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p=mv ∆ p=F ∆ t F s=k ∆ x

P = momentum ∆ p = change in momentum/impulse F s = spring restoring force (N) (mass x 9.8)

m = mass (kg) F = average force (N) k = spring constant (N m-1)
v = velocity (ms-1) ∆ t = change in time (s) ∆ x = displacement from natural position

∆ p=m ∆ v ∆ p=I weight =m∗g

∆ p = change in momentum/impulse Change in momentum = impulse M = mass (kg)

m = mass (kg) g = gravity (9.8)
∆ v = change in velocity (ms-1)

F net=m∗a 1 2
N=m∗g∗cosθ SPE= k ( ∆ x )
N = newton F net = total force
m = mass
SPE = strain potential energy (J)
m = mass
k = spring constant (N m-1)
g = gravity (9.8) a = acceleration
∆ x = displacement from natural position
F f =m∗g∗sinθ m1 v 1+ m2 v 2=m1 v3 + m2 v 4 1 2 2
∆ KE = m(v −u )
F f = friction force. m = mass
m = mass v = velocity ∆ KE = change in kinetic energy
g = gravity (9.8) m = mass
u = initial velocity
V = final velocity
1 2
KE= m v
2 W =F∗S
KE = kinetic energy (j)
W = work done on an object (J)
m = mass (kg).
F = magnitude of the force parallel to motion (N)
v = velocity.
s = displacement. (m)

∆ GPE=mg ∆ h
∆ GPE = change in gravitational potential energy (J)
m = mass (kg).
g = gravitational field strength (N kg^-1)
∆ h = change in height (meters)

v=√ −2 g ∆ h+u2
V = final speed (ms)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8)
∆ h = change in height (meters)
u = initial speed (ms)

1 S = distance
s= (u+ v ) t v=u+at U = initial velocity
1 2 1 2 V = final velocity
s=ut+ a t s=vt− a t A = acceleration
2 2 T = time
2 2
v =u +2 as Velocity is in m s−1
Acceleration is in

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