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A large muscle on the back of the arm that has three areas of origin
2. The bone located on the thumb side of the forearm:
3. The large muscle that forms most of the buttock:
Gluteus Maximus
4. The largest bone in the body:
5. The bony framework of the head and trunk forms the:
Axial Skeleton
6. The flat bone forming the anterior part of the thoracic cavity that is used for hand placement in CPR:
7. The spinal column is divided into five regions. The first seven vertebrae that comprise the main
framework of the neck are called:
8. An excessive lateral curvature of the vertebral column (“S” shaped):
9. The chief muscle of the calf of the leg:
10. The union of the ovum and sperm is called:
11. The male sex glands are called:
12. The largest artery in the body is divided into four regions. The name of this artery is:
13. Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are called:
14. The branch of the brachial artery that extends down the forearm and wrist on the thumb side is the:
Radial artery
15. Food is propelled along the alimentary canal by the rhythmic motion known as:
16. If the stomach is empty, there will be many folds in the lining. These folds are called:
17. The medical abbreviation NPO means:
Nothing by mouth
18. An abbreviation for heart attack:
MI - Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
19. What is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
20. Functions of the respiratory system include:
provides structures and mechanisms for gas exchange, regulation of blood pH, intake to oxygen
21. Exercise done to maintain musculoskeletal health is called:
Range of motion

22. The main treatment for first and second degree burns is:
Cold Water
23. To provide an open airway:
Head tilt chin lift
24. Cardio refers to:
25. What is the compression to breath ratio for adult CPR?
30 compressions to 2 breaths
26. Which of the following are parts of the urinary system?
kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
27. “Inflammation of the bladder” that usually occurs secondary to ascending urinary tract infections:
28. Which urinary disorder is the inability to retain urine?
29. What does the medical abbreviation HBP mean?
High Blood Pressure
30. What does the medical abbreviation OSHA mean?
Occupational Safety and health Administration
31. When taking vital signs the most common site to take the pulse is at the:
Radial Artery
32. What is an instrument called that listens to the heart?
33. The medical abbreviation TPR:
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
34. The pulse rate of an adult male patient that is 70 beats per minute is:
35. If assigned a skeletal system research paper, which Google software would be most helpful to create
the paper?
google docs
36. Which of the following is a good password protection practice?
change password often
37. What does the PASS acronym mean
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Side to Side
38. What is the best way to prevent infection?
39. What is the best way to move heavy objects to avoid injury?
pull or push object
40. When should you use proper body mechanics?
when assisting a patient to a char, when picking up a heavy objects, when positioning a patient in bed
41. Define ROM
Range of Motion
42. Things necessary for life such as food, water, oxygen and sleep are known as…
Physiological Needs

43. What is the normal range for temperature?

97-100 F
44. What is a terminal illness?
a disease that cannot be cured and will result in death
45. What does DNR stand for?
Do not Resuscitate

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