Neet Surface Chemistry Important Questions

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1. The particles of a particular colloidal solution of arsenic

trisulphide ( As S ) are negatively charged. Which 0.0005M
2 3

solution of the following salts would be most effective in

coagulating this colloidal solution?
(A) KCl (B) MgCl2 (C) AlCl3 (D) Na3PO4

Answer: (C)
Since As S is a negatively charged colloidal sol, hence
2 3

positively charged ion will cause its coagulation. By

Hardy−Schulze rule “greater the charge on ion, greater the
coagulating power to coagulate oppositely charged
colloidal sol”, hence out of K , Mg , Al and Na , Al would be
+ 2+ 3+ + 3+

most effective in coagulating this colloidal solution.

2. For adsorption of a gas on a solid, the plot of log x/m vs log

P is linear with slope equal to: (n being a whole number)
(A) k (B) log k (C) n (D) 1/n
Answer: (D)
For adsorption of a gas on the surface of a solid, the extent
of adsorption (x/m) varies with P as given below:
= k (P )

where n is a whole number

x 1
= log k + log P
m n

∴ Plot of log
vs log P is linear with a slope of (1/n).

3. Molecules at the surface of solid have……………

than molecules those inside
(A) higher (B) lower
(C) some times higher & some times lower (D) none
Answer: (A)
At the surface, a molecule is on one side surrounded by
molecules of the same type and on the other side of another
type. Therefore the net interaction force is no longer zero.
So molecules at the surface of the solid have more energy
than the molecules inside the solid.

4. The adsorption of H on glass takes place on


→ 2H ( glass ) for this adsorption

H ( g) 

(A) ∆H > 0, ∆S > 0 (B) ∆H < 0, ∆S > 0

(C) ∆H < 0, ∆S < 0 (D) ∆H > 0, ∆S < 0

Answer: (A)
Both ∆H & ∆S are positive, while ∆G < 0. which makes the
adsorption process feasible.

5. Which of the following is incorrect?
(A) CO ( g) + 3H2 ( g) 
→ CH4 ( g) + H2O ( g)

(B) CO ( g) + 2H2 ( g) 

Cu / ZnO / Cr2 O3
→ CH3 OH ( g)

(C) CO ( g) + H2 ( g) →
HCHO ( g)

(D) CO ( g) + 2H2 ( g) 
→ CH3 OH ( g)

Answer: (D)
Water gas reacts with Hydrogen in presence of Nickel
produce Methane.

6. Mainly which colligative property is used to determine

molar mass of a polymer?
(A) elevation in boiling point
(B) depression in freezing point
(C) osmotic pressure
(D) relative lowering of vapour pressure
Answer: (C)
For determining the molar mass of a polymer osmotic
pressure is preferred because it is done at normal (room)
temperature. At higher temperatures molecules are not

7. When the particle size of dispersed phase in colloidal
solution increases
(A) the Brownian motion become fast
(B) the Brownian motion becomes slow
(C) Brownian motion remains same
(D) none of these
Answer: (B)
Brownian movement is due to the unequal bombardments
of the moving molecules of dispersion medium on colloidal
particles. Bigger size of particle reduces the momentum.

8. Find the incorrect statement

(A) As2S3 , Au in their colloidal sols are negatively charged
(B) Fe(OH) , Al(OH) are positively charged in their colloidal
3 3

(C) Ag & Pt are positively charged in their colloidal sols.
(D) smoke is dispersion of positively charged colloidal
particles of carbon in air
Answer: (C)
Ag & Pt are negatively charged. They move towards anode
in electrophoresis.

9. The presence of soluble soap as a emulsifying agent
generally forms the formation of emulsion of
(A) oil in water (B) water in oil
(C) both type (D) none
Answer: (A)
Emulsification takes place by reduction of interfacial
tension between two phases.

10. For the coagulation of 100 mL of As S sol, 5 mL of 1 M

2 3

NaCl is required. The flocculation value of NaCl is

(A) 50 (B) 5
(C) 47.6 (D) None of these
Answer: (A)
Millimoles of NaCl added = 5
Volume of the sol containing NaCl solution = 100 mL.
Floccul ation value is the amount of electrolyte (in
millimoles) that must be added to 1L of the colloidal
solution so as to bring about complete coagulation.
∴ Flocculation value of=
5 × 1000
= 50 m mol L−1.

11. A substance which completely destroys or reduces the
activity of the catalyst is called
(A) Catalyst (B) Inhibitor
(C) Promotor (D) Poison
Answer: (D)
Poison, which come from the reacting substances or
products of the reaction itself, accumulate on the surface of
solid catalysts and cause their effectiveness to decrease.

12. Adsorption isostere is

(A) The curve showing the effect of temperature on the
extent of adsorption at a given pressure
(B) The curve showing the variation of pressure with
temperature, for a given amount of adsorption.
(C) The curve showing the variation of adsorption with
pressure at a constant temperature.
(D) A line parallel to x-axis.
Answer: (B)
The adsorption isostere is relation of the equilibrium
pressure to the temperature at a constant value of the
amount, or excess amount, of substance adsorbed by a
given amount of solid.

13. The migration of positively-charged colloidal particles
under an electrical field, towards the cathode is called
(A) Cataphoresis (B) Electrosmosis
(C) Sedimentation (D)Electrodialysis
Answer: (A)
If the experiment is set such that only the colloidal particles
are allowed to move and not the dispersion media particles
it is known as cataphoresis or electrophoresis.

14. After increasing temperature, the rate of physiosorption :

(A) Will Decrease (B) will Increase
(C) Remain same (D) cannot say
Answer: (A)
Physisorption is exothermic in nature. Therefore, After
increasing temperature, the rate of physiosorption will

15. Which reaction gives colloidal solution

(A) Cu + HgCl2 → CuCl2 + Hg (B)
2HNO3 + 3H2S → 3S + 4H2O + 2NO

(C) 2Mg + CO2 → 2MgO + C (D) Cu + CuCl2 → Cu2Cl2

Answer: (B)
Colloidal solution of Sulpher is formed.

16. If all the electrolytes are removed from the colloid by
persistent dialysis then
(A) Colloid becomes extremely stable
(B) Colloids get coagulated
(C) No effect is observed
(D) Colloids convert into true solution
Answer: (B)
If all ions are removed the colloidal particles get
neutrelized and associate with each other forming

17. The Brownian motion is due to

(A) Temperature fluctuation within the liquid phase.
(B) Attraction and repulsion between charges on the
colloidal particles.
(C) Impact of the molecules of the dispersion medium on
the colloidal particles.
(D) Convectional currents.
Answer: (C)
Brownian motion is the random movement of the low
weight particles suspended in a fluid.
18. The potential difference between the fixed charged layer
and the diffused layer having opposite charge in colloidal
solution is called

(A) electrostatic potential (B) sedimentation potential
(C) zeta potential (D) chemical potential
Answer: (C)
The potential differences existing between the surfaces of a
solid particle immersed in a conducting liquid (e.g. water)
and the bulk of the liquid is called the zeta potential.

19. Gold number is the index for

(a) the amount of gold present in the colloid.
(b) the amount of gold required to break the colloid.
(c) the amount of gold required to protect the colloid.
(d) none of the above.
Answer: (D)
Gold number is ‘least quantity of protective colloid in
milligrams, which is just sufficient to prevent the
coagulation of 10 ml of standard gold sol (containing
0.0053% gold) by the rapid adidition of 1 ml of 10% NaCl
solution. The Coagulation of gold sol is indicated by
change in color from red to violet. Thus small the gold
number, the greater is protective power of lyophilic colloid.
20. On adding few drops of dil. HCl or FeCl to freshly

precipitated ferric hydroxide, a red coloured colloidal

solution is obtained. This phenomenon is known as:
(A) Peptization (B) Dialysis
(C) Protection (D) Dissolution
Answer: (A)
Peptization is the process responsible for the formation of
stable dispersion of colloidal particles in dispersion

21. Coagulation values of the electrolytes AlCl and NaCl for 3

As S solution are 0.093 and 52 respectively. How many

2 3

times nearly AlCl has greater coagulating power than NaCl?


(A) 930 (B) 520

(C) 560 (D) 1000
Answer: (C)
Coagulation power α
coagulation value

22. A white precipitate of Sn ( OH)4 is peptized with dil. HCl. The

sol particle will carry
(A) Positive charge
(B) Negative charge
(C) Sometimes positive and sometimes negative charge
(D) No charge
Answer: (A)
The sol particle will carry positive charge.

23. The stabilization of the dispersed phase in a lyophobic sol

is due to

(A) The viscosity of the medium
(B) The surface tension of the medium
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) The formation of an eletrical layer between the two
Answer: (D)
Due to preferential adsorption of similar ions, an electrical
double layer formed on the surface of colloidal particles
e.g. arsnius sulphide solution.

24. Gelatin is often used as an ingredient in the manufacture of

ice-cream. The reason for this is
(A) to improve the flavour
(B) to cause the mixture to solidify
(C) to stabilize the colloid and prevent crystal growth
(D) to prevent the formation of a colloid
Answer: (C)
This is due to stabilize the colloid and prevent crystal
25. On adding 1ml solution of 10% NaCl to 10ml gold sol in
the presence of 0.25g of starch, the coagulation is just
prevented. Starch has the following gold number
(A) 0.025 (B) 0.25
(C) 2.5 (D) 250

Answer: (C)
Gold number is ‘least quantity of protective colloid in
milligrams, which is just sufficient to prevent the
coagulation of 10 ml of standard gold sol (containing
0.0053% gold) by the rapid adidition of 1 ml of 10% NaCl

26. Choose the correct options regarding a catalyst

(A) It increases the equilibrium concentration of the
(B) It is a substance which change the equilibrium constant
of the reacting ion.
(C) It shortens the time to reach equilibrium.
(D) It supplies energy to the reaction.
Answer: (C)
A catalyst is substance that increases rate of reaction and it
shortens the to reach equilibrium.

27. Purple of Cassius is

(A) A solution of AgNO3 in HNO3

(B) Colloidal solution of gold

(C) A colloidal solution of platinum
(D) A colloidal solution of palladium
Answer: (B)
Purple of Cassius is colloidal solution of gold. It is formed
by the reaction of gold salts with tin(II) chloride.

28. Which of these is incorrect

(A) Some times physical adsorption pass over to
chemisorption on increasing the temperature of the system.
(B) Oxygen is adsorbed on charcoal but on desorption it
also releases CO and CO 2

(C) Only lighter gases show physical adsorption at low

(D) Activation energy of chemisorption > activation energy
of physical adsorption
Answer: (C)
All gases show the physical adsorption at low temperature.
29. The colloidal solutions of gold prepared by different
methods have different colours due to the
(A) presence of different types of foreign particles
depending upon the method of preparation of the colloid
(B) different concentrations of gold
(C) various forms of gold
(D) presence of different size of the colloidal particles
obtained in different methods.
Answer: (D)

Colloidal solutions of gold prepared by different methods
have different colors due to the presence of different size
of the colloidal particles obtained in different methods.

30. Cloud bursts occur due to one of the following reasons:

(A) the clouds are attracted towards the electrical charge on
the earth.
(B) large amount of water is present in the cloud
(C) dense clouds are present in the upper atmosphere
(D) mutual discharge of oppositely charged clouds
resulting in the coagulation of water droplets
Answer: (D)
This is due to mutual discharge oppositely charge clouds
resulting in the coagulation of water droplets.
31. When a river meets the ocean they generally form delta due
(A) Coagulation of sand
(B) sedimentation of common salt
(C) deposition of MgCl2
(D) mutual coagulation
Answer: (A)
Sand is a negatively charged colloidal particles, which is
carried by river to the ocean which is a vast reservoir of
Na , K , Mg ion. These cations coagulate sand particles at the
+ + ++

meeting point of river and ocean. In this way delta is


32. FeCl3 stops bleeding because
(A) It seals the blood cell
(B) Blood starts flowing in reverse direction
(C) The blood is coagulated and the blood cell is sealed
(D) None
Answer: (C)
Blood is a colloidal solution of albuminoid substance in
water and alubminoid is negatively charged. So opposite
charged Fe3+ ion proves a good coagulating reagent for

33. Which is readily absorbed by activational charcoal

(A) CO2 (B) N2
(C) CO2 (D) O2
Answer: (D)
It has been found with every metal so far investigated-with
the single exception of gold-that the strength of adsorption
of those gases which it does chemisorption fall in the
following sequence.
O2 > C2H2 > C2H4 > CO > H2 > CO2 > N2
Now some metals whose potential for chemisorption is
very high will adsorb all these gases; others are able to
adsorb only oxygen, which has the highest strength of

34. The sky or water in the sea looks blue due to

(A) disperson effect (B) scattering

(C) reflection (D) transmission

Answer: (B)
The sky or water in the sea looks blue because the light of
long wavelength gets absorbed, and light of short
wavelength (blue light) gets scattered by water and falls on
cornea of our eyes.
35. The most commonly used adsorbent for chromatographic
separation of organic
compounds is
(A) Silica gel (B) Alumina
(C) Fuller’s earth (D) Activated charcol
Answer: (B)
The adsorbents commonly employed for chromatography
are alumina (specially prepared for this purpose),
magnesium oxide, and sucrose. The solvents used are
usually organic-acetone, bezene and petroleum ether etc.

36. A freshly prepared Fe ( OH) precipitate is peptised by adding


FeCl solution. The charge on the colloidal particles is due to


the preferential adsorption of

(A) Cl− ions (B) Fe3 + ions

(C) OH− ions (D) Fe2+ ions

Answer: (B)
is a positive sol. The positive charge is due to the
Fe ( OH)3

preferential adsorption of Fe ions.


37. 4.0 mole of a mixture of FeSO4 and FeC2O4 is completely
oxidised by 1 mole of Ba(MnO4)2 in acidic medium. What
is the molar ratio of FeSO4 to FeC2O4 in the given mixture?
(A) 1: 2 (B) 2: 1
(C) 1: 3 (D) 3: 1
Answer: (C)
→ Ba 2 + + 2 MnO 42 −
Ba ( MnO 4 )2 

∴1mole of Ba ( MnO 4 )2 =
10 equivalents

Equivalents of FeSO4 + Equivalents of Fe(C2O4) =

Equivalents of Ba(MnO4)2
x ×1 + y × 3 = 10 ×1 ⇒ x : y = 1: 3

38. Substances whose solutions can readily diffuse through

parchment membrane are
(A) Colloids (B) Crystalloids

(C) Electrolytes (D) Non electrolytes

Answer: (A)

Solutions which can diffuse readily through parchment

membrane are crystalloids.

39. AgI is used for producing artificial rain because Agl

(A) Is easy to spray at high altitude
(B) Is easy to synthesizes
(C) Has crystal structure similar to ice
(D) Is insoluble in water
Answer: (C)
AgI has the crystal structure similar to ice. Hence it can act
as a nucleus for the precipitation of the water molecules
and causes rain.
40. The arsenius sulphide sol has negative charge the
maximum coagulating power for precipitating it is of -
(A) 0.1(N) Zn(NO3)2 (B) 0.1(N) Na3PO4
(C) 0.1(N) ZnSO4 (D) 0.1(N) AlCl3
Answer: (D)
More the valency of cation greater will be its coagulating
power as per hardy schulze rule.

41. The coagulation of 100 ml of a colloidal sol of gold is

completely prevented by addition of 0.25 g of a substance
`X' to it before adding 10 ml of 1% NaCl solution. The gold
number of `X' is
(A) 0.25 (B) 25
(C) 250 (D) 2.5
Answer: (B)
250 mg of X is present in 100 ml of colloidal sol of gold.
By definition, gold no. of X is that amount of it in mg
which is present in 10 ml of colloidal gold solution. Hence

in 10 ml, the amount of X present is 25 mg which is the
gold number of X.

42. The Brownian movement of colloidal particles is because

(A) Convection currents in the fluid
(B) Unequal bombardments by the molecules of the
dispersion medium on colloidal particles.
(C) Setting of dispersed phase under gravity.
(D) Thermal gradient in the medium.
Answer: (B)
Unequal bombardments of solvent particles on colloidal
particles cause zigzag motion.

43. On addition of one ml solution of 10 % NaCl to 10 ml gold

sol in the presence of 0.250 g of starch, the coagulation is
just prevented. Starch has the following gold number.
(A) 0. 025 (B) 0.25
(C) 2.5 (D) 250
Answer: (D)
According to the definition of gold number, in this case
starch has gold number of 250.

44. For the coagulation of 100 ml of arsenous sulphide sol 4 ml

of 1 M NaCl is required. What would be the flocculation
value of NaCl?

(A) 40 (B) 20
(C) 60 (D) 80
Answer: (A)
The minimum amount of lyophilic colloid in mg which
prevents the coagulation of 10 ml gold sol by 1 ml of 10%
NaCl solution.
So for 100 ml gold sol by 4 ml of 1 M NaCl solution is 40
45. The process of converting precipitate into colloidal solution
on adding an electrolyte is called:
(A) Peptization (B) Dialysis
(C) Electroosmosis (D) Electrophoresis
Answer: (A)
The conversion of a fresh ppt. into colloidal state by
addition of small amount of a suitable electrolyte is called
peptization e.g.
Fe 3+
3+ 3+ 3+
Fe(OH)3 + Fe + 3Cl 

→ Fe Fe(OH)3 Fe Cl−
Fe 3+

i.e., ions are adsorbed on particles to give colloidal size.


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