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Story One: Progress

While on your own, you can pose to yourself rhetorical questions such as, how can you make
progres in a world which seems not to change? I am caught in such thoughts regarding what
my life would look like if I were in another world. A diffrente World Where progress has not
been declared an Enemy of the peope by being locked out of people’s mind

On your own = Por sua conta

Yourself = Você mesmo

Perhaps a world I would rely on ando ne Where I could change and enhance myself

Rely = Confiar

Enhance = Melhorar

I ought to be a masterpiece, but look at me now, am just a mere fisherman, and can Only
afford a pairo f old shoes, which i try to renew by applying dye. And a few tattered clothes that
hae been patched with multiple colored patches to the point of Looking variegated

Masterpiece = Obra-prima

Dye = Corante

Variegated = Variegado ( apresenta cores diversas)

Pattterns miserable my life was filled my mind. ‘’ I am just a terrible fisherman, I know this, my
Father also knew this, and everyone is aware.’’ I would tell myself as

Patterns = Padrões

I ventured into the Water to start fishing.I hate Water, there are Always Chemical spills, from
ships and motor-boats, fishermen with inexpensive wooden boats which can Only acess the
shores, like mine have nothing much to fish but can Only look at the Chemical-filled and
mottled Waters.

Venture = Empreender

Chemical pills = Derramamento de produtos químicos

Inexpensive = Barato

Mottled = com lodo

I am Sick of this, I no logenr love the Waters, I’m impatient, I get Sick. My market , the
tradesmen, Always offer the tinniest offering. Though I am a fisherman by trade and will
Always be till I die. I think I must be used to this Water based environment.
Sick off = cansado

Tradesmen = Comerciantes

Water based = à base de água

‘’ Shall the world make any progress?’’ I woud pose to myself. For the long we know, one Family
has ruled our country. No matter how relatives look like, brothers are marying Sisters, and the
Offspring are as well replicating the same. ‘’ Will the world change?’’

Look like = Parece

There exist and have onlyever existed one royal Family. There’s no handing over of power.
Nothing changes. It’s a double tragedy for peasants like me. It’s a worrisome situation to our
people, but with the help of the royal Family at large, niefes and aunts, alike, the Family has
continued to reign. They’ve Always got insurance policies in place, of course, daughters,
cousins, and sons all standing up to take the mantle, should the current monarch die or prove
baron. After all, it’s the same blood.

Double = Dobro

It may seem impossible, but we need a new look.

New look = Novo Visual

We are a wealthy nation, a stable nation. A steadiness that originates from the foundation ok
knowing that everyone has a part to play. Tha tif we are to change, we have to do Jobs and
inspire progress. The foundation to progress is beneath our feet. We need to stand up and
speak. We also need to accept facts that When I am a born fisherman, I need to know that my
destiny is being a fisherman. Yes, the world will change. There will be progress. It’s our
collective responsibility. Our nation can be a masterpiece, and itall relies o nus

Um pouco de gramática – Reflexive Pronous

É usando quando o objeto e o sujeito são os mesmos. Veja o Exemplo:

He hurt himself ( Ele cortou a si mesmo) – ‘’ He’’ e ‘’Himself’’ são a mesma pessoa.

Abaixo tem uma lista dos pronomes reflexivos:

I – Myself

You – Yourself

He – Himslf

She – Herself

It – Itself

We – Ourselves

You – Yourselves

They - Themselves

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