G-12 Physics Practice Questiona

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Chercher Secondary School

Grade 12th physics Practical Question from unit 4&5
From The Following Alternatives Choose The Best Answers
1. Which of the following laws is used to find the direction of the induced current in a loop of wire
placed in a changing magnetic field?
A. Lenz’s Law B. Faraday’s Law C. Ampere's Law D. Gauss’s Law
2. How does the transformer work? A. By converting electrical energy into mechanical energy B.
by increasing or decreasing voltage in an electrical circuit C. By converting mechanical energy
into electrical energy D. By converting direct current into alternating current
3. What is the role of a transformer at a power station?
A. To reduce heating in the transmission lines by stepping up the current
B. To reduce heating in the transmission lines by stepping up the voltage
C. To increase heating in the transmission lines by stepping up the current
D. To increase heating in the transmission lines by stepping up the voltage
4. A magnetic field of strength 5x10-5 T passes through an area of 20cm 2 that is at an angle of 60 to

the magnetic field. What is the magnetic flux?

A. 0Wb B. 2.5x1 0-8 Wb C. 8.7x1 0-8 Wb D. 5x1 0-8 Wb
5. If the B-field 1.00 cm from a straight wire in air is 2.00 mT, how much current flows in the wire?
A. 20A B. 10A C. 5A D. 100A
6. A coil has an inductance of 1.5 H and a resistance of 0.60 Ω. If the coil is suddenly connected
across a 12-V battery. What will be the current through the coil?
A.7A B.18A C. 20A D.8A
7. A transformer used on a 120-V line delivers 2.0 A at 900 V. What current is drawn from the
line? Assume 100 percent efficiency. A.7.5A B. 15A C. 5A D. 0.2A
8. A step-down transformer operates on a 2.5kV line and supplies a load with 80 A. The ratio of the
primary winding to the secondary winding is 20 : 1. Assuming 100 percent efficiency, What is
the power output? A. 4kw B. 200kw C. 12.5W D. 10kw
9. What is the direction of the force, due to the Earth’s magnetic field,on a wire carrying current
vertically downward? A. Vertically toward south B. Horizontally toward east
C. Vertically toward north D. Horizontally toward West.

Email: sufiyanhusen307@gmail.com Sufiyan Husen

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10. Which one of the following is incorrect about Electric Field? A. it lines do not form a loop B. It
lines start on a positive charge and end on a negative charge C. It line do not have starting and
ending point. D. It produces a unit pole charge
11. Which one of the following is incorrect about Magnetic Field lines? A. It lines can cross each
other’s B. It direction is tangent to the field line at any point space C. Inside the magnet, the
direction of field lines is from its south pole to its north pole D. It lines are continuous
12. Which one of the following is not true about properties of magnetic field produced by a current
flowing in a straight wire ? A. The magnetic field strength increases when current increases B.
When the direction of the current is reversed, the direction of the magnetic field is reversed too.
C. The magnetic field strength is stronger near D. The magnetic field strength decreases when
current increases
13. A straight long wire carries an electric current to the right. The current is placed in a uniform
magnetic field directed into the page. What is the direction of the magnetic force on the current?
A. Left B. To the bottom of the page C. Right D. To the top of the page.
14. A coil of wire 1200 turns is cutting a flux of 5mWb. The flux is reversed in an interval of 0.25
sec. what is the induced emf in the coil? A. 6v B. 25V C. 24V D. 3v
15. Doped materials such as silicon and germanium are called A. Intrinsic semiconductors B. P-type
semiconductors C. extrinsic semiconductors. D. n-p-n semiconductors.
16. In a forward bias mode A. Majority charge carriers are holes B. Depletion layer decreases
C. Minority charge carriers are holes D. conventional current flows.
17. Which of the following is true about n-type semiconductor? A. Acceptor B. donor C. Trivalent
atom D. hexavalent atom
18. The electrical device which used as a switch and amplifier is
A. Transistor B. resistor C. Diode D. capacitor
19. The output of OR gate is 1 A. if either input is zero B. if both inputs are zero C. if either or both
inputs are 1 D. only if both inputs are 0
20. To obtain a p-type germanium semiconductor, it must be doped with
A. Arsenic B. Antimony C. Indium D. Phosphorus
21. When arsenic is added as an impurity to silicon, the resulting material is
A. n-type semiconductor B. p-type semiconductor C. n-type conductor D. insulator
22. Which one of the following statement is FALSE? A. Pure Si doped with trivalent impurities
gives a p-type semiconductor B. Majority carriers in a n-type semiconductor are holes C.

Email: sufiyanhusen307@gmail.com Sufiyan Husen

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Minority carriers in a p-type semiconductor are electrons D. The resistance of intrinsic
semiconductor decreases with increase of temperature
23. In forward bias, the width of potential barrier in a p-n junction diode A. Increases B. Decreases
C. Remains constant D. No change
24. In forward biasing of the p–n junction A. the positive terminal of the battery is connected to p–
side and the depletion region becomes thick B. the positive terminal of the battery is connected
to n–side and the depletion region becomes thin C. the positive terminal of the battery is
connected to n–side and the depletion region becomes thick D. the positive terminal of the
battery is connected to p–side and the depletion region becomes thin
25. For the following logic circuit, the truth table is

A. A B Y B. A B Y C. A B Y D. A B Y
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

Email: sufiyanhusen307@gmail.com Sufiyan Husen

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