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- Durga Kiran
Kia is a young, independent girl who lives in one of Kolkata's most prestigious colonies with
her entire extended family, all of whom adore her deeply because she is both the family's
youngest child and the only child of her parents. She didn't realize that these were going to be
her last moments with her loved ones and that she was living her greatest days.

For everyone else, it was a Monday unlike any other, but for Kia, it was the day she received
the worst news she had ever imagined. Even in her darkest dreams, she woke up with a
temperature that was running at 105 degrees Celsius and was scorching like fire. This was the
third time she had a fever in the same month, so everyone was concerned. Since this wasn't
good, her parents decided to see a doctor. At first, the doctor assumed she had the flu, but as
he spoke with her in detail about how she had been feeling for the previous months, he began
to become concerned because they were exhibiting symptoms of something that no one could
have imagined for a girl so young and full of life, not even in their wildest fantasies. He asked
her to undergo a few tests in the hopes that what he was assuming would be incorrect because
Dr. Ravi had known Kia since she was a young girl because of their close friendship with
Kia's uncle. He was shocked and outraged by what the test results had gotten together with
them after they were delivered. The news of a person's remaining days on Earth has spread
through the reports.

The doctor came up with the test results in hand since he didn't want to put the burden of
death on Kia, he said it was a normal fever in front of her and said all the reports were
negative and that she had nothing to worry about and that she could return to college in two-
three days on saying this he sent Kia away with a nurse to get a shot. The news was waiting
to break everyone back home, but first, it was Kia's parents' turn. He made sure Kia's parents
remained behind to deliver the awful news of their daughter's impending demise. Her parents
had no idea what was in store for them and were initially glad to learn that it was only a
typical virus. Given that he was a family friend, the doctor took care not to break the news to
them suddenly and let them deal with the pain that followed. Instead, he made sure to prepare
them before he delivered the heartbreaking news. They appeared to be growing concerned by
the doctor's behavior because it wasn't something they had ever seen before.
It was time to inform everyone. The time read 2:35 p.m., and the room was as quiet as a
cemetery. The doctor's bravery was tested as he broke the heartbreaking news to Kia's
parents. He finally revealed that Kia had reached the terminal stage of her leukemia, but he
did not stop there. He also mentioned how weak her immune system was and how she would
not last more than a week. Shanta, Kia's mother, was devastated by the news and broke down
in tears because it was something she wasn't prepared to hear for her only child. Sanjay, Kia's
father, was initially in denial that there must be a problem, but later he was forced to accept
the fact that he only had a limited amount of time left with his daughter. The couple wept in
sorrow and decided to have Kia treated in the best facility because they were not prepared to
lose her. In front of Kia, they had to get up and put on a brave face because she didn't realize
that she had only a short time left to live and create memories that she could have with her
because these would be the final ones she would save. Their hearts shattered, they turned
around and drove back home, stopping by for Kia's favorite treat: ice cream.

Kia's mother ordered her to bed because she was still hot and had a fever so they could share
the news with the family. Not knowing that Kia had gone down to fetch water and was
listening to the entire family’s discussion, it took Shantha and Sanjeev a lot of bravery to
eventually deliver the news about the family's beloved youngest child. She was definitely not
prepared for this in fact, no one Kia's age would be prepared to handle such upsetting
information. Because she was aware that her family was already distraught and that she was
slowly dying, she pretended not to be there and managed to leave without making a sound.
She didn't want to cause them any more suffering by letting them know that she was aware of
her condition. She sobbed on the floor of her bathroom, unable to bear to leave such a lovely
and caring family. She wasn't prepared for this because she knew she would never again have
a family as fun-loving and accepting as hers. All the enjoyable memories she had suddenly
flashed before her tear-filled eyes, including ones from festivals, weddings, and parties. She
was about to start crying when she heard a knock at the door. It was her aunt, who had
brought her evening snacks. She pulled herself together and opened the door, trying to appear
as casual as possible. Both of them were doing their best to keep their emotions under control
and not start crying.

Kia and her family struggled in the days that followed because neither of them was prepared
to let go. Like every day, she awoke in a good mood and set out to do everything she could to
spend more time with her devoted family. Despite receiving treatment, she was aware that it
was futile and that she was going to pass away. The family hosted a gathering at their home
the day before she passed away. Even if they weren't interested, they did it solely to capture
positive memories and watch Kia smile because she loved events and gatherings a lot. She
fell unconscious during the dance, which alarmed the entire family. They rushed her to the
hospital where they learned that she just had a few minutes to live. They were all allowed to
meet Kia in groups of four, and when they did, they all broke down in tears because they had
never anticipated seeing their most cherished family member in a hospital bed waiting to pass
away. She had clung to her life for so long that she was no longer able to do so because her
parents needed to see her. Perhaps she had been hoping they would grant her last desires. Kia
was so brokenhearted by the expression in their eyes that she was unable to even cry. When
her mother approached her bed, she wanted to get out of bed but was unable to do so. Kia
knew it was time to let go and was prepared to be in her mother's arms, and all of her
suffering came to an end with a soothing hug.


A young child who will soon vanish forever is the sorrowful theme of this narrative.

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