exited to get started

So let me get into our first scenario “Prove your value”

In this scenario the 90 contestants will be divided into 11 groups

Groups will be divided by harmonies and adlibs

High harmony mid harmony and low harmonies group will be further divided into

3 channels left center and right

While the adlibs will be divided into two, high adlibs and low adlibs

You will be given 2 ccls

1st ccl will be for the distrubution of the main parts

And the 2nd for the distrubution of harmonies

Each team will also be recording in two different bandlab projects

1 for the main parts and 1 for the harmonies

You will not need to worry about fxs because it will be mixed by the management

It may seem like a difficult/confusing task

But in all honesty if you are not able to do this task then maybe this Survival is not for you its
ORV inspired after all it’s the survival of the fittest

The time limit for this scenario is 10 days

And there will be no extensions

With all that said let the first scenario begin!!

Scenario #2


How was the first scenario?

Did you think you do well?

And do you think you have what takes to survive the following scenarios?

If yes then I welcome you the 2nd scenario

There will be no challenges in this scenario

All you have to do is meet the other incarnations who will be with you

Quick tip: You might want to leave a good impression ;)

See you all on the next scenario ~

Scenario #3 Max 5 per song

Occupy the green zone

First come first serve

Nerdy vs devil by the window

Jungle vs dejvu

Paranoia vs stranger

Guilty vs 28 reasons

Monster vs oh mygad

Nilimambo vs boy in luv

Electric shock vs whatcha doin today

Face vs love so sweet

Mmhh vs fever

Sub scenario

Distribute the ccls among yourselves

Scenario #4
Welcome to the first official round of this survival

Struggle for the flag

Now that everyone is set to record you must obtain the flag of your opposing team

50 will remain

Scenario #5 50 contestants

Defeat the disasters

In this scenario the incarnations will chose which of the disasters they will challenge

NO ONE is required to participate in this scencario

However if you chose to participate and win, you will receive half the points of your opponent

The incarnations will chose the verse/bridge they want to compete with but the disaster must

Yes only 1 verse if you are rapper and 1 bridge for vocal participants

So who will be the disasters?

The disasters are the main cast (top 9 participants) from the previous round
Scenario #6 50 contestants

Abandoned world

Welcome to the 2nd official round of the survival

In this round the incarnations will be transported to an international dome

You will either side with the small people or be catastrophe

The side that wins will be decided through individual rankings

The side that has more incarnations to enter the top 20 will be the winner

The winning side will have 120 points divided amongst them

There will be 30 slots on the small people team

While there will only be 20 slots for the catasprophes

It means if the Small people wins there will be 4 points added to them individually

But if the catastrophes win there will be 6 added to them individually

Here are the songs for the small people

6 Greedy - Ariana Grande

6 Gossip - maneskin

6 Reckless - Madison beer

6 Boss b - doja cat

6 Skyfall - Adele

And this will be the songs for the Catastrophes

5 Idol- Yaosobi

5 Millenium parade - Belle

5 Suzume

5 Shanti Shanti

There will be no eliminations in this round

Sub scenario
Anonymously vote weather you want to keep your current group or be re grouped

Scenario #7 and #8 50 contestants/9 nebulas

Scenarios 7 and 8 will be held at the same

Lets talk about Scenario #8 first

The Strongest Sacrifice #8

Each nebula will chose 1 Sacrifice for each of these category

Rap / Vocals / Ace

Rap Songs

4 Purge

4 Good girl


4 Time after time

4 Where are we now


Saweetie best friend (worldwide ver)

In this song All 8 aces will sing in in this almost 9 min remix

The aces will divide themselves into 2 groups

Each incarnation will have a chorus part, an english verse and an international verse

International verse means in each group there will be someone rapping in

Korean, Japanese, Chinese and German

Sounds fun right?

On to the benefits

The winning team will bring an additional 5 points to each member of their nebula

So if each of your nebula’s sacrifice win, each nebula member will receive a total of 15
additional points

Now what will be the 7th scenario about?

In the 7th scenario the remaining incarnations will also have a battle amongst themselves

The remaining nebulas will choose a song between the 4 given choices It means 2 nebulas will
be choosing the same song and will be going head to head

Song choices are


Life is still going on

House of cards

Outlaw ateez
The winning nebula will bring an additional 3 points to each member of their nebula

Sub scenario Distribute the ccl among yourselves

This round consists of so many additional points! But it wont be interesting if there is no catch.
Am I right?

Why would a sacrifice be called sacrifice if there is nothing to lose =)

If the Sacrifice fails to bring home additional points. They will not be given any additional points
that was won by their nebulas from scenario #7

Meaning if you were chosen to represent Rap and you lost but the vocalist(+5pts), ace(+5pts)
and remaining members of your nebula(+3) managed to bring home a win, everyone in the
nebula will get an additional 13 points but you will not.

Ah and there is last point I want to make

The next scenario will be an eliminations.

All points from scenario #6 till this round will be counted

Additional points from scenario 7 and 8 will either save you or eliminate you =)

With all that said good luck and may we get amazing stories from this
Scenario #9 Demon’s proof

In this scenario there is nothing you should do, just sit back and watch your rankings go up and
down <3


Remaining 30


Scenario #10 73rd Demon king

Quarter finals

In this scenario you will be grouped into the 5 generations of kpop and you will be able to
choose your own song. However your choices will be limited depending on the group you

Kpop gen years

Gen 1 1990s-2004

Gen 2 2005-2011

Gen 3 2012-2017

Gen 4 2018-2022

Gen 5 2023- present

You strictly have to choose the song and group according to these years. Meaning you cannot
choose a Gen 3 group and choose their latest song.

There will be an elimination in this round and only 20 will remain

Scenarios 11- 19 Personal trials

Before we move onto the next big one lets all take a little break

I want all of you to choose

Do you all want to move onto the next big scenario as 20 or do you want to bring in 10
eliminated incarnations/bring in new ones

It doesn’t matter if they were eliminated from the very beginning as long as they accept the
invitation to join they will be let in the survival for the next scenarios.
+ Another personal trial. Kindly fill out the form that will be given with your whole honestly. The
form will contain questions like “how active do you think you will be if ever you will be the debut
team” this will not affect your ranking for the rest of the survival. However it might affect the
debut lineup. I want the energy of this survival to continue even long after we are done. No
matter how good you are we need members who will be active and will not slow down the
activities of the group.

Scenario #20 A

Welcome to Scenario #20 first of all lets give thanks to the incarnations who voted to bring in
new incarnations / returning incarnations

The newly added incarnations will be given the position of the duke and will be given an
additional 2 points each as a head start. And will grouped into 2. We will call their group an
industrial complex with 5 members each. Meaning the the group will have a total of 6 points.

Now for the Incarnations who are here since the beginning. You will form a group of 5 that we
will call a revolutionary.

The 2 industrial complex will choose the song and 2 revolutionary groups to go against them

The winning team will be given an additional 3 points individually.

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