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1. Modern Period
in Indian History
a t the gnning When, Where and
s l t evnts like the How
stustral Resoluttcn
that changed the We have learnt about the ancent and the metieval eriod
about the
ot thee Indan history prevously We also learnt
ot these two
aut the hstotical itferet sourc of studyng the hustory
of the
s u e of modem penods Wewll ny lean about the mdern period
modern perod
Indian history How do vou think history of tor studying
the soturces
IS COntructed Du you thnk
same as those of ancient and
the past ot this perd 1s the
hetteval period? Give rrason for Vour

division and divded

In hus ok, Vhat i tstory' the famous challenged this
hustoràn E HCarr states that hhstury is an Indan history nla mcient,
uhehding ialogue between the past and the modern periods based on the larger soCio
phent. For instance, there are 28 states and ecornomic patterns. From description of
Sunion terntories in India at present hut to kines and dyn.asties, history moved ahead
understand hOw these states were formed to incorporate social, cultural and eonOmie
incorporate the life
and how India became a nation we need changes in the society to
history and issues of common peopie
to go back to historv. Theretore, studving
history is verv important to learn about Transition to the Modern Period
difterent dates and events that have shaned Th, isinteoration of Mughal Empire in
the present. However, history is also writen
the eighteenth century was followed by the
in difterent ways and the knowledge about emergenceof anumber of smaller regional
the past is passed on to us in the manner kinedoms)The period also witnessed the
it iwas Written. It is theretore important to from nations
understand how history is written. History advent of Eurupean traders
and the
Is often written in chronological order. such as Britain, Erance, Portugal
Chronological writing of history came Netherlands entering and establishing ther
into practice in India in early nineteenth trading posts
century with lames Mill's A History of Britslh o thesed (the English and the French
Ludia (l81Z) in which he divided Inian companies went ahead and secured a tew
history into Hindu, Muslim and British territories in India in the cighteenth centurv
periods based on the rel1gion of the rulers. This led to the beginning of the
l'ost-independence, the Indian historians
yalIt ext 1th theestablshment of remains, cavC paintings,
the British donnoe Ihe Bntish then began nd bographies of potttery
grtiual e N s
ot Thsy l
ot their territorv The
and the Battle of
literatures and archival
available for the study of the
Buxar n 16i kve them compete control and they help us in
documt are (.

ot the Rengalpine making it a colonv of hstory of India trom the

the Brithsh Fat India Companv The British carlytwentieth
t centurv.
cighteenth tu tthehe
XTaduall t k ter the nule of the entire
ihontinent he modem penod in India |BookS, newspapers and1
Ineallv considerd to begut with the By the magazines
eighteenth century, there
stablishaent ot the Bntish rule under the mass printing of Was
British Last lndiaCompanv.
newspapers and
throughout the country ldeas book
of the people during that and thoughts
Developments in the World docunented. Historians can usetime
these became
The developments in India did not take newspapers and magazines to
place in isolaton. Ihere were a whole lot the historv of the country during that
of changes taking place all over the globe of time. The Bengal Gazette was India period
TOSimultanevusl newspaper published in 1780 from Kolkata
unng the ightewnth fentttry, the Government F
Ladusinal Reslulian touk place in
Englani Goods were produced in factories The archival records of the Governmerk
wIth the help of machines. As England's British India are available in the Nationsl
industrial proiuction grew, people started Archives of India at New Delhi.Ih¿re are
lving tor export markets for their finished many archival documents and manuscripts
praducts. Such markets could be found in dealing with British India at the India Oice
colonies like India F Records, London.
The spirit of nationalism rose in the
nneteenthcentury in Europe. was
piaries and accounts of travellers
defined by one's feelings of love and Mãny traVellers, traders, missionaries and
lovalty towards their own country. While civil servants who came to India in the
these developments were taking place eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries
in other parts of the world, England left accounts of their
tried to consolidate its hold over the
experiences and
impressions of the country.e However
territories through centralised historians read and interpret them with some
adm1nistration. The British concept of caution as these accounts mav be biased.
centralised rule brought political unity in
India and thereby, fostered the spirit of
nalionalism in the late nineteenth century. Key Teoruns
Sources for Studying the History of -Industrial Revolution inthelarge production of goods
numbers with
the Modern Period the helpof machines in
Literarv and documented sources of the factoris

modern period distinguish it from the ationalism desir: he teeling of love arnd
lovalty towards one's
earlier periods vhich depended on sources
OWn country
such as, archaeological excavations, fossil

hotographs, paintings and artefacts
fur are an
European the important
studying history of source
the carly
photographers thisperiod.
1800s and
people and places ofcaptured
came to India in
There are many India in theirbuildings.
which have been photographs of thiscameras.
sources tor preserved and period serve
Cameras have also
momCnts and
reconstructing the history.
captured important
their memorv events in1historv preserving
are ol forever. For instance, there
Golden photographs of
lemple in Amritsar monuments like the
much the place has that shows how Gates av ot Inda, Mumbas
Along with the changed since then.
artefacts also photographs, paintings and piy
the modern throw light on the history of
us about the period in India.
life of the peopleThey also tell Use the picture to answer
period, for example, the social, during that the questions
economic condition of the people culturalin and
Society. Some artefacts trom tlhe
such as arms and
vehicles have als0 been ammunition,
those periods
museums and by private collectors. Theyn
tell us about the
those times. technologv and trends ot
Historical structures
The British planned and costructed many
buildings and cities during their rule in
India. They also give good insight into the
art and architecture of the period. Some
monuments were also constructed to mark MEMGRr
historical events. For example, the Gateway EMILY WILDINC. VISON.
uf lndia in Mumbai was erected to mark
the visit of King George and Queen Mary
to India in 191L. The
Chattrapati Shivaji 1. Study the front page of the
lerminus is also an example of how British shown here. Which historicalnewspaper
event is
architects worked together with Indian the newspaper associated with?
Craltsmen to create an architectural marvel. 2. What are the information that you can
Other examples of such historical buildings gather from this picture?
are the India Gate, Rashtrapati Bhawan and
Larlianent House in Delhi.
SGlobat Connecton)
Net the axsage cretullty and answer the questiotN given below.
Ie teginnng of intustrial padeion marked a tatical changefom the
teke the tustrial Revolution, artisa pnated oos mamally and they oWem
ustrial Revoluton hansted the dometic moe of prods
f tw wt pntu tion M hine tion
male g uction to
NMss produevd in tactories WortLto
Eslnd iwas the tirst country to go thrugh the
the lustial Revolution t later spnto IraC. maIV andther Eropean Coutr. phase
0 ow dit the lnutustrial Revoluton marh d radical hange tnom the previous system>
W Wht was th ottevt ot the hdustrial RevoutoI n hia's history?

* Atee the detine of the Mughal Enpin, may snaller gional states emerged in India
in the eishteenth century
Many bunopean traters established their trading posts in India.
The British concopt ot ontralised rule rought political unity in hda.
Many literatures and anchival dx uments are available tor the study ot the modern
erid which helyy us in vonstructing the motern periot in Indtt.
I'hotographs artetacts, paintings and monuments also help in vOnstructitng the
modem period of Indian history.

AChtse the corrct atswer and fill in the 3 In lndia. the moden period began with
blanks. the cstablishment ot
1 lhe lndustnal Revolution (urnt in under the Fast India Companv
Fnglant in the a) French b) l'ortuguese
) sINtnth b) nineteenth ) British d) Dutch
d) twentieth The National Anhives of India s loated
2 Ihe intish Onwept ot centralised rule
bvught ttial unity and the spirit of a) Mumbai b) Todon
nation.alism n the Centurv
in Indt. O Nev Delh1 d) Chennai
) venteeth l) eghtecth 5. English and French companies both had
interests in
) nineteenth ) twentieth
) Indlia b) Burma
Indonesia d) Bengal
B. Match the columns
Answer the tollowing questions in
50-70 words
ColumnA ColumnB
1. Industrial Revolution Why did Britain colonise Inda?
a I817
2. 2 Name the ources of the motern period
AHistory of British ndu b 1757
3. Battle of l'lasy 3. W i i a e r to reconstruct the history
4 Battle of
of the modern erod than cacler time{Eoco
Buxar d 18 century

State whether true 6 Answer the following questions

or false. It false, correct S0-100 wurds
the statement
1 What wer the developments that wee
The B.attle of 'lasey and the Battle ot taking place tn the world turing the
Buxar yave the British eghteenth century
over the province complte controi 2 Write about the written source uMd to
2 The concept ot Indu as ow
nateon began reconstrtct the hstorv ot moder Inda
to take shape under the
freTe h
The archival records are arce tor the IE Ihink and ansver
study of British hustory in Indta 1 How do vnE thmk India was attected and
The Industrial Kealuton led to influenced by tevelopnents m Furope
introductonof hunar made goo and the worlt
The Aglo Frene hrivalry endled withy the What, acorng to vou wee the vaons
stabishment of Britsh domnen that made it possible tethe Bottsh to
Colon Indt
D, 1iL in the blank
1 The British began their whee af
territorial paon

tablishing dontR over the prVIne Self-assessment Tool

of B
After the Inustral Revoluton Koods
were anuta tured m Yes No Partially
intorans shoukt nterpret Writt thave learnt b t
OurcS of hstory with utt as they the begnning ot the
an be quite b modern perio in
Inda bcame 22tthe Bitsh India

Fast ndta yry I now know that there

are many historical
5 wanoa stst newspaer
urce through whh
hastorhans are able tr

understand and learn

Answer the following questions
abe* the past
10-20 words
What ld to the Anglo rench rv alry n
2 What is the lndustral Kesolution
What b hatiotalism'

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