Guion de La Bella y La Bestia (Modificado)

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Narrator: This is not a unique story or a love story, it has different versions, but the one I will tell you
today will take you back to your childhood, welcome to beauty and the beast…

Se abre el telon.

Narrator: Once Upon a Time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired, the Prince was spoiled, selfish, and Unkind.

(Sale la bruja)

But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single
rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.

Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman

PRINCE: Get out of here you and your old-fashioned rose, I don't care if you freeze to death or not;
I won't let you dirty my castle, sleep somewhere else

NARRATOR: But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within.
And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal...
...a beautiful Enchantress.

(La Bruja se quita la capa y bestia se agacha pidiendo perdon)

PRINCE: I'M SORRY! Come into my castle if you want, I can give you the warmest blankets, the
most comfortable bed in the biggest room in my whole castle, and the most delicious food that has
ever been prepared; Forgive me, I didn't know what I was saying.

NARRATOR: But it was too late. For she had seen that there was no love in his heart.

WITCH: I do not want any of that, I see that there is no love in your heart, therefore, I will put a spell
on you and everyone who lives in this castle.

NARRATOR: As punishment, she transformed him…

...into a hideous Beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived There.

(Se transforma Bestia y se mira en el espejo)

Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his castle with a Magic Mirror as
his only window to the outside world.

(Sale la rosa encantada)

The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom for many years.

(Bestia tapa a la rosa encantada)

WITCH: until you learn to love another and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, then
the spell would be broken. If not, You will be doomed to remain a Beast for all time.

Se cierra el telon

(Salen la bruja y la bestia, sacan la escenografía del castillo y ponen la de la


NARRATOR: As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to
love a Beast?

Se abre el telon

(Está el bookseller sentado revisando libros y entra bella)

Escena 1: Entrada de bella

BOOKSELLER: Bonjour, Belle!

BELLE: Good morning. I’ve come to return the book I borrowed.

BOOKSELLER: Finished already?

BELLE: Oh, I couldn’t put it down. Have you got anything new?

BOOKSELLER: ( Se rie) Not since yesterday.

BELLE: That’s all right. I’ll borrow...this one!

BOOKSELLER: That one? But you’ve read it twice!

BELLE: Well, it’s my favorite. Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in
BOOKSELLER: If you like it all that’s yours.

BELLE: But sir!


BELLE: Well, thank you. Thank you very much!

(Bella y el bookseller salen)

Escena 2: Lefou y Gaston

Narrator: In the morning of the same day, Gaston who is a very handsome, rude, narcissistic,
egomaniacal hunter who is willing to go to his lengths to get what he wants, and Lefou, who is his
dim-witted hanger-on, they were in the city center shooting arrows at some ducks.

(entra gaston)

(Gaston hace la simulación de que disparo)

LEFOU: You didn’t miss a shot, Gaston. You’re the greatest hunter in the whole world. No beast alive
stands a chance against you! And no girl for that matter.

GASTON: It’s true, Lefou. And I’ve got my sights set on that one.

LEFOU: The inventor’s daughter?

GASTON: She’s the one. The lucky girl I’m going to marry
LEFOU: But, she’s. . .

GASTON: The most beautiful girl in town.

LEFOU: I know, but…

GASTON: That makes her the best.

(Gaston carga a lefou)

GASTON: And don’t I deserve the best?

LEFOU: Well, of course, you do!

(Gaston baja a lefou, entra bella leyendo el libro)

GASTON: Hello Belle…

BELLE: Bonjour, Gaston

(Bella sigue caminando y Gastón le bloquea el paso)

BELLE: Excuse me.

(Ella camina alrededor de él y Gastón le quita el libro)

BELLE: Gaston. May I have my book, please?

(Gaston pone cara de confusión mientras ve el libro de bella)

GASTON: How can you read this? There are no pictures.

BELLE: Well some people use their imagination!

GASTON: Belle, it’s about time you got your head out of these books and paid attention to more
important things.

(Gaston Posa de manera seductora)

BELLE: Like you?

GASTON: Exactly! The whole town’s talking about it. It’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she
starts getting ideas and. . .thinking!

BELLE: Gaston, you are positively primeval!

GASTON: Why, thank you, Belle. Whaddya say you and me take a walk over to the tavern and take
a look at my trophies?

BELLE: What do you say...we don’t?

GASTON: Come on Belle, I think I know how you feel about me.

BELLE: You can’t even imagine.

(Gastón Se acerca hacia bella y ella lo empuja con sus manos)

BELLE: Gaston, please! I have to get inside to help my father.

LE FOU: That crazy old fool. He needs all the help he can get!

(Gastón y Lefou se burlan.)

BELLE: Don’t talk about my father that way!

(Gaston le da un golpe a en la cabeza a Lefou)

GASTON: Yeah! Don’t talk about her father that way!

BELLE: My father’s not crazy! He’s a genius!

(Salen todos de escena)

Escena 3: Bella va hacia su padre

Narrator: Bella, puzzled by Gaston and Lefou's opinions towards her father, she went to her
home to find him.

BELLE: Papa, are you all right?

MAURICE: I’m fine. But I can’t for the life of me figure it out. why did that happen? If that isn’t
the stubbornest piece of…

(Bella lo

interrumpe) BELLE:

Papa. ..!

MAURICE: I’m about ready to give up on this hunk of junk!

BELLE: Oh, you always say that.

MAURICE: I mean it this time! I’ll never get this bone-headed contraption to work!

BELLE: Yes, you will. And you’ll win first prize at the fair tomorrow. And become a
world-famous inventor.

MAURICE: Mmmmh, You really think so?

BELLE: You know I do. I always have.

MAURICE: You get the logs...All right...stand back. Here we go.

(Maurice intenta prender el invento)

(Bella se emociona)

BELLE: It works!
MAURICE: It does? It does!

BELLE: Papa, you did it! You really did it! You’ll win First Prize at the fair tomorrow, I know it!
BELLE: Oh, I almost forgot!

(Bella le pone una bufanda alrededor del cuello)

BELLE: I made you a scarf for good luck.

MAURICE: Now I know I’ll win. And then, we’ll get out of this town and travel to all those
places you’ve read about in your books. Well, I’m off!

(Entran las hermanas de bella)

MAURICE: I'm going to venture into this journey, but before I leave, I would like to know what
things you would like your father to bring you when he returns.

GRACE: You have to bring me a lot of jewels, I want the brightest of all! Also, I want the most
expensive clothes, the fur coats of the rarest animals, and the most ostentatious shoes you can find, I
want to dress in fashion so that all the women of poky old town envy me.

HOPE: To me, you have to bring me a man, I want him to be very handsome, super rich, and with a
giant castle, he has to be taller than me and he can't notice anyone but me, also, I want him to be
intelligent and that he treats me like a queen, and that he has many servants for everyone to do what I
say, so I won't have to do anything during my whole life.

GRACE Y HOPE: If you don't bring us what we ask for, we're going to be mad at you!

BELLE: I just want you to come back safe and sound, and if you could bring me a rose I would
be the happiest daughter in the world.

(Se va el papa y salen las hijas)

Se cierra el telon

Escena 4: Maurice llega al castillo.

Se abre el telon

NARRATOR: On the way to the competition, Maurice lost the scarf that Bella gave him,
suddenly, he found a big and dark castle, with a garden full of flowers, and with this, he
remembered that one of his daughters had given him asked for a flower
Upon picking it up, he met the monstrous beast that lived in that castle.

BEAST: HEY!, what are you doing stealing the roses from my garden, you're rude, don't you know
that you shouldn't touch other's things!
MAURICE: I'm sorry sir, I didn't want to make you angry, it's just that my daughter asked me to
bring her a rose and when I saw how beautiful the roses in her garden are, I couldn't help but want to
bring her some of hers. I apologize, I'll leave them right where they were.

BEAST: It's too late, you already ripped them from the ground, now you will be imprisoned in my
castle for the crime you have committed and you will never see sunlight again.

(Sale bestia de la escena se cierra el telon y entran todos los habitantes del
castillo y se quedan tiesos)

Se abre el telon

NARRATOR: Maurice was inside the dark castle, he was scared and confused, he cautiously
looked everywhere, he saw broken, beautiful and elegant things, but since he didn't see any other
inhabitant inside the castle, he decided to ask:


COGSWORTH: Well, now you’ve done it! I told you not to let him in!

MAURICE: Is anyone home?

COGSWORTH: if we keep quiet, maybe he’ll go away.

MAURICE: Is someone here?

COGSWORTH: Not a word, Lumiere, not one word!

MAURICE: I'm not interested in being a nuisance, I'm not a thief, I just wanted to have a rose to
give to my daughter.

LUMIERE: Poor fellow. Oh, Cogsworth, have a heart. Monsieur, you are welcome here! Allo!

(Maurice salta y se asusta)

COGSWORTH: And goodbye!

(Cogsworth lo empuja hacia a puerta)

MAURICE: Wait...wait...wait! You’re a clock! And you’re talking!

COGSWORTH: Astonishing, isn’t it? And quite inexplicable. Good-bye.

(Cogsworth lo continúa empujando hacia la puerta)

LUMIERE: Cogsworth! I’m surprised at you. Where are your manners. . .?

COGSWORTH: We've got to get him out of here before the Master finds out!

MAURICE: This is incredible! How is this accomplished?

MAURICE: I beg your pardon. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that I’ve never seen a ta. ..a
ta...talking... AAAACHOOO!

COGSWORTH: Bless you.

LUMIERE: You're chilled to the bone, Monsieur. Come. Warm yourself by the fire.

COGSWORTH: No, I forbid it!

(Lumiere toma la mano de Maurice y lleva hacia la silla de la bestia)

COGSWORTH: head of this household, I demand that you stop right there!

(Maurice se sienta en la silla)

COGSWORTH: Ohhhhh, not the Master’s chair! I’m not seeing this. I’m not seeing this!

(Babette entra cerca de Maurice)

BABETTE: Oooh la la ...what have we here? Do my eyes deceive me or is this a man? It’s been so
long since I’ve seen a real man.
No offense, Lumiere.
Bonjour Monsieur.

(Entra Mrs. Potts)

MRS. POTTS: Coming through! How would you like a nice spot of tea, sir? It will warm you up in
no time.

MAURICE: Oh, yes, please!

COGSWORTH: No! No tea! He’ll be here all tea!

(Mrs. Potts sirve la taza de té)

MRS. POTTS: There you are.

MAURICE: This is just what I need...AH!

(Chip esta escondido detrás de mrs potts)

MAURICE: Hey there, little fella! What’s your name?

CHIP: Chip.

MAURICE: nice to meet you, chip

BABETTE: Care for a blanket, monsieur?

(Babette le abraza el brazo a Maurice y se le recuesta en el hombro)

BABETTE: I just love older men.

LUMIERE: Babette, you are always trying to make me jealous. Well, it’s not going to work this

BABETTE: Me! What about you? With Simone?

LUMIERE: Jacques?

BABETTE: Michelle?

LUMIERE: Pierre?

BABETTE: Veronique?

LUMIERE: Veronique!

COGSWORTH: Lumiere! Listen to me! We’ve got to get him out of here! Do you have any idea
what the Master will do if he finds out we let a stranger in. ..

LUMIERE: Calm yourself, Cogsworth. The Master will never have to know.

(Suena un rujido)

LUMIERE: As I was saying, he is bound to find out sooner or later. remain calm. There is absolutely
no reason to panic.

COGSWORTH: Lumiere’s right. There’s absolutely no reason to panic.


(bestia se lleva a Maurice hacia la celda)

Se cierra el telon

(Maurice y Bestia salen de escena)

Escena 5: Bella se da cuenta que su padre está en

(Escenografía del pueblo, bella está ahí y luego entra gastón)

Se abre el telon

GASTON: Belle! Oh, Belle...anyone home? Hellooooo!

BELLE: Gaston? What a...pleasant surprise.

GASTON: Isn’t it though? I’m just full of surprises. For you. . .Mademoiselle.
You know, Belle, there isn’t a girl in town who wouldn’t love to be in your shoes. This is the day
your dreams come true!

BELLE: What could you possibly know about my dreams, Gaston?

GASTON: Plenty!

BELLE: Dogs?

GASTON: No, Belle! Strapping boys, like me! Imagine that! So Belle, what’ll it be? Is it ’yes’ or is
it ‘oh, yes’?

BELLE: I just don’t deserve you.

GASTON: Who does? ME!

BELLE: But thanks for asking!

(Se va Bella y segundos después gastón)

Escena 6: Lefou le cuenta a Bella de su padre


(Lefou interrumpe a bella)

LEFOU: Hey, Belle! Have you seen Gaston?

BELLE: You just missed him. Wait a minute, where did you get that scarf?

LEFOU: This? In the woods. Pretty nice, huh?

BELLE: This belongs to my father! Yeah, well, finders-keepers.
Lefou. I want you to think hard and tell me exactly where you found that.


BELLE: Thinly

LEFOU: Somewhere in the woods.

BELLE: Harder!

LEFOU: Near the crossroads, okay? Ow!

BELLE: Then he’s still out there somewhere! Lefou, you have to take me back!

LEFOU: Not the woods again!

BELLE: Don’t you see? Something must have happened. You have to take me back!

LEFOU: Not in your life!

(Lefou Se va corriendo)

BELLE: Then, I’ll find him myself!

Se cierra el telon

NARRATOR: Scared, Bella went looking for her father, she was lost and overwhelmed, she had to
find him as soon as possible, but she didn't know where to go, where to find him if he was alive or
safe, but without thinking, she went into the darkest forest.

Escena 7: Bella va hacia el castillo

(Bella sale de escena y se pone la escenografia del castillo)

Se abre el telon

COGSWORTH: Couldn’t keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn’t we? Serve
him tea, and sit in the Master’s chair.

LUMIERE: You always were insufferable. But every day, you become just a little more inflexible...a
little more tightly wound...a little more ticked off!
NARRATOR: During much searching, Bella came across a large dark castle, which seemed
abandoned, as there was no other place where her father could be safe, so she decided to enter.

(Entra bella)

BELLE: Hello? Is anyone here? Hello?

LUMIERE: It’s a girl!

COGSWORTH: Yes, of course, I can see, it's a


LUMIERE: This is the one! The girl we have been waiting for. She has come to break the spell!
COGSWORTH: Wait a minute...wait a minute...let’s not be hasty!
LUMIERE: Isn’t it wonderful? After all these years! Oh happy, happy day!

COGSWORTH: Stop it! Stop that!

LUMIERE: We should tell the others, no?

COGSWORTH: Yes, I mean no! I mean. ..wait a

minute! Wait a minute!

BELLE: Hello? Is anyone here? Please, I’m looking for my


MAURICE: Belle? Is that you?

BELLE: Your hands are like ice! We have to get you

out of here!

BELLE: Who’s done this to you?

MAURICE: I was looking for a flower for you, and…. Bella, he's behind you.

BELLE: (se asusta) AAAAHHHH who are you? Release my father at once!

BEAST: I am the master of the castle! I do not take orders from anyone. Throw her out!

BELLE: No! Wait! Forgive me. Please, let him out. Can’t you see he’s not well? He's an old man.
He could die!
BEAST: He came into my home uninvited and now he'll suffer the consequences. There’s
nothing you can do!

BELLE: Please...I’ll do anything, take me instead!

BEAST: You would do that? You would take his place?
BELLE: If I did it, would you let him go?

BEAST: Yes. But you must promise to stay here...forever.


BELLE: You have my word.

BEAST: Done.

(Bestia se lleva a Maurice de los brazos y salen de escena Bestia y Maurice)

(Bella se queda en escena y luego Bestia regresa hacia donde ella)

BEAST: I’ you to your room.

BELLE: My room? But I thought...

BEAST: Do you want to stay in that dungeon?


BEAST: Then follow—

You follow me!

(se paran y caminan por el alrededor)

BEAST: This is your home now. You’re free to go anywhere you like...except the West Wing.

BELLE: Why, what’s in the West...?

BEAST: IT’S FORBIDDEN! You are never to set foot you understand?

(Bella no responde)



(Siguen caminando hasta llegar a la puerta. Se paran al frente de la puerta)

BEAST: This is your room. I hope you’ll be comfortable here. If you need anything, my servants
will attend to you…

…And, one more thing. You will join me for dinner.

(Bella entra y cierra la puerta)

BEAST: That is not a request!

(se va bestia) y entra bella en una cama)

Se cierra el telon
(entra bella en una cama)

Se abre el telon

*Sonido de una puerta

MRS. POTTS: Mrs. Potts, dear. I thought you might like some tea.

BELLE: Come in.

MRS. POTTS: Nothing like a nice warm cup of tea to make the world seem a bit brighter.


MRS. POTTS: Mrs. Potts, dear. Very pleased to make your acquaintance. (Belle se

asusta y camina hacia atrás casi chocando con Wardrobe) WARDROBE:

Careful, darling!

(Bella se voltea y ve asustada)

BELLE: Wh...who are you?

WARDROBE: Madame de la Grand Bouche. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?

(Bella asiente con la cabeza)

WARDROBE: You see! They’ve forgotten all about me. One can be and I quote, “The toast of
Europe. The brightest star ever to grace the stage,” but fall under one little spell

MRS.POTTS: Sssssh!

BELLE: Wait. This is impossible!

WARDROBE: I know it is. ..but here we are! Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner?
Let’s see what I’ve got in my drawers. ..

(Wardrobe saca un vestido)

WARDROBE: Ah, here we are. I wore this the night I performed at the Royal Opera. The King
himself was there! Take it!

BELLE: That’s very kind of you. But I’m not going to dinner.

WARDROBE: Don’t be silly. Of course, you are. You heard what the Master said.

BELLE: He may be your master...but he’s not mine!

Se cierra el telon

(Salen de escena y entran Gaston y Lefou)

Escena 8: Lefou Alagando a Gaston

Se abre el telon

(Gaston está

sentado) LEFOU:

More beer?

GASTON: What for? Nothing helps. I’m disgraced.

LEFOU: Who, you? Never! Gaston, you’ve got to pull yourself together.

(Canción de Lefou hacia gaston)

(Maurice interrumpe la canción)

MAURICE: Help! I need help!

LEFOU: Shut up little old man!

(Gaston lo saca de escena)

Se cierra el telon

Escena 9: Furia de Bestia

(Entran Bestia, Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts)

Se abre el telon

BEAST: It’s time for dinner. Where is she?

(Entra Babette)


BABETTE: Who? Oh, yes, the girl...well, actually she’s in the process of...circumstances being
what they are. . .

She’s not coming.

BEAST: What did you say?

COGSWORTH: She’s not coming.

(Bestia se pone furioso y va hacia bella)

BEAST: I thought I told you to come down to dinner!

BELLE: I’m not hungry!

BEAST: I am the master of this castle and I’m telling you to come to dinner.

BELLE: And I’m telling you...I’m not hungry!

BEAST: You’re hungry if I say you’re hungry.

BELLE: Don’t be ridiculous!

BEAST: Well, it's ok, but If she doesn’t eat with me...she doesn’t eat at all!

(Se sientan Bestia, Lumiere y Cogsworth en el comedor)

Escena 10: Bestia se enamora de Bella

BEAST: I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I

want to give her something...but what?

COGSWORTH: Well, there are the usual things: flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend
to keep.

LUMIERE: No, no. This is no ordinary girl. It has to be something special. Something that sparks her

(Lumiere hace “SHHHH” al público)

Se cierra el telon

Escena 11: El baile.

(entran Mrs. Potts, Chip y Lumiere)
MRS. POTTS: After all this time, he’s finally learned to love.

LUMIERE: That’s it then! That should break the spell!

MRS. POTTS: It’s not enough. She has to love him in return.

(Luna y Wandely inician a cantar y Bella y Bestia salen de los extremos)


*Luna y Wandely tararean

NARRATOR: As the beast looked into Bella's eyes, he realized that he had never loved someone
like that, she had changed him, and he was no longer that hateful and selfish beast.

Bella felt something inside her, it was no longer contempt that she felt, things had changed inside her,
perhaps she had started to love that monstrous beast?

(Bella y Bestia terminan de bailar y se sientan)

BEAST: Is something wrong?

BELLE: I was just thinking about my father. I miss him so much. I wish I could see him again.

BEAST: There is a way. This Mirror will show you anything...anything you wish to see.

(Bestia le entrega a Bella el espejo)

BELLE: I’d like to see my father, please.

Papa? Oh, no... Papa! Something’s wrong! He’s jailed! I think he’s with Gaston... I should...I should...

BEAST: You should go to him.

BELLE: But what about...?

BEAST: You’re not my prisoner anymore. You haven’t been for a long time.

(Bella trata de devolverle el espejo pero el se lo da nuevamente)

BEAST: Take it with you. So you’ll always have a way to look back...and remember me.

Se cierra el telon
Escena 12: Gaston decide ir a donde la Bestia.
Se abre el telon

(Esta Bella en casa y llegan Lefou, Monsieur y sus hombres y MONSIEUR D'ARQUE
toca la Puerta)

MONSIEUR D'ARQUE: Good afternoon.

BELLE: Monsieur D’Arque!

MONSIEUR D’ARQUE: I’ve come to collect your father.

BELLE: What?

MONSIEUR D’ARQUE: Don't worry. We’ll take good care of him.

BELLE: My father’s not crazy!

LEFOU: He was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him.

MONSIEUR D’ARQUE: All right...come along quietly, now

BELLE: You can’t do this!

LEFOU: Tell us again, old man. Just how big was that beast?

MAURICE: Well, he was enormous! He was at least, more like ten feet tall!

LEFOU: You don’t get much crazier than that!

MAURICE: It’s true...I tell you!

(Monsieur D’Arque agarra a Maurice.)

D’ARQUE: Tell me, Maurice.....When did you first start having these delusions?

MAURICE: It is not a delusion. The Beast was real! And so was the talking clock!

(Entra Gaston)

GASTON: Poor Belle. It’s a shame about your father.

BELLE: Gaston, you know he’s not crazy!

GASTON: I might be able to clear up this little misunderstanding if. ..

BELLE: If what?

GASTON: If you’ll marry me!

One little word, Belle...that’s all it takes...

(Gaston trata de besarla pero ella lo empuja)

GASTON: Have it your way!

Take the old man!

BELLE: Wait! I can prove my father’s not crazy!

(Bella le dice al espejo): Show me the Beast!

(Todos los presentes se sorprenden)

GASTON: Forget the old man! I say. . .we kill the Beast! Come on!


(Salen corriendo)

BELLE: It's all my fault, now what are we going to do?

(salen todos de escena)

Se cierra el telon

Escena 13: Ataque hacia el Castillo.

Se abre el telon

LEFOU: This place gives me the creeps.

GASTON: Shhhhh! Shut up!

LEFOU: Gaston, I want to go home!

(Entran al castillo, están todos los habitantes quietos dentro y en silencio)

Chip: Now!!!!!

(Todos se pelean con Lefou y los amigos de Gaston)

(Después de un rato salen todos los amigos de gaston corriendo)

Se cierra el telon

Escena 14: Gastón y Bestia (Escena final)

Se abre el telon

GASTON: Oh, that’s a good one! Did you really think a girl like that would want a thing like you?
What a fool!

She despises you Beast! And she sent me here to destroy you!

GASTON: It’s over, Beast. Belle is mine!




(Gaston y Bestia pelean)

GASTON: Let Me go! Let me go! Please!

(Bestia lo deja ir)

BEAST: You came back.

BELLE: Take my hand!

(Gaston se para y le clava un cuchillo a Bestia y Gaston se cae y muere)

(Bestia agoniza de dolor y cae al piso)

BEAST: Belle...I...

BELLE: —Yes?

(Bestia se muere)

BELLE: No... No!Please! Don’t leave me. Please, I love you.

(Bella llora y cae el último pétalo, bestia se transforma en príncipe)

(entran MRS. Potts, Chip, Lumiere and Cogsworth)

MRS. POTTS: Oh my! Oh goodness me!

LUMIERE: Mrs. Potts!

COGSWORTH: What’s happening here?

LUMIERE: Cogsworth!

COGSWORTH: Stop it! Stop that!

LUMIERE: The spell is broken! We’re human again!


MRS. POTTS: Oh no darling!

(Se cierra el telón, se colocan todos para el baile final y se abre el telon)
NARRATOR: And the beauty and the beast, lived happily ever after, THE END.

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