CDM PEE 2 Oral Report

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Oral Report- Blue-green Gray Infrastructure: Engineering Solutions for

Environmental Problems in the Philippine Set-up
(2nd Semester A.Y. 2023-2024)

Activity Name Blue-green Gray Infrastructure: Engineering Solutions for Environmental Problems in
the Philippine Set-up

Objectives After completing the activity, the students must be able to:
1. Identify nature’s dynamics thru biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems
2. Identify stresses in these dynamics thru different concepts;
3. Propose sustainable approaches, like blue-green gray infrastructure, in
minimizing impacts of stresses in the different ecosystems

Outputs 1. One (1) presentation deck (either canva or g-slides)

2. One (1) group activity report including the following:
a. Individual Taskings
b. Project Proposal Form

1. Each group will be assigned a general topic: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Then they will submit the specific topic
that they would like to discuss. See below samples of possible topics.

Earth Waste Leakage on Land Biodiversity Loss Urban Transport

Air Air Pollution GHG Emissions Microplastics on Air
Water Water Pollution Flooding Storm Surges
Fire Urban Heat Island Effect Drought Forest Fire

2. Each group will create a canva/ google slides presentation. They should create a presentation answering the
following questions.
a. What is the problem?
b. What's the status of the problem in PH and similar ASEAN/Asian countries?
c. What solutions are done to solve the problem in PH and similar ASEAN/Asian countries?
d. What green/blue-gray infrastructure do you propose?
e. What Sustainable Development Goal will you be able to achieve with your proposed solution?
f. How would you apply your solution in Muntinlupa/ home city or home province?
g. Given a five (5) months time frame,
i. If applicable to CDM campus, how can you pilot your proposal inside the campus?
ii. If not applicable to CDM campus, how can you advocate your solution to fellow CDM students?

3. Each group will be given 15 minutes to present. All members of the group must have a chance to speak.
a. 3 mins- a-c
b. 5 mins- d & e
c. 7 mins- f & g

4. After each presentation, each presenting group will be asked at least two (2) questions
a. One (1) from the professor
b. One (1) from another group
Prepared by: KMLFaronilo_ 2024 January

Presentor Question Panel

1 4

2 1

3 2

4 3

5. The activity report will be submitted by group. Only group leaders will submit the activity report.This should include
the following:
a. Taskings/role of each member:
i. Name of Member 1- Creatives
ii. Name of Member 2- Researcher
iii. Name of Member 3- Coordinator
iv. etc.
b. Pilot Project Proposal Form

6. Below is the schedule of activities

Schedule of Activities
Activity Schedule Mode

1 Approval of chosen topic Class hours Via gmail

(Group leaders will coordinate, class leader will submit) 9 PM

2 Synchronous Oral Reporting Class hours Via gmeets

6 PM

3 Submission of Activity Report and Project Proposal Form (in Class hours Via gmail
pdf) 6 PM

Prepared by: KMLFaronilo_ 2024 January

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