Exam Preparation Answers

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Answer key and audio scripts

Exam Preparation 1 READING Exam Preparation 7 READING

Multiple-choice short texts Multiple choice gap fill

2 1
1B 2B 3A 4C 5C B
Exam Preparation 2 READING 1B2C3B
Multiple-choice long text 1B 2C 3A 4C 5C 6B

1B 2B 3C 4C 5A 6C
Exam Preparation 8 READING

Exam Preparation 3 READING Multiple choice gap fill

Multiple choice long text 1A 2D 3D
1C 2D 3C 4A 5A 6B
1B 2B 3C 4D 5A

Exam Preparation 9 READING

Exam Preparation 4 READING
Multiple choice
A2 B3 C1
1G 2B 3C 4H 5F
1B 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C 7B
Exam Preparation 5 READING
Exam Preparation 10 READING
Open gap fill
1 Word formation
1E 2A 3C 4B 5D
1 noun 2 adjective 3 adverb
1 in 2 be 3 We 4 a 5 well
1 location 2 beautiful 3 easily
1 is 2 until 3 that 4 of 5 like 6 to
1 worst 2 customers 3 traditional 4
Exam Preparation 6 READING European
5 entertainment 6 interesting 7 quickly
Gapped text
1C 2F 3B 4A 5D


Exam Preparation 11 READING
Exam Preparation 14 READING
Key word transformation
1 Selecting the true statements
1A 2 B 2
2 A, D, E, F, H
1 as fast as
2 the most intelligent Exam Preparation 15 READING
1 not tall enough
Multiple matching
2 wetter than
3 used to like playing 2
4 as difficult as 1D 2A 3B 4C 5B
5 have to do
6 ’ve never visited Exam Preparation 16 READING

Multiple matching
Exam Preparation 12 READING 2
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 C 8 A 9 B 10
Title matching D
2 Exam Preparation 17
Paragraph 1 C
Paragraph 2 E
Paragraph 3 B
Paragraph 4 A Multiple choice
Paragraph 5 F 2
1A 2A 3C 4B
Exam Preparation 13 READING
Completing sentences 1
Sara Where’s my phone?
Luca There it is … on the table.
1 Paris
Sara That’s Mum’s phone. It’s just like
2 vote
3 articles and letters
Luca Oh sorry. Well, my phone’s in my bag.
4 demonstrations
Sara Perhaps it’s in the drawer.
5 voting rights
I sometimes put it there.
Luca No, it isn’t! Look! It’s next to you on
the sofa!
Sara Oh, thanks!


Tom Have you got a games console,
Maria Yes. And my brother has got one, Speaker 1
too. His console is on the floor in the I’ve just been to Europe for the first
living room, next to the TV. time. I went backpacking with my
Tom Where’s yours? friend Ian. We travelled around,
Maria It’s in my bedroom. mostly by train, sometimes by bus and
Tom Is it on your desk? once by scooter! We got scooters in
Maria No, it isn’t. It’s on the shelf now Greece and rode round the island of
because it is broken. Andros. It was fantastic, but a bit
Tom Oh no! dangerous at times!
3 Speaker 2
Mum I can’t find my keys. We’ve just been to the USA to visit my
Dad They’re usually on the table in the hall mum’s sister in Florida. The holiday
or in the door. was amazing, but I hated the journey.
Mum I looked there, but I can’t see them. I went on a plane for the first time, and
Dad Look in the drawer of the table. I really didn’t like it. It was worse flying
Mum You’re right! They’re here! back because I knew what to expect!
Dad Put them in your bag now, so you Speaker 3
don’t forget them. I’ve been to Spain before, but this
Mum Good idea! year I travelled there by ship for the
4 first time. We drove to the coast in
Emma Have you got a sofa in your living England and put the car on the ship.
room, Joe? The journey to Santander took 20
Joe Yes, there’s a sofa and there are two hours. It was OK until we reached the
big comfortable chairs. Bay of Biscay. Then I was really sick!
Emma Is there any other furniture? It was awful!
Joe Yes, there’s a small table next to the Speaker 4
sofa with a lamp and some books on In the summer holidays we usually go
it. to Italy to visit my dad’s family in Pisa.
Emma Is there a TV, too? We drive through France to get there.
Joe Yes, there’s a big TV on the wall. It takes a couple of days, and I hate
the journey. But this year I went by
Exam Preparation 18 plane by myself! It was wonderful. I
LISTENING felt so grown up.
Speaker 5
I’m not keen on travelling, except on
Multiple-choice short texts
my motorbike. I’ve travelled all over
1 the country on it. I usually take my
Synonyms girlfriend and we go to concerts and
2 amazing 3 awful 4 wonderful 5 relaxing festivals. We take our tent and we
Possible antonyms take our time getting there. It’s so
2 bad 3 incredible 4 horrible 5 stressful relaxing. It’s the only way to travel.
1B 2C 3B 4C 5A


Exam Preparation 19
Are you worried about the
Gap fill
Do you enjoy science? Then come
1 along to the Environmental Science
1 an activity Fair taking place from 6–9 March at
2 a location the Museum of Science and Industry.
3 an activity This is the second annual
4 day of the week / time Environmental Science Fair and we’re
expecting this year’s fair to be even
 AUDIO SCRIPT TRACK 3 better than the last. The latest
Girl What do you usually do on Saturdays, products will be on show, and many
Joe? companies will be doing experiments,
Boy Well, I hardly ever do my homework. I so it should be quite exciting.
usually do that on Sundays. On display we’ll also have the latest
Girl You’re in the football team, aren’t electric cars, and bikes made
you? Do you play football on completely from recycled products.
Saturdays? Renewable energy will be a big
Boy Yes, I always play football in the feature and scientists will explain how
morning. I play in the park with my they can turn rubbish into fuel. Many
friends. food companies are researching
Girl Cool. What do you do in the sustainable food, so you’ll have a
afternoon? chance to see how insects such as
Boy I usually watch television. ants and caterpillars are grown on
Girl Oh, OK. Do you listen to music? insect farms. There will be workshops,
Boy Yes, I sometimes listen to music. presentations, an IMAX 3D show and,
Girl What about Saturday evenings? What of course, competitions! This year’s
do you do then? Young Scientist of the Year prize will
Boy I go out with my friends. go to the student who can turn dirty
Girl Do you go dancing? water into clean water in the most
Boy No, I never go dancing. I hate economical way. Go to the H2O area
dancing. We go to the cinema, or we to see the entries. While you are
go for a pizza. there, you can take part in our Green
Science competition. Can you design
3 an experiment to find out how much
1 Museum energy a solar panel produces? The
2 experiments winner will get a pair of ecological
3 rubbish earphones, made entirely from natural
4 solar panels materials. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
55 So, what are you waiting for? You can
buy your tickets online, or inside the
museum on the day. The price for an
adult ticket is £5, but children under
sixteen enter for free. To find out
details about coming to the fair, see
our website at …


Exam Preparation 20 Exam Preparation 21

Matching Multiple choice

1 1
1F 1B2B
2A 2
3C Question 1 talks about attitude and question
2 talks about opinion.
2 1C2B3C
Teacher Good morning, everyone. Today, I
would like to introduce you to Tulli,
who was a student here a few years
Ben Have you been on holiday, Lucy? ago. He now works as a careers
Lucy Yes. I stayed with my grandad. He adviser and has kindly agreed to
lives in a little fishing village near come back to talk to you about your
Malaga. options when you leave school, and to
Ben I’ve been to Malaga a few times. My answer some questions.
aunt’s got a sailing school there. She Tulli Hi, everyone. Thanks for inviting me
loves all sports, but sailing is her here today, Mr Stevens. It’s exciting to
favourite. be back! Well, it doesn’t seem very
Lucy Really? My grandad isn’t keen on long ago that I was a student myself,
watersports, he prefers climbing. preparing to take exams and leave
He’s very fit. secondary school. I remember quite
Ben What about your Dad? clearly that I felt nervous and a little
Lucy Oh, he’s the opposite, he likes being confused about what to do next. I’m
in the city. sure some of you feel the same way
Ben Oh, does he like sightseeing? now. At one point, I just wanted to
Lucy Not really. I do though! I love visiting pass my exams, leave school and get
old buildings. My Dad likes going to a job, but my parents weren’t happy –
museums. He stays in them for hours. they didn’t think that was a good
But he doesn’t like shopping. None of option.
us do. Are you going on holiday, Ben? PART II
Ben I don’t know. I haven’t got any money. Teacher Did you go to see a careers
Lucy You should get a job. I’ve just got one, adviser then?
working in the café at the swimming Tulli Well, no, I didn’t. I thought about
pool and I think they need someone taking a gap year. Then, just before I
else. left school, I decided that I wanted to
Ben Hmm. I’d love to go skiing again next be a journalist. Unfortunately, I didn’t
winter. I went last year and loved it. get good enough results to get into
Maybe I’ll phone the swimming pool, college.


Teacher So, are you saying that everyone
should study hard and try to get good Exam Preparation 22
marks, even if at this stage they aren’t
planning to go to university?
Tulli Yes, absolutely. You might change
your mind later, like I did. Speaker-opinion identification
Teacher What are the options for students 1
who can’t go to university? 1 Liz 2 Ben 3 both
Tulli Err … They can become careers 2
advisers. If you don’t get into college, 1 Jake 2 both 3 Sally 4 Jake 5 both
you will either have to find a job, or do
an apprenticeship.  AUDIO SCRIPT TRACK 7
Teacher And what is the best way to go
Jake Have you entered the design
about this?
competition at school? I heard that the
Tulli In my opinion, the best thing to do is
first prize is a trip to a fashion show
talk to a careers adviser. They can
during London fashion week. What did
help you choose a career that’s right
you win last year?
for you. For example, they might ask
Sally Oh, the first prize was £50 to spend
you to do a job aptitude test. And they
on clothes. This year’s prize is much
will be able to tell you a lot about the
better, but I haven’t entered the
different types of jobs available. Did
competition yet.
you know you can earn money by
Jake Why not? You’re brilliant. Nobody’s
blogging? Or by playing computer
better than you!
games? Yes, companies are looking
Sally But I can’t think of anything this time.
for young people to test their products
Jake Really? You’ve got lots of designs.
and services, so there are a lot of
What about those T-shirts you sold
online last summer? They were
Teacher So, how did you become a careers
amazing. All the girls at school loved
them. My sister bought three!
Tulli Well, I spent a lot of time looking for
Sally Well, yes, I know. I want to try to
jobs; attending careers fairs, reading
design something for this year, but I
websites, going to job interviews …
need to think of something new. All
and then I started writing a blog about
my designs are old now.
my experiences. People liked it, and it
Jake When’s the competition deadline?
quickly became popular. Then I
Sally It’s the 8th of July.
decided to enroll myself in a career
Jake So you’ve still got a few weeks.
guidance course … and I got a
Sally Yes, but I told you, I haven’t got any
ideas! I spent yesterday looking at
Teacher Thanks, Tulli. Now, if anyone has
fashion magazines and websites,
questions, Tulli will be able to
trying to think of something. And I
answer …
spent last weekend in town looking at
all the best fashion stores. I just
couldn’t think of anything. I certainly
didn’t want to wear anything from
them myself!
Jake Right ... So ... Are you looking at
women’s clothes?


Sally Yeah. I’d like to design an evening Speaker 3 Saffy
dress, or something like that. My brother’s getting married and I’m
Jake Well that’s OK, but why don’t you do his bridesmaid. I have to wear a long
something different? How about dress. I really don’t like dresses; I
designing something for men? prefer jeans. But I’m happy about the
Sally Such as? wedding. It’s in a big hotel in the city.
Jake I don’t know ... jackets maybe, or how It’s quite a big wedding party; 80
about trainers? people are coming. My brother’s a bit
Sally Hmm ... that’s a good idea. I’ve never nervous, but I’m looking forward to it,
designed shoes before. OK, I’ll take a apart from the dress!
look at some websites. Speaker 4 Marcus
I’ve got an important tennis
Exam Preparation 23 tournament to play this weekend. And
I want to win it. It’s my last chance to
LISTENING win the under-18s championship. I
compete every year but I never win it.
Matching I’m always second! But this year my
1 tennis is really good and I think that I
1C 2A 3B 4F 5E 6D can win it. I’m nervous, but excited,
2 Speaker 5 Claire
1D 2E 3G 4H 5A
My sister Paula is having a baby next
month. Paula is very big now. She’s
feeling fine, but she can’t walk very
Speaker 1 Maria fast! We don’t know if it’s a boy or a
I’m 18 on Saturday and I’m having a girl. Paula says she doesn’t mind, she
party. I’m really looking forward to it. just wants it to be healthy. But I want it
It’s in a restaurant, and all my family to be a boy, because we haven’t got a
and friends are coming. We’re having brother.
dinner first, then there’s a band, so we
can all dance! I’ve got a fantastic new Exam Preparation 24
dress. It’s long and red. I feel very
grown up when I wear it.
Speaker 2 James
I’m going to a concert next month. It’s Sentence completion
my very first concert. I’ve got two 2
tickets to see my favourite band of all 1 nine
time – Biffy Clyro. It’s in London. I’m 2 maths
taking my best friend Alex. My dad’s 3 laboratory
driving us there. Then we’re staying in 4 textbooks
5 project
a hotel that night. I’m so excited. I
6 concentrate
can’t wait.


 AUDIO SCRIPT TRACK 9 Exam Preparation 27 WRITING
My name’s Olivia and I’m in Year Nine now.
An opinion essay
I’m studying ten different subjects. Today
I’ve got Science, Maths, ICT, PE and Students’ own answers
English. English is easy, but Maths is hard
for me. My Maths teacher’s called Mrs Exam Preparation 28 WRITING
Moore and she’s the best! She often helps
me at lunchtime. When I don’t understand
something, I just ask her. An essay
Students’ own answers
My favourite subject’s Science. I like
working in the laboratory. There are three of
them in our school and we do lots of Exam Preparation 29 WRITING
experiments there. Science classes are fun
because our teacher, Mr Deane, always A story
tells us funny jokes. The only problem is that
there are lots of big textbooks to carry! Students’ own answers

Our English teacher gives us a lot of

Exam Preparation 30 WRITING
homework, and that’s no fun. We’re reading
a book called Animal Farm now.
A review
And I think ICT’s easy. We don’t have
homework for this subject, but our teacher Students’ own answers
gives us a project to do every month.
Exam Preparation 31 WRITING
We have exams every year in May. At the
moment I’m studying for those. There’s a lot
to revise, so I do a little every evening after An informal letter
dinner. When I finish studying everything, I Students’ own answers
repeat it again and again. I always listen to
music when I’m doing my homework
because it helps me concentrate. I like pop Exam Preparation 32 WRITING
music most.
An article
Exam Preparation 25 WRITING Students’ own answers

A short message Exam Preparation 33

Students’ own answers SPEAKING

Exam Preparation 26 WRITING Collaborative task

An email 1 a sports company want to launch a new
running shoe; need to discuss marketing
Students’ own answers
2 one
3 Students’ own answers


2 Victoria Mmm, maybe. Let’s see…
Students’ own answers What else can we talk about? Is the
3 price important, in your opinion?
advertising Jessica I suppose so. If the price is too
4 low, the consumer might think the
Students’ own answers shoes are poor quality. On the other
hand, they won’t buy them if they're a
 AUDIO SCRIPT TRACK 10 rip-off.
Examiner In this section of the Victoria That’s true. A high price can be
examination, I’d like you to talk about an advantage, too, though. The
a topic together for a couple of product could be a kind of status
minutes. Imagine a company wants to symbol for people who can afford it.
sell some new running shoes. Here Jessica That’s a good point. And what
are some marketing ideas they could about —
use and a question for you to discuss. Examiner Sorry to interrupt. I’ll stop you
Please take a moment to read the there. Now, I’d like you to decide
question … together which marketing idea would
Jessica OK. So, how would these ideas be most effective for this product.
help the company? Victoria Well, we didn’t really agree on
Victoria Well, I think advertising is very whether the name was important, so
important. If you have an advert that maybe we can eliminate that one?
people remember, they’re more likely Jessica I guess so. We were both in
to buy the shoes. favour of the price though, weren’t
Jessica Yes, something really funny or we?
original. People always talk about Victoria Yes, but in the end I don’t think
adverts they like, which means they it’s as important as advertising. What
must think about it when they are do you think?
shopping. That could link to the idea Jessica I totally agree.
of using a celebrity, too. Victoria OK, so we have a decision?
Victoria You’re right. Lots of brands are Jessica Yes!
really successful when they use Examiner Thanks, both of you.
celebrities like a singer or maybe a
sports person. I think that can be
really effective.
Jessica Yeah, I agree. And what about
the product name? That’s pretty
important too, isn't it?
Victoria Perhaps, but I’m not sure it
really matters. Personally, I don’t pay
attention to the name of my shoes.
And I definitely wouldn’t buy an ugly
pair just because it had a cool name.
So that’s —
Jessica Wait a minute... I'm afraid I
have to disagree with you there. I
think language can really influence
how you feel about a product.


Exam Preparation 34 Exam Preparation 35

Individual Long Turn Introductory phase

Sample sentences Students’ own answers
He looks as if is studying because he is
concentrating hard and there are books
in the background and next to him on the
He seems focused on what he is doing
because he is staring at the screen and
holding his head in his hands.
I get the impression that he is stressed or
that the work is difficult because he is



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