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It refers to the recognition that we are "all Technology makes life easier for people,

in this together" and is a commitment to helps them learn new abilities, and lets
strengthen communities and promote a them enjoy discovering how different
just society. technological elements might impact
their lives. What features of technology
a. Participation.
symbolize this kind of symbolization?
b. Global Solidarization.
a. Technology is the philosophical
c. Steward of Creation. aspect of Instrumentalism of
d. Promotion of Peace.
b. Technology Is the application of
scientific knowledge.
Happiness is the goal of life, and it can c. Technology is the anthropological
only be attained with self-reflection, way of life.
ethical and philosophical education, and
living by the rules of reason. Which of the d. Technology is for business and
following can we control and let go of to education institution.
find true fulfillment and happiness in life?
a. Theism.
Why is science considered a social
b. Hedonism. endeavor?

c. Stoicism. a. It involves collaboration and

communication among scientists.
d. Materialism.
b. Scientists rely on sharing knowledge,
ideas, and findings with their peers.
Every discovery, innovation and c. Build upon existing knowledge,
achievement advance human validate research, and ensure the
understanding. How do you understand accuracy and reliability of scientific
human flourishing in this way? discoveries.
a. It is the capacity to study hard. d. All the statements are correct.
b. It is the ability to live a good life.
c. It is the mirror of sociological needs. Which of the following best describes
d. It is the ability to have a good income. Aristotle's moral philosophy in Human
a. It focuses on the historical
What did Aristotle mean when he said background of humanity.
educating the mind without educating
the heart is no education at all? b. It describes the spiritual aspect of
a. The education of the mind without
inculcating values can be meaningless c. It applies the theories of cultural way
or even destructive. of life.

b. The education of the mind without d. It focuses on virtue,

instilling moral principles, mental recommending the virtuous way of
education may be pointless or even life by its relation to happiness.
c. Education in knowledge is not enough Eudaemonia, for humans, is the soul's
— every human being needs to be activity in line with arete, or excellence
brought up to have good morals, to or virtue. How might eudaemonia be
know right from wrong as well. assessed as a manifestation of human
d. All the above are correct. flourishing?
a. Pleasure is the purpose of
contentment of humanity.
b. Experience can be found in c. The essence of this is for the success
knowledge. work field.
c. Faith is part of an institution. d. The goal of sustainable development
is to give jobs for the rate of
d. Happiness through actively
unemployment people.
engaging in activities that align with
virtue or excellence (arete).
70% of people in Middle-and high
countries believes that ___ is putting our
Aristotle distinguished between the
planet and society at risk.
scientific disciplines that are theoretical
and applied. Politics is covered in the a. Malnutrition
practical sciences. Why does practical
b. Overuse of technology
science entail politics?
c. Overconsumption
a. Due to the presence of socialization.
d. Overpopulation
b. Because of human nature and
c. For the mirror of knowing. Who is this person who came up with
the idea of three types of friendships
d. Because it involves the study of
based on utility, pleasure, and virtue?
how communities organize
themselves, make decisions, and a. Socrates.
b. Plato.
c Aristotle.
How do we evaluate technology in
educational institutions and learning d. Heidegger.
a. Educational Technology enhances Which of the following transcends all
teaching methods, facilitates aspects of life by guiding individuals
learning, and promotes the towards living well and doing well in
acquisition of essential skills for the whatever they do and provides a
modern era. framework for Individuals to make moral
b. Technology is a way of new century decisions and judgments in various
skills. situations?

c Anthropological way of education is a Pleasure.

important in technology. b. Ethics.
d. knowledge is the essence of c. Eudaimonia.
sociological need.
d. Behavior.

Sustainable Development is significant

for humanity and for the development of According to Martin Heidegger, there
the country. How do we interpret the are differences between humans and
significance of sustainable technology or purpose. How do we
development? assess Heidegger's principle?

a. The main strategy for eradicating a. Technology and humans are directly
poverty is growth. proportional.

b. The objective is to implement b. Humanity is measuring the

practices that promote environmental purpose of technology. not merely an
stewardship and social equity while instrument but has its own essence
fostering economic growth. and way of revealing the truth.
c. Technology has no experience, but a. Honor and Victory-
human beings have experience in terms
b. Truth and Wisdom.
of physical characteristics.
c. Pleasure.
d. Human Beings are the center of
using technology. d. Happiness.

Technology today is not the same as Which of the following is "living well and
culture then. Which of the following is doing well"?
the foundation of modern technology,
according to Heidegger? a. Pleasure.

a. It is based on modern chemistry- b. Happiness.

b. It is based on biological science. c. Kindness.

c It is according to anthropology. d Patience.

d. It is based on modern physics.

Which of the following views describes
the human desire to put an order to
Jason Hickel have said that our nature to better understand and control
addiction to economic growth is killing it?
us. Which of the following is the symbol
for his statement? a. calculative thinking

a Professional people are the way to b. meditative thinking

eradicate poverty. c. questioning
b. Growth isn't an option anymore, is d. technology as a way of revealing.
detrimental to the planet and human
flourishing in the long run.
c. Agricultural aspect is the key to Which of the following is the means
eradicate poverty. through which scientists progress from
asking questions to generating results,
d. Working abroad is the way to drawing conclusions, and potentially
eradicate poverty. paving the way for further research and

How do we evaluate a good life in a Curiosity.

general? b. Process.
a. Write your experience in a diary. c. Product
b. Accepting what cannot be d. Results.
changed and embracing
circumstances beyond our control.
c. Get multiple courses in college What's the deal with happiness
degree. according to the Nicomachean Ethics?

d. Show your confidence to other a. True happiness is achieved

people. through living a virtuous life and
developing one's character.
b. about feeling good in the moment.
In eudaimonia, love is a significant way
of human life. Which of the following is c fleeting pleasures or material
the measurement of love which is the possessions.
more accurate representation of the d. cultivating extra marital relationships.
positive effects that love can have on an
individual's life and overall well-being?
Science can extend the lifespan by a. Catch up, Catch down.
improving health and providing solutions
b. Hold, Untouched
for various diseases, reflecting the
positive impact of medical and c. Pushing, Pulling
technological progress on human
longevity. What notable comparison is d. Let go, move on
the interpretation for this manner?
a. Natality Rate. What is the difference between science
b. Mortality Rate. and technology in your life?

c. Literacy Rate. a. Science is the pursuit of

knowledge for technology to create
d. Average Lifespan. products that solve problems and
improve human life.
b. Science is based on analysis and
Which of the following is the end goal of
synthesis of design and technology is
everything we do according to Aristotle?
based on deductive theory.
a. Happiness.
c. Science simplifies work whereas
b. Virtue. technology fulfils the needs of people.
c. Truth. d Science is application in general while
technology is knowing.
d. Materialism.

The population is growing bigger, and

According to Plato, the true self of
the resources needed to sustain such
human beings is the reason or the
growth are getting scarce. Which of
intellect that constitutes their soul and
these will be beneficial for the
that is separable from their body. Which
of the following is correct in the
statements below? a. It would be for the good of
everyone if people let natural
a. We can change our reality by
resources replenish and recover.
changing our mind.
b. It is good for everyone if we reduce
b. We can change the future by
the use of gadgets.
predicting future events.
c. The face for development is to
c. We cannot change the present event.
reduce riding a car or vehicle if the
d. We cannot change the past, and location is near.
present experience.
d. Stop using any material that is not

It measures the total value of all the

goods and services produced within a
The Human Condition in the Common
country's borders during a specific time,
Era is important to remember under the
usually a year.
evolution of technology as a way of
a. Gross Domestic Product. revealing. To ensure the continued
existence of humanity. Which of the
b. Literacy Rate. following factors we should consider?
c. Natality Rate. a. Ethical considerations
d. Mortality Rate b. Environmental impact
c Irresponsible use of technology
Instead of pushing poor country to ___ d. All the above
we should be getting rich country to ___
It refers to statements that are shown to
be true and ensure that findings are
What is the concept of "Arete"
reliable and can be trusted by the
according to Aristotle!
scientific community.
a. Embracing your best qualities and
a Verification
striving to become the best version
b. Progress. of yourself.
c. Scientific Attitude. b. Perfectionists.
d. Falsification. c. Refuses to accept anything that is
not as good as it could possibly be.
d. Judgmental and scrutinizing
Which of the following tools and
everyone else.
resources demonstrate an early form of
resource utilization and adaptation of
Homo Erectus?
What are the key virtues that Aristotle
a. Plants. believed were essential for achieving
happiness, or eudaimonia?
b. Bones of the Animals.
a courage, temperance.
c. Copper and Iron.
b. justice, wisdom.
d. Wood.
c gluttony, lack of self-control.
d. Letters A & B are correct.
Humanism's emphasis on human
values, personal growth, and making the
world a better place underscores its
What is the key ingredient that defines
deep connection to society. How is
humanism related to society?
a. The essence of happiness lies in
a. Promoting kindness, emphasizing
finding joy and contentment in the
human values and concerns.
simple things that bring us genuine
b. It stresses the Importance of human pleasure and fulfillment.
highest educational attainment.
b. The essence of happiness derived
c. It focuses on the negative impact on from this experience is short-lived.
their lives.
c. The essence of happiness in
d. It determines the business-like purchasing material possessions.
interaction with other people.
d. The essence of happiness is being
famous and pride.
How is biotechnology applicable in a
good life for humanity?
Which of the following best describes
a. It tries to explain the human the field of study that examines how
condition. technology is developed, used, and
related to society, the environment, and
b. Biologically male individuals can now
human life?
undergo medical operation if they so
wish for sexual reassignment. a. Science, Technology, and Society
c. Development of various medical b. Philosophy of Life
treatments, therapies, and diagnostic
с. Sociotechnical Economics
tools, improving healthcare
outcomes, enhancing quality of life, d. Understanding Self
and extending lifespan.
d. The good life is a measurement of
what we want to do.
People are always interacting with other d. Faithfulness is the end of life, that to
people to live a good life. Which of the which all things aim, is activity in
following is considered the transmission accordance with reason the arete or
and reception of meaningful peculiar excellence of a person.
a. Communication.
In technology as a way of revealing,
b. Transportation. which of the following is the presence of
technology in society?
c. Ideas.
a. Technology serves as the
d. Invention.
cornerstone of machines, enabling
their functioning and enhancing
various aspects of our daily lives.
The person behind human flourishing
and gave the interpretation about poor b. Technology is the investigation of
and rich country. The main objective is scientific behavior, studying and
to eradicate poverty by 2030. understanding how things work in the
scientific world.
a. Jason Hickel.
c. Technology is the culture of historical
b. Martin Heidegger. events, shaping the way historical
c. Aristotle. events unfold.

d. Peter Edward d. Technology is part of social history

playing a crucial role in shaping our
social history.
In the article about progressive
countries, which of these is the idea of
"de-developing" rich countries including According to Aristotle, what humans
the Philippines? seek above all else relates to the
ultimate purpose of human life. It is
a. Education for all is the best way of all accomplished by developing virtues and
time. realizing one's potential. It includes not
b. Advocation of "de-development." only strength or pleasure but also a
profound sense of contentment.
c. Love your country, so that the
presence of de-development is in a a Power
good process. b. Eudaimonia
d. Achieving the many businesses is c. Pleasure
good in every businessman.
d. Time

Which of the following, in Aristotle's

view, best describes happiness in the Which of the following best describes
human condition? how moral virtue comes to us, according
to Aristotle?
a. Pleasure is the end of life, that to
which all things aim, is activity in a. Moral virtue is acquired through
accordance with reason the arete or habituation and practice.
peculiar excellence of a person. b. Moral virtue is acquired through
b. Happiness is the end of life, that practicing virtue and consistently making
to which all things aim, is activity in good choices.
accordance with reason the arete or c. Moral virtue is acquired through
peculiar excellence of a person. repeatedly engaging in virtuous actions,
c. Goodness is the end of life, that to we can develop good moral character.
which all things aim, is activity in d. All the above
accordance with reason the arete or
peculiar excellence of a person.
These two types of virtues encompass
habits that enable individuals to act in
morally good ways, such as honesty,
kindness, and integrity qualities that
facilitate intellectual growth and
understanding, such as curiosity, open-
mindedness, and critical thinking. Which
of the following are the types of virtues?
a. Moral virtues and intellectual
b. Natural virtues and artificial virtues.
c. Positive virtues and negative virtues.
d. Human virtues and divine virtues.

It is a machine that facilitates man's

a Technology
b. Iron.
c. Platinum.
d. Bronze.

Technology as a Way of Revealing can

be classified as both instrumental, which
is a means to an end and
anthropological. Which of the following
best embodies technology's
anthropological component?
a. Technological Activity
b. Scientific Activity
c. Human Activity
d. Cultural Activity

Which of the following is true when

more people have access to education
and become more educated citizens
who can decide on a more just society?
a. Gross Domestic Product
b. Average Lifespan
c. Literacy Rate
d. Mortality Rate

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