NP 5

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Injection of factor X
374. The nurse analyzes the laboratory 2. Intravenous infusion of iron
results of a child with hemophilia. The nurse 3. Intravenous infusion of factor VIII
understands that which result will most likely 4. Intramuscular injection of iron using the
be abnormal in this child? Z-track method
1. Platelet count
2. Hematocrit level 380. The nurse is instructing the parents of
3. Hemoglobin level a child with iron deficiency anemia
4. Partial thromboplastin time regarding the administration of a liquid oral
iron supplement. Which instruction should
375. The nurse is providing home care the nurse tell the parents?
instructions to the parents of a 10-year-old 1. Administer the iron at mealtimes.
child with hemophilia. Which sport activity 2. Administer the iron through a straw.
should the nurse suggest for this child? 3. Mix the iron with cereal to administer.
1. Soccer 4. Add the iron to formula for easy
2. Basketball administration.
3. Swimming
4. Field hockey 381. Laboratory studies are performed for a
child suspected to have iron deficiency
376. The nursing student is presenting a anemia. The nurse reviews the laboratory
clinical conference and discusses the cause results, knowing that which result indicates
of β-thalassemia. The nursing student this type of anemia?
informs the group that a child at greatest 1. Elevated hemoglobin level
risk of developing this disorder is which 2. Decreased reticulocyte count
one? 3. Elevated red blood cell count
1. A child of Mexican descent 4. Red blood cells that are microcytic
2. A child of Mediterranean descent and hypochromic
3. A child whose intake of iron is extremely
poor 858. The nurse prepares to give a bath and
4. A breast-fed child of a mother with change the bed linens of a client with
chronic anemia cutaneous Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions. The
lesions are open and draining a scant
377. A child with β-thalassemia is receiving amount of serous fluid. Which would the
long-term blood transfusion therapy for the nurse incorporate into the plan during
treatment of the disorder. Chelation therapy the bathing of this client?
is prescribed as a result of too much iron 1. Wearing gloves
from the transfusions. Which medication 2. Wearing a gown and gloves
should the nurse anticipate to be 3. Wearing a gown, gloves, and a mask
prescribed? 4. Wear a gown and gloves to change the
1. Fragmin bed linens and gloves only for the bath
2. Meropenem (Merrem)
3. Metoprolol (Toprol-XL) 859. The nurse provides home care
4. Deferoxamine (Desferal) instructions to a client with systemic lupus
erythematosus and tells the client about
378. The clinic nurse instructs parents of a methods to manage fatigue. Which
child with sickle cell anemia about the statement by the client indicates a need for
precipitating factors related to sickle cell further instructions?
crisis. Which, if identified by the 1. “I should take hot baths because they
parents as a precipitating factor, indicates are relaxing.”
the need for further instructions? 2. “I should sit whenever possible to
1. Stress conserve my energy.”
2. Trauma 3. “I should avoid long periods of rest
3. Infection because it causes joint stiffness.”
4. Fluid overload 4. “I should do some exercises, such as
walking, when I am not fatigued.”
379. A 10-year-old child with hemophilia A
has slipped on the ice and bumped his 861. A client with pemphigus is being seen
knee. The nurse should prepare to in the clinic regularly. The nurse plans care
administer which prescription?
based on which description of this 3. Lyme disease can be caused by the
condition? inhalation of spores from bird droppings.
1. The presence of tiny red vesicles 4. Lyme disease can be contagious through
2. An autoimmune disease that causes skin contact with an infected individual.
blistering in the epidermis
3. The presence of skin vesicles found 867. A client is diagnosed with scleroderma.
along the nerve caused by a virus Which intervention should the nurse
4. The presence of red, raised papules and anticipate to be prescribed?
large plaques covered by silvery scales 1. Maintain bed rest as much as possible.
2. Administer corticosteroids as
862. The nurse is assisting in planning care prescribed for inflammation.
for a client with a diagnosis of 3. Advise the client to remain supine for 1 to
immunodeficiency and should incorporate 2 hours after meals.
which action as a priority in the plan? 4. Keep the room temperature warm during
1. Protecting the client from infection the day and cool at night.
2. Providing emotional support to decrease
fear 869. The nurse is preparing a group of Cub
3. Encouraging discussion about lifestyle Scouts for an overnight camping trip and
changes instructs the scouts about the methods to
4. Identifying factors that decreased the prevent Lyme disease. Which statement by
immune function one of the Cub Scouts indicates a need for
further instructions?
863. A client calls the nurse in the 1. “I need to bring a hat to wear during the
emergency department and states that he trip.”
was just stung by a bumble bee while 2. “I should wear long-sleeved tops and long
gardening. The client is afraid of a severe pants.”
reaction because the client’s neighbor 3. “I should not use insect repellents
experienced such a reaction just 1 week because it will attract the ticks.”
ago. Which nursing action should the nurse 4. “I need to wear closed shoes and socks
take? that can be pulled up over my pants.”
1. Advise the client to soak the site in
hydrogen peroxide. 870. The client with acquired
2. Ask the client if he ever sustained a immunodeficiency syndrome is diagnosed
bee sting in the past. with cutaneous Kaposi’s sarcoma. Based on
3. Tell the client to call an ambulance for this diagnosis, the nurse understands that
transport to the emergency department. this has been confirmed by which finding?
4. Tell the client not to worry about the sting 1. Swelling in the genital area
unless difficulty with breathing occurs. 2. Swelling in the lower extremities
3. Positive punch biopsy of the
864. The community health nurse is cutaneous lesions
conducting a research study and is 4. Appearance of reddish-blue lesions noted
identifying clients in the community at risk on the skin
for latex allergy. Which client population is
at most risk for developing this type of 872. The home care nurse is performing an
allergy? assessment on a client who has been
1. Hairdressers diagnosed with an allergy to latex. In
2. The homeless determining the client’s risk factors, the
3. Children in day care centers nurse should question the client about an
4. Individuals living in a group home allergy to which food item?
1. Eggs
866. The camp nurse prepares to instruct a 2. Milk
group of children about Lyme disease. 3. Yogurt
Which information should the nurse include 4. Bananas
in the instructions?
1. Lyme disease is caused by a tick 873. The client with acquired
carried by deer. immunodeficiency syndrome and
2. Lyme disease is caused by contamination Pneumocystis jiroveci infection has been
from cat feces. receiving pentamidine (Pentam 300). The
client develops a temperature of 101° F. The
nurse continues to assess the client, 881. A client who is human
knowing that this sign most likely indicates immunodeficiency virus seropositive has
which condition? been taking stavudine (d4T, Zerit). The
1. That the dose of the medication is too low nurse should monitor which most closely
2. That the client is experiencing toxic while the client is taking this medication?
effects of the medication 1. Gait
3. That the client has developed inadequacy 2. Appetite
of thermoregulation 3. Level of consciousness
4. That the client has developed another 4. Gastrointestinal function
infection caused by leukopenic effects of
the medication 530. The nurse is reviewing the laboratory
results of a client diagnosed with multiple
877. The nurse is reviewing the results of myeloma. Which would the nurse expect to
serum laboratory studies drawn on a client note specifically in this disorder?
with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 1. Increased calcium level
who is receiving didanosine (Videx). 2. Increased white blood cells
The nurse interprets that the client may 3. Decreased blood urea nitrogen level
have the medication discontinued by the 4. Decreased number of plasma cells in the
health care provider if which elevated result bone marrow
is noted?
1. Serum protein level 531. The nurse is developing a plan of care
2. Blood glucose level for the client with multiple myeloma and
3. Serum amylase level includes which priority intervention in the
4. Serum creatinine level plan?
1. Encouraging fluids
878. The nurse is caring for a postrenal 2. Providing frequent oral care
transplantation client taking cyclosporine 3. Coughing and deep breathing
(Sandimmune). The nurse notes an 4. Monitoring the red blood cell count
increase in one of the client’s vital signs and
the client is complaining of a headache. 533. While giving care to a client with an
What vital sign is most likely increased? internal cervical radiation implant, the nurse
1. Pulse finds the implant in the bed. The nurse
2. Respirations should take which initial action?
3. Blood pressure 1. Call the health care provider (HCP).
4. Pulse oximetry 2. Reinsert the implant into the vagina.
3. Pick up the implant with gloved hands
879. Amikacin (Amikin) is prescribed for a and flush it down the toilet.
client with a bacterial infection. The nurse 4. Pick up the implant with long-handled
instructs the client to contact the health care forceps and place it in a lead container.
provider (HCP) immediately
if which occurs? 534. The nurse should plan to implement
1. Nausea which intervention in the care of a client
2. Lethargy experiencing neutropenia as a result of
3. Hearing loss chemotherapy?
4. Muscle aches 1. Restrict all visitors.
2. Restrict fluid intake.
880. The nurse is assigned to care for a 3. Teach the client and family about the
client with cytomegalovirus retinitis and need for hand hygiene.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who 4. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter to
is receiving foscarnet, an antiviral prevent skin breakdown.
medication. The nurse should monitor the
results of which laboratory study while 535. The home health care nurse is caring
the client is taking this medication? for a client with cancer who is complaining
1. CD4 cell count of acute pain. The most appropriate
2. Lymphocyte count determination of the client’s pain should
3. Serum albumin level include which assessment?
4. Serum creatinine level 1. The client’s pain rating
2. Nonverbal cues from the client
3. The nurse’s impression of the client’s 4. That testicular self-examinations should
pain be done at least every 6 months
4. Pain relief after appropriate nursing
intervention 542. A client is diagnosed with multiple
myeloma and the client asks the nurse
536. The nurse is caring for a client who is about the diagnosis. The nurse bases the
postoperative following a pelvic response on which description of this
exenteration and the health care provider disorder?
changes the client’s diet from NPO status to 1. Altered red blood cell production
clear liquids. The nurse should check which 2. Altered production of lymph nodes
priority item before administering the diet? 3. Malignant exacerbation in the number of
1. Bowel sounds leukocytes
2. Ability to ambulate 4. Malignant proliferation of plasma cells
3. Incision appearance within the bone
4. Urine specific gravity
543. A gastrectomy is performed on a client
537. A client is admitted to the hospital with with gastric cancer. In the immediate
a suspected diagnosis of Hodgkin’s postoperative period, the nurse notes
disease. Which assessment finding would bloody drainage from the nasogastric tube.
the nurse expect to note specifically in The nurse should take which most
the client? appropriate action?
1. Fatigue 1. Measure abdominal girth.
2. Weakness 2. Irrigate the nasogastric tube.
3. Weight gain 3. Continue to monitor the drainage.
4. Enlarged lymph nodes 4. Notify the health care provider (HCP).

538. During the admission assessment of a 544. The nurse is teaching a client about
client with advanced ovarian cancer, the the risk factors associated with colorectal
nurse recognizes which symptom as typical cancer. The nurse determines that further
of the disease? teaching is necessary related to colorectal
1. Diarrhea cancer if the client identifies which item as
2. Hypermenorrhea an associated risk factor?
3. Abnormal bleeding 1. Age younger than 50 years
4. Abdominal distention 2. History of colorectal polyps
3. Family history of colorectal cancer
540. A client who has been receiving 4. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease
radiation therapy for bladder cancer tells the
nurse that it feels as if she is voiding 545. The nurse is assessing the perineal
through the vagina. The nurse interprets wound in a client who has returned from the
that the client may be experiencing which operating room following an abdominal
condition? perineal resection and notes
1. Rupture of the bladder serosanguineous drainage from the wound.
2. The development of a vesicovaginal Which nursing intervention is most
fistula appropriate?
3. Extreme stress caused by the diagnosis 1. Clamp the Penrose drain.
of cancer 2. Change the dressing as prescribed.
4. Altered perineal sensation as a side 3. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
effect of radiation therapy 4. Remove and replace the perineal
541. The nurse is instructing a client to
perform a testicular self-examination (TSE). 546. The nurse is assessing the colostomy
The nurse should provide the client with of a client who has had an abdominal
which information about the procedure? perineal resection for a bowel tumor. Which
1. To examine the testicles while lying down assessment finding indicates that the
2. That the best time for the examination colostomy is beginning to function?
is after a shower 1. The passage of flatus
3. To gently feel the testicle with one finger 2. Absent bowel sounds
to feel for a growth 3. The client’s ability to tolerate food
4. Bloody drainage from the colostomy
547. The nurse is reviewing the history of a about breast self-examination. The nurse
client with bladder cancer. The nurse should instruct the clients to perform the
expects to note documentation of which examination at which time?
most common symptom of this type of 1. At the onset of menstruation
cancer? 2. Every month during ovulation
1. Dysuria 3. Weekly at the same time of day
2. Hematuria 4. 1 week after menstruation begins
3. Urgency on urination
4. Frequency of urination 555. The nurse is caring for a client
following a mastectomy. Which nursing
548. The nurse is assessing a client who intervention would assist in preventing
has a new ureterostomy. Which statement lymphedema of the affected arm?
by the client indicates the need for more 1. Placing cool compresses on the affected
education about urinary stoma care? arm
1. “I change my pouch every week.” 2. Elevating the affected arm on a pillow
2. “I change the appliance in the morning.” above heart level
3. “I empty the urinary collection bag 3. Avoiding arm exercises in the immediate
when it is two-thirds full.” postoperative period
4. “When I’m in the shower I direct the flow 4. Maintaining an intravenous site below the
of water away from my stoma.” antecubital area on the affected side

550. The nurse is monitoring a client for MUSCULOSKELETAL

signs and symptoms related to superior 465. A child has a right femur fracture
vena cava syndrome. Which is an early sign caused by a motor vehicle crash and is
of this oncological emergency? placed in skin traction temporarily until
1. Cyanosis surgery can be performed. During
2. Arm edema assessment, the nurse notes that the
3. Periorbital edema dorsalis pedis pulse is absent on the right
4. Mental status changes foot. Which action should the nurse take?
1. Administer an analgesic.
551. The nurse manager is teaching the 2. Release the skin traction.
nursing staff about signs and symptoms 3. Apply ice to the extremity.
related to hypercalcemia in a client with 4. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
metastatic prostate cancer and tells the staff
that which is a late sign of this oncological 466. A child is placed in skeletal traction for
emergency? treatment of a fractured femur. The nurse
1. Headache develops a plan of care and includes which
2. Dysphagia intervention?
3. Constipation 1. Ensure that all ropes are outside the
4. Electrocardiographic changes pulleys.
2. Ensure that the weights are resting lightly
552. As part of chemotherapy education, on the floor.
the nurse teaches a female client about the 3. Restrict diversional and play activities
risk for bleeding and self-care during the until the child is out of traction.
period of greatest bone marrow 4. Check the health care provider’s
suppression (the nadir). The nurse (HCP’s) prescriptions for the amount of
understands that further teaching is needed weight to be applied.
if the client makes which statement?
1. “I should avoid blowing my nose.” 467. A 4-year-old child sustains a fall at
2. “I may need a platelet transfusion if my home and after an x-ray examination, the
platelet count is too low.” child is determined to have a fractured arm
3. “I’m going to take aspirin for my and a plaster cast is applied. The nurse
headache as soon as I get home.” provides instructions to the parents
4. “I will count the number of pads and regarding care for the child’s cast. Which
tampons I use when menstruating.” statement by the parents indicates a need
for further instruction?
553. The community health nurse is 1. “The cast may feel warm as the cast
instructing a group of young female clients dries.”
2. “I can use lotion or powder around the 3. To push the femoral head out of the
cast edges to relieve itching.” acetabulum
3. “A small amount of white shoe polish can 4. To ensure that hyperextension and full
touch up a soiled white cast.” range of motion exist
4. “If the cast becomes wet, a blow drier set
on the cool setting may be used to 472. A 1-month-old infant is seen in a clinic
dry the cast.” and is diagnosed with developmental
dysplasia of the hip. On assessment, the
468. The parents of a child with juvenile nurse understands that which finding should
idiopathic arthritis call the clinic nurse be noted in this condition?
because the child is experiencing a painful 1. Limited range of motion in the affected
exacerbation of the disease. The parents hip
ask the nurse if the child can perform 2. An apparent lengthened femur on the
range-of-motion exercises at this time. The affected side
nurse should make which response? 3. Asymmetrical adduction of the affected
1. “Avoid all exercise during painful hip when the infant is placed supine
periods.” with the knees and hips flexed
2. “Range-of-motion exercises must be 4. Symmetry of the gluteal skinfolds when
performed every day.” the infant is placed prone and the legs
3. “Have the child perform simple are extended against the examining table
isometric exercises during this time.”
4. “Administer additional pain medication 473. Parents bring their 2-week-old infant to
before performing range-of-motion a clinic for treatment after a diagnosis of
Exercises.” clubfoot made at birth. Which statement by
the parents indicates a need for
469. A child who has undergone spinal further teaching regarding this disorder?
fusion for scoliosis complains of abdominal 1. “Treatment needs to be started as soon
discomfort and begins to have episodes of as possible.”
vomiting. On further assessment, the nurse 2. “I realize my infant will require follow-up
notes abdominal distention. On the basis of care until fully grown.”
these findings, the nurse should take which 3. “I need to bring my infant back to the
action? clinic in 1 month for a new cast.”
1. Administer an antiemetic. 4. “I need to come to the clinic every week
2. Increase the intravenous fluids. with my infant for the casting.”
3. Place the child in a Sims’s position.
4. Notify the health care provider (HCP). 830. The nurse is conducting health
screening for osteoporosis. Which client is
470. The nurse is providing instructions to at greatest risk of developing this disorder?
the parents of a child with scoliosis 1. A 25-year-old woman who jogs
regarding the use of a brace. Which 2. A 36-year-old man who has asthma
statement by the parents indicates a need 3. A 70-year-old man who consumes
for further instruction? excess alcohol
1. “I will encourage my child to perform 4. A sedentary 65-year-old woman who
prescribed exercises.” smokes cigarettes
2. “I will have my child wear soft fabric
clothing under the brace.” 831. The nurse has given instructions to a
3. “I should apply lotion under the brace client returning home after knee
to prevent skin breakdown.” arthroscopy. Which statement by the client
4. “I should avoid the use of powder indicates that the instructions are
because it will cake under the brace.” understood?
1. “I can resume regular exercise tomorrow.”
471. The nurse is assisting a health care 2. “I can’t eat food for the remainder of the
provider (HCP) examining an infant with day.”
developmental dysplasia of the hip perform 3. “I need to stay off the leg entirely for the
an Ortolani maneuver. The nurse rest of the day.”
understands that this maneuver is 4. “I need to report a fever or site
performed for which purpose? inflammation to my health care
1. To assess for hip instability provider.”
2. To assess for movement of the hips
832. The nurse is one of several persons Which statement indicates that the client
who witnessed a vehicle hit a pedestrian at understands proper care of the cast?
fairly low speed on a small street. The victim 1. “I need to avoid getting the cast wet.”
is dazed and tries to get up. The 2. “I need to cover the casted leg with warm
leg appears fractured. Which intervention blankets.”
should the nurse take? 3. “I need to use my fingertips to lift and
1. Try to reduce the fracture manually. move my leg.”
2. Assist the victim to get up and walk to the 4. “I need to use something like a padded
sidewalk. coat hanger end to scratch under the
3. Leave the victim for a few moments to cast if it itches.”
call an ambulance.
4. Stay with the victim and encourage the 839. A client being measured for crutches
person to remain still. asks the nurse why the crutches cannot rest
up underneath the arm for extra support.
834. The nurse is evaluating the pin sites of The nurse responds knowing that which
a client in skeletal traction. The nurse would most likely result from this improper
would be least concerned with which crutch measurement?
finding? 1. A fall and further injury
1. Inflammation 2. Injury to the brachial plexus nerves
2. Serous drainage 3. Skin breakdown in the area of the axilla
3. Pain at a pin site 4. Impaired range of motion while the client
4. Purulent drainage ambulates

835. The nurse is assessing the casted 841. The nurse is caring for a client being
extremity of a client. Which sign is indicative treated for fat embolus after multiple
of infection? fractures. Which data would the nurse
1. Dependent edema evaluate as the most favorable indication
2. Diminished distal pulse of resolution of the fat embolus?
3. Presence of a “hot spot” on the cast 1. Clear mentation
4. Coolness and pallor of the extremity 2. Minimal dyspnea
3. Oxygen saturation of 85%
836. A client has sustained a closed fracture 4. Arterial oxygen level of 78 mm Hg
and has just had a cast applied to the
affected arm. The client is complaining of 842. The nurse has conducted teaching with
intense pain. The nurse elevates the a client in an arm cast about the signs and
limb, applies an ice bag, and administers an symptoms of compartment syndrome. The
analgesic, with little relief. Which nurse determines that the client
problem may be causing this pain? understands the information if the client
1. Infection under the cast states that he or she should report which
2. The anxiety of the client early symptom of compartment syndrome?
3. Impaired tissue perfusion 1. Cold, bluish-colored fingers
4. The recent occurrence of the fracture 2. Numbness and tingling in the fingers
3. Pain that increases when the arm is
837. The nurse is admitting a client with dependent
multiple trauma to the nursing unit. The 4. Pain that is out of proportion to the
client has a leg fracture and had a plaster severity of the fracture
cast applied. Which position would be best
for the casted leg? 843. A client with diabetes mellitus has had
1. Flat for 12 hours, then elevated for 12 a right below-knee amputation. Given the
hours. client’s history of diabetes mellitus, which
2. Elevated for 3 hours and then flat for 1 should the nurse specifically observe in the
hour. postoperative period?
3. Flat for 3 hours and then elevated for 1 1. Hemorrhage
hour. 2. Edema of the residual limb
4. Elevated on pillows continuously for 3. Slight redness of the incision
24 to 48 hours. 4. Separation of the wound edges

838. A client is being discharged to home 844. The nurse is caring for a client who
after application of a plaster leg cast. had an above-knee amputation 2 days ago.
The residual limb was wrapped with an administration of etanercept, which is most
elastic compression bandage, which has important for the nurse to assess?
come off. Which immediate action should 1. The injection site for itching and edema
the nurse take? 2. The white blood cell counts and
1. Apply ice to the site. platelet counts
2. Call the health care provider (HCP). 3. Whether the client is experiencing fatigue
3. Apply a dry sterile dressing and elevate it and joint pain
on one pillow. 4. Whether the client is experiencing a
4. Rewrap the residual limb with an metallic taste in the mouth, and a loss of
elastic compression bandage. Appetite

845. A client is complaining of low back pain 850. Allopurinol (Zyloprim) is prescribed for
that radiates down the left posterior a client and the nurse provides
thigh. The nurse should ask the client if the medication instructions to the client. Which
pain is worsened or aggravated by which instruction should the nurse provide?
factor? 1. Drink 3000 mL of fluid a day.
1. Bed rest 2. Take the medication on an empty
2. Bending or lifting stomach.
3. Application of heat 3. The effect of the medication will occur
4. Ibuprofen (Motrin IB) immediately.
4. Any swelling of the lips is a normal
846. The nurse is caring for a client who has expected response.
had spinal fusion, with insertion of
hardware. The nurse would be most 851. Colchicine (Colcrys) is prescribed for a
concerned with which assessment finding? client with a diagnosis of gout. The nurse
1. Temperature of 101.6° F orally reviews the client’s record, knowing that this
2. Complaints of discomfort during medication would be used
repositioning with caution in which disorder?
3. Old bloody drainage outlined on the 1. Myxedema
surgical dressing 2. Kidney disease
4. Discomfort during coughing and 3. Hypothyroidism
deep-breathing exercises 4. Diabetes mellitus

847. The nurse is caring for a client with a 852. Alendronate (Fosamax) is prescribed
diagnosis of gout. Which laboratory value for a client with osteoporosis and the nurse
would the nurse expect to note in the client? is providing instructions on administration of
1. Calcium level of 9.0 mg/dL the medication. Which instruction should the
2. Uric acid level of 8.6 mg/dL nurse provide?
3. Potassium level of 4.1 mEq/L 1. Take the medication at bedtime.
4. Phosphorus level of 3.1 mg/dL 2. Take the medication in the morning with
848. A client with a hip fracture asks the 3. Lie down for 30 minutes after taking the
nurse why Buck’s (extension) traction is medication.
being applied before surgery. The nurse 4. Take the medication with a full glass of
provides a response based on which water after rising in the morning.
purpose of Buck’s (extension) traction?
1. Allows bony healing to begin before 853. The nurse is preparing discharge
surgery instructions for a client receiving baclofen.
2. Provides rigid immobilization of the Which instruction should be included in the
fracture site teaching plan?
3. Lengthens the fractured leg to prevent 1. Restrict fluid intake.
severing of blood vessels 2. Avoid the use of alcohol.
4. Provides comfort by reducing muscle 3. Stop the medication if diarrhea occurs.
spasms and provides fracture 4. Notify the health care provider (HCP) if
immobilization fatigue occurs.

849. A client has been on treatment for 854. The nurse is analyzing the laboratory
rheumatoid arthritis for 3 weeks. During the studies on a client receiving dantrolene
sodium (Dantrium). Which laboratory test 1. Avoid oral hygiene and rinsing with
would identify an adverse effect mouthwash.
associated with the administration of this 2. Verify that the client has not eaten for the
medication? last 24 hours.
1. Platelet count 3. Have the client void immediately
2. Creatinine level before going into surgery.
3. Liver function tests 4. Report immediately any slight increase in
4. Blood urea nitrogen level blood pressure or pulse.

855. Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride 169. A client with a perforated gastric ulcer

(Flexeril) is prescribed for a client for muscle is scheduled for surgery. The client cannot
spasms and the nurse is reviewing the sign the operative consent form because of
client’s record. Which disorder, if noted in sedation from opioid analgesics that have
the record, would indicate a need to contact been administered. The nurse should take
the health care provider about the which most appropriate action in the care of
administration of this medication? this client?
1. Glaucoma 1. Obtain a court order for the surgery.
2. Emphysema 2. Have the charge nurse sign the informed
3. Hypothyroidism consent immediately.
4. Diabetes mellitus 3. Send the client to surgery without the
consent form being signed.
857. The nurse is administering an 4. Obtain a telephone consent from a
intravenous dose of methocarbamol family member, following agency policy.
(Robaxin) to a client with multiple sclerosis.
For which side/adverse effects should the 170. A preoperative client expresses anxiety
nurse monitor? to the nurse about upcoming surgery. Which
1. Tachycardia response by the nurse is most likely to
2. Rapid pulse stimulate further discussion between the
3. Bradycardia client and the nurse?
4. Hypertension 1. “If it’s any help, everyone is nervous
before surgery.”
PERIOP 2. “I will be happy to explain the entire
166. The nurse has just reassessed the surgical procedure to you.”
condition of a postoperative client who was 3. “Can you share with me what you’ve
admitted 1 hour ago to the surgical unit. The been told about your surgery?”
nurse plans to monitor which parameter 4. “Let me tell you about the care you’ll
most carefully during the next hour? receive after surgery and the amount of pain
1. Urinary output of 20 mL/hour you can anticipate.”
2. Temperature of 37.6 ° C (99.6 ° F)
3. Blood pressure of 100/70 mm Hg 171. The nurse is conducting preoperative
4. Serous drainage on the surgical dressing teaching with a client about the use of an
incentive spirometer. The nurse should
167. A postoperative client asks the nurse include which piece of information in
why it is so important to deep-breathe and discussions with the client?
cough after surgery. When formulating a 1. Inhale as rapidly as possible.
response, the nurse incorporates the 2. Keep a loose seal between the lips and
understanding that retained pulmonary the mouthpiece.
secretions in a postoperative client can lead 3. After maximum inspiration, hold the
to which condition? breath for 15 seconds and exhale.
1. Pneumonia 4. The best results are achieved when
2. Hypoxemia sitting up or with the head of the bed
3. Fluid imbalance elevated 45 to 90 degrees.
4. Pulmonary embolism
172. The nurse has conducted preoperative
168. The nurse is developing a plan of care teaching for a client scheduled for surgery in
for a client scheduled for surgery. The nurse 1 week. The client has a history of arthritis
should include which activity in the nursing and has been taking acetylsalicylic acid
care plan for the client on the day of (aspirin). The nurse determines that the
client needs additional teaching if the client 178. The nurse is reviewing a health care
makes which statement? provider’s (HCP’s) prescription sheet for a
1. “Aspirin can cause bleeding after preoperative client that states that the client
surgery.” must be NPO after midnight. The nurse
2. “Aspirin can cause my ability to clot blood would telephone the HCP to clarify that
to be abnormal.” which medication should be given to the
3. “I need to continue to take the aspirin client and not withheld?
until the day of surgery.” 1. Prednisone
4. “I need to check with my health care 2. Ferrous sulfate
provider about the need to stop the aspirin 3. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
before the scheduled surgery.” 4. Conjugated estrogen (Premarin)

173. The nurse assesses a client’s surgical

incision for signs of infection. Which finding
by the nurse would be interpreted as a
normal finding at the surgical site?
1. Red, hard skin
2. Serous drainage
3. Purulent drainage
4. Warm, tender skin

174. The nurse is monitoring the status of a

postoperative client. The nurse would
become most concerned with which sign
that could indicate an evolving
1. Increasing restlessness
2. A pulse of 86 beats/minute
3. Blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg
4. Hypoactive bowel sounds in all four

176. A client who has undergone

preadmission testing has had blood drawn
for serum laboratory studies, including a
complete blood count, coagulation studies,
and electrolytes and creatinine levels.
Which laboratory result should be reported
to the surgeon’s office by the nurse,
knowing that it could cause surgery to be
1. Sodium, 141 mEq/L
2. Hemoglobin, 8.0 g/dL
3. Platelets, 210,000/mm3
4. Serum creatinine, 0.8 mg/dL

177. The nurse receives a telephone call

from the postanesthesia care unit stating
that a client is being transferred to the
surgical unit. The nurse plans to take which
action first on arrival of the client?
1. Assess the patency of the airway.
2. Check tubes or drains for patency.
3. Check the dressing to assess for
4. Assess the vital signs to compare with
preoperative measurements.
DAVIS 6. A client who is receiving doxorubicin
HEMA (Adriamycin®) for the first time to treat
1. A homeless client, visiting a health clinic, multiple myeloma develops flushing, facial
is noted to have a smooth and reddened swelling, headache, chills, and back pain.
tongue and ulcers at the corners of the Which statement made by the nurse is
mouth. The client was tentatively diagnosed best?
with a hematological disorder, and 1. “These symptoms are uncomfortable
laboratory tests were prescribed. Based on for you, and I can give more medication
this information, a nurse should expect the for symptom control; these usually
client’s laboratory results to reveal: resolve in 1 day and are limited to the
1. low hemoglobin. first dose.”
2. elevated red blood cells (RBCs). 2. “These symptoms are concerning. You
3. prolonged prothrombin time (PT). may want to consider terminating treatment
4. low white blood cells (WBCs). because these are signs of unacceptable
2. A nurse teaches a 55-year-old strict 3. “Next time you can receive premedication
vegetarian that, to decrease the risk of with ondansetron (Zofran®), an antiemetic
developing megaloblastic anemia, the client to prevent these symptoms.”
should: 4. “Side effects will occur with
1. undergo a Schilling test. chemotherapy. Focus on the goal of curing
2. increase intake of foods high in iron. your cancer, and then the side effects will
3. supplement the diet with vitamin B12. be more tolerable.”
4. have a monthly hemoglobin level drawn
7. Following a shift report on an oncology
3. A nurse should assess a client with unit, a nurse determines that which client
hemolytic anemia for weakness, fatigue, should be assessed first?
malaise, skin and mucous membrane pallor, 1. A client with breast cancer who has an
and: order for ondansetron (Zofran®) 8 mg
1. jaundice. intravenously (IV) 30 minutes prior to
2. a smooth red tongue. chemotherapy
3. a craving for ice. 2. A client just admitted with a
4. a poor intake of fresh vegetables. temperature of 101°F (38.3°C),
diaphoresis, and an absolute neutrophil
4. A client is neutropenic following treatment count of 98/mm3
for acute lymphocytic leukemia and is now 3. A client with breast cancer who is
experiencing hypotension, tachycardia, and scheduled for external beam radiation in 15
an elevated temperature. Because an minutes
infection is suspected, a nurse notifies a 4. A client with stomatitis associated with
physician. Which physician order should be tonsilar cancer who receives gastrostomy
the nurse’s priority? tube feedings
1. Portable chest x-ray
2. Urine and blood cultures 8. A female client is to receive
3. Vancomycin (Vancocin®) 1 gm chemotherapy and radiation for Hodgkin’s
intravenously (IV) lymphoma with cervical and axillary node
every 12 hours involvement. A nurse evaluates that the
4. Filgrastim (Neupogen®) 10 mg/kg client is coping positively when the client
subcutaneously daily states:
1. “I selected a wig that matches my hair
5. A nurse obtains the following assessment color, but I will miss my own hair.”
data for a client diagnosed with acute 2. “I am so glad that the chemotherapy and
myeloid leukemia. For which finding should radiation treatments won’t cause me to lose
a nurse plan interventions first? my hair.”
1. Pain from mucositis 3. “The chemotherapy-drug combination will
2. Weakness and fatigue prevent mucositis and immunosuppression.”
3. T 99°, P100, R 20, and BP 132/64 mmHg 4. “I have faith that my doctor will be able to
4. Ecchymosis and petechiae noted on cure me and I won’t have any long-term
arms effects.”
9. A physician documents that a client, 4. Remove the blood from the drainage
diagnosed with stage III non-Hodgkin’s system and send it to the blood bank to be
lymphoma (NHL), is experiencing “B prepared for an infusion.
symptoms.” A nurse interprets this to mean
that the client has: 13. The family of a client who is scheduled
1. bleeding associated with low platelets for emergency surgery following an accident
counts. asks if they can donate blood for the client.
2. a B lymphocyte malignancy and has The client’s blood type is B negative. A
progressed to an untreatable stage. nurse informs the family that packed
3. symptoms from exposure to a viral red blood cells (PRBCs) could likely be
infection, such as Epstein-Barr virus. used from family members whose blood
4. recurrent fever, drenching night type is:
sweats, and an unintentional weight loss 1. type A positive.
of 10% or more. 2. type B positive.
3. type B negative.
10. A nurse teaches a coworker that the 4. type O positive.
treatment for hemophilia will likely include 5. type O negative.
periodic selfadministration of: 6. type AB positive.
1. platelets.
2. whole blood. 14. A client who has received 50 mL of a
3. factor concentrates. unit of whole blood complains of low back
4. fresh frozen plasma. pain. In response to this client’s symptom, a
nurse should first:
11. A client diagnosed with von Willebrand’s 1. reposition the client.
disease calls a clinic after experiencing 2. assess the pain further.
hemarthrosis. Which treatment should a 3. administer an analgesic.
nurse recommend? 4. stop the blood transfusion.
1. “Treat the pain with two 325-mg aspirin
(Ecotrin®) tablets every 4 hours.” 15. A young adult with a diagnosis of
2. “Apply cold packs 2 hours on and 2 hemophilia A is receiving a monthly
hours off of the affected site for 24 to 48 scheduled dose of factor VIII cryoprecipitate
hours.” (Bioclate®). While a nurse is administering
3. “Come to the clinic immediately so you the Bioclate®, the client begins to cry.
can receive an infusion of fresh frozen Which nursing response would be most
plasma.” appropriate?
4. “If you are wearing a splint, remove it 1. “Why are you crying? You seem afraid
immediately to avoid compartment when I am administering the Bioclate®.”
syndrome.” 2. “Is it painful when I administer the
Bioclate® intravenous push? If it is, I can
12. A client has a wound suction device for administer it by infusion.”
blood salvage following a left total knee 3. “I know this is uncomfortable for you, but
replacement so that the blood can be this will only take about 3 minutes to
reinfused into the client within the administer.”
first 6 hours postoperatively. Which 4. “If you want to talk to me about what
intervention should a nurse plan to you are feeling, I am here to listen.”
implement to care for this wound suction
device? 16. A client with leukemia asks a nurse to
1. Discard the first 500 mL in the suction explain how donor cells are obtained for
container and wait until the container is full peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
again before beginning a reinfusion. (PBSCT). Which statement by the nurse is
2. As soon as the prescribed amount is correct?
noted in the container, obtain the blood 1. “A large amount of bone marrow tissue is
and prepare it for reinfusion into the harvested from a donor’s hip bone under
client intravenously. general anesthesia in the operating room.”
3. Separate the blood from the drainage, 2. “Stem cells are collected from the
and reinfuse the blood back through the donor’s blood, which goes through a
drainage system into the wound. machine, removes the stem cells, and
then returns the blood back to the
3. “Stem cells are collected from a donor superior vena cava syndrome secondary to
through a process called apheresis, which lung cancer?
removes the stem cells from the blood. This 1. Ineffective breathing pattern
typically takes 10 to 15 minutes.” 2. Ineffective tissue perfusion
4. “Stem cells are obtained similar to other 3. Risk for infection
blood donations, where the blood is 4. Impaired skin integrity
collected and then administered to you
immediately following collection.” 21. A nurse explains “watchful waiting”
(ongoing visits to a physician for
17. A female nurse tells a coworker that she observation of signs and symptoms without
is confused because a physician stated that treatment) to a client with prostate cancer.
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) Under which circumstance should the nurse
symptoms were desirable for a particular recommend “watchful waiting”?
client after a bone marrow transplant. In 1. When bone cancer is diagnosed along
which type of malignancy is GVHD with prostate cancer
sometimes desirable? 2. When the client is older than age 70
1. Gastrointestinal with a life expectancy of less than 10
2. Reproductive years with low-grade disease
3. Neurological 3. When a client has extension of the tumor
4. Hematological outside of the prostate
4. When a client has an elevated prostate
18. A client diagnosed with acute myeloid specific antigen, has no symptoms, and is
leukemia receives a bone marrow under the age of 60
transplant. Which medication to prevent
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) should a 22. Which actions should a nurse initiate for
nurse anticipate receiving an order to a client who had a left modified radical
administer? mastectomy (a total mastectomy with
1. A cephalosporin antibiotic, such as axillary node dissection and removal of the
ceftazidime lining over the pectoralis major muscle)?
(Fortaz®) 1. Elevate the left arm above the head.
2. An immunosuppressant, such as 2. Insert all intravenous (IV) access sites
cyclosporine on the right side.
(Neoral®) 3. Have the client view the incision site as
3. A chemotherapeutic agent, such as soon as possible.
cisplatin 4. Initiate strengthening exercises of the left
(Platinol A-Q®) arm within 24 hours of surgery.
4. Peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys®) for
prevention and treatment of hepatitis 23. A client diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
lymphoma develops radiation pneumonitis 3
19. A nurse is evaluating a client’s months after radiation treatment. For which
understanding of teaching about changes to symptoms of radiation pneumonitis should a
expect following a bone marrow transplant nurse observe the client?
(BMT). Which statement by the client 1. Tachypnea, hypotension, and fever
indicates the client misunderstood the 2. Cough, fever, and dyspnea
expected changes? 3. Bradypnea, cough, and decreased urine
1. “You can have weight gain from the side output
effects of your steroid immunosuppressant 4. Cough, tachycardia, and altered mental
medications.” status
2. “Sterility can occur from the destruction of
your own stem cells with chemotherapy and 24. A nurse cares for a client receiving
radiation.” combination chemotherapy of oxaliplatin
3. “Cataracts may develop after total body (Eloxatin®), fluorouracil (5-FU), and
irradiation.” leucovorin (Wellcovorin®). For which
4. “Changes to the mouth include a common side effects of this chemotherapy
white, patchy tongue.” should the nurse assess the client?
1. Neurotoxicities and diarrhea
20. Which nursing diagnosis should have 2. Cardiomyopathy and dysphagia
the highest priority for a client experiencing 3. Renal insufficiency and gastritis
4. Photophobia and stomatitis
25. A nurse assesses that a client, who is 30. Which nursing diagnosis should a nurse
receiving radiation for cervical cancer, plan to document for the client with gastric
continues to have diarrhea. Which nursing cancer experiencing hematemesis?
advice is most appropriate for this client? 1. Impaired oral mucous membrane
1. Take sitz baths twice daily and eat a 2. Decreased cardiac output
low-residue diet. 3. Impaired gas exchange
2. Drink fluids low in potassium and take 4. Fluid volume deficit
frequent tub baths.
3. Increase your intake of milk products and 31. A client diagnosed with esophageal
take frequent showers. cancer is having work-related problems.
4. Drink fluids high in sodium and apply Which organization should a nurse advise
hydrocolloid dressings to reddened areas. the client to contact for assistance with
these issues?
26. When assessing a client who is 1. National Cancer Institute
recovering from a radical hysterectomy with 2. Leukemia Society of America
vulvectomy, a nurse notes lymphedema of 3. Corporate Angel Network
the lower extremities. Which intervention 4. Patient Advocate Foundation
should be implemented by the nurse?
1. Elevate the head of the bed to a 32. Which vaccine should a nurse
45-degree angle. recommend for prevention of liver cancer?
2. Increase the client’s intake of fluids high 1. Varicella vaccine
in sodium. 2. Hepatitis A vaccine
3. Encourage the client to exercise the 3. Meningococcal vaccine
lower extremities. 4. Hepatitis B vaccine
4. Apply lower-extremity splints
33. A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed
27. A client phones a nurse after having with hepatocellular carcinoma who is
three basal cell carcinoma (BCC) lesions exhibiting a paraneoplastic syndrome. For
excised the day before and is concerned which signs should the nurse assess?
that the wounds are draining a small 1. Erythrocytosis and hypercalcemia
amount of serosanguineous fluid and that 2. Hyperkalemia and hyperalbuminemia
the small 3. Hypernatremia and hypomagnesemia
dressing is leaking. Which action should the 4. Hypocalcemia and hyperleukocytosis
nurse recommend?
1. Apply ice to the area. 34. In the assessment of a client for
2. Contact the physician. endometrial cancer, a nurse would most
3. Take medication for pain. likely find which symptoms at diagnosis of
4. Change the dressings. the disease?
1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding and pain in
28. A client presents with a meningioma and the pelvic region
symptoms of increased intracranial 2. Weight loss and profuse sweating
pressure. Which manifestations should a 3. Anorexia and enlarged supraclavicular
nurse least expect to find on assessment lymph node
of this client? 4. Unexplained fevers and splenomegaly
1. Headache
2. Vomiting 35. A nurse counsels a family member of a
3. Pyrexia cancer client about the caregiving role.
4. Papilledema Which self-care activity would help the
family member cope with the caregiver role?
29. When caring for a client with epigastric 1. Being open to technologies and ideas
pain and suspected gastric cancer, which that promote a loved one’s dependence
diagnostic test should a nurse address with 2. Trusting that you are doing the right thing
the client because it is the specific test used and staying focused on your loved one
to diagnose the cancer? 3. Grieving over losing personal time for self
1. Arthroscopy or care of other family members
2. Bronchoscopy 4. Self-education about a loved one’s
3. Colonoscopy condition and how to communicate
4. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy effectively with health-care providers
assess for which sign that is specific to a fat
36. For a client experiencing severe cancer emboli?
pain (pain intensity of 7 to 10 on a scale of 0 1. Dyspnea
to 10, where 0 equals no pain and 10 2. Chest pain
equals the worst possible pain), which 3. Delirium
medication should a nurse plan to 4. Petechiae
1. Meperidine (Demerol®) 41. Which order written by a physician
2. Propoxyphene (Darvon®) should be a priority for a nurse caring for a
3. Pentazocine (Talwin®) client who sustained an unstable pelvic
4. Oxycodone (Oxycontin®) fracture in a motor vehicle accident?
1. Urinalysis
37. A nurse is caring for a client who is 2. Blood alcohol level
experiencing pain related to cancer 3. Computed tomography (CT) scan of the
treatment. The client tells the nurse, pelvis
“Methadone (Dolophine®) has always 4. Two units of cross-matched whole
worked well for me in the past.” Which blood
effects of methadone should the nurse
consider before obtaining an order for the 42. A licensed practical nurse is reporting
medication? observations and cares to a registered
1. Long half-life and high potency nurse (RN). Based on the report, which
2. Central nervous system toxicity and client should the RN assess immediately?
potential to cause confusion 1. The client, 2 hours following a total knee
3. Frequent allergic reactions and replacement, who has 100 mL bloody
therapeutic doses causing liver failure drainage in the suction container of an
4. Coagulation toxicity and short half-life autotransfusion drainage system
2. The client with a crush injury to the
38. A client with cancer pain may require arm who was given another analgesic
treatment with coanalgesics or adjuvant and a skeletal muscle relaxant for
medications to control pain. Which adjuvant throbbing, unrelenting pain
medication gives the best response when 3. The client in a new body cast who was
given with opioids? turned every 2 hours and supported with
1. Promethazine (Phenergan®) waterproof pillows
2. Gabapentin (Neurontin®) 4. The client with an external fixator on the
3. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) left leg, having serous drainage from the pin
4. Droperidol (Inapsine®) sites

MUSCULO 43. A clinic nurse has completed teaching

39. Which treatments should a nurse plan for a client with a rotator cuff tear who is
for a client being seen in the clinic for a being treated conservatively. Which client
second-degree ankle sprain? statement indicates that further teaching is
1. Rest, elevate the extremity, apply ice, needed?
and apply a compression bandage. 1. “I received a corticosteroid injection in my
2. Perform range of motion to determine the shoulder to reduce the inflammation.”
extent of injury, apply heat, check circulation 2. “I will be doing progressive stretching and
and sensation, and examine the ankle. strengthening exercises now that the pain is
3. Reduce pain with moist heat, then apply controlled.”
ice to reduce swelling; check circulation, 3. “I should continue taking ibuprofen
motion, and sensation; and elevate the (Advil®) with food for pain control.”
ankle. 4. “I will need an open acromioplasty
4. Refer the client immediately to an surgery to repair the torn cuff after the
orthopedic surgeon, administer analgesics, swelling is reduced.”
control swelling with ice, and encourage rest
and elevation. 44. A 28-year-old client and his spouse
were involved in a motorcycle accident in
40. A client is suspected of having a fat which his spouse was killed. The client,
embolism following a pelvic fracture from a being treated in the progressive care unit for
motor vehicle accident. A nurse should multiple rib fractures and a broken leg, asks
the nurse in which room his wife is located. right wrist. Which statement, if made by the
Which response is most appropriate? nurse, is incorrect?
1. “Your wife is not in the hospital.” 1. “Keep your cast uncovered while drying
2. “I’m sorry, but your wife did not so that moisture can evaporate.”
survive the accident.” 2. “Your cast will have a musty odor and dull
3. “I need to get your family so that you can gray appearance until it dries. But once fully
talk to them about your wife.” dry, your cast should be odorless and shiny
4. “The doctor will be talking to you about white.”
your wife and where she is located.” 3. “Your cast will feel sticky and very
warm during the drying process, but it
45. An elderly client with Alzheimer’s will dry very quickly in about 30
dementia is being admitted from a minutes.”
postanesthesia unit following a hip 4. “Support the cast by elevating it on
hemiarthroplasty to treat a hip fracture. pillows and avoid any sharp or hard
Which intervention should a nurse initially surfaces, especially while your cast is
plan for the client’s pain control? drying, because it can cause denting and
1. Apply a fentanyl (Duragesic®) pressure areas.”
transdermal patch.
2. Initiate morphine sulfate per 50. A male client has been in a body cast
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with a for the past 2 days to treat numerous
basal rate. broken vertebrae from a fall. The client is
3. Administer intravenous morphine sulfate reporting dyspnea, vomiting, epigastric pain,
based on the client’s report of pain. and abdominal distention. Which action
4. Administer scheduled doses of demonstrates the best clinical judgment by
morphine sulfate intravenously around a nurse?
the clock. 1. Immediately notifies the client’s
physician of these findings
47. A diabetic client is admitted with a 2. Initiates oxygen at 2 liters per nasal
tentative diagnosis of osteomyelitis cannula to relieve the dyspnea
secondary to a wound on the ankle. The 3. Places ice packs around the cast to
client’s ankle is painful, red, swollen, and reduce the abdominal distention
warm, and the wound is persistently 4. Administers ondansetron (Zofran®), the
draining. The client’s temperature is 102.2°F prescribed antiemetic on the client’s MAR
(39°C). Based on the client’s status, which
written physician’s order should a nurse 51. An experienced nurse observes a new
plan to defer until later? nurse caring for a client in skeletal traction
1. Obtain wound culture. to stabilize a fracture of the proximal femur
2. Administer ceftriaxone (Rocephin®) 1 g prior to surgery. Which observation by the
IV (intravenously) q12 hours. experienced nurse indicates the new nurse
3. Apply splint to immobilize ankle. needs additional orientation?
4. Begin teaching on self-administration 1. Positions the client so the feet stay clear
of home IV antibiotics. of the bottom of the bed
2. Checks ropes so that they are positioned
48. A nurse is assessing an elderly client in in the wheel groves of the pulleys
Buck’s traction to temporally immobilize a 3. Removes weights from the ropes until
fracture of the proximal femur prior to the weights hang freely off the bed frame
surgery. Which finding requires the nurse to 4. Performs pin site care with chlorhexidine
intervene immediately? solution twice daily
1. Reddened area on the sacrum
2. Voiding concentrated urine, 50 mL/hr 52. A client diagnosed with osteoarthritis,
3. Capillary refill 3 seconds, dorsiflexion and tells a clinic nurse about the inability to
sensation intact, pedal pulses palpable ambulate and staying on bedrest because
4. Lower leg secure in traction boot and of hip stiffness. In addition to teaching the
ropes and pulleys and 5 lb weight hanging client measures to reduce joint stiffness,
freely which referral for the client should the nurse
plan to discuss with the health-care
49. A nurse is providing instructions to a provider?
client who has a plaster cast to attain 1. Psychiatrist
adequate molding following a fracture to the 2. Social worker
3. Physical therapist 57. A nurse receives an order to administer
4. Arthritis Foundation cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril®) 30 mg orally
three times daily to a client hospitalized with
53. Which nursing action should be acute cervical neck pain. The pharmacy has
implemented on the second postoperative supplied 10-mg tablets. Which action by the
day for a client who received a right total hip nurse is best?
replacement (THR) with a cemented 1. Administer three 10-mg tablets with food.
prosthesis? 2. Call the physician to question the
1. Assisting the client to the bathroom, order.
which has an elevated toilet seat, using a 3. Observe the client for drowsiness after
walker and partial weight bearing of the administration.
right leg 4. Administer morphine sulfate
2. Removing the Hodgkin’s splint, which intravenously for immediate pain control.
maintained leg alignment during the night,
and positioning pillows to adduct the client’s 58. A nurse assesses a client 6 hours
right leg postoperatively following a lumbar spinal
3. Reinfusing the returns from a Stryker® fusion. The client is experiencing a
wound autotransfusion drainage system, headache rated at 8 out of 10 but denies
which has collected 400 mL in the past 24 nausea. The neurovascular status of the
hours lower extremities is intact, and the vital
4. Assisting the client to get out of bed on signs are within the normal range. The client
the left side so the client can stand to use log rolls with assistance. The lungs have
the urinal fine crackles in the left base. The back
dressing has a dime-sized bloody spot
54. One month after discharge, a client who surrounded by a moderate amount of clear
had a left total hip replacement calls a clinic yellowish drainage. Which nursing action
reporting acute constant pain in the left demonstrates the nurse’s best clinical
groin and hip area and feeling like the left judgment?
leg is shorter than the right. A nurse advises 1. Administering morphine sulfate
the client to come to the clinic immediately intravenously
suspecting: 2. Encouraging coughing and deep
1. wound infection. breathing
2. deep vein thrombosis (DVT). 3. Reinforcing the incisional dressing
3. dislocation of the prosthesis. 4. Notifying the client’s physician
4. aseptic loosening of the prosthesis.
59. Which action should a nurse plan in the
55. To prevent circulatory complications care of the client who had a surgical repair
after a right total knee replacement, a nurse of a right Dupuytren’s contracture?
should ensure that the client is: 1. Elevating the right lower extremity above
1. flexing both feet and exercising the level of the heart
uninvolved joints every hour while 2. Assisting the client with bathing,
awake. dressing, grooming, and toileting
2. using the continuous passive motion 3. Instructing the client on obtaining proper
device (CPM) every 2 hours for 30 minutes. fitting shoes
3. assisted up to a chair as soon as the 4. Frequent rewrapping of the elastic
effects of anesthesia have worn off. bandage on the right extremity to decrease
4. using the trapeze to lift the buttocks off edema
the bed and then rotating each leg
intermittently. 60. To which client should a nurse plan to
provide teaching about genetic resources?
56. Which priority nursing diagnosis should 1. Client who had an ankle fracture
a nurse document in the plan of care for a secondary to a boating accident
client following a C5–C6 anterior cervical 2. Client who had a ganglion removed from
discectomy? the dorsum of the wrist
1. Potential ineffective breathing pattern 3. Client who had a surgical repair of a
2. Potential impaired tissue perfusion fracture due to osteoporosis
3. Risk for infection 4. Client who had a total knee replacement
4. Impaired skin integrity due to degenerative joint disease
61. When analyzing the serum laboratory 3. Remove the client’s rings, gold chain, and
report for a client diagnosed with lung wristwatch.
cancer that has metastasized to the pelvic 4. Administer 10 mEq KCL IV for a serum
bone, which finding should a nurse potassium level of 3.0 mEq/L.
1. Elevated calcium 65. Which client statement made during a
2. Decreased hemoglobin presurgical admission assessment needs
3. Elevated creatinine (Scr) the most immediate follow-up?
4. Elevated creatine kinase (CK) 1. “I haven’t eaten foods or had any fluids
for the past 12 hours.”
62. A nurse reads the chart of a 25-year-old 2. “I donated my own blood in case I need a
male and notes that he has been diagnosed transfusion; the last donation was 4 days
with an osteosarcoma of the distal femur. ago.”
Which statement indicates the nurse’s 3. “I took my usual dose of warfarin
correct interpretation of the client’s (Coumadin®) and other cardiac meds
diagnosis? this morning with a sip of water.”
1. The tumor originated elsewhere in the 4. “I brought a copy of my Health Care
client’s body and metastasized to the bone. Directives so others will know my wishes
2. Osteosarcoma is the most common should my heart stop during surgery.”
and most often fatal primary malignant
bone tumor. 66. A nurse is to witness the signature of a
3. The only treatment for osteosarcoma is a surgical consent for multiple clients
leg amputation well above the tumor growth. scheduled for surgery the following day. In
4. Osteosarcoma is a nonmalignant growth evaluating the health history of each client,
that can be excised and the bone replaced the nurse should plan to obtain a signature
with a bone graft. from the next of kin for:
1. a 75-year-old client who is blind.
63. A client, with a lower leg amputation, is 2. a 60-year-old client who does not
experiencing edema, so a nursing assistant understand English.
(NA) elevates the client’s residual left limb 3. a 50-year-old client who is forgetful, but
on pillows. What is the most appropriate fully oriented.
action by the nurse when observing that the 4. a 16-year-old educated client who fully
client’s leg has been elevated? understands the surgery
1. Thank the NA for being so observant and
intervening appropriately. 67. A nurse receives the written laboratory
2. Remove the pillows, raise the foot of results of a positive pregnancy test for a
the bed, and inform the NA that the limb client scheduled for an emergency
should not be elevated on pillows appendectomy. The nurse should first:
because it could cause a flexion 1. call the lab to verify the results of the test.
contracture. 2. inform the client of the positive results.
3. Inform the NA that this was the correct 3. report the results immediately to the
action at this time in the client’s recovery, surgeon.
but once the client’s incision heals the leg 4. notify the client’s primary physician of the
should not be elevated. results.
4. Report the incident to the surgeon and
tell the NA to complete a variance report 68. During a presurgical admission
because the client’s leg should not have assessment, a client states, “I’ve told my
been elevated. surgeon that I am a Jehovah’s Witness and
I won’t accept a blood transfusion.” Which
PERIOP statement by the nurse would be most
64. A nurse plans care for a client and notes appropriate?
that all of the following must be completed 1. “Tell me about your fear of receiving a
for a client being prepared for surgery. blood transfusion.”
Which intervention should the nurse 2. “Your request to not receive a
complete first? transfusion would be honored. Your
1. Complete the preoperative checklist. consent is needed to administer blood or
2. Assess the client’s preoperative vital blood products.”
signs. 3. “You don’t need to worry about getting a
blood transfusion. We have newer
equipment that causes less blood loss 73. Which statement by a nurse is most
during surgery.” effective when collecting data about a
4. “Are you sure you wouldn’t want a blood preoperative client’s recreational drug use?
transfusion if one is needed during surgery? 1. “Describe the drugs you use and the
You can always change your mind after frequency that you use these drugs.”
surgery 2. “Do you use any over-the-counter
medications or illegal substances?”
69. A nurse is analyzing serum laboratory 3. “Tell me about all medications and
results for a 73-year-old female client substances you take because complications
scheduled for surgery in 2 hours. The nurse can occur if you are taking something we do
concludes that which result would warrant not know about.”
the most immediate notification of the 4. “Because herbs, medications, and
physician? recreational drugs such as marijuana
1. Hemoglobin 10 g/dL and cocaine affect the type and amount
2. Creatinine 1.0 mg/dL of anesthesia you need, list any of these
3. Potassium 4.5 mEq/dL you take and how often you use them.”
4. Prothrombin time 22 seconds
74. A nurse evaluates that a preoperative
70. A physician writes an order to hold all client can properly use a volume incentive
medications the morning of surgery for a spirometer when which client action is
client with a history of type 1 diabetes noted?
mellitus and hypertension. A nurse should 1. Sits upright, inserts the mouthpiece, and
call the physician to clarify the hold order for blows until the lungs are emptied of air
what medication? 2. Sits upright, exhales, seals lips around
1. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) the mouthpiece, inhales, and holds
2. Ducosate sodium (Colace®) breath for 5 seconds
3. Regular and NPH insulin (Humulin®) 3. Sits at the edge of the bed, coughs,
4. Clonidine (Catapres®) inserts the mouthpiece, and blows slowly for
10 seconds
71. Which client statement indicates that a 4. Sits at the edge of the bed, breathes
client who is scheduled for a 3-hour surgery deeply five times, inserts the mouthpiece,
under general anesthesia needs further and inhales quickly
1. “A breathing tube will be placed when I 75. A client in an operating room holding
am in the operating room.” area, who is to receive general anesthesia,
2. “I should shave the skin in the reports having a dry mouth because food
surgical area the evening prior to and fluids have been withheld for 8 hours.
surgery.” Which action by a nurse is most
3. “I should splint my incision with a pillow appropriate?
when coughing and deep breathing after 1. Teach the client that the primary
surgery.” reason food and fluids have been
4. “I might need a urinary catheter inserted withheld is to prevent vomiting and
before surgery so my urine output can be potential complications
monitored.” 2. Clarify that food and fluids should have
been withheld only for 4 hours and offer a
72. Which nursing action would be best small sip of water
when a preoperative client verbalizes fear of 3. Explain to the client that a full stomach
postoperative pain? puts pressure on the diaphragm and
1. Providing diversional activities when prevents full lung expansion during surgery
client reports fear of pain 4. Tell the client that the general anesthetic
2. Encouraging the client to verbalize will soon make the client sleepy and
concerns regarding the fear of pain unaware of the mouth dryness
3. Informing the client of experiences and
the likelihood of pain pre- and 76. A nurse is caring for a client who
postoperatively received conscious sedation during a
4. Explaining the medications ordered surgical procedure. Which assessment of
for pain control, availability, and this client is most important for a nurse to
treatment goals make postoperatively?
1. Lung sounds
2. Amount of urine output
3. Ability to swallow liquids 81. A nurse is planning the discharge of a
4. Rate and depth of breathing client following recovery from an exploratory
laparotomy. The client has a history of
77. Upon arrival to an operating room chronic back pain and limited ability to
holding area, a client who is scheduled for ambulate. The nurse plans for further
abdominal surgery is noted to have discharge teaching when the client states:
replaced a tongue ring that was removed 1. “I can leave my elastic antiembolic
when the operative checklist was (TEDS®) stockings off once I get home.”
completed. Which is the most appropriate 2. “I should be eating a diet high in protein,
initial action by a nurse? calories, and vitamin C now and when I get
1. Document the findings on the client’s home.”
medical record 3. “An alternative method to control pain
2. Request that the client once again and reduce swelling is applying ice to my
remove the tongue ring incision.”
3. Complete a variance report, noting that 4. “I use my incentive spirometer every 2
the client has replaced the tongue ring hours so I can reach my volume goal before
4. Notify the surgeon and the discharge.”
anesthesiologist of the replacement of the
tongue ring 82. A nurse is reviewing a plan of care for a
postoperative client with a history of sickle
78. A nurse is orienting a new nurse to a cell disease. Which nursing diagnosis,
postanesthesia care unit (PACU). Which documented on the client’s care plan,
statement by the new nurse indicates should the nurse address first?
further orientation is needed? 1. Anxiety
1. “Lactated Ringer’s (LR) and 5% dextrose 2. Impaired skin integrity
with LR are typical IV solutions administered 3. Deficient fluid volume
in the PACU.” 4. Ineffective airway clearance
2. “If a client has an opioid overdose, I
should expect to administer naloxone 83. A nurse is caring for a postoperative
hydrochloride (Narcan®).” client who reports an inability to void. Which
3. “I should monitor vital signs and perform initial action by the nurse is most
a pain assessment every 15 minutes or appropriate?
more often if necessary.” 1. Turning on running water
4. “Once a client responds verbally after 2. Inserting a urinary catheter
a spinal anesthetic, the client can be 3. Palpating the client’s bladder
transferred to the nursing unit.” 4. Reviewing the client’s chart for the time of
the last voiding
79. Which information is most important for
a postanesthesia care unit nurse to include 84. A postoperative client who received a
in a report on a postoperative client to a spinal anesthetic is experiencing a
surgical unit nurse? headache, photophobia, and double vision.
1. Location of the relatives A nurse’s initial intervention should be to:
2. Review of the surgical consent 1. immediately notify the surgeon.
3. Placement of client belongings 2. position the client flat in bed.
4. Last dose and type of pain medication 3. limit the client’s fluid intake.
4. administer steroid medications.
80. A nurse evaluates that a client has
achieved an expected outcome for the 85. A physician documents in a client’s
second postoperative day following postoperative progress notes that the client
abdominal surgery under general is experiencing a respiratory infection with a
anesthesia. Which finding supports the shift to the left in the white blood cell (WBC)
nurse’s conclusion? differential count. Which finding by a nurse
1. Passing flatus reviewing the client’s laboratory report
2. Urine output 680 mL in 24 hours would support the physician’s
3. Crackles in bilateral lung bases documentation?
4. Rates incisional pain at 4 out of 10 on a 0 1. Decreased WBC count
to 10 rating scale 60 minutes after analgesic 2. Increased band cells
given 3. Decreased hemoglobin
4. Increased C-reactive protein 4. Cough effort is strong and productive.

86. In reviewing a physician’s orders for a 90. A client is to receive a second dose of
postoperative client who underwent oxycodone/ acetaminophen (Percocet®) for
gynecological surgery, which order should a postoperative incisional pain. When a nurse
nurse determine is specifically written with brings the medication to the client, the client
the intent to prevent postoperative says, “Why bring this medication again? It
thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism? makes me feel sick.” Which statement is the
1. Have the client dangle the legs the most appropriate initial nurse response?
evening of surgery 1. “I can call the doctor to see what else can
2. Administer enoxaparin (Lovenox®) 40 be ordered for your pain.”
mg subcutaneously daily 2. “Describe what you feel when you say
3. Administer hydromorphone (Dilaudid®) 1 that the medication makes you feel sick.”
to 4 mg IV every 3 to 4 hours as needed 3. “The doctor has ordered an antacid. I can
(prn) give you this along with the medication.”
4. Encourage coughing and deep breathing 4. “Many people say the same thing. The
(C&DB) every hour while awake aspirin in the medication is hard on your
87. A nurse assesses that a client on the
second postoperative day following 91. A nurse evaluates that the drainage
abdominal surgery has diminished breath from a client’s nasogastric (NG) tube,
sounds in both lung bases, is taking shallow inserted for gastric decompression during
breaths, is able to achieve only 500 mL on emergency surgery, would be normal if it:
an incentive spirometer, and has been 1. returns brown-liquid in color.
smoking one pack of cigarettes per day 2. returns greenish-yellow in color.
prior to surgery. The nurse’s best 3. has an alkalotic hydrogen level (pH).
interpretation of these findings is that the 4. measures less than 25 mL in volume.
client is experiencing:
1. atelectasis. 92. A nurse notifies a physician after
2. pneumonia. assessing a client 5 days after an
3. a normal postoperative course. exploratory laparotomy and noting a
4. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease distended abdomen, abdominal pain,
(COPD). absence of flatus, and absent bowel
sounds. Which typical complication of
88. A nurse notes redness, swelling, and abdominal surgery should the nurse
warmth of and around the incision when conclude may be occurring?
assessing a client’s leg incision 48 hours 1. Paralytic ileus
after femoral popliteal bypass surgery. The 2. Silent peritonitis
nurse’s best analysis should be that the 3. Fluid volume excess
incision is: 4. Malabsorption syndrome
1. healing normally for the second
postoperative day. 93. Which statement should a nurse include
2. showing signs of rejection of the suture when teaching a client prior to discharge
materials. following abdominal surgery?
3. inflamed and could indicate the 1. “Return to work in about 4 weeks
presence of an infection. because working increases your physical
4. infected and showing signs of wound activity gradually.”
dehiscence. 2. “The ordered iron and vitamins tablets
will promote wound healing and red
89. Which outcome should indicate to a blood cell growth.”
nurse that a postsurgical client’s coughing 3. “Daily walking carrying 10-pound weights
and deep breathing (C&DB) is most will help to strengthen your incision.”
effective? 4. “Home-care nursing service is usually
1. Respirations are 16 per minute and paid by insurance if you need help around
unlabored. the house.”
2. Lung sounds are audible and clear on
3. Coughs include small amount of clear
HEMA CHILD knee is hot, swollen, and tender to touch.
94. Which nursing diagnosis should be the The nurse should initially conclude that the
priority for a child hospitalized in sickle cell child is likely experiencing:
crisis? 1. a Baker’s cyst.
1. Risk for deficient fluid volume related to 2. hemarthrosis.
inadequate fluid intake 3. a patella fracture.
2. Chronic pain related to chronic physical 4. disseminated intravascular coagulation
disability and clustering of sickled cells (DIC).
3. Risk for infection related to ineffectively
functioning spleen 99. Which finding should a nurse expect
4. Ineffective tissue perfusion related to when reviewing the laboratory results of an
pulmonary infiltrates of abnormal blood infant newly diagnosed with hemophilia A?
cells 1. Prolonged prothrombin time (PT)
2. Decreased hemoglobin level
95. The parents of an 8-year-old African 3. Decreased hematocrit level
American child diagnosed with sickle cell 4. Prolonged activated partial
anemia are being taught pain control thromboplastin time (aPTT)
measures for their child. Which measure is
most important to teach the parents to 100. A new nurse is telling an experienced
prevent the onset of vaso-occlusive pain? nurse about treatments that a physician
1. Apply ice packs to all joints as soon as discussed with the parents of a child who
the child awakens. has thalassemia major. Which statement by
2. Encourage drinking large amounts of the new nurse should the experienced
fluids daily. nurse question?
3. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol®) 1. “Plasmapheresis will help remove the
650 mg orally daily. toxins that are destroying the red blood
4. Increase outdoor exercise and exposure cells.”
to the fresh air and sunshine. 2. “Blood transfusions will need to be
administered about every 2 to 4 weeks.”
96. After 7 days of iron therapy, a child 3. “A splenectomy may become necessary
diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia has to reduce the child’s abdominal discomfort.”
serum laboratory tests completed. Which 4. “Bone marrow stem cell transplant can
finding indicates that the medication is possibly cure this child’s thalassemia
beginning to correct the anemia? major.”
1. Increased reticulocyte count
2. Increased granulocytes 101. A child has iron overload from
3. Increased indirect bilirubin receiving multiple blood transfusions for
4. Increased erythropoietin levels treating thalassemia major. A nurse should
anticipate the physician will likely:
97. A child diagnosed with aplastic anemia 1. order intravenous (IV) fluids to dilute
has had human leukocyte antigen (HLA) the excess iron and increase urinary
typing, evaluation of organ function, and excretion.
laboratory studies completed as an 2. change the type of blood product being
outpatient. Which action should a nurse transfused.
plan to implement first when the child is 3. reduce the frequency of blood
admitted to a transplant center for a transfusions.
hematopoietic stem cell transplant? 4. begin chelation therapy.
1. Checking the patency of the central line
catheter 102. During a routine physical examination,
2. Placing the child in protective isolation a parent states to a nurse, “When I am
3. Ensuring that all food entering the child’s taking pictures of my baby using the camera
room has been irradiated flash, I see a red coloration to my baby’s left
4. Preparing the child to receive high eye but the right eye has a white reflection.
doses of chemotherapy Is this normal?” Which response by the
nurse is correct?
98. A child diagnosed with hemophilia is 1. “Yes, the white reflection is normal;
brought to a clinic due to pain and restricted sometimes the light from the camera flash
movement of the left knee after tripping only catches one eye directly.”
going upstairs. A nurse assesses that the
2. “Interesting. Your baby’s eyes may be 3. “I will need to have a laparotomy to stage
changing color. Many babies are born with the disease before I can start irradiation and
what appears to be blue eyes but later they chemotherapy.”
change to brown.” 4. “I am so upset; I wanted to go to college,
3. “It is good that you brought this to our marry, and raise a family. Now, I won’t be
attention because it is not the usual able to do any of this.”
response. After further examining your
baby’s eyes, we can discuss what the 106. A nurse suspects that a 10-year-old
white reflection may suggest.” client diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s
4. “You seem concerned that your baby’s lymphoma (NHL) has superior vena cava
eyes have different responses to the flash of syndrome when assessing that the client
the camera. Tell me more about your has:
concern.” 1. thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis.
2. hyperuricemia, hypocalcemia, and
103. A hospitalized child diagnosed with hyperphosphatemia.
leukemia is being discharged after an initial 3. tingling and paresthesias of the lower
treatment with chemotherapy. A nurse is extremities and pain on light touch.
teaching the parents about the allopurinol 4. cyanosis of the upper chest, neck,
(Zyloprim®), which the child will continue to face, upper extremity edema, and
take at home. The nurse explains that the distended neck veins.
purpose of this medication is to:
1. help promote the child’s sleep. 107. An experienced nurse and a new nurse
2. treat the joint pain and swelling caused are providing preoperative care for a
by the child’s gout. 5-year-old child diagnosed with Wilms’
3. prevent the child from developing gouty tumor. The experienced nurse should
arthritis. intervene when observing the new nurse:
4. protect the child’s kidneys by reducing 1. inform the child that water is not allowed
the formation of uric acid. because the procedure will be performed
104. Four parents call a clinic to have their 2. palpate the child’s abdomen during
children seen for unusual lumps or swelling. assessment.
A nurse is trying to work the children into a 3. provide the child with a doll for play that
physician’s overbooked schedule. Which has removable kidneys.
child should the nurse schedule to be seen 4. state to the child, “You’ll get some
first? medicine that you breathe or get through
1. A child with Down’s syndrome your arm to make you sleep.”
2. A child who lives close to power lines
3. A child who has had chronic ear 108. While an experienced nurse is
infections orienting a new nurse to a pediatric
4. A child whose sibling was treated for an oncology unit, the new nurse asks why
osteosarcoma there seems to be so many adolescents
with osteosarcoma and not other age
105. Following diagnostic testing for an groups. The experienced nurse explains
enlarged cervical lymph node, a health-care that osteosarcoma has a peak incidence
provider informs a 20-year-old female client during adolescence because of the:
of a diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease and 1. increase in hormonal production.
explains the disease process and 2. epiphyseal growth plates have closed.
recommended treatment. Which statement, 3. rapid growth spurt experienced during
overhead by a nurse when the client adolescence.
telephoned her parents, indicates that the 4. increase in sports-related injuries that
client understands the diagnosis and occurs during this time.
1. “I am so relieved; I was worried that I had 109. A 5-year-old child, hospitalized
cancer and there wasn’t anything that could following surgical intervention for
be done to treat it.” osteosarcoma, is uninterested in eating.
2. “I have a good chance of being cured Which nursing action would best support the
with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or child’s nutrition?
a combination of both.” 1. Providing only foods that the child likes
2. Asking the child’s parents to visit at daughter. Which response is most
mealtime appropriate?
3. Turning on the television so the child is 1. “Have you tried having your child wear a
distracted while eating colorful hat instead?”
4. Offering juice, popsicles, or ice cream 2. “Does your child feel uncomfortable when
every 2 hours others are looking at her?”
3. “You seem concerned about people
110. A nurse is planning care for a child looking at your daughter. Tell me more
following removal of brain tumor. The child about what you are feeling.”
is confused, disoriented, and restless. 4. “Your daughter only needs to wear a
Which nursing diagnosis should receive the head covering when she is exposed to
highest priority? sunlight, wind, or the cold.”
1. Sensory perceptual alterations related to
neurological surgery 115. A nurse is preparing a child for
2. Self-care deficit related to confusion and abdominal irradiation. Which medications
restlessness should the nurse plan to administer to
3. Impaired verbal communication related to prevent nausea and vomiting?
confusion 1. Ondansetron (Zofran®) and
4. Risk for injury related to disorientation dexamethasone (Decadron®)
and restlessness 2. Promethazine (Phenergan®) and
cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®)
111. A 6-year-old child is being seen in a 3. Metoclopramide (Reglan®) and
clinic after discharge from a hospital for methotrexate (Amethopterin®)
removal of a brain tumor. Which finding, 4. Marijuana and L-asparaginase (Elspar®)
reported by a parent, best suggests the
child has likely developed a complication? MUSCULO CHILD
1. Reports occasional headaches 116. A child with myelodysplasia has a TEV
2. Voiding large amount of dilute urine (talipes equinovarus) repair that requires a
3. Able to walk with use of crutches cast application. In the postoperative period,
4. Ventricular–peritoneal shunt tubing a nurse notes serosanguineous drainage on
palpable under the skin the cast. What should the nurse do when
making this observation?
112. Prior to administering L-asparaginase 1. Cut a window where the drainage is
to a 12-year-old child with acute lymphocytic seeping through the cast
leukemia, a nurse reviews the child’s 2. Petal the cast to minimize skin irritation
laboratory report. Which lab value should and decrease leakage
prompt the nurse to notify a physician 3. Measure the area of drainage and
before administering the chemotherapeutic document this finding
agent? 4. Notify the surgeon
1. Hemoglobin (Hgb) 11.8 mg/dL
2. Blood glucose 252 mg/dL 117. A nurse is reinforcing teaching to the
3. Total bilirubin 1.2 mg/dL parents of a child with myelomeningocele,
4. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) 1,078 which was diagnosed at birth and surgically
corrected, about safety considerations. The
113. Prednisone is ordered three times a nurse’s instructions should include:
day for a child receiving chemotherapy. 1. making sure that braces lie smoothly
Which is the best schedule for a nurse to against the child’s skin.
suggest to a parent? 2. teaching the child to shift position at least
1. 6 a.m., 2 p.m., and 10 p.m. every 3 hours.
2. 8 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6 p.m. 3. placing a blanket between the child and
3. 10 a.m., 6 p.m., and 2 a.m. the wheelchair.
4. 11 a.m., 4 p.m., and 9 p.m. 4. checking all of the child’s skin daily
for redness or irritation.
114. A 5-year-old girl with alopecia
secondary to chemotherapy refuses to wear 118. A nurse is developing teaching
a wig. The child’s mother consults a nurse materials for new mothers. The nurse
because she thinks her daughter should should include information about which
wear a wig. She states feeling common practice that can increase the
uncomfortable when people stare at her
risk for developmental dysplasia of the hip
(DDH)? 124. A nurse at the high school works with
1. Carrying a child in a backpack the trainers to develop early identification of
2. Carrying a child in a frontpack injuries. The nurse teaches the trainers that
3. Swaddling adolescent soccer players are at increased
4. Extended time in a car seat risk for:
1. varus knee deformities.
119. Which screening test is a neonatal 2. valgus knee deformities.
nurse likely to use to detect developmental 3. varus ankle deformities.
dysplasia of the hip (DDH)? 4. valgus ankle deformities.
1. Barlow’s maneuver
2. Pavlik’s maneuver 125. A 7-year-old has had hip pain for
3. Gower’s maneuver several months. Because it was mild pain,
4. Allis’s maneuver the parent did not pay a great deal of
attention. The child was ultimately given a
120. A nurse is educating a family whose diagnosis of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. In
child is newly diagnosed with scoliosis. The preparing the child and family for treatment,
nurse explains that the goal of therapy is to: the nurse should instruct the parents that:
1. limit or stop progression of the 1. most of the child’s treatment will be done
curvature. while
2. prepare the child for surgery. the child is hospitalized.
3. minimize the psychosocial complications 2. activities that promote hip adduction are
of prolonged immobilization. encouraged.
4. develop a pain management protocol that 3. treatment is likely to continue for about
will minimize complications of medications. 6 months.
4. the desired outcome is a pain-free
121. A nurse is asked to provide education joint with full
for a 15-year-old who requires surgical range of motion.
treatment for scoliosis. Which should be an
appropriate explanation for the adolescent? 126. The parents of a child with Duchenne
“The goal of surgery is to: muscular dystrophy have just learned that
1. allow you to be taller.” children with the disease have a limited life
2. prevent pain.” expectancy. They ask what this means for
3. prevent problems with breathing.” how they will raise their son. Which
4. allow clothes to fit you better.” explanation by the nurse is best?
1. “Because he will be cognitively impaired,
122. A nurse is completing a thorough there is no reason to deal with the
assessment of the spine. The nurse is prognosis.”
concerned about a curve in a young child 2. “Throughout his disease, we will focus
and records the exaggerated lumbar curve on maximizing his abilities and keeping
as: him comfortable.”
1. scoliosis. 3. “There is not enough known about this
2. lordosis. disease to know what will happen to your
3. kyphosis. son.”
4. kyphoscoliosis. 4. “Nothing is likely to happen for a long
time; we’ll deal with it when the time
123. A school-aged child has an Ilizarov comes.”
external fixator applied to a lower extremity
for bone lengthening. Which action should a 127. A child is admitted to an emergency
nurse include when caring for the child? department with a dislocated kneecap that
1. Loosening the bolts and lengthen the occurred while skiing. Which most
rods on the fixator every other day immediate treatment by a healthcare
2. Cleansing the pin sites with sterile provider (HCP) should a nurse anticipate?
saline twice daily 1. Realignment of the kneecap by sliding
3. Discouraging the child from bearing any it back into position in the front of the
weight on the involved extremity knee
4. Removing sections of the fixator 2. Open surgical intervention to repair the
apparatus when the child is positioned in kneecap
3. Arthroscopy to surgically repair the torn rehabilitation unit. A nurse is teaching the
cartilage client about the need to be diligent in skin
4. Application of a cast to the affected leg protection. The nurse explains that the
until the kneecap heals primary reason for the client’s increased risk
for alterations in skin integrity is:
128. A nurse has been asked to continue 1. the inability to perceive extremes in
teaching with a group of parents of children temperature leading to burns.
with neurological and musculoskeletal 2. the circulatory changes that cause
conditions. For which condition should a vasoconstriction and decreased blood
nurse tell the parents that there is no supply.
genetic basis to the condition? 3. the inability to feel skin irritation such
1. Osteomyelitis as wrinkled clothing.
2. Muscular dystrophy 4. the increased likelihood of bowel and
3. Spina bifida bladder dysfunction and skin irritation.
4. Tourette’s Syndrome
134.A pediatric client with a spinal cord
129. A nurse explains to a child’s parents injury undergoes range of motion exercises
that the role of methotrexate (Rheumatrex®) several times each day. In teaching the
in treating children with juvenile arthritis is parent how to do range of motion at home,
to: the nurse observes the client increasing the
1. decrease the inflammatory response. angle between the extremity and the
2. improve functional ability. midline. The nurse concludes that the client
3. control the febrile response. is safely performing:
4. minimize the effects of uveitis 1. abduction.
2. adduction.
130. A 10-year-old is scheduled to receive 3. flexion.
methotrexate (Rheumatrex®) to treat 4. extension.
juvenile arthritis. Which laboratory findings
should lead the nurse to decide to withhold
the dose and contact the health-care
1. Urine pH 7.4
2. Hemoglobin 13 g/dL
3. Serum creatinine 2.2 mg/dL
4. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) less than
40 international units/L (U/L)

131. During a physical examination of a

1-month-old infant, a nurse notes that the
infant has blue sclerae. The nurse suspects
that the infant may have:
1. juvenile arthritis.
2. Tay-Sachs disease.
3. muscular dystrophy (MD).
4. osteogenesis imperfecta.

132. A teen is brought to an emergency

department with a likely spinal cord injury.
To minimize the damage from the spinal
cord injury, which classification of
medications should a nurse expect a
health-care provider to prescribe?
1. An antibiotic
2. An analgesic
3. A steroid medication
4. An antihypertensive medication

133. An adolescent client diagnosed with a

T12 spinal cord injury (SCI) is admitted to a
PERIOP 1. Pimple on the lower back.
1. A client tells the nurse on admission that 2. Abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG).
she is uneasy about having to leave her 3. Hearing aid.
children with a relative while being in the 4. Allergy to iodine.
hospital for surgery. The most appropriate
action by the nurse is to do which of the 8. Prior to going to surgery, the client tells
following? the nurse that she cannot hear without her
1. Reassure the client that her children will hearing aid and asks to wear it to surgery
be fine and she should stop worrying. and recovery. What is the nurse's best
2. Contact the relative to determine his/her response?
capacity to be an adequate care 1. Explain to the client that it is policy not to
provider. take personal items to surgery because
3. Encourage the client to call the children they may be lost or broken.
to make sure they are doing well. 2. Tell the client that a nurse will bring the
4. Gather more information about the hearing aid to the postanesthesia care
client's feelings about the childcare unit so that she can have it as soon as she
arrangements. wakes up.
3. Explain to the client that she will have a
3. When the nurse asks the client who is to premedication that will make her sleepy
have abdominal surgery today if the before she goes to surgery and she won't
client understands the procedure, the client need to hear.
replies, “No, not really; I talked about 4. Call the surgery unit to explain the
several different things with my surgeon, client's concern and ask if she can wear
and I am just not sure.” The nurse should: her hearing aid to surgery.
1. Teach the client all the details of the
planned procedure. 9. The adult daughters of an elderly male
2. Utilize a second witness when the client client inform the nurse that they fully
signs for consent. expect their father to be combative after
3. Notify the surgeon of the client's surgery. Preoperatively, they request that
expressed lack of understanding. the nurse put all four side rails up and use
4. Administer the prescribed preoperative restraints to keep him safe. The nurse
narcotics and/or sedatives. should tell the daughters:
1. “Certainly; we will want to be sure to keep
4. During preadmission testing for same-day your father safe too.”
surgery, a client states that she has added 2. “We will call the physician to get a
two cloves of garlic each day to her diet to prescription right away.”
help control her blood pressure. The nurse 3. “We will first try to keep him safe
should further inquire about which of the without restraint.”
following? 4. “Restraint use is prohibited at our hospital
1. The type of surgery the client is having. at all times.”
2. What her blood pressure has been
running. 10. The client is to take nothing by mouth
3. The amount of garlic she is eating. after 4:00 AM. The nurse recognizes that
4. Her preference for the type of anesthesia. the client has deficient knowledge when he
states that he:
5. What action should this nurse (see figure) 1. Ate a gelatin dessert at 3:30 AM.
take to avoid spreading nosocomial 2. Brushed his teeth at 4:00 AM but did not
infections? swallow.
1. Remove the face mask. 3. Held a cold washcloth against his lips.
2. Remove the hair covering. 4. Smoked a cigarette at 6:00 AM.
3. Wash her hands before tying the strings
on the mask. 11. The client tells the nurse that he is
4. Tie the dangling strings of the mask allergic to shellfish. The nurse should ask
around her neck. the client if he is also allergic to:
1. All other seafood.
7. The nurse is reviewing the chart of a 2. Iodine skin preparations.
55-year-old male client who is scheduled 3. Caffeine.
for a lumbar laminectomy. The nurse should 4. Alcohol-based skin preparations.
report which of the following to the surgeon?
12. The surgeon prescribes cefazolin glucose level is 300 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L).
(Ancef) 1 g to be given IV at 7:30 AM when The nurse should:
the client's surgery is scheduled at 8:00 AM. 1. Withhold all medications.
What is the primary reason to start the 2. Administer the insulin dose dictated by
antibiotic exactly at 7:30 AM? the sliding scale.
1. Legally the medication has to be given at 3. Call the physician for specific
the prescribed time. prescriptions based on the glucose level.
2. The antibiotic is most effective in 4. Notify the surgery department.
preventing infection if it is given 30 to 60
minutes before the operative incision is 18. The nurse is preparing a preoperative
made. teaching plan for a client who is
3. The postoperative dose of Ancef needs to undergoing a bilateral breast reduction.
be started exactly 8 hours after the Which aspect of the plan is the priority?
preoperative dose of Ancef. 1. Reduction of risk potential.
4. The peak and titer levels are needed for 2. Physiologic adaptation.
antibiotic therapy. 3. Psychosocial integrity.
4. Health promotion and maintenance.
13. Which of the following is the best way
for the nurse to begin the preoperative 19. A client is scheduled to have an elective
interview? mandibular osteotomy to correct a
1. Walk in the client's room and ask, “Are mandibular fracture sustained in an accident
you Mrs. Smith?” 6 months earlier. Which statement by the
2. Walk in the client's room, sit down, and client indicates to the nurse the client is
take the client's blood pressure. having difficulty coping?
3. Walk in the client's room, sit down, 1. “I will be glad to have my jaw fixed
maintain eye contact, and make an because my wife thinks I do not look like
introduction. myself.”
4. Walk in the client's room and ask the 2. “I am somewhat afraid to have the
client's name. surgery but feel OK about it.”
3. “My wife will help me, but I don't think I
14. A client who is to receive general will need that much help.”
anesthesia has a serum potassium level of 4. “I am ready to get this over with.”
5.8 mEq/L (5.8 mmol/L). What should be the
nurse's first response? 20. The nurse is assessing a client's
1. Call the surgeon. nutritional status before surgery. Which of
2. Send the client to surgery. the following observations would indicate
3. Make a note on the front of the chart. poor nutrition in a 5-foot 7-inch female
4. Notify the anesthesiologist. (170.2 cm) client who is 21 years of age?
1. Poor posture.
15. Prior to being transported to the surgery 2. Brittle nails.
suite, the nurse asks the client whether he 3. Dull expression.
has any allergies. The client responds, 4. Weight of 128 lb (58.1 kg).
“Doesn't anyone communicate with anyone?
I have been asked that question over and 21. A 92-year-old who is independent and
over!” What is the nurse's best response? lives alone has an inguinal hernia repair.
1. “I'm sorry! I just have to ask that question Which teaching method is the best
for the record.” approach to use for the postoperative and
2. “It's an important question and we just discharge teaching plans?
have to check.” 1. Explaining all the instructions to the
3. “You will hear it again and again as you client.
go through surgery.” 2. Demonstrating the instructions for the
4. “This question is asked for verification client.
and safety with each new phase of 3. Explaining all the instructions to a family
treatment.” member.
4. Writing the instructions down for the
17. On the day of surgery, a client with client.
diabetes who takes insulin on a sliding
scale is to have nothing by mouth and all 22. A client is admitted for an arthroscopy of
medications withheld. The client's 6 AM the right shoulder through same-day
surgery. Which nurse is responsible for 2. “Do you need special equipment to
starting the client's discharge planning? walk?”
1. Preadmission nurse. 3. “Do you smoke?”
2. Preoperative nurse. 4. “Do you wear glasses?”
3. Intraoperative nurse.
4. Postoperative nurse. 28. When attempting to check the pupils of
a client scheduled to receive general
23. The nurse is preparing to administer a anesthesia, the nurse notices that the client
preoperative medication. Which of the has trouble tilting the head back. Which of
following actions should the nurse take first? the following is the primary concern related
1. Have the family present. to this finding?
2. Ensure that the preoperative shave is 1. The client has limited movement of his
completed. neck.
3. Have the client empty the bladder. 2. The client is at risk for postoperative neck
4. Make sure the client is covered with a pain.
warm blanket. 3. The client is at risk for difficult
24. Before surgery, a client states that she 4. The ability to assess the client's pupils is
is afraid of surgery because her cousin limited.
died in surgery when having her tonsils
removed. What is the nurse's best 29. A client is to have a below-the-knee
response? amputation. Prior to the surgery, the
1. Reassure the client that technology has circulating nurse in the operating room
changed over the last 10 years. should:
2. Encourage the client to further express 1. Insert a Foley catheter.
her concerns. 2. Start an intravenous infusion.
3. Explain to the client that it is normal to be 3. Initiate a time-out.
afraid. 4. Verify that the surgeon possesses the
4. Ask the client if anyone else in her degree of expertise needed.
family has had trouble when they had
surgery. 31. The nurse receives the preoperative
blood work report for a client who is
25. Which of the following clients has a scheduled to undergo surgery. Which of the
greater risk for latex allergies? following laboratory findings should be
1. A woman who is admitted for her reported to the surgeon?
seventh surgery. 1. Red blood cells, 4.5 million/mm3
2. A man who works as a sales clerk. (4.5 × 1012/L).
3. A man with well-controlled type 2 2. Creatinine, 2.6 mg/dL (198 μmol/L).
diabetes. 3. Hemoglobin, 12.2 g/dL (122 g/L).
4. A woman who is having laser surgery. 4. Blood urea nitrogen, 15 mg/dL (5.3
26. The nurse is preparing to start an
intravenous infusion and has raised the 32. A client will receive IV midazolam
head of the client's bed. After the nurse hydrochloride (Versed) during surgery.
applies gloves to insert an IV catheter, the Which of the following should the nurse
client begins to rub her eyes and wipe away determine as a therapeutic effect?
nasal drainage. Which of the following 1. Amnesia.
should the nurse do first? 2. Nausea.
1. Distract the client's attention. 3. Mild agitation.
2. Assess the client for pain. 4. Blurred vision.
3. Remove the IV catheter and assess the
client's vital signs. 33. When administering IV midazolam
4. Lower the head of the client's bed. hydrochloride (Versed) the nurse should:
1. Assess the blood pressure.
27. When evaluating a client's preoperative 2. Monitor the pulse oximeter.
cognitive-perceptual pattern, which of the 3. Encourage slow, deep breaths.
following questions should the nurse ask the 4. Explain relaxation techniques.
1. “Do you have difficulty swallowing?”
34. When the nurse administers IV
midazolam hydrochloride (Versed), the 41. When the nurse is conducting a
client demonstrates signs of an overdose. preoperative interview with a client who is
The nurse should next collaborate with the having a vaginal hysterectomy, the client
surgical team to: states that she forgot to tell her doctor that
1. Ventilate with an oxygenated she had a total hip replacement 3 years
bag-valve mask (Ambu bag). ago. The nurse communicates this
2. Shock the client with ECG paddles. information to the perioperative nurse
3. Administer 0.5 mL 1:1,000 epinephrine. because:
4. Titrate flumazenil (Romazicon). 1. The prosthesis may cause a problem with
the electrosurgical unit used to control
35. Metoclopramide is prescribed as a bleeding.
premedication for a client about to undergo 2. The client should not have her hip
a gastroduodenoscopy. Which of the externally rotated when she is positioned
following is the expected therapeutic effect? for the procedure.
1. Increased gastric pH. 3. The perioperative nurse can inform the
2. Increased gastric emptying. rest of the team about the total hip
3. Reduced anxiety. replacement.
4. Inhibited respiratory secretions. 4. There is not enough time to notify the
surgeon and note this finding on the history
36. What therapeutic outcome does the and physical information before the
nurse expect for a client who has received a procedure.
premedication of glycopyrrolate?
1. Increased heart rate. 42. The nurse learns that a client who is
2. Increased respiratory rate. scheduled for a tonsillectomy has been
3. Decreased secretions. taking 40 mg of oral prednisone daily for the
4. Decreased amnesia. last week for poison ivy on the leg. What is
the nurse's best action?
38. After the nurse has administered 1. Document the prednisone with current
droperidol, care is taken to move the client medications.
slowly based on the knowledge of 2. Notify the surgeon of the poison ivy.
droperidol's effect on the: 3. Notify the anesthesiologist of the
1. Central nervous system. prednisone administration.
2. Respiratory system. 4. Send the client to surgery.
3. Cardiovascular system.
4. Psychoneurologic system. 43. A client who is scheduled for an open
cholecystectomy has a 20-pack-year
39. A client is to receive enoxaparin history of smoking. For which postoperative
(Lovenox) 6 hours before the scheduled complication is the client most at risk?
time of laparoscopic vaginal assisted 1. Deep vein thrombosis.
hysterectomy. Which of the following effects 2. Atelectasis and pneumonia.
does the nurse recognize as an intended 3. Delayed wound healing.
therapeutic action of the enoxaparin? 4. Prolonged immobility.
1. Increase in red blood cell production.
2. Reduction of postoperative thrombi. 44. The family cannot go with the client past
3. Decrease in postoperative bleeding. the doors that separate the public from the
4. Promotion of tissue healing. restricted area of the operating room suite.
These measures are designed to:
40. During the preoperative interview, the 1. Protect the privacy of clients.
nurse obtains information about the 2. Prevent electrical sparks that could ignite
client's medication history. Which of the the anesthetic gases.
following is not necessary to record about 3. Separate the family from the surgical
the client? team while they are working on the client.
1. Current use of medications, herbs, and 4. Provide for an aseptic environment to
vitamins. prevent infection.
2. Over-the-counter medication use in the
last 6 weeks. 45. Which of the following clients is most at
3. Steroid use in the last year. risk for potential hazards from the
4. All drugs taken in the last 18 months. surgical experience?
1. An 80-year-old client. 3. Pad the stirrups for comfort.
2. A 50-year-old client. 4. Reassure the client that an all-female
3. A 30-year-old client. surgical team will be present.
4. A 5-year-old client.
54. A client has been in the position shown
46. Which pediatric surgery client should not in the figure for surgery. The nurse
play with a balloon? should document that the client has been in
1. A child having the 15th laser surgery which of the following positions?
for a hemangioma. 1. Reverse Trendelenburg.
2. A child having a tonsillectomy. 2. Low Fowler's.
3. A child having an inguinal hernia repair. 3. High lithotomy.
4. A child having an orchiopexy. 4. Prone.

47. In which of the following clients is an 55. A client arrives from surgery to the
autotransfusion possible? postanesthesia care unit. Which of the
1. The client who has cancer. following respiratory assessments should
2. The client who is in danger of cardiac the nurse complete first?
arrest. 1. Oxygen saturation.
3. The client with a contaminated wound. 2. Respiratory rate.
4. The client with a ruptured bowel. 3. Breath sounds.
4. Airway flow.
48. The nurse teaches a client who had
cystoscopy about the urge to void when the 56. The nurse assesses vital signs on a
procedure is over. What other teaching client who has had epidural anesthesia. For
should be included? which of the following should the nurse
1. Ignore the urge to void. assess next?
2. Increase intake of fluids. 1. Bladder distention.
3. Ask for the bedpan. 2. Headache.
4. Ring for assistance to go to the 3. Postoperative pain.
bathroom. 4. Ability to move the legs.

49. Which of the following nursing 57. When assessing a client who has had
interventions is most important in preventing spinal anesthesia, which of the following
postoperative complications? would the nurse expect to find?
1. Progressive diet planning. 1. The client feels pain before moving the
2. Pain management. legs.
3. Bowel and elimination monitoring. 2. The blood pressure is significantly
4. Early ambulation increased.
3. Sensation returns to the toes first,
50. A client who had a gastrectomy has then progresses to the perineal area.
been in the postanesthesia recovery room 4. The client has a headache while in the
for 30 minutes when the vital signs suddenly lying position.
change. The nurse checks the recovery
room record (see chart). In addition to 58. The nurse in the postanesthesia care
notifying the physician, what other action unit notes that one of the client's pupils is
should the nurse take immediately? larger than the other. The nurse should:
1. Administer dantrolene. 1. Rate the client on the Glasgow Coma
2. Elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees. Scale.
3. Administer a bolus of IV fluids. 2. Administer oxygen.
4. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter. 3. Check the client's baseline data.
4. Call the surgeon.
51. The nurse should do which of the
following to decrease a female client's 59. A client is admitted to the
anxiety about being placed in the lithotomy postanesthesia care unit following a left hip
position for surgery? replacement. The initial nursing assessment
1. Explain in detail what will occur in the is: T 96.6°F (35.9°C), Pulse 90, RR 14, and
operating room. BP 128/80. The client only responds with
2. Determine what the client is moaning when spoken to. The nurse should
concerned about. first:
1. Observe the surgical dressing. 3. These agents are nonirritating to the
2. Position the client on the right side. respiratory tract.
3. Remove the oral airway remaining from 4. These agents are rapidly eliminated.
4. Administer sedation reversal agent such 65. A 250-lb (113.4-kg) male client
as flumazenil. recovering from general anesthesia has the
following assessment findings: pulse, 150
60. The surgical floor receives a client from bpm; blood pressure, 90/50 mm Hg;
the postanesthesia care unit. respiratory rate, 28 breaths/min; tympanic
Assessment reveals that the client has a temperature, 99.8°F (37.7°C); and rigid
patent airway and stable vital signs. The muscles. The nurse determines that the
nurse should next: client is:
1. Check the dressing for signs of 1. Recovering as expected from the
bleeding. anesthesia and continues monitoring him.
2. Empty any peri-incisional drains. 2. Exhibiting the effects of excessive blood
3. Assess the client's pain level. loss experienced in the operating room
4. Assess the client's bladder. and increases the rate of his IV infusion.
3. In the early stages of malignant
61. When preparing a teaching plan for an hyperthermia and obtains emergency
adult client about general anesthesia medications and notifies the
induction, which explanation would be most anesthesiologist.
appropriate? 4. In pain and offers him pain medication.
1. “Your premedication will put you to sleep.”
2. “You will breathe in an inhalant 66. The nurse is assessing a client
anesthetic mixed with oxygen through a recovering from anesthesia. Which of the
facial mask and receive intravenous following is an early indicator of hypoxemia?
medication to make you sleepy.” 1. Somnolence.
3. “You will receive intravenous medication 2. Restlessness.
to make you sleepy.” 3. Chills.
4. “You will breathe in medication through a 4. Urgency.
facial mask to make you sleepy.”
68. An 80-year-old client had spinal
62. A client with impaired cardiac anesthesia for a transurethral resection of
functioning is at risk during anesthesia the prostate and received 4,000 mL of room
induction with thiopental sodium (Sodium temperature isotonic bladder irrigation. He
Pentothal) because this drug causes: now has continuous irrigation through a
1. Bradycardia. three-way indwelling urinary catheter. Which
2. Complete muscle relaxation. postoperative nursing intervention is most
3. Hypotension. important to include in his plan of care?
4. Tachypnea. 1. Empty the catheter drainage bag.
2. Cover the client with warm blankets.
63. The nurse anticipates that a client who 3. Hang new bags of irrigation.
has received propofol (Diprivan) as the 4. Turn the client.
induction and maintenance agent for
general anesthesia will most likely 69. Which of the following clients is
experience: expected to retain anesthetic agents
1. Minimal nausea and vomiting. longest?
2. Hypotension. 1. A client who is 6 feet 2 inch tall (188 cm)
3. Slow induction of anesthesia. and weighs 250 lb (113.4 kg).
4. Small tremors of the skeletal muscles. 2. A client who is 5 feet 4 inch (162.6 cm)
tall and weighs 110 lb (49.9 kg).
64. What is the main reason desflurane 3. A client who is 5 feet 1 inch (155 cm)
(Suprane) and sevoflurane (Ultane), volatile tall and weighs 200 lb (90.7 kg).
liquid anesthesia agents, are used for 4. A client who is 5 feet 7 (170.2 cm) inch
surgical clients who go home the day of tall and weighs 145 lb (65.8 kg).
1. These agents are better tolerated. 70. An awake postoperative client received
2. These agents are predictable in their an intravenous regional nerve block (Bier
cardiovascular effects. block) in the arm that is now casted and
elevated on a pillow. What action should the 3. Every 15 minutes.
nurse encourage the client to avoid until 4. Every 20 minutes.
sensation returns?
1. Holding the operated arm close to the 78. On the first day after surgery, a client
face. has been breathing room air. The vital
2. Holding the operated arm with the signs are normal, and the O2 saturation is
unoperated arm. 89%. The nurse should first:
3. Using the unoperated arm. 1. Lower the head of the bed.
4. Using pain medication. 2. Notify the physician.
3. Assist the client to take several deep
71. The physician prescribed IV naloxone breaths and cough.
(Narcan) to reverse the respiratory 4. Administer oxygen by nasal cannula as
depression from morphine administration. prescribed at 2 L/min.
After administration of the naloxone the
nurse should: 79. A client has been unable to void since
1. Check respirations in 5 minutes because having abdominal surgery 7 hours ago.
naloxone is immediately effective in The nurse should first:
relieving respiratory depression. 1. Encourage the client to increase oral fluid
2. Check respirations in 30 minutes intake.
because the effects of morphine will have 2. Insert an intermittent urinary catheter.
worn off by then. 3. Notify the health care provider.
3. Monitor respirations frequently for 4 to 4. Assist the client up to the toilet to
6 hours because the client may need attempt to void.
repeated doses of naloxone.
4. Monitor respirations each time the client 80. Following abdominal surgery, a client
receives morphine sulfate 10 mg IM. refuses to deep breathe and cough every
2 hours as prescribed. The nurse should do
72. The nurse should monitor the surgical which of the following first?
client closely for which clinical manifestation 1. Ask the client's wife to insist that the
with the administration of naloxone client take the deep breaths every 2 hours.
(Narcan)? 2. Respect the client's wishes and turn the
1. Dizziness. client from side-to-side more frequently.
2. Biliary colic. 3. Suggest that the client increase the daily
3. Bleeding. fluid intake to at least 2,500 mL.
4. Urine retention. 4. Explain the risks of not expanding the
lungs and why the exercise is important.
73. The nurse anticipates that the client who
has received epidural anesthesia is at 81. Eight hours after surgery, a client has a
decreased risk for a spinal headache distended bladder and is unable to void.
because: Which of the following interventions is
1. A 17G needle is used. contraindicated?
2. A subarachnoid injection is made. 1. Facilitate voiding by normal position.
3. A noncutting needle is used. 2. Pour running water over perineum.
4. A faster onset occurs. 3. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter.
4. Insert a straight catheter every 4 hours.
74. Which of the following systems is not
blocked by spinal anesthesia? 82. A client who had open heart surgery is
1. The sympathetic nervous system. being transported to the intensive care
2. The sensory system. unit (ICU) for postoperative recovery from
3. The parasympathetic nervous system. anesthesia. The nurse in the ICU is
4. The motor system. assessing the client's level of
consciousness. When asked, the client can
76. A client in the postanesthesia care unit give his name but is not sure about where
is being actively rewarmed with an he is or the time of day. What should the
external warming device. How often should nurse do?
the nurse monitor the client's body 1. Notify the surgeon.
temperature? 2. Rub the client's sternum to arouse the
1. Every 5 minutes. client.
2. Every 10 minutes.
3. Encourage the client's wife to orient the 3. Dim the lights in the room.
client. 4. Increase nasal oxygen from 2 to 3 L.
4. Tell the client where he is and the time
of day. 88. A client who had an esophageal hernia
repair 4 hours ago has a pulse rate of 90
83. Following surgery, a client is receiving bpm, respiration rate of 16/min, blood
1,000 mL normal saline (IV) with 40 pressure of 130/80 mm Hg, pulse oximeter
mEq (40 mmol/L) KCl, which has been of 91, and a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C).
prescribed to be infused at 125 mL/h. The What should the nurse do first?
client states, “My IV hurts.” What should the 1. Obtain a culture of the incision.
nurse do first? 2. Notify the surgeon to obtain an antibiotic
1. Contact the client's physician for a prescription.
different IV prescription. 3. Offer pain medication.
2. Slow down the infusion to a keep-open 4. Assist the client to a sitting position to
rate (20 to 50 mL/h). take deep breaths.
3. Assess the IV site for signs of
phlebitis, extravasation, or IV-related 89. After completing client teaching on the
infection. use of patient-controlled analgesia
4. Check the hanging parenteral fluid and (PCA), the nurse determines that the client
administration set for documentation as to understands the use of the PCA when the
when they were last changed. client states:
1. “It is OK for my family to press the button
84. A nurse is assessing a client when she for me if I'm too tired to do it myself.”
returns from same-day surgery for a 2. “I should wait until the pain is really bad
dilatation and curettage. The nurse checks before I push the button to get more pain
preoperative vital signs at 8:30 AM to medicine.”
compare them with the current vital signs at 3. “The machine will only give me the
10:30 PM (see chart). What should the prescribed amount of pain medication
nurse do first? even if I push the button too soon.”
1. Call the physician for pain medication. 4. “I have to be careful about pushing the
2. Cover the client with warmed blankets. button too many times or I will overdose
3. Administer oxygen at 4 L/min. myself.”
4. Increase the IV fluid rate.
90. A client had a total abdominal
86. The nurse is caring for a client receiving hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy
a continuous infusion of narcotics for relief for ovarian carcinoma yesterday. She
of postoperative pain. On assessment, the received 2 mg of morphine sulfate IV by
client's vital signs are as follows: HR 84, RR patientcontrolled analgesia (PCA) 10
8, BP 104/56, and oxygen saturation of 88% minutes ago. The nurse was assisting her
on room air. Which of the following is the from the bed to a chair when the client felt
nurse's first action? dizzy and fell into the chair. The nurse
1. Administer Narcan as prescribed. should:
2. Stop the continuous infusion of narcotics. 1. Discontinue the PCA pump.
3. Assist the client to sit and stimulate 2. Administer oxygen.
coughing/deep breathing. 3. Take the client's blood pressure.
4. Call the rapid response team. 4. Assist the client back to bed.

87. A client had a colectomy 8½ hours ago 91. Immediately following pelvic surgery, a
and has received 1,500 mL of dextrose 5% client has an indwelling urinary catheter.
in water with normal saline solution. The Which of the following would be helpful to
client has just used a patient-controlled prevent catheter-related urinary tract
analgesia pump to administer morphine for infection?
pain, has been repositioned for comfort, and 1. Provide catheter and perineal care twice
has stable pulse rate, respirations, and daily.
blood pressure. What should the nurse do 2. Monitor the color, clarity, and amount of
next? urine output.
1. Check that the family is comfortable. 3. Advocate for limited use of and
2. Assess vital signs following the use of duration of indwelling urinary catheters.
4. Palpate for lower abdominal distension 1. Total hip replacement.
once per shift. 2. Mitral valve repair.
3. Abdominal hysterectomy.
93. The postoperative nursing assessment 4. Mastectomy of the left breast.
of a client's ability to swallow fluids before
providing oral fluids is based on the type of 99. The nurse is planning to teach incisional
anesthesia given. Which of the following care to a client before discharge.
clients would not have delayed fluid Which of the following instructions should
restrictions? be included?
1. The client who has undergone a 1. “Do not touch your incision before your
bronchoscopy under local anesthesia. next appointment.”
2. The client who has undergone a 2. “Clean your incision three times a day
transurethral resection of a bladder tumor with hydrogen peroxide and water.”
under general anesthesia. 3. “Do not be concerned about uneven
3. The client who has undergone a repair lumps under the suture lines.”
of carpal tunnel syndrome under local 4. “If the staples don't come out by
anesthesia. themselves before your next appointment,
4. The client who has undergone an inguinal the surgeon will remove them.”
herniorrhaphy with spinal and
intravenous conscious sedation. 100. The nurse is removing the client's
staples from an abdominal incision when
94. The client has just returned to bed the client sneezes and the incision splits
following the first ambulation since open, exposing the intestines. Which of the
abdominal surgery. The client's heart rate following actions should the nurse take
and blood pressure are slightly elevated; next?
oxygen saturation is 91% on room air, but 1. Press the emergency alarm to call the
the client reports being “a little short of resuscitation team.
breath,” but does not have dizziness or 2. Cover the abdominal organs with
pain. The nurse should first: sterile dressings moistened with sterile
1. Obtain a 12-lead EKG. normal saline.
2. Administer pain medication. 3. Have all visitors and family leave the
3. Allow the client to rest for a few room.
minutes, then reassess. 4. Call the surgeon to come to the client's
4. Request new activity prescriptions from room immediately.
the health care provider.
102. The nurse is making rounds and
95. Eight hours following bowel surgery, the observes the client receiving oxygen (see
nurse observes that the client's urine figure). The nurse should do which of the
output has decreased from 50 to 20 mL/h. following?
The nurse should assess the client further 1. Position the mask lower on the client's
for which of the following? nose.
1. Bowel obstruction. 2. Verify that the reservoir bag remains
2. Adverse effect of opioid analgesics. deflated.
3. Hemorrhage. 3. Confirm that the flow rate is set to
4. Hypertension. deliver oxygen at 6 to 10 L/min.
4. Loosen the elastic band on the client's
96. A client who had a left thoracoscopy face.
sustained an injury secondary to the
surgery position. The nurse should assess 103. Which of the following should be
the client for: included in the plan of care for a client with
1. Footdrop. a surgical wound that requires a wet-to-dry
2. Knee swelling and pain. dressing?
3. Tingling in the arm. 1. Place a dry dressing in the wound.
4. Absence of the Achilles reflex. 2. Use Burow's solution to wet the dressing.
3. Pack the wet dressing tightly into the
97. Which of the following types of surgery wound.
is most likely to cause the client to 4. Cover the wet packing with a dry
experience postoperative nausea and sterile dressing.
104. Two days following abdominal surgery,
a client is refusing to take a narcotic pain 109. A client is being discharged from
medication, even though the pain rating is same-day surgery. Which of the following
an 8 on a 0–10 scale. The client tells the statements indicates that the client has
nurse, “I don't want to get dependent on that deficient knowledge?
stuff.” Which of the following is the most 1. “My husband is taking the day off from
appropriate response from the nurse? work to drive me home.”
1. “You will recover more quickly and 2. “I can drive myself home after
more effectively if you take pain surgery.”
medication now.” 3. “I am taking a taxi home, and my
2. “Newer pain medications do not cause daughter will meet me at home.”
dependence or addiction.” 4. “My son will be here at noon to take me
3. “It is your right to not take pain home.”
4. “You do not need to worry about 110. The nurse is teaching a client who has
becoming addicted so soon.” had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy
about postoperative pain management.
105. The nurse empties a Jackson-Pratt Which of the following statements indicates
drainage bulb. Which of the following that the client has deficient knowledge?
nursing actions ensures correct functioning 1. “My pain is related to the gas used to
of the drain? distend my abdominal cavity.”
1. Irrigating it with normal saline. 2. “My diet should include eating bland
2. Connecting it to low intermittent suction. foods until the gas clears up.”
3. Compressing it and then plugging it to 3. “My pain is related to the large
establish suction. incision and manipulation.”
4. Connecting it to a drainage bag and 4. “My pain should be relieved by walking to
clamping it off. eliminate the gas.”

106. Which of the following interventions 111. The initial postoperative assessment is
should the nurse implement for pulmonary completed on a client who had an
emboli prophylaxis? arthroscopy of the knee. Assessment of
1. Have the client perform leg exercises which of the following parameters is not
every hour while awake. necessary every 15 minutes during the first
2. Encourage the client to cough and deep postoperative hour?
breathe. 1. Vital signs including pulse oximeter.
3. Massage the client's calves. 2. Pain rating of the operative site.
4. Have the client wear antiembolism 3. Urine output.
stockings when out of bed. 4. Neurovascular check distal to the
operative site.
107. The nurse assesses a client who has
just received morphine sulfate. The client's 112. After surgery, a client was treated for
blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg; pulse rate, postoperative nausea and vomiting and now
58 bpm; respiration rate, 4 breaths/min. The is experiencing hypotension and
nurse should check the client's chart for a tachycardia. The nurse should review the
prescription to administer: medication record to determine if the client
1. Flumazenil (Romazicon). has received which of the following
2. Naloxone hydrochloride (Narcan). medications?
3. Doxacurium (Nuromax). 1. Ondansetron hydrochloride.
4. Remifentanil (Ultiva). 2. Droperidol.
3. Prochlorperazine.
108. The nurse observes the client with an 4. Promethazine.
intermittent compression device in place
after abdominal surgery. The nurse should: 113. When an epidural catheter is used for
1. Elevate the client's legs. postoperative pain management, the
2. Apply stockings to be worn under the nurse should:
device. 1. Assess but not disturb the epidural
3. Instruct the client not to move while the dressing.
device is inflated. 2. Change the epidural dressing daily.
4. Make sure the client is comfortable.
3. Change the epidural dressing daily only if repair of a ruptured diverticulum. The client
it is wet. asks the nurse the purpose of the drain.
4. Use strict aseptic technique when What is the nurse's best response?
handling the epidural catheter. 1. “The drainage tube is used to prevent
infection in the peritoneal cavity.”
114. The nurse understands that the client 2. “The drainage tube is used to prevent
who has epidural pain management bleeding into the peritoneal cavity.”
postoperatively can ambulate because: 3. “The drainage tube is used to prevent
1. The analgesia is periodically pressure on the bladder.”
administered through the epidural catheter. 4. “The drainage tube is used to prevent
2. A low concentration of analgesia is pressure on the gallbladder.”
used with the catheter.
3. The analgesia from the epidural catheter 119. A client who had a cholecystectomy
bathes the spinal fluid. has a biliary drainage tube in place.
4. The epidural medication affects the Which of the following colors of the drainage
sympathetic and motor function. is expected?
1. Pinkish red.
115. The nurse is caring for a client who is 2. Dark yellow-orange.
using a portable wound suction unit (see 3. Clear.
figure). Six hours following surgery, the 4. Green.
drainage unit is full. The nurse should do
which of the following? 120. A client is to be discharged from
1. Remove the drain from the incision. same-day surgery 7 hours after his inguinal
2. Notify the surgeon. hernia repair. Which of the following
3. Empty drainage. indicates this client is ready to be
4. Record the amount in the unit as output discharged?
on the client's chart. 1. The client voids 500 mL of urine.
2. The client tolerates eating a hamburger.
116. Two days after surgery, a client 3. The client is pain free.
continues to take hydrocodone 7.5 mg and 4. The client walks in the hallway
acetaminophen 500 mg (Lortab 7.5/500). unassisted.
What should the nurse ask the client before
administering the pain medication? 121. A client is eligible for patient-controlled
1. “Where is your pain located?” analgesia (PCA) when:
2. “Have you emptied your bladder?” 1. A family member is able to assist with
3. “How long has it been since your last self-dosing.
dose?” 2. There is a court-appointed advocate to
4. “Is your pain better than before you had assist with self-dosing.
surgery?” 3. The client has the ability to self-dose.
4. There is a nurse to assist with
117. A client wakes up in the self-dosing.
postanesthesia care unit and sees a drain
with bright red fluid in it exiting from the total 122. How often should the client's
hip incision, and asks the nurse, “Is this the temperature be assessed during the first 24
way it is supposed to be?” Which of the hours after surgery?
following represents the nurse's best 1. Every 2 hours.
response? 2. Every 4 hours.
1. “The drainage is blood and fluid that 3. Every 6 hours.
must be drained out for healing.” 4. Every 8 hours.
2. “Don't worry about it. I will explain it when
you are more awake.” 123. A nurse is assessing a client's blood
3. “This blood is being kept sterile and will pressure 8 hours after surgery. The client's
be given back to you.” blood pressure before surgery was 120/80
4. “I will give you something to make you mm Hg, and on admission to the
sleep so you will not worry.” postsurgical nursing unit, it was 110/80 mm
Hg. The client's blood pressure is now
118. A client has a Jackson-Pratt drainage 90/70 mm Hg. What should the nurse do
tube in place the first day after surgical first?
1. Notify the health care provider.
2. Elevate the head of the bed. 1. Operative consent.
3. Administer pain medication. 2. History and physical information.
4. Check the intake and output record. 3. Laboratory test results.
4. Anesthesia note.
124. A client has been positioned in the
lithotomy position under general anesthesia 130. A 15-year-old client needs life-saving
for a pelvic procedure. In which anatomic emergency surgery, but the relatives
area may the client expect to experience live an hour away from the hospital and
postoperative discomfort? cannot sign the consent form. What is the
1. Shoulders. nurse's best response?
2. Thighs. 1. Send the client to surgery without the
3. Legs. consent.
4. Feet. 2. Call the family for a consent over the
telephone and have another nurse listen
125. Which of the following does not aid in as a witness.
meeting the goal of clear breath sounds? 3. No action is necessary in this case
1. Offering pain relief before having the because consent is not needed.
client cough. 4. Have the family sign the consent form as
2. Providing a minimum of 1,000 mL of soon as they arrive.
fluid per day.
3. Using an incentive spirometer. 131. A client is being prepared to have a
4. Assisting with early ambulation. craniotomy for a brain tumor. As a client
advocate, the nurse is evaluating the client's
126. The nurse is teaching the client about understanding of the informed consent
deep-breathing techniques. Which of the before witnessing the client's signature on
following client statements indicates the the operative consent form. Which of the
need for additional education? following indicates that the nurse needs to
1. “I will use my incentive spirometer every contact the surgeon for further
hour while I'm awake.” communication with the client?
2. “I should place my hands lightly over my 1. “We talked about the effect of my
lower ribs and upper abdomen.” diabetes on healing.”
3. “I should get into a comfortable 2. “The surgeon explained how the
position before doing my breathing craniotomy was done.”
exercises.” 3. “There are no major risks from this
4. “I should take four deep breaths and then surgery.”
cough deeply from the lungs.” 4. “I will die if the tumor is not removed from
my brain.”
127. A client has had a nasogastric tube
connected to low intermittent suction. The 132. The nurse is helping to prepare a client
client is at risk for which of the following for nonemergency surgery. The nurse
complications? should:
1. Confusion. 1. Obtain informed consent from the client.
2. Muscle cramping. 2. Explain the surgical procedure in detail.
3. Edema. 3. Verify that the client understands the
4. Tremors. consent form.
4. Inform the client about the risks of the
128. On admission to same-day surgery, the surgery to be performed.
nurse reviews the chart to verify the
client's identification documentation. Which 133. When a client cannot read or write but
of the following is most important? is of sound mind, the nurse should read the
1. Admitting record. consent to the client in the presence of two
2. Addressograph labels. witnesses and:
3. Identification bracelet. 1. Have the client's next-of-kin sign the
4. Location of family. consent.
2. Have the client put an “X” on the
129. Which of the following items of signature line.
documentation is not required for the nurse 3. Have a court appoint a guardian for the
to have on the chart before the client is client.
transported to the operating suite?
4. Have a hospital quality management 4. With two people, one at each side
coordinator sign for the client. using a drawsheet, one person at the
head, andone person at the feet.
134. The nurse applies which ethical
principle when telling the truth to a client 141. The client's identification armband was
about the prognosis? cut and removed to start an IV line as
1. Nonmaleficence. a part of the preoperative preparation. The
2. Fidelity. transport team has arrived to transport the
3. Beneficence. client to the operating room. The nurse
4. Veracity notices that the client's identification band is
not on either wrist. What is the nurse's best
136. The nurse is planning care for a client response?
with severe postoperative pain. There is a 1. Send the removed armband with the
prescription for morphine written as “10 mg chart and the client to the operating room.
MSO4” on the chart. Which of the following 2. Place a new identification armband on
should the nurse do first? the client's wrist before transport.
1. Obtain an intravenous infusion system. 3. Tape the cut armband back onto the
2. Prepare the medication for client's wrist.
administration. 4. Send the client without an armband
3. Contact the Pharmacy Department. because the client is alert and can respond
4. Contact the physician who prescribed to questions about his or her identity.
the medication.
On the second day after surgery, the nurse
137. The client has returned to the surgery assesses an elderly client and finds the
unit from the postanesthesia care unit following: BP 148/92, HR 98, RR 32
(PACU). The client's respirations are rapid O2 saturation of 88 on 4 L/min of oxygen
and shallow, the pulse is 120, and the blood administered by nasal cannula. Breath
pressure is 88/52. The client's level of sounds are coarse and wet bilaterally with a
consciousness is deteriorating. The nurse loose, productive cough. Client voided 100
should do which of the following first? mL very dark, concentrated urine during the
1. Call the PACU. last 4 hours, Bilateral pitting pedal edema.
2. Call the primary care physician. Using the SBAR method to notify the health
3. Call the respiratory therapist. care provider of current assessment
4. Call the Rapid Response Team (RRT). findings, which of the following is the most
appropriate recommendation to make?
138. When completing the Preoperative 1. Administer an antihypertensive
Checklist on the nursing unit, the nurse medication.
discovers an allergy that the client has not 2. Encourage additional fluid intake.
reported. What should the nurse do first? 3. Administer a diuretic medication.
1. Administer the prescribed preanesthetic 4. Increase oxygen liter flow rate.
2. Note this new allergy prominently at the 143. Which of the following physician
front of the chart. prescriptions is written correctly on the
3. Contact the scrub nurse in the operating chart?
room. 1. Fentanyl 50 mcg given IV every 2
4. Inform the nurse anesthetist. hours as needed for pain greater than
140. A very elderly, drowsy client with fragile 2. Give 4 U regular insulin IV now.
skin is being transferred from the 3. .5 mg MS given IM for c/o pain.
surgery cart to the bed. How should the 4. 60.0 mg Toradol given IM for c/o pain
nurse plan to direct the transfer to prevent
skin shearing? 145. While making rounds, the nurse
1. With two people at each side using a observes that a client's primary bag of
drawsheet. intravenous (IV) solution is light yellow. The
2. With two people, one at each side using a label on the IV bag says the solution is
drawsheet, and one person at the head. D5W. What should the nurse do first?
3. With two people using a roller and a 1. Continue to monitor the bag of IV
drawsheet. solution.
2. Ask another nurse to look at the solution.
3. Notify the physician. n 2. At the client’s convenience.
4. Hang a new bag of D5W and complete n 3. Within the next 2 weeks.
an incident report. n 4. Within the next 2 days.

3. A client is to have NPO for at least 2 hr

before same-day surgery. A nurse learns
the client had half a glass of orange juice 3
hr prior to admission. The nurse should:
n 1. Report the incident to the nursing
n 2. Inform the surgery department.
n 3. Notify the anesthesiologist.
n 4. Reschedule the surgery.

4. A client is anxious prior to surgery. The

nurse should:
n 1. Administer an antianxiety agent.
n 2. Describe the entire intraoperative
n 3. Reassure the client about the capability
of the surgeon.
n 4. Encourage verbalization of feelings.

5. A client is receiving atropine sulfate

(Atropair) prior to surgery. Which of the
following is the intended outcome of this
n 1. Constricts pupils.
n 2. Stimulates the central nervous system.
n 3. Decreases cardiac output.
n 4. Suppresses oral secretions.

6. The intended outcome of a client

receiving cimetidine (Tagamet) prior to
surgery is to:
n 1. Decrease the volume of gastric
n 2. Decrease the pH of gastric secretions.
n 3. Reduce the amount of anesthetic
n 4. Dispel the memory of unpleasant
factors associated with surgery.

7. A client arrives in the operating room

wearing two post earrings on each eyebrow.
The nurse should do which of the following?
n 1. Ask client to remove the earrings
and place them in a labeled container.
n 2. Call a nurse on the medical-surgical
clinical unit and request that he or she come
to remove the earrings and give them to the
client’s family.
n 3. Remind anesthetist to remove the
PERIOP earrings when the client is anesthetized.
2. A client is to have elective surgery. The n 4. Secure the earrings with paper tape.
nurse should plan with the client to schedule
the surgery: 8. The nurse notices that a cart brought by
n 1. If the client wishes to have the an operating room transporter to transport a
procedure done. client has a nonfunctioning clasp on the
safety belt. The nurse should do which of
the following? 13. A client who had a partial gastrectomy
n 1. Call the Safety/Security Department to 24 hr ago has a nasogastric tube in place.
report the problem. The expected outcome of using a
n 2. Use a draw sheet to secure the client nasogastric tube following a partial
during transport. gastrectomy is to:
n 3. Contact the Clinical Engineering n 1. Assess the pH of gastric secretions.
Department to repair the clasp. n 2. Remove stomach contents.
n 4. Request that the transporter bring a n 3. Delay peristalsis until initial healing
different cart with a functional clasp. takes place.
n 4. Assess characteristics of drainage at
9. A scrub nurse puts on the hair covering anastomosis
after putting on sterile gloves. The charge
nurse should base a response to this nurse 15. The nurse assesses that a client is
on which of the following? restless in the immediate postoperative
n 1. If a sterile item comes in contact period. The nurse should first:
with an unsterile item, it is contaminated. n 1. Administer a sedative.
n 2. Contaminated items should be removed n 2. Offer ice chips.
immediately from the sterile field. n 3. Administer oxygen.
n 3. A wide margin of safety must be n 4. Apply wrist restraints.
maintained between the sterile and unsterile
field. 16. A nurse auscultates a client’s breath
n 4. Bacteria harbor on the client’s and the sounds on the fourth postoperative day and
team members’ hair, skin, and respiratory hears loud, low-pitched, rumbling sounds on
tracts and must be confined by appropriate expiration. The nurse should first:
attire. n 1. Administer oxygen.
n 2. Encourage the client to cough.
10. A scrub nurse in the operating room n 3. Request an order for incentive
should do which of the following? spirometry.
n 1. Scrub for a minimum of 3 min. n 4. Reposition the client to high-Fowler
n 2. Scrub without mechanical friction. position.
n 3. Scrub from the hands to the elbows.
n 4. Hold the hands higher than the 17. During the extended postoperative
elbows. period following an abdominal
hysterectomy, a client has a urine output of
11. In the operating room the surgeon is 20 ml/hour. The nurse should:
checking the x-ray of a client who is to have n 1. Consider this to be normal.
lobe of the left lung removed. The nurse n 2. Evaluate the client’s fluid intake.
notes that the name on the x-ray is not the n 3. Prepare to return the client to the
same name as that of the client. The nurse operating room.
should: n 4. Consult the urologist.
n 1. Call the x-ray technician to take another
x-ray. 18. On the first day after abdominal surgery,
n 2. Call the surgeon aside to ask to have the nurse auscultates a client’s abdomen for
the xray checked. bowel sounds; there are none. The nurse
n 3. Look for the correct x-ray. should first:
n 4. Call a time out. n 1. Encourage a client to use the client
controlled analgesia pump more often.
12. A client is receiving a large volume of n 2. Ask another nurse to validate the
PRBCs during surgery. The nurse should absence of bowel sounds.
observe the client for hypocalcemia n 3. Encourage the client to take more ice
because? chips.
n 1. Extra calcium is needed during stressful n 4. Document assessment findings in
events. the client’s medical record.
n 2. Anesthesia causes hypocalcemia.
n 3. Hypoperfusion to the parathyroid 19. Prior to nonemergency surgery, the
glands affects calcium levels. client needs to give consent for the
n 4. The preservative in PRBCs binds procedure. Which of the following measures
with calcium. is the responsibility of the nurse?
n 1. Obtain informed consent. (D) “Avoid eating food from serving dishes
n 2. Explain the surgical procedure. shared with others.”
n 3. Verify the client understands the
consent form. 6. The nurse is preparing to administer a
n 4. Inform the client about surgical risks tuberculin (Mantoux) skin test to a client
suspected of having tuberculosis (TB). The
1. The physician orders an MRI of the brain nurse knows that the test will reveal which
for an adult male client. Which of the of the following?
following findings in the client’s history (A) How long the client has been infected
should the nurse report to the physician? with TB
(A) Allergy to contrast dye (B) Active TB infection
(B) Implanted cardiac pacemaker (C) Latent TB infection
(C) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (D) Whether the client has been infected
(COPD) with TB bacteria
(D) Hernia repair
7. An older adult has been admitted with
2. The nurse is developing a care plan for a diagnosis of stroke and a history of
client with hepatitis C. The nurse knows that dementia. Which of the following nursing
the primary route of transmission of this diagnoses has the highest priority for this
hepatitis virus is which of the following? client?
(A) Contaminated food (A) Bathing/hygiene self-care deficit
(B) Feces (B) Risk for injury
(C) Blood (C) Impaired physical mobility
(D) Sputum (D) Disturbed thought processes

3. The nurse is preparing to discharge a 8. The nurse has just administered insulin to
client with rheumatic heart disease who is a diabetic client. In which of the following
recovering from endocarditis. Which of the ways should the nurse dispose of the
following statements from the client needle?
indicates that the client understands the (A) Re-cap the needle and discard it in the
teaching? nearest puncture resistant container.
(A) “I’m so glad I don’t need any more (B) Re-cap the needle and discard it in the
antibiotics now that I’m feeling better.” nearest biohazard container.
(B)“I can restart my exercise program in a (C) Discard the needle in a
day or two.” puncture-resistant container.
(C) “I will watch for signs of relapse the first (D) Break the needle and discard it in the
few days after discharge.” nearest puncture resistant container.
(D) “I will inform my dentist should I ever 10. Two nurses are preparing to lift a client
need any dental work.” up in bed. Which of the following should the
nurses do to help avoid injuring their backs?
4. The nurse is preparing to test a client (A) Bend from the waist.
who has allergies from an unknown cause. (B) Lift with the back, not with the legs.
Which of the following tests should the (C) Lower the head of the bed to about 30
nurse perform? degrees, if the client can tolerate it.
(A) Tzanck test (D) Make certain the bed is in a
(B) Patch test reasonably high position.
(C) Rinne test
(D) Stress test 11. In the emergency room, the nurse
5. The nurse is preparing a client with assesses a 4-year-old child suspected of
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome having measles. Which of the following
(AIDS) for discharge to home. Which of the kinds of precautions should the nurse
following instructions should the nurse initiate?
include? (A) Contact precautions
(A) “Avoid sharing articles such as (B) Droplet precautions
razors and toothbrushes.” (C) Airborne precautions
(B) “Do not share eating utensils with family (D) Reverse isolation
(C) “Limit the time you spend in public 12. A female client comes to the Emergency
places.” Department reporting vaginal discharge,
irritation of the vagina, and the need to (C) Write the order down, retrieve the
urinate often. The nurse suspects a sexually medication, and administer it.
transmitted disease (STD), and the (D) Read the order to another nurse, have
physician orders diagnostic testing of the that nurse retrieve the medication, and stay
vaginal discharge. Which of the following with the client.
STDs does the nurse know must be
reported to the Department of Public 19. Which of the following actions by the
Health? nurse is the MOST effective means of
(A) Genital herpes preventing infection?
(B) Human papillomavirus infection (A) Washing hands after client contact
(C) Gonorrhea (B) Washing hands after removing gloves
(D) Trichomoniasis (C) Hand hygiene between clients
(D) Hand hygiene before entry to a
14. The nurse is preparing to administer a client’s room and upon exit of a client’s
unit of PRBCs to an anemic client. After room
obtaining the blood from the blood bank, the
nurse must begin administering it within 20. The client is an obese male with
which of the following time periods? decubitus ulcers. Treatment of the ulcers
(A) 15 minutes requires frequent turning and repositioning.
(B) 30 minutes The nursing unit has a special lift that allows
(C) 45 minutes for turning of clients and placement onto a
(D) 60 minutes bedpan without any lifting on the part of the
staff. The client urgently requests the
15. The nurse is assessing an elderly client bedpan. Because the lift apparatus takes a
for risk of falls. Which of the following few minutes to set up, which of the following
should the nurse collect? should the nurse do?
(A) The facility’s restraint policy (A) Quickly assist the client onto the bedpan
(B) Gait, balance, and visual impairment without the lift because he needs to use it
information urgently.
(C) Psychosocial history (B) Encourage the client to try to be
(D) The facility’s environmental safety plan patient, and set up the apparatus.
(C) Get the assistance of an aide to help lift
16. The nurse is administering nightly the client.
medications, which include an anticoagulant (D) Encourage the client to wear an
and a stool softener. Which of the following incontinence brief.
should the nurse do FIRST before
administering the medications? 21. The client has experienced multiple
(A) Scan the medication label and the episodes of hyperglycemia not manageable
client’s wristband. by subcutaneous insulin injections. The
(B) Ask the client his or her name to client has an active order for infusion of an
properly identify this client as the one for insulin drip for glycemic management to be
whom the medications were ordered. discontinued at bedtime, after which the
(C) Match the client’s date of birth and client is NPO. The client’s most recent blood
name on the client’s wristband with the sugar level, taken at 3 P.M., was 60. Which
same information on the medication of the following actions by the nurse is the
order. MOST appropriate?
(D) Match the client’s name and room (A) The nurse should follow the order and
number with the medication order. allow the insulin to infuse until bedtime.
(B) The nurse should recheck the client’s
17. The physician verbally orders a blood sugar.
medication for a client during an emergency (C) The nurse should bring this blood
code. Which of the following should the sugar level to the physician’s attention
nurse do? and discuss stopping the infusion.
(A) Repeat the order back to the (D) The nurse should seek advice from
physician for confirmation and other nurses.
administer it.
(B) Retrieve the medication and administer 22. The adult children of a hospice home
it. care client inquire about whether it is safe to
hug their mother, because she has had a
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 26. The nurse completes a peripherally
(MRSA) infection in the past. Which of the inserted central catheter (PICC) line
following statements by the children would dressing change for a home care client.
indicate a need for further teaching by the When removing the PPE, the nurse should
nurse? do which of the following?
(A) “We should wash our hands frequently.” (A) Remove the mask and then the gloves.
(B) “We should use hand sanitizer.” (B) Remove the gloves and then the mask.
(C) “Those of us with poor immune systems (C) Remove only the gloves; there is no
should be extra careful.” need to wear a mask.
(D) “We should wear gowns and gloves (D) Remove only the mask; there is no need
at all times when having contact with our to wear gloves.
27. The client is found on the floor by the
23. The nurse witnesses another nurse, nursing assistive personnel (NAP). Once
wearing a gown and gloves, enter a client the client is safe, which of the following
room labeled “Airborne Precautions.” Which should the nurse do next?
of the following actions by the witnessing (A) Document the event in the client’s
nurse is MOST appropriate? (A) Notify the medical record and file an incident report.
nurse manager to discuss policies with the (B) File an incident report only.
other nurse. (C) Document the event in the client’s
(B) Ask a physician to give a presentation medical record and have the NAP file an
on which precautions require which types of incident report.
personal protective equipment (PPE). (D) Document the event in the client’s
(C) Remind the other nurse that she medical record only.
needs a mask in addition to a gown and
gloves for airborne-type precautions. 28. The nurse is making a home visit to an
(D) Ask the other nurse to look up the policy elderly client during the winter. The nurse
about precautions. notices upon arrival that the client has the
oven turned on with the oven door open,
24. The nurse discovers a client on the floor and is using it as a form of heat. Which of
in the client’s hospital room. After examining the following actions by the nurse is MOST
the client and assisting him safely back to appropriate?
bed, which of the following should the nurse (A) Take care of the client’s medical needs
do FIRST? and do not get involved in the client’s
(A) File an incident report. private matters.
(B) Put the bed alarm back on. (B) Shut the oven off and continue with the
(C) Institute a client observer to sit with the home visit.
client and prevent further falls. (C) Report the event to the local Fire
(D) Notify the nurse manager. Department.
(D) Have a meeting with the client and
25. The hospitalized client is receiving an family and warn them of the fire and
infusion and the pump has malfunctioned. safety risks of using the oven for heat.
Which of the following actions by the nurse
is MOST appropriate once the infusion has 29. The medical center encounters a bomb
been stopped and restarted with a threat. The emergency response team
functioning pump? informs the staff that the threat is legitimate
(A) Place a “Broken” sticker on the and that clients should start being
malfunctioning pump according to evacuated. Which of the following clients
hospital policy, and place the pump in should the nurse begin evacuating FIRST to
the designated malfunctioning the safe designated area?
equipment area. (A) Ambulatory clients
(B) Place the malfunctioning pump in the (B) Bedridden clients
utility room. (C) ICU clients
(C) Remove the malfunctioning pump from (D) Infant clients
the client’s room and place with other
pumps. 30. The nurse discovers that the last dose
(D) Place the malfunctioning pump to the of intravenous antibiotic administered to a
side in the client’s room. client was the wrong dose. Which of the
following should the nurse do?
(A) Document the event in the client’s A client who is having a mastectomy
medical record only. expresses sadness about losing her breast.
(B) File an incident report, and document Based on this information, the nurse would
the event in the client’s medical record. identify that the client is at risk for which
(C) Document in the client’s medical record nursing diagnosis?
that an incident report was filed. A. Body Image Disturbance
(D) File an incident report, but don’t B. Anticipatory Grieving
document the event in the client’s medical C. Fear
record, because information about the D. Ineffective Coping
incident is protected.
Which statement by the client indicates that
the preoperative teaching regarding
gallbladder surgery has been effective?
A. "I cannot eat or drink anything after
B. "I'm not going to cough after surgery
because it might open my incision."
C. "I might have a stroke if I stop taking my
D. "The nurse showed me how to
contract and
relax my calf muscles."

The nurse assesses a postoperative client

who has a rapid, weak pulse; urine output
less than 30 mL/hr; and decreased blood
pressure. The client's skin is cool and
clammy. What complication should the
nurse suspect?
A. Thrombophlebitis
B. Hypovolemic shock
C. Pneumonia
D. Wound dehiscence

The client is most likely to require the

greatest amount of analgesia for pain during
which period?
A. Immediately after surgery
B. 4 hours after surgery
C. 12 to 36 hours after surgery
D. 48 to 60 hours after surgery

A semiconscious client in the

postanesthesia care unit (PACU) is
experiencing dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
Which action should the nurse perform first?
A. Place a pillow under the client's head.
B. Remove the oropharyngeal airway.
PERIOP C. Administer oxygen by mask.
Which test is the best resource for D. Reposition the client to keep the
determining the preoperative status of a tongue forward.
client's liver function?
A. Serum electrolytes Five minutes after receiving a preoperative
B. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine sedative medication by IV injection, a
C. Alanine amino transferase (ALT), patient asks to get up to go to the bathroom
aspirate amino transferase (AST), to urinate. What is the most appropriate
bilirubin action for the nurse to take?
D Serum albumin
A. Offer the patient to use the Which preoperative patient has the greatest
urinal/bedpan after explaining the need risk of bleeding as a result of his or her
to maintain safety. medication?
B. Assist the patient to the bathroom and A. A woman who takes metoprolol
stay next to the door to assist patient back (Lopressor) for the treatment of
to bed when done. hypertension
c. Allow the patient to go to the bathroom B. A man whose type 1 diabetes is
since the onset of the medication will be controlled with insulin injections four times
more than 5 minutes. daily
d. Ask the patient to hold the urine for a C. A man who is taking clopidogrel
short period since a urinary catheter will be (Plavix) after the placement of a coronary
placed in the operating room. artery stent
D, A man who recently started taking
What is the primary reason for accurately finasteride (Proscar) for the treatment of
recording the patient's current medications benign prostatic hyperplasia
during a preoperative assessment?
A. Some medications may alter the patient's The patient is having a mole removed that
perceptions about surgery. has changed appearance. What does the
B. Many anesthetics alter renal and hepatic nurse teach the patient about the rationale
function, causing toxicity of other drugs. for this surgical procedure?
C. Some medications may interact with A. It is to prevent malignancy.
anesthetics, altering the potency and B. It is to alleviate symptoms.
effect of the drugs. C. It is to cure the malignancy.
D. Routine medications are withheld the day D. It is to provide cosmetic improvement.
of surgery, requiring dosage and schedule
adjustments after surgery This will be the patient's first surgical
experience and the patient states, "I am
While performing preoperative teaching, the nervous about this." The vital signs show
patient asks when she needs to stop BP 158/88, HR 96, RR 24. In the
drinking water before the surgery. Based on assessment, the nurse finds that the lungs
the most recent practice guidelines are clear, bowel tones are evident,
established by the American Society of peripheral pulses are strong, and the patient
Anesthesiologists, the nurse tells the patient is fidgeting nervously. The patient took
that alprazolam (Xanax) at bedtime last night
A. she must be NPO after breakfast. and takes acetaminophen (Tylenol) for
B. she needs to be NPO after midnight. tension headaches. Related to this
C. she can drink clear liquids up to 2 assessment information, what should the
hours before surgery. nurse do before the patient goes to
D. she can drink clear liquids up until she is surgery?
moved to the OR. A. Review the surgery with the patient.
B. Notify the anesthesia care provider
The nurse is admitting a patient to the (ACP).
same-day surgery unit. The patient tells the C. Administer another dose of alprazolam
nurse that he was so nervous he had to (Xanax).
take kava last evening to help him sleep. D. Tell the patient that everything will be
Which nursing action would be most okay with the surgery.
A. Tell the patient that using kava to help When reviewing the preoperative forms, the
sleep is often helpful. nurse notices that the informed consent
B. Inform the anesthesiologist of the form is not present or signed. What is the
patient's recent use of kava. best action for the nurse to take?
C. Tell the patient that the kava should A. Have the patient sign the consent form.
continue to help him relax before surgery. B. Have the family sign the form for the
D. Inform the patient about the dangers of patient.
taking herbal medicines without consulting C. Call the surgeon to obtain consent for
his health care provider. surgery.
D. Teach the patient about the surgery and
get verbal permission
As the nurse is preparing a patient for (CABG) surgery has just experienced
outpatient surgery, the patient wants to give intraoperative vomiting. The nurse should
his hearing aid to his wife so it will not be consequently anticipate the use of which
lost during surgery. Which action by the drug?
nurse should be taken in this situation? A. Midazolam (Versed)
A. Give the hearing aid to the wife as he B. Fentanyl (Sublimaze)
wishes. C. Meperidine (Demerol)
B. Tape the hearing aid to his ear to prevent D. Ondansetron (Zofran)
C. Encourage the patient to wear it for A surgical patient's premedication regimen
the surgery. includes midazolam (Versed). What are the
D. Tell the surgery nurse that he has his most likely desired effects of this
hearing aid out. medication?
A. Monitored anesthesia care and
An alert male patient needs a tracheostomy amnesia
because he has been intubated for 7 days B. Potentiates volatile agents to speed
with an endotracheal tube and cannot be induction
weaned from the ventilator. The patient C. Analgesia and prevention of
does not want the tracheostomy, but his intraoperative vomiting
family insists that the surgery be performed. D. Relaxation of skeletal muscles and
What is the best action for the nurse to facilitation of endotracheal intubation
A. Advocate for the patient's rights. The new nursing student is confused about
B. Try to change the patient's mind. where the patient's family (who are wearing
C. Call surgery to cancel the procedure. street clothes) can be with the patient in the
D. Tell the family they cannot interfere. surgical suite. Which explanation should the
A. Advocate for the patient's rights. perioperative nurse give to the student
The nurse is doing a preoperative A. The family is not allowed to talk to the
assessment on a male patient who has type nurse at the nursing station.
2 diabetes mellitus, weighs 146 kg, and is 5 B. The family can be with the patient in
feet 8 inches tall. Which patient assessment the preoperative holding area.
is a priority related to anesthesia? C. The family cannot be with the patient
A. Has hemoglobin A1C of 8.5% until the postanesthesia care unit.
B. Has several seasonal allergies D. The family is only allowed in the
C. Has body mass index of 48.8 kg/m2 conference room for preoperative teaching.
D. Has history of postoperative vomiting
The nurse would be alerted to the Which National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG)
occurrence of malignant hyperthermia when requirement is enacted immediately before
the patient demonstrates what surgery with a surgical time-out?
manifestation? A. Prevention of infection
A. Hypocapnia B. Improved staff communication
B. Muscle rigidity C. Identify patients at risk for suicide.
C. Decreased body temperature D. Patient, surgical procedure, and site
D. Confusion upon arousal from anesthesia are checked.

What event in the surgical suite represents A patient having an open reduction internal
a violation of aseptic technique? fixation (ORIF) of a left lower leg fracture
A. A glove contacts the leg of the table will receive regional anesthesia during the
that supports the sterile field. procedure. As the patient is prepared in the
B. The cuff of the scrub nurse's sterile gown operating room, what should the nurse
contacts the sterile field. implement to maintain patient safety during
C. The sterile field was established at 0650, surgery that is directly related to the type of
and the current time is 0900. anesthesia being used?
D. Bacteria are present in the nares and A. Apply grounding pad to unaffected leg.
upper respiratory passages of the nurse B. Assess peripheral pulses and skin color.
C. Verify the last oral intake before surgery.
A 71-year-old male patient who is currently D. Ensure a smooth surface under the
undergoing coronary artery bypass graft patient
C. Assess the patient's blood pressure
A 78-year-old patient is having surgery. and heart rate.
What risk areas will the nurse need to be D. Remove the dressing and assess the
especially aware of for this patient during surgical incision.
A. Sterility In planning postoperative interventions to
B. Paralysis promote repositioning, ambulation,
C. Urine output coughing, and deep breathing, which action
D. Skin integrity should the nurse recognize will best enable
The patient is going to have a colonoscopy. the patient to achieve the desired
Which type of anesthesia should the nurse outcomes?
expect to be used? A. Administering adequate analgesics to
A. Local anesthesia promote relief or control of pain
B. Moderate sedation B. Asking the patient to demonstrate the
C. General anesthesia postoperative exercises every 1 hour
D. Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) C. Giving the patient positive feedback
when the activities are performed correctly
In which surgical area will the patient's skin D. Warning the patient about possible
be prepped for surgery, and what clothing complications if the activities are not
will the person doing the prepping be performed
A. Surgical suite wearing a lab coat Bronchial obstruction by retained secretions
B. Preoperative holding area wearing street has contributed to a postoperative patient's
clothes recent pulse oximetry reading of 87%.
C. Postanesthesia care unit (PACU) Which health problem is the patient
wearing scrubs probably experiencing?
D. Operating room wearing surgical A. Atelectasis
attire and masks B. Bronchospasm
C. Hypoventilation
Unless contraindicated by the surgical D. Pulmonary embolism
procedure, which position is preferred for
the unconscious patient immediately In caring for the postoperative patient on the
postoperative? clinical unit after transfer from the PACU,
A. Supine which care can be delegated to the
B. Lateral unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?
C. Semi-Fowler's A. Monitor the patient's pain.
D. High-Fowler's B. Do the admission vital signs.
C. Assist the patient to take deep breaths
The nurse is working on a surgical floor and and cough.
is preparing to receive a postoperative D. Change the dressing when there is
patient from the postanesthesia care unit excess drainage
(PACU). What should the nurse's initial
action be upon the patient's arrival? The patient had abdominal surgery. The
A. Assess the patient's pain. estimated blood loss was 400 mL. The
B. Assess the patient's vital signs. patient received 300 mL of 0.9% saline
C. Check the rate of the IV infusion. during surgery. Postoperatively, the patient
D. Check the physician's postoperative is hypotensive. What should the nurse
orders. anticipate for this patient?
A. Blood administration
When assessing a patient's surgical B. Restoring circulating volume
dressing on the first postoperative day, the C. An ECG to check circulatory status
nurse notes new, bright-red drainage about D. Return to surgery to check for internal
5 cm in diameter. In response to this finding, bleeding
what should the nurse do first?
The patient donated a kidney, and early
A. Recheck in 1 hour for increased ambulation is included in her plan of care.
drainage. But the patient refuses to get up and walk.
B. Notify the surgeon of a potential What rationale should the nurse explain to
hemorrhage. the patient for early ambulation?
A. "Early walking keeps your legs limber c. INR 1.5
and strong." d. BUN 12 mg/dL
B. "Early ambulation will help you be ready
to go home." A nurse is caring for a client who is
C. "Early ambulation will help you get rid of postoperative and has a jackson-pratt drain
your syncope and pain." in place. Which of the following
D. "Early walking is the best way to interventions should the nurse use to
prevent postoperative complications." ensure proper functioning of the drain?
a. secure the drain to the client's bed sheet
An older patient who had surgery is b. clamp drain when client is ambulating
displaying manifestations of delirium. What c. empty and compress the drain
should the nurse do first to provide the best reservoir as needed
care for this new patient? d. keep the drain higher than surgical site
A. Check his chart for intraoperative
complications. A nurse is providing teaching for a client
B. Check which medications were used for who is scheduled to undergo moderate
anesthesia. (conscious) sedation for a bronchoscopy.
C. Check the effectiveness of the The nurse should verify that the client
analgesics he has received. understands the procedure when the client
D. Check his preoperative assessment states which of the following?
for previous delirium or dementia.
a. "I will need to complete a bowel prep the
A patient is having elective cosmetic day b4 procedure"
surgery performed on her face. The surgeon b. "i will drink plenty of fluids the morning of
will keep her at the surgery center for 24 the procedure"
hours after surgery. What is the nurse's c. "I can eat as soon as the procedure is
postoperative priority for this patient? over"
A. Manage patient pain. d. "I can expect to feel sleepy for several
B. Control the bleeding. hours after the procedure"
C. Maintain fluid balance.
D. Manage oxygenation status. A nurse is taking a preoperative medication
history on a client who is scheduled for
A nurse is providing preoperative teaching surgery. Which of the following medications
to a client who is scheduled for a should the nurse recognize as placing the
gastrectomy in 1 week. The client is anxious client at risk for complications due to
about the surgery. Which of the following is interaction with anesthetic agents?
an appropriate action for the nurse to take? a. captopril
a. sympathize with client's feelings b. atorvastatin
b. reassure the client that the surgery will go c. Ranitidine
fine d. Ciprofloxacin
c. change the subject
d. provide concise, factual information A nurse is caring for a client who is
postoperative following abdominal surgery.
A nurse is providing preoperative teaching Which of the following nursing interventions
for a client. Which of the following should the nurse perform to prevent
prescribed medications should the nurse respiratory complications?
instruct the client to discontinue 48 hr prior a. Instruct client to exhale into the inception
to the surgery? spirometer every 1 to 2 hrs
a. furosemide b. minimize the amount of pain medication
b. digoxin to prevent sedation
c. prednisone c. advice the client to splint the surgical
d. warfarin incision when coughing and deep
A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a d. reposition the client every 8 hr for the 1st
client who is to undergo general anesthesia. 48 hrs.
What should the nurse report to the
provider? A nurse is providing preoperative teaching
a. potassium level 2.8 mEq/L for a client who is scheduled to have a
b. Sodium level 140 mEq/L mastectomy. Which of the following
statements by the client indicates a need for monitoring VS, nurse finds that the tongue
further teaching? has become swollen and is obstructing the
a. " I should wait 3 to 4 weeks after surgery airway. Which of the following should the
to do water aerobics" nurse take first?
b. ill wait until a week after surgery to a. contact the anesthesiologist
start hand strengthening exercises" b. assist with endotracheal intubation
c. "I should avoid having blood drawn from c. increase the client's flow of oxygen
the arm on the side I had my mastectomy" d. use the head-tilt, chin-lift method to
d. "Ill be able to shower after the doctor open the airway
removes the drain"
A client had an open transverse colectomy
A nurse is providing teaching for a client 5 days ago. The nurse enters the client's
who is in the immediate postoperative room and recognizes that the wound has
period and has a PCA pump. Which of the been eviscerated. After covering the wound
following statements should the nurse with a sterile, saline-soaked dressing, which
include in the teaching? of the following actions should the nurse
a. "You will receive a dose of medication take?
every time you push the bottom" a. Go to nurses; station to seek assistance
b. "Do not allow your family to push the b. reinsert the organs into abdominal cavity
PCA button if you are sleeping" c. place client in reverse trendelenburg
c. "You cannot receive too much medication position
by pushing the button" d. obtain vital signs to assess for shock
d. "Do not push the PCA button until your
pain reaches a severe level" A nurse is caring for a client who is 2 days
post-operative following a cholecystectomy.
A nurse is assessing a client in the PACU to The client has been vomiting for the past 24
determine if he is ready for discharge. hrs and reports pain of 8/10. The nurse
Which of the following assessment findings notes a hard, distended abdomen, and
indicates the client is ready for discharge? absent bowel sounds. After conferring with
a. clients preoperative BP was 140/90 the provider, which of the following actions
mmHg and her postoperative BP is 100/65 should the nurse take first?
mm Hg a. draw the client's blood for electrolytes
b. client rates her pain a 4/10 b. insert a NG tube
c. client is able to move all four c. Administer pain medication
extremities on command d. Initiate I and O's
d. client requires tactile stimulation to
awaken A nurse is caring for a client receiving
moderate (concious) sedation with
A nurse is receiving afternoon report on four midazolam and fentanyl. The client's
clients who have returned from the PACU respirations decrease from 16/min to 6/min,
this morning. The nurse should assess and the oxygen saturation decreases from
which of the following clients first? 92% to 85%. Which of the following actions
a. client who is postoperative following a should the nurse take first?
thoracotomy; has a chest tub with 150 a. gather suction equipment
mL bright red blood in the collection b. obtain equipment necessary for CPR
chamber from the past hour c. Administer reversal agents
b. client who is postoperative following a d. start an additional IV line
small bowel resection and has a temporary
colostomy; absent bowel sounds in all four A nurse is assessing a client who is 2 hr
quadrants postoperative following an appendectomy.
c. client who is postoperative following a Which of the following findings should the
tonsillectomy has had one episode of nurse report to the provider?
coffee-ground emesis a. Urine output 20 mL/hr
d. client who is postoperative following a b. Temperature 36.5C (97.7F)
TKA and has a PCA pump and reporting a c. A 2X2 cm area of bloody drainage on the
knee pain of 7/10 dressing
d. Jackson-Pratt drainage 30 ml/hr
A client is transferred from the surgical suite
to the PACU following oral surgery. While
A nurse is caring for a patient who is witness. Which of the following should the
postoperative. To prevent formation of nurse recognize as a situation that could
thrombi in the postoperative period, the pose special care needs for this client?
nurse should do which of the following? a. having preoperative blood drawn
a. change client's position every 4 hrs b. giving information about sexual history
b. have client perform dorsal and plantar c. providing informed consent to receive
flexion of feet every hr blood products
c. place the client in bed with a pillow under d. receiving care from a nurse of the
the knees opposite gender
d. assess pedal and posterior tibial pulses
every 2 hr. A surgical nurse enters the surgical suite to
ensure surgical asepsis is maintained.
A nurse is caring for a client who has an NG Which of the following observations requires
tube set to continuous low suction following an intervention?
a gastrectomy. Which of the following a. scrub technologist is wearing a watch
findings should the nurse report to the under his scrubs
provider? b. the circulating nurse opens dressing
a. gastric distention packages before applying sterile gloves
b. absent bowel sounds c. surgeon has her hands folded 5 cm (2in)
c. Incisional pain of 9/10 above the waist
d. small amount of bloody drainage in the d. holding area nurse is performing client
NG tube education

A nurse is caring for a client during surgery. A nurse is monitoring a client receiving
To prevent neuromuscular complications succinylcholine during a surgical procedure.
during the surgical procedure, the nurse Which of the following actions should the
should take which of the following actions? nurse take if the client develops malignant
a. administer an IV bolus of normal saline hyperthermia?
b. massage the client's lower extremities a. administer dantrolene
during the procedure b. institute seizure precautions
c. support the client's bony prominences c. monitor blood glucose
with foam padding d. Give IV atropine
d. extend the client;s joints and maintain
position with padded straps A nurse is completing an initial PACU
assessment of a client who is postoperative
A nurse is caring for a client who has a following a TKA and recieved spinal
surgical wound with a Penrose drain in anesthesia. Which of the following findings
place. Which of the following interventions indicates the need to notify the provider?
should the nurse plan to perform? a. client states having numbness to the
a. cut a slit in a 4 inch gauze pad to place lower extremities bilaterally
around drain b. spinal anesthesia is at T10 level
b. use sterile technique while performing c. client rouses to tactile stimuli
dressing changes d. The client reports chest pain
c. establish a clamping schedule prior to
removal A nurse is preparing a client for surgery. Tje
d. apply negative pressure when emptying client appears apprehensive and asks
drain multiple questions about the risks of the
procedure. Which of the following actions
A nurse is assessing a client's recovery should the nurse take before witnessing the
from spinal anesthesia. Which of the client's signing of the informed consent
following sensations should the nurse form?
expect to return to the client first? a. explain risks and benefits of the surgery
a. pain to client
b. cold b. ask the surgeon to speak to the client
c. touch for clarification
d. warmth c. reassure the client that the procedure is
necessary for recovery
A nurse is completing a preoperative d. document the client's lack of preoperative
assessment for a client who is a Jehovah's teaching
A nurse who is working in the surgical suite 4. Serous drainage on the surgical
should check that the rooms are maintained dressing
at a cool temperature with low humidity to
decrease which of the following? A postoperative client asks the nurse why
a. risk for malignant hyperthermia it is so important to deep-breathe and
b. amount of anesthetic agents clients need cough after surgery. When formulating a
c. risk for infection response, the nurse incorporates the
d. amount of oxygen clients need understanding that retained pulmonary
secretions in a postoperative client can
A nurse is providing discharge instructions
lead to which condition?
for a client who is postoperative following
1. Pneumonia
abdominal surgery. Which of the following
2. Hypoxemia
client statements indicates a need for
3. Fluid imbalance
further teaching?
a. "I will call my doctor if I have an increase 4. Pulmonary embolism
in temperature or wound drainage"
b. "I will eat foots high in protein and vitamin The nurse is developing a plan of care for a
C during recovery" client scheduled for surgery. The nurse
c. "I will complete the entire course of should include which activity in the nursing
antibiotics" care plan for the client on the day of
d. "I will remain on bed rest until my surgery?
follow-up appointment with my doctor" 1. Avoid oral hygiene and rinsing with
A nurse is caring for a client who is 2. Verify that the client has not eaten for the
postoperative following a total hip last 24 hours.
arthroplasty. Which of the following 3. Have the client void immediately
assessment date indicates the client is at an before going into surgery.
increased risk for infection? 4. Report immediately any slight increase in
a. use of herbal remedies blood pressure or pulse.
b. long term use of corticosteroids A client with a perforated gastric ulcer is
c. excessive exposure to sunlight scheduled for surgery. The client cannot
d. diet high in cholesterol sign the operative consent form because of
sedation from opioid analgesics that have
A nurse is assessing a client who is 2 days been administered. The nurse should take
postoperative following a total which most appropriate action in the care of
prostatectomy. The nurse notes the client;s this client?
right calf is red, edematous, and warm to 1. Obtain a court order for the surgery.
touch. Which of the following actions should 2. Have the charge nurse sign the informed
the nurse take? consent immediately.
a. Apply ice pack to the client's right calf 3. Send the client to surgery without the
b. elevate the client's right extremity consent form being signed.
c. administer testosterone to the client 4. Obtain a telephone consent from a
d. gently massage the client's right calf family member, following agency policy.

A preoperative client expresses anxiety to

the nurse about upcoming surgery. Which
response by the nurse is most likely to
stimulate further discussion between the
PERIOP client and the nurse?
1. "If it's any help, everyone is nervous
The nurse has just reassessed the
before surgery."
condition of a postoperative client who
2. "I will be happy to explain the entire
was admitted 1 hour ago to the surgical
surgical procedure to you."
unit. The nurse plans to monitor which
3. "Can you share with me what you've
parameter most carefully during the next
been told about your surgery?"
hour? 4. "Let me tell you about the care you'll
1. Urinary output of 20 mL/hour receive after surgery and the amount of pain
2. Temperature of 37.6° C (99.6° F) you can anticipate."
3. Blood pressure of 100/70 mm Hg
The nurse is conducting preoperative 1. Sodium, 141 mEq/L
teaching with a client about the use of an 2. Hemoglobin, 8.0 g/dL
incentive spirometer. The nurse should 3. Platelets, 210,000 cells/mm3
include which piece of information in 4. Serum creatinine, 0.8 mg/dL
discussions with the client?
1. Inhale as rapidly as possible. The nurse receives a telephone call from
2. Keep a loose seal between the lips and the postanesthesia care unit stating that a
the mouthpiece. client is being transferred to the surgical
3. After maximum inspiration, hold the unit. The nurse plans to take which action
breath for 15 seconds and exhale. first on arrival of the client?
4. The best results are achieved when 1. Assess the patency of the airway.
sitting up or with the head of the bed 2. Check tubes or drains for patency.
elevated 45 to 90 degrees. 3. Check the dressing to assess for
The nurse has conducted preoperative 4. Assess the vital signs to compare with
teaching for a client scheduled for surgery in preoperative measurements.
1 week. The client has a history of arthritis
and has been taking acetylsalicylic acid The nurse is reviewing a health care
(aspirin). The nurse determines that the provider's (HCP's) prescription sheet for a
client needs additional teaching if the client preoperative client that states that the client
makes which statement? must be NPO after midnight. The nurse
1. "Aspirin can cause bleeding after would telephone the HCP to clarify that
surgery." which medication should be given to the
2. "Aspirin can cause my ability to clot blood client and not withheld?
to be abnormal." 1. Prednisone
3. "I need to continue to take the aspirin 2. Ferrous sulfate
until the day of surgery." 3. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
4. "I need to check with my health care 4. Conjugated estrogen (Premarin)
provider about the need to stop the aspirin
before the scheduled surgery." The nurse is caring for a client who is
postoperative following a pelvic exenteration
The nurse assesses a client's surgical and the health care provider changes the
incision for signs of infection. Which finding client's diet from NPO status to clear liquids.
by the nurse would be interpreted as a The nurse should check which priority item
normal finding at the surgical site? before administering the diet?
1. Red, hard skin 1. Bowel sounds
2. Serous drainage 2. Ability to ambulate
3. Purulent drainage 3. Incision appearance
4. Warm, tender skin 4. Urine specific gravity

The nurse is monitoring the status of a A gastrectomy is performed on a client with

postoperative client. The nurse would gastric cancer. In the immediate
become most concerned with which sign postoperative period, the nurse notes
that could indicate an evolving bloody drainage from the nasogastric tube.
complication? The nurse should take which most
1. Increasing restlessness appropriate action?
2. A pulse of 86 beats/minute 1. Measure abdominal girth.
3. Blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg 2. Irrigate the nasogastric tube.
4. Hypoactive bowel sounds in all four 3. Continue to monitor the drainage.
quadrants 4. Notify the health care provider (HCP).

A client who has undergone preadmission The nurse is assessing the colostomy of a
testing has had blood drawn for serum client who has had an abdominal perineal
laboratory studies, including a complete resection for a bowel tumor. Which
blood count, coagulation studies, and assessment finding indicates that the
electrolytes and creatinine levels. Which colostomy is beginning to function?
laboratory result should be reported to the 1. The passage of flatus
surgeon's office by the nurse, knowing that 2. Absent bowel sounds
it could cause surgery to be postponed? 3. The client's ability to tolerate food
4. Bloody drainage from the colostomy 1. "The pharmacist should be called."
2. "There is no risk to having such a minor
The nurse in a surgical unit receives a surgery while taking aspirin."
postoperative client from the postanesthesia 3. "Aspirin has no effect on the surgical
care unit. After the initial assessment of the procedure and may minimize discomfort."
client, the nurse should plan to continue 4. "Dental surgery can safely be done
with postoperative assessment activities usually 10 days after stopping the
how often? aspirin, depending on the health care
1. Every hour for 2 hours, and then every 4 provider's (HCP) preference."
hours as needed
2. Every 30 minutes for the first hour, every A nurse is providing preoperative teaching
hour for 2 hours, and then every 4 hours as to a client scheduled for a cholecystectomy.
needed Which intervention would be of highest
3. Every 15 minutes for the first hour, priority in the preoperative teaching plan?
every 30 minutes for 2 hours, every hour 1. Teaching leg exercises
for 4 hours, and then every 4 hours as 2. Teaching coughing and deep
needed breathing exercises
4. Every 5 minutes for the first half-hour, 3. Providing instructions regarding fluid
every 15 minutes for 2 hours, every 30 restrictions
minutes for 4 hours, and then every hour as 4. Assessing the client's understanding of
needed the surgical procedure

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a A client who has undergone radical neck
preoperative client who has a latex allergy. dissection is experiencing problems with
Which intervention should be included in the verbal communication related to
plan? postoperative hoarseness. The nurse
1. Avoid using medications from glass should formulate which outcome as the
ampules. most appropriate goal for this client
2. Use medications that are from ampules problem?
with rubber stoppers. 1. Uses nonverbal communication only
3. Avoid using intravenous (IV) tubing that is 2. Describes that hoarseness will be
made of polyvinyl chloride. permanent
4. Apply a cloth barrier to the client's arm 3. Initiates communication only when
under a blood pressure cuff when taking necessary
the blood pressure. 4. Incorporates nonverbal forms of
communication as needed
A client is admitted to the ambulatory
surgery center for elective surgery. The A preoperative client has received a dose of
nurse asks the client whether any food, scopolamine as prescribed by the
fluid, or medication was taken today. Which anesthesiologist. The nurse should assess
medication, if taken by the client, should the client for which anticipated side effect of
indicate to the nurse the need to contact the this medication?
health care provider (HCP)? 1. Diaphoresis
1. A β-blocker 2. Pupillary constriction
2. An antibiotic 3. Increased urinary output
3. An anticoagulant 4. Dry oral mucous membranes
4. A calcium-channel blocker
A client arrives at the surgical unit after
The home care nurse visits a client to nasal surgery. The client has nasal packing
perform a dressing change on a leg ulcer. in place. The nurse reviews the health care
The client has diabetes mellitus and a provider's prescriptions and understands
history of cardiac disease and is taking one that it is essential that the client be placed in
aspirin daily in addition to other medications which position to reduce swelling?
as prescribed. The client tells the nurse that 1. Sims
dental surgery is scheduled and asks the 2. Prone
nurse whether the aspirin should be 3. Supine
discontinued. The nurse should most 4. Semi-Fowler's position
appropriately make which statement to the
The nurse is providing discharge The nurse has a prescription to remove the
instructions to the client who has had a nasogastric (NG) tube from a client on the
pneumonectomy and prepares a list of first postoperative day after cardiac surgery.
postoperative instructions for the client. The nurse should question the prescription
Which intervention should the nurse include if which finding was noted on assessment of
in the list? the client?
1. Contact the HCP if any feelings of 1. The client is drowsy.
weakness and fatigue occur. 2. Bowel sounds are absent.
2. Avoid breathing exercises to allow the 3. The abdomen is slightly distended.
diaphragm to strengthen. 4. NG tube drainage is Hematest negative.
3. Avoid lifting any objects greater than 30
pounds for at least 3 weeks. A client arrives at the surgical unit after
4. Report any signs of respiratory undergoing rhinoplasty and has a nose
infection to the health care provider splint and gauze drip (moustache dressing)
(HCP). in place. The nurse reviews the health care
provider's prescriptions and anticipates that
A postoperative client with a large which client position will be prescribed?
abdominal wound requiring frequent 1. Sims
dressing changes is starting to develop skin 2. Prone
irritation in the area where the dressing tape 3. Supine
is applied to the skin. The nurse determines 4. Semi-Fowler's
that the client would benefit most from
which measure? The nurse has instructed a preoperative
1. Obtaining a wound culture client using an incentive spirometer to
2. The use of Montgomery straps sustain the inhaled breath for 3 seconds.
3. The use of hypoallergenic tape When the client asks about the rationale for
4. Cleansing the irritated area with this action, the nurse explains that this
povidone-iodine action achieves which function?
1. Dilates the major bronchi
A client is recovering well 24 hours after 2. Increases surfactant production
cranial surgery but is fatigued. The 3. Maintains inflation of the alveoli
neurosurgeon advances the client from 4. Enhances ciliary action in the
NPO status to clear liquids. The nurse tracheobronchial tree
knows that which information is least
reliable in determining the client's readiness A client has a risk for infection following
to take in fluids? radical vulvectomy. Therefore, the nurse
1. Appetite should avoid which action when giving
2. Absence of nausea perineal care to this client?
3. Presence of bowel sounds 1. Cleansing with warm tap water
4. Presence of a swallow reflex 2. Intermittently exposing the wound to air
3. Providing prescribed sitz baths after the
The nurse is caring for a 25-year-old client sutures are removed
who will undergo bilateral orchidectomy for 4. Providing perineal care after each voiding
testicular cancer. Which statement by the and bowel movement (BM)
nurse would be helpful in exploring the
client's concerns about loss of reproductive In preparation for ambulation, the nurse is
ability? planning to assist a postoperative client to
1. "You must be sad that you won't be able progress from a lying position to a sitting
to have children after surgery." position. Which nursing action is most
2. "Has the health care provider told you appropriate to maintain the safety of the
that you will not be able to have children?" client?
3. "Can you share with me any concerns 1. Assess the client for signs of
about how this surgery will affect you in dizziness and hypotension.
the future?" 2. Allow the client to rise from the bed to a
4. "Do you feel that the health care provider standing position unassisted.
has told you all you need to know about the 3. Elevate the head of the bed quickly to
upcoming surgery?" assist the client to a sitting position.
4. Assist the client to move quickly from the
lying position to the sitting position.
4. "You need to remember to turn yourself in
A client has returned to the nursing unit bed every 2 hours to keep from getting so
after an abdominal hysterectomy. The client stiff."
is lying supine. To thoroughly assess the
client for postoperative bleeding what is the The nurse is obtaining a pulse oximetry
primary nursing action? reading from a postoperative client who
1. Check the heart rate. appears short of breath. The client has dark
2. Check the blood pressure. fingernail polish on top of artificial nails.
3. Roll the client to one side and check What is the most appropriate action?
her perineal pad. 1. Take the pulse oximetry reading from any
4. Ask the client about sensation of finger.
moistness on her perineal pad. 2. Remove one of the artificial nails and
then obtain the reading from the finger.
A client has received atropine sulfate 3. Obtain a pulse oximetry reading from
intravenously during a surgical procedure. another appropriate area, such as an
The nurse should monitor the client for earlobe.
which side effect of the medication in the 4. Obtain fingernail polish remover, remove
immediate postoperative period? the polish, and then obtain the pulse
1. Diarrhea oximetry reading from a finger.
2. Bradycardia
3. Urinary retention A client returns to the nursing unit following
4. Excessive salivation a pyelolithotomy for removal of a kidney
stone. A Penrose drain is in place. Which
The nurse is providing home care action should the nurse include in the
instructions to the parents of an infant who client's postoperative plan of care?
had a surgical repair of an inguinal hernia. 1. Positioning the client on the affected side
What instruction should the nurse include to 2. Irrigating the Penrose drain using sterile
prevent infection at the surgical site? procedure
1. Report a fever immediately. 3. Changing dressings frequently around
2. Restrict the infant's physical activity. the Penrose drain
3. Change the diapers as soon as they 4. Weighing dressings and adding the
become damp. amount to the output
4. Soak the infant in a tub bath twice a day
for the next 5 days. Which assessment finding indicates that a
client who had a mastectomy is
The nurse is assessing a client who had experiencing a complication related to the
abdominal surgery earlier in the day. Which surgery?
preexisting medical condition would place 1. Pain at the incisional site
the client at most risk for postoperative 2. Arm edema on the operative side
complications? 3. Sanguineous drainage in the
1. Pacemaker Jackson-Pratt drain
2. Osteoporosis 4. Complaints of decreased sensation near
3. Alcohol abuse the operative site
4. Peptic ulcer disease
An operating room nurse is positioning a
An 85-year-old client is hospitalized for a client on the operating room table to prevent
fractured right hip. During the postoperative the client's extremities from dangling over
period, the client's appetite is poor and the the sides of the table. A nursing student
client refuses to get out of bed. Which who is observing for the day asks the nurse
nursing statement would be most why this is so important. The nurse
appropriate to make to the client? responds that this is done primarily to
1. "We need to give you iodine so to help in prevent which condition?
hemoglobin synthesis." 1. An increase in pulse rate
2. "It is important for you to get out of 2. A drop in blood pressure
bed so that calcium will go back into the 3. Nerve and muscle damage
bone." 4. Muscle fatigue in the extremities
3. "We need to increase your calcium intake
because you are spending too much time in The nurse is preparing a preoperative client
bed." for transfer to the operating room. The
nurse should take which action in the care arrives on the surgical unit, which should be
of this client at this time? the first action taken by the nurse?
1. Ensure that the client has voided. 1. Assess the client's pain.
2. Administer all the daily medications. 2. Obtain the client's vital signs.
3. Verify that the client has not eaten for the 3. Administer oxygen to the client.
last 24 hours. 4. Check the rate of the intravenous
4. Have the client practice postoperative infusion.
breathing exercises.
A nurse provides instructions to a
When performing a surgical dressing preoperative client about the use of an
change on a client's abdominal dressing, incentive spirometer. The nurse determines
the nurse notes an increased amount of that the client needs further instruction if the
drainage and separation of the incision line. client indicates that he or she will take which
The underlying tissue is visible to the nurse. action?
The nurse should take which action in the 1. Sit upright when using the device.
initial care of this wound? 2. Inhale slowly, maintaining a constant flow.
1. Leave the incision open to the air to dry 3. Place the lips completely over the
the area. mouthpiece.
2. Irrigate the wound and apply a sterile dry 4. After maximal inspiration, hold the
dressing. breath for 10 seconds and then exhale.
3. Apply a sterile dressing soaked with
normal saline. A client has a prescription for continuous
4. Apply a sterile dressing soaked in monitoring of oxygen saturation by pulse
povidone-iodine (Betadine). oximetry for a preoperative client. The nurse
should perform whichbest action to ensure
The nurse is developing a list of home care accurate readings on the oximeter?
instructions for a client being discharged 1. Apply the sensor to a finger that is cool to
after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. the touch.
Which instruction would be least appropriate 2. Apply the sensor to a finger with very
to include in the postoperative discharge dark nail polish.
plan of care? 3. Ask the client to limit motion in the
1. Wound care hand attached to the pulse oximeter.
2. Follow-up care 4. Place the sensor distal to an intravenous
3. Activity restrictions (IV) site with a continuous IV infusion.
4. Deep-breathing exercises
The preoperative client expresses anxiety to
A man has had an invasive abdominal the nurse about the upcoming surgery.
surgery to relieve an obstruction in his Which statement by the nurse is most likely
common bile duct. The man's surgery is to stimulate further discussion between the
completed and he has been transferred to client and the nurse?
the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). The 1. "If it's any help, everyone is very nervous
PACU nurse observes that the man before surgery."
suddenly appears red in the face and 2. "I will be happy to explain the entire
appears to be coughing despite the surgical procedure to you."
presence of an endotracheal tube and 3. "Let me tell you about the amount of pain
ventilator support. What action should the you can anticipate."
PACU nurse take first? 4. "Can you share with me what you've
1. Suction the client through the been told about your surgery?"
endotracheal tube.
2. Instruct the client in the use of an A nurse is preparing the client for transfer to
incentive spirometer. the operating room. The nurse should take
3. Turn the client from a 30-degree lateral which action first?
position to a supine position. 1. Ensure that the client has voided.
4. Instruct the client to use a communication 2. Administer all the daily medications.
board to tell the nurse what is wrong. 3. Verify the client has not eaten for the last
24 hours.
When a client is transferred from the 4. Teach and practice postoperative
post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) and breathing exercises.
The nurse is caring for a client who recently
returned from the operating room. On data
collection, the nurse notes that the client's
vital signs are blood pressure (BP), 118/70
mm Hg; pulse, 91 beats/minute; and
respirations, 16 breaths/minute.
Preoperative vital signs were BP, 132/88
mm Hg; pulse, 74 beats/minute; and
respirations, 20 breaths/minute. Which
action should the nurse plan to take first?
1. Call the surgeon immediately.
2. Shake the client gently to arouse.
3. Cover the client with a warm blanket.
4. Recheck the vital signs in 15 minutes.

The nurse has just reassessed the condition

of the postoperative client who was
admitted 1 hour ago to the surgical unit.
Which parameter should the nurse carefully
monitor during the next hour?
1. Urinary output of 20 mL/hr
2. Temperature of 37.6° C (99.6° F)
3. Blood pressure of 116/78 mm Hg
4. Serous drainage on the surgical dressing

The nurse is caring for a client who was

admitted to the surgical unit postoperatively
with a wound drain (Jackson-Pratt) in place.
What is the primary purpose of a
Jackson-Pratt drain?
1. It decreases the risk of evisceration and
2. It provides an accurate measurement of
wound drainage.
3. It reduces the risk of infection and helps
the wound heal faster.
4. It assists in the evacuation of fluid and
blood from the surgical wound.

A nurse is reviewing the health care

provider's prescription sheet for a
preoperative client, which states that the
client must be NPO after midnight. Which
medication should the nurse clarify to be
given and not withheld?
1. Atenolol (Tenormin)
2. Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
3. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
4. Conjugated estrogen (Premarin)

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