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Table of Contents
1. Basic joinder of claims and parties - Rule 20, 18, 13(h) .......................................... 1
2. Counterclaims (Defendant strikes back) - Rule ...................................................... 2
3. Cross-claims - Rule 13(g) .......................................................................................... 2
4. Impleaders (Adding third parties) - Rule 14 ........................................................... 3
5. Multiple claims - Rule 18 .......................................................................................... 3
6. Federal subject matter jurisdiction (general)........................................................... 4
7. Federal question jurisdiction .................................................................................... 4
8. Diversity jurisdiction - 1332 ................................................................................... 5
9. Supplemental jurisdiction - 1367............................................................................ 9
10. Personal jurisdiction ............................................................................................. 11
11. Service of process - Notice - Rule 4 ...................................................................... 15
12. Venue - 1391 ........................................................................................................ 18
13. Challenges to venue - 1391.................................................................................. 19
14. Forum non conveniens - Court-created doctrine ................................................. 20
15. Transfer of venue - 1404, 1406, 1631 ................................................................ 21
16. Pleading - Rules 7, 10, 3, 8, 9, 12 .......................................................................... 22
17. Rules of pleading - Claims for relief - Rule 8 ...................................................... 23
18. Special matters pleading (fruad, mistake, etc.) - Rule 9 ...................................... 24
19. D`s responses to the complaint - Rule 7(b)(1) and Rule 12 ................................. 24
20. Defenses - Rules 12(b) and 8(c)............................................................................. 28
21. Amended and Supplemental pleadings - Rule 15 ................................................ 29
22. Motion for judgment on the pleadings - Rule 12(c) ............................................. 30
23. Veracity standards for filed documents - Rule 11 ............................................... 31
24. Sanctions ................................................................................................................ 31
25. Computing and extending time - Rule 6 .............................................................. 32
26. Erie Doctrine (No Big Deal) .................................................................................. 33
27. No federal positive law - Erie situation #1 ........................................................... 33
28. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - Erie situation #2 ........................................... 34
29. Federal statutes - Erie situation #3....................................................................... 35
30. Intervention - Advanced joinder - Rule 24 .......................................................... 35
31. Necessary parties - Advanced joinder - Rule 19 ................................................. 36
32. Interpleader - Rule 22 and 1335 ......................................................................... 37
33. Exam tips ............................................................................................................... 39
34. Checklists ............................................................................................................... 45
35. Rules and Statutes covered on exam ..................................................................... 49

% 8ASlC !ClnuL8 Cl CLAlMS Anu A81lLS 8uLL 20 %%

a% ku|e 18(a) Io|nder of c|a|ms #A parLy asserLlng a clalm counLerclalm cross
clalm or LlrdparLy clalm may [oln as many clalms as lL as agalnsL an
opposlng potty#
l% noL appllcable Lo Le flrsL clalm applles only Lo clalms Lwo and lger
ll% No re|at|onsh|p requ|red 8ule does not use the some tronsoction test
lll% AlLernaLe clalms allowable arLy may [oln clalms even lf Lose clalms are
lnconslsLenL wlL eac oLer
b% ku|e 20(a)(1) art|es [o|n|ng as p|a|nt|ffs Allows mulLlple parLles Lo [oln as
plalnLlffs ln Le acLlon and allows Le plalnLlff%s% Lo sue more Lan one defendanL
l% #ersons may [oln ln one acLlon as plalnLlffs lf Ley asserL any rlgL Lo rellef
[olnLly severally or ln Le alLernaLlve wlL respecL Lo or arlslng ouL of Le
same LransacLlon occurrence or serles of LransacLlons or occurrences# and
#any quesLlon of law or facL common Lo all plalnLlffs wlll arlse ln Le acLlon#
ll% 1ree requlremenLs all musL be meL
%% Io|nt severa| or |n the a|ternat|ve
%a% may sue jolotly wen Ley sare a rlgL
%l% %ex sue Lo collecL for damage Lo a caLLel ln wlc Ley own an
undlvlded lnLeresL%
%b%s sue tolly wen eac as an lndlvldual rlgL Lo recover
%l% %ex passenger and drlver ln[ured ln auLo cras sue for Lelr
respecLlve ln[urles%
%c% s sue lo tb olttootl lf Ley allege LaL one of Lem buL noL boL
ls enLlLled Lo recover
%l% %ex wlll goes Lo #my fave daugLer# only one daugLer can
%2% Same transact|on or occurrence (or ser|es of transact|ons or
%a% ardesL elemenL Lo saLlsfy general purpose of Le rule ls [udlclal
%b%1wo LesLs for S1C elLer ls sufflclenL for [olnder use otb on exam
%l% Log|ca| re|at|onsh|p test
Clalms musL be loglcally relaLed ln slgnlflcanL way
a uerlve from same seL of underlylng facLs even lf facLual
subseL relevanL Lo eac clalm dlffers
b uoes lL make sense Lo Lry Le clalms LogeLer or would lL
confuse Le [ury?
%ll% Same ev|dence
narrower Lan Le loglcal relaLlonslp LesL
2 Slmllar evldence beLween cases
%% Common quest|on of |aw]fact
%a% Common quesLlon musL bear a slgnlflcanL relaLlonslp Lo Le acLlon ln
order Lo quallfy
%b%noL redundanL
c% ku|e 20(a)(2) art|es [o|ned as defendants Allows a Lo sue mulLlple us
l% Same LreeparL analysls as above
%% !olnL and several 1wo us eld [olnLly and severally llable
%2% AlLernaLlve us are llable ln Le alLernaLlve wen alleges LaL one of
Le us ls responslble buL ls noL sure wlc one

2% 8uLL CCun1L8CLAlMS %uLlLnuAn1 S18lkLS 8ACk%
a% ku|e 13(b) erm|ss|ve counterc|a|ms Allows u Lo brlng any clalm LaL e as
agalnsL regardless of weLer lL's relaLed ln any way Lo 's clalm
b% ku|e 13(a) Compu|sory counterc|a|ms lf u as clalm LaL otl ftom tb
om ttoooctloo ot occottoc as 's clalm u mot tol Le clalm ln ls
responslve pleadlng unless one of Le excepLlons applles
l% LxcepLlons lnclude u bo oot fll oo oot clalm bo oot yt otlo wen u
flles ls answer ad[udlcaLlon of Le clalm requlres Le presence of tblt
pottl over wom Le courL cannoL obLaln personal [urlsdlcLlon aL Llme
answer ls served Le counLerclalm ls oltoy loq lltlqot 's sulL ls based
on lo tm or poollotm [urlsdlcLlon
ll% Same transact|on or occurrence
lll% 1esLs
%% Loglcal relaLlonslp LesL Ma[orlLy rule asks lf Lwo clalms are loglcally
relaLed ln any slgnlflcanL way
%2% Same evldence LesL ls Lere a slgnlflcanL overlap beLween Le lpot
lmot of Le Lwo clalms narrower LesL used by mlnorlLy of courLs
%% CLer LesLs o of lo oo foct ralsed by Lwo clalms are largely Le
same ask weLer t jolcoto would bar clalm lf noL brougL wlL Le
oLer clalm
c% lallure Lo plead compulsory counLerclalm u wo falls Lo plead a compulsory
counLerclalm loses LaL clalm and cannoL asserL lL ln laLer llLlgaLlon 8uL 8ule
%f% allows amendmenLs

% 8uLL %g% C8CSSCLAlMS
a% Crossc|a|ms are flled by one copotty agalnsL anoLer %ex u agalnsL anoLer u%
l% Same transact|on test arLy may flle any clalm agalnsL a coparLy arlslng
from Le same LransacLlon or occurrence as ltbt Le otlqlool complolot or a
cooottclolm or relaLlng Lo properLy LaL's sub[ecL maLLer of Le LransacLlon
ll% Cpt|ona| Crossclalms are always opLlonal never requlred %unLll a parLy
served wlL a crossclalm and ls requlred by %a% Lo flle counLerclalms%
b% ku|e 18 Io|nder of mu|t|p|e c|a|ms
l% Cnce a crossclalm as been allowed all oLer clalms are allowed
%% So lf parLy wanLs Lo flle mulLlple crossclalms only one needs Lo meeL
Le S1C sLandard Cnce lL does oLer unrelaLed crossclalms are allowed
under 8ule

4% 8uLL 4 lMLLAuL8 %AuulnC 1l8u A81lLS%
a% ku|e 14 1h|rdarty Defendant reserves u's rlgL Lo seek conLrlbuLlon or
lndemnlLy by allowlng u Lo brlng Le oLer responslble parLles lnLo Le sulL
l% Iorm of [o|nder erson [olned ls called a tbltpotty fooot arLy
[olnlng Le LlrdparLy u ls called a tbltpotty plolotlff Some courLs call Le
orlglnal u Le fooot/tbltpotty plolotlff
ll% When ava||ab|e Allows parLy Lo lmplead a u #wo ls or may be llable Lo lL
for all or parL of# oootbt potty ltloq clolm oqolot tb Jll
lll% u must be seekinq contribution or indemnity from third porty
(1) lf u ls seeklng Lo fully absolve lLself from oll llolllty Len lmpleader
sould noL be allowed
lv% Who may use |t %musL be flled wlLln 0 days of orlglnal answer%
%% 8ule 4%a% allows u Lo use lmpleader wlc ls mosL common
%2% 8ule 4%b% allows Lo use lmpleader lf a clalm as been brougL agalnsL
v% S|tuat|ons
%% !olnL and vlcarlous llablllLy Cases were Lwo parLles llable law glves
rlgL Lo seek conLrlbuLlon %ln [olnL llablllLy case% or lndemnlLy %ln vlcarlous
llablllLy case% lf sues u u may [oln Le oLers provldlng for more
efflclenL llLlgaLlon
%2% ConLracLual duLy Lo lndemnlfy ConLracL cases were lndemnlLy clauses
are presenL
vl% ku|e 14 does not create whether a party has a r|ght to |ndemn|ty or
contr|but|on CourL musL look Lo conLrolllng law arLy can lmplead only lf
subsLanLlve law allows Lo recover agalnsL Le u
vll%ku|e 14(a) makes lL clear LaL u musL be some wo ls a nonparLy
vlll%"n|m not me" u cannoL use lmpleader Lo argue for nonllablllLy 8uL u may
allege lo tb olttootl LaL u ls solely responslble
lx% and 3D may f||e c|a|m aga|nst each other buL musL arlse from same
LransacLlon or occurrence as orlglnal clalm by agalnsL orlglnal u
%% 1en baslc compulsory counLerclalm rules klcks ln
b% 8as|ca||y |mp|eader creates a "su|t w|th|n a su|t"

3% 8uLL MuL1lLL CLAlMS
a% ku|e 18 Io|nder of c|a|ms Any parLy asserLlng a clalm Lo rellef may [oln as
many clalms as Le parLy as agalnsL an opposlng parLy
l% Must have sub[ectmatter [ur|sd|ct|on
ll% AddlLlonal clalms need noL be relaLed
lll% 8ule %b% allows [olnder of Lwo clalms even Loug one ls conLlngenL on
dlsposlLlon of Le oLer
b% Merger and bar
l% C|a|m prec|us|on lnablllLy Lo brlng clalm based on same facL paLLern wen
one as already brougL a clalm on sald facL paLLern
ll% 8es [udlcaLa cannoL sue same u for ln[urles arlslng from same S1C
%% ln[urles arlslng from same LransacLlon buL occurlng afLer flrsL noL barred

6% lLuL8AL Su8!LC1 MA11L8 !u8lSulC1lCn
a% Sub[ect matter [ur|sd|ct|on ls a courL's power Lo ear a parLlcular dlspuLe
b% A|| courts SM! ls lssue ln boL sLaLe and federal courLs
c% k|ght to cha||enge (ku|e 12(h)) unllke oLer defenses any parLy may callenge
SM! aL any Llme
l% no Llme llmlLs on callenges Can also be ralsed on appeal
d% Independent of persona| [ur|sd|ct|on Lven lf courL as personal [urlsdlcLlon
over Le parLles lL cannoL enLer a blndlng [udgmenL lf lL lacks [urlsdlcLlon over
Le sub[ecL maLLer
e% Lvery c|a|m requ|rement lederal courL musL ave [urlsdlcLlon over ty clolm
ln Le case
f% Sources of fed sub[ect matter [ur|sd|ct|on led courLs are courLs of llmlt
l% Const|tut|ona| ||m|ts ArLlcle lll 2 of ConsLlLuLlon llsLs nlne caLegorles of
federal [urlsdlcLlon unless one of Le nlne lL's unconsLlLuLlonal for fed courL
Lo ear lL
ll% Statutes 2 uSC and 2 govern fed sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon

7% lLuL8AL CuLS1lCn !u8lSulC1lCn
a% Genera| Allows federal dlsLrlcL courLs Lo ear cases lnvolvlng federal and
consLlLuLlonal clalms
l% 1wo baslc pollcles underlle ArLlcle lll 2 of Le ConsLlLuLlon
%% SLaLe courLs' osLlllLy lramers feared sLaLe courLs mlgL prove osLlle
Lo enforclng federally creaLed rlgLs
%2% unlform lnLerpreLaLlon elp ensure LaL laws of naLlonal scope were
lnLerpreLed unlformly
b% Statutory enab|ement
l% 2 uSC 1e #general# federal quesLlon sLaLuLe
ll% 2 uSC 4 MaLLers connecLed wlL ooktoptcy
lll% 2 uSC Clves dlsLrlcL courLs clol [urlsdlcLlon over potot ploot
otlty ptotctloo oo copytlqbt loftloqmot clalms and coocottot
jotllctloo over ttomotk clalms
lv% 2 uSC 4 lederal clll tlqbt laws
c% 1331
l% No amount |n controversy requ|rement
ll% Not exc|us|ve led [urlsdlcLlon under ls concurrenL noL excluslve le
ln mosL cases may be llLlgaLed ln elLer sLaLe or federal courL MosL are eard
ln federal courL owever
lll% 1hree categor|es of federa| quest|ons are cases arlslng under Le
ConsLlLuLlon federal law %sLaLuLe and fed common law% and LreaLles
lv% Iedera| c|a|m must be substant|a| %aka noL frlvolous%
v% We||p|eaded comp|a|nt ru|e
%% Merely lncludlng a federal lssue ln Le complalnL does noL sufflce
%2% lnsLead wellpleaded complalnL rule asks weLer Le federal elemenL ls
ocoty to l co

% ulvL8Sl1? !u8lSulC1lCn 2
a% Genera| A form of sub[ectmatter [ur|sd|ct|on Allows federal courLs Lo ear
cerLaln acLlons beLween people wo llve ln dlfferenL places
b% kat|ona|e Cne purpose ls Lo proLecL ouLofsLaLe parLles from dlscrlmlnaLlon by
sLaLe courLs
c% 1wo bas|c statutory requ|rements 2 conLalns to olc tpoltmot and
unless boL are meL federal courLs cannoL ear Le case
l% D|vers|ty SulL musL lnvolve s and us wo are #clLlzens of dlfferenL sLaLes#
or #clLlzens or sub[ecLs of a forelgn sLaLe#
ll% Amount |n controversy Case may lnvolve an #amounL ln conLroversy# ln
excess of 57S000
d% More on 1332
l% Not exc|us|ve Case LaL meeL 2 moy lltlqot lo ltbt tot ot
ftol coott owever ln sLaLe courL u can always remove Lo federal courL
ll% When d|vers|ty |s determ|ned ulverslLy mot lt ot tb commocmot of
tb octloo osLcommencemenL evenL do noL affecL Le exlsLence of
lll% 8urden of estab||sh|ng musL allege requlremenLs of dlverslLy are saLlsfled
lf callenged bears burden of provlng lL agaln
e% Comp|ete d|vers|ty requ|rement no plalnLlff ls a clLlzen of Le same sLaLe as
any defendanL
l% o lf oo clolm as been fleld by a parLlcular agalnsL a parLlcular u Lose
Lwo parLles mot tlll of lt cltlzoblp
ll% 8eallgnmenL of parLles lf as placed a parLy on wrong slde of sulL Le
courL may reallgn Le parLles f ocb tollqomot ttoy complt ltlty
tb coott lll lml tb co
f% "C|t|zensh|p" of |nd|v|dua|s and part|es
l% Courts |ook to the domici/e of a parLy ln deLermlnlng weLer LaL person ls
a clLlzen of a sLaLe
ll% 8as|c test
%% 1o be a #clLlzen of a sLaLe# under 2 a person musL be otb a cltlzo
of tb u5 and be omlcll lo o tot
%a% uC uerLo 8lco and federal LerrlLorles Loo
%b%ermanent res|dent a||ens lorelgn clLlzen granLed permanenL
resldenL allen sLaLus by Le uS ls LreaLed as a clLlzen of Le sLaLe ln
wlc se ls domici/ed
%l% CourLs ave lnLerpreLed Le permanenL resldenL allen language ln
a way LaL serves only Lo fot noL esLablls [urlsdlcLlon
Lx lf Canadlan clLlzen wlL permanenL allen sLaLus ln Wls
wanLed Lo sue a Wls clLlzen ln federal courL Le courL would
LreaL Le Canadlan clLlzen as a Wls clLlzen Lus defeaLlng
dlverslLy 8uL lf Le Canadlan clLlzen was sulng a clLlzen of
Mexlco courL ool oot LreaL Le Canadlan clLlzen as a clLlzen
of Wls for LaL would creaL dlverslLy were lL dld noL
oLerwlse exlsL %wlc would creaLe a case lnvolvlng only
allens wlc courLs are eslLanL Lo Lake%
%c% uS clLlzens domlclled abroad uS clLlzen domlclled ln anoLer
counLry coooot o ot o lo ftol coott oot ltlty
jotllctloo nor ls LaL person a clLlzen or sub[ecL of a forelgn sLaLe
slnce Ley are a uS clLlzen 8aslcally uS clLlzen domlclled abroad
cannoL use dlverslLy [urlsdlcLlon
lll% Dom|c||e
%% Dom|c||e and res|dence are not the same uomlclle ls a more permanenL
connecLlon LaL resldence
%2% 1est for dom|c||e ctool tloc plo tb lotot to tmolo CourLs ofLen
look for Le place were Le person keeps #ls or er Lrue flxed ome
and prlnclpal esLabllsmenL and Lo wlc e or se as Le lnLenLlon of
reLurnlng wenever absenL#
%% S|ng|e dom|c||e Lvery person as one and only one domlclle uomlclle ls
lndependenL of sLaLe laws governlng resldency requlremenLs
%a% 8|rth erson acqulres domlclle aL blrL
%b%Ch||dren are consldered Lo ave Le same domlclle as Lelr parenLs
%l% lf parenLs llve ln dlfferenL sLaLes %dlvorce% clld ls domlclled ln
sLaLe of parenL wlL prlmary cusLody
%c% Change of dom|c||e MosL courLs recognlze a cange ln domlclle only
wen a person ocpolt o o tloc and bo tb lotot to tmolo
ot tbot ploc
%d%Intent re|evant to dom|c||e lnLenL Lo make a place a ome ls usually
measured by ob[ecLlve crlLerla lncludlng lf a person reglsLers Lo voLe
obLalns a drlver's llcense and auLomoblle Lags opens a new bank
accounL and sells er resldence ln Le prlor sLaLe
%l% A|so |ook at were person ls llvlng voLer reglsLraLlon auLo
reglsLraLlon/drlver's llcense locaLlon of properLy and possesslons
employmenL and Lax reLurns
%e% Students CourLs eslLaLe Lo conclude LaL someone wo moves Lo a
sLaLe Lo aLLend scool as acqulred a new domlclle even lf oLer
ob[ecLlve crlLerla are meL WeLer sLudenL pays lnsLaLe LulLlon ls
lrrelevanL Lo domlclle %slnce LaL ls a sLaLe law maLLer%
%f% Mov|ng pr|or to su|t 8ecause dlverslLy ls measured aL Le Llme Le
acLlon ls flled a genulne move Lo anoLer sLaLe ls sufflclenL Lo creaLe
dlverslLy even lf Le parLy's moLlve was Lo creaLe dlverslLy
lv% C|t|zensh|p of corporat|ons and other spec|a| part|es 1332(c)
%% Corporat|ons A corporaLlon ls a clLlzen of both Le sLaLe LaL
incorporoted it and Le sLaLe ln wlc ls as lLs principo/ p/oce of
%a% Dua| c|t|zensh|p lf any adverse parLy ls a clLlzen of ltbt of Lese
sLaLes dlverslLy ls desLroyed
%b%State of |ncorporat|on reLLy obvlous one and only one sLaLe of
lncorporaLlon usually uelaware
%c% r|nc|pa| p|ace of bus|ness Cnly one no maLLer ow dlverse Le blz
%l% Nerve center test 2%c%%% CourLs look Lo were corporaLe
managemenL and operaLlons are made aka Le eadquarLers
%ll% Musc|e test uont use onymore CourLs look Lo were mosL of
Le corp's acLual pyslcal acLlvlLles suc as manufacLurlng Lake
%lll%nybr|d approach Apply muscle LesL for corps LaL ave pyslcal
acLlvlLles ln malnly one sLaLe and nerve cenLer for corps wlL
slgnlflcanL pyslcal acLlvlLles ln several sLaLes
%d%arLnerslps llmlLed llablllLy companles and oLer noncorporaLe
assoclaLlons %labor unlons clubs% 2%c% does noL apply CourLs
look aL clLlzenslp of oll of tb pottot ot mmt of tb
otqoolzotloo lf any of Lese are from same sLaLe as an adverse parLy
dlverslLy ls desLroyed
%e% Insurance compan|es? 1332(c)(1)
%l% ln dlrecL acLlons under llablllLy lnsurance %wen LorLfeasor's
lnsurance company ls sued lnsLead of Le LorLfeasor% Le
lnsurance company ls a clLlzen of Le sLaLe of Le defendanL
LorLfeasor ond Le sLaLe of lncorporaLlon ond Le nerve cenLer
Cnly applles wen lnsurance co ls sued ln a ltct octloo noL
wen Le co ls a plalnLlff Also applles only wen a Llrd parLy
sues Le co dlrecLly under a llablllLy lnsurance pollcy %a #dlrecL
acLlon#% noL wen Le lnsured sues Le lnsurance company
%f% kepresentat|ves 2%c%%2% speclfles LaL Le acLual clLlzenslp of
Le represenLaLlve of a deceased person's esLaLe Lakes on Le same
clLlzenslp as Le deceased
%g% 1rusts 1rusL ls a legal enLlLy wlL Le power Lo sue and be sued ln
mosL cases Le cltlzoblp of tb ttot ls used Lo measure dlverslLy
v% A||enage [ur|sd|ct|on
%% Same bas|c ru|es w|th a few qu|rks Allowed by 2
%a% "C|t|zen or sub[ect" of a forelgn sLaLe A forelgn tot refers Lo a
forelgn naLlon A ojct slgnlfles a clLlzen of a naLlon ruled by a
%b%Dom|c||e usua||y |rre|evant erson need only be a clLlzen or sub[ecL
of a forelgn naLlon Were Le person ls omlcll ls noL relevanL
even lf Le person ls domlclled ln Le uS
%c% Dua| c|t|zens Wen person ls clLlzen boL of Le uS and forelgn
naLlon only Le uS clLlzenslp ls counLed
%l% 1us dual uSforelgn clLlzens cannoL quallfy for allenage
%d%M|x|ng US c|t|zens and fore|gn c|t|zens 1332(a)(3) creaLes speclal
rule for cases lnvolvlng boL clLlzens of sLaLes and clLlzens of forelgn
sLaLes AlLoug compleLe dlverslLy requlremenL sLlll applles among
Le uS clalmanLs as long as every ls dlverse from every uS u
%l% Lx and 2 sue u and u2 ln federal courL ls a clLlzen of ky
u ls a clLlzen of Clo 2 and u2 are clLlzens of lndonesla
Assumlng amounL ln conLro ls saLlsfled dlverslLy exlsLs
%e% Act|ons |nvo|v|ng on|y a||ens not covered lederal courLs cannoL
ear a sulL LaL lnvolves only forelgn clLlzens
vl% Amount |n controversy
%% 2%a% requlres sulL Lo lnvolve amounL ln conLroversy of more Lan
%2% Sums |nc|uded All forms of damage are lncluded ln calculaLlng Le
amounL ln conLro owever postfi/inq interest and court costs are not
%a% SLaLuLe excludes only lnLeresL lmposed by law as a penalLy for
nonpaymenL oot lottt tpolt y coottoct lf loaned money Lo
u aL 2 percenL lnLeresL any accumulaLed lnLeresL on Le loan ool
loclo ln Le amounL ln conLro
%% Measured by comp|a|nt AmounL ln conLro ls measured by Le sum
sougL ln Le Ps comp/oint
%4% Actua| recovery |rre|evant Cnly Llng LaL maLLers ls LaL Le orlglnal
clalm saLlsfles Le $73000 requlremenL
%3% Nonmonetary re||ef AmL ln conLro can be saLlsfled even lf seeks only
ln[uncLlve rellef
%% As long as as one clalm LaL saLlsfles amL ln conLro requlremenL ls
saLlsfled for all of 's clalms
%2% S|ng|e s|ng|e D mu|t|p|e c|a|ms that each are |ess than 57S000 May
aggregaLe tqotl of btbt tb clolm ot tlot lo ooy oy
%% Mu|t|p|e s Normo//y moy not oqqreqote ool tby ptot o jolot
%a% Lx and 4 [olnLly own a $00k yacL desLroyed by a bus 8ecause
Ley eac own an undlvlded 30 percenL lnLeresL ln Le yacL Ley
meeL Le amL ln conLroversy
%b% and 2 are passengers on a bus ln a colllslon 1ey would llke Lo
[oln and sue ln fed courL and 2 eac ave damages of $30k
and 2 coooot oqqtqot Lelr clalms Lo meeL amL ln conLro because
Lelr clalms are separaLe and dlsLlncL
%4% Mu|t|p|e s one c|a|ms greater than 57S000 lf one as clalm above
$73000 buL oLers don'L as long as oLer 's clalms are facLually
relaLed parLles may use supp/emento/ jurisdiction Lo brlng enLlre case
%3% Mu|t|p|e Ds sulng mulLlple useac u musL be poLenLlally llable for
amounL ln excess of $73k
%a% Lven lf llablllLy ls [olnL or several
%6% Lega| certa|nty ru|e AmL alleged ln complalnL conLrols unless lL appears
Lo a lqol cttoloty LaL wlll recover less Lan $73k
vlll%Manufactur|ng d|vers|ty 13S9 denles a federal courL [urlsdlcLlon over #a
clvll acLlon ln wlc any parLy by asslgnmenL or oLerwlse as been
lmptoptly ot collolly jolo Lo lnvoke Le [urlsdlcLlon of suc courL#
%% AsslgnmenLs arLy wlL a clalm agalnsL a nondlverse parLy mlgL Lry Lo
manufacLure dlverslLy by Lransferrlng LaL clalm Lo someone from
anoLer sLaLe A sam asslgnmenL defeaLs dlverslLy
lx% Destroy|ng d|vers|ty ??? (out||ne book p 6S)
%% Addlng nomlnal us lf courL flnds LaL as no real clalm agalnsL a
cerLaln u Le courL lgnores LaL u ln deLermlnlng weLer dlverslLy
x% In[unct|ons CourL aLLempLs Lo quanLlfy Le moneLary value of Le

9% SuLLMLn1AL !u8lSulC1lCn 67
a% Genera| lf dlsLrlcL courL can exerclse [urlsdlcLlon over some of Le clalms ln Le
case ln cerLaln clrcumsLances lL may be able Lo exerclse [urlsdlcLlon over oLer
clalms LaL do noL Lemselves quallfy for federal [urlsdlcLlon under or
2 !urlsdlcLlon over Lese oLer clalms ls called supp/emento/ jurisdiction
and ls governed by 67
b% Cverv|ew Supp [urls ls posslble only wen ot lot oo clolm lndependenLly
quallfled for federal sub[ecL maLLer [urls under sLaLuLe oLer Lan 67 CourLs
refer Lo Lls clalm as Le ftol clolm
l% D|vers|ty or federa| quest|on lederal clalm musL be elLer
ll% D|vers|ty more restr|cted See below dlscusslon on 67%b%
c% App|y|ng 1367 1wostep process
l% Iactua| re|at|onsh|p test 1367(a) 8aslc analysls for weLer Le sLaLe
and federal clalms are sufflclenLly relaLed ls weLer Le Lwo #form part of
the same case or controversy"
%% Same case or contro MusL arlse ouL of Le same baslc seL of facLs Same
wlLnesses or oLer evldence elps Also clalms LaL sLem loglcally from
Le some core tronsoction or occurrence
%2% "Cases" over "c|a|ms" ArLlcle lll glves courL auLorlLy over enLlre case
noL [usL clalms and a #case# arlses ouL of a #common nuc|eus of
operat|ve fact#
d% Lxcept|ons 67%b% llmlLs use of supp [urls
l% D|vers|ty except|on 67%b% ln cases were [urls ls based solely on
dlverslLy 67%b% prevenLs use of supp [urls over c/oims brouqht by P
oqoinst porties joined under certoin /isted ru/es
%% Not perm|tted over state |aw c|a|ms by s aga|nst persons made part|es
under these ru|es
%a% 8ule 4 lmpleader
%b%8ule 9 Compulsory [olnder
%c% 8ule 20 ermlsslve [olnder of parLles
%d%8ule 24 lnLervenLlon
%2% 8ased so|e|y on d|vers|ty Lxcluslon applles only wen 2 ls Le ooly
basls for federal [urls over Le federal clalm
%% 8y p|a|nt|ffs 67%b% bars only clalms by plalnLlffs
%a% Cnly Le capLloned plalnLlff
%b%never bars counLerclalms or crossclalms
%c% 1lrdparLy plalnLlffs noL barred elLer
e% D|scret|on except|on 67%c% Allows federal courL Lo refuse Lo exerclse supp
[urls over a sLaLe clalm lf Le clalm roises o nove/ or comp/ex issue of stote /ow
or substontio//y predominotes over Le federal clalm also lf Le dlsLrlcL courL
dismisses o// federo/ c/oims or ln rare cases for any oLer compelllng reason
l% rocedure |f except|ons app|y lf elLer 67%b% or %c% applles courL wlll
dlsmlss on/y the stote /ow c/oim lL wlll reLaln [urlsdlcLlon over Le remalnlng
clalms ln Le case
f% If except|ons app|y courL wlll dlsmlss ooly tb tot lo clolm lL wlll reLaln
[urlsdlcLlon over Le remalnlng clalms ln Le case
g% Cha||enges to sub[ectmatter [ur|sd|ct|on 12(h)(3) lf Le courL deLermlnes
aL any Llme LaL lL lacks sub[ecLmaLLer [urlsdlcLlon Le courL musL dlsmlss Le
% S|ng|e ]s|ng|e D cases unnecessary Lo conslder supp [urlsdlcLlon ln Lese
cases slnce as long as as oo clolm LaL can make lL lnLo federal courL
because of dlverslLy all oLer clalms can be aggregaLed

Removal 1urisdiction ( 1441): allows a uefenuant (0NLY) to move a case to
a uiffeient venue to piotect uefenuant's iight to choose a favoiable venue
a efenuant can iemove a case to a feueial couit only when such action
coulu have been biought in feueial couit initially (a)
b efenuant cannot iemove baseu on a feueial uefense oi counteiclaim
c Home-state removal bar {{b]]: n uiveisity cases, the case can't
be iemoveu if any of the uefenuants aie citizens of the state wheie the
action was biought
u {c] - Allow iemoval of multiple claims os lonq os one is a feueial
e hen Plaintiff sues multiple efenuants, all efenuants must iemove
oi none can, except wheie (c) allows
f heie is only one couit that can host a iemoveu action: the feueial
uistiict couit sitting in the uistiict wheie the oiiginal action was
biought (in state couit)
g n iemoval cases, Jlverxlty muxt be prexent both on the uate the case
was fileu anu the uate on which iemoval occuis he only exception is
a voluntaiy act by the plaintiff that cieates uiveisity (f p sues u anu p
moves to anothei state, u has uays to iemove, subject to (b))
h he possible existence of unnameu non-uiveise paities uoes not
pievent iemoval
i 0nce the notice of iemoval is fileu, the state couit loses all powei ovei
the case even if iemoval is impiopei he feueial couit now owns the
case, anu will take it oi iemanu it back to state couit
j Notice of iemoval - files notice of iemoval (not a petition); &

k Ze-year limit {{b]]- iveisity case cannot be iemoveu moie
than one yeai aftei it was oiiginally commenceu, even if the
amenument oi oiuei making it iemovable uoes not occui until aftei
that uate
l altiple Ds - n a case involving multiple s, the -uay peiiou
begins to iun when the X^st uefenuant ieceives the item

0% L8SCnAL !u8lSulC1lCn 67
a% Genera| ersonal [urlsdlcLlon ls a courL's power over Le parLles Lo Le case A
courL musL ave boL personal and sub[ecLmaLLer [urlsdlcLlon ln order Lo ear a
b% 1wo categor|es in personom ond in rem
l% In personam !urlsdlcLlon ln personam ls [urlsdlcLlon over Le u erself
ll% In rem Allows courL Lo ad[udlcaLe clalms LaL one or more people ave
relaLlng Lo a properLy
%% 1rue in rem 1rue ln rem acLlon ls one ln wlc Le maln purpose ls Lo
ad[udlcaLe compeLlng legal lnLeresLs ln Le properLy ln quesLlon 1e
quleL LlLle and morLgage foreclosure are forms of Lru ln rem acLlons
%2% uosi in rem AcLlons brougL for purposes oLer Lan deLermlnlng
compeLlng rlgLs Lo properLy ulvlded lnLo Lwo caLegorles
%a% 1ype 1 lf Le clalm arlses ouL of or ls oLerwlse relaLed Lo Le
properLy lL's pool lo tm typ 1
%l% Lx lf someone Lrlps and falls on anoLer person's land Le clalm
for Le ln[ury would be pool lo tm typ 1
%b%1ype 2 lf clalm ls unrelaLed Lo Le properLy lL's pool lo tm typ 2
%l% roperLy malnly serves as an asseL Lo saLlsfy any [udgmenL
lll% D|fferences
%% ow [urlsdlcLlon ls obLalned o ptooom [urlsdlcLlon ls obLalned by
servlng u personally wlL process o tm ls obLalned by selzlng Le
%2% LffecL of [udgmenL o ptooom blnds u personally o tm [udgmenL
affecLs only Le properLy and l llmlt to tb olo of tb ptoptty
%% Servlce of process 8equlred before any courL can exerclse personal
[urlsdlcLlon !udgmenL rendered wlLouL reasonable noLlce vlolaLed u's
o ptoc rlgLs and ls Lerefore lnvalld
lv% M|n|mum contacts test (lnternotiono/ 5hoe)
%% Looks aL Le coooctloo to tb u oo tb fotom
%2% Spec|f|c and genera| [ur|sd|ct|on
%a% Arose out of lf Le clalm arose from Le conLacLs even slngle or
occaslonal acLs mlgL sufflce
%l% Spec|f|c [ur|sd|ct|on Wen Le clalm arlses from conLacLs
%b%Cverwhe|m|ng contacts ConLacLs so #cootloooo oo ytmotlc#
LaL [urlsdlcLlon over Le corporaLlon mlgL be allowed even lf Le
clalm was compleLely unrelaLed Lo Los conLacLs
%l% Genera| [ur|sd|ct|on Arlslng ouL of numerous buL unrelaLed
%% Ia|rness ottootloool 5bo only lndlcaLes LaL Le #lnconvenlence# of
llLlgaLlng ln a dlsLanL forum ls relevanL

c% Modern const|tut|ona| test 8aslc approac ls Le minimum contocts test
l% M|n|mum contacts test 1wostep approach
%% Contacts llrsL courL deLermlnes lf Lere are ony "contocts" aL all
beLween u and Le forum
%a% ConLacL ls consldered only lf lL ls Le resulL of purposefu/ octivity le
purposefu/ ovoi/ment of the benefits ond protections of the forum
%l% lf aL leasL one conLacL found courL deLermlnes weLer Le clalm
orises out of Le conLacL%s%
%ll% lf no conLacLs Le analysls sLops
%b%knowledge LaL a corp's producL wlll end up ln a place ls purposefu/
%2% Ia|rness lf Lere are conLacLs courL conslders falrness uslng Le 3 facLors
seL ouL ln JotlJl volkoqo
%a% 8urden on the D Conslders noL only Le dlsLance u musL Lravel buL
also any oLer clrcumsLances LaL make defendlng ln Le forum
%b%Interest of the state A sLaLe ls lnLeresLed ln earlng a case lf any of
Le parLles are from LaL sLaLe or lf Le dlspuLe dlrecLly affecLs LaL
%c% Interest of the lacLor ls saLlsfled lf ls from Le forum or lf Le
forum ls convenlenL place Lo Lry Le case because of Le avallablllLy of
wlLnesses or oLer evldence
%d%Lff|c|ent reso|ut|on lf cosen forum ls only place LaL all clalms can
be eard Lls facLor supporLs [urlsdlcLlon lL's lnefflclenL waL a case
lnvolvlng mulLlple parLles musL be spllL up and llLlgaLed ln several
dlfferenL places
%e% Iurther|ng soc|a| po||c|es lf alLernaLe forum doesn'L recognlze 's
clalm refuslng Lo exerclse [urlsdlcLlon frusLraLes Le pollcy underlylng
Le subsLanLlve law
%% Lack of falrness rarely defeaLs [urlsdlcLlon lf Lere are purposeful
conLacLs lL requlres a ty ttooq boloq of unfalrness Lo defeaL
%4% Contract cases
%a% Mc6ee CourL eld LaL malnLalnlng an lnsurance pollcy on a
Callfornlan was sufflclenL Lo esLablls mlnlmum conLacLs beLween Le
lnsurer and Callfornla ollcy esLabllsed a #subsLanLlal connecLlon#
wlL Callf
%b%nonson CourL eld LaL person's unllaLeral move Lo lla dld noL
esLablls conLacLs beLween Le uel LrusLee and lla 1e LrusLee dld
noL play a role ln Le person's move
%c% 8urqer kinq Commerclal conLracL case Merely enLerlng lnLo conLracL
wlL a resldenL of Le forum ls noL alone sufflclenL owever lf Le
conLracL ls neqotioted and/or Lo be performed ln Le forum LaL ls
evldence LaL Le parLles ave purposefu//y ovoi/ed themse/ves of
Le forum
%3% Stream of commerce cases
%a% Def|n|ng "stream of commerce" roblem arlses wen a u dlsLrlbuLes
lLs goods naLlonally Lroug a Llrd parLy no clear guldance on Lls
lssue from Le CourL %Asal case% AlLoug u knows LaL some of lLs
goods go Lo a parLlcular sLaLe lL does noL know exacLly wlc
producLs go were
%l% Issue ls weLer purposefu//y injectinq qoods into the streom of
commerce consLlLuLes purposeful avallmenL wlL a sLaLe ln wlc
Lose goods causes ln[ury
%ll% "Awareness p|us" standard C'Connor's v|ew Argued LaL mt
ooto was loofflclot MusL be accompanled by otbt oct
pclflcolly ltct aL Le forum %suc as adverLlslng or deslgnlng
Le producL for Le speclal needs of Le forum%
%lll%"Mere awareness" standard Wh|te's v|ew Argued LaL mt
ooto LaL producLs enLered Le sLaLe o oooqb Lo quallfy
as purposeful avallmenL
%lv%Steven's v|ew 8easoned LaL Le bt olom of u qoo LaL
enLered Le forum o oooqb Lo quallfy as mlnlmum conLacLs
buL l oot oplo weLer Le #mere awarness# or #awareness
plus# sLandard sould be applled Lo fuLure cases
%6% Internet cases ConcepLually slmllar Lo sLream of commerce problem
%a% 1ype of Webs|te test
%l% ure|y pass|ve s|te Cne LaL may only be vlewed vlewer cannoL
submlL lnformaLlon
!urlsdlcLlon rore/y exists in the cose of o possive site Maln
excepLlon ls wen slLe conLalns maLerlal clearly dlrecLed aL
anoLer sLaLe suc as lnfo LaL defames a speclflc person ln
anoLer sLaLe
%ll% Act|ve]contract s|te Cne were Le vlewer may lnpuL
lnformaLlon and enLer lnLo a LransacLlon
CperaLlon of an octive site c/eor/y constitutes o contoct wlL
Le vlewer's sLaLe
%lll%Interact|ve s|te vlewer may enLer lnformaLlon LaL affecLs Le
slLe buL noL enLer lnLo a LransacLlon
CourLs look to oll of tb cltcomtooc lncludlng Le level of
acLlvlLy and weLer Le slLe ls commerclal ln naLure
%7% Genera| [ur|sd|ct|on
%a% lf a parLy as a subsLanLlal and conLlnulng relaLlonslp wlL a sLaLe
courLs of LaL sLaLe could ear ony c/oim orisinq oqoinst u even
Lose unre/oted to the contocts
%l% Supreme CourL as never acLually found general [urlsdlcLlon Lo
exlsL ln a case buL lower courLs ave 1ls concepL ls lefL over
from ottootloool 5bo
%% Cases outs|de the m|n|mum contacts test CourLs merely leapfrog Le
mlmlnum conLacLs analysls ln Lese cases and auLomaLlcally flnd
%a% Dom|c||e
%b%State of |ncorporat|on
%c% resence u served wlle presenL ln Le forum sLaLe
%l% Lxcept|on ls wen ptoc l oot oloototy
%d%Consent arLy may walve Le defense of personal [urlsdlcLlon
%l% MosL common form of Lls ls a coottoct LaL speclfles LaL
dlspuLes arlslng under Le conLracL may be eard ln a speclflc
%e% Imp||ed consent 1aklng acLlon lnconslsLenL wlL parLy's argumenL
LaL Le courL lacks power over lm %flllng sulL ln a forum falllng Lo
asserL defense of lack of personal [urlsdlcLlon%

% SL8vlCL Cl 8CCLSS nC1lCL lLuL8AL 8uLL 4
a% Genera| noLlce ls Le other primory requirement for exerclslng personal
[urlsdlcLlon uue rocess requlres boL conLacL and noLlce
l% Def|n|t|on of not|ce glves noLlce of a pendlng acLlon wen se serves the
summons and a copy of the comp/oint on Le u Lxample of summons ls seL
ouL ln tol otm J
b% Adequacy of not|ce uue rocess requlres LaL servlce of process be #reosonob/y
co/cu/oted oot oll cltcomtooc to opptl lottt potl of tb poocy
of tb octloo oo offot tbm tb oppottootly to ptot tblt ojctloo
Molloo declslon
l% kece|pt of not|ce unnecessary As long as meLod of servlce meeLs Le
reasonableness sLandard u ls sub[ecL Lo [urlsdlcLlon even lf u never acLually
recleves Le summons 8uL sLlll courLs wlll allow u Lo seL [udgmenL aslde
ll% Acceptab|e means ln addlLlon Lo Le LradlLlonal means varlous forms of
#subsLlLuLed servlce# meeL Le reasonableness sLandard
%% llrsLclass or cerLlfled mall
%2% Servlce on Le secreLarary of sLaLe wlL lnsLrucLlons Lo dellver Lo u
%% Servlce Lo an adulL aL u's usual place of resldence ku|e 4(e)(2)(8)
lll% Serv|ce by pub||cat|on lf wereabouLs of u ls noL known and cannoL be
ascerLalned wlL reasonable efforL servlce by publlcaLlon ls Le only vlable
opLlon ln Lese cases lL's accepLable ln boL lo tm and lo ptooom acLlons
c% now not|ce prov|ded Ied k C|v 4(c)(2) arLy lLself cannoL serve noLlce
MusL be a prlvaLe process server or Le parLy's aLLorney
d% Method of serv|ce State court
l% Defendant |n state reLLy slmple baslcally ln and or on an agenL
deslgnaLed Lo recelve servlce
ll% Defendant out of state use a /onqorm stotute wlc baslcally says LaL a u
can be sued ln a sLaLe as long as conLacLs exlsL ulvlded lnLo Lwo classes
%% Spec|f|c cases SlLuaLlons speclflcally enumeraLed ln a sLaLe sLaLuLe lLself
%2% 1o Cons|tut|ona| ||m|ts 8aslcally used bot tb tot coo tcl
ptoool jotllctloo
e% ku|e 4 Serv|ce |n Iedera| Court MeLods
l% Ied ku|e 4(e) Defendants w|th|n the US
%% lnand
%2% Leave process aL u's oool ploc of oo wlL someone of oltol oq
oo lcttloo wo also resldes Lere
%% Servlng an oqot auLorlzed by conLracLual arrangemenL or law Lo
recelve servlce of process
%4% Servlng accordlng Lo any meLod auLorlzed by elLer Le tot lo blcb
tb lttlct coott lt or Le tot bt tlc tok ploc ku|e 4(e)(1)
ll% Corporat|ons w|th|n the US
%% Servlce made by dellverlng process Lo an offlct ot o moooqloq ot qotol
lll% Spec|a| defendants Some rules for lnfanLs and lncompeLenLs us ln forelgn
naLlons and sulLs agalnsL Le governmenL or gevernmenL agencles or
lv% ln rem act|ons Ied k 4(n) led courL can only exerclse [urlsdlcLlon based
on selzure of properLy wen a federal sLaLuLe provldes for suc [urlsdlcLlon
or wen cannoL obLaln lo ptooom [urlsdlcLlon by reasonable means
%% 8ecause 5bofft allows lo tm only wen Lere are enoug conLacLs Lo
exerclse lo ptooom 8ule 4%n% greaLly llmlLs use of lo tm [urlsdlcLlon ln
federal courLs
f% 1err|tor|a| ||m|ts Ied ku|e 4(k)(1)(A)
l% 8ule provldes LaL servlce of process uslng above meLods ls effecLlve Lo
esLablls [urlsdlcLlon over a u on/y if Le u #ls sub[ecL Lo Le [urlsdlcLlon of a
courL of general [urlsdlcLlon ln Le sLaLe were Le dlsLrlcL courL ls locaLed#
%% App|y the test %musL do boL%
%a% M|n|mum contacts wlL Le sLaLe
%b%Serv|ng defendant meLod musL be accepLable ln Le sLaLe
ll% Lxcept|ons %wen fed courL noL conflned by LerrlLorlal llmlLs on [urls LaL
apply Lo Le sLaLes%
%% ku|e 4(k)(1)(8) lmpleader and lnvolunLary plalnLlffs Servlce on third
porty defendonts [olned under ku|e 14 and invo/untory p/ointiffs [olned
under ku|e 19 ls proper elLer lf lL meeLs Le sLaLe LerrlLorlal rule seL ouL
above or lf Le parLy ls served anywere ln Le uS within 100 mi/es of
the court issuinq the summons
%2% ku|e 4(k)(1)(D) Servlce ls effecLlve wenever auLorlzed by speclflc
federal sLaLuLe
%% ku|e 4(k)(2) No state court has persona| [ur|sd|ct|on lf so servlce ls
effecLlve lf Le clalm orises out of federo/ /ow Agaln musL meeL
mlnlmum conLacLs/falrness LesL 1ls ls rare
g% Wa|ver of serv|ce ku|e 4(d)
l% Walver ls an olttootl Lo acLual servlce
ll% Walver of servlce walves all ob[ect|ons Lo serv|ce and process
lll% 8equesL for walver
%% may ask u Lo walve servlce by moi/inq two copies of o woiver form and
a copy of Le comp/oint and a prepoid meons of return
%a% MusL speclfy a daLe by wlc ls musL be reLurned no less Lan 0
days from daLe lL was senL Lo u wlLln uS or 60 days ouLslde Le uS
%b%lnvalld requesL Can noL use walver requesL wen u ls an lnfanL
lncompeLenL or a governmenLal unlL or offlcer
lv% ow walver effecLed
%% u walves by reLurnlng Le requesL lallure Lo reLurn ls noL a walver
v% LffecL of walver
%% u only walves formal servlce 1ey do not woive any defenses based on
lack of personal [urlsdlcLlon or venue le may argue lack of mlnlmum
conLacLs even lf u walves servlce
vl% lallure Lo walve u ls noL requlred Lo walve servlce 8uL Lere's a carroL and
sLlck lnvolved
%% CarroL u wo walves servlces geLs auLomaLlc exLenslon of Llme Lo
answer 8aLer Lan 2 days Ley geL 60 days followlng Le day Le
requesL was ot Lo answer ku|e 4(d)(3) lf ouLslde uS lL's 90 days 8ule
%2% SLlck u ls under a #duLy# Lo avold unnecessary servlce cosLs ku|e
vll%ku|e 4(d)(S) Walver of servlce does noL walve any ob[ecLlon Lo personal
[urlsdlcLlon and venue

alleZYes to PersoZal )arisdictioZ
1. hallenging }uiisuiction in the Renueiing State (iiect Attack): the
uefenuant's fiist option is to appeai in the oiiginal action at the beginning of
the suit anu object to the couit's exeicise of juiisuiction
a. 0ne methou foi challenging peisonal juiisuiction is filing a"special
appeaiance" wheie the uefenuant can iaise the objection, but nothing
else f any othei objections aie iaiseu then the couit may concluue
that they waiveu the juiisuictional objection
b. he feueial iules methou is the moie libeial appioach, that allows the
uefenuant to object to peisonal juiisuiction anu any othei objections
they want without waiving theii iight
c. nuei eithei appioach, the objection must be iaiseu immeuiately oi it
is lost
2. hallenging }uiisuiction in the Enfoicing ouit (ollateial Attack): the
seconu option foi the uefenuant is to ignoie the oiiginal suit entiiely hen
this happens the couit will entei a uefault juugment in favoi of the plaintiff
Foi the plaintiff to enfoice the juugment they'll have to go to the state wheie
the uefenuant lives anu seek a couit oiuei of the state authoiizing the sheiiff
to sell the uefenuant's assets to satisfy the juugment Bowevei, the uefenuant
can challenge the oiiginal couits peisonal juiisuiction in his state couit, anu
if the home couit finus theie was no peisonal juiisuiction then they won't
enfoice the juugment
a. he uefenuant may not challenge the juiisuiction in the enfoicement
action if they alieauy challengeu juiisuiction in the oiiginal action
3. Special appeaiance - heie the is alloweu to appeai anu Srgue only lSU
of perxonSl jurlxJlUtlon
a. Limiteu only to aiguing lack of peisonal juiisuiction Raising any othei
uefenses is ueemeu to have maue a qene^ol oppeo^once anu theieby
waiveu the juiisuictional uefense
b. 0ptions aftei juiis challenge fails
i. Pioceeu to uefenu case on meiits, which means he has
conueueu the juiisuictional question
ii. 0i take no fuithei action in case, let couit entei juugment
against him, then oppeol the iuling on juiisuictional question
1. ut.if he loses the juiis challenge, he cannot ieopen the
meiits of the case
4. ederal approac - Rale {Y] aZd {]
a. ime limits - Paity must iaise the objection no latei than the answei,
even eailiei in some cases
b. X pre-aZswer motioZ Xiled - f paity files a pie-answei motion
^osnq ony Rule JeXense o^ objecton, he must also incluue any
objections to peisonal juiisuiction anu seivice f not, the objection is
i. Not just confineu to Rule (b) uefensesobjections
ii. Applies to Sny uefense oi objection in Rule
1. eve^ence is not listeu in Rule
c. X Zo pre-aZswer motioZ - Nust object to peisonal juiisuiction in the
Snxwer oi in an SmenJment Sx of rlght to the Snxwer
d. Not meeting these iequiiements amounts to a waiver oX persoZal

2% vLnuL 9
a% Genera| venue ls a creaLure of sLaLuLe lL ls generally speaklng an aLLempL Lo
ascerLaln Le most convenient p/oce for llLlgaLlng a case
b% Determ|ned by d|str|ct some sLaLes ave mulLlple dlsLrlcLs
c% may choose any dlsLrlcL LaL also as ptoool jotllctloo
d% 1391 ln general venue %a% generally founded solely on dlverslLy buL were lL
lsn'L can brlng a clalm ln dlsLrlcL were resldes were subsLanLlal parL of Le
evenLs occurred or a subsLanLlal parL of Le properLy ls locaLed
e% Venue |n d|vers|ty cases cases were [urlsdlcLlon ls based so/e/y on dlverslLy
l% 1391(a)(1) dlsLrlcL ln wlc any fooot tl lf oll u tl lo tb
om tot
ll% 1391(a)(2) any dlsLrlcL ln wlc a #otootlol pott of Le evenLs or
omlsslons glvlng rlse Lo Le clalm occurred#
lll% 1391(a)(3) lf tbt l oo otbt optloo any dlsLrlcL ln wlc ooy u l ojct
to ptoool jotllctloo aL Le Llme Le acLlon ls commenced Lls ls a #safeLy
valve# provlslon only a slngle u needs Lo be sub[ecL Lo personal [urlsdlcLlon
%% noLe 8uL lf one or more us ls noL sub[ecL Lo personal [urlsdlcLlon LaL u
can ave Le acLlon dlsmlssed for lack of personal [urlsdlcLlon
f% Venue |n federa| quest|on "comb|ned" and supp|ementa| [ur|s cases
l% 1391b Same baslc analysls as above ln 9a
%% Lxcept for 9%b%%% wlc says venue ls proper ln any dlsLrlcL ln wlc
ony u moy be found aka ls sub[ecL Lo personal [urlsdlcLlon 8aslcally Le
same as 9%a%%%
g% Interpret|ng 1391a and 1391b
l% no real dlfference beLween Le Lwo analyses
ll% MulLlple us 8oL 9a and 9b allow for venue were ooy u tl
lf oll u tl lo tb om tot
%% uomici/e ls preferred over tloc ln deLermlnlng venue
%2% us ln more Lan one sLaLe nC1 CCvL8Lu by 9%a%%% or 9%b%%%
%% All us ln same mulLlsLaLe dlsLrlcL lf all us reslde ln same sLaLe any
dlsLrlcL were aL leasL one u resldes ls proper
lll% Substant|a| part of events or om|ss|ons
%% LvenLs or omlsslons are #subsLanLlal# on|y lf Ley are re|evant to 's
c|a|m Several dlsLrlcLs ofLen can meeL Lls requlremenL
% Corporate defendants 1391(c)
l% 1391(c) says corps #sall be deemed Lo reslde ln any [udlclal dlsLrlcL ln
wlc lL ls sub[ecL Lo ptoool jotllctloo aL Le Llme Le acLlon ls
commenced# lL's a provlslon LaL deflnes were a corp resldes for purposes
of 9%a% and %b%
ll% S|ng|ed|str|ct states Same analysls for venue and personal [urlsdlcLlon
Ley doveLall
lll% Mu|t|d|str|ct states 9%c% ttot ocb lttlct o o potot tot corp ls
deemed Lo reslde ln LaL dlsLrlcL on|y |f |t has minimum contocts with thot
%% lf no slngle dlsLrlcL as mlnlmum conLacLs buL sLaLe overall does Len
dlsLrlcL wlL most siqnificont contocts ls proper venue
%2% State of |ncorporat|on Corp can oloy be sued ln ooy lttlct ln lLs
sLaLe of lncorporaLlon
l% A||ens 1391(d)
l% Allen may be sued ln ooy lttlct
ll% need personal [urlsdlcLlon over Le allen u
lll% MulLldlsLrlcL sLaLes lf mulLldlsLrlcL sLaLe as personal [urlsdlcLlon over allen
u Le allen coo o lo every lttlct
lv% A||en c|t|zens ln same case CourLs lnLerpreL 9%d% Lo say Le ollo l
m to tl in every district 1us venue would be proper under %a%
and %b% were Le uS clLlzen resldes
[% Loca| act|on (/ond) except|on 1392
l% lf acLlon lnvolves LlLle Lo land or arlses ouL of land lL's called a #local acLlon#
ll% Not a|| sulLs LaL lnvolve properLy are local acLlons Local acLlons are Lose
LaL ttmlo ot offct tb tit/e to ptoptty or lnvolve physico/ horm Lo real
lll% lf case ls a local acLlon lL may ooly be brougL ln Le lttlct bt tb tol
ptoptty l locot 1h|s |s the on/y proper venue 9 ls lgnored ln Lese
k% kemova| except|on
l% lf case ls properly removed from sLaLe Lo federal courL venue ls
ootomotlcolly otlfl ln Le dlsLrlcL Lo wlc Le case was removed %even lf
LaL dlsLrlcL would noL oLerwlse saLlsfy 9%

% CALLLnCLS 1C vLnuL 9
a% Genera| venue llke personal [urlsdlcLlon ls a persono/ defense LaL can be
walved by lnacLlon or by Laklng acLs lnconslsLenL wlL Le defense
b% 1|me ||m|ts 8ule 2 ls same for ob[ecLlng Lo lmproper venue as lL ls for ob[ecLlng
Lo personal [urlsdlcLlon
l% arLy musL ob[ecL no |ater than the answer and even earller ln some cases
c% Wa|ver by |ncons|stent act|on arLy loses rlgL Lo ob[ecL Lo venue lf Ley Lake
acLlon lnconslsLenL wlL venue defense %[usL llke personal [urlsdlcLlon ob[ecLlon%

4% uM NN cNvNN5 CourLcreaLed docLrlne
a% Genera| otom ooo cooolo ls a commonlaw docLrlne LaL allows a courL Lo
dismiss o c/oim so lL can be brougL ln a more approprlaLe forum lo oootbt
coott ytm even Loug oo l ptopt
b% usually superseded by 404%a% buL sLlll a Lool for dlsmlssal and deference %% by
courLs of one sLaLe Lo anoLer sLaLe and %2% by a federal or sLaLe courL Lo a
forelgn courL %le llpt ltctoft yoo%
c% noL used ofLen ln federal courLs slnce ttooft ls prefered opLlon
d% Iore|gn courts lf more convenlenL forum ls a fotlqo coott federal courLs wlll
use fotom ooo cooolo
e% IAC1CkS
l% CourL musL ascerLaln LaL Lere ls an o/ternote forum ovoi/ob/e to heor the
cose And lf so Len conslder privote ond pub/ic foctors Lo see lf Le cosen
forum ls qross/y inconvenient
%% AlLernaLe forum More convenlenL forum musL ave ojct mottt oo
ptoool jotllctloo
%a% ulfferences ln remedy Cnly bars dlsmlssal lf Ley effecLlvely deny
any rlgLs ln Le alLernaLe forum
%b%CondlLlonal dlsmlssal CourLs may granL u's moLlon Lo dlsmlss ooly lf
u agrees noL Lo callenge lack of personal [urlsdlcLlon ln Le new
ll% r|vate factors relaLe Lo Le lndlvldual llLlganLs suc as
%% Were Le under/yinq events occurred
%2% Were Le witnesses ond physico/ evidence are locaLed
%% costs le comparaLlve overall cosLs of llLlgaLlng ln Lwo places
%4% WeLer lL would be posslble Lo compe// witnesses to testify ln forum
cosen by
%3% Lonquoqe issues
%6% WeLer [udgmenL by cosen courL would be enforceob/e ln Le place
where us ossets ore /ocoted
lll% ub||c factors relaLe Lo Le courL sysLem and lnclude
%% choice of /ow questions le famlllarlLy wlL law governlng case
%2% Po/icy imp/icotions of case ln more convenlenL forum
%% 8ock/oq ln courL cosen by
%4% 8urden on courL sysLem and clLlzens wo may slL on [ury
lv% Lx ls llpt ltctoft were SCL sald lower courL sould ave granLed a fotom
ooo cooolo dlsmlssal Lo ScoLLls courL
v% 1|m|ng no flxed Llme llmlLs for movlng for a fotom ooo cooolo dlsmlssal

3% 18AnSlL8 Cl vLnuL 404 406 and 6
a% Genera| 1ransfer applles Lo federal courLs only SLaLe courL cannoL Lransfer up
Lo federal %or dlfferenL sLaLe or forelgn courL%
l% 1ransferee courL musL ave [urlsdlcLlon and venue le lL musL be a courL
were Le case #could ave been flled# le were both persono/ jurisdiction
ond venue ore proper
b% 1wo transfer s|tuat|ons lrom a courL bt otb ptoool jotllctloo oo
oo ot ptopt and from courL were one or boL of Lese ls lacklng
c% 1ransferee court must hove [ur|sd|ct|on and venue
d% S|tuat|on #1 1404 1ransfers from courL wlL venue and personal [urlsdlcLlon
l% #lor Le coooloc of tb pottl oo lto ln Le lnLeresL of [usLlce#
ll% 1ransferor courL musL be proper %le ave boL p[urls and venue%
%% lf noL go Lo 406
lll% Wo may move LlLer parLy may seek 404 Lransfer ln cases wlL mulLlple
parLles ooly oo needs Lo move for Lransfer
lv% No time /imit %oLer Lan #ln Le lnLeresL of [usLlce# aka noL Loo far lnLo Lrlal%
v% ulscreLlonary 1404(a) glves courLs conslderable dlscreLlon as Lo weLer Lo
Lransfer a case 1ransfer |s not requ|red
vl% IAC1CkS of 1404(a) mot|on to transfer %grouped lnLo ptlot and pollc
%% r|vate factors %measure lnLeresL of Le llLlganLs%
%a% convenience of the witnesses %many courLs conslder lL Le mosL
lmporLanL facLor%
%b%convenience of the porties
%c% where the c/oim orose
%d%Physico/ evidence locaLlon %le blz records real properLy% and
%e% lorum se/ection c/ouse ln a case lnvolvlng a conLracL
%2% ub||c factors %conslder lnLeresL of Le courL sysLem%
%a% nforcinq the judqment and ease of dolng so ln Le Lransferor and
Lransferee courLs
%b%lomi/iority with the qoverninq /ow and weLer dlsLrlcL [udges are
%c% ludicio/ economy
%d%Loco/ interest ln decldlng lssues aL ome
%% 's cho|ce strong|y cons|dered lf Le balance of facLors ls relaLlvely close
courLs wlll go wlL Le 's orlglnal colce of forum
vll%Govern|ng |aw ln a ltlty co a 404 Lransfer does not chonqe the
substontive /ow LaL wlll be use Lo declde Le sulL le Lransferee courL wlll
apply same law LaL would ave been applled by Le Lransferor courL
e% S|tuat|on #2 1406(a) Improper venue lf courL earlng case lacks elLer
personal [urlsdlcLlon or venue Lransfer under 404 ls lmposslble 8uL lL's sLlll
posslble under 406%a%
l% 1406(a) Says lf venue ls lmproper courL #sall dlsmlss or lf lL be ln Le
lnLeresL of [usLlce Lransfer# Le case
ll% ersonal [urlsdlcLlon %and venue% are lrrelevanL and unnecessary
lll% 1ransferee courL musL be proper le mot bo otb ptoool jotllctloo
oo oo
lv% !usLlce noL convenlence Malnly used wen sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons as explred
afLer flled ln Le Lransferor courL
v% LlLer parLy may Lransfer %parLy seeklng lL as burden of provlng lmproper
venue s wlll usually use 404%a%
vl% Covernlng law unllke 404%a% Lransferee courL does not automat|ca||y
app|y |aw of transferor court lnsLead lL wlll apply Le law of Le sLaLe ln
wlc Le Lransferee courL slLs
f% S|tuat|on #3 1631 App||es on|y when court |acks sub[ect matter
l% Allows Lransfer Lo any federal dlsLrlcL ln wlc Le acLlon could be eard

6% LLAulnC 8uLLS 7 0 9 2
a% Genera| noLlce pleadlng under led 8ules seeks Lo glve oLer parLles noLlce of
waL clalms and defenses are belng ralsed Modernday noLlce pleadlng lncludes
boL facLs and law %unllke older facLbased code pleadlng% and some legal
l% Iedera| ku|es a||ow ooly o llmlt oomt of ploloq
b% ku|e 7(a) |ead|ngs a||owed overv|ew and terms
l% |ead|ngs between a s|ng|e and s|ng|e D 8ule 7%a% allows only a
complolot one or more oot and a tply Lo an answer %lf courL orders lL%
%% Comp|a|nt aper flled by LaL speclfles all clalms agalnsL Le u
%2% Answer u responds Lo complalnL by flllng answer LaL responds to a|| of
the 's c|a|ms
%a% u may also flle one or more counLerclalms ln answer ln wlc case
must f||e |ts own answer to the counterc|a|m
%b%noLe arLy respondlng Lo a clalm may ralse cerLaln defenses ln a
moLlon raLer Lan ln an answer
%% kep|y An answer Lo anoLer parLy's answer Cnly appens wen a courL
orders lL under ku|e 7(a)(7)
ll% 8as|c format of p|ead|ngs ku|e 10
%% Case |nfo ku|e 10(a) MusL conLaln capLlon %wlL name of courL LlLle
of Le acLlon %all parLles named% flle number and Lype of pleadlng
%2% D|sc|osure statement ku|e 71(a) lor nongov corps musL lnclude 2
coples of dlsclosure sLaLemenL reveallng any parenL corp and parLy wo
owns 0 percenL of sLock or more
%% Separat|ng a||egat|ons ku|e 10(b) kare|y enforced fy| 8equlres
parLles Lo dlvlde Lelr clalms and defenses lnLo separaLe paragraps
counLs or defenses
%a% Separate c|a|ms MusL be made ln oomt potoqtopb
%b%Separate transact|ons lf parLy as mulLlple clalms based on
separaLe LransacLlons or occurrences or separaLe defenses eac
suc clalm or defense musL be stated separate|y 8aslcally CounL l
CounL ll eLc
%c% Adopt|on by reference ku|e 10(c) arLles may avold repeLlLlon by
adopLlng allegaLons of a prlor pararap by reference 8ule also allows
for exlblLs/paperwork or conLracLs to be attached
lll% Mot|ons ku|e 7(b) All requesLs made Lo courL oLer Lan pleadlngs are
made by moLlon
%% kequ|rements ku|e 7(b)
%a% ln writinq unless made durlng a earlng or aL Lrlal
%b%5tote with porticu/ority Le grounds on wlc Le moLlon ls based
%c% 5tote the re/ief souqht
%d%5iqned ln accordance wlL ku|e 11
lv% negaLlve pregnanL Saylng Loo muc essenLlally wen you resLaLe exacLly
waL oLer parLy wroLe buL denylng lL
%% MusL say speclflcally waL you admlL and deny
v% ku|e 8(d)(3) lnconslsLenL clalms or defenses are ok

7% 8uLLS Cl LLAulnC CLAlMS lC8 8LLlLl 8uLL
a% noLe 1ese rules apply Lo Le 's complaln Lo counLerclalms crossclalms and
LlrdparLy clalms All references Lo #plalnLlff# and Lo #complalnL# sould be read
Lo apply equally Lo Lese oLer parLles and clalms for rellef
b% ku|e 8(a) 1ree baslc componenLs of Le complalnL
l% SorL and plaln sLaLemenL of Le bosis for subject motter jurisdiction
ll% SLaLemenL of Le c/oim
lll% uemand for [udgmenL seLLlng ouL re/ief Le seeks
c% Iur|sd|ct|on musL allege basls for [urlsdlcLlon over all clalms
l% lederal quesLlon dlverslLy and supplemenLal sould be addressed lf used as
basls for [urlsdlcLlon
d% Statement of the c|a|m ku|e 8(a)
l% #SorL and plaln sLaLemenL#
ll% 8aslc sLandard of #opoot ootlc
lll% !usLlce 8ules %d% and %e% ku|e 8(d)(1) demands #slmple conclse and
dlrecL# ku|e 8(e) requlres pleadlngs Lo do jotlc
e% Lega| conc|us|ons
l% need noL allege exacLly bo u was negllgenL for example also no need Lo
expllclLly sLaLe a legal Leory on wlc relles
%% ueLalls are flesed ouL ln lcoty
%2% 8eware of slmply saylng #on lnformaLlon and bellef# as SCL ln 8ell
ALlanLlc v 1wombly sald Le complalnL musL lnclude #enoug facLual
maLLer %Laken as Lrue% Lo suggesL LaL an agreemenL %conLracL% was
f% Incons|stency ku|e 8(d)(3) arLy may brlng as many clalms as deslred
regardless of conslsLency

% SLClAL MA11L8S LLAulnC %fraud mlsLake eLc% 8uLL 9
a% ku|e 9(b) lger pleadlng sLandard for fraud and m|stake
l% Iraud def|n|t|on lraud comprlses a false sLaLemenL 8eware LaL a fraud
clalm ls acLually a fraud clalm
ll% arLy brlnglng clalm based on fraud or mlsLake musL sLaLe Le circumstonces
consLlLuLlng fraud or mlsLake with porticu/ority
lll% MusL be more speclflc can'L [usL say #e made a fraudulenL sLaLemenL# buL
lnsLead musL say wen were waL was sald eLc
b% ku|e 9(g) Spec|a| damages buL Llnk of lL as #pclol lojoty# le any ln[ury LaL
would not be reasonab|y expected
l% Lx from class Ceneral rellef wlL respecL Lo crased auLo plus $ mllllon
for losL loLLery wlnnlngs
%% Defau|t [udgment 8ellef can be no more Lan waL was clalmed ln Le
c% ku|e 9(c) Cond|t|ons precedent
l% Wen clalm Lurns on Le saLlsfacLlon of one or more condlLlons precedenL
may allege generally LaL all condlLlons ave been meL
ll% lf u's llablllLy Lurns on a condlLlon you don'L ave Lo allege condlLlons wlL
occurred speclflclLy [usL LaL all Le condlLlons occurred
d% rayer for re||ef (th|rd 8(a) requ|rement)
l% must spec|fy the remedy LaL e would llke Le courL Lo granL
%% Allows olttoot oo locooltot fotm of tllf even on a slngle clalm
%2% CourL ls noL llmlLed Lo Le demand wen lL deLermlnes acLual rellef

9% uLlLnuAn1'S 8LSCnSLS 1C 1L CCMLAln1 8uLL 7%b%%% and
8uLL 2
a% Genera| 1wo ways Lo respond Le onswer ls Le requlred response %wlc deals
wlL Le allegaLlons ln Le clalm% and motions before flllng Le answer %wlc
callenge speclflc lssues%
b% 8as|ca||y answerlng parLy can respond Lo a clalm by adm|tt|ng all or parL of waL
Le clalmanL says deny|ng waL Le clalmanL says and/or alleglng an
aff|rmat|ve defense
l% Den|a| musL dlrecLly respond Lo Le allegaLlons ln Le clalm Ia|||ng to deny
an allegaLlon ln Le clalm or flllng an lneffecLlve denlal ls treated as an
ll% Aff|rmat|ve defense concedes LaL Le facLs as presenLed by clalmanL are
correcL buL alleges addlLlonal facLs LaL relleve Le answerlng parLy from
c% ku|e 7(b)(1) 8equlres LaL a parLy seeklng any form of rellef from a courL wlll
usually ask for LaL rellef by way of a moLlon
d% reanswer mot|ons (|n genera|) us may ralse cerLaln procedural lssues by
l% MoLlon as alLernaLlve Lo answer 8ule 2 allows a u Lo ralse cerLaln fo
oo ojctloo %maLLers usually ralsed ln Le answer% ln a preanswer moLlon
%% ku|e 12(b) ulsmlssal of case
%2% ku|es 12(e) and (f) Asks Lo cottct parLs of complalnL
e% ku|e 12(b) defenses Allow u Lo make cerLaln llsLed defenses by moLlon
l% ku|e 12(b)(1) Lack of ojct mottt jotllctloo
ll% ku|e 12(b)(2) Lack of ptoool jotllctloo
lll% ku|e 12(b)(3) lmproper oo
lv% ku|e 12(b)(4) lnsufflclenL ptoc
v% ku|e 12(b)(S) lnsufflclenL tlc of process
vl% ku|e 12(b)(6) ollot to tot o clolm upon wlc rellef can be granLed
%% ComplalnL can be defecLlve ln Lwo baslc ways
%a% Iacts may ave lefL ouL allegaLlons concernlng one cruclal elemenL
of a glven clalm 1ls ls rare owever glven Le noLlce pleadlng
sLandard %Le complalnL musL slmply descrlbe #enoug facLs Lo sLaLe
a clalm Lo rellef LaL ls plauslble on lLs face# 8ell ALlanLlc Corp v
%b%Law may ave fully seL ouL Le facLs buL Lose facLs do noL allow
Lo recover under any legal Leory
%2% 1ls ls a dlsmlssal oo tb mtlt unless courL speclfles oLerwlse
%% Converslon Lo summary [udgmenL lf 2%b%%6% moLlon lncludes facLs noL
seL forL ln Le pleadlngs courL LreaLs Le moLlon as one for summory
%4% CourL wlll almosL always granL lo to omo Le complalnL Lo allow lL
Lo cure Le defecL
vll%ku|e 12(b)(7) ollot to jolo o potty as requlred by 8ule 9 %[olnder%
f% ku|e 12(c) Mot|on for [udgment on the p|ead|ngs erson admlLs everyLlng
so wy even ave a Lrlal done afLer Le pleadlngs buL before Lrlal lt bo yoo
tol follot to tot o clolm ot follot to jolo o ocoty potty
g% Cther cha||enges to amb|guous]ob[ect|onab|e comp|a|nts
l% ku|e 12(e) Mot|on for a more def|n|te statement
%% 8arely used parLy usually moves Lo dlsmlss under 8ule 2%b%%6% fallure Lo
sLaLe a clalm
%2% 8uL lf pleadlng ls so vague or amblguous LaL parLy cannoL reasonably
prepare a response Ley make ask for more lnformaLlon
%% Must be done before the onswer
ll% ku|e 12(f) Mot|on to str|ke
%% Serves many purposes
%2% Allows parLy Lo move Lo sLrlke porLlons of a pleadlng LaL are toooot
lmmottlol lmpttloot ot coooloo uerogaLory or lrrelevanL
%% 1lmlng MoLlon musL be made before o responsive p/eodinq is served or
lf no responslve pleadlng ls allowed wlLln 21 doys of servlce of Le
%4% 8arely granLed merely because of redundanL or superfluous maLerlal
%3% ulsmlsslng some buL noL all porLlons of Le complalnL Can be used for
LaL lf 2%b%%6% ls Loo broad Lo be allowed
%a% Lx sues u for unfalr compeLlLlon and negllgenL lnfllcLlon of
emoLlonal dlsLress AlLoug governlng law recognlzes unfalr
compeLlLlon lL does noL recognlze negllgenL lnfllcLlon uependlng on
Le courL's pracLlce u may obLaln dlsmlssal of Le negllgenL lnfllcLlon
clalm elLer by a ku|e 12(b)(6) or ku|e 12(f) moLlon
%6% Scandalous allegaLlons CourLs sLrlke only wen Le allegaLlon ls of
morqino/ or no re/evonce or wen Le allegaLlons are worded ln a
parLlcularly inf/ommotory oy
%a% Can be done any Llme
% 1|m|ng of preanswer mot|ons and wa|ver of defenses ku|es 12(g) and 12(h)
l% ku|e 12(g) !olnder of defenses ku|e 12(g)(1) allows a parLy wo ralses a
8ule 2 defense by preoot motloo Lo jolo oll ol 12 fo avallable
Lo LaL parLy
l% Wa|ver of om|tted defenses
l% ku|e 12(h)(1)(A) lf a parLy ralses ooy 8ule 2 defense or ob[ecLlon by pt
oot motloo buL omlt a defense ln 2%b%%2%%3% Le parLy ol Le
omlLLed defense for Le remalnder of Le acLlon
ll% Watch for defenses not ||sted here that are ra|sed by preanswer mot|on
%suc as ttooft of oo motloo to ttlk %ku|e 12(f)% lf lL's noL llsLed ln
8ule 2 Len Le 8ule 2 defenses are sLlll avallable Lo be ralsed ln a second
preanswer moLlon or answer
(1) On/y ofter o ku/e 12 defense is roised does ku/e 12{h){1){4) kick in ond
prevent the four defenses /isted be/ow
lll% If party ra|ses any ku|e 12 defense or ob[ect|on by preanswer mot|on |t
must |nc|ude these defenses |n preanswer mot|on or |ose them for
rema|nder of the act|on
%% Lack of persona| [ur|sd|ct|on ku|e 12(b)(2)
%2% Improper venue ku|e 12(b)(3) %noL Lransfer of venue%
%% Insuff|c|ency of process ku|e 12(b)(4)
%4% Insuff|c|ent serv|ce of process ku|e 12(b)(S)
lv% SLrlcL walver rule does not app|y Lo /ock of subject motter jurisdiction
{12{b){1)) foi/ure to stote o c/oim {12{b){)) or foi/ure to join o porty under
ku/e 19 {12{b){7))
[% 1he answer unllke a moLlon answer musL deal wlL all of Le s allegaLlons lL
may lnclude clalms agalnsL s or oLer us
l% Same rules apply noL only Lo u's answer buL also Lo answers flled by varlous
parLles Lo a counLerclalm crossclalm or LlrdparLy clalm
ll% 1|m|ng ku|e 12(a) requlres u Lo serve lLs answer wlL 21 oy 8ule
lll% Wa|ver of serv|ce glves addlLlonal Llme 60 days domesLlc 90 days ouLslde
lv% uS as u 8ule 2%a%%2% and 2%a%%%
k% Lffect of mot|ons
l% lf parLy flles a preanswer moLlon Le t|me Lo answer ls extended
%% ku|e 12(a)(4)(A) ln mosL cases u ls requlred Lo answer wlLln 14 days
of Le court's ru||ng on Le moLlon lf courL granLs moLlon Lo dlsmlss u ls
noL requlred Lo flle an answer %of course%
%2% ku|e 12(a)(4)(8) MoLlon for a more def|n|te statement lf courL granLs
a moLlon for a more deflnlLe sLaLemenL Le answer musL be flled wlLln
14 days of Le daLe Le more def|n|te statement |s f||ed
l% Den|a|s and adm|ss|ons ku|e 8(b)
l% 8ule requlres u Lo odmit or deny allegaLlons by
ll% Ia||ure to deny consLlLuLes an adm|ss|on ku|e 8(b)(6)
%% xception u doesn'L ave Lo deny amounL of damages LaL's llLlgaLed
%2% kespons|ve p|ead|ng requ|red ku|e 8(b)(6) lallure Lo deny operaLes
as an admlsslon only wen a responslve pleadlng ls requlred lf no
responslve pleadlng ls requlred Lo a parLlcular pleadlng all avermenLs ln
LaL pleadlng are auLomaLlcally deemed to be denied
%a% Lx lf u flles an afflrmaLlve defense suc as sLaLuLe of frauds and
Le courL does noL order Lo flle a reply wlll auLomaLlcally be
deemed Lo deny u's sLaLuLe of frauds defense
lll% Lack of know|edge defense ku|e 8(b)(S)
%% Allows u Lo plead LaL lL #lacks knowledge or lnformaLlon sufflclenL Lo
form a bellef abouL Le LruL of Le allegaLlon# 1ls defense meeLs Le
requlremenL LaL all pleadlngs be made ln good falL and grounded ln
facL even wen u as no knowledge
%2% SpeclflclLy requlred see above language
%% Lffect 1ls ls ttot o o olol by Le courLs
%4% Can also be worded as a den|a| based on |nformat|on and be||ef le u
sLrongly suspecLs someLlng buL does noL ave flrsLand knowledge
%a% no need for Lls denlal anymore u can deny Le maLLer ouLrlgL
conslsLenL wlL Le requlremenLs of ku|e 11
lv% Den|a|s must meet substance of the comp|a|nt ku|e 8(b)(2)
%% lallure Lo meeL Lls sLandard ls called an loffctl olol LreaLed llke a
fallure Lo deny and consLlLuLes an admlsslon
%2% art|a| den|a|s u musL speclfy wlc porLlons of Le complalnL lL denles
%a% Lx aragrap 4 of 's complalnL sLaLes slmply LaL u #lL and klcked
me# u denles aragrap 4 ln LruL u dld klck buL dld noL lL
8ecause Le denlal does noL speclfy wlc porLlon of 's allegaLlons
are acLually belng denled Le denio/ is ineffective
%% Cb[ect|on perm|tted ku|e 12(h)(2) A parLy may ojct Lo Le form of
%4% MosL courLs would allow u Lo amend Le response ln Le name of [usLlce
v% Genera| den|a|s ku|e 8(b)(3)
%% Were u denles ty ollqotloo of tb otlt complolot even blanLanLly
obvlous sLuff
%2% 8arely approprlaLe
%% ku|e 8(b)(3) allows lL Loug
%4% Genera| den|a| w|th except|ons arLles someLlmes flle an answer ln
wlc Ley deny everyLlng ln Le complalnL cpt for cerLaln lLems LaL
Ley expllclLly admlL
%3% A|ternat|ve and |ncons|stent den|a|s Allowed [usL llke a maklng
lnconslsLenL clalms
%a% Lx sues u for breac of k ln lLs answer u flrsL denles LaL a k
beLween Le parLles exlsLs u Len alleges LaL even lf Lere ls a k u
dld noL breac AlLoug loglcally lnconslsLenL Lese alLernaLlve
denlals are accepLable

20% uLlLnSLS 8uLLS 2%b% and %c%
a% A fo ls a legal reason wy ls noL enLlLled Lo Le rellef lL requesLs
b% uefenses and denlals can be mlxed
c% Genera| 1wo baslc caLegorles of defenses
d% ku|e 12(a) 2 days Lo flle answer
e% Crd|nary defenses ku|e 12(b)
l% Conslders only Le complalnL makes a defense based on procedural legal or
pleadlng defecL
f% Aff|rmat|ve defenses ku|e 8(c) u lnLroduces odditiono/ focts LaL prevenL
from recoverlng
l% L|st lncludes accord and saLlsfacLlon arblLraLlon and award assumpLlon of
rlsk conLrlbuLory negllgence dlscarge and bankrupLcy duress esLoppel
fallure of conslderaLlon fraud lllegallLy ln[ury by fellow servanL laces
llcense paymenL release res [udlcaLa sLaLuLe of frauds sLaLuLe of
llmlLaLlons and walver
g% can supply facLs for afflrmaLlve defense Loo SCl example
% 8urden of p|ead|ng unless elLer parLy brlngs Lese defenses ln Lelr
pleadlngs Len LaL lssue usually cannoL be llLlgaLed aL Lrlal %maln excepLlons are
sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon%
l% Must br|ng them a|| at once ku|e 8(c) "any"
l% Genera| usually lnvolves Le lnLroducLlon of new facLs LaL wen coupled
wlL facLs alleged by prevenL from recoverlng
ll% 1ypes of aff|rmat|ve defenses ku|e 8(c)(1)
%% 8ule %c%%% ls noL excluslve 1ere are oLer defenses suc as
comparaLlve negllgence
[% ne|ghtened p|ead|ng standards for froud controcts ond mistoke carry over |nto
defenses and den|a|s
l% lraud deflnlLlon lraud comprlses a fo/se stotement
ll% Lx u defendlng breac of k based on fraud or mlsLake musL allege Le
cltcomtooc consLlLuLlng fraud or mlsLake wlL pottlcolotlty

2% AMLnuLu Anu SuLLMLn1AL LLAulnCS 8uLLS 3
a% Genera| llexlblllLy ls Le allmark of pleadlng under Le 8ules and also for
maklng amendmenLs Lo Le pleadlng SomeLlmes a parLy musL obLaln permlsslon
Lo amend
b% When perm|ss|on of court (not) requ|red ku|e 1S(a)
l% 8efore respons|ve p|ead|ng served ku|e 1S(a)(1)
%% ku|e 1S(a)(1) allows a parLy Lo amend Lelr complalnL once os o motter
of course before Le responslve pleadlng
%2% lf pleadlng ls a complolot oo oot ltb o cooottclolm o ctoclolm ot
o tbltpotty complolot Le parLy musL amend fot tb tpool
ploloq l t 1lme llmlL ls based on octool tlc noL Le deadllne
for servlce %le even Loug u ls allowed 2 days Lo answer complalnL 's
t|me to amend exp|res when answer |s served by u wlc can be less
LaL 2 days%
ll% 21 days after p|ead|ng served lor all oLer pleadlngs Le parLy musL amnd
wlLln 2 days afLer Le pleadlng ls servlce 1ls ls for all oLer pleadlngs
slnce no responslve pleadlng ls requlred for Lese pleadlngs
lll% Cbta|n|ng court perm|ss|on ku|e 1S(a)(2) lf parLy wanLs Lo amend afLer
Lese deadllnes or amend for a second Llme Ley musL obLaln Le other
party's consent or perm|ss|on of the court
%% ku|e says owever leave Lo amend #sha|| be free|y g|ven wen [usLlce
so requlres#
%2% Leave Lo amend ls denled only lf Le oLer parLy can sow prejudice by
Le amendmenL or Le defecL ln Le orlglnal pleadlng was Le resulL of
inexcusob/e neq/ect or core/essness on Le parL of Le pleader
lv% Amend|ng dur|ng tr|a| ku|e 1S(b) lL's cool wlL permlsslon
c% ke|at|on back of amendments ku|e 1S(c) Allows some amendmenLs Lo tlot
ock to tb ot of tb otlqlool ploloq
l% AffecLs sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons
%% If the or|g|na| p|ead|ng was t|me|y %le wlLln Le sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons%
and Le amended pleadlng addlng Le new clalms relaLes back Le new
clalms wlll noL be barred by Le sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons
ll% 8elaLlon back ls ootlot to o fot coott ptmlloo to omo
%% ku|e 1S(a) and ku|e 1S(c) are enLlrely separaLe quesLlons
lll% Wen amendmenLs addlng clalms relaLe back
%% SLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons allows Le amendmenL Lo relaLe back or
%2% ku|e 1S(c)(1)(8) 1e clalm or defense ln Le amended pleadlng orose
out of the conduct tronsoction or occurrence seL ouL ln Le orlglnal
d% ke|at|on back of amendments chang|ng part|es
l% MusL meeL sLandard of ku|e 1S(c)(1)(8) above ond
ll% arLy belng brougL ln by amendmenL acqulres sufficient notice abouL Le
exlsLence of Le lawsulL wlLln Le specified time
%% Iorma| not|ce not requ|red Word of mouL oLer lnformal means ls
sufflclenL #Notlc# ln Lls conLexL ls noL Le same as tlc
%2% Suff|c|ency of not|ce noLlce must be received eor/y enouqh to prevent
ony prejudice Lo parLy ln preparlng a defense and contoin enouqh
informotion LaL parLy ls aware Ley are now a u
%% 1lmellness 8ule 4%m% 8aslcally 20 days afLer Le complalnL ls flled
%a% May be exLended by Le courL
%b%ueadllne Lurns on Le deod/ine for service noL wen servlce ls
acLually effecLed
e% Cther changes to the p|ead|ngs
l% ku|e 1S(b) AmendmenLs durlng and afLer Lrlal Lo conform Lo Le evldence
%% CLer parLles may ob[ecL
%2% lf parLy falls Lo ob[ecL e ls deemed Lo ave imp/ied/y consented Lo
llLlgaLlon of Le lssues ralsed ln Le evldence
%% Also parLy may express/y consent Lo llLlgaLlon of maLLers ouLslde Le
%a% ku|e 1S(b)(2) lf parLy consenLs Le 8ule provldes LaL any lssues
ralsed #musL be LreaLed ln all respecLs# as lf Ley were ralsed ln Le
pleadlngs and allows a parLy Lo amend lLs pleadlngs Lo make Lem
conform Lo Le newly ralsed lssues
%b%ku|e 1S(b)(1) rovldes LaL even lf parLy ob[ecLs Lo Le lnLroducLlon
of new evldence Le courL shou/d free/y permit on omendment Lo
Le pleadlngs aL Lrlal lf lL wlll elp resolve Le merlLs of Le acLlon
unless Le laLe amendmenL would cause Le oLer parLles undue
ll% ku|e 1S(d) Supp|ementa| p|ead|ngs
%% SeL forL facts that orise ofter tb otlqlool ploloq o fll %Amended
pleadlngs by conLrasL deal wlL facLs LaL exlsLed aL Llme of legal
%2% CourL perm|ss|on a|ways requ|red %buL ls freely glven%

22% MC1lCn lC8 !uuCMLn1 Cn 1L LLAulnCS 8uLL 2%c%
a% Genera| Cnce pleadlng ls compleLe ku|e 12(c) allows any parLy Lo move for
[udgmenL on Le pleadlngs
b% 1|m|ng MoLlon for [udgmenL on Le pleadlngs may be flled only ofter o//
p/eodinq is comp/ete buL early enoug so as not to de/oy the trio/
c% Standard]how |t works CourL conslderlng Le moLlon accepLs all facLs alleged ln
all Le pleadlngs as Lrue lf lL concludes LaL one parLy ls enLlLled Lo [udgmenL as
a maLLer of law lL wlll granL Lo moLlon and render [udgmenL
d% When used MosL commonly used by a c/oimont agalnsL a parLy wo as foi/ed
to defend agalnsL LaL person's clalm lL ls Le loglcal counLerparL Lo ku|e
12(b)(6) moLlon for fallure Lo sLaLe a clalm
l% ku|e 12(h)(2) allows a parLy Lo ralse #fa||ure to state a |ega| defense to a
c|a|m# aL any sLage of Le proceedlngs and llsLs Le moLlon for [udgmenL on
Le pleadlngs as one of Le means by wlc Le ob[ecLlon can be ralsed
%% Lx sues u for boL baLLery and negllgence u's answer denles all
allegaLlons of negllgence buL says noLlng abouL Le baLLery clalm
8ecause fallure Lo deny consLlLuLes an admlsslon can move for a
[udgmenL on Le pleadlngs slnce u ln effecL as admlLLed Le baLLery %Cf
course Le courL may allow u Lo amend er answer lf Le fallure Lo
defend was an overslgL%
ll% lf a parLy movlng for [udgmenL on Le pleadlngs lnLroduces maLLers ouLslde
Le pleadlngs Le courL LreaLs Le moLlon as one for summory judqment
e% a||eges SCI lf flles moLlon for [udgmenL on Le pleadlngs and alleges u dld
noL speclfy Le k was ln wrlLlng and alleges breac of sLaLuLe of frauds wlll noL
prevall Statute of frauds ls an aff|rmat|ve defense ku|e 8(c)(1) therefore has
the burden of provlng Le k was noL ln wrlLlng

2% vL8ACl1? S1AnuA8uS lC8 llLLu uCCuMLn1S 8uLL
a% Genera| ku|e 11 seLs ouL sLrlcL sLandards deslgned Lo ensure onesLy and
accuracy ln pleadlngs and moLlons
b% S|gned wr|t|ng requ|rement ku|e 11(a)
l% MosL docs lncludlng pleadlngs and moLlons musL be slgned by aL leasL one
aLLorney lf no aLLorney presenL parLy musL slgn
ll% Slgner musL provlde lnfo lncludlng address emall address and pone
lll% no slgnaLure means doc ls str|cken
c% ku|e 11(b) SlgnaLure cerLlfles LaL background researc as been done and ls
supporLed by law and facL
l% lf noL wellgrounded or lf frlvolous Lere may be sancLlons
ll% lf wanL Lo repeal cange or exLend Le law Lere's a 2day Safe arbor
rovlslon LaL affords slgner a cance Lo correcL Le problem
lll% ku|e 11(b)(3) AllegaLlons not supported by fact

24% SAnC1lCnS 8uLL %c%
a% Sanct|ons ku|e 11(c)
l% lf any of Le ku|e 11(b) cerLlflcaLlons prove unLrue ku|e 11(c) allows a parLy
Lo move for Le lmposlLlon of sanct|ons owever Le rule conLalns Le sofe
horbor provision glvlng Le offender Le opporLunlLy Lo cure er error ln
cerLaln slLuaLlons 5onctions ore never required
ll% rocess SancLlons may be lmposed elLer followlng moLlon by Le parLy or
on Le courL's own lnlLlaLlve ln all cases owever Le person Lo be
sancLloned musL be afforded notice and an opportunity to be heord
%% 8y mot|on ku|e 11(c)(2) allows a parLy Lo move for sancLlons
%a% Serv|ce 1e parLy flrsL serves Le moLlon on Le offendlng parLy
%b%Safe harbor unllke Le vasL ma[orlLy of oLer moLlons a moLlon for
ku|e 11 sanct|ons ls not immediote/y fi/ed wlL Le courL
%l% 1|m|ng 1e moLlon may be flled only lf Le offendlng parLy does
noL wlLdraw or correcL Le callenged paper wlLln 21 doys
followlng servlce of Le moLlon or oLer perlod esLabllsed by Le
%c% Costs and fees 1e courL may award cosLs and reasonable aLLorneys'
fees Lo Le parLy wo prevalls on a moLlon for sancLlons
%2% Court's |n|t|at|ve ku|e 11(c)(3) allows Le courL Lo lmpose sancLlons on
lLs own lnlLlaLlve
%a% Show cause order 8efore lmposlng sancLlons Le courL musL lssue
an order for show couse wy sancLlons sould noL be lmposed
%b%Safeharbor prov|s|on does not opp/y Lo courLlmposed sancLlons
%% Crder ku|e 11(c)(6) An order lmposlng sancLlons musL speclflcally
descrlbe Le offendlng conducL and [usLlfy Le sancLlons lmposed
lll% ersons sub[ect to sanct|ons 1e courL may lmpose sancLlons on Le
individuo/ ottorneys wo vlolaLed Le rule Lelr /ow firm and a porty
%% L|m|ts on sanct|on|ng party ku|e 11(c) CourL may sancLlon a parLy only
lf se elLer vlolaLed Le rule erself or was responslble for Le vlolaLlon
%2% ku|e 11(c)(S)(A) MoneLary sancLlons cannoL be lmposed agalnsL a
represented porty for vlolaLlng Le provlslon deallng wlL wrongful /eqo/
lv% Sanct|ons a||owed ku|e 11(c)(4)
%% 8ule llmlLs sancLlons Lo waLever #suff|ces to deter repet|t|on# of suc
conducL ln Le fuLure 1us a sancLlon may be punitive
%2% ku|e 11(c)(4) allows for Le followlng sancLlons
%a% Nonmonetary sancLlons %may be an order sLrlklng pleadlngs or
lssuance of a reprlmand%
%b%ena|ty wlc musL be pald Lo Le courL lnsLead of Le oLer parLy
%c% ln a case were a porty moved for sancLlons an order requlrlng Le
offendlng parLy Lo relmburse Le movanL for any and all cosLs and
aLLorneys' fees coused by the vio/otion CosLs and fees owever are
avallable only wen needed for effective deterence
v% Iactors to determ|ne sanct|ons %courL as cooltol lcttloo%
%% WeLer Le vlolaLlon was wi//fu/ or merely negllgenL
%2% WeLer Le offendlng parLy intended to injure Le oLer parLy
%% WeLer Le offendlng person as ad /eqo/ troininq
%4% WeLer Lere was a pottern or offendlng conducL ln Lls case or ln
%3% WeLer Le wrongful acLlvlLy pervodes an enLlre pleadlng or moLlon or
only a parLlcular clalm or defense and
%6% 1e effecL Le vlolaLlon ad on Le process of llLlgaLlon lncludlng
conslderaLlon of any odded time or expense

23% CCMu1lnC Anu Lx1LnulnC 1lML 8uLL 6
a% kULL 6 CkCSS sald we ad Lo know lL for Le flnal
l% ku|e 6(a) deLermlnes wen your sLarL counLlng days for any of Le rules
%% No |onger d|st|ngu|sh between weekends and ho||days
%a% Un|ess Le lasL day of Le Llme perlod ls a ollday ln wlc case you
enLend Le Llme llmlL unLll Le nexL appllcable daLe
%b%ku|e 6(a)(1)(AC) Wen Le perlod ls sLaLe ln days or a longer unlL of
%l% Lxclude Le day of Le evenL LaL Lrlggers Le perlod
%ll% CounL every day lncludlng lnLermedlaLe SaLurdays Sundays and
legal olldays ond
%lll%lnclude Le lasL day of Le perlod but lf Le lasL day ls a SaLurday
Sunday or legal ollday Le perlod conLlnues Lo run unLll Le end
of Le nexL day LaL ls noL a SaLurday Sunday or legal ollday
(c) 5 ku/e {o){) fot llt of bolloy
%2% lf lL's 4 days or less you don'L counL olldays and weekends
%% lf lL's 3 days or more Len you counL olldays and weekends

26% L8lL uCC18lnL %nC 8lC uLAL%
a% Genera| 8aslc command of tl ls LaL Le ftol coott mot follo tot lo
excepL wen a valld federal sLaLuLe or rule applles or ln cerLaln areas of speclal
federal prerogaLlve
b% lederal courL ls noL always requlred Lo defer Lo sLaLe law
l% lf ftol totot provldes Le subsLanLlve law for a case Le federal courL
wlll apply Le federal law noL Le sLaLe law
%% 1erefore tl applles malnly ln ltlty co
ll% lederal courL as Le inherent power Lo enacL lLs own rules of procedure
lll% ledero/ ku/es of civi/ Procedure are a speclal case AlLoug drafLed by Le
Supreme CourL Le rules are auLorlzed by Le ku/es nob/inq 4ct 2 uSC
2072 8ecause of Le delegaLlon from Congress courLs use a lfftot tt
ln cases lnvolvlng Le lederal 8ules Lan Ley use ln cases lnvolvlng ordlnary
[udgemade procedural laws
lv% llnally Lere ls a llmlLed body of otootl ftol commoo lo wlc
overrldes sLaLe law [usL as federal sLaLuLes do
c% State court precedent Wenever a federal courL ls requlred by tl Lo apply
sLaLe law lL musL deLermlne Le currenL sLaLe of Le law by evaluaLlng sLaLe
courL precedenL
d% 1ere are caLegorles of tl lssues Le analysls of wlc dlffers slgnlflcanLly

27% nC lLuL8AL CSl1lvL LAW %!uuCLMAuL LAW% L8lL Sl1uA1lCn #
a% Genera| 1ls flrsL caLegory lnvolves cases llke tl lLself were Lere ls oo
ftol poltl lo %le no sLaLuLe or wrlLLen rule% on Le sub[ecL
b% ku/es of uecision 4ct %2 uSC 632% applles
c% ln Lese cases federal courL ls decldlng whether to iqnore stote /ow and lnsLead
declde Le lssue based on Le [udge's oplnlon of ow Le lssue sould be
d% Cases |n th|s category are reso|ved by deLermlnlng weLer lgnorlng sLaLe law
and applylng a conLrary federal rule would be /ike/y to couse forumshoppinq for
o different outcome le affecL a 's declslon weLer Lo sue ln sLaLe or federal
l% lf forumsopplng ls llkely stote /ow must be opp/ied
e% nonno v P/umer elped reflne Lls LesL
l% court stoted LaL tl ad #Lwln alms#
%% uiscouroqinq forumshoppinq
%2% 4voidinq inequitob/e odministrotion of the /ows
ll% 1us federal courL musL apply sLaLe law on|y lf Le fallure Lo do so would
llkely resulL ln forumsopplng beLween sLaLe and federal courLs because of
Le llkellood of a different outcome
%% Iorumshopp|ng A federal courL musL apply sLaLe law only lf Le
llkellood of a dlfferenL ouLcome ls so greaL LaL Le wlll base er
colce of forum on Le dlfferenL rules
%2% D|fferent outcome Lrle ls concerned wlL forumsopplng only wen lL
ls moLlvaLed by Le ope for a different outcome based on a difference in
opp/icob/e /ows CLer moLlvaLlons for forumsopplng do noL maLLer

2% lederal 8ules of Clvro L8lL Sl1uA1lCn #2
a% Genera| 1ls second caLegory of Lrle cases encompasses Lose LaL lnvolve a
ledero/ ku/es of civi/ Procedure or oLer federal rule creaLed under Le ku/es
nob/inq 4ct {k4) 2 uSC 2072
b% Analysls ere Lurns on weLer Le rule can raLlonally be chorocterited os o ru/e
qoverninq procedure and weLer Le rule unduly obridqes en/orqes or
modifies Le underlylng subsLanLlve clalm ln Le case
c% lf Le lederal 8ule is proceduro/ ond does not undu/y obridqe en/orqe or
modify Le subsLanLlve rlgL it opp/ies in /ieu of stote /ow
d% 1he nonno art 2 test
l% #valld# and #appllcable# AL lLs core Le analysls of Le lederal 8ule ls
loglcally Le same as Le analysls LaL applles Lo a federal sLaLuLe lf Le rule
ls oll and oppllcol lL ootomotlcolly oppll
ll% 1hreestep ana|ys|s
%% ueLermlne LaL Le rule acLually applles
%2% SLaLe and federal law musL acLually confllcL
%a% lf Lere ls a way courL can apply both federo/ ond stote /ow Lere ls
no confllcL and courL wlll slmply apply boL rules
%% Make sure Le federal rule ls valld under Le 8LA
%a% WlL lederal 8ules Lere's a presumpLlon of valldlLy
%b%lederal rules are valld as long as lL ls #arguably procedural#
%c% 1wo llmlLs esLabllsed by Le 8LA
%l% CourL may enacL only general rules of proctice ond procedure ond
ru/es of evidence
%ll% 8ule connot obridqe en/orqe or modify ony substontive riqht
lll% Iorumshopp|ng |s |rre|evant |n nanna art 2 test

29% lLuL8AL S1A1u1LS L8lL Sl1uA1lCn #
a% Genera| LaslesL caLegory of tl cases 1e 5upremocy c/ouse of ArLlcle lv of Le
uS ConsLlLuLlon provldes LaL federal law Lakes precedence over sLaLe law
l% SLlll musL ask Le quesLlons %see above%
%% ls sLaLuLe valld?
%2% uoes sLaLuLe apply?
%% uoes sLaLuLe clas wlL sLaLe law?

0% ln1L8vLn1lCn AuvAnCLu !ClnuL8 8uLL 24
a% IN1LkVLN1ICN ku|e 24
l% Genera| lnLervenLlon allows sLrangers Lo Le lawsulL Lo [oln as parLles ln
order Lo proLecL Lelr rlgLs or lnLeresLs 1wo types permlsslve lnLervenLlon
and lnLervenLlon as of rlgL
ll% erm|ss|ve |ntervent|on ku|e 24(b)
%% 1|me|y app||cat|on AlLoug no sLrlcL deadllne ls seL forL requesL Lo
lnLervene ls more llkely Lo be granLed early ln Le lawsulL
%2% Grounds arLy may seek permlsslon Lo lnLervene either wen a federo/
stotute granLs a condlLlonal rlgL Lo lnLervene or wen appllcanL's clalm
or defense sares a common question of /ow or foct wlL Le exlsLlng
%% D|scret|on ueclslon Lo allow or deny lnLervenLlon ls rarely reversed on
lll% Intervent|on by r|ght ku|e 24(a)
%% 1|me|y app||cat|on Sole lssue on wlc courL may exerclse dlscreLlon
so lL's very lmporLanL
%a% re[ud|ce WeLer lL's Llmely Lurns on weLer delay ln applylng Lo
lnLervene would prejudice Le parLles preparlng Lelr sulL
%2% Grounds arLy as rlgL Lo lnLervene wen either a ftol totot
granLs an uncondlLlonal rlgL Lo lnLervene or Le followlng condlLlons are
%a% 1e appllcanL %A% #c|a|ms an |nterest relaLlng Lo Le properLy or
LransacLlon LaL ls Le sub[ecL of Le acLlon# ond %8% Le appllcanL #ls
so slLuaLed LaL dlsposlng of Le acLlon moy os o proctico/ motter
impoir or impede the movonts obi/ity to protect its interest#
uNL55 %C% Le appllcanL's lnLeresL ls odequote/y protected by
existinq porties
%b%lnterest AppllcanL #clalms an lnLeresL relaLlng Lo Le properLy or
LransacLlon LaL ls Le sub[ecL of Le acLlon# AppllcanL musL sow
siqnificont/y protectob/e interest
%l% need noL be economlc
%ll% ubllc lnLeresL requlremenL ofLen relaxed wen publlc lnLeresL
group seeks Lo lnLervene
%lll%ku|e 19(a) compared Slmllar Lo 8ule 24%a%
%c% lmpoirment AppllcanL musL demonsLraLe LaL lLs lnLeresL may be
#lmpalred or lmpeded# by Le ongolng llLlgaLlon
%l% racLlcal lmpalrmenL noL legal So don'L need Lo sow t jolcoto
%ll% #May# be lmpalred LaL's all no need Lo sow cerLalnLy [usL a
%lll%5tot cll as lmpalrmenL MosL courLs see Lls as a leglL
ot lo mot of tbo co tb potty bo o property lottt
tbot o ltctly tbtoto
%d%Not adequate|y represented Lven lf lnLeresL and lmpalrmenL
sLandards are meL parLy cannoL lnLervene of rlgL lf exlsLlng parLles
already proLecL Le appllcanL's lnLeresL
%l% Lasy to show |ack of adequate representat|on lnLervenlng parLy
need only sow LaL exlsLlng parLles ave a possib/e incentive noL
Lo represenL Le lnLeresLs of Le applcanL

% nLCLSSA8? A81lLS AuvAnCLu !ClnuL8 8uLL 9
a% kULL 19 |s a pr|mar||y a DLILNSL
b% Genera| ku|e 19 comes lnLo play wen a parLy moves to dismiss Le acLlon
because of Le absense of one or more lnLeresLed people
c% now ra|sed usually lnvoked by u ralslng a ku|e 12(b)(7) mot|on or by ralslng Le
defense ln Le onswer
d% What happens? lf courL concludes LaL mlsslng parLy sould ave been [olned lL
orders the nonmovont to join the person
l% lf Le person can'L be [olned %usually b/c of lack of personal [urlsdlcLlon or b/c
lL would desLory dlverslLy% courL conslders weLer Le acLlon sould be
e% 1hreestep ana|ys|s
l% Sould Le parLy be [olned? ku|e 19(a)
ll% May Le parLy be [olned?
lll% Consequences of non[olnder ku|e 19(b)
%% lf parLy cannoL be [olned case may be dlsmlssed
f% ersons to be [o|ned |f feas|b|e ku|e 19(a)
l% ku|e 19(a)(1)(A) erson sould be [olned lf #ln LaL person's absence courL
cannoL accord compleLe rellef among exlsLlng parLles#
ll% ku|e 19(a)(1)(8) erson sould be [olned lf LaL person #clalms an lnLeresL
relaLlng Lo Le sub[ecL of Le acLlon and ls so slLuaLed LaL dlspenslng of Le
acLlon ln Le person's abense may #as a pracLlcal maLLer lmpalr or lmpede
Le person's ablllLy Lo proLecL LaL lnLeresL#
%% Interest noL enoug LaL person [usL as an lnLeresL Ley musL ave a
"substant|a| |ega| |nterest"
%2% ract|ca| |mpa|rment MusL merely demonsLraLe LaL lmpalrmenL ls
posslble noL cerLaln
%a% #As a pracLlcal maLLer# 8ule 9%a%%%%8%%l% requlres only LaL Le
lnLeresL of Le absenL person be lmpalred as a proctico/ motter lf
[udgmenL would make lL siqnificont/y more difficu/t for Le absenL
person Lo proLecL er lnLeresL se may need Lo be [olned
%b%5tot cll as lmpalrmenL %see above lnLervenLlon%
g% ku|e 19(b) Iour factors ln decldlng weLer Lo dlsmlss case due Lo necessary
parLy's absence
l% LxLenL of Le pre[udlce %as opposed Lo 9%a% wlc asks lf Lere ls pre[udlce%
ll% LxLenL Lo wlc pre[udlce could be lessened or avolded by %a% proLecLlve
provlslons ln Le [udgmenL %b% saplng Le rellef or %c% oLer measures
%% 1ls ls Le most importont test
%2% #Saplng Le rellef# Lx from class was puLLlng Le award aslde unLll
Campbell can sue arLley laLer and Len flgurlng ouL wo geLs Le award
%% Cnly applles lf you flnd Le parLy necessary under sLep or 2 Lls ls an
elLer/or LaL doesn'L make muc dlfference
%4% Sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon lf Le alLernaLe forum ls a sLaLe courL
usually federal courLs won'L wanL Lo dlsmlss Lo sLaLe courL for some
reason buL under 6 Ley could

2% ln1L8LLAuL8 8uLL 22 and 3
a% GLNLkAL Speclal Lype of [olnder were a parLy faces mu/tip/e inconsistent
l% Allows Le parLy wo owes Le obllgaLlon Lo brlng an acLlon agalnsL all of Le
clalmanLs and leL Le clalmanLs flgL lL ouL amongsL Lemselves
ll% 1yplcally used by a parLy wo ls llable Lo someone buL ls noL compleLely sure
Lo bom
%% Lx Le execuLor of an esLaLe may face confllcLlng clalms for cerLaln asseLs
of Le esLaLe
lll% lnLerpleader allows a parLy ln Lls poslLlon Lo brlng all Le clalmanLs lnLo a
slngle acLlon so LaL Le parLy knows Lo wom Lo dellver Le asseL
l% S1AkL 1e tbloq LaL ls belng clalmed by Lwo or more people lL can be
ll% S1AkLnCLDLk erson wo ls ln possesslon of Le sLake
lll% CLAIMAN1S 1e parLles wo seek Lo obLaln Le properLy or performance of
Le obllgaLlon
%% Must hove competinq c/oims to the some bosic riqht
c% Common features of both types of |nterp|eader
l% ow acLlon lnlLlaLed
%% Crlglnal acLlon SLakeolder may lnlLlaLe an lnLerpleader acLlon by
namlng Le clalmanLs as us ln an orlglnal acLlon
%2% CounLerclalm or crossclalm lf sLakeolder as been sued Le
lnLerpleader acLlon may be lnlLlaLed by counLerclalm or crossclalm
ll% Wen lnLerpleader ls avallable
%% noL avallable [usL because a parLy ls faced wlL mulLlple clalms
%2% lnsLead Le clalms musL be locooltot leavlng Le sLakeolder exposed
Lo #doub/e or mu/tip/e /iobi/ity"
%a% Lx 1ruck drlver collldes wlL a bus ln[urlng 23 people urlver as only
$0k ln asseLs Lo er name plus a llablllLy lnsurance pollcy wlL a max
of $30k ln coverage for a slngle lncldenL suc as Lls wreck 1e
ln[ured passengers sue Le drlver and Le lnsurance co ln a serles of
separaLe acLlons asklng for LoLal damages ln excess of $300k 1e
driver connot interp/eod Lven Loug Le clalms exceed er LoLal
asseLs er llablllLy ls legally unllmlLed 1erefore [udgmenLs agalnsL
er do noL presenL double or mulLlple llablllLy owever Le
insuronce compony con interp/eod lLs llablllLy ls llmlLed by law Lo
$30k 8ecause several s seek more Lan LaL amoung Lere ls a rlsk
of separaLe [udgmenLs LaL exceed Le pollcy llmlLs
l% 8ule lnLerpleader acLlon ls analyzed llke any oLer federal acLlon for purposes
of deLermlnlng [urlsdlcLlon and venue @bl l tb mot lqolflcoot lfftoc
to tol oo totototy lottplot
ll% Sub[ecLmaLLer [urlsdlcLlon CourL musL ave lL over every clalm ln Le case
%% CompleLe dlverslLy SLakeolder musL be diverse from o// c/oimonts and
Le value of Le sLake musL exceed $73k
lll% ersonal [urlsdlcLlon CourL musL ave personal [urlsdlcLlon over o//
%% CourL cannoL use quasllnrem [urlsdlcLlon ln lnLerpleader %N llf
ootooc co uooloy%
lv% venue ln a federal courL venue ls proper elLer were all Le us reslde or
were a subsLanLlal porLlon of Le evenLs or omlsslons glvlng rlse Lo Le clalm
occurred %9%a% and %b%%
%% lf sLakeolder brlngs Le lnLerpleader as an otlqlool octloo Le clalmanLs
are Le fooot
%2% lf Le sLakeolder brlngs Le lnLerpleader by cooottclolm lL may be Le
sole u and Lere venue would be proper ln Le dlsLrlcL were Le
sLakeolder resldes
e% S1A1U1Ck IN1LkLLADLk 133S
l% SeparaLe and dlsLlncL from rule lnLerpleader SLaLuLory lnLerpleader ls muc
easler and more useful because of speclal rules deallng wlL sub[ecLmaLLer
[urlsdlcLlon personal [urlsdlcLlon and venue
ll% Sub[ecLmaLLer [urlsdlcLlon CourL musL ave lL over every clalm ln Le case
%% M|n|ma| d|vers|ty among c|a|mants 3 allows [urlsdlcLlon wenever
ot /eost one of Le clalmanLs ls diverse from ony other c/oimont
%2% Amount |n controversy |s 5S00 or more
lll% Iedera| quest|on [ur|sd|ct|on ln sLaLuLory lnLerpleader 8ecause of wordlng
some courLs old LaL sLaLuLory lnLerpleader ls noL avallable wen Le sole
basls for sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon ls a federal quesLlon lnsLead parLles
musL saLlsfy Le mlnlmum dlverslLy requlremenLs of 3 before Ley can
use Le speclal personal [urlsdlcLlon and venue provlslons of sLaLuLory
lv% ersona| [ur|sd|ct|on 2361 allows Le courL Lo serve process onywhere in
the u5
v% Venue 1397 says venue ls proper ln ooy jolclol lttlct bt one or
more of the c/oimonts reside
%% unllke rule lnLerpleader sLaLuLory does oot look Lo were a subsLanLlal
porLlon of Le evenLs or omlsslons occurred
tttlot ol lottplot (ol 22) 5totototy lottplot
Determ|n|ng d|vers|ty CompleLe dlverslLy
beLween Le sLakeolder
and all clalmanLs
Mlnlmal dlverslLy among
clalmanLs saLlsfled lf any
one clalmanL ls dlverse
from any oLer clalmanL
Amount |n controversy
(va|ue of stake)
CreaLer Lan $73k AL leasL $300
ersona| [ur|sd|ct|on All clalmanLs musL ave
mlnlmum conLacLs wlL
sLaLe and sLaLe musL allow
naLlonwlde servlce %26%
noL bound by sLaLe llmlLs
%8ule 4%k%%%%c%%
Venue based on res|dence Were oll defendanLs
Were ooy clalmanL resldes

% LxAM 1lS
l% lf a problem ralses lssues of boL sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon and [olnder %and
Ley frequenLly do% make sure your answer deals wlL eac as a separaLer
ll% Same LransacLlon or occurrence LesL
%% u otb Le loglcal relaLlonslp and same evldence LesLs %unless Lold Lo
do oLerwlse% wen analyzlng oll S1C slLuaLlons
lll% Imp|eader
%% Look ouL for Le #lm noL me# slLuaLlon were Le ls Lrylng Lo avold
llablllLy alLogeLer mplot l oot ptopt ln Lls slLuaLlon
lv% Intervent|on
%% uon'L forgeL ptmll lottotloo ulscuss wy Le [udge mlgL be
lncllned Lo merely allow Le parLy Lo lnLervene
%2% lf lL's an lnLervenLlon by rlgL lssue remember LaL 24%a% requlres a
#lqolflcootly ptotctol# lnLeresL
v% Interp|eader
%% 1wo Lypes! Maln dlfferences beLween Le Lwo relaLe Lo [urlsdlcLlon and
vl% Compu|sory counterc|a|m
%% lf LesL quesLlon says parLy as oltoy fll o cooottclolm lL doesn'L
maLLer lf lL ls compulsory
%2% 8eal effecL of concludlng LaL someLlng ls a compulsory counLerclalm
arlses oftt tb ploloq lf Le parLy sould Lry Lo flle Le omlLLed clalm
laLer ln Le case or ln a new acLlon
vll%Necessary part|es
%% 8ecause 8ule 9 ls prlmarlly a defense do noL dlscuss lL wen deallng
wlL parLles wo are aLLempLlng on Lelr own Lo [oln someone Lo a case
%2% ulscuss 8ule 9 on/y wen someone as moved to dismiss Le case b/c
someone ls mlsslng or lf problem someow lnLs LaL a parLy ls looklng
for a way Lo dlsmlss or geL rld of Le case

l% AggregaLlon of clalms Common Lrap for sLudenLs ls falllng lnLo Le Lrap of
dlscusslng supplemenLal [urlsdlcLlon ln a quesLlon lnvolvlng aggregaLlon of
clalms Lo meeL amounL ln conLro
%% 8emember A slngle may aggregaLe all clalms se as agalnsL a slngle
dlverse u regardless of weLer Le clalms are relaLed ln any way
ll% Callenges Lo sub[ecL maLLer [urlsdlcLlon may be made ot ooy tlm y ooy
potty and by Le courL lLself uefecLs ln SM! cannoL be walved
lll% uon'L forgeL courLcreaLed omtlc tlotloo and ptoot excepLlons Lo
federal [urlsdlcLlon
lv% Iedera| quest|on [ur|sd|ct|on 1wo mosL dlfflculL lssues are wen a clalm
#arlses under# federal law and wen Le #wellpleaded complalnL rule# ls
%% Applylng Le wellpleaded complalnL rule requlres a conslderaLlon of
boL Le subsLanLlve law and Le rules governlng pleadlng MusL conslder
waL needs Lo plead Lo sLaLe a clalm under a parLlcular Leory of rellef
AnyLlng unnecessary LaL Lrows ln wlll noL be consldered
%2% uec/orotory judqment clalms presenL speclal problems 1ry Lo deLermlne
wo would sue wo lf Le declaraLory [udgmenL ad noL been brougL lf
LaL laLer clalm would quallfy for federal quesLlon [urlsdlcLlon Le
declaraLory [udgmenL clalm wlll Loo
v% D|vers|ty [ur|sd|ct|on MosL confuslng lssues are compleLe dlverslLy rule
deLermlnglng clLlzenslp of parLles and amL ln conLro
%% Always ceck for comp/ete diversity ln mulLlparLy cases
%2% WlL lndlvldual llLlganLs be prepared Lo dlscuss Lelr domici/e
%a% Speclal rules for corps llablllLy lnsurance carrlers represenLaLlves
and permanenL resldenL allens
%% AmounL ln conLroversy as many Lecnlcal polnLs suc as waL Lypes of
lnLeresL are lncluded ow courL's value speclflc remedles llke ln[uncLlons
rules governlng aggregaLlon of clalms
%4% Man|pu|at|ve behav|or lf one parLy aLLempLs Lo manufacLure %noL
defeaL% [urlsdlcLlon dlscuss 39
vl% Supp|ementa| [ur|sd|ct|on AugmenLs federal quesLlon and dlverslLy
%% Conslder lL only afLer you've rule ouL federal quesLlon
%2% use common nucleus of operaLlve facLs approac 67%a%
%% ulverslLy excepLlon ln 67%b% Applles ooly Lo clalms by s only Lo
clalms agalnsL parLles [olned under Le llsLed rules and only lf [urlsdlcLlon
over Le federal clalm ls based solely on dlverslLy
%4% uon'L forgeL Lo apply Le dlscreLlonary excepLlons of 67%c%
vll%kemova| usually proper only wen Le case could ave been brougL
orlglnally ln federal courL
%% 1herefore every removal quesLlon requlres you Lo conslder federal
quesLlon dlverslLy and posslbly supplemenLal [urlsdlcLlon
%2% 1|m|ng and procedura| |ssues 8emember Lo conslder Lese

l% Mlnlmum conLacLs keep Lese Llngs ln mlnd
%% urposefu|? lf mlnlmum conLacL lsn'L purposeful lL doesn'L counL as a
%2% Ar|ses out of? lf so [urlsdlcLlon ls llkely lf noL [urlsdlcLlon exlsLs on/y if
there is o /onqterm connection sufflclenL Lo glve rlse Lo qenero/
%a% 8e carefulunless forum ls parLy's resldence %or corp's domlclle%
general [urlsdlcLlon ls noL common
%% 8LWAkL ln ttom of commtc and tlc bll ptot slLuaLlons Le
SCL offers no clear ma[orlLy vlew SLarL by dlscusslng Le more dlfflculL
LesL 1en afLer dlscusslng Le more dlfflculL LesL your answer can
dlscuss Le more lenlenL LesL qulckly
%4% Ia|rness factors uC nC1 lC8CL1 Lo dlscuss all flve falrness facLors
%3% 8emember cooot and polly tlc on an lnsLaLe u are noL
governed by Le mlnlmum conLacLs LesL
%6% Serv|ce ave a solld grasp of Le deLalled servlce provlslons lncludlng
walver of servlce opLlon 8ecause lL's sLralgLforward knowlng lL wlll
earn easy polnLs
%7% Servlce ln a ftol ptocloq usually requlres reference Lo sLaLe law A
federal courL can use 8ule 4 or borrow sLaLe law meLods ln mosL cases
servlce ln a federal proceedlng creaLes personal [urlsdlcLlon only lf Le
sLaLe courLs could exerclse personal [urlsdlcLlon over LaL u
%% 1|me|y 8emember Lo conslder lf a callege Lo personal [urlsdlcLlon ls
Llmely A parLy musL callenge lL very early ln Le proceedlng and can
easlly walve Le defense by Laklng oLer acLlons ln Le sulL

l% now to spot venue |ssues venue lssues can be subLle ?ou may encounLer
for example a parLy wo #does noL llke Le locaLlon# of Le case or one wo
slmply #wanLs Lo obLaln dlsmlssal# of Le case
ll% Same state 8emember LaL 9%a% and %b% apply only lf all us reslde ln
same sLaLe Lven lf all us do reslde ln same sLaLe venue ls oot ptopt ln all
dlsLrlcLs ln Le sLaLe buL on/y ln a dlsLrlcL were aL leasL one u resldes
lll% Corporate and a||en Ds have spec|a| ru|es
lv% State of |ncorporat|on 8emember LaL corporaLlons reslde ln every dlsLrlcL
of Lelr sLaLe of lncorporaLlon regardless of weLer lL as a pyslcal
presence ln LaL sLaLe
v% Loca| act|ons 8e on Le lookouL for Lem aka cases LaL affecL rea| property
%% Local acLlon rule Lrumps ordlnary venue provlslons
vl% 1|me|y lf quesLlon lnvolves moLlon Lo dlsmlss for lack of venue always
conslder weLer Le moLlon ls Llmely
vll%Iorum non conven|ens lf quesLlon deals wlL Lls always conslder Le
avallablllLy of ttooft of oo
%% D|sm|ssa| 8emember LaL Le granL of forum non convenlens resulLs ln
lmlol of Le case noL Lransfer

l% 8e sure Lo keep Le dlfference beLween p/eodinqs and motions dlsLlncL ln
your mlnd
%% |ead|ngs are Le general documenLs LaL seL ouL Le parLles' clalms and
mosL of Lelr defenses
%2% Mot|ons by conLrasL are more speclflc requesLs Lo Le courL 1ey
Lyplcally deal wlL procedural requesLs nowever cerLaln defenses suc
as lack of [urlsdlcLlon or venue may also be ralsed by moLlon
%% 1e word #moLlon# sould never be used as a verb A parLy #moves# for
rellef noL #moLlons# for rellef
ll% 1he comp|a|nt 1e #sorL and plaln sLaLemenL# sLandard ls easy Lo saLlsfy
As long as Le clalmanL glve u notice of Le clalms and Le bosic events glvlng
rlse Lo Lose clalms lL's sufflclenL
%% 1e noLlce sLandard also applles Lo mosL oLer afflrmaLlve clalms for
rellef suc as counLerclalms and crossclalms
%2% 8emember Le Iedera| Iorms A complalnL LaL complles wlL Le slmple
language of Lem ls auLomaLlcally sufflclenL
%% lL's worL menLlonlng LaL recenL SCL cases llke @omly suggesL Le
CourL ls beglnnlng Lo requlre aL leasL om facLual allegaLlons Lo supporL
ma[or legal concluslons
%4% 8LWAkL of quesLlons lnvolvlng heiqhtened p/eodinq stondords seL ouL ln
ku|e 9 suc as clalms for fraud m|stake and spec|a| damages
%a% musL provlde more deLalls concernlng waL Le parLles assumed
wen enLerlng lnLo Le k and ow Lose expecLaLlons were noL meL
lll% Mot|ons by D
%% SLudenLs deallng wlL moLlons ofLen overlook Le lssue of timinq ?ou
musL Lorougly undersLand ku|e 12(g) and ku|e 12(h) rules governlng
wen cerLaln defenses can be ralsed
%2% ku|e 12(g) 8ecall LaL 8ule 2%g% comes lnLo play wenever a parLy
ralses a defense or ob[ecLlon menLloned onywhere in ku/e 12 lLs use ls
noL resLrlcLed Lo defenses llsLed ln ku|e 12(b) A ku|e 12(f) mot|on to
str|ke for example Lrlggers 8ule 2%g%
lv% ku|e 12(b)(6) mot|ons
%% Wen deallng wlL a ku|e 12(b)(6) moLlon ask yourself two quest|ons
%a% ls Le clalm sLaLed ln sufflclenL deLall under Le sLandards of ku|e 8
and ku|e 9? CourLs usually glve leave Lo amend lf Le problem ls one
of lnsufflclenL deLall
%b%ls Le clalmanL Lrylng Lo recover under a legal Leory recognlzed by
subsLanLlve law? Lven lf Le complalnL ls lncredlbly deLalled lf Le law
does noL recognlze Le clalm a ku|e 12(b)(6) moLlon ls approprlaLe
v% 1he answer
%% 8ules governlng Le answer are muc more deLalled and less forglvlng
Lan Lose governlng Le complalnL 1e some ru/es o/so opp/y to the
%a% lf an exam quesLlon menLlons dates be sure Lo conslder weLer Le
answer ls flled on Llme
%b%MosL lmporLanL crlLerlon Lo recall ln framlng an answer ls LaL fa||ure
to deny wlc lncludes an |neffect|ve den|a| can be deemed an
adm|ss|on excepL for allegaLlons concernlng Le amounL of damages
%c% Lack of |nformat|on 8ecall LaL lf a parLy does noL know weLer a
parLlcular allegaLlon ls Lrue se can always plead /ock of informotion
wlc ls LreaLed as a denlal
%d%Aff|rmat|ve defenses Make sure you know wlc lssues are
afflrmaLlve defenses lf someLlng ls an afflrmaLlve defense u as Le
burden of lnlLlally pleadlng lL
%l% ku|e 8(c) conLalns a parLlal llsL of afflrmaLlve defenses
vl% Amendments
%% 1wo key lssues wlc musL be kepL separaLe
%a% WeLer a parLy needs courL permlsslon for amendlng
%b%WeLer an amendmenL addlng clalms or canglng parLles re|ates
back Merely b/c Le courL glves %a% permlsslon does noL mean %b% Le
amendmenL relaLes back
vll%Lth|ca| ||m|tat|ons
%% Wen deallng wlL ku|e 11 sancLlons do noL forgeL Le 21day safe
harbor prov|s|on durlng wlc Le offendlng parLy may wlLdraw Le
offendlng presenLaLlon
%2% Also remember LaL any moneLary penalLles are pald Lo Le courL noL
Le opposlng parLy

l% Genera| 1e keys Lo deallng wlL an Lrle problem are knowlng ow Lo spoL
an lssue and flgurlng ouL wlc of Le LesLs applles
ll% Spott|ng an Lr|e |ssue
%% Iedera| on|y 8emember LaL Lrle ls an lssue on/y in federo/ court
%2% Lurk|ng Lrle lssues ofLen lurk ln Le background of relaLlvely
sLralgLforwardlooklng quesLlons %suc as pleadlng%
%% Cne c|ue for spott|ng Lr|e Wen Le quesLlon lnvolves a sulL ln federal
courL buL for some reason specifies whot the stote /ow ru/e is on o
porticu/or motter AfLer all Lrle only maLLers lf sLaLe law and federal law
%4% G|ven on|y a state ru|e SomeLlmes a quesLlon qives you on/y o stote ru/e
on a Loplc owever lf you sLudled Le correspondlng lederal 8ule on
LaL Loplc you sould apply Le federal law and deLermlne lf Lrle applles
%a% Lx CuesLlon Lells you LaL Le sLaLe rules absoluLely prevenL a parLy
from amendlng lLs pleadlngs you sould conslder ku|e 1S wlc deals
wlL pleadlngs
%3% State ru|e no Ik SLlll an Lrle lssue lurklng 1e real lssue ere ls
whether the federo/ court must opp/y the stote /ow 1o refuse Lo apply
Le sLaLe law means LaL Le federal courL ls applylng a #federal# rule
LaL ls opposlLe of Le sLaLe law
lll% 8eware of "fa|se conf||ct"
%% Cnce you ave found Le Lrle lssue Lake a second look aL Le sLaLe and
federal rules on Le sub[ecL Moke sure the ru/es octuo//y conf/ict
%a% 8uL be very hesitont before baslng your enLlre answer on a flndlng of
#no confllcL#
lv% Don't forget precedent
%% lf SCL as already declded an lssue ln an Lrle case Le declslon conLrols
v% Categor|ze the Lr|e |ssue accordlng Lo one of Le Lree analyses
vl% Iedera| ku|es crafted under kLA
%% 1ask ls Lo deLermlne weLer Le rule flLs wlLln Le powers Congress
gave Lo Le Supreme CourL under Le 8ules Lnabllng AcL
%a% Make sure Le rule conf/icts
%b%ln deLermlnlng weLer Le 8ule can reosonob/y be chorocterited os
proceduro/ ask youself weLer Le 8ule ls concerned wlL waL
goes on durinq the /itiqotion or waL wenL on outside the /itiqotion
%c% AfLer LaL conslder Le real lmpacL of Le 8ule
%l% uoes lL cange Le legal parameLers of Le clalm or defense or
make lL slgnlflcanLly easler for one parLy Lo wln?
%ll% lf so Le lederal 8ule ls invo/id
vll%Iedera| ku|e |nva||d what next?
%% lf you conclude LaL a federal sLaLuLe or 8ule ls lnvalld or does noL apply
do noL auLomaLlcally conclude LaL sLaLe law governs lnsLead deLermlne
weLer Le federal courL ls requlred Lo follow sLaLe law even wlLouL
any federal poslLlve law Lo Le conLrary
%2% 1ls ls governed by Le #/ike/y to couse forum shoppinq# analysls
vlll%Iedera| [udgemade |aw
%% lf Le lssue ls a clas beLween a [udgemade federal rule and sLaLe law or
lf Le problem slmply glves you a sLaLe law and Le lssue ls weLer Le
federal courL musL apply lL your Lask ls Lo deLermlne weLer Le
difference beLween federal or sLaLe laws would /ike/y couse forum
shoppinq for o different outcome
%a% Avold prases llke #subsLanLlve/procedural# and #ouLcome
deLermlnaLlve# ln Le analysls 1e #llkely Lo cause forumsopplng#
analysls ls ow a courL deLermlnes weLer a rule ls subsLanLlve
lx% Iudge[ury determ|nat|ons
%% 8ecause of yt and optlol quesLlons lnvolvlng [udge and [ury are noL
governed by Le #llkely Lo cause forumsopplng# analysls lf your
quesLlon deals wlL Lose sorLs of lssues apply Le analysls ln Lose cases

4% CLCkLlS1S

1oinder (Rule 20)

Three requirements apply to joinder oI Ps or Ds (all must be met):
1. oint, several or in the alternative
2. Same transaction or occurrence (or series oI either) (hardest to satisIy)
a. Logical relationship test (same underlying Iacts; either test is suIIicient;
use both on exam)
b. Same evidence test
3. Common question oI law/Iact

Intervention by right (Rule 24(a))

Must be timely Iirst (timing cannot prejudice parties already in). Then, iI either or these
conditions are met, intervention is proper:
1. Interest (need not be economic)
2. Impairment (only 'may be impaired)
3. Not adequately represented (intervening party need only show existing parties
have 5488ible incentive not to represent their interests)

Necessary parties - primarily a defense (Rule 19)

1. Should the party be joined? 19(a)(1)(A)
2. May the party be joined? 19(a)(1)(B)
3. Consequences oI nonjoinder? 19(b) (iI party cannot be joined, case may be
dismissed; see the 1our 1,ctors in this decision).

Subject Matter 1urisdiction

Must be either a Iederal question or diversity case.

Federal question

1. ederal claim must be substantial and nece88,ry t4 P8 c,8e (well-pleaded
complaint rule)
2. May also arise Irom statutory enablement
a. Bankruptcy (1334), patent, plant variety protection, copyright
inIringement, trademark (1338), and civil rights (1343)

Diversity jurisdiction (if no diversity, think supplemental for joinded parties)

1. Complete diversity required at commencement oI action
a. No P is citizen oI same state as any D
b. Domicile actual residence plus intent to remain
i. Individuals
ii. Corporations State oI incorporation ,nd principle place oI biz
iii. Permanent resident aliens Look to state oI domicile
2. Amount in controversy
a. Must be more than $75k (measured by sum sought in P`s complain)
b. Aggregation

Supplemental jurisdiction (two-step process)

1. Relationship test (same case or contro, i.e. same basic set oI Iacts, core transaction
or occurrence, also witnesses and evidence)
a. Common nucleus oI operative Iact
2. Check exceptions in 1367(b) and (c)
a. Diversity exception 1367(b)
b. State law claims made against parties under these rules
i. Rule 14 Impleader
ii. Rule 19 Compulsory joinder
iii. Rule 20 Permissive joinder oI parties
iv. Rule 24 Intervention
v. Parties who seek to intervene under Rule 24
vi. Claims by parties who intervene as Ps under Rule 24
vii. Involuntary Ps joined under Rule 19
3. II exceptions apply, court will dismiss 4nly the 8t,te l, cl,im. It will retain
jurisdiction over the remaining claims in the case.

Personal jurisdiction

1. In personum uris. over the the D herselI
2. In rem Claim relating to a property
a. True in rem Adjudicate legal interest in the property
b. Quasi in rem To determine competing rights to property
i. Type 1 Claim arises out oI property
ii. Type 2 Claim unrelated to property, but property is asset to
satisIy judgment.

Tests for personal jurisdiction:
3. Minimum contacts test (one is enough)
a. Arose out oI (speciIic juris) or continuous and systematic (general juris)?
b. PurposeIul availment?
c. II no contacts, analysis stops
4. airness Iactors (must be strongly unIair to trump minimum contacts)
a. Burden on D (most important one)
b. Interest oI the state
c. Interest oI the P
d. EIIicient resolution
e. urthering social policies
5. Must provide adequate notice/service

Note special rules Ior contract cases, stream oI commerce cases, internet


1. Is venue based solely on diversity?
a. Do Ds reside in same state? II not, venue is improper. 1391(a)(1)
b. Where did substantial part oI events or omissions take place? 1391(a)(2)
i. That place has proper venue.
c. II neither oI above work, try 1391(a)(3). aka any district in which any D is
subject to personal jurisdiction.

Erie Doctrine

1. No federal positive law aka judge-made law
a. Is the choice likely to cause 1orum-shopping 1or , di11erent outcome?
i. II yes, Iollow the state rule
ii. II no, court should Iollow the Iederal judge-made law
1. int: think about the two possible outcomes when
weighing this question.
2. Federal Rule clashes with state law
a. Does the Rule ,ctu,lly ,55ly?
i. Beware oI recent narrow interpretations:
1. Watch Ior rules about commencement of case. ,lker v.
Armc4 Steel C4r5. (1980) said Rule 3`s deIinition oI when
a case commenced did not govern when a case commenced
Ior purposes oI statutes oI limitations, but was merely an
internal timing rule Ior applying the ederal Rules. The
Court applied the state law b/c no .R. was in conIlict.
a. Note: AIter dismissing the ederal Rule, you must
then run it through the forum-shopping analysis
2. Watch Ior rules about involunt,ry dismiss,l (Rule 41(b)).
In Semtek Intern,ti4n,l v. L4ckheed M,rtin C4r5. (2001),
aIter Rule 41(b) prohibited claimant Irom Irom bringing its
claim again (since 41(b) dismissal is deemed an
'adjudication on the merits), P sued again in another state
with longer statute oI limitations. S.Ct. held that the claim
was not barred. Court questioned whether Rule 41(b) might
exceed the REA iI it were to bar a substantive law claim.
Instead, Court held that the law oI the state in which the
original Iederal court sat would be used to determine iI P`s
claim is barred.
b. Do the state law and ederal Rule ,ctu,lly c4nflict?
i. II there is a way the court can apply both federal and state law,
there is no conIlict, and the court will apply both rules.
ii. II there is conflict, go to next step.
c. Is the ederal Rule v,lid under the REA? (most diIIicult step)
i. There is a presumption oI validity under the REA.
1. ThereIore, unless the ederal Rule cle,rly is not a rule oI
procedure or clearly aIIects substantive rights, it will satisIy
the twin requirements oI the REA.
ii. Is the rule 'arguably procedural? i.e. is it designed to deal with
what happens in the process of litigation, as opposed to dealing
with the rights oI the parties outside the court.
1. II yes, then go to next question.
2. orum-shopping is irrelevant in this analysis.
iii. Does is signiIicantly abridge, enlarge, or modify a substantive
right? i.e. does it change the party`s legal right to recover?
1. II yes, apply state law (the ederal Rule is inv,lid).
2. II no, apply the ederal Rule.
a. int: Watch Ior rights that can be waiver. By suing
in a Iederal court, a party may waive a right
implicitly, which means you`d apply the ederal
3. ederal statutes
a. ederal law always takes precedence over state law (b/c oI the Supremacy
Clause oI Article VI oI the Constitution).
i. Erie is not an issue here. ederal law applies.
ii. must actually cover the issue beIore the court.
b. Does statute actually clash with state law?
i. II there is a way the court can apply both federal and state law,
there is no conIlict, and the court will apply both rules.

Choice oI law
When state court hears a dispute that has connections to multiple states, it does
not necessarily apply its own law. The court instead engages in a choice oI law analysis
to determine which state`s law applies. In l,4n v. Stent4r Electric M,nuf,cturing C4.
(1941), the S.Ct. held that a state`s choice oI law rules are subst,ntive. ThereIore, a
Iederal court will decide a case not necessarily under the law oI the state in which it sits,
but under the law that would be ,pplid by courts oI the state in which it sits.
Ask this question in choice oI law cases: Where does the ,ction ,rise out o1
Apply that state`s laws. But generally speaking, without knowing the state`s choice oI
law rules, it`s impossible to predict how a court will decide which laws to apply.

3% 8uLLS Anu S1A1u1LS CCvL8Lu Cn LxAM

ist of Rules

1 Scope and purpose
2 One Iorm oI action
3 Commencing an action (Iiling a complaint)
4 Service; summons
6 Timing (computing; motions)
7 Pleadings allowed; Iorm oI motions/other papers
8 Rule oI Pleadings
9 Pleading special matters
10 orm oI pleadings
11 Signing pleadings, motions; representations to the court; sanctions
12 DeIenses and objections; motion Ior judgment on pleadings waiving deIenses
13 Counterclaims
14 Impleader (adding third parties)
15 Amended and supplemental pleadings
18 oinder oI multiple claims
19 Required joinder oI parties
20 Permissive joinder oI parties
21 Misjoinder and nonjoinder oI parties
22 Interpleader (Rule)
24 Intervention
42 Consolidation; separate trials
82 urisdiction and Venue unaIIected
84 orms


1331 ederal question jurisdiction
1332 Diversity oI citizenship; amt. in controversy
1335 Statutory interpleader
1338 Patents, copyrights, trademarks, unIair competition
1359 Improper/collusive joinder oI parties
1367 Supplemental jurisdiction
1369 Multiparty, multiIorm jurisdiction
1391 Venue (generally)
1392 Venue (Ds or property in diII. districts in same state)
1397 Interpleader (statutory; venue)
1404(a) Change oI venue
1406(a) Venue transIer
1407(a) Venue multidistrict litigation
1441 Removal
1445 Nonremovable actions
1446 Removal procedure
1447 Post-removal procedure
1631 TransIer
1652 Erie State laws as rules oI decision
2072 Erie Rules Enabling Act (REA)
2074 Erie Rules oI procedure and evidence; submission to Congress
2361 Interpleader (statutory; personal jurisdiction)


Minimum contacts basics:

Intern,ti4n,l Sh4e. D who deliberately chooses to take advantage oI the 'beneIits and
protections oI the laws oI a state will not be heard to cry Ioul when that state holds her
to account in its court Ior her in-state acts.

Because the court`s power to exercise jurisdiction derives Irom the D`s voluntary relation
to the state, the power should be limited to cases arising out oI that relation.

Miscellaneous contacts are not minimum contacts.

Minimum contacts guidelines:
1. Minimum contacts test applies to individuals as well as
corporate deIendants.
2. Limitations on personal jurisdiction Iound in long-arm statutes
are distinct Irom the constitutional limit imposed by the
minimum contacts test.
3. A D may have suIIicient contacts ith a state to support
minimum contacts jurisdiction there even though she did not
,ct within the state. II D commits an act outside the state that
she knows will cause harmIul eIIects within the state, she will
be subject to minimum contacts jurisdiction there Ior claims
arising out oI that act.
4. Minimum contacts analysis Iocuses on the time when the D
acted, not the time oI the lawsuit.

PurposeIul availment
,n84n v. Denckl, said that the D must have 'purposely avail|ed| itselI oI the privilege
oI conducting activities within the Iorum State, thus invoking the beneIits and protections
oI its laws. This language emphasizes that the D must have made a deliberate choice to
relate to the state in some meaningIul way beIore she can be made to bear the burden oI
deIending there. Unilateral contacts oI the P or others will not do.

Questions Ior Cross/general notes, errata and concerns:

-oinder oI parties: logical relationship v. joint/several/alternative v. common question
Are all three necessary Ior joinder?
-Nerve center v. muscle test v. hybrid approach which one is preIerable? More
importantly, which one is the right one Ior the exam?
--Aerve center is only option now

-Subject matter jurisdiction? Do I have enough here? Seems light.

-Challenges to venue in 12g and 12h (see class notes on this) we need to know the history oI common law pleading?

-Rule 9(c) Conditions precedent? What does that mean?

-Erie doctrine. do we need to know the history?

-Conditions precedent

Questions Irom study group:

Ask Ior removal?

Change in venue, don`t ask Ior rule? Rule 12 or 1406?

DiII. between Iiling 3
party complaint and being barred Ior indemnity

Notes from meeting with Cross:

remand and removal Iile notice oI removal w/ Iederal court; then the case is in Ieddral
court; ball is in P`s court to challenge; or the court can say we don`t have jurisdiction;
state court can`t do anything either; 1446 or 7, timeIrame oI objection; to object, it`s a
motion to remand; all Ds must sign or you can`t remove

object to venue, move to dismiss under Rule 12 (1406 doesn`t work anymore; but it gives
P chance to get case transIerred, but not dismissed; statute oI limitations is only time this
would be in interest oI justice; why give the P a break?)


Erie Guaranty Trust iI equitable remedies ?, he`ll say so; injunction and speciIic
perIormance are equitable remedies; erie doesn`t apply state procedural rules, it applies to
substantive laws

Impleader indemnity or contribution; indemnity applies where you`re held liable Ior my
wrongdoing (they sue you because you have the money); contribution is both at Iault,
both liable, splits the

iI P sues W, can W turn around and sue Cross? iI so, then W can impead Cross.

oint and several Ior D several is almost meaningless; jointly means they are both
liable; several means each is liable;

amount in controvery is there a single injury, and what is the value oI the injury or

ust apply the Rule. Don`t waste too much time restating the rule.

Pleading, must address all claims, even iI only to say: I don`t have inIormation suIIicient
to Iorm a belieI on this issue.

Checklists Ior things that will remove topics Irom the equation.

Rule 6 Always count weekends and holidays;

ederal question jurisdiction
common nucleus?
claim by P in pure diversity?
discretionary reasons? iI saying C is not an issue, address it in a sentence and
move on


trying to est,blish or disprove
I1 trying to est,blish, must prove every step.
I1 trying to disprove, must only disprove one step.

Look to the point value oI the question. II it`s a Iederal common law question, it`ll be
clear cut and worth only a Iew points. That`s a two-sentence answer.

personal jurisdiction Iirst look Ior activity in the state; this establishes minimum
contacts. tell him that (a) the D was voluntarly in the state and (b) caused harm there.

Awareness plus test only in stream oI commerce cases

airness Iactors Burden on D is most important; next two are next most important;
social policies only applies iI it will result in a radical diIIerence in the laws applied

Domicile is just general jurisdiction

Can raise f4rum n4n c4nvenien8 at any time during a trial. Might not even know it`s an
issue until trial begins.

Personal jurisdiction must be voluntary; duped doesn`t apply; you can be tricked, just
can`t be involuntarily Iorced to enter Iorum

Don`t answer maybe. Pick a side and make an argument.

Pleadings question: Look careIully at what the challenge is based on. OIten not stated
with enough speciIicity (such as Iraud). II a party is trying to oIIer additional evidence,
think aIIirmative deIense or conditions precedents (Rule 8(c)). Then you amend under
Rule 15 (court almost always lets you; once you get to trial, it`s too late).

Twombly plausibility case; iI you`ve alleged Iacts in your pleading, and Irom the Iacts
tere`s more than one story possible,


Add Rule 42 (consolidation; separate trials)

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