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Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11

field connections. It is likely that the shunt fields are con-

nected for either double, or half, the rated voltage.
Many generator applications include a rheostat for simple
regulation of the generator output voltage. Check the con-
dition of the rheostat for shorts or opens. A simple procedure for
doing so is to connect an ohmmeter to the rheostat “start” and
“finish” terminals and then observe the resistance while
adjusting the rheostat through its full range. The resistance
should change smoothly, with no sudden swing in resis- tance.
If the rheostat is open or shorted, it must be replaced. Be sure the
replacement rheostat is rated for the field current.
If the generator is compound wound, determine whether it
should be connected cumulative or differential. Certain
applications, such as the swing generator of a dragline, must be
connected differentially. If a generator application calls for
cumulative connection, a differential connection will cause a
dangerous loss of output voltage should the gen- erator
suddenly cease to produce voltage when the load is critical.
If the armature was rewound, the connection may be
incorrect. For example, an armature that was connected duplex
but should be simplex.

Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 - 1

Section 10 — On-Site Troubleshooting Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips

Failure Analysis
Section Outline Page
Summary of stresses..........................................................................................................................................................11-2
Root cause methodology...................................................................................................................................................11-3
Root cause methodology forms.........................................................................................................................................11-5
Photos of armature failures................................................................................................................................................11-8
Guide to commutator appearance....................................................................................................................................11-10
Photos of commutator failures.........................................................................................................................................11-11
Photos of brush and brushholder failures........................................................................................................................11-12
Photos of field coil, series and interpole failures............................................................................................................11-13
Photos of compensating winding failures.......................................................................................................................11-14
Appearance of the most common shaft failures..............................................................................................................11-15
Photos of shaft failures....................................................................................................................................................11-16
Photos of bearing failures................................................................................................................................................11-18
Photos of mechanical failures..........................................................................................................................................11-20

10 - 8 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips

SUMMARY OF STRESSES Some of the stresses acting on the components of a DC motor

Most motor failures are caused by a combination of stresses include:
acting upon the motor and the system it is attached to.
If these stresses remain within the design capabilities of the ARMATURE
system, premature failure should not occur. However, if any • Thermal stress
combination of them exceeds the design capacity, the life of Overload, stall, hot spots, poor ventilation.
the motor or system may be drastically reduced and a • Electrical stress
catastrophic failure could occur.
• Mechanical stress
Loose lamination-to-shaft fit.


• Moisture
• Chemical
• Temperature
• Airflow (cfm)
• Vibration
• Noise
• Wind, snow, rain

Power supply Electricity

Power source
• Utility
• Co-gen Motor

Motor controls
• DC drive
Shaft couplings • M-G set
• Sensors
Couplings • Metering
• Belting
• Direct connect
• Clutch
• Gears
Mounting base
• Plate
• Rails
• C-face
Mechanical system • P-base
Mechanical device
• Pump Process requirement
• Fan • Flow
• Compressor • Mixing
• Mechanical • Grinding
• Transmission drive • Handling
• Dragline • Conveyance
• Extruder • Mining

When conducting a root cause failure analysis, it is important to recognize that the motor is only one component of a system. Many
factors affecting the system will also affect the motor and may contribute to motor failure. Of course, motor failure could also
cause other system components to fail. This illustration shows a typical system. Note that it also includes the process requirement.

11 - 2 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11

• Dynamic stress
Vibration, transient torque, centrifugal force. TABLE 1: MOTOR COMPONENTS/STRESSES
• Environmental stress
Contamination (carbon), abrasion, obstructed Types of Armature end
ventilation. stresses assembly Fields Bearings Shaft bracket

Thermal X X X X X
• Thermal stress
Mechanical X X X X X
Overload, blower/ventilation problems, inhibited heat
transfer. Dynamic X X X X
• Mechanical stress Vibration/
Loose coils, fasteners, material deviation, im- proper
design or manufacturing process. Residual X X
• Dynamic stress
Electromagnetic X X X X
• Environmental stress Environmental X X X X X
Contamination (carbon), abrasion.
• Mechanical
BEARING STRESSES Stresses resulting from manufacturing or assem- bly
processes, poor fit between end bracket and frame.
• Dynamic/static loading
• Dynamic
Radial, axial or pre-load.
Vibration, shock and torsional cycling.
• Thermal
• Residual
Friction, lubricant and ambient.
“Soft feet,” welding stresses from manufacturing
• Vibration and shock
Armature, driven equipment or system.
• Environmental
• Electrical currents
Corrosion, moisture and erosion.
Armature dissymmetry, electrostatic coupling, static
Table 1 summarizes the main stresses that can affect DC
charges and DC drives.
• Environmental
Condensation, foreign materials, excessive ambient
and restricted ventilation. ROOT CAUSE METHODOLOGY
• Mechanical Given the combination of stresses on a motor and sys- tem,
two methods of analysis are effective for determining the root
Loss of clearances, misalignment, and shaft and
cause of failure. The first deals with failure modes/ classes and
housing fits.
failure patterns. These are shown in Table 2 and can be used as
a checklist for inspecting a failed motor. The second category
SHAFT STRESSES deals with the appearance, applica- tion and maintenance
• Mechanical history of the motor. A methodology checklist begins on Page
Overhung, torsional and axial loads. 11-5.
• Dynamic
• Residual This section focuses on the second part of the methodol- ogy,
Manufacturing and repair processes. gathering critical information pertaining to the appearance,
application and maintenance history of the motor and related
• Thermal
equipment. Combining this information with the class and
Temperature gradients and armature bowing. pattern of failure usually will give a clue about the cause of
• Environmental failure.
Corrosion, moisture, erosion, wear and cavitation. Use the following checklist to evaluate the condition of the
• Electromagnetic motor. Note that some questions overlap.
Side loading. • Is any foreign material present?
• Are there any signs of blocked ventilation passages?
FRAME/END BRACKET STRESSES • Are there signs of overheating? Check insulation, lamina-
• Thermal tions, armature, commutator, bearings, lubricant, painted
Distortion due to thermal expansion. surfaces, etc.

Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 - 3

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips

• Has the armature lamination or shaft rubbed? Record all

locations of contact. TABLE 2: METHODOLOGY
• Are the armature cooling passages free and clear of
Motor Failure
clogging debris?
component mode/class Failure pattern
• Are the bearings free to rotate and operate as intended?
• Are there any signs of moisture on the frame, rotating Armature Shaft Bearing Thermal Magnetic
assembly Lamination Residual Dynamic
assembly, bearing system or any other parts?
Coils and Mechanical
• Are there any signs of movement between armature and commutator Environmental
shaft or commutator and shaft? Vent. system
• Is the lubrication system as intended or has the lubricant
leaked or deteriorated?
Fields Shunt Series Thermal
• Are any mechanical parts missing, such as balance weights,
Interpole Mechanical
bolts, fan blades, etc., or has any contact oc- curred between
Compensating Dynamic
rotating parts that should maintain a clearance?
• What is the condition of the coupling device, driven
equipment, mounting base and other related equipment? Ball Fatigue spalling Thermal
• What is the condition of the bearing bore, shaft journal, bearings Fretting Smearing Vibration/noise
seals, shaft extension, keyways and bearing caps? Skidding Lubricant quality
Wear Lubricant quantity
• Is the motor mounted, aligned and coupled correctly? Lub. failure Mounting/fits
• Is the ambient usual or unusual? Electric pitting Contamination Mech.
• Do the locations of stress risers show signs of weakness or Fluting Cracks damage Electrical
cracking? (The driven end shaft keyway is a weak link.) When Seizures damage Load pattern
analyzing motor failures, it is helpful to photograph
the motor and indicate the point where the failure occurred
as well as the relationship of the failure to both the rotating and Shaft Overload Ductile
stationary parts, such as shaft keyway, etc. Pictures are worth a Fatigue Brittle
thousand words. Corrosion Beach marks
Conchoidal marks
Usually it is difficult to reconstruct conditions at the time of Ratchet marks
failure. However, a knowledge of the general operating Cup/cone
conditions will be helpful. Consider the following items: Shear lips
• What are the load characteristics of the driven equipment and
the loading at the time of failure? Frame/ Frame Thermal Residual
• Does the load cycle or pulsate? end bracket End bracket Vibration/shock
• Have any other motors or equipment failed on this appli- Bearing retainer Mechanical
cation? Mounting feet or Environmental
• How many other units are successfully running?
• How long has the unit been in service?
• Have any other motor failures been recorded? If so, what
• What type of protection is provided? was the nature of the failures?
• What removed or tripped the unit from the line? • What failures of the driven equipment have occurred?
• Where is the unit located and what are the normal • Was any welding done recently near the motor?
environmental conditions? What was the environment at
• When was the last time any service or maintenance was
time of failure?
• What was the ambient temperature around the motor at time
• What operating levels (temperature, vibration, noise,
of failure? Any recirculation of air? Is the exchange of
insulation, resistance, etc.) were observed prior to the
cooling air adequate?
• How would you describe the driven load method of coupling
• What comments were received from the equipment op-
and mounting?
erator regarding the failure or past failures?
• How long was the unit in storage or sitting idle?
• What were the storage conditions?
Past performance of the motor often can provide clues about
• How often is the unit started? Were there shutdowns?
the cause of the problem. Again, a checklist may be helpful.
Consider the following: • Were correct lubrication procedures utilized?
• How long has the motor been in service? • Have changes been made to surrounding equipment?
• Are the pulleys positioned on the shaft correctly and as close
to the motor bearing as possible?

11 - 4 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11



• Is any foreign material present?

• Are there any signs of blocked ventilation passages?

• Are there signs of overheating exhibited by insulation,

laminations, commutator, bearings, lubricant, painted
surfaces, etc.?

• Has the armature lamination or shaft rubbed? Record all

locations of armature and field pole contact.

• Are the topsticks, coils or coil bracing loose?

• Are the armature cooling passages free and clear of

clogging debris?

• What is the physical location of the winding failure? Which

winding failed (e.g., armature, fields, interpoles)?

• Are the bearings free to rotate and operate as intended?

• Are there signs of moisture on the frame, rotating assem- bly,

bearing system or any other parts?

• Are there any signs of movement between armature and shaft

or commutator and shaft?

• Is the lubrication system as intended or has there been

lubricant leakage, deterioration or overlubrication?

• Are any mechanical parts missing, such as balance weights,

bolts, armature teeth, fan blades, etc., or has any contact
occurred between rotating parts that should main- tain a

• What is the condition of the coupling device, driven

equipment, mounting base and other related equipment?

• What is the condition of the bearing bore, shaft journal, seals,

shaft extension, keyways and bearing caps?

• Is the motor mounted, aligned and coupled correctly?

• Is the ambient usual or unusual?

• Do the stress risers show signs of weakness or cracking?

(The driven end shaft keyway is a weak link.)

• Does the commutator film appear normal? If not, describe its


Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 - 5

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips




• What are the load characteristics of the driven equip- ment

and the loading at time of failure?

• Does the load cycle or pulsate?

• Have any other motors or equipment failed on this


• How many other units are running successfully?

• How long has the unit been in service?

• What type of protection is provided?

• What removed or tripped the unit from the line?

• Where is the unit located, and what are the normal

environmental conditions? What was the environment at
the time of the failure?

• What was the ambient temperature around the motor at the

time of the failure? Was there any recirculation of air? Is
the exchange of cooling air adequate?

• Was power supplied by a drive or an M-G set?

• How would you describe the driven load method of

coupling and mounting?

11 - 6 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11




• How long has the motor been in service?

• Have any other motor failures been recorded? If so, what

was the nature of the failures?

• What failures of the driven equipment have occurred?

Was any welding done?

• When was the last time any service or maintenance was

performed? When was the last time new brushes were

• What operating levels (temperature, vibration, noise,

insulation, resistance, etc.) were observed prior to the

• What comments were received from the equipment

operator regarding the failure or past failures?

• How long was the unit in storage or sitting idle prior to


• What were the storage conditions?

• How often is the unit started? Were there shutdowns?

• Were correct lubrication procedures used?

• Have any changes made been to surrounding equip- ment?

• What procedures were used in adjusting belt tensions?

• Are the pulleys positioned on the shaft correctly and as

close to the motor bearing as possible?

Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 - 7

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips


This armature was oversped when the field circuit opened.

This armature failed when the banding material deterio-

rated. Humid salt air weakens fiberglass banding. A high
resin-content banding works best in humid condi- tions.
The thermal pattern clearly shows evidence that the fan
end has been much hotter than the commutator end.

11 - 8 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11


On larger machines, some manufacturers install equaliz- ers

on the opposite commutator end to facilitate replacement.
When equalizers are installed behind the commutator, the
armature has to be rewound if equalizer damage occurs.
Common equalizer problems include carbon shorting,
This coil extension shows evidence of rapid thermal vibration and movement.

Surge rope is sometimes used as lacing in order to brace the

risers and increase rigidity.
These freestanding risers are not braced. They are prone to
flex and move during rapid acceleration or decelera- tion. A
row of rigid lacing at mid-height would reduce flexing.

Flashover damaged the armature banding. Sudden re- versal,

caused by incorrect drive settings, was the root cause. If spaced uniformly, these coils would have better expo- sure to

Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 - 9

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips


Light film
Uniform tan to charcoal-brown film Medium film Heavy film
of copper oxide on the commutator Copper oxide film may show faint Uniform, even heavy film coating may
indicates proper operation. streaks on machines that are running not be cause for alarm, if there are no
properly. unusually dark or worn areas.

Slot bar marking
If a motor has been in service for
A darker film appears on bars in a
years and streaking has not
definite pattern related to the
progressed, it is not considered
number of armature conduc- tors
harmful. If a newly-installed
per slot.
motor shows streaking, monitor it carefully. Streaking may
progress to threading. Possible causes
• Electrical adjustment (neutral, interpole strength)
• Electrical overload
• Lubricant or chemical contamination
Fine lines result when excessive
metal transfer occurs. Usually
leads to resurfacing of commu-
tator and rapid brush wear. Pitch bar marking
Possible causes This produces low or burned
spots on the commutator sur-
• Light electrical load
face that equal half or all the
• Light brush pressure number of poles on the motor.
• Porous brush Possible causes
• Lubricant or chemical contamination • Armature connection
• Unbalanced shunt field
Bar edge burning
• Light brush pressure
This is an abnormal buildup of
commutator material, forming • Vibration
most often at the trailing edge of • Abrasive brush
the bars. This condition can cause
flashover if not checked. Copper drag
Possible causes Excesive amount of commuta-
• Electrical adjustment (neutral, interpole strength) tor material at the trailing edge
of the bars. Flashover could
• Light brush pressure
occur if not corrected.
• Vibration
Possible causes
• Abrasive brush or wrong brush grade
• Vibration
• Armature winding fault
• Light brush pressure
• High mica
• Chemical contamination
• Oversized brushholder
• Abrasive brush
• Lubricant, chemical or abrasive dust contamination
Stall condition
Footprint of each brush at regu-
This is a mechanical condition
lar intervals that coincides with
caused by abrasive material in
brush spacing.
the brush or atmosphere.
Possible causes
Possible causes
• Mechanical jam
• Abrasive brush
• Operator inexperience
• Abrasive dust contamination
• Severely overloaded motor

11 - 10 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11


This banded commutator has an uncommon failure. Carbon

or moisture trapped under the band of the af- fected bar has
completed the circuit to ground.

Grooving is caused by abrasive wear by either dust in the

atmosphere or too abrasive a brush grade. Two major
problems are associated with grooving:
• It diverts pressure from the relatively flat bottom to the
radiused sides of each groove. Reduced brush pressure
increases the brush temperature.
• Rapid wear reduces the commutator to its minimum
This commutator has been machined, emphasizing the depth
diameter more quickly. Commutator life may be
of the flat spots caused by a stall condition.
reduced by years.

Lubricant from the bearing coated the outboard portion of this

commutator, interfering with the film. Classic evidence of a stall.

Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 -

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips


Flashover protection may be tabs (shown) or a ring. This

sacrificial part protects the commutator and brushholders. Note
the equalizer jumpers that ensure brush current is shared The coiled spring is less common for brushholders. The
equally. spring cannot be adjusted for the desired brush pressure.

Regardless of machine size, brush spacing around the

Constant-tension springs will uncurl if current weakens them.
commutator must be consistent. The rule of thumb on larger
machines is spacing should be equal within 3/64”.

The stud insulators should be clean, slick and free of cracks that might trap carbon. These boxes pivot on a round post, so uneven
spacing above the commutator will also result in uneven spacing around the commutator circumference. Note the constant-pressure

11 - 12 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips Failure Analysis — Section 11


These field coils are taped to seal out contamination. The tape
also traps heat, making inspection difficult. When any of the Coil insulation sometimes masks thermal damage. In-
fields of a set is shorted, inspect the other fields should be for spection may require careful removal of coil insulation. The
evidence of thermal stress. Slit the tape and look for tape can trap heat.
discolored wire.

This interpole is potted to the pole iron and is positioned away

from the frame to increase airflow.

Potting the field coil to the laminated pole iron improves heat

These interpoles exhibit obvious thermal stress. The epoxy

insulation is charred due to heat, probably caused by
excessive current through the interpoles. This could result
from overload, incorrect connection (wrong num- ber of
parallel circuits), restricted ventilation, or related problems. When interpoles show a marked difference in thermal stress,
parallel circuits might not be balanced. The cause may be
missing equalizer jumpers.

Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405) 11 -

Section 11 — Failure Analysis Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips


Bracing separates the individual turns of the compensat- ing

This type of compensating winding has multiple turns, so
winding. Contact between turns can result in dramatic failures
turn-to-turn shorts are possible.
due to the high current involved.

These compensating winding jumpers are fully taped, but

are not physically braced to prevent contact. While this
design looks very rigid, blocking between the com-
pensating winding ends is recommended. Because of the
high current carried by the compensating winding (equal to
These compensating windings show signs of thermal stress the armature current), a short between them results in
and deterioration of the insulation. dramatic faults with extensive damage.

The connecting jumpers have been removed and the bar ends
cleaned to assure a good joint.

11 - 14 Copyright © 2003-2005, Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (Version 503CI-405)

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