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behavior of materials

Experiment 10: Ferromagnetic

Alm: To study the nonlinear magnetization behavior of ferromagnc

1. To understand the concept of the magnetization M
ii. Extract useful information from the M-H curve

Ferromagnetic materials such as iron, steel, nickel and some alloys, exhibit strong magnetization.
he magnetization versus applied magnetic field plot for a ferromagnetic material has a non
Denavior. Long range ordering of atomic spins and formation of magnetic domains is the reason for
non linear behavior. The concept of atomic model, electron spin, all come from quantum mechanics
and therefore the whole of magnetism can only be understood in terms of only quantum theories.

Non-linear B-H Curve.
The magnetization M of a previously demagnetized ferromagnetic material increases with the
applied field strength (H) as the magnetic domains in the direction of the applied field increase in
size. However there is saturation (point b) once there develops a single domain in the direction of H
and there are no more domains to be al1gned. Further increase in H would not
increase M.
Basic Methodology:
Every material when placed in an external magnetic field H responds in different magnitudes and
different ways. Some materials get magnetized either permanently or temporarily, others do not get
magnetized but repulse the external magnetic fields. Materials are classified according to the

magnetization state of the material.

The intensity of magnetization (M) of a material is defined as the dipole moment per unit volume or
the material.

tHe ingnettt ststepiititn t t eitintetiat te ite tmtia utite mpnetizativn to the magnetie field H

HAAeti e aientth wtes t etmentt we ttml the sulenoiu

he gett lua density Tesla (Wts ' )

V t

Miagpnetie field
W hen a Mtetial e
imimnet nsite the solenoid tux
ihe apnetie
thgh dhe Vstem ie the km ot the thuN tre to the rvil amd the fun inside the material.

- ,M -p, M) -, Xm) =,(1 Xm)H

eiinin the elative pemmeability ot the naterial , = (1 Xm
the maHeti tlun lensity n- , - u here = , , is the permeability of the

a iet value nt the magneti ielt 14, tthe ratin of magnetie rield within the sample to the
tagtetie tield nt the empty eutl pines the elative permeatbility of the material, i.e.

-(1 Xm
Ctrenit ennevtons
DHytal auss

Ha Pobe

Vetabte Hment
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Demagnetize the ferromagnetic samples by placing
wi connected to an ac
2. Connect the solenoid to the de
power source and align the Hall Effect sensor to be
solenoid at a constant close t,to
distance. This distance has to be maintained throughout
3. Turn on the the experiment.the
the experiment
Gauss meter for it to
warm up and stabilize.
Keep the current
control knob on the
the power supply the
power supply. at zero position and switch on the
Adjust the Gauss meter to
ensure that the meter reads zero when the current
.ncrease the current is zero.
Current steps of 0.2A
and note the gauss meter
of 2.6A. As a precaution ensure that readings are noted at readings up to a maximum
maximum current is reached quick intervals and once
reduce the current to zero. the
Insert the
given ferromagnetic samples and note the readings
8. Plot a as above
graph of current through the coil versus the
the material at
a fixed current of 1A. magnetic field and obtain the
Tabular Column permeability of

Current (A) Magnetic field (gauss)

Empty Coil Ferromagnetic Ferromagnetic
sample 11
sample 2
O.6 7
0.8 19
.0 13 |21
12 38 2.3
43 26
1. 6 19 3
|18 21 63 31
|2. 6 22- 6 |41
2.2 25 72 |43
2.4 27 46

Faom * araph,
TI 1.7A (A)
B20. 11
B 60.486

B 38. 686
:B, 6o.486 3.007 66
Bo 20. 1 |

B 38. 636 :1.3241

20. 11

X , -1
3. 0o76-1 1.3241 -1
2 . O076 O. 924AI

Results and conclusions:

The relativepermeability of the samples are found to be3.007h_and 1 3241
The susceptibility of the samples are found to be 2.oo76_and
Date of conduction

Conduction Results and conelusions Total (15) Viva

Evaluation Marks

Faculty Signature
with date

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