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An offender: commits a crime
A victim: brings a suit
A lawyer: resolves a dispute, brings a suit, (commit a crime)
The court: resolves a dispute, renders a verdict, sentences an offender, suspends a
A judge: resolves a dispute, renders a verdict, sentences an offender, suspends a

What is white-collar crime?
White-collar crime is generally non-violent and includes public corruption, health
care fraud, mortgage fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering.
What is a corporation?
A large company or group of companies that are controlled together as a single
Is street crime more serious than the white-collar crime?
White-collar crime has the potential to be considerably more serve than street
crime. Even though street crime is far more violent than white-collar crime, white-
collar crime has a more significant economic impact.
A crime is an omission or commission of acts. It must be a violation of public law.
Features: Dangerous, punishable
1. The difference between the standard of proof in criminal cases and that in civil
The standard of proof in criminal cases is higher than that in civil cases. On the one
hand, two parties in civil cases will compete to provide more evidence, and the
party who gives evidence stronger than the other party is likely to win in this case.
This case is called the balance of probabilities or preponderance of the evidence.
On the other hand, in criminal cases, the prosecutor has to prove the defendant
beyond a reasonable doubt. There is a likelihood for the defendant to commit the
2. How can you identify less serious crimes, serious crimes, very serious crimes,
and extremely serious crimes?
It depends on the punishment range.
3. Name the four most common categories of a criminal offense:
Offenses against the person, offenses against property, public-order crimes, and
business (or corporate) crimes.
1. The main difference between a crime and a tort
2. Should dealth penalty be abolished
Should not Should
 Most cruel, inhuman, and regarding  We need to be tough on crime
punishment (hanging, shooting, lethal (executions will stop murder)
injection, beheading, electric shock)  Deterrent effect ( the threat of death
 Breach human rights (right to life and right forces people to reform)
to live free from torture or cruel treatment,  The legal system is fair
protected by international law)  It is cheaper and more humane to
 Juvenile execution execute people
 Inflict emotional distress (years on death  Retribution; harsh penalty is needed for
row, not knowing when their time is up, or criminals of the worst crimes
whether they will see their familes one last (terrorism, drug-related offences,
time) attempted murder,etc)
 Irrevocable (the risk of executing an  Rise of alarming and heart-wrenching
innocent person can never be eliminated – crimes
we can’t give back a life once it taken-  Discourage taking of innocent lives
people with mental and intellectual (they say that impossing the death
disabilities, unfair trials) penalty puts innocent lives at risk but
 Lack of deterrent effect (deprive people of removing it puts more innocent lives at
the opportunity to reform) risk especially if we let the heartless
criminals live and kill more ppl.

3. Why is white-collar crime dangerous for whole society?

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