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1 any change that increases the original scope by what percentage should be looked as a potentially new project

. 30

2 use cases have migrated from the Object-Oriented (OO) development methodology?
Neither of them
either of them

3 acceptance test case development involves

use of the business event model allows the development of functional test cases very early in the project life cycle
allowing testers to participate with the business analyst in the development of the business
this in turn leads to much better estimates of the testing effort that will be required.
. all of the above

4 _____ is the process of building a model of a system?

. prototyping
process flow
none of the above

5 what are the benefits of joint application development?

accelerates design
enchances quality
creates a design from the customers perspective
. all of the above

6 the business analyst may move directly to the creation of use cases bypassing the business event model
. either of them

7 is it essential to identify the constraints and fully describe them before entering ____
. design

8 who is business project sponsor?

the one who has organizational authority to commit resources to the project
the functional head of the project on the business side
their signature will appear on the initial request to begin the project
. All of the above
9 who ensures that the team sticks to the budget of the event?
. event planner
event coordinator
event assistant
none of the above

10 we indicate roles in E-R diagrams by labeling the lines that connect ____ to ____
Diamond, diamond
rectangle, diamond
rectangle, diamond
. diamond, rectangle

11 a team negotiates for ____

. scope cost & schedule objectives
changes to scope, cost or schedule
contract terms & Conditions, resources
all of the above

12 the process together the software requirements from client, analyze and document is known as ____
. requirement engineering process
requirement elicitation process
user interface requirements
software system analyst

13 if the project is running late, the best and most obvious strategy, if the data cannot be moved, is to cut scope
neither of them
either of them

14 in the ___, the actor may include other software systems, hardware components or other entities
. use cases
data flow

14 the user system requirement are the part of which document?


15 stakeholders are
people who can influence the behaviour of business
individuals, groups or organizations that are affected by the behaviour of business
. all those parties directly working foe an organization and are affected by its actions
the people or organizations that own shares in the business
16 resources is usually what is mentioned first when the question of constraints arises
neither of them
either of them

17 do tester need to be involved in the requirements definition?

. yes
may be
none of the above

18 requirement elicitation is a ____

problem scope
. cyclic process
software system
quality function design

19 why requirement elicitation difficult task?

problem of scope
problem of understanding
problem of volatility
. all of the mentioned

20 when working with both ____. It is important to remember they are often overbooked.
stakeholder and SME
BA and project manager
. tester and DB
none of the above

21 use case descriptions consist of interaction among which of the following?

use case
. product and actor

22 which requirement are common in requirement engineering, with each client proposing his or her version is the rig
. conflicting

23 it is essential to identify the constratints and fully describe them before entering design?
neither of them
either of them
24 software constraints may also include required or prohibited languages and tools
neither of them
either of them

26 IEEE and others have identified a _____ attributes which together defines what a good requirement is
. 6

27 how amany feasibility studies is conducted in requirement analysis?

. 3

28 karl wiegers, noted expert in requirement area makes this point

. the requirements may be vague, but the project will be specific
the requirements may be available, but the project will be specific
the requirements may be unavailable, but the project will be specific
the requirements may be hard to find, but the project will be specific

29 ____ and ___ are the two issues of requirement analysis

performance, design
scope creep and changing requirements
functional, non functional
. none of the mentioned

30 it involves the frame work for effective decision making it includes in

prioritizing requirement
use case
. questionnaire

31 quality requirement must always include the minimum level of acceptance performance
either of them
neither of them

32 why is requirements elication a difficult task?

. problem of scope
problem understanding
problem of volatility
all of the mentioned
33 restraint include
software policies
standards and procedures
. all of the above

34 considering the example of issue/return of book, cataloging etc in a library management system. What type of man
. enduring
both enduring and volatile

35 prioritizing requirements include

it provides the framework for effective decision making
the time spent in prioritizing requirements will be saved later in project
. all of the above
neither of the above

36 which one of the following is not an actor in JAD session?

. tester

37 quality requirement must always include the ___ of the acceptance performance
medium level
. minimum level
maximum level
none of them

38 ____ includes things like file and table layout and more commonly screens and reports
. either of them
neither of them

39 for agile SCQ how many participants are required?

a minimum of one inspectors and one inspection leader
a minimum of two inspectors and one inspection leader
. a minimum of three inspectors and one inspection leader
a minimum of four inspectors and one inspection leader

40 the entire requirement should be stated in a multiple place, not in one piece in the document
neither of them
either of them
41 quality requirements are reffered to as technical requirements
either of them
neither of them

42 ____ is transfer of program from hardware or software platform to another

. portability
operating system
none of them

43 the business community and external customers want systems and processes to be flexible, so they can be changed
. on the go
on the fly
on the move
on the raise

44 ____ are referred to as technical requirements

. safety requirement
quality requirement
functional requirement
non-functional requirement

45 constraints include
policies, standards and procedures
. all of the above

46 ____ includes things like file and table layout and more commonly screen and reports
neither of them
. either of them

47 a statement must have one, and only one possible interpretation that is ____
. ambiguity
none of them

48 who is developed the concept of use case

debra paul
emrah yayici
adrian reed
. ivar jacobson
49 these are often referred to as "common look and feel" to systems
. accessibility

50 business event model by ____

collaboration between BA and PM
collaboration between business team and IT Team
. collaboration between enterprise architect and PM
none of the above

51 Acceptance test case development is part of business event model

either of them
neither of them

52 the purpose of the change control board is to ensure the integrity of the requirements change process,
not to address or resolve internal issue
not to address or resolve technical issues
. not to address or resolve external issues
not to address or resolve requirement issues

53 Karl Wiegers, noted expert in the requirement area, makes this point
. The requirements may be vague, but the product will be specific
The requirements may be available, but the product will be specific
The requirements may be unavailable, but the product will be specific
The requirements may be hard to find, but the product will be specific

54 How is business event model created

collaboration between BA and PM
collaboration between business team and IT Team
collaboration between enterprise architect and PM
none of the above

55 Acceptance test case development is part of

business event model
. business process model
either of them
neither of them

56 as organizations progress from CMM(I) Level 1 to level 2 the emphasis on an effective requirements gathering proc
either of them
neither of them
57 Portability means
. transfer of program from hardware or software platform to another
transfer of program from hardware or software environment to another
both of them
neither of them

58 identifying internal conflicts are fairly not straight forward using technical review and inspection techniques
neither of them
either of them

59 testability is the only criterion that appears on the most commonly seen lists of critical attributes for business requi
neither of them
either of them

60 testability is the only criterion that appears on the most commonly seen lists of critical attributes for
functional requirements
safety requirement
. business requirement
requirement traceablity matrix

61 The requirements may be vague, but the product will be specific. Who is the noted expert to say these words
Wayne L. Winston
gerry johnson
. karl e wigners
peter hruschka

62 JAD is introduced by
None of them
a potentially new project

early in the project life cycle

siness event model

s known as ____

e moved, is to cut scope

ther entities
ing his or her version is the right one
d requirement is
ent system. What type of management requirement is being depicted here?
exible, so they can be changed
s change process,

requirements gathering process pays small dividends in both quality and productivity
inspection techniques

al attributes for business requirements

al attributes for

xpert to say these words

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