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A very good day to all!

Today, I’m going to tell you

a story entitled “The Clever Mousedeer.”

Long, long ago, deep in the jungle of Malay

Peninsular , there lived a mousedeer named Sang
Kancil. It was very clever. Sang Kancil loved to eat
tropical fruits such as rambutans, durians and his
favourite fruit was guava or jambu air. One hot
afternoon, Sang Kancil felt very thirsty, so, he went
down to the river to drink. When he reached there,
he saw a guava tree on the opposite side of the
river with delicious guavas.
“Wow, my favourite guava is there.” said Sang
Kancil excitedly. “But how do I cross the river? The
river is wide and deep and I can’t swim,” he thought
to himself.

Sang Kancil looked around and thought for a while.

In the excitement of looking at the fruit tree, Sang
kancil did not notice a sleeping crocodile. The
crocodile was in deep sleep. (SOUND)…… Suddenly,
the crocodile heard a loud voice and he woke up.
“What are you doing here, mousedeer?” asked

“Sang Buaya , I called you many times but you did

not hear me. You must be deaf.” lied the

“Oh! really, so what do you want from me?.”

“Well, I don’t want anything from you Sang Buaya.
But I’m here on the Sultan’s order. His Majesty
wants me to count the number of crocodiles in the
river. And there will be handsome rewards for all of
you if you help me”.
The crocodile laughed heartily. “Ha…ha…ha(3x). Oh,
really. You don’t try to trick me”, said Sang Buaya.
“No, no , I have never tried to fool you.” said Sang

The crocodile felt so excited and quickly called the

other crocodiles to line up.
“Dear friends, the majesty wants to count us.
Therefore, I would like to welcome all of you to line
up now.”

After all the crocodiles lined up , Sang Kancil then

hopped, skipped and jumped on the back of each
crocodile counting aloud as well as singing merrily .

“One, two, three fools , the delicious guavas I must

have. I taught I counted wrongly. Sorry. I count
again. “One, two, three fools , the delicious guavas I
must have. Finally, Sang Kancil reached the opposite
bank happily.
“Thanks for helping me to cross the river, Sang
Buaya. Now I can eat my favourite guava. Ha…ha…
ha(3x).”said the mousedeer to the angry crocodiles.

My dear viewers , do you like this story. I hope you

have enjoyed it. By the way , what is the moral of
this story. Well , we must make quick and intelligent
decisions to solve problems. Thank you.

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