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ISSN: 2366-1313

Doctor Availability and Booking appointment in Government


1Assistant Professor, Dept.of IT, TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Meerpet, Hyderabad,

BTech student, Dept.of IT, TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Meerpet, Hyderabad,

BTech student, Dept.of IT, TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Meerpet, Hyderabad,

4BTech student, Dept.of IT, TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Meerpet, Hyderabad,

Abstract: Government hospitals provide medicines for the treatment to the patients based on
the diagnosis. In our system user can register with their details, which is stored to the
admin’s database. This system allows the user to view the hospital location and also helps
the patient to book appointment with the doctor. Online Appointment System that provides
patients or any user an easy way of booking a doctor’s appointment online from anywhere,
anytime. Online Registration System is a framework to link various hospitals across the
country for User based online registration and appointment system, where counter-based
registration and appointment system through Hospital Management Information System
(HMIS) has been digitalized. This web app facilitates online appointments with various
departments of different Hospitals using login information. New Patient will get appointment
as well as Unique Registration number. If User is already registered with our Software, then
appointment number will be given and Registration will remain same.

Keywords: Hospital management information system, Doctor, patient, hospitals, Online

Appointment System.

I. INTRODUCTION place via smartphone calls or by visiting

hospitals in person. This action wanted
Health care is one of the fastest growing
people to participate as well; The ability to
industries in the world. A couple of years
make an appointment was limited to the
ago, medical appointments usually took
availability of programmers, cell phone

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ISSN: 2366-1313
effort, or someone's physical presence. browser for an appointment. To reduce the
With the passage of time, everyone time and hassle of doctors and patients to
demanded environmental and non- file patent data.
perishable hospital treatment delivery as
If everyone is sick and wants to go to the
the appointments of the guides and the
doctor for a check-up, he or she wants to
long waiting lines created a stressful
go to the sanatorium and wait until the
situation for the health institutions. Thus, it
doctor is available. The injured person also
has created the need for an integrated
waits in a waiting list while receiving the
healthcare machine that can provide
appointment. If the doctor cancels the
seamless care for both outpatients and
appointment for emergency reasons, the
inpatients. The online programming device
patient may almost never know about the
offers cost-effective services and many
cancellation unless or until he visits the
advantages to doctors and patients. It
sanatorium. Since the generation of
makes the patient appreciated by
cellular communications is developing
eliminating the problem of long cases.
unpredictably, accordingly, it is easy to use
Online dating systems have also become
mobile software to overcome such
popular due to their low cost availability.
problems and inconveniences to the
As web technology adapts and grows in
victims. The graph proposed in this article
popularity, the healthcare industry has to
is an online hospital management
quickly adapt in an effort to meet the
application that uses the Android platform
demands of today's impacted individuals
that makes the task of making a doctor’s
and healthcare professionals. We have
appointment easy and reliable for the users.
advanced internet applications without
Android based online doctor appointment
purchasing and using any other additional
application that holds modules. The
device and also at no cost to this operator.
module is the application designed for
These applications will help patient and
those affected that contains the login
doctor to communicate differently about
screen. The patient must log in himself
appointment and prescription at any time
before logging into the tool. After logging
using cell phone with network. The aim of
in, the patient can choose the clinic and see
the studies: to introduce the system of
the details of the medical institution. The
appointments and medical prescriptions to
patient has the option to choose a health
people. Make it easy for humans in droves
professional from the list of doctors and
to contact a healthcare professional via a

Volume VIII Issue I APRIL 2023 1069

ISSN: 2366-1313
can view the doctor's information. The interact with each other. The patients can
patient can request an appointment on the easily access the hospital server nodes.
day/time he/she desires. The agreed Here the patients are allowed to interact
day/time slot can be booked and the with the doctors about their symptoms.
affected party will receive notification of The doctors can list and track their patients
the appointment actually held. The patient who are geographically dispersed and
can see the location of the health facility provide diagnosis on the needful.
on the map. Also, the patient can Proposing a new system from where the
communicate with the medical institution patients can easily book their appointments
and healthcare professional with the help online and the doctors can view and
of making a call or he can also send an manage them. Here the patients book their
email to the doctor. There are good sized appointments online depending on the
online scheduling tools on the net, some of doctor’s availability and their time
which are full of features, easy to set up feasibility. The doctors on the other hand
and low cost for professionals, online can either extend or reduce their working
appointment booking and scheduling hours depending on the number of patients
offers a number of benefits and offers arriving for that day. In addition, the
additional features such as patient approximate time of arrival for the patients
attraction, patient authoring for the is also approximately calculated and
welcome experience, management and notified to the registered number. Any
secure storage of patient information for other information can also be fabricated at
future records. But the most impressive installation and hence removes the need
and useful option is that online for a technician install the software.
appointment booking and scheduling is
In this study [1] by Ravi Sekhar Yarabothu,
very expensive. Both doctors and patients
developed an android application for
can directly access the portal with their
receiving the medical parameters and
unique identifiers.
displayed on android mobile with the help
II. LITERATURE SURVEY of Bluetooth module and at a time
uploaded on to the android web server.
Here we present an interaction system for
After opening android app in mobile it
doctor and patient communication. It has
shows the list of Bluetooth modules then
an exceptional administration of several
connected to the required Bluetooth
nodes through which doctors and patients

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module. At a time received data from quality of health care services increasing
android phone is upload on to android the availability, expedition and the
server then the doctor can easily access the effectiveness of the information of
patient’s information. physicians ‘visits time. Since the
beginning of this project in 2008 patients’
In this study [2] by Rutherford A Patamia,
appointment reservations via Internet have
the main objective is to create an android
been increasing steadily. The system
application that will help patients to book
proved to be a great advantage for the
appointments with doctors of their choice
patients and primary care physicians and
at a hospital and also balance the load
its use have been steadily rising till date
between patients and doctors. A patient
(Vilinius University Hospital, 2008).
can delete their unwanted appointments
before confirmation. Doctors can also The public health portal ‗‘in
confirm the patient’s appointments and Denmark integrates health-related data
also respond to messages sent by patients. from disparate health care systems
This will give much satisfaction to the throughout Denmark. Patients can
patient when visiting the hospital. schedule a medical appointment using the
portal's scheduling module. Patients
Design [3] by Manju Babu , In this
experience more benefits like receiving
research they show the patients vital
appointment confirmation via e-mail, and
parameters such as ECG, heart rate, pulse
sees as a quick relief of being tied to the
rate and temperature are measured using a
phone. (Report of the Health ICT Industry
patient monitoring system. It can be used
Group, 2009).
to perform routine tests as well for
continuous monitoring of a hospitalized Makerere University Hospital, Uganda,
patient. Lab View is a user friendly introduced an online appointment system
platform which supports GUI interface for to access doctors' schedules and book
experiments and analysis of various appointments. A study on this system by
physiological parameters which is essential Atwine (2009) found that the
for the patient’s wellness. administrators used the system to register
new users, edit schedules and view
Patient Appointment Reservation System
pending results. A short messaging system
was introduced in 40 different health care
has been interfaced through the system to
institutions in Lithuania to improve the

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ISSN: 2366-1313
ensure communication between patients patient will have to select a filtration type.
and doctors. The filtration is done on two bases: Area
wise and Specialty wise. After selecting
Extended waiting times for a medical
the filtration type, the doctors list will be
appointment continued to be problematic
displayed. The patient can select any
in China. To address this issue, a web-
particular doctor and view his profile. Also,
based appointment system was developed
the patient can view the doctor‟s schedule
for the Xijing hospital. Cao et al. (2011)
and look for an appointment according to
studied the efficacy of the system and
his convenience. The patient will then send
found that compared to the usual queuing
a request for appointment. The doctor can
method, the web-based appointment
either accept the appointment or reject it.
system could significantly increase
The database will get updated accordingly
patient's satisfaction. With online
and the patient will get a confirmation
registration, total waiting time was
message. The add-on to this system is that
effectively reduced. Lack of information
the patient will receive a notification 2
about online appointments was the main
hours before the actual appointment. This
reason for most of the patients not using
will be very useful in case the patient tends
the system.
to forget the appointment.
In the proposed system the doctors,
The proposed system consists of two patients are brought to one platform. It will
panels: Doctor and Patient. The users will allow the patients to be more flexible, they
first have to download the application and can register and search for the doctors
install it in their mobile devices. Once based on the location and the list of
installed, this application will remain into doctors will be shown and patient can
the device permanently until the user book by selecting the time slots and the
deletes it or uninstalls it. The patient will admin will confirm the booking. So,
have to register into the application for the everything is computerized and done very
first time. On registering, the patient will fast which will save time.
receive a username and password. The
The duration a patient waits from the given
patient can use this username and
time of their schedule to the time that they
password for logging into the app each
must actually receive the service is known
time he uses it. After logging in, the
as direct waiting time. The patients use this

Volume VIII Issue I APRIL 2023 1072

ISSN: 2366-1313
technique and waste much waiting time available and select the preferred date and
just by standing in queue at the registration time. The already booked slot will be
counter to make sure a successful disabling and will not be available for
registration of the appointment has been anyone else for the specified time. Patients
made with a certain doctor. The can also Cancellation, Rescheduling and
finalizing appointment, SMS or Email
confirmations and Reminders to patients.
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE It allows patients to upload and download
their health reports.

Doctor Module

Doctor desires to have some charge over

the insanity in the count of patient
appointments in a day and the mix of
appointments on any given day. These
aspects can change their income as well as
their carrier comfort levels. The hospital
desires to use its resources (staff and
apparatus) in the maximum potent way.

Fig.1 System architecture Therefore, the hospital doesn’t desire for

the doctor to have long cycle of “wasted
Patient Module:
For your first visit to hospital, registration
Hospital Module:
and appointment with doctor is made
simpler. All you have to do is verify Hospitals can come on board this platform

yourself Register with us, Select Hospital and provide their appointment slots for

and Department, select date of online booking by patients. The system

Appointment and receive SMS for facilitates Hospitals to easily manage their

Appointment. t allows end users to find a registration and appointment process and

doctor and schedule an appointment on monitor the flow of patients.

their convenient time and reduce waiting The proposed project is a smart
time in hospital. This project offers where appointment booking system that provides
users can view various booking slots patients or any user an easy way of

Volume VIII Issue I APRIL 2023 1073

ISSN: 2366-1313
booking a doctor’s appointment online. effective solution where users can view
This is a web-based application that various booking slots available and select
overcomes the issue of managing and the preferred date and time. The already
booking appointments according to user’s booked space will be marked yellow and
choice or demands. The task sometimes will not be available for anyone else for
becomes very tedious for the compounder the specified time. This system also allows
or doctor himself in manually allotting users to cancel their booking anytime. The
appointments for the users as per their application uses as a front-end and
availability. Hence this project offers an sql database as the back-end.


Fig.2 Home page

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Fig.3 Admin login

Fig.4 Add hospital page

Fig.5 Add doctor page

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Fig.6 Create a slot page

Fig.7 view slot review page

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Fig.8 View hospital page

Fig.9 View Medicine page

Fig.10 view doctor page

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Fig.11 Book Appointment page

V. CONCLUSION [1] Xiuju Zhan, Xiufeng Liu, “Design and

Implementation of Clinic Appointment
The major goal of this application is to
Registration System”,Engineering, (5)
make an online interaction between
(2013), pp.527-529
doctors and patients. Smart Doctor’s
Appointment and Prescription system for [2] Prasadu Peddi (2019), "Data Pull out
web application meets most of the andfacts unearthing in biological
functionality to manage appointment and Databases", International Journal of
prescription for doctors and patients Techno-Engineering, Vol. 11, issue 1, pp:
accordingly. Patient can use online 25-32.
appointment to save time and money. This
[3] Xiaojun Zhang “Developing an Online
application facilitates the interaction
Patient Appointment Scheduling System
between patient and doctor. The developed
Based on Web Services
system is efficient, effective and interface
Architecture”,APAMI Conference
is very user friendly, Where the Doctor
Proceedings, 2012
will get previous detail information about
the Patient that stored permanently in the [4] Appointment-Plus, "Manual Vs.

database so that if doctor get any problem, Automated Appointment Scheduling,"

they can check easily previous prescription [Online].Available:https://www.appointme

of particular patient.


Volume VIII Issue I APRIL 2023 1078

ISSN: 2366-1313
[5] Fatma Poni Mardiah, Mursyid Hasan
Basri, “The Analysis of Appointment
System to Reduce Outpatient Waiting
Time at Indonesia’s Public
Hospital”,Human Resource Management
Research, 3(1) (2013), 27-33

[6] Cayirli, Tugba, Emre Veral,”

Outpatient Scheduling in Healthcare”,
Production and Operation Management,
vol 12(4)

[7] Elizabeth W. Woodcock. (2011). How

Patient Portals Create Value for Patients
and Fulfill Meaningful Use Requirements.
White Paper. Retrieved June 21, 2013

[8] A Doctors Appointment in Three clicks.

(2013). ICT News. Retrieved May 5, 2013

[9] Atwine et. al. (2009). “Online patient

appointment system: a case study for
Makerere University Hospital”.

[10] Prasadu Peddi. An efficient analysis

of stocks data using mapreduce. ISSN:
1320, 682:22–34, 2019.

Volume VIII Issue I APRIL 2023 1079

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