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-A written order of the court or any other agency authorized by law to issue, entrusting an
inmate to a jail for the purpose of safekeeping during the pendency of his/her case.


-It refers to the entrusting for confinement of an inmate to a jail by competent authority for
investigation, trial and/or service of sentence.


1.Court Information:
Purpose: Identifies the authority issuing the order.Details Included: The name of the court, its
location, and the name of the judge or magistrate who issued the order. This establishes the
jurisdiction and legitimacy of the order.

2.Case Information:
Purpose: Connects the commitment order to a specific legal case.Details Included: The case or
docket number and any relevant case details or identifiers. This ensures the order is correctly
associated with the right legal proceedings.

3.Subject Information:
Purpose: Identifies the individual to be committed.
Details Included: The full name, date of birth, address, and identification numbers (e.g., Social
Security number, inmate number) of the individual. Accurate identification is crucial to avoid
errors in detaining the wrong person.

4.Legal Basis for Commitment:

Purpose: Provides the legal justification for the commitment.Details Included: References to the
statutory or legal authority under which the commitment is ordered, and a description of the
charges or reasons for the commitment (e.g., criminal conviction, need for mental health
evaluation). This section ensures that the commitment is grounded in law.

5.Details of Commitment:
Purpose: Specifies the nature and conditions of the commitment.Details Included:Type of
commitment (e.g., pre-trial detention, post-conviction incarceration, mental health
evaluation).Duration of the commitment, including specific dates or conditions for release.Any
specific conditions or requirements during the commitment period (e.g., participation in
treatment programs, restrictions on communication). This ensures that all parties know the
scope and limitations of the commitment

6.Location of Commitment:
Purpose: Identifies where the individual will be detained.Details Included: The name and
address of the designated facility. This is necessary for the logistical execution of the order

7.Custody Instructions:
Purpose: Provides guidance on the transportation and handling of the individual.Details
Included: Instructions for law enforcement or correctional officers on how to transport and
manage the individual being committed. These instructions help ensure the safety and proper
treatment of the individual during transfer.

8.Signatures and Seals:

Purpose: Authenticates the order.Details Included: The signature of the judge or magistrate and,
if applicable, the court seal. This gives the document legal validity and enforceability.

9.Date of Issuance:
Purpose: Establishes the timing of the order.Details Included: The date when the commitment
order is issued. This is important for tracking the timeline of legal processes and ensuring timely

10.Additional Orders or Remarks:

Purpose: Provides any other necessary instructions or information.Details Included: Additional
orders, remarks, or specific instructions, such as requirements for psychological evaluations,
reporting back to the court, or other follow-up actions. This section addresses any unique
aspects of the case that need to be highlighted.

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