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Diane Oliver works as a paramedic on an ambulance. During the day,

saves people's lives, and in the evenings she goes to bars with friends or
shoots at a shooting range. Diana was confident in her happy and
prosperous future, until fate brought her together with the head of the
mafia. The girl still has no idea, but very soon she will
become partVisconti is the head
of the criminal of the
world, Morte
because Nera
her clan.
talent to He
hit was used
exactly the
to keeping everything under
target did not go unnoticed. control. Every trade he makes is a success,
and every enemy is
a sworn enemy. But to carry out major operations, he needs a sniper,
a man with perfect accuracy, obeying any of his orders,
loyal to him. And this role is ideally suited to a fragile girl-
paramedic, able to cope not only with her own
feelings, but also with any weapon...

Ana Sherry

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ana Sherry
's delicate balance. Book 1
© Sherry A., 2020
© Design. OOO "Publishing House "Eksmo", 2020

Chapter 1
Oxnard, California
-The city's silence was broken by the wail of ambulance sirens.
One by one, they sped down the main street at breakneck
speed, taking a shortcut to the bridge, hoping
to get to the nearest hospital faster. Passers-by looked
after them in bewilderment and immediately expressed to each other their
about what had happened. Someone had heard on the radio that
there was a shootout between the crime bosses-they were visiting
theirIntroubled citycars,
one of the morea and
frailmore often. girl was using her last remaining
to give an indirect heart massage to a large man lying on
a gurney. She climbed on top of him, and without stopping, rhythmically
pressed down on his powerful chest. The muscles in his arms ached from
exertion, but
that "How
stop him from she
longer?" pressing. She
shouted tomustn't loselooking
the driver,
the patient.
up for a moment.
"We're here," he said, and slammed on the brakes.
The car stopped so abruptly that the girl almost fell
off the man. The doors swung open and the waiting paramedics hurriedly
wheeled the gurney out of the car. But the girl continued resuscitation,
while voicing the diagnosis:
- Male, approximately forty years old, gunshot wound
to the abdomen, shoulder and hip, internal and external bleeding. She
spoke clearly and quickly. Blood gushed out like a fountain. Pressure
50/30, gave a stop, had to do resuscitation.
"That's crazy. A nearby doctor stopped the gurney, relieving
the girl. "Thank you, Diana. You may have saved his life.
She jumped to the floor and, realizing that she was already in the
pressed herself against the wall, trying to catch her breath. Crazy evening.
I don't want
to repeat it. The doctors took the man away, and Diana really hoped
that they would do everything possible to make sure that he survived. But
her thoughts
were interrupted by the screams of the other crew as they ran in just as

go to the hospital, trying to save your patient in time. Diana noticed

that his injuries were much more serious than hers. No one
else had resuscitated him, his chest was
covered in blood, and his head looked like a bloody mess.
"Almost dead."
Diana looked back and saw her friend with the second ambulance.
She walked slowly, her eyes filled with terror. They weren't
used to it yet.
"How scary, Camille.
She only nodded, and they both looked back at the sound
the door opened as the paramedics wheeled in the gurney without any
haste, and
Frank Carlyle, the paramedic from the third car, came in behind them.
knew at once that he had failed to save the man. She had heard on
the radio when they were called that five people had been found on the
slope near the port
, two already dead, three in serious condition. They
took three of them. She was lucky her big man didn't get shot
in the heart.
"He diedHe might
almost be able to survive.
immediately, Shenothing
there was is young, just starting
I could do," Frank
to take the
said, coming first steps in a difficult profession, and worried about all her
fleeting patients.
up to them. "Damn it. It's riddled with holes. There weren't even any eyes.
Surprisingly, he was
It's probably the still
terrifyingas we she
shift followed him up the slope.
's had in months. Every patient is a person. They burn
themselves with boiling water, poison themselves with food or pills, fall
down stairs, shoot
each other, but today… Today, for the first time, she was confronted with
the fact
sighed, took off her gloves, tossed them in the trash
as many as five people
, and went outside. Shewere
neededkilled by bullets.
to catch her breath and calm down – there
was still
the whole
- Heavy evening ahead
shift. Jack of her. the driver, got out of the car
and looked at it, nodding in satisfaction.
Diana often worked with him. Jack was older and more experienced,
knew and
daughter, with whom she had graduated from high school a year
ago.– I hope that you and I did not try in vain and our shot
man will live. Diana wanted a positive answer,
even if it was a lie.
– It won't. You don't even have to count on it.
She stared at Jack in surprise, trying
to see if she had understood him correctly. But he just grinned and jumped
into the
driver's seat. Diana walked around the car and sat down next to him.
- why?
"It's simple. They won't let him live. If he annoyed someone, then
no hospital will stop them from finishing what they started. This is from
She lookedDiane.
at the transparent doors of the hospital, where her friends,
like her, the paramedics, were discussing their patients. They
tried to save people's lives, but for these people, someone has already
– Why they livethey
don't or not.
increase security?"
– Do you think the customer will come to the hospital and finish him
off? No,
're wrong. Noyou
one will enter here, because each customer
has their own people who are already inside. It's a whole mafia.
Diana was taken aback. Are there any doctors who can kill? What if
this doctor is now with her patient? What if the man is already
dead? She tried to keep him alive, didn't let him die,
did an indirect heart massage… Her hands are still shaking –
and she looks down at them. And then a hired doctor will come
and just finish him off? Just like that? She exhaled.
"Perhaps our patient was a murderer, too. Maybe he
killed people, too. And I feel sorry for him.
"There are no good ones in the criminal world, Diana. They kill
don't feel sorry for them. They're not worth it. They create their own kind
and eliminate them themselves. It's a different world. Everything is bought
from them: the police,
doctors, lawyers, judges. Our job is to provide first aid,
and Jack's
then - right.
" He paused briefly.
But Diana was–offended.
And thenIt's
it's anot our for my feelings
problem anymore.
for that man, for my friends, for Frank, who lost a patient.
And it turns out, all in vain?
She looked up at the windshield and saw her friends walking
toward her. Frank was laughing as he told Camille something, so he wasn
't worried anymore. Diana rolled down the window and called out to them,
" Are you having fun?"

Frank walked over to the car.

– We decided to relieve stress with alcohol. Join us.
Diana smiled at him, and he lowered his beautiful gray
eyes. His dark hair was ruffled by the wind,
making him look boyishly attractive. She liked Frank.
She liked his personality, his smile. But she couldn't say it
was love. Her heart didn't skip a beat at the sight of him, her pulse was
steady, but she liked the way he reacted to her.
He'd asked her out a few times after work, but she'd always left
before he could afford to do anything more
"I'll be there," Diana said firmly, and smiled. "As
about her. He was a friend to her, and that was fine with her.
Frank looked at her again. He started to reply, but Camille
beat him to it.
"At the Gyrfalcon." We decided to shoot some more shots at the
shooting range today.
You "You
the crowd goisthere,"
like. Jack said, shaking his head. –
Diana agreed with him completely. She'd been
there once before on a date with her high school boyfriend. They ended
up being rudely thrown out because they weren't
even sixteen yet. But now that she was nineteen, it was unlikely that they
would be in danger
of anything like this.
Her thoughts wereButinterrupted
it was still by
a bit
radiotoingo there.
the car.
"Number seventeen, over."
Jack grabbed the radio.
"Seventeen on the line, what do you have?"
– There was an accident at the corner of Saint Avenue. There are
glanced back at got it, let's
Frank, but go." He turned
the guy on the
had already siren away
moved and Diane
from the car.
"Meet me at the Gyrfalcon!" – Stop it! " she shouted, and he waved at
goodher for


Night had fallen over the city, but the bright streetlights reminded its
residents that there was another life that lured them into its
heady world of revelry. At the edge of the city,
in the semi-darkness, the outline of a small bar could be discerned through
the green trees
. It was difficult to determine the size of its territory in the dark,
it seemed to be just a small house. But Diana knew that
there was a whole field of targets behind this house, where everyone could
try their
Dianahand at shooting.
did not dare to dress too openly in the bar, unlike
Camilla, who was in a short dress that allows
you to train the imagination of everyone present.
"Why are you dressed up like that?" Diana whispered when she saw
her friend half-naked. – We're going to a shooting range, not a
fashion show."
Camille looked down at herself and smiled with satisfaction.
"You go to the shooting range, and I'll show you the fashion show."
'll get luckyIand meet my fate today.
Frank laughed, and Diana frowned. I didn't
want them to get into any
trouble over a short skirt.
The bartender brought them a beer. If they're going to get drunk,
they should drink a lot. But after the first cup
, Diana felt better. They laughed a lot, shared funny incidents from
their lives, as if today's incident had never happened. The music,
cigarette smoke, and alcohol made them more intoxicated.
Camille left the table and walked slowly, her heels clicking on
the wooden floor, toward the bar, leaving
Diane and Frank alone.
"Diane," Frank said, realizing he'd had enough to drink for
the most unexpected revelation of his life. – I want to make you
an offer."
She froze, hoping he wouldn't continue.
– I like you." He smiled, then
looked down in embarrassment. "Not really. I like you very much. I want to
offer you
an official
The girldate.
exhaled. Thank God he wasn't asking her to marry him.
didn't make it any easier. Meet is to link

love yourself to a person, and it's good for her to be alone. She couldn't
imagine herself
with Frank. See him at work, after work, at night, in the morning. Always
just Maybe
Frank. A welot of Franks
should makescared
a jokeher.
of it... Although no,
the truth is always better. Even if it's bitter.
"I don't want to offend you, you're a very nice person, and maybe
" She said, taking
her seat and finishing for Diana, " You'll be lucky and she'll give you her
Frank looked at her in surprise, then back at
Diana. She just shrugged. It must be strange to hear about this
at this time. But what did they all care about her personal life?
Why was it so surprising now to be a virgin
at nineteen? No, she wasn't saving herself for anyone on purpose,
she just didn't see the point in giving the first person she met what
only she had.
"I'm sorry," Camille said, covering her mouth with her hand.
– It's okay, it's no secret. Diana rose from the
table. "I'll get some air." It's too stuffy in here.
She skirted a few tables and left the bar, immediately
plunging into the cool of the evening. She sat down on the curb next to the
and breathed in the scent of the forest. The wind ruffled her blond hair,
and she
lowered her head to her knees. She'd dated Sean Collie
when she was sixteen, but as soon as his hand was below her navel, she
"So beautiful
'd decided and
to break upsad.
with him. So she didn't love him, or she wouldn't
haveShe looked up and saw a blond guy standing in front of her.
He had a smirk on his face, and his small brown eyes were squinted
like the eyes of a pig in a cartoon. He sat down next to her,
and the smell of expensive perfume mixed with alcohol enveloped her. My
lurched with
– You a sense
don't of foreboding.
Instead of answering, she simply nodded. She didn't particularly want
to see anyone, but she couldn't say no.
"I'm Nicholas Griffin. I see you're bored with your friends.
I can invite you to join my company.

He grinned and touched her knee. This touch was

the reason to get up abruptly and immediately go where there are people.
– What do you want from me?"
"Entertain you."
– I'm already having fun.
Nicholas stood up too, blocking her view.
"Then entertain me."
Diana dodged and quickly darted into the hall. But even as she
sat down at her table, her heart was still pounding. Nasty
and unpleasant guy. Just like the whole place. It's time to stop
going to places like this. There are no good people to be found here, but
are plenty of adventures
Diana sat to betohad.
and pretended listen carefully to Frank. He
was talking about his cat, and Camille was giggling stupidly,
pretending that the cat's life was the best topic of the evening. Diana felt
eyes on
her and turned to see him, Nicholas Griffin,
sauntering over to the table where his
friends were sitting. Yes, he was the one who was glaring at her. People
like Nicholas don't like
"Let's Diana turned
go shoot," away,
Diana but behind
suggested, her she
wanting toheard
the whole group laughing
away from this place. loudly.
Frank nodded at her, interrupting his story, and Camille pretended
not to hear her offer. Weapons are the lot of men, so don't
waste your time on them. The girl crossed her legs,
showing off the beauty of her legs to the next table.
– Are you coming?" Frank asked, but Camille just waved her hand.
In the hall, not far from the bartender's counter, there was a shooting
three Threeseats.
guns, three targets,
It was intended for guests who
had never held a gun in their hands. Just to have fun.
"Diana, I want to apologize," he said, returning to the conversation
Frank, interrupted
and she almost believed that the guy had already forgotten.
– For what?"
"Maybe it's none of my business, but you're doing great. He touched
her – I support you. The man you choose will
be grateful to you.
She looked at him in surprise.

– I don't do it for a man, I do it for myself. And I don't care what

a man thinks. I'll just know that it's him I love.
Frank removed his hand from her shoulder, as if he was afraid of
tainting her.
by touching her honor
She laughed at the look on his face,
"I'm sorry.
" Well, Diana Oliver – "he gave her a small smile –" you don't stop
surprise me.
The girl headed for the bartender, leaving Frank at the targets.
"Give me the gun."
The bartender looked at her with displeasure:
"There are no pistols, there are guns, miss.
He pointed to the shooting range, letting her know that all the
already were
prepared. It for shooting
seems that he is very tired of such "arrows".
With a nod to the bartender and a grimace of displeasure, Diana
went to the table and picked up the shotgun. She must
have looked silly and ridiculous from the outside.
"Where are the bullets?" She looked down the barrel, and the
from her immediately
face. pulled it
"He's got no bullets, miss. Laser. Shoot the boars at least a thousand
times. You can even try to aim, but you and your friends
can just shoot without looking.
His words angered Diana a little. The bartender thought she was
Of course, she doesn't know much about weapons and doesn't know
anything about then.
– All right, them,Thebutgirl leaned her elbows on the table, the rifle
to has always
her shoulder. beenaim
She took her at
trump card.
a boar walking in a straight line and fired.
The boar fell. She pulled the trigger again and felled the other one.
Frank took the other rifle and joined her.
"Let's shoot the hell out of everyone, just like we did on the slope
in Porto today.
She laughed, drawing the attention of a nearby table.
Everyone abruptly fell silent. Or was it Frank's words that kept them silent
and waited carefully for the rest of the story to continue?
"We're paramedics from the Ambulance," Diana smiled at them
She turned away and fired again, completely without aiming, and
this time she missed.
Frank chuckled and assumed a gunslinger's pose. When he pulled the
trigger, he also
missed. The boars were moving slowly and it seemed
impossible to miss, but even with a toy gun
it was difficult
Diane tookto hit.waiting for Frank to fire together.
"Fire!" he shouted, and they both pulled the triggers on
their guns at the same time.
Diana's boar fell. She laughed, and the bartender
looked at her with interest.
"Miss trained as a marksman somewhere?"
Diana shook her head.
- no. Just very accurate from childhood. They wanted to sign me up for
basketball, but I don't like this game.
The bartender shrugged. Perhaps he was wrong about this
Diana fired ten more shots, hitting eight of them.
Frank took down two of them.
"Diana, is this your first trip to Vienna?" I asked suddenly
She never thought about it.
"Probably. I don't remember any problems anyway.
"Good luck," he sighed, and put the shotgun down on the table. "I'll
pass." You
've won.
She looked down at the rifle in her hands and
lowered it with a smile. She liked to shoot. So the accumulated
energy came out. And it was much easier for her, perhaps now she can
safely go home and go to bed.
She started to move toward the table, but a hand stopped
her. Bartender. He was slightly nervous as he looked from her to the
other men in the room. He slipped the paper into her hand and whispered:
- Look at the houses. This is the address of someone who needs your
Come back next Friday. Don't tell anyone. Come
alone.He moved away from her, picked up a tray of empty glasses, and
behind the counter. Diana felt the rolled-up paper in her hand, and she
was very happy.

She wanted to open her hand and see what it said, but she didn't
dare. She'll read it when she's alone.
Nicholas Griffin was giving her more and more interested
glances, and it was annoying. She'd seen how
much whiskey they'd drunk. Now they, drunk, will get behind the wheel
and rush in their
cool cars to cut through the streets of the night city, scaring rare
passers-by. It's even possible that people like Nicholas knock down poles,
overturn cars, get into accidents, and then call her
to help them. More often, you don't need help anymore. And after the
words "time
of death..." she returns to the substation in a depressed mood, with a
sense of unfulfilled
duty. And the blame for everything is alcohol, fun
and coolness.

Chapter 2
When Diana got home, she collapsed on the bed. Her hand
opened and the crumpled piece of paper fell onto the blanket. The girl
it up and unfolded it, revealing the address and time of 12: 00 in a clear,
hand. No name, no initials,
nothing. She remembered the bartender saying that she would be
expected next
Friday. But for what? Who could use her talent? Did
she have that talent anyway? What could they offer her?
Was this a joke? Maybe there would be trouble waiting for her there. And
In the
should shemorning, she wasAnd
go there alone? woken
if sheupgoes,
by a will
come back alive?
"Diana, I'm sorry about last night," Camille
Her mind was full of questions, her thoughts began to get whined on confused,
the other end
andthe line, "sleep
feeling I didn't mean
taking itsto offend
toll, you. I don't covered
she undressed, know why I
herself with a
said that.
, and– fell
I already
asleep,forgot. And
leaving theforget
search it.for
not at allfor
shy about
the being like this.
– You know, Diane, maybe I'm just jealous of you.
Diana laughed. Jealous of her? To what? That
she was still innocent at nineteen? When Camilla herself changed
partners so often that she forgot their names. And Diana's life was
devoid of carnal pleasures.
"Trust me, Camille, your life is much more interesting than mine.
It will get to the point where for the first time I won't even be able to
admit that I'm still a girl.
They laughed, and Diana hung up after saying good-bye.
She went to the window, pulled back the curtain, and looked out. The sun
immediately blinded her – the weather was fine.
Her small house was far away from the roads and big
shops. It was left to Diana by her mother, who went to Arizona
with another lover. After the death of their father, their lives changed
dramatically: they were never rich, and without a breadwinner, they were
impoverished. Her father worked in the port as an ordinary longshoreman,
there was enough money

only for what you need. After his death, Diana's mother, who worked
as a nurse at the hospital, began to take more shifts. And after her
daughter graduated from high school, she decided to leave her a house
and an old car, and she
left with a man Diana couldn't accept. She didn't
understand how her mother could betray her father's memory. I couldn't
After her mother's departure, Diana's life became quite modest.
her for
After that.
completing her paramedic training, she began to earn a living
by saving a hundred dollars from each paycheck for college.
She didn't want to work in an ambulance all her life – Diana wanted to go
on to medical school and maybe become a doctor, or at least a
nurse, like her mother. Although she knew that she would have to save
for ten years.
After a quick shower and a quick bite to eat, she headed to
work, remembering last night as she went.
Nicholas Griffin's face came back to her with a twinge of disgust. His
brown eyes roamed over her body appraisingly. She shuddered at the
thought of him. Why do some people evoke such emotions?
He hadn't
- hello!done anything
Frank caught to
with her at the substation. "How are you?"
She whirled on him.
– Are you kidding me?" First Camille, now you...
Frank wasn't expecting this reaction, so he took a step back.
– I just wanted to ask you how you're feeling after
last night... " he began defensively, and Diane realized she'd
gone too far.
"I'm sorry, Frank, I'm fine. My head hurt a little, but
it's better now.
"Diane –" he said as he drew level with her, " why don't we go
out together tonight?"
She paused, remembering her plans for the evening. The only plan
to sleep as long as possible. She'd tried to tell him yesterday
that "Frank,
they weren't going but
no offense, to make it, think
I don't but Camille had ruined
we're quite right it.
for each other. I like you very much, but as a friend.
He nodded in understanding, but his face was visibly sad.


"You can wait a long time for a prince on a white horse, Diana,but you
The girl laughed and shrugged. She didn't need the prince.
Diana walked down the path to the park, leaving her friend alone,
and sat down on a bench. I closed my eyes and took a relaxed breath.
was still time to be quiet before the heavy shift and enjoy
the peace of mind. The July sun was hotter than usual, but
now the trees hid Diana from its rays. She loved sitting
in this park, listening to the rustle of leaves and the chirp of birds. It felt
like a gentle breeze enveloped her body, making her thoughts soar
to the heavens. She opened her eyes and looked up at the sky. Blue.
It's especially bright today, with a few clouds drifting slowly
away.Through the green foliage, she saw Frank striding toward her
. His body, his beauty, caused a surge of strange
feelings. Maybe he's right and it's worth a try. She didn't understand
herself and contradicted herself: One minute I didn't want to think of him
as my
He sat the next
down nextI wanted to silence,
to her in be with him. Theatuncertainty
looking the station irritated
him and suddenly said,
" Frank, give me a kiss."
He narrowed his eyes, trying to see if he understood her request
But she touched his cheek with her fingers. So that's right.
Frank leaned down and touched her lips, his hand pulling her
closer, touching her hair, savoring every moment. It was
a gentle kiss, at first a childish one, but then, under Frank's pressure
, it turned into a grown-up one. He could feel it in every cell of his body.
The image of Nicholas Griffin suddenly flashed through Diana's mind,
his hungry gaze, the shooting gallery, the boars falling on their sides,
and the note...
"God, I forgot..." She suddenly broke away from his lips,
jumped up, and ran into the substation building.
It wasn't Frank she was worried about, or even the kiss. She
rushed to the schedule, searching for her name for next Friday.
All day long!
She checked Camille and Frank's schedule and found that
it was their day off. It might be worth switching shifts.

did she decide to go? I don't know where or why. It was scary and
interesting at the same
time. What does that address hide? Maybe we should go
and As
what's out away
walked there.from her schedule, she bumped into Frank and
remembered that she had left him alone, breaking
off the kiss... I don't know what came over me.
– You're so weird, Diane. I'm starting to be afraid of you. He stepped
her and opened his locker to get his uniform, still giving her a
Diana watched him go and sat down on a chair by her
locker, kicking off her sandals and unbuttoning her jeans.
Frank left her alone, allowing her to
change in peace.
All day her team was called to different addresses, there was
no opportunity even to eat. By evening, Diana was falling off her feet. The
night had affected her well-being: walking is good when
you don't have to go to work the next day. But it's too late to blame
You can only draw conclusions. By the end of the shift, even Jack was
tired. He
drove the car
"Jack! to my
– Oh, the God!
ambulance station in silence.
" she exclaimed. "Can weDiane dozed off for
go somewhere a
" 44 Beach Avenue.
but somewhere on the edge of her mind, the address written on the
crumpled piece
– I don't know,of paper appeared,
" he said. I want to see it.
and She
she woke up.
liked Jack because he didn't ask too many questions. Without a
turned thehe
car around and drove to the address indicated, passing the
and turning into the embankment near the port. There he stopped the car
and –muttered:
You can't go any further – a barrier.
Diana looked out the window and saw a two-story red - and-
white brick building. In the dark, its roof was beautifully illuminated and
the sign "Shipping company SV" was brightly illuminated under it.
"What is this building, Jack?"
"Probably a shipping company. Now there are so many
of them that I do not know the names of all of them.
Diana took one more look at the beautiful building, at the sign,
memorizing the name, and decided to return here the following
Friday. What can such an organization do to her? I don't think they'll kill
me, and I don't think they'll rape me either. She nodded
to herself in satisfaction, her eyes scanning the fleet of cars parked
Motley models of various brands-from a shabby
"Cometo a black
on, Jack.lacquered Infiniti.

The whole next week turned out to be difficult: a motor ship

with tourists arrived, a fire broke out in one of the cabins, which
spread throughout the ship. Working together with Frank, Diana was the
to get into
– Do theeven
you heathave
of the moment.
a self-preservation instinct?! – Stop it! " he
shouted at her.
peopleWhat instinct
gasping forwas he talking
breath? about when
She fearlessly she heard
climbed through the burning
cabin furniture, saving other people's lives while risking her own.
Her enthusiasm came to an end when she received the house bill
and realized that she couldn't save for school this month. She'd already
sold the car to cover her debts. What else was left? A house?
Sell it and buy a small room? Or live under a bridge
and still cherish the dream of studying?
Once in the park near the ambulance station, she sat down on
a bench and sighed. I really wanted to cry. Diane knew
she should find another job, but the Ambulance was taking up too
much time and effort.
"Don't be sad. Frank sat down next to her. – Why do you need to
're smart You as it is.
She glared at him, but he continued anyway.
– You just need to get married well.
" For you? For a paramedic with the same salary?
The boy looked down, offended.
– Why me?" Well, even if it's for me, two salaries are better
than one.
Diana smiled. Frank is a nice guy, caring,
and supportive, but she won't marry him. Because he doesn't like it.

Will live under a bridge or at best in a barn. And

you can no longer think about studying… I suddenly remembered the
beautiful building
of Shipping company SV and the black Infiniti parked in the parking lot.
What "Frank,
if they can
offer her
a job?
I'll give you Friday and go out
into the night, plus all of Saturday for you.
He looked at her blankly
– I have to go somewhere."
– Where to?"
"None of your business.
He wanted to be offended, but the prospect of a weekend off on
pushed his resentment to the back of his mind.
- OK. But I want something else.
Now it was she who looked at him in surprise, and Frank went on.
"A date.
"Good," she sighed. There was no other choice.


On Friday, Diana woke up too early. She

spent several days thinking about what she would wear and what makeup
she would do. If this
is an interview, then she should put on a minimum of makeup and wear
something strict. There wasn't anything" strict " in the closet, but Diana
continued to take things out, examine them, and throw them back on
the bed. Jeans went first, followed by a plaid
blouse, an over-the-knee skirt, a black evening dress, T-shirts, tank tops,
and shorts… Fifteen minutes later, she was on the verge
of tears, but forcing herself to pull herself together, Diane
reached deeper into the closet, pulling out the clothes she'd worn to
Her plaid skirt flew to the bed. Black breeches-on the bed, but
better. White blouse. She put it to herself and went
to the mirror. Not bad. Hoping that she hadn't gained any weight since
Diana pulled it on, fastening the small buttons on her chest.
Taking a deep breath, she realized that not only did she not gain weight,
she even lost weight. I reached back into the closet and pulled out a pair
of black jeans.

classic pants. She wanted to cry again: they were no

longer fashionable, they would laugh at her in that beautiful building. They
also flew to the
bed. Pencil skirt. Of course, how could she have forgotten about her!
When she put it on, she found that she had lost too much weight – the skirt
fit her hips, but hung limply. She yanked it
off and sat down on the floor, remembering what she hadn't found yet. I
think about three years
ago my mother bought her a formal black dress with short
sleeves… Diana didn't like it, and she never
put it on. But as I continued my search in the closet, I came across the
package that
put on she
dress and and
to thetomirror,
work on
her makeup.
she A couple swipes of mascara – nothing too much, but now her blue
eyes were
had lost allstarting to stand
the weight out when
she had from under
she wasthesixteen.
black curled lashes. She
The dress
put on red lipstick. I rubbed it out in disgust, then
fit perfectly, emphasizing her petite figure and going down tried
to find the
below another
knees. one.
thepale pink glitter was perfect.
"Oh, and my hair," Diana moaned, her hair completely forgotten
She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and secured it with a clip. A
strands immediately popped out of the general mass, but this gave it
a zest. I chose shoes with medium heels – I didn't want to fall off yet.
She would have liked to wear sneakers, but they didn't suit
her strict
looked at herself in the mirror,
smiled with satisfaction, and went outside.
Diana fidgeted with her small black purse throughout the ride.
She looked out the window at the scenery rushing past, at the people
walking quietly somewhere, she even envied their calmness. Her
thoughts drifted back to the building, which was both inviting
and repulsive. The taxi arrived at its destination too quickly –
there was still half an hour left before the appointed time. She followed
the path
to the building, past the barrier, and found herself in the parking lot. The
black Infiniti was gone, replaced by a black
-tinted Lexus. Diana had been interested in cars since childhood
, and now, standing and looking at the Lexus, she could tell for sure that

the cost of the machine is so high that even if it sells all

its organs, it is unlikely to be enough for even half. Who
drives it? What was she doing here? There's still time to go away and
forget this address
and this Lexus. But her feet carried her to the glass doors.
Touching the silver handle, she paused, not daring to enter.
Two people were struggling inside it, one screaming in panic: "What are
doing here?
She stoodTurn
for around
a momentandlonger,
leave! then
"- thetook
second onebreath
a deep smiledand
and whispered: "Since you've come, then come in and find
the handle toward her. The glass door, highly polished, opened. out who needs
from you."
me, miss, who are you going to see?"
She was startled when she saw the guard
in front of her – a middle-aged man with a powerful build.
Diana hesitated, not knowing what to say. Who is she going to see?
Who else
could explain where she is? What should I tell him? That she was drinking
at a bar with friends
and "I..."
the bartender slipped
she whispered her and
softly a note with into
looked this his
address? Maybe
eyes, not it's not too
late to think.
to leave...?
The guard frowned.
– Are you going for an interview?
Diana breathed a sigh of relief. She had guessed right – this was the
way strange
she had
"Yes," been
she invited
said, to an
watching interview.
the guard pick up the phone and
call someone.
She could hear him muttering, but her eyes were fixed
on the large hall, and soon the guard's voice was lost in the background of
the impressions that suddenly flooded through her. If she didn't
know what was in the shipping company, she would have thought it
was a hall for receiving the king's guests and holding balls. There was so
much space and the atmosphere was so bright and sunny that she wanted
to turn into a princess and dance around the
polished tiles on the floor. A wide staircase to the right of the entrance
rose proudly
to the second floor. Diana looked up and realized that
the second-floor hallway was perfectly visible:
only a transparent railing separated him from the hall. From downstairs,
she could
see all the offices from below and above. She looked up at the ceiling

and she gasped with delight – such high ceilings she had never
seen before. For a moment, Diana thought she was in a palace. All that
was missing
was "Miss,
the throne.
go to the second floor and turn right, please. The
guard gestured toward the stairs.
Diana nodded to him and walked in the direction he indicated. Her
heels clattered on the floor, afraid that she might fall.
Thousands of eyes seemed to be fixed on her, even though there were no
other people present besides
the guard. My heart ached with fear of the unknown.
Once on the stairs, she reached for the banister, then jerked
her hand away when she noticed how polished it was. The thought
occurred to
her that she was dressed too simply for the occasion.
A Gucci dress would look much more impressive here. But she didn't have
and Diana
like a upsimpleton, she lowered
to the waiting her head
room, which was to hide in
awash her
flowers, and
there were It's not her level, too luxurious and too
countless of them, from large to small, from simple greens
to blooming bright colors. The smell was surprisingly pleasant.
The abundance of greenery relaxed her, and she moved on. A
red-haired girl with bright makeup, probably a secretary, was sitting at
the table,looking
– How do youat Diana
do?" with voice
Diana's displeasure
was very low, but there
was no need to shout: the building was silent.
The receptionist stared at her from head to toe in silence, and
the unfriendly gaze made Diana feel completely creepy. Dad often said
that in the world of the rich, everyone is dry and strict. Now Diana saw
for herself.
"Sit down," the girl said, and pointed with a pencil.
Take Diana's place in the midst of the flowers.
Glancing around, Diana could make out a black leather
sofa and two chairs that were obviously reserved for visitors.
A guy slightly older than Diana was sitting in one of the chairs, clearly
for an invitation.
- hello. He smiled
The guy was dressed
at her,simply in jeans
and Diane's andimmediately
heart a light T-shirt,
it didn't bother him. He was watching her.
a little calmer. At least someone in this building can smile. – I –

Matt Bourne.
"Diana." She smiled back at him and looked around.
It's peaceful and green, and it doesn't suit
the receptionist, who always looked like she didn't like
visitors. Where does the boss look? Why are such shrews kept
in such a place?.. Diana was roused from her thoughts by a middle-aged
who suddenly appeared next to her secretary and threw
some documents
. He on her desk
left the waiting room as
quickly as he'd arrived.
The receptionist glared after him, as if she
had been interrupted from her most important task, then slowly got up
from her desk and picked
up the papers. Diana's stomach clenched at the brusque
"Are youof the staff.
going for Maybe it's not too
an interview?" late
Matt to leave
turned yet.
back to her, distracting
her, but his eyes were also on the receptionist. She
came out from behind her desk, papers in hand, and paused at
the massive dark wood door, adjusting her shockingly short
skirt and the neckline of her blouse. Diana was amused for a moment.
Preening for the boss, if that's his door, of course.
There must be something between them if she's so worried about her
appearance. The rich have their own quirks, they can have wives
and mistresses at the same time. And there can be several mistresses.
Olga knocked and went in. As soon as the door slammed behind her,
Diana turned her gaze to Matt. I think he asked her a question.
"Yeah, sort of. And you?
- I do. He smiled at her, and the smile alone made her feel warm
and comfortable. It would be worse to sit here alone. – I'm getting a job
as a security guard. And you?
Diana raised her eyebrows. A security guard? Then who is she?
"I honestly don't know.
He started to laugh, but it was interrupted by someone coming out of
the office.
"Come on in."
Matt got up and turned around just before the office and nodded to
and Diana,
for some reason she whispered to him, "Good luck." I was surprised at
Good luck is to escape from here, and as far away and fast as possible.
Alone in the waiting room, Diana noticed that her
fingers were shaking. She hid them in her purse so the receptionist
As her agitation.
Diana glanced briefly at Olga, she became more and more
that she was pretty. Young, beautiful, slender. What else
does your boss need? She probably doesn't act so nervous around him, but
smiles at him as she brings him coffee or documents. Or maybe she's his
so he keeps this vixen here, paying her for sex as well. The rich
have their own quirks. Diana herself would never sell herself for money.
the biggest ones.
Lost in her ownEven if she'dshe
thoughts, been offered
didn't a black
notice the
Lexus instead.
door open It's too
and Matt humiliating
step out. to sell your body. Better to lie
in a "Come
ditch without
on in," athe
house or food than
receptionist said,to sit Diana
and here and serve the boss,
giving yourself up whenever he asks.
got up in a flash.
Matt smiled at her and nodded. So they took him. A security guard.
As they neared the massive door, Diana's heart began
to beat faster, her palms sweating, and her breathing quickened. But there
was still a
choice. You could walk away and forget about this kingdom like
a nightmare. And live your old life. Work at
an Ambulance substation and cherish the dream of studying. Diana was at
a crossroads. And it up
She summoned wasalltime
her to make a choice.
willpower and went into the study.

Chapter 3
Dimmed lights. Coolness from an open window. Large
spacious office. Diane exhaled and saw a long office
desk and walked over to it. It was empty. Not a single piece of paper,
cleanliness. She
sank into a chair and covered her face with her hands, trying to get some
sense out
of the– You're so worried."
excitement and pounding of her heart. God must have given her
a minute. heard a soft baritone voice somewhere to her left and jumped
in surprise. Dropping her hands, the girl turned around. God didn't give
a minute!
The manHe was sitting
just making
a littlefun of her.
further away, at his desk, slightly in
shadow –
no wonder she hadn't noticed him. Diana was
about to sink through the floor. Or not! To run. And as far away as possible
shame. Andwhat
know he watched
to say. Andher he
in silence for her
didn't ask a while
any questions.
probably laughing to himself.
was becoming torture. Why is he silent?!
Diana felt him get up from his seat and sit down across
from her. She didn't dare look up at him, too afraid.
She took out the piece of paper the bartender had shoved at her and
handed it to him without a word. Let him figure it out for himself. She
As hesay a word
read, to a better look at him.
she finally
A black-haired man in an elegant suit was sitting in front of her.
Not at all what she had imagined him to be. But there was
something powerful about him. Something that made her skin crawl.
Power. Money. She wasn't even sure what else to do. Power?
He read the note and crumpled it up.
He looked at the girl, and that
piercing blue gaze, cold as sapphires, made Diana
want to hide. A sly smile touched his lips.
"Well," he said quietly, " I've been told about you.
Another pause. He thought about something and looked away. But
now at him intently, hoping to hear, " You're not going to help us."
she stared

come here."
– What's your name?"
She continued to stare, even though she wanted nothing more
than to scream.
"Diana Oliver."
He nodded, smiling slightly. He even knows how to smile
unlike his secretary!
– How old are you, Diana?"

"Oh, my God," he whispered, and she felt hysterical inside.

What is it that he doesn't like about her age? Why was he looking at her
like a
– You're working?"
"In an ambulance, as a paramedic.
His gaze made me want to crawl under the table. He looked at her as
if he could read her mind.
– Diana, have you ever handled a real weapon?"
She thought she had misunderstood him. What's a weird
interview question?.. One day she went hunting with her father,
and he gave her a shot at a duck. She hit it the first time. But
why would he know that? It was so long ago that it was hard
to remember.
You're lying."
Diana looked up at him sharply, and her heart
stopped beating for a second.
– What makes you think that?"
The man leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.
returned to his lips.
– You looked down when you answered the question. This is a sign of
getting mouth
scarier dropped
by the open in surprise. It was
– Can you read my mind?"
— no. But I don't like being lied to.
Fear gripped her from that gaze.
– Wouldn't it have been easier to give me a questionnaire? The girl
asked softly.

But he just continued to study her in silence.

A nervous lump rose in my throat.
"Just tell me what you want from me and I'll leave,
" Diana panted.
"Think about it logically. Can you think?"
He was mocking her and clearly enjoying it.
"You know, I don't see the logic in my being in this place,"
the girl blurted out, and the man nodded in response.
"That's better. Think again.
Anger was taking the place of fear. What does he want? What would
sheThat's what she'll think. Out loud.
– I was at the Gyrfalcon, having a beer with some friends. Can I tell
you their
names?" Diana looked at him carefully and saw his
interest. All his attention was on her. He
studied all of her: her movements, her facial expressions, her voice, her
"No names.
She –knew that, shooting
We were and it scared her.
at the shooting range with a stupid laser rifle, and
weremy boarsand falling. Then the bartender came over and handed me
this. She
nodded at the crumpled
– Where's the logic?"note. "That's
Me and you.all.
The girl lowered her eyes, not wanting to go into details. There
is no"Ilogic
her and
you," Diana said softly, feeling the
man straighten up. It seemed to her that he was big and formidable, and
there was fact
– The so much of him
that you that
don't it was
know mehard
is a to
plus. But I'll
introduce myself. Stefano Visconti.
She had never heard that name before. But the Italian
name confirmed her suspicions about his appearance.
Blue-black hair, slightly curly, straight aristocratic
nose, regular black eyebrows. Thick black lashes
that hid her ocean-blue eyes. The contrast of his white shirt,
the collar sticking out of his jacket, with his tanned skin made him
look like hell. No. Rather, he was handsome. His
features were so regular that she felt like a gray
mouse. I immediately remembered the secretary preening herself

before you go to him. A handsome man with Italian blood. What

did he have to do with her? She was completely lost in her own
thoughts, and at the same time realized that she had
been just looking at him in silence for quite some time.
– I don't know you."
Stefano Visconti laughed, showing a snow-white
smile, and the girl couldn't help but smile back.
"Of course you don't.
The tension between them began to ease. She didn't know what
exactly caused it, maybe it was his laughter. And her smile.
– You're a good shot, Diana.
Stefano stopped laughing abruptly, and the smile
left her face just as quickly. As she got closer and closer to the reason for
being in this place, she realized that maybe she didn't want to know
the truth. It was
– I want beginning
to see it." to frighten her.
He said this in a commanding tone and rose from his seat.
A shiver ran through her. How is he going to "watch"? Will he pull
out a gun and start waving it in her face?
Visconti opened the door and waited only for her. Grabbing her purse,
she got up and left. The receptionist made
a face of displeasure again, but as soon as she saw the boss behind Diana,
she immediately
smiled. Her eyes
Stefano shone,
ignored her,and she instinctively
sidestepping her andadjusted
headingher hair.
for the stairs.
"Come on."
She started to follow him, but she couldn't move fast
, because of the damned heels. As she watched the stairs for support, she
notice Stefano stop, and only when she bumped into him
did she look up. Fear took hold of her again. Visconti was bigger than her,
much bigger, and he made her look like a small, fragile girl.
"Steph! A voice called out, and he looked up, breaking
eye contact. Diana followed his gaze. There
was a man standing at the top of the stairs, the same man who had
"It's the documents
worth seeing," and tossed
Stefano them
said, andon
the secretary's
held her breath.desk. "Need me?"

What to see? What do these men want with her?!

As she passed the door leading to the street, a thought crossed her
mind: "Should I run out? And run as fast as possible?
There's a chance." But Stefano, reading her thoughts, stopped and looked
The cold blue gaze of her eyes made him want to disappear, disappear
, and"Inever
don't come
bite," back.
he said, " you can leave here whenever you
"I already want to," Diana whispered.
– Only after you show me what you can do."
Just the sight of him scared the hell out of her. Although in a different
within the walls ofthan
his kingdom, she wouldn't have felt his power.
With a submissive nod, the girl followed him.
After descending to a floor that Diana didn't
even know existed, the men led her to a room that served
as a shooting area. Not the one at the bartender's at the Gyrfalcon
with the boars and laser guns, but it was real.
In the distance, there were targets like in movies, and
weapons were placed on a wooden table. Various. Rifles, pistols,
shotguns… A chill
ran down her skin at the sight, and Diana backed away, but
bumped into something big. Visconti's hands were immediately on her
"Don't be afraid," Stefano said, leading her to the weapons table. -
Choose any of them. It's all the same to you now.
"Steph," the man whispered, " she's just a kid. And she's a girl.
The words made Diana's head spin. A child! She
's a child to them! Maybe they'll take pity on her and let her go home.
– I know.
Diana had never seen so many guns in her life. Who are these people?
What do they want from her?
"I can't..." she whispered, but then she felt the cold
iron in her hand as Stefano put the gun in her hands.
"Then try it." The anger in his voice took its toll, and in her fear, she
aimed at one of the targets, feeling his hand press
something on her gun.
- Safety lock.
She was standing so small next to two huge
men, with real weapons in her hands, aiming and not believing
what was happening. I pulled the trigger, and
a deafening shot rang out, filling my ears, and my arm immediately jerked
to the side. Diana
lowered the gun, hoping they'd let her go now. But
there, "was no permission
More." to leave, just a soft baritone voice saying
Shoot again.
She looked at Stefano, but the man's eyes were fixed
on something far away. Diane raised the gun again – her hand shaking
slightly –
and pulled the trigger again and again until she was out of bullets. Her
muscles ached from the strain when she finally heard a light
whistle behind
"Holy herof
Mother and turned
God! - thearound.
second one admired. Diana still couldn't
a good look at it. And whether it is necessary? "It hit the target right away.
I know
He only oneatsuch
looked shooter.
Stefano, but Stefano was still looking at Diana.
"And you say she's a girl."
Diana didn't understand. Perhaps she made a big
mistake by not missing, or perhaps she made several
mistakes by coming here at once. The whole day seemed like one big
The to her!
two men looked at each other, and for a second Diane thought she
would never leave. Alive, anyway.
"I need you," Stefano said firmly.
– What do you mean?"
He took the gun from her hand.
"Your talent in exchange for money. You shoot – I pay.
Diana opened her mouth, only now beginning to understand why
the bartender had given her this address. She almost knew who Stefano
Visconti was. She remembered the big man she'd driven in
the ambulance and the eyeless guy who'd died at Frank's.
She didn't want to know the answer, she was afraid of the words he
might say.
say it.
– I need a sniper, Diane. A man I could
teach myself everything, a man who was loyal to me, who followed all my
orders. And they can be very different, you know.

She covered her mouth in disbelief. What does he say?

What sniper?
– I'll pay you so much money that you'll stop
thinking about it and start living normally."
Nausea rose in her throat, and she put her hands to her ears. Kill?
Follow his orders? Like those men on the slope near the port? Is this
his doing?! She immediately remembered her driver's words: "Mafia."
"No..." she moaned, and a sudden thought occurred to her:
will they let her go now? ...
As she backed away, she bumped into a table, and Stefano laughed.
"Steph, wait," the man said, " she doesn't
understand right now." Diana, "he said to her," listen to me. It's
hard for you to understand the whole situation right now, but just think
about it. No one insists.
You are a valuable find for us. No one can shoot that well - "
He looked at Stefano and continued," Almost no one. Working
as a –hitman
No, no,isno!
dangerous. But for
She clapped her this
handsthey payher
over money
ears,and not small
feeling ones.
the tears of
to fall from her eyes.
"Antonio, come out," Stefano said, and Diana immediately
ran to the man.
– Don't go away, don't leave me with him!
The man tried to hug her, but the boss's stern look made it clear
that it was best not to. Antonio raised his hands and left without a word.
were left alone. Diana wiped away her tears with her hand, looking into
her blue eyes,
and started backing away again, wanting to get away from this
devil. She hit the table again. Should I grab a gun
and Visconti
shoot him? didSo
notwhat? They'll
approach put
her. Inher
thein jail, or worse,
criminal kill her
world, she'd right
peopleHis people.
were often killed and raped. How many did he kill? How many
have you raped? "Diana, I'll give you something you can't even dream of."

– I don't want your money.

"Everyone needs money. Money rules the world. The main one is the
has a lotwho
of them.
She shook her head, expecting his anger, but he didn't answer.
Visconti remained calm.

– You work for me, and in return I take responsibility for you.
No one will touch you under my name. I will
teach you personally. I'll make you a real sniper. And you'll
only work for me.
Stefano sat down next to her, and she found the courage to look at
He wasn't being harsh now. Rather, he begged, he begged. But she
– Youherself as aclean
will only killer,
upcold and
those soulless,
who shooting
cross my path.
And in my world, believe me, there are no good people.
The girl exhaled nervously.
– Why me?" You can teach anyone.
– You're wrong. People are born with it. Shoot accurately at the
is your
talent. I have the same one.
She looked at him and said nothing. Was it a dream? She wished she
forget about that day, wake up in her cozy crib and realize that
it was all just
– Why a dream.
don't you work for yourself?" It would save a lot
of money.
The man smiled.
– I can't." I'm in charge, Diane. One of the main ones in this city. You
have no idea what kind of place you live in. What's going
on outside of your mind.
It seemed to Diana that these words were a cry from the soul. She
to Stefano and wondered. It's like living on Earth and then finding out that
– Dolived
youon Mars
have all your
many life.
"Very much.
He looked at her.
– I don't need a killer, Diane. There are enough shootouts as it is. I
need a professional. One silent shot – one dead body.
How long they sat there, she didn't know. Long. Infinitely. Silently.
She's a little girl, and he's a crime boss.
Now she realized it was his Lexus at the entrance. And you don't have to
sell your
organs, just kill them and you'll have Infiniti on your doorstep
. The second shot is a house. The third is a beautiful life. How
ridiculous it all sounded just now! And as simple as that: one, two, three...

Just like in a computer game. But this is life. God gives it and
only he has the right to take it away. After all, someone is waiting for him,
he has a family. She couldn't imagine herself as a God.
And she didn't want to be around the likes of Stefano Visconti. This
is a cruel, bloody world built on the bones of people. She doesn't belong
in it. She was born to be a doctor, to get married, to have children.
That's what she wanted. What would she get out of it? Money? And why
would she
need them, smeared with blood, without love? Live in constant fear,
afraid that tomorrow may not come. She couldn't do that.
She –wanted to live.
How long do you need to think?"
Chapter 4
Despite herself, Diana spent the next week thinking
about last Friday, about the beautiful building, about the man who had
her so much fear, and thinking about his words again and again. She
lost sleep and her appetite. The nights were full of nightmares. Time after
, when she woke up in a sweat, she realized that she was starting to go
crazy. She
dreamed of him smiling a little, squinting, and holding out a gun. Even in
her sleep, she didn't touch her weapon – she ran away from Visconti, but
always caught up with her, and she woke up screaming. It seemed to
Diana that he
was everywhere: at work, at home, on the street. She became paranoid:
she always
She was faced with a terrible choice, squeezing all the strength out of
felt that she was being watched. But Diana had no doubt that there
was surveillance – people like Stefano Visconti wouldn't miss out. If
twisting her, pinning her in a vise. But can you call it her
she didn't agree to his offer, he would starve her out. Or
choice? Her fate has already been decided for her. Stefano gave her time
kill him. She didn't rule it out, knowing who he was and what he wanted. If
to think. In fact, he'd given her time to adjust to his
she refuses, they'll get rid of her – they don't need any extra witnesses.
He let her go, saying, "I'll find you myself," and she was
sure of it. For the next week, she was startled by
sudden voices and the people around her. She withdrew into herself,
became more silent and listened less. She was on autopilot;
when she saw a gunshot and a bloody body, she didn't
know what she was dealing with right away. It wasn't until the man died in
her arms that she
realized she might be in his place. Perhaps Stefano
Visconti was reminding her that time was running out. Perhaps it was he
who "Diana,
the answer."
The sound
to herof
this way.
voice so close to her made her
- what?
– You promised me a date, remember?"

She'd forgotten all about it. When she was lost in thought, she
even forgot to eat.
"Yes, I remember," she said, looking down, and then she remembered
Stefano Visconti had said: "You looked down when you answered the
looked at her friend, afraid that he might have noticed the
is a but
lie, signhe
it at face value. Because he's not
Stefano Visconti.
"Tonight, do you mind?"
She shrugged her shoulders. She didn't care when she didn
't want to go anywhere at all. My only desire was to get home
and bury myself in bed, hiding from reality.
– Why don't you say anything all the time?" Frank looked into her
hoping for answers. – What's wrong with you, Diana?" Tell
me, She
do you have
only hadaone
problem: she wanted him to leave her
alone and the whole world to leave her alone! And that's not likely to
She stepped away from him and said softly, " I don't know.
"Okay, tonight.
As she walked home on her usual way, she couldn
't help but look around. The feeling of being chased wouldn't let go.
Among the cars, she looked for a black Lexus, but it was nowhere
to be found. She hoped for a miracle, hoped to be left alone, even though
she knew in her mind that it wouldn't happen. All the time it seemed that
was about to be pushed into a car and taken away in an unknown
No one will even know what happened to her. Nobody. Because she
didn't say anything to anyone. Maybe I should tell
The everything.
house was theNo.only
It's too
safedangerous. Diana
haven. After didn't
locking thewant to risk her
and checking the bolts on the windows, she began to get ready for
life, either.
her date. Nomight
This one will
be know.
the last date of her life.
And maybe it was time to say goodbye to your innocence, even
if it was hurriedly with the wrong person, but tomorrow might not
come at all.
Frank had picked her up in his old Mercedes, and she
was grateful that she didn't have to walk
and look around all the time.
"Well, choose where we'll go?"
She wanted to be somewhere underground, hidden from
prying eyes, so that no one could discover her.
"Maybe the Lotus?"
"It's awful out there, Diane. And the contingent leaves much to be
in onIfFriday...
only he knew what kind of" contingent " she was
– What kind of contingent do you need, Frank?" She raised her voice,
glaring at him.
"Diana, I'm not asking you to go to a Michelin-starred restaurant. But I
afford to take you somewhere nice tonight.
- No! She said angrily. "Don't get any decent ones. Let's go much
Frank shrugged, not understanding her, and started the car.
Diana leaned against the window and stared out at the road. Bright
of oncoming cars, dark streets, rare passers – by-all merged
into one continuous mass. Frank tried to get Diane to talk, but she was
silent, thinking about her own thoughts and feeling herself finally relax to
light music. She felt calm and comfortable, and a small smile touched her
. She even looked at the guy, hoping that he wasn't angry
at her strange
A large behavior.
black But Frank
car whizzed past,wasn't angry:
and Diana he was smiling as
he talked.
turned to watch it go. The smile faded from her face, and her heart began
to pound
wildly. A Lexus ? The car sped by so fast that she
didn't have time to see the model, but the memory of
that –terrible
Are youdayall immediately came
right?" Did you seeback to her.
Diane turned to Frank, sinking back into her chair.
"I thought so."
Frank brought her to a nice place, quiet and peaceful. Diana
looked around the room, and when she realized that Stefano Visconti was
definitely not coming,
she finally
"What managed
do you wantto exhale.
to drink?" Frank asked, holding up the menu.

Diana frowned. She needed a drink. Release the tension

that binds her. And not even a drink. And get drunk.
Frank looked at her in surprise.
"Whiskey?" Diana, what are you up to?
"Give you my virginity."
The menu fell out of his hands, and he was taken aback by what he
has always been straightforward, but not this much!
heard. Diana
– Why me?" I thought you were expecting a prince with a white
And –life
on. – you can wait for it all your life, but you never will.
Frank looked at her in surprise and, thinking it was a joke,
changed the subject.
– Did you know they're building a new nightclub on Holm Park?"
Diana looked at him.
"For whom?"
Frank was surprised again by her words. He wanted to know what was
this going on in It's impossible to reach her.
girl's head.
"For you."
Suddenly Diana laughed. Her laughter made him smile. That's
better: seeing her laugh is the best gift.
Diana sipped her whiskey, and her mood gradually improved: she
was talking calmly and joking as before. She tried
to hide her fears as deeply as possible, to crush them... with another
shot of whiskey.
"How do you see your future, Frank?"
- Work, home, work, family.
The girl laughed. How boring! It's the same thing day after day. But
she'd thought the same thing a week ago. Why does it
seem boring to her now? It's not boredom, it's life!
- And you?
Diana laughed again, not knowing what to say. Then suddenly
she said:
- Open a club at Holm Park.
Frank laughed with her, but her smile faded as she
realized what she'd just said. Which club? Is that what she wants?
Family and children are her future. The club is for people like Stefano

Visconti. It is not like that, it does not measure everything with money and
does not buy
people. It doesn't take their lives. Because she is a human and he is
a monster. Her mind kept returning to the beautiful
the question, to the man who had tormented her.
her home.
"Will you come in?"
He stood with his hands shyly in the pockets of his jeans, not
daring to look at her. Seeing his confusion, Diana came
close to him and kissed him. His hands immediately wrapped around her,
down her back.
She wasn't sure. All her feelings, all her emotions were gone,
left in that building, in the back room with the submachine
guns and shotguns. With each shot, she lost a part of herself. Right now
, it was empty and lonely inside her. She wanted Frank so she could feel
like she was still alive.
- Yes.
She took his hand and pulled him into the house, still kissing him and
unbuttoning his shirt as she went. She wanted to feel
needed, wanted to feel touched and kissed. Once
in the bedroom, Frank pulled off Diane's blouse, carefully laying
her on the bed, covering her with his body. Afraid to tear his mouth away
from hers,
he fumbled with the buttons of her jeans. Diana responded
passionately, her hands leaving streaks on his back and arching up to
meet him.
With only her underwear on, she suddenly realized that she was feeling
uncomfortable and uneasy. She held her breath as she felt Frank's lips
move down
She her neck
wanted to something
to feel her breasts. He began
inside her, totomake
pull down the strap of
her body
respond to Frank's touch, to feel
bra… Diana
life. But closed
there her eyes
was only – and that
emptiness was all. Everything is going to
happen now.
"Diana, I'll give you something you can't even dream of."
She started to choke as she remembered those words.
"I need a professional. One silent shot – one dead body."
The velvety voice rang in her ears, seeped into her head, dominated
her. At some point, it became so much that she couldn't stand
it and started crying.

Noticing this, Frank stopped.

"I'm sorry.
His words made her cry even harder. She should be the one asking
for forgiveness! For her coldness, for the thoughts of others in her head,
but she couldn
't say a word. She curled up in a ball, pressing her hands
to her face. She felt him stroking her hair, kissing her forehead, and she
stared at me,"
"Tell nothing, and her heart
he whispered, sank going
" what's with horror
on withand pain.
She wiped away a tear that was slowly trickling down her cheek and
What closed
say to him? There were no words. There were only terrible
memories and blue eyes staring at her intently.
– It's all right. I just had a lot to drink.
"Lies," she heard a soft baritone voice say, and groaned. This
man was firmly embedded in her mind, dictating his own rules.
haughty, a brutal killer, hungry for power over her, he was
everywhere she went. It was everywhere, there was a lot of it, and it
She fellDiana.
asleepHe wasn't there,
wrapped but he occasionally
in a blanket, was... in her sobbing
head. and
muttering. Frank stayed with her, trying not to disturb her sleep,
trying to figure out what was bothering her so much that she couldn't even
say it.

The morning woke her up with soft sunlight and a delicious

smell from the kitchen. Startled, she jumped up and ran across
the room, half expecting to see Visconti, but all she saw was
Frank's beaming smile.
– I decided to make breakfast. I hope you don't mind.
Diana smiled and sat down in a chair, still wrapped
in the sheet. Poor Frank. How does he put up with her antics? Why
was he still here with her?
– Did you sleep in the same bed with me?"
He nodded at her and turned the omelet over.
"Guarding your sleep.

She was pleased to hear that. He was guarding her. I don't know
why. But she knew he was protecting her from herself.
Looking out the window, she suddenly imagined herself in the future.
in this house, looking out of this same window, admiring the tall
trees with their branches hanging down to the ground. The man who's
making her breakfast right now. Maybe even a couple of kids stopping
by for a quick bite to spoil their appetites before lunch and get
a reprimand from Frank. Diana smiled; it was a much
calmer future than the one that had been offered to her... and she
imagined herself
in a beautiful building, walking proudly up the stairs,
her high heels clicking on the clean, shiny granite. The receptionist smiles
at her
because she's afraid. Diana opens the massive dark
wood door and sees him, elegant, standing proudly by the window, a small
smile touching his lips. And then-the unknown. Who is she? What
Her stomach twisted into a tight knot, and she wrapped her arms
does it do there? Why did you go to him? Why was he smiling at her? Why
around herself,
does it feel so damn good?
bending over in pain. Unbearable torture. She was tired of the unknown.
Why aren't they looking for her? Why doesn't he come for her? What is he
dear. Frank tried to hug her, but his
touch onlygoes
she madecrazy?
it worse. "Who hurt you?"
Diana looked up into his gray eyes and ran her hand down his cheek.
– Reality.
Frank didn't understand her, and he tried, but he couldn't. He thought
was she
going crazy.
"What's the reality, Diana?"
"Ours, Frank.
"Maybe you should take a vacation and stay home." Or do you want to,
Should we go somewhere like Los Angeles?
The girl pulled away. Run away? What if this is the way out? Run away
this city far away. Sell the house, there is enough money for the first time
. Get a job. And live, breathing deeply. But how is
she going to leavetake
- I'll probably Camille and Frank?
a couple of days to stay at home.
I have some work to finish today, and I'll take a break tomorrow.

In the late afternoon, Diana stopped by her boss's office and asked for
a couple of days off. He was displeased.
"Then you'll work seven days a week.
She stopped at the door and put her hand on the handle.
– Your employees will soon start dying at work, such
a busy schedule for the money that you pay is a form
of mockery.
"Oliver! He slammed his fist down on the table, and she flinched. –
If you don't like it, go away.
He pointed to the door, and Diana left the room. No, he wouldn't
fire her. There aren't enough paramedics as it is, but sometimes you need
to show your claws
to your superiors,
As she walkedtoo.
down the street, she noticed Camille and Frank. Hoping
that Frank hadn't told Camille about last night's incident and the chance
sleepover, Camille approached her friends.
"Dee, honey, how are you?"
Diana sighed: he did say it. She glared at
him, but he just shrugged. She understood him and wasn't angry.
He meant well, tried to surround her with care and attention.
And he was good at it.
"I'd like to go to Los Angeles with you for a couple of days, if
your offer still stands," Diane said to Frank.
Maybe you can run away and forget about everything for a little while.
The guy smiled and suddenly picked her up in his arms and spun her
Perhaps the first future she imagined is much closer to her
– What about me?" Camille started to whine, but then she screamed: "
Wow! Do you see it too? What a wheelbarrow!
Diana didn't immediately understand what her friend was talking
her heart and when she looked
a beat. back,to ashes.
It crumbled
The black Infiniti she'd first seen in the
parking lot pulled quietly into the substation. She could hear
Camille's cry of delight, but she stood there, afraid to move. He
found her, just as he'd promised. Diana felt as if she'd forgotten
how to breathe in her fright. She would have liked to run away, but for
some reason, she went to meet him
"Dee, where are you going?" Camille called out. "You decided
to take a closer look?"
The car stopped, and Diana didn't dare approach. Or maybe
it was really worth running? In search of freedom. But her freedom
ended when the door opened and
Visconti stepped out, wearing dark glasses that hid his sapphire eyes.
"My God, what a man," Camille breathed.
Diana heard it and chuckled to herself. If only she knew who
she admired!
The girl stood looking at him. Silently. There were no tears. She
cried them all out. There's an emptiness in my soul, and it's all his doing.
My heart was getting
used to beating wildly. Stefano Visconti took off his glasses and Diana
turned away. It was hard to breathe in his presence, and there was
too much
Frankof him. to run after the girl, but Camille held him back.
"Better not.
They looked at the powerful man and the little
girl, and each drew their own conclusions. But the man didn't care,
a slight smirk playing on his lips, and his blue eyes were slightly squinted
against the sun. He brushed past Diana, heading for the park bench.
He didn't touch her, but he felt her shudder.

They stood facing each other in silence. He waited. She was stalling
for time. It occurred to her that he was more often silent, studying her.
What does he
see now? A frightened child? A little girl? She
looked up and looked at him: she saw in him a young
man, then he seemed to her much older. But now, in the light
of day, she knew he was in his late twenties, even though that was
a significant age difference for her. Today, he had a light
stubble that made him look older. Her gaze touched his lips,
and "You've
he smiled.
studied everything?"
She wanted to look down and say no, but she didn't
– he could see right through her. He could do whatever he wanted with
her. Looking into his eyes and suppressing her fear, she spoke the truth.
- Yes.
He nodded.

– You're a fast learner, Diane. Get in the car.

She shook her head and started to back away. To her
surprise, he didn't force her, just walked over to the car
and opened the door for her. Two feelings, strange and simple, but also
insanely heavy-fear and something else, something she couldn't
understand, that was pulling her
"Diana! Frank shouted, and she turned at the sound of his voice.
into this damned car.
Two possible futures. Two choices. Two roads. Ordinary
life and the unknown. She didn't know what to choose. I stood there,
to take a step. Frank is a good guy, and she loves him in her own way.
And she took a step toward the car, choosing the unknown.
evokes fear, uncertainty, and calls her into the unknown.

Chapter 5
The smell of new leather chairs mixed with the coolness
of the air conditioner and its masculine smell enveloped Diana. She
pulled away from Visconti, pressing herself against the door, still unable to
believe that
she had gotten into the car and left her friends behind. Maybe she has a
– I didn't say yes.
Buthead. Did she
you didn't saylose
no."her mind? What was she doing here?
His hands were on the steering wheel, relaxed, and he was giving her
long, glances. The car sped through the city too fast,
it seemed that there were no rules for it. Everyone lived by his
– Where are we going?" Diana asked, still hoping that he
would drop her off at the next corner and it would all be over.
– I have to stop somewhere, then go to the office. Let's get
to know each other better.
Diana's face paled. She was afraid! I was afraid of him. I was afraid of
offer. So much so that I didn't sleep properly for a whole
week. And now he'd arrived, and she'd gotten in the car with him. Diana
still couldn't believe what had happened. What had gotten into her? I
haveHe thrown myself
stopped at a into Frank's arms,
construction hidden
site and behind
reached for him. She
a folder
glanced at Stefano,
of documents realizing
lying on that Frank
the backseat. would
Diana's have closeness
sudden been dead in an
made her sink even deeper into the chair. Stefano smiled as he examined
the papers.
– You'll get used to me.
She closed her eyes, trying to push his words out of her mind, but
she heard the driver's door open. Through the windshield
, she watched him walk gracefully toward the workers. Today
, he wasn't wearing a jacket or tie, and he was dressed modestly in jeans
and a black T-shirt. Maybe that's why he looked
younger to her today. Her thoughts were interrupted by a phone call as
she reached
into her purse with trembling hands and pulled out her mobile phone.
Camille. Diana pressed

phone pressed to his chest, afraid to answer. What should I tell her? And
how can
we talk? She glanced at her captor, who was talking
to the men and
"Hello," clearly wasn't going to come back quickly.
I said.
"Diana! Are you crazy? Who is he? Where are you?
The number of unanswered questions made Diana
want to scream. But I had to pull myself together.
– I can't tell you. But I'm fine. I'll call you
"Diana, he didn't take you away by force, you got in the car yourself!"
Do you
even know him?" I'm afraid for you. Why didn't you tell me about him?"
Where did noticed
Diana you meet? Stefano coming back and whispered
into the phone.
– It's all right. I'll call you.
She quickly clicked cancel and dropped the phone into her bag.
Her hands trembled even more with excitement. He sat up and looked at
"Your friends?"
How did he know? Did you see it?
"What is this place?" She turned the conversation around, even though
she wasnin what kind of construction site it was.
't interested
"Holm Park," he said, and started the car.
I think Diana's
Remembering, heard something
she looked about Holm
at him in surprise. Park
Frank before..."
had told
her yesterday that a nightclub was being built.
– Is this your club?"
He laughed.
– Not a club yet, just a pile of bricks.
She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. By the gods!
Take it away from this person. How much money does he have? What does
do? Pays for murders, has two expensive cars, builds
a club, and wants to buy her, Diana. But you can't make that much money
in a –shipping
Who arecompany.
He glanced at her

The car passed the barrier and stopped at the spot where
the Lexus had been parked a week ago. Outside the Infiniti, Diana ran
her hand along the roof.
"And the Lexus?"
Stefano looked at the girl.
– Did you like the Lexus?"
She shuddered. What does "liked" mean? She doesn't care
about his cars at all. She was trying to determine the extent of his wealth.
– I don't care.
– You're lying.
Startled by his abruptness, she looked up. How could she
have forgotten that he was capable of detecting a lie?
"Yes, I liked the Lexus.
He looked at his car.

What does it matter to him? What kind of girl knows about cars? There
probably aren't any others like her. But Diana loved cars. But
her "old lady" had to be sold...
- And I like this one.
He thought for a moment, then nodded at her.

Visconti's voice was so low and sad that Diana couldn

't help but smile. She saw the corners of his mouth twitch, too.
– Why are you smiling?"
She shrugged her shoulders. Nerves, I guess.
– It's just that when you look at this car, you feel sad.
"Really?" "What is it?" he asked. – Is it that obvious?" I
'll get rid of her tomorrow.
"No, no," I said. No need. It suits you.
Diana stopped, realizing that she was finally herself. She spoke!
Calm and relaxed.
"Come on."
Stefano gestured toward the glass doors, and Diana knew
she had no choice. As soon as she was inside, she saw Matt,the guy
she was interviewing. He's a security guard now. With a nod
and a small smile, she turned toward the stairs.

There were more people than last Friday. Everyone was running
around with papers, discussing something, and Diana suddenly felt life
A hectic life. A normal work environment. The receptionist stood
up when she saw Stefano,and gave him a dazzling smile that
was "Leslie
immediately lost when
Mills called and she saw
asked Diana.
you to call back. Olga ran
into his office as if it were her own home, squeezing past Diana.
"Very well, Olga. I'll call you back.
– They've also brought the papers for shipping the ships, and they
need to
be signed immediately.
"Bring them."
Diana was amazed at how calm he was with her. No
haughtiness in his voice. Does he talk like this to all of his
subordinates, or just to her?
Olga came back, her heels clicking, and put the papers on the table.
"Olga, call everyone in five minutes.
She nodded, but remained standing, smiling.
– You can go now.
He said this with warmth in his voice, and she left with a pout.
"Don't forget to get everyone together," he called after her. "I'm sorry.
The last one was addressed to Diana, and she didn't know why
she should forgive him.
– I have a lot of work to do." You have to be
in several places at the same time. Do you mind if I change?"
She was against it! When she turned her surprised gaze to him
and met his eyes, she knew she couldn't
survive this.
"Of course not," she lied, looking him straight in the eye.
– You learn before your eyes.
I didn't look down.
Stefano chuckled.
"I didn't drop it. But you lied.
Her brow furrowed.
– What makes you think that?"
– Because you're afraid of me. And if I undress in front
of you, I think you'll faint from fear.
Diana stared at him in disbelief. He
tested her every step of the way, every breath he took in and out.
– I was joking. I'll just sit there.
He walked over to his desk and sat down, pulling the documents
toward him.
She Stefano Visconti
was afraid of him,evoked manyhim,
she hated different emotions
he scared in Diana.
her, but at the same time
he was
a bright person, fascinating, unusual. He stood out from
the crowd. She didn't know what Visconti might do in a
minute, what he was
He wondered whatthinking, what heifwanted.
would happen she put him in an awkward
position now.
– Are you sleeping with your secretary?"
Stefano looked up from his paperwork and gave her a long, hard
look, even putting down his pen. The girl started
in surprise. Looking
straight into her eyes, Stefano said calmly:
– So you don't pry into my personal life, I don't pry into yours.
Of course, he would never answer her. But she liked his answer,
or rather, not even an answer, but a request. It suited Diana perfectly. He
would stay out of her life-great! So he would give her some
freedom. Maybe living with Frank isn't a
fantasy at all. She could still get married and have children.
He started to sign the documents again, but a small grin
touched his lips.
— no.
Diana was strangely relieved. But then she realized that he
had answered and hadn't even looked up from his papers.
– You lied to me.
– I have no equal in that. Stefano looked at her. "No
one knows when I'm lying. You still don't know if I'm being honest,
do you?
He was messing with her. She really couldn't tell if he was lying
or not. Anyway, what did she care? Such men sleep not only
with secretaries, but also with half the brothel.
– I think there must have been something between you."
He sighed, glowered at her, and pressed a button on
his phone.

- Olga, come to me.

Diana didn't know what had caused this sudden change
of mood. Apparently, she overdid it with questions and reasoning.
Her mistake was thinking too much out loud.
"Look," he said in a perfectly calm tone as
the receptionist stormed into the office, straightening her short skirt.
There was a smile on her face, and she didn't even look in Diana's
direction. Visconti
leaned back in his chair and handed
"Olga, you look beautiful today.
her the documents:
Her eyes widened, and her smile faded slightly, and
a blush appeared on her cheeks. Then she pulled her lips back into a wide
and –adjusted
Thank youthe very
neckline of Iher
much, amwhite blouse.
very pleased.
She grabbed the documents and headed for the door,
stopping abruptly
— no.
Olga went out, and he looked at Diana, smiling.
– What do you say now?"
Diana was in shock at the spectacle he had put on. She
was completely confused and no longer understood who was sleeping with
— I don't know. But I still think you're sleeping with her. Or
not? Diana thought for a moment, then looked away. "Probably not.
"Think, Diana. Analyze Olga's movements and words.
So this is an exam? What did he want from her? So that she can
her own question using the method of deduction? She looked up at him,
meeting his blue eyes. They
looked at her mesmerizingly.
– Did you see the look on her face after I complimented her
- yes. I thought she looked a little surprised, then
"Surprised, Diana! Olga was surprised that I paid her
a compliment. What conclusion can be drawn?
He read like a book, not just her. He did this to everyone.
– She was surprised, because you don't do it often."

"Bravo, Diana! He clapped his hands together. "Or rather, I

never did. From this we can draw another conclusion. Think.
After a moment's thought, Diana said:
– You don't pay compliments to your secretary, and from here – " she
felt like a schoolgirl who had been summoned to answer at the blackboard.

You're not interested
"I think you and I in her.
can work together."
I like you, Diana.
He's already made up his mind. And I brought her here for a reason:
this she would
building come out
different, of sensed. The fear remained, but not
as strong. She wasn't as afraid of him as she had been half an hour ago.
, he Diane
intrigued her, the kind
immediately of personFrank.
remembered she had never
She mettalked
always him
calmly and simply. But he was different. Normal. They could
discuss anything and everyone. On the same level. And Stefano had put
so much into her in half an hour that her brain was working. She realized
that she
was interested in him. She even began to like his manner. He didn't act
arrogantly, but aatknock
There was the same time,
on the hisand
door, power and
three authority
men in business suits came
could be read at a glance.
in. Diana panicked again – they
looked too stern.
Two of them sat down across from her and one next to her, and he
winked at her.
- hello.
Diana looked up at him, and her lips parted in an involuntary smile.
- hello.
He wasn't
A friendly look harsh. And he was
and a charming young.
smile. Blonde
Simple hair, blue eyes.
features that inspire confidence.
The men sitting across from him were much older. One of them she
recognized at once – it was he who had gone into the back room with her,
and it
was "Steph,
to him that she had
the ship's rushed, startled by Stefano.
– I know. Two more are ready.
Apparently, they were discussing work, but Diana didn't pay much
trying to the
to control the conversation,
excitement of the upcoming conversation. Why did he
gather so many men here? Would he take her to the back again?

The girl looked at Stefano with a pleading look, and for some reason
thought that he would understand her. Then she stopped. Has she already
for protection from him? Was she looking for understanding in the killer
who Diana
was enslaving
heard himher
sigh. It looks like he can
? It looks like her
read minds after all.head is a mess. He wouldn't help her.
He is"So,
cruel and
let's treacherous.
get Killer.
started. Stefano sat stiffly in his big leather
chair. His fingers were locked in a lock on the table. –
I want to introduce you to Diana Oliver, she has an amazing
talent for accuracy. You know yourself – - he lowered his voice – " that this
is a great stroke of luck. So I don't want to miss the opportunity.
Diana's head spun at his words. He talked about it as
just another car in his fleet!
Stefano got up and walked over to the man in the back
room with them.
"Diana, this is Antonio Grasso, my second-in-command, my partner
, and my friend. You can contact him whenever you want, with any
Antonio nodded at her. Even at the first meeting, she realized that this
man was not just an employee of the company, he called his boss by
name and briefly. This indicated that they were on good terms.
The Italian name means that they are allies, apparently,
they started doing business together. But she was less afraid of him than
she was of Stefano,
who "Dylan
her aisstorm of incomprehensible
our lawyer. When we're inemotions.
trouble, Dylan
saves us. Stefano clapped the other man on the shoulder, and the
other man smiled slightly as he looked at Diana.
"But you'd better be careful.
"Yes, it's better to be careful, but things happen.
"I agree.
Oddly enough, she liked the lawyer, too: a solid-looking man
in his mid-forties, his hair already graying slightly, and small,
noticeable wrinkles between his eyebrows that suggested he
was thinking a lot. She chuckled to herself – with a boss like that, she
couldn't help but think

- Michael Cooper. Stefano moved on to the younger man, who

bowed to Diana, making her smile again. "Michael is a
technical storm here. Computer genius. The whole connection lies with
him. All of us,
Diana, are one team. We work together, all together. I can't
imagine myself without my deputy or Michael, and Dylan
is so smart that he can protect our rights in any situation.
We are one family, the Morte Nera clan, and we will kill anyone for each
There are a couple
Stefano looked of
at other people I'll
her carefully, introduce
probably you to along the way, but
they're the backbone. And you, Diana, will be among us.
to hear something from her, but Diana didn't say anything. Her head was a
her stomach was clenched, and she felt as if she were falling into an
happy to see you, girl," Antonio said, " even though I
was abyss. it,
There is no turning
but when back.
I saw you at work, I knew we
couldn't find a better shooter.
A chill ran over her skin. She remembered
shooting at targets, her hand shaking as she pulled the trigger. With what
impact was each shot. What kind of work? She can't
shoot a living person. Does Stefano know that?" He probably knows.
Then why does he persist in insisting on his own?
"Welcome, Diana. Michael held out his hand, smiling,
and she took it without expecting it.
"Diane," Dylan said, " if Stefano took you, then he
's sure of his choice. And we will accept you and help you adapt.
You can count on us.
He held out his hand across the table, and Diana took it.
Chapter 6
Everyone's gone. Diana breathed a sigh of relief, finding herself
glad to be alone with Stefano. The crowd of people scared her. She still
collected her thoughts after they left, sitting silently and looking at
her new boss. He was on the phone, pacing
around the office. While he was busy, there was time to think. But Diana
realized that she didn't want to think anymore, she was tired of it. I'm
tired of shaking
in fear, not sleeping at night, looking around on the street. And
worst of all, she wanted to stay with this man. She knew that
if she left,
His if she
voice ran away
roused fromher
her from him, she would think of him constantly.
"I don't understand," she whispered. – Who are you and who
will I be?" What will be my responsibilities? Will you take care
of my safety? How will I live? Can I chat
with my friends? She raised her voice a little, because it was
beginning to sink in that this was serious.
Stefano sat down next to her and took her hands in his. His fingers
massaged the pads of her fingers in a circular motion, and his
touch sent a rush of warmth through her. Diana watched
his movements carefully, frowning a little.
– What are you doing?"
– I'm trying to get you off your head.
The girl gave him a startled look, and Stefano laughed,
letting go of her hands.
"This is a joke, Diana. I just relaxed you.
God save her from this man! She could have screamed
in frustration.
– I'm relaxed, " she said, looking down at her hands, which
were still on the table, feeling his warm touch. "
Too much."
— great. I managed to distract you from the interrogation.
What's true is true. She'd forgotten what she was asking. How
can he so easily subdue a person, make a doll out of them
and manage it? Diana put her hands under the table, knowing that the fear
was gone, but it was replaced by something else, something strange,
unknown, exciting and tearing from the inside.
– I'll tell you everything, Diana. But in return, I'll take you and your
talent. We'll have to spend a lot of time together. Very much.
He stared at her, mesmerizing her. – I promise you
immunity, I'm not interested in little girls, you
don't have to be afraid of me. And no one from our clan will dare touch
you. That's my word. You will be part of our family. Are you ready?"
A shiver ran through her. He spoke convincingly, but still...
Did he ask her? Does she have the option to opt out?
"And if I say no?" Will you kill me?
Stefano pulled away from her, and she read
the displeasure in his eyes. He wasn't going to let her go, that much was
clear. He can
tell her
– Younow thatsay
won't he no.
will let her go, and when she comes out, he will shoot
her. Her mouth dropped open in indignation. How dare he? Why didn't she
have a choice? She's not a slave, she's a free person living
in a free country.
"Think about it, Diana, I'll give you five minutes.
He leaned back in his chair, folded his arms
, and studied her intently. Under his gaze, Diana
closed her eyes with trembling hands to block out the sight of him. She
weigh everything.
– Can I ask youFive minutes
questions is not
about myenough.
– You can.
– I'll be free?"
She opened her eyes and looked at him,
– Can I go where I want, when I want, and with whom I want?"
"Only if time permits." Stefano leaned toward her. – I'm not
going to interfere with your privacy. You are young, beautiful,
you will soon become rich, you will want to have fun-please.
It's your right. I can't stop you. But there is one "but" – you
can not lose your head.
Diana hadn't expected that answer. It turns out that she can
live a normal life? Meet up with friends, maybe even

get married… Just as she'd dreamed.

– Can I get married?"
"Only if your husband doesn't know who you are."
She thought of Frank and smiled.
– Just
rules. Firsttoofmake
all, I things even clearer,
don't forgive I'llFor
betrayal. tell treachery,
you something.
I I have
kill personally.
The girl pushed back from the table, looking at him in dismay.
"Second, I don't like being lied to. Always look me
in the eye. Third, always avoid drugs, for drugs we
exclude from the clan, but do not leave alive. That's our deal.
Diana was getting scarier and scarier, but his words made
sense. Why would they want a man who would betray, lie, and even
a drug addict who could be bribed with a dose for secret
clan information? Stefano said wise things that she
couldn't disagree with.
"Fourth –" just as a warning – " don't
ever make me angry, I'm scary when I'm angry." I'll tell you the rest in the
course of work. Now
think. You have
Visconti sat five
down minutes.
at his desk, out of her way, and picked up
the documents.
He gave her five minutes to decide her fate. Just five.
Although when she got into his car, she had already made up her mind.
you just
Diananeed to put
closed hereverything on theto
eyes and began shelves.
analyze. Everything didn't seem so
bad, she wasn't even afraid of his "fads", but rather of the work itself.
Kill. Diana Oliver is an assassin for hire! How could this happen?
How could she become one? How would she look Camille
and Frank in the eye? How will she look her children in the eye? What
would she
tell them when... he came to pick her up again? She looked at
Stefano and something inside her tightened. Somehow, she couldn't leave.
Something was holding her back, forcing her to go along with him. Not
money, no.
She –didn't think about them at all. Something else. Power? Power? No.
I agree.
Just Stefano
him. Without
looked up from his papers, his blue eyes
piercing her. There was no surprise in them. He knew what she was doing.



– This city is divided into three parts, ordinary people

do not even know about it, and this is not surprising, because they do
not need it, they live in their own world and the only problem is ordinary
human needs. Their brains will never accept reality
as it exists. "Stefano was talking about 'them' –
ordinary people, he didn't include her in that list anymore. – If you dig
deeper and stir up the hive, you can get to something that will become
Diana listened to him with great attention.
– Myand
the port partthe
of territory
the city isofthe
city tosouth and east,
the main road,the entire
which is coast,
the border with the central part. It already has another chapter – Richard
Knight. We have a peace treaty with him. Our border is one for two,
physically it is not there, but practically there. Richard and I have been
together for a long time, since I am the owner of the port territory, all the
clans from other
parts of the city have to pay me, but I give him a good discount.
It is advantageous for me to have an ally in his person, since we have one
enemy Diana flinched at the name. She thought of Nicholas
between us: the
Griffin, whom owner
she of the
had met northern
that night atclan
the of the "White
Gyrfalcon . SoWolves" is John
she's been seeing -"
popularly known as Vulture.
"His son," she said softly, " what is his son's name?"
– He has two. The older one is my father's breed, a cold-blooded
and cruel bastard.
Stefano nodded, and the girl looked down. That night, she just got

"Money and power, Diana. Gryph wants the port because he

has to pay me for the lease of his ships right now.

– Really it is impossible to come to some compromise and divide

his... for your own safety?"
She spread her hands, not understanding why things had to be so
complicated. My father was right – money makes people do terrible
things: kill, rob, blackmail. Where there is a lot
of money, there is always hostility, blood and hatred.
"No, Diana, I need the port completely. With it, I have
more advantages, more power, and more money.
Visconti's words disappointed her. He's as mad as any
rich man. Becoming richer, a person's worldview changes,
he becomes short of this money, wants more, then even more,
in the end he wants power. Ordinary psychology. Perhaps that
's what she'll be like when she makes her first big money... no!
She won't be like this. She wasn't born to share power,
and money will never come first.
Stefano could see the confusion, frustration, and shock in her eyes.
This is a normal reaction of a person who has not yet turned
into a monster, who still has feelings. Then it will change.
Her values will change, and she will become cruel and vain. He
's been through it himself. Although… He was born this way. She was born
without knowing
what– wealth and
You just luxury
don't know are.
what my advantage is.
– Is it really just for the sake of exporting and importing products that
this all
slaughter is going on? Diana couldn't believe it.
He was silent, clearly missing something. What was going on in the
did they share it?
– What do you send by ship? Diana didn't want to know the answer to
that question, but Stefano said, " I don't know.
- Weapons.
My heart skipped a beat and stopped. Does he sell weapons?
– To whom?"
Stefano got up and went to the window. He looked nervous.
– You don't need to know that.
Visconti was dragging her into a black hole from which she would
never escape. Diana crossed the room to stand beside him.
The office looked out on the parking lot.
He looked at her, but she didn't turn around.

Diana didn't believe that was possible. So many people live and don't
know what's going on right under their noses. Where
are the authorities looking?
She turned to Visconti, hoping to hear that this was a joke.
Or a dream. But the man was silent. They stood there, looking at
each other, in absolute silence.
He broke it first.
– Do you know what adrenaline is?"
Diana didn't understand what he was saying. What is he talking
knewabout? Of course, she
what adrenaline was, and she'd given it to patients more than once,
saving their lives.
"Come on." Stefano took her hand and led her away. "I'll show
As soon as they were out in the waiting room, he let go of her hand,
and they went down the stairs separately. Diana didn't have
much time to guess what Stefano was up to. But it didn
't work out.
She smiled at him as she passed him, and when she was outside,
she closed her eyes and breathed in the salty sea.
"Diana, catch it!"
It took her a moment to figure out what to catch. When she opened
outeyes, she automatically
her hands, and the keys fell into them. Stefano laughed as he
the car from the
– I knew you passenger
had a goodside.
Did he check on her? Again? Diana was about to toss the keys
back to him when she realized she was holding the keys to the Infiniti in
her hand.
– Why do I need them?"
"Sit down, Diana. You'll drive.
She thought she had misheard. But no. He had already sat down and
onlywas waiting
for her. She took the driver's seat, and for a second she
thought she was on a spaceship. How would she drive
such a big car? What if she breaks it?
– Why?"
- Have fun. Have you ever received one?
She didn't immediately know what to say. What is he implying? What
fun? In the car? ...
he laughed again at her confusion.

"No, Diana, you didn't get it. He buckled

on his seat belt. – Well, then, let's go look for it.
She started the car, her hands on the steering wheel, and at the same
realized how comfortable and comfortable it was. The air-conditioning
came on,
the coolness
on the gas the novelty
and of in
looking thethe
leather seats,
rearview and –she
mirror, shecarefully
pulled the car out of the parking lot and turned around.
"Take the lower road.
Diana remembered that his part of the city was south and east. The
lay to the east of the city. So he was sending her
to a safe place.
– Can you be in the northern part?
"I can," he chuckled, " but I'd rather not."
"Could you be killed?"
– They can. I can get killed anywhere.
She shuddered and stepped on the brake pedal. The car
stopped in the middle of the road.
"But then they'll kill me, too."
Stefano leaned down at her feet, looking her straight in the eye.
put your hand under the seat. Diana flinched, but he just grinned.
"They won't kill you. Stefano pulled out a silver pistol. –
There's a toy like this in every car we drive. To the
driver's right. So that in case of danger, you can immediately pull it out.
Diana stopped breathing in fear. A
strange thought immediately occurred to her, and she was even afraid of
it. – How can you protect yourself with a pistol when the car
will simultaneously be fired at by six people with rifles?
Visconti was both surprised and surprised by her thoughts.
Without realizing it, she had already become part of their clan.
"The car is bulletproof.
She let out a relaxed breath and stepped on the gas.

Stefano laughed, and she smiled, glancing at him and shaking

her head. Despite the gun in his hand, she was no longer afraid of him.
Diana noticed that the gun looked good on him, and instantly
hated herself for thinking that.
– What's the speed?" Press two hundred.
They drove out of the city onto the main road, leaving
the noise of the city behind them. Diana picked up speed, bringing the
needle up to two hundred, not
noticing how the scenery was passing by outside the window. For
"Two hundred and twenty, Diana.
was She
a blackatstrip of road.
Stefano in disbelief.
She had never driven a two-hundred before, and her car could barely
run over a hundred wheels. Her heart began to pound, and she
stepped on the gas, overcome by a strange feeling.
– We'll take off!" she exclaimed, laughing.
"We won't take off. After twenty kilometers, slow down and turn
It was much harder to slow down, because she was already in a frenzy
and enjoying herself immensely. Now she understood what he
– I like it!" she laughed. – I really like it!
Stefano laughed along with her, tucking the gun into the belt of
his jeans and covering it with his T-shirt.
The car stopped, and Diana, unaccustomed to it, felt
a little dizzy. Stepping out of it, she exposed her face to the sun,
soaking up its warmth, breathing in the fresh air. The place was
deserted, with a few small bushes sticking out of the ground, showing
their branches bare from the heat. She leaned back against the car,
trying to catch her breath.
– Well?" Stefano walked over to her. - Do you feel the adrenaline rush?
The girl squinted at him. His eyes seemed to have turned
even bluer, and his jet-black hair began to shimmer in
the hot sun. He was as beautiful as a god. And dangerous as the devil.
"Yes, I can feel it. Adrenaline and fun.
"Come on." He took her hand and pulled her along. – I'll show you
something." Just close your eyes.
Her emotions overwhelmed her, and she immediately obeyed,
her eyes with her hand.
"Don't peek.
– You're not going to kill me, are you?"
— no. I need you alive, remember?

Diana felt strong arms wrap tightly around her under

her breasts, and Stefano pulled her close.
"Open it."
Diana opened her eyes and almost screamed at what she saw-she
was standing on the edge of a large cliff, and in the distance she could
clearly see
the world consisting entirely of mountains and hills. My heart began to
"I've got you," Stefano whispered in her ear. His arms
in my chest,
tightened and my
around breathing
her. quickened.
She clutched It was
at them, higher than those
to keep her it
balance, feeling his strength, the warmth of his body... "We'll
spend a lot of them.
over time together," she remembered him saying.
She'll probably go crazy if she spends this time like this.
Hoping to distract herself from her thoughts, she looked
ahead at the mountains, at the green-framed hills, and raised her hands
to the sides, letting the wind gently caress her face.
– What would you do now, Diana?" Stefano Visconti's voice
haunted her.
She screamed.
She could feel his breath, feel his strong arms, feel his body.
Now he was holding her over the cliff, not letting her fall.
"Then shout.
She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and succumbed
to the temptation. She shouted and fell silent, listening to the echoes
reverberate in the distance. She opened her eyes, admiring the majestic
"Yell more, harder.
And she shouted again! Stronger! So much so that the soul
was lifted up to the sky for a moment, and then returned to the body.
Taking deep breaths, she realized that something had changed
in her with that cry. Now she was free and at ease, with nothing to hinder
, without ... fear.

Chapter 7
Stefano drove her home without asking for directions. He knew her
very well. Diana guessed it. It wasn't just that she felt like she
was being followed all this time.
"Who was that?"
– I have a lot of people.
– What else do you know about me?"
"That's all.
She remembered the night she'd thrown herself into Frank's arms,
blush hada faint
touched her cheeks. But somehow she didn
't want Stefano to know that either.
– Am I being followed now, too?"
– Not anymore, you're with us. The best I can do is
put a guard on you. But I don't see the point yet.
Why didn't those words make her angry? He wanted to put
guards on her to make sure she didn't run away? Or for
her own safety?
Diana unbuckled her seat belt and glanced at Stefano, who calmly
pulled out the pistol hidden in the waistband of his jeans and shoved it
the driver's seat. She was getting used to the weapons in his hands.
And it no longer scared the shit out of her. If Visconti had wanted
to kill her, he would have thrown her off that cliff, but he only held her
closer, afraid
"We'll to training
start loosen his grip.
tomorrow, and I'll pick you up in the morning."
– What should I be prepared for?" Where are we going?
She saw the grin on his lips.
"We're not going, Diana. Let's run.
She laughed, thinking he was joking.
"Okay, I agree to run.
She got out of the car, still smiling, and walked
toward the house, pulling out her keys as she went. When I heard him
start the car,
I decided not to look back, but my hands froze as I put the key
in the lock. Still, she turned just as the car
disappeared around the bend. Feeling strangely empty, she went in

into the house. Diane dropped her keys on the table and flopped down on
the bed,
arms outstretched. She recalled her own sensations: sharp,
delicious, vivid, extreme, dangerous. All mixed up. But
they revived her! Stefano took her there on purpose, brought her to the
edge of the cliff
to shake her, to make the blood
run faster through her veins with fear and admiration. And she ran so fast
that Diane
forgot allwas
She about her fears,
distracted letting
from her senses
her thoughts bytake over completely.
the vibration of her phone.
She realized
took it that in addition to everyday problems and ordinary life, there
out and looked at the screen. Frank. She'd left in front of him with another
something that beckons
man, even though her, calls
she'd kissed himfor her. And planned
yesterday, she wantsto to go up
give after
virginity. Right now, Diana was relieved that she hadn't
made up her mind. It would have been a big mistake: yesterday she had
been out of her mind,
trying to findwhere
"Diana, solaceare
in you?"
alcohol and kisses. Today, she
looked at the
"At home. world with different eyes.
The last thing she wanted to do was explain what had happened.
"Tell me, what was that?" Who is this person? Diane, are you
in trouble?
"No, – she said quietly. – I'm fine. He just
gave me a ride home.
The silence on the other end made her brain work hard,
figuring out a role for this man in her life for her friends.
– He's my half-brother.
"What brother, Diana?" Where did you get your brother? "Frank
so easily fooled.
"Half-brother, Frank. My mother went to Arizona with his father,
as you know.
– And what's your stepbrother doing here?"
– I wanted to meet you because our parents decided
to get married.
Diana was shocked by her lies, she even covered her eyes
with her hand so as not to see her reflection in the mirror. Stefano
would have laughed at her ingenuity right now. And Frank seemed
to believe the story.


– All right, then. But you could introduce us to him.

" He's not very social, Frank, so let's drop the subject.
- OK. But I really want to meet all your family.
"What family, Frank?" He's not even related to me. All my family is
in Arizona.
She meant her mother; she had no other close relatives
. She didn't think of the others as close to her: after her father's death,
attitude toward
"Camille her had we
suggested changed dramatically.
go to the Gyrfalcon tonight. I'll pick
you up?" You can take your stepbrother.
Diana flinched at the mention of "Gyrfalcon" and the way
"stepbrother" sounded. Did she want to go there? She remembered
Nicholas Griffin and Stefano's words. "
Frank, what part of town is the Gyrfalcon in?"
"Diana, what are you doing?"
With one hand, she searched for the map of the city that her mother
had bought for her lover so that he wouldn't get lost. She groped
for the map, took it out, and unfolded it with a rustle of paper.
"Nothing, Frank.
"You've become strange. I don't recognize you lately.
Diana ignored him, mentally tracing the border while
searching for the Gyrfalcon on the map. I ran my finger along the southern
to the main road-this is the border with the center. Stefano has a large
territory, larger than other clans. How the hell did he
do that?
"Diane," she heard Frank say again, " so I'll pick
you up?"
"Yes," she said, and hung up.
Without looking up, she ran her finger over the map, trying to
yourdetermine the exact
location. When location
she found it, of the object.
a small smile touched her lips –
it was the east. "My part of the city is the entire south and east, the entire
including the port," she recalled Stefano saying. She lived on his
property, which was why he was so easy to spy on and behave
like a master here, calmly cutting through the streets in his big black
car. The Gyrfalcon
I wonder whatwas outhappen
would of town,
if and she couldn't
she lived tell who it
in the north?
belonged to. More to the west. But he didn't say anything about the West.

the bartender obviously knew Stefano Visconti, since he gave him his
coordinates, but
Nicholas Griffin was there, too. Enemies in the same territory? Or is it
a neutral zone?
She also remembered the men who had been shot on the slope near
the port. How she did an indirect heart massage without letting
one of them die. Frank's young boy with no eyes. They were all riddled
like machine guns. Whose handiwork is this?
Diana couldn't stop replaying the events of the past
few days in her head. Today's Stefano Visconti, whose arms held her so
tightly, holding her close and not letting her fall, laughed, but still
remained cruel. For some reason, she couldn't believe that he was the one
who killed
those men. Why start a bloodbath on your own territory?
Thethe point?
phone Tomorrow
rang she would ask
again, interrupting her him.
thoughts. Glancing at the
phone's display,
she saw an unfamiliar number. Something made her click on
"You didn't even ask me what time I'd be stopping by tomorrow," a
soft baritone voice said on the other end, and Diane smiled, feeling
her stomach tighten. She immediately forgot that she had attributed the
murders of several
– What time?" people to him.
He laughed, and the sound made her feel a lot of strange
"Six in the morning."
Diana wasn't amused at all.
"What, six in the morning?" On Saturday at six in the morning, people
are still asleep.
"Well, let them sleep. We won't stop them. See you later, Diana."
screen.hung up,words
So few and she
andsmiled again
so many at theemotions. This
man constantly made her smile. Why did she
want to end the conversation with Frank so quickly? Why did she want to
any longer now?Stefano was silent, he did it in a way that made you want
Even when
to listen to that silence.
She turned on her phone to save the number in her contacts, but
hesitated, not knowing what to call it. I guess it's supposed to be
secret. And she just wrote two letters: "SV".

Frank was driving his old car too slowly, and Diane
was about to yell at him, but all she could do was say –
" There's no speed limit."
– But I'm driving you, so I don't want you to get hurt in the event of an
." accident
The girl frowned as she considered his words. They were
concerned for her. It's nice to hear that, but no more. So by asking
for two hundred and twenty, Stefano didn't care about her life? What if
they had crashed? But then he would have suffered, too.
During the ride, she stared out the window, no longer bothering Frank
with her complaints. She looked at everything around her: streets, houses,
people, roads, realizing that now she would see everything with different
they reachedthethe
Gyrfalcon, they went straight inside. Diana
looked around for Nicholas Griffin.
But he wasn't there, and she quickly calmed down. Camille was already
waiting for them –
during the waiting time, she even managed to meet another boyfriend.
After- Diana,
him,me,she joined
what her
kind of friends.
handsome man came to you in a
fancy wheelbarrow? Where did you find it?" Oh, I'm sorry, Frank, I don't
think I'm talking again.
"It's her half – brother, Cami," Frank said for Diane.
Camille stared at her friend.
"Introduce me to him."
– I'd love to, but he's too busy and he'll be leaving soon."
The same bartender brought them the menu, giving Diana a strange
he did so.asThere was surprise in his eyes, and something else: he
kept looking down at her, then back again, as if he wanted to say
but didn't
"Whatdare in front
will you of her friends.
"The usual beer, Frank," Camille laughed.
"I'll have orange juice," Diana said firmly, and they
looked at her in surprise.
"What are you doing, girlfriend?" I don't have to go to work tomorrow.

But Diana knew that tomorrow was just the time for work!
And at six o'clock in the morning, so I didn't want to stay too long in this
strange and strange place.
She paused at the sound of laughing voices behind her.
Feeling a chill creep up my skin, I turned around. The same
group, led by Nicholas Griffin, sat at the next
table. Nicholas looked at her and winked. Diana immediately
turned away, noticing that Frank and Camilla were already having a nice
The bartender brought them their orders, still keeping an eye on
about something
If only she couldn't
she could read even fathom.
just by looking at it!
"It's okay," she whispered to him, not knowing why. -
He nodded and left. Maybe he wanted to warn her
about Griffin. Or not? She followed him with her eyes, careful not
to turn too openly so that the group sitting in the back wouldn't
see. The bartender was drying his glass with a towel. It seemed to her that
was doing this so carefully that he risked rubbing a hole in the glass.
He looks at her again. Nervous? He looked away to the left,
raising his eyebrows slightly, then looked back at her. Diana followed his
gaze and froze: Stefano Visconti was sitting at a small table
in the corner of the room, smiling sweetly with his perfect smile and
looking intently at the other person – a girl with long straight
brown hair. Taking a deep breath, Diana turned
to her friends. Why was she so nervous? She just didn't want him
to see her here. He didn't say whether it was okay or not to visit this place.
But he'd let her go out with her friends. No reason
to be nervous.
"Diana, you don't say anything all the time. Frank
looked at her, oblivious to her confusion.
In response, she just shrugged and forced a smile on her face.
As serene as the man in the corner to the left. She prayed
that her friends wouldn't notice him, because they would want to meet her
"brother." An unpleasant situation. Pushing those thoughts aside, she
looked to her left again, trying to make it as inconspicuous as possible.
The girl was smiling at him now. She was beautiful and obviously rich. Just
his circle. She was sitting on the edge of a chair, one leg crossed over the
other, and Diane

I noticed that she was wearing a very short bright scarlet dress. Too
short. It is practically nonexistent. So here are the girls he likes:
slender, tall, mannered, rich. Everything about her screamed
that there was clearly something between them. She was leaning too close
to him, and he was staring into her eyes. Diana's patience
snapped as the girl whispered something in his ear.
She got up from the table and headed for the door.
"Don't follow me," she said rudely to her friends, who
stared blankly after her.

Once outside, she leaned against the wall and tried

to collect the crazy thoughts that were going through her head. Why is she
feeling so bad? He hadn't done anything. Then why is she so
is the realized
girl in red?
she didn't
of their
know clan?
if he was married. Perhaps
girl was
that his wife.
"So beautiful and sad again."
Diana flinched at the haughty and familiar voice. When she looked
up, Nicholas was standing in front of her. Another misfortune on her
"Help me relax, pretty girl?" Or are you ready
to entertain me already?
" Diana's heart began to pound harder, and she didn't
even know what to say right away. Wordlessly, she tried to turn and walk
away, but
Griffin jerked her to a stop and slammed her against the wall. She gasped
in surprise and the pain in his hand as he gripped it. What should she do?
Shout? Maybe
– What Frank
do you would
want hear
from her
me?" scream.
she whispered, making
him laugh.
He pressed her harder against the stonework, and she felt
a sharp pain in her back. Grimacing, she pushed against his chest,
trying to push him away, but he was stronger. She couldn't do it. Nicholas
just laughed at her, wrapping Diana in a steely embrace, not
letting her out, not letting her breathe.
"Amuse me, whore, that's what you came for,"
he said in her ear, but her heart was pounding harder and louder than that
vile voice. It was the first time Diana had been in this situation.
Her legs gave out from fear, and she rolled down. Nicholas chuckled

then he grabbed it. Her strength was nothing compared to his, and she
screamed in pain as she tried to pull away. The smell of alcohol and
the smell of his own horror… Mixed together, they caused nausea. Even
as she closed her eyes and prepared for the worst, she suddenly
felt like she could breathe again. All the smells were replaced
by a"Griffin,
fresh wind.
I'm tired of you. Stefano
yanked Nicholas away from Diana, and she heard a familiar voice and
her eyes to see him slam Nicholas against the wall. He groaned,
and the girl clutched her head in fright and pressed harder against the
Out Frank
of the corner of her
was there, eye,
too, andshe
he saw
to hugrunning
her, butin,
shebut she couldn't
tell which was which. Who is the enemy and who is the
pulled her hand away, not wanting to be touched. Her gaze was friend.
fixed on the other man, who towered over Griffin,
not allowing him to get up.
She could feel Stefano's anger from afar, and it only made her
feel worse. "I am terrible in anger."
"My mother, it's your brother! Camille exclaimed.
Diana wanted to disappear, to dissolve, to become invisible...
Or open your eyes and discover that this is just a dream. A new
nightmare. But this is a reality, a reality that can happen
to anyone, especially to those who go to such places.
Nicholas's men surrounded Stefano, but they didn't get too
close. There were a lot of them, and they were drunk. Diana was afraid to
lookBut she did
in their look. What if they kill him?
"I'll kill you, I swear, if you lay a finger on her again,"
Visconti growled, and threw Nicholas against the wall again.
Everyone parted to let him pass, and he was walking toward her, and
too happy
she wasn't
about it: too tough, too big...
- Get in the car!
"But I don't want to," she whispered for some reason.
– Then I'll help you." He came up to her, grabbing her roughly by the
arm,jerked it away and got up on her own.
but she
Everyone watched in silence, only Nicholas's groan echoing through
the night.

Frank was the first to break down, wanting to protect his girlfriend.
took a step toward them, but Stefano pointed a finger at him
to stop and not move. And Frank stopped, watching them
she to
satthe big black
in the car. seat, Diana realized that she was
She didn't know which was more terrified of Griffin or
angry with Stefano. He had saved her, but at what cost? He threw the son
of his main enemy
Visconti got in against the and
beside her wall.started
What will
the he get
car. for it? She could
sense his
nervousness, but she was afraid to say a word. She saw him take out
his phone, callgive
"One, no, someone, and give her her address.
me two.
What did he want? Why two? What does he want to do with it?
His car was going so fast, cutting through the dark streets, that she
wanted to scream. But she was afraid. I was afraid to even look in his
direction, feeling the raging energy.
Stefano slammed on the brakes and
the car came to a screeching stop. Diana managed to cover her face with
her hands
and say goodbye to life, but the seat belt saved her from hitting
the windshield. When she realized that the car was parked, she lowered
her hands
Visconti exhaled, trying to calm his anger.
and "Everything
found that they were already at her house.
Diana thought she'd misheard. Why wasn't he yelling at her?
Why?! She refused to understand the man.
Stefano got out of the car and walked around to open the door for her.
She went out, still shivering, and hugged herself, either from
cold or nerves, as she trudged toward the house. But suddenly she was
standing at the front door. Gradually, the realization
of what had happened began to come. She could still feel the pain in her
back from
the stonework and on her skin from Nicholas Griffin's nasty embrace. He
raped satmight
her! He downeven
to her and her,
killed pulled her he
since to his chest
is the sonwith
of a one
murderer, which means
that he isher
justhair. She would
as cruel. have
She sat down cried, butstep
on the she without
didn't want to show it.
the door, trying to stop herself from shivering, feeling her stomach cramp
and nauseous.

weakness. What will he think? That she's weak, that she's given up? Sure,
she's weak, but he'll never know.
Chapter 8
The sound of the alarm woke Diana just as
the first glimmer of dawn was beginning to show. She lay there looking at
them through the window.
Bright colors imperceptibly replaced each other, creating an enchanting
She closed her eyes again. There, in the courtyard, near her house,
there was
a guard. They were now guarding it in case Nicholas Griffin
decided to visit. Or just to calm the soul. Only
whose? Hers
He left inor Stefano's?
silence, not saying a word. And she didn't know if
he was coming today as he'd promised. But just in case, I set an alarm.
After a quick shower and a quick snack, she put on a pair of shorts
and a tank top. He didn't
say what to wear, but if they had to run somewhere, then these
clothes would fit. Diana went outside, breathing in the morning air, and
sat down on
the steps, noticing a black-tinted
BMW sedan
She nother
closed far eyes
house. Her security
a minute to relaxteam was in that car.
Poor people
in the cold morning sun, but a familiar voice made
watched over her rest all night.
her shiver.

Diana opened her eyes and saw Stefano standing in front of her,
tracksuit witha the
Ferrari logo on it. Although she
couldn't imagine anything else on it. Only the Ferrari.
"I'm ready," she said, studying his face. Not a drop
of fatigue. It's like last night never happened.
"Then let's go." He held out his hand, and she took it.
And yesterday, with these hands, he hit Nicholas so hard that his friends
pulled him away from the wall for a long time...
They were walking along a deserted street: there were no cars on the
road, everything
was quiet. The city was still asleep. Stefano walked quickly, and Diana
tried– to keep are
Where up with him.
we going?"

Visconti turned to her and smiled. And she couldn't

help but smile back. After all, she thought that after yesterday, he would
angry with her for a very, very long time...
today, I will be
– Where correcting
to?" North? the situation. We go where it's hardest.
Stefano laughed, and the girl smiled again.
It was nice to hear him laugh.
– It's too early for you to go north. We're going to the beach.
"To the beach?" What for? What's so heavy? Or are you taking me to
to load port
"Not a bad idea. But no. Think, Diana. Think more.
What was he accusing her of? Maybe he's reproaching me for what
happened yesterday? The
logic between "beach" and "heavy" was only understood
when they reached the sea. Diane crouched down and began unlacing her
sneakers, letting the sea wind blow in,
and smelling the salt
. Steifano commanded. "Don't take it off.
– But it's hard to walk on the beach in shoes, and even more so in
legsshe understood!
to get tired. SheHe wantsinto
looked it tohis
for tied
He shoelaces
back on.
– Your physical fitness is poor. Yesterday, you
almost gave yourself to Griffin Jr. out of fear and not knowing what to do.
You know, I don't share my people. Especially with enemies.
Somehow, she knew this conversation was going to happen.
"Tell me, Diana, why did you fall at his feet?"
Before she could answer, Stefano suddenly grabbed her roughly by
pressed against the wall of the beach house! Looming over her,
scaring her to
death! Diana gasped in surprise and squeezed her eyes shut in fear.
That's all! Now here he is! Now he was going to rape her… I wanted
to cry and fall at my feet again. Now to his feet. But the grip
"Look and
me ina soft
the baritone voice
eye, Diana. said:
Never look away,
much less close your eyes.

She parted her thick lashes, meeting his gaze,

realizing that his hands were spread wide and resting against the wall...
Just as Nicholas Griffin had towered over her yesterday.
– You should be able to assess the situation, "he continued –"
and there should be no fear in your eyes, like now or yesterday.
She exhaled, realizing that he was trying to teach her how to defend
So she had nothing to fear. The girl relaxed slightly and looked
into his eyes. The blue of them was like hypnosis, distracting her from
reality and his
words. She immediately lost her train of thought, feeling his nearness
and –smelling
What dohis pleasant
you scent, trying to identify the perfume. The
see, Diana?"
on his her
brow caught
mouth, myno
but eye.
words came out. His lips curled slightly
in a grin. He read her mind. The devil!
"Is that how you looked at Griffin last night?" That explains
why he attacked you.
Embarrassed, she looked down and nudged him in the chest.
– How can I not look at it if you said to look at it?
– In the eyes, Diana. In the eyes. Not on the lips, not on the eyebrows,
the eyes. I don't
to study the rapist's face thoroughly.
She nodded imperceptibly, trying to collect her thoughts.
- Assess the situation. How do I stand? Close? How far away? Is there
a way
to escape?
Diana began to think. The distance was. And yesterday between her
and Nicholas, too. She rolled to the ground at his feet. But that
was a mistake, since Stefano didn't approve.
"There's a distance between us. I can push you.
She rested her hands on his powerful chest, feeling
the hard muscles under his clothes. He laughed. She dropped her hands
immediately, and he didn't
move a step back.
– You're too strong, I don't have enough strength.
I wanted to roll down at his feet, cover my head with my hands, and
else.not think about anything
"Diana." There was enough distance between us to knee
me in the groin. I'm not pinching you too hard. Yesterday you could have

do this.
She looked at him in surprise. The idea hadn't occurred to her
. And even if she did, she would be afraid of provoking
Nicholas ' anger.
Stefano stepped away from her, and she let out a sigh of relief.
– You don't have to be afraid, you don't have to wait for help, you have
to fight on your own. Evaluate your strength. When you look your
opponent in the eye, you
knock them down, giving yourself more time. Your brain
should always be working, looking for a way out. If there is an opportunity
to beat –
beat,Hebut as hard
pushed herasback
possible! Hethe
against willwall
fall with
to hishis
knees in but
body, front of you. He,
Diana, is not you! And one more thing...
this time he pushed her harder. Fear took my breath away again.
Stefano pressed his cheek to hers and whispered in her ear.
– You might even bite my neck." It'll give me
a shock and I'll pull back a little. This distance is enough to hit
my head in the bridge of my nose. I'll move away, clutching my nose,
will probably bleed, – you have
and time
you'll to run.
knee me below the waist.
Now he was
I fall and addio farther away from her. She finally
took a deep breath, thinking it over. His whisper in my ear created
a real picture of what was happening.
– But that's not all. He smiled at her. "Let's play a game."
I'm the rapist, you're the victim. You run, I catch up with you. If you
can escape from me, I will grant you your every wish.
First she smiled, then she laughed. Strange man!
In the ten minutes she'd spent with him, she'd been in shock, in fear,
in thought, and now in joy that he'd offered her the game.
As a child, she was the fastest runner in the area. She
liked his idea. She liked the way he taught her. This is his style, and this
style is unique.
– I'll run and think about what prize I want. She backed away,
looking him straight in the eye. – I'm a great runner.
"We'll see. If you lose, I'll get the prize. Run!
She wasted no time in turning and running. The wind hit
her face and fluttered her hair, but only after a few dozen meters

Diana found it hard to run down the beach in her shoes – her feet
raking up the sand. That's why he chose this place.
She ran from the dry sand to the beach itself, where the waves
tamp it down and it became easier to run. She tried not to step into the
so as not to get her sneakers wet, and also to run away from the waves. I
ran and was afraid
to turn around, but I wanted to assess the situation. But she could feel him
close, very close. And she was right – Stefano grabbed her and threw her
to the
– I'll think about the prize."
didn'ton topunderstand
even of her. He pressed
what heherwasbody against
saying, the warm
panting sand,
from running
He was her hands
so fast.
also behind
breathing her back.
heavily and lowered his head to her cheek for a
moment. And at
this sudden touch and proximity, the girl screamed
and began to struggle. But he was strong, and she
felt small and helpless under the weight of his body. Her hands were
behind her back, but Diana didn't give up. She gritted her teeth and
arched underdo this anymore!" – Stop it! " she screamed, and finally he
– I can't
then exhaled and lay back, her grip tight. He
his hands.
was "Think,
pushing her into the wet sand.
was She was it.
causing breathing through
Her breasts roseher
andmouth, she was
fell beneath choking,
him. no longer
But when she
realized what
that he
was sitting up slightly, she looked up into his eyes. He said
to look me in the eye! We must learn to think! But, as luck would have it,
there were no thoughts,
only his body, his proximity, which in a strange way clouded the brain.
I should have pulled myself together and not thought about him, driven my
do you feel, Diana?"
Diana's eyes
– I can narrowed
feel all yourslightly, butmy
weight on she didn't look away. She couldn't tell
if she
He wanted
smiledto atescape
her. more from his proximity or from his eyes.
Is he still joking? He's kidding me! He's abusing her and her body!
She snarled and tried to push him away, but it was no use.
– I can't take it anymore, I give up. You've won. The prize is yours.
He loosened his grip almost completely, propping himself up on his
giving her more air and freedom.

– Can you feel your legs?"

– You pinned them down.
"So you can feel it. If you can feel your legs together, then
you're lucky the rapist was inexperienced. Your chance
to escape is 50 %. Your legs are pinned, but your head isn't, so hit the
bridge of your nose.
But only strongly. You only have one shot. If everything works out, he
'll grab his nose, which will start to bleed, and pull away from
you a little. Now it's your turn to punch him in the jaw. Strongly. And it
will fall.
– AndAddio.
when my chances are zero?"
Stefano chuckled and pushed her legs apart with his foot,
forcing her hands to the sand, pulling them behind her head. He was
between her
legs, and the sudden action made her scream. What else would he
show her? Will it really rape you? I didn't even
want to look him in the eye. All she could feel was pain in her arms and
pressure from below.
"Everything, everything! I understand, thank you. I can't escape. You
A strange and
have won! scary pose. This was the first time a man had ever done this
to her!
Diana Without
lookedaup word, hesky,
at the rolled
heroff her and
heart onto her
pounding. Herback, leaving her lying
on the sand.
breathing was getting heavy, pressing against her chest. And there was a
strange ache in the pit of my stomach. She was afraid to look at Stefano,
so she only managed
to say:
"That's all, I hope?"
But he didn't answer. And she had to look in his direction: he
was lying with his hand over his eyes. She could see the rise and fall
of his massive chest. When he felt her eyes on him, he pulled his hand
away and swore,
" Damn it, Diana.
He stood up and began brushing the sand off his clothes, giving her
scowls. The girl sat up, not understanding what she was guilty of. What
caused his annoyance?
– That's definitely all for today. Or rather, in terms of this – everything.
Now-five kilometers along the shore. And not on wet sand.


Diana came home and collapsed on the bed. My legs hurt so

much that I wanted to cry. I didn't even have the energy to take
a shower. He squeezed it out completely. She almost hated Stefano
Visconti. The image of him lying on the sand between
her legs almost faded from her mind.
The doorbell rang, and Diane groaned: who had been brought in on
day of her life?
Slowly, she got out of bed
and trudged shakily to the door. I opened it and saw a strange picture:
a guard in a black suit was twisting Frank's arms.
"Oh, no, – she moaned again. "Let him go." This is my friend.
Diana didn't even wait for the guard to do as she
was told, but went back into the room and fell back on the bed. I was even
more angry with Stefano. Why the hell didn't he remove the guards? What
was she supposed
to say to Frank
Frank, now? and uncomprehending, ran into the room
and immediately rushed to her.
"Diane, is he keeping you here by force?! I knew it. Yesterday, he
grabbed you so roughly, and now the man in black wouldn't let
you get through. What's happening? The guy was almost shouting. "And
do you look
" He like you've
lunged at her,been lying
wanting toon
but all
pulled away.
"He raped you?"
"Frank, he saved my life. He didn't rape me. I look
like this because I used to run on the beach. What brought you so early
Relieved, Frank sat down next to her on the bed.
"Who's the man on the street?" Can you explain what
's going on?"
How she wished he would go away and leave her alone. She
needed to rest, clean up, because there was
a chance that her tormentor would return. Right now, he was distracted by
his work
at the office,
"This and she My
is security. wasbrother
pretty lucky.
is so alert and caring that
he decided to play it safe.
– He's not your brother, Diana. Camille
and I were still at the Gyrfalcon yesterday when you left. And I found out
everything about this man.

Do you know what "Morte Nera" is? This is a criminal group! Do you
know who Stefano Visconti is? Its leader! Do you know what
they call it in the criminal world? The Black Devil! He's a killer!
Diana froze. Frank wasn't supposed to know about this. Why does he
dig so deep, why does he climb into this swamp?
"Frank," she pleaded, " please don't poke your nose where
you shouldn't. Forget everything you've heard. Forget it forever.
– How can I forget?" What do you have with this man? But what am I
talking about?
He's not human, he's a brutal killer, he's cheating on you! Diana, did you
buy the money? On his coolness and position in society? He
's older
Shethan you.hand
put her For how
over long? For ten
his mouth andyears? More?
whispered in his ear.
– Do you see wealth in my house?" No! So don't
jump to conclusions. I have something in common with this man, but I
can't tell you what it is. For your own safety.
She removed her hand from his lips and got up from the bed. Lame,
She headed for the shower, but Frank blocked her way.
– We wanted to go to Los Angeles with you, remember? I'm ready,
let's go! I'll get you away from him.
She just shrugged and looked him straight in the eye
"The question is, Frank, do I want to leave him?"
She went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
She immediately turned on the water and pulled off her sneakers,which
were chafing her
She longed to get
under theout
hotof the shower
water, Diana and
felt find Frank gone.
her entire body tense. Even her hands seemed to be shaking, even though
wasn't doing anything with them. Or not? She was trying to get out of
captivity when
Visconti fell on top of her. He is big and strong, she is small
and weak. He was much bigger than Nicholas Griffin, and if someone like
Stefano Visconti attacked her, she would never be able to escape
. ButWrapped
from Nicholas,init was possible, Diana
a towel, and now opened the door
she knew how.
a crack and listened. Quietly. So Frank was gone. With a sigh of relief, she
went into the room, sat down on the bed, and rubbed her tired
and aching feet.

She felt sorry for Frank. Just a short time ago,she'd been lying under
half-naked, determined to give up her innocence...
memories of Stefano pulling her down, covering her with his
body, pushing her legs apart, pressing down on her with all his strength,
causing pain,
and something
Visconti else to intrude on
is a murderer, her mind…
involved She couldn't help but
in illegal
think trafficking
arms about it. And
andit God
was knows
gettingwhat else, but he did not allow himself to
do anything
superfluous towards her, he taught her, he invested knowledge in her,
she did not see him as the devil. He became her support and protection.
The fear
was gradually replaced by other feelings – she wanted to believe him
and not be afraid.
Chapter 9
Diane walked into the office building and couldn't help but glance
back at the parking lot,
looking for a big black car. Today it was a
As She smiled. the guards, someone called out to her–
she passed
" Diana!
Matt Bourne, the same guy she'd sat with in the waiting room,
waiting for her fate. He was hired as a security guard, which he was very
happy about. She was taken as a sniper. And it was terrifying.
"How are you, Matt?"
Diana walked over to the security desk. For a
moment, she had a strange thought: does Matt Bourne even know how
to shoot? How does it guard the head center without training? Without
what is it like? What if the entire northern company
, represented by Griffin Sr., comes here? Can Mat hold the punch alone?
And Matt
does winked
he at her and smiled.
know fine, but howprotecting
what he's are you?" and whothe
It's not he's protecting?
first time I've seen you here,
I can't figure out what position you've been hired for.
Diana looked down, not knowing what to say. Stefano would
have said, "Look me in the eye," knowing she'd start lying.
– I'm still doing an internship. I don't know who I'll be yet.
Matt nodded, as if she'd answered his question.

Diana looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.

– Some guy came in with security, with a gun. You know, I was a
little afraid they were going to shoot everyone here. And our main
one wasn't there.
Diane's imagination conjured up the most terrifying picture. She
remembered that someone had called Stefano while they were at the
and she could tell by the look on his face that it was serious. He quickly
finished the training session and called security, who, as it turned out,
was –always there.
Is he all right?"

My heart was about to jump out of my chest. What's wrong with her?
cares She
for this killer's life as if it were her own!
"I think so. That man with the guards didn't stay here long. But he
was angry, Diane, and even I was afraid.
She didn't finish listening, but crossed the hall and quickly climbed
stairs. There were so many thoughts in my head that they could
me crazy.
Visconti needed a hitman who was always ready to keep an
eye on the enemy, and she was taking a shower and complaining of pain in
her legs! Her
job, which she didn't really know yet,which he was preparing her for,
was She
into the reception area, brushed past Olga without
saying hello, opened the massive door, and went in.
Stefano was sitting at his desk, already dressed in a business suit, just
the first
like time she'd seen him.
"Oh, I see you didn't run well, since you still have the strength to walk.
It was only when she heard his voice that she let out a breath and
her legs thatholding her up. He's alive! No blood, no bruises, no cuts!
Thank God
it's all right.
"Who came in today?"
He pushed the papers away from him. I did it slowly, delayed
with the answer.
– What did you drive?"
Why is he changing the subject?
– With your guards, of course, they follow me everywhere.
- OK.
He nodded in satisfaction, looking at her from his seat. Sight
he was thoughtful, and something was bothering him.
Moving closer to him, she whispered:
– Is something bothering you?"
Visconti simply smiled at her. Before she could respond to his
smile, Olga burst into the office.
"Sorry, Chief, it went so fast I didn't have time
to tell you!"
She ran her hands down her short skirt, tracing the curve of her
should canto
learn come in here even with her feet, Olga, thank you. And you

Diana looked at him in surprise, but Stefano just

"I was just kidding," he said as the receptionist
left the office, head down. – You can come to my place whenever
you want, but I don't think you'll want to in a couple of weeks."
You'll hate me.
She remembered that she had experienced
something similar after her morning run.
"Maybe even sooner.
He smiled again. He has a beautiful smile. You can't say that
this man is cruel and domineering. She smiled back, and at the
same time there was a knock on the door.
"Sit down, Diana. Now we will be lectured. Stefano
pointed to the very spot where she had recently sat
and met the other members of Morte Nera. She walked over to him
and sat down.
Antonio Grasso, the
man who had been Stefano's right-hand man, the one who had watched
shoot in the hello.
"Diana, back room, came
I'm glad intohere.
you're the office
Therelooking thoughtful.
is a conversation.
The man sat down across from her, and she immediately turned her
in Stefano's direction, but he just shrugged.
"Yesterday's incident with Nicholas Griffin didn't go
unnoticed," Antonio began, " and today his father was here, shaking
a gun in my face. And as luck would have it, "he glanced at Stefano,"
our most important man is an hour late. Diana, why did you go
to the Gyrfalcon? Steph! Why the hell did you beat up Griffin Jr.?
"Let him thank you for not killing me."
"His father will tell you that in person when we meet.
Stefano suddenly jumped up from his seat, his hands on the table.
Diana flinched.
"Let him tell you! I'm not afraid of him, much less his bastard son!
The time will come when my nerves will finally give out. He looked
at Diana. "Let them wait a couple of months, and I'll give them
a surprise."
Of course, he was referring to her, Diana, as a professional
sniper and assassin. Just thinking about it makes her chest ache.
it clenched painfully.
"Steph, be a little more reserved about the Wolves. I don't
want to be blown up or
shot between the eyes at some point.
Diana flinched at the terrible words.
It was only now that she realized the danger of the whole situation.
"And you, Diana, why the hell did you go there?" Don't you know that
the Gyrfalcon is a place where people like us gather to
negotiate? Such a peculiar neutral zone.
my mistake," Stefano said, just as she was about
to start making excuses, " I didn't warn her.
But Antonio was so outraged by what had happened that
he couldn't calm down.
"One goes God knows where! Another is attacking the son of his
arch-enemy! You're both going to drive me crazy!
Diana looked at Stefano in surprise, but he was already smiling
and nodding. It even seemed to her that he wasn't listening to Antonio,
because he was
looking at the
– If you papers
want on his
to beat desk. Griffin up like
a pear again, at least stick with your people and get to the office on time."
I'm afraid
himwill show
come. up also
He'll heregive the money, "
Stefano said in a completely calm tone.
- If he doesn't
, I'll block his access to the port.
Antonio stood up, waved his hand, and muttered as he headed for the
his breath,
– I managed to get in touch with the Visconti family!" I knew
there would be problems.
He left, and Diana finally managed to exhale. Funny old man,
even when he was swearing, he looked kind. When she first saw him,
she immediately liked him – because he threw documents with a bang on
Olga's desk
. He didn't know how to swear, and he wasn't as rude as
Stefano, who didn't seem to take his words seriously.
And "Never
even if mind.
he did,Antonio
he still is
did it in
just his own way.

– I've been thinking about what you'll get for yesterday.

– Were you worried about me?" Stefano grinned mischievously. –
Don't worry, I have seven lives. They'll get tired
of killing me.
Diana looked at him-not a bit serious, but most likely
he was hiding his worries, fears and concerns behind jokes.
And for some reason, she wasn't happy about it.
– What will you do?"
"I think I'll go get something to eat, because you're very thin." You
to eat better, otherwise you risk falling.
That wasn't what she was asking him, and he knew it, but again
he was evading the question.
Olga's voice came over the phone
's speaker.
"Let him come in.
Stefano turned to Diana with a wink.
– Let's hear some gossip from the center and go out for lunch."
A man of medium height, in his fifties,
with sparse graying hair, entered the office. Just by looking at his clothes,
you could
tell that he held an important position and had a lot of money – the suit
fit him perfectly. Most likely made to order and from the most
expensive fabrics. The man had a bright smile on his face. Smiling people
always resonated with her. Stefano rose to meet him,
holding out his hand, and he shook it. So, they were quite
friendly relations.
"I don't understand, Visconti, why didn't you shoot the asshole?"
The man laughed and looked at Diana.
– Is this the girl who's causing all the fuss?" Beautiful.
Where do you find them? I'd give the bastard a hard time for her, too.
Diana was embarrassed. The head of the "center", apparently, always
he thought. Just like her. Diana liked him.
"Diana, this is Richard Knight, the head of the entire center.
Richard is my friend and partner. Stefano pointed at the man,
and she held out her hand, but to her surprise, Richard didn't shake it. He
leaned forward gallantly and brushed her fingers with his lips.
– You're beautiful, young lady. I can see now that
I might as well kill Nicholas Griffin for you.

"Richard," Stefano said, " Diana is in the Morte Nera clan,

and she's mine.
"Excuse me, lady –" he bowed to her and gave Stefano a sly look
, " did you tell Griffin that?" If his son has his
eye on her, I'm afraid a war will break out.
Stefano laughed.
"What war, Richard?" It's been coming for a long time. And stop
the circus in my office. You're scaring the girl.
Diana watched them in silence. It was even interesting, so many
compliments to her address from one man she had not yet heard.
But there were other words ingrained in my heart:"She's mine." Just a
short time ago, they
would have scared her, and she would have screamed that she was free,
she was a draw. But
on your
felt a and
if you
need anysomething
help, you're
and pleasant. She wanted to be " his."
They talked business for a long time, and Diana was
lost in thought. Olga brought the coffee,
looking at her with displeasure and smiling at the men. Remembering the
in the red dress at the Gyrfalcon with Stefano yesterday, her beauty,
the smile she gave him, Diana felt an unpleasant sense
of bitterness. Olga probably felt the same way now. But unlike
the girl in the scarlet dress last night, Diana looked like a child, just
a girl. How would a mature, handsome man look at
someone like her? She's just a skinny little girl to him. It also
hits the target pretty well. It's a job, nothing more. It was
both peaceful and scary to be with him. Only the fear wasn't what she
'd felt before. Now she looked at him and thought that
Stefano Visconti had an inner charisma. The smile he
occasionally gave her when talking to Richard Knight had
a hypnotic effect. Stefano had
a mind-boggling charm, an attraction you couldn't escape. She wasn't
afraid of Stefano
Visconti, the leader of the Morte Nera clan; now she was beginning
to fear herself.

Diana was sitting on the outdoor terrace of the restaurant. The

were busy, and Stefano was walking around with the phone in his hand,
glancing at her and letting her know that this time the call was even
moreSheimportant than
stared at herthe previous
reflection in one. She knew
the elevator it wasand
mirror a job. The girl
why hehad lunch at
thought hehome, but he
was thin? Tooinsisted,
narrow reminding herbreasts?
waist? Small of her thinness.
Legs? Thighs? Stefano laughed when he saw her looking
at herself. And
– Do you she awasn't
need amused
cow with atbreast
a fifth all. size? To put a
submachine gun on it and only pull the trigger?
Her words elicited more laughter, and Visconti put his arm around her
slender waist and led her out onto the terrace.
Then the endless phone calls started. People probably thought that
the Devil eats only blood at night? She even wanted
to throw his phone down from the fifteenth floor, but she was afraid that
she would fly after him. The image made her laugh. But the fun
was interrupted by a call, now on her cell phone.
"Diana, where are you?" Camille's voice was agitated. – You didn't
think to call me?" Or did being around this man make you
forget all of us?
Diana glanced at Stefano, who was leaning on the railing, looking
down from the fifteenth floor. She thought he was going to throw
the phone on the ground, and she laughed again. At least she wouldn't
to follow him!you seem to be having fun."
"Very much, Camille.
Her friend paused, sighed into the phone, and whispered:
"I'm glad, really. Don't let him hurt you. I'll give him
a nice face."
After talking to her friend, she hung up and started eating her salad
with shrimp. You can starve to death while waiting for"prince charming".
"I don't need a cow with a size five breast,"
he whispered suddenly in her ear, " I'm afraid she'll fail all
the surgeries."
Stefano walked around her and sat down across from her.
– Then what's wrong with my weight?"

– You're small and fragile, Diana. When you recoil, you will
fall back.
She rolled her eyes in displeasure as she set her fork down on the
and "I'm just kidding,
whispered, Diane.–Stefano
" I'm sorry.: leaned
You should closer
have moretostrength
her than
weight." We
get our
picked from food.
up her fork again, watching him
out of the corner of her eye–
Stefano took a sip of wine, clearly in no hurry to answer. But
this is not surprising, because personal life is personal for that. But Diana
wanted to know… She watched him, saw his grin, but he
didn't say don't
– You anything.
have to tell me. I got it Are you married?"
Their eyes met, and then he was studying her. Under the pressure of
I wanted to take all the questions back. But they are already asked,
and there are still no answers. I wanted to know more about it. In fact, she
didn't know anything about him at all.
"You know, Mr. Knight reminded me of me," she continued.
Diana, remembering the guest in Stefano's office.
"You know, me too.
"So you're married?"

– How old are you?"

She looked down at her plate, poking the shrimp on her fork.
I could feel him watching. Their age difference slightly
shocked her.
– Any more questions, or can I eat?"
– You can eat.
- thanks.
"No, just one more question. You're thirty-two years old – that's a long
so why aren't you married?
– I'm only
youngest thirty-two,
of them Diane.
all. I'm not That'sbecause
married not much. I'm athe
I have lot of things to do
– Domy
love anyone?"
– I'm eating, don't bother me. We don't have much time.
She raised the shrimp to her lips, but stopped.

– Why the Black Devil, I don't even ask. And

I don't need to know what "Morte Nera" is.
He covered his face with his hand and laughed.
"Diana, where are you from?"
The girl looked at him in surprise.
"What's that?"
"The other one.
She thought about it and shrugged, realizing that for the first
time since she'd known him, she was finally relaxing. She is like this
she has become
"You're herself.
always fighting two things – curiosity and fear.
At first I thought that fear overcomes curiosity, but no, after all
, curiosity prevails.
Of course, she would like to know what kind of person he is. It's easy
for him to say – he's been collecting information about her for a week, but
doesn't knowyou
– Aren't himfeeling
at all. hot?"
He's a mystery. It is different.
"It's hot.
She would have asked him more about his job, what he sold, and how
he worked.
he was doing it, but she was scared. Realizing this, she laughed. Hell,
he was right-there was fear, but curiosity got the better of him.
– Since you've found out all about me, maybe it's my turn
to ask questions."
– I think you know more about me than I do."
Stefano nodded at her.
– Are you afraid of me, Diana?"
She looked straight into his eyes, which were even
more blue in the sunlight. No, she wasn't as afraid of him as she used to
be. – No, should I?"
"It's possible.
Visconti looked thoughtfully off into the distance, then back at her.

"It's hot.
"Then let's get out of here."
Chapter 10
He'd brought her to the moor, where the sun-baked grass pricked
her feet and the few bare trees stuck out like thorns. It was
hot. It seemed to Diana that even the air in this place smouldered from
the sweltering heat. Stefano loosened his tie, undid the top
buttons of his shirt, and slung his jacket over his shoulder. She had
nothing to take
off, just a T-shirt and jeans, which were hard to wear
in theIn heat.
the rooftop restaurant, the wind was blowing, but the air was still.
Why had he
brought her here? Stefano didn't say anything, he moved easily, and the
heat didn't seem
to make him uncomfortable. Diana followed, feeling the sun
burn– her exposed
You're goingskin. Fifteen
to kill me?" minutes were enough for
her to groan.turned at the sound of her voice, and Diana saw the sweat on
A grin touched his lips. He pulled off his tie, stuffed
it into his pants pocket,and undid a couple more buttons on his white shirt,
revealing the black hair on his chest. Even though
she was already collapsing from exhaustion and the heat, the sight
of it brought the blood to her face and made her mouth go dry.
"Me or this place?"
Diana stepped around him so as not to be embarrassed. As she moved
she felt him following her. My nerves were on edge. It felt
like she was going to scream at him and then drop dead.
– Are you annoyed?"
– I'm furious.
She walked faster, though her only desire was to disappear
and never see him again. She just kept walking until
a fence loomed in front of her. Barely noticeable, still a very distant point,
but it was there, which means that we are not far from the final goal.
– There are gatherings here, Diana. We chose this place
specifically away from the city, so that in case of anything, shots would not
be heard


She stopped, dumbfounded. Shots fired? Gatherings? What does it

– In case of what?"
He caught up with her.
– In case someone didn't share something. Situations are
different, sometimes the most unexpected.
– And what can not be divided?
– I bring money here in exchange for goods. Or vice versa: my product
theirismoney. It happens that they start shooting first to
get everything.
She looked at Stefano, and her blood froze, just as
it had when he had come at her in the back room and offered to kill her.
Diana had forgotten all about the heat. Her brain was drawing
pictures of gatherings, like in the movies. But those were movies, and this
is real
life! -And
Does it it
seems thatthat
happen soon she
you herself
start will participate
shooting first? in them.
"It happens. When I'm being lied to. If you don't get enough goods or
you grab a weapon. You kill them all, then let one go to
pass on the information. After all, most often I meet with intermediaries.
It's worse when a meeting with leaders takes place: there are cars
everywhere, lots
of guns... pointing at your head. From my side, from their side-
at each other. Turning your back on them means getting shot.
Any suspicious movement – shooting. It doesn't matter from whose
side.He Everyone
started shoots
but Diana stayed where she was. She felt
like she was in hell. To his hell. With weapons, shootouts, gatherings
, and cars. She wanted to tell it all to go to hell and run, run as
far as she could. Her legs gave out and she sat down on the hot
ground, wincing in pain. She covered her face with her hands. It turns out
that she
, too, will have to be in this infernal hell. What role did he
assignWhenher?she felt him close to her, she looked up. Stefano sat down
beside her
and took her hands in his. She admired the touch,
too beautiful
– I need you andthere,
too damn nice.
Diane. You asked me why I couldn't
shoot myself, and you probably didn't understand my answer at the time.
the two leaders meet, they are checked for weapons.

one of them will be found with it, a bullet in the forehead is guaranteed.
And even though all
my men are behind the cars, holding the enemy at gunpoint, I'm unarmed,
and Diana
the first shot will
snatched herhithand
me. away as quickly as if his fingers were
lava fire. Her stomach clenched. She wasn't shocked by
what was happening in the world of crime,but she suddenly realized that
the shock
was caused by him, the man sitting next to her and constantly risking his
life. Even for the sake of money and power. But he'd become
something special to her in a few days, and the thought of him lying on
this empty
lot with a bullet
– What through
is required ofhis head made her want to cry. Diana couldn't
– My life will depend on your professionalism, so
what was to
I decided causing
teach her
you to feel this
myself, way. I have the same gift. And
they haven't seen a better shooter yet, so they play it safe and disarm
me. But I will create a likeness of myself: you will be my eyes, ears
, and hands.
He stood up, brushing off the dirt, and offered her his hand. Diana
grabbed it.
– Your role is the most important one for me: to keep an eye on their
leader. But without anyone suspecting anything."
– Don't forget, I'll take the first bullet."
Diana panicked. What if she doesn't succeed? What if they
find her?
– In the event of a shootout, your job is to kill their
leader, then shoot the others indiscriminately. The more enemies
you kill, the more our lives will be saved. You won't
get hurt yourself, because you'll be a good distance
away from here. See the hill in the distance? He pointed to the high
ground. –
After that, you'll have to run, but not to the wounded, Diana, or even
to me. Run to your car and drive away as fast as possible.
You don't have to think about us. If everything goes according to plan, I'll
see you somewhere
In words, else. was simple. But it's too exciting and painfully
risky. He trusted her with his life, just as she had trusted him with hers
at the edge of the cliff. I wanted to scream. Strongly! To wake up! But she

she did not sleep, this is now her life, its reality-unreliable,
dangerous and terrible.
"That's my life, Diana. And you ask me if I love
anyone. I don't like it because it's too dangerous.


Diana sat on the beach, looking out over the blue waters of the ocean,
where the horizon stretched from unknown to unknown. Her
breathing was calm and relaxed, quiet, almost imperceptible.
The fresh wind ruffled her hair, but she didn't notice it, her mind
was occupied with other things – getting used to being different, realizing
a new
role Her
in life.
security guard, Tomas, whom Stefano had assigned to her,
was always around. She could feel his presence, even though
she couldn't see him. She didn't want to see anyone right now. Camille
kept ringing off
the phone, and Frank called once, but Diana just turned off
the sound. Only one person knew where she was and what was wrong with
her, but he didn't
need was
to call her,
lost because his
in thought, bodyguard
oblivious was witharound
to everything her. But sheOnly
didn't want to see Stefano, either. She wanted
the orange, less blinding sun on the horizon to be alone.
was a reminder that it was late afternoon.
"Lady Diana! A man's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she
turned to see Thomas. – Are you all right?" You've been sitting here
so long that I'm starting to worry.
She felt sorry for Thomas, she would have let him go. What kind of
nonsense did
Stefano come up with with the guards? Who needs it? Nicholas Griffin had
"Sit forgotten
with me, Thomas.
about her. pointed to a spot on the grass next to her, and he, despite the
fact with
the one that the suit on was happy to join in.
Diana liked the dark-skinned Thomas right away, and she wasn't even mad
at him for nearly
breaking Frank's arm. Initially, there were two bodyguards. But
Stefano, for some unknown reason, took one of them and left
only Thomas with her.

– Why are you sad?

The girl looked at him, not knowing what to say. Does he know
who he's guarding? Who does he work for? Yes, of course he does. Surely
he himself
in the
all about "gathering".
the landfill on the moor,"
Diana whispered, not expecting any support or sympathy. After all, it
wasn't his job
to listen to all answer
Thomas's her emotions.
startled her.
"Stefano Visconti's life hangs in the balance every day.
I've been standing behind him for ten years, and to be honest, these
gatherings are not for the faint of heart. Every movement arouses
suspicion, and every now and then I think that this is the last time, that
now they will shoot and everything will come to an end.
His words confirmed the madness of what was happening.
"But you know, Lady Diana, no matter who he is or what
he does, he always stands up for his people. And I always
agreed with his point of view. All his actions are adequate. But
now – " Thomas considered. – I don't understand why he's dragging you
into this." You are too young, too inexperienced. You have your whole life
ahead of ayou.
"I'm future sniper, Thomas. You stand behind him, and I will
stand behind you, protecting you both.
The bodyguard shrugged.
– Still, there's always a risk. After all, we are not sure that
there will not be a bloodhound from the foreign side with which we meet,
will search the entire area on the moor before the meeting. This is crazy,
and I don't
"" Heofwon't
it. Please forgive
find out, me foryou
Thomas, saying that,
can be butofifthat.
Stefano finds out what I've just told you, then –
- thanks.
She looked out at the ocean again, the horizon already half
-swallowing the sun. Why hadn't Stefano told her everything? After all, he
said with confidence that she was not in any danger. But she's not
a child, and she understood everything when she saw the wasteland, when
she knew what was happening on it.
There is always
"What's room for something unexpected, something you don't
he like?"
It's the same in everyday life. Just not so scary.

Thomas looked at her in surprise, as if he didn't understand what she

was asking.
– Stefano Visconti-what is he like? You've been working with him for
ten years,
you should know.
He smiled at her,
" A clear one that doesn't tolerate lies or deceit. Does not forgive
And at the same time understanding. Risky. I sometimes
think he enjoys taking risks. He plays with his
enemies. If he is in the mood today – the deal will go
well, and if not, the deal will definitely end in shooting. And he
always shoots exactly at the target, as long as I know him – not a single
miss. He
's fearless and dangerous. You don't know what to expect from him. He
It was like Thomas was talking about someone else. Diana didn't know
this nickname, the real Devil.
Stefano. Except for the first time they'd met, when he'd
scared her out of her wits. And now he was smiling, joking, answering her
stupid questions
"Like a different person," she said thoughtfully,
and showing
Thomas his displeasure.
nodded, knowing what she meant.
"He's different with you, Lady Diana, I watched you yesterday
and today. He's so protective of you that he's assigned you the best of
his bodyguards.
For some reason, Diana was not surprised by his words, because
he will needs
protect her,his own benefit.
her for
– He smiles more with you, laughs more. He looks at you
openly. It seemed to me that you were like a ray of light for him.
Diana looked at Thomas in surprise, and her heart sank. Is he
different with her?.. But this is not surprising –
it is always more pleasant to communicate with the opposite sex than with
with machine
studying guns in their hands.
me, Thomas. I think he can read my mind, "
she whispered, and Thomas laughed.
The tension began to subside.

When she pulled up to the house in the black BMW that Diana was
used to, she offered Thomas coffee, but he politely
– I don't understand why." You can have a cup of coffee.
"My job, ladies, is to protect you, not drink your coffee."
She closed the door, not knowing what would happen if he drank
coffee. Dropping her purse on the floor, she went into the kitchen and
on the coffee
Diana satmaker.
down on If he didn't
a chair want
and toout
took come
herin, she'd phone,
mobile take the coffee
the many calls her friends had made. Probably offended by her. She
"Hi, to call Camille.
Diane," her friend's voice came over the line, sounding annoyed
. – I thought you took us off your friend list."
"Kami, don't be silly, I was just really busy.
"With your man?"
– With it.
Camille sighed into the phone.
"So he didn't frighten you with his... activities?"
Diana was angry with her, and even wanted to yell at her friend,
but she held back, because she would have to explain her emotions, and
didn't— want
no. to do that. She answered in monosyllables.
Her future dreadful profession promised her to be friendless. Diana
was only now beginning to understand this. To the question: "Can I see
my friends?", Stefano replied: "If time permits" - and he
took up all her time! They'd spent the whole day together today,
and he'd left her in the late afternoon to get on with his work. And she
sat on the beach for two hours, not knowing what to do without him.
"I wanted to invite you to a nightclub," Camille whined, " just like
in the old days." You can come with your mafia king if
you want.
Diana laughed when she should have screamed.
"Dee, are you all right?"
This wasn't normal at all, and Diana knew it. Nerves,
stress, and fatigue did their job. She needed to relax,
distract herself, and forget who she was now for a while. After all, Stefano

he forbade her to see her friends. But since she spends the whole day with
she can devote
"I agree, the
but night to
without her
the friends.
mafia Until
king," sheIsaid.
"Wherelost them.
are we going?" Just don't go to the Gyrfalcon, please.
- Great! Camille shouted. – I knew you didn't leave us,
our Diana is back in action!" Let's go to the Bunker.
Diana shuddered at the name. But remembering that the "Bunker"
is located in the center, which means that it is safe there, I agreed.
Dressed in a white flared dress with a silver ribbon
under the bust and high heels, she didn't forget to bring out a cup
of coffee for Thomas. The bodyguard shifted nervously in the
driver's seat when he saw her.
– Are you going somewhere?"
"Yes, Thomas. I'm not supposed to ask permission, am I? Visconti
said I had a right to privacy.
Thomas looked at her warily as he sipped his coffee.
– I think he changed his mind after the last time.
– I made a mistake when I went to the Gyrfalcon . Today we are going
to the center.
"I will be with you, Lady Diana, I tell you at once.
The girl was not upset – she was even more comfortable with security
after the incident with Nicholas Griffin.
They pulled up to the entrance to the nightclub, and Diana realized
it wasn't really an entrance: just a ladder leading down
to an– inconspicuous door.criminals
I hope there aren't And a small flickering
from sign:
all over the Bunker.
city gathering here to
discuss deals?"
Thomas smiled at her startled expression.
The White Wolves don't come here.
- Who are the "friends"? the girl asked cautiously.
- Our and central ones.
"Who owns this hole?"
She could have asked earlier, but somehow
it didn't occur to her. Maybe I should have chosen a better place.
"Richard Knight's partner. His name is Leslie Mills.
Diana thought she'd heard the name before. But
she'd learned so many new names lately that it was hard for her to
understand them now.

remember what context they were used in.

"Come on, Thomas. I hope no one else comes but Leslie Mills
Chapter 11
Diana quickly found Camille and Frank outside the bar. With a wave
of her hand, she headed in their direction, leaving Thomas in the shadow
of a large
The loud music deafened her, and the smell of cigarettes lingering
in the room was relaxing.
"Can't Visconti let you go alone without his hellhounds?"
Frank's eyes were fixed on Thomas, and Diana didn't like the
sound of that.
"Frank, that's enough," Camille said, frowning. – And rightly so.
At least nothing would happen to her.
Diana didn't comment, she was busy looking
around the room. What was she looking for? Or who? Nicholas Griffin? But
definitely won't beDiana!"
"Champagne, here. Camille shouted, holding out her
"For me?" Why for me?
"To your privacy!" Camilla winked at her friend, and Diana
immediately looked at Frank, who was looking at the dancers.
The crowd was getting bigger by the minute, and Diana
found herself worrying about being in a crowd.
Faces flashed before her eyes: a blond man walked to the bar
and looked at her with interest, a blonde girl in a short
leather skirt and a white tank top was dancing in the hall, her hands
sliding over
her body, luring a guy who was already mad with lust looking at her
. A group of people are sitting at a table in the corner, watching them
with interest, studying their every move.
Somehow uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Now that she had a better
of reality, Diane could picture all sorts of things in her head
: half the people present were Knight's people, or worse,
Visconti's, meeting here to drink, smoke, smell
coke, rent a girl for the night, and spend
their blood money. Maybe shoot some more shots with their guns at the
end of the evening,
maybe even kill someone.

"Diana, more champagne?" Camille took

the empty glass from her friend's hand and handed her a full one. "Relax
and Diana
drink. drained it in one gulp, the sweet, prickly liquid
seething in her blood like lightning.
"Are you sure you're not going back to the ambulance?" Why don't
you change your mind?
Diana laughed at the
thought of going to her boss with her head down to ask him to take her
back. Never. Never again.
Stefano resolved that issue, too, by firing her without her consent. She
ask how
"More hechampagne!"
did it, but it wasn't hard to guess: his
The alcohol
made is the law
Diana feelfor everyone.
more relaxed. This is for the best. She needed to get
rid of her stress, and it didn't matter that she had to get up at six
tomorrow morning and go back
to the
snatched the bottle of champagne from the bartender and took a
from the bottle.
"That's disgusting," she said, " but at
least the champagne makes you feel better."
"Let's go dancing!" Camille grabbed her arm and pulled
her into the crowd of dancers.
Loud music and alcohol pulled Diana into the depths of a crazy
dance. Arms wrapped around her waist. Thinking it was Frank, she
leaned back against him, moving sexily, feeling his
hands move higher to her breasts. It's too loose. She
whirled around to find that it wasn't Frank at all.
"Hello, pussycat," the blond stranger wrapped his arms around her
pulling her close. – I like you."
She tried to pull away, but he only pulled her
deeper into the dance, closing the distance between them until she could
feel his breath close to hers.
– I don't like you very much!" She tried to push him away,
her eyes searching
But her for Camille
friend didn't at notice,
seem to the same time.
and Frank was standing so
far away, so engrossed in alcohol, that even if all the men
had fallen on top of her, he wouldn't have noticed.

– Why not?" Maybe we can find a common language? He pulled her

to him and kissed her neck.
Maybe I should have relaxed and let my fate take over.
Let it be what it will be. Let him kiss her. Let someone kiss her!
Here and now. But a strong hand pulled him away from Diana… Thomas.
It was him.
"What the hell..." The blond man wanted to hit the bodyguard, but the
bodyguard slightly raised the sleeve of his suit and showed him something
on his wrist.
The –guy immediately
" Damn, I wouldbacked away,
have said cursing
so right loudly
away, and not made a virgin out
of myself.
Diana could have screamed with indignation. "
Lady Diana, I think this is going to end badly. Come on, I
'll take you home."
"Home?" She was furious. Why should she go home?
She only felt relaxed after the terrible day
and the whole week. – I don't want to go home!" I want to drink
and have fun!
The girl turned and headed for the bar, pushing
past the dancers.
"Lady Diana! Thomas followed her. – I don't want you
to get hurt."
She stopped abruptly and put her hands on his chest.
"From what?" No one bothers me here. I want to have fun!
Diana made it to the bar, grabbed a bottle of champagne, but
Thomas immediately took it away.
She narrowed her eyes and smiled maliciously.
– What did you show that guy that he ran away from me?"
Diana grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a black
tattoo of a small cross.
- what is it?
- Celtic cross of the Morte Nera clan. All clan members have it
This was the first time she'd ever heard of it. I'd never seen
anything like it on Stefano's arm.
"Thomas, am I a member of the clan?"
"I think so, Lady Dee, because you'll be working with the boss."
Diana looked down at her hands. Maybe Stefano had lied to her and
wasn't a member of the Morte Nera clan. Maybe he'd just use her
services and kill her
She whipped outin the
the end. and took a long drink.
– That guy saw the cross, turned around and left, why?"
– Because I let him know that you belong
to the Morte Nera clan. He didn't get involved, fearing for his life.
"No one will touch you under my name,"
she recalled Stefano saying on the day he offered her a job for him. He
promised her protection. But he didn't know that she would lose more...
After drinking more champagne, she slammed the bottle down on
the bar.
"Tell you what, Thomas. I'm going to dance now, and you're not
going to show this thing to anyone else.
She was about to join the dancers, including
Camille, who was waving at her, when she remembered about Frank.
Maybe he was offended and left? She glanced around the room and saw
leaning against the wall with a beer in his hand. Someone was groping at
waist, pulling her close, and a hand was on her hips, but she
managed to avoid it and put her back against a pillar. When she looked
in Frank's direction, she realized that he was only a short distance away.
The club was too stuffy and smoky. Diana glanced back at
the customers at the tables and saw… Stefano Visconti.
Her heart began to beat faster, and she immediately hid behind a pillar,
knowing full well that she couldn't escape the devil. But he didn't see her.
"Traitor," she whispered, angry with Thomas.
Or was it just
What should she do now?.. But, on the other hand, they have an
her imagination? Maybe Thomas had called him. He probably wouldn't
personal life is a personal matter for everyone. And Diana was about to tell
have come here himself
so, but when she came out of her hiding place, she saw that he was not
There was another girl with him. His blond hair fell in waves to his
and –heWhy
are youit through
standinghis fingers. It was then that Diana
realized she wasn't going to tell him anything. She
'll ignore it altogether. She turned and approached Frank.

Diana could feel the trembling in her hands and tried to hide it from
prying eyes. She wanted to look at the tables again, but
when she heard the slow music, she took Frank's hands and dragged
him to the center of the room.
"Let's go dance."
She pulled him to her and put her hands on his shoulders.
Frank put his arm around her waist. – Until recently
, something started between us. But you were afraid of something. His?
Diana stared at her friend.
"Who's 'his', Frank?"
– You know who. He looked away.
- no. Not his, Frank. And not you. I was afraid of myself. I wasn
't sure, no offense.
– I'm not offended, Diana, you know. I'm ready to wait for you. But I'm
I won't
make it.
The words stung her so much that she hated herself for
pushing Frank away. He's a good guy. Too good. So
why doesn't her heart respond? Why isn't she rooting for him?
"Give me a kiss, Frank."
And he touched her gently with his lips. It was a soft, trembling,
hesitant kiss. And so sweet that it made my head spin...
But suddenly she remembered that
she had just witnessed Visconti's fingers touching her blond hair,
caressing it.
"Frank," she whispered against his lips, " I don't
understand anymore.
He ran his hand down her back, leaving a trace of tenderness. And she
touched her fingers to his face, kissing him again.
The music ended, and Diana broke away from him and took a step
back, knowing it was time to leave or it would end badly, and Thomas
was right. A few more kisses like that and she would go crazy with the
strange feelings that were gnawing at her soul, tearing at her from the
whispered good-bye to Frank and turned
to look for her guard. But it turned out that he was already standing
"Let's go home, Thomas.

"Holy Virgin Mary, Lady Dee, I'm already desperate! Let's go

They both stepped out of the shadow of the pillar, but someone
blocked their
path. Diana looked up and met those blue, painfully
evening, Chief," Thomas said uncertainly.
"It's late at night, Tom," Stefano chuckled.
He was dressed
to match his status
in the criminal world-black jeans hugged the muscles of his legs,
and a black leather jacket draped over a white T-shirt outlined
his powerful shoulders. It was the first time Diana had ever seen him like
this. A real
Black Devil. She was afraid. Again. The way he looked at
her, the sly grin on his face. It wasn't the same man who
'd sat with her in the scorched field that day, or the one she'd been
"I'm sorry, Chief. We're leaving now.
in the restaurant with, or the one who'd pushed her laughing into the sand
Diana looked at her guard and saw
on the beach that morning.
the same horror in his eyes. And suddenly she was filled with anger. How
can Stefano
scare his people? It wasn't Thomas's fault that she dragged him here, he
was just doing his job! And taking a deep breath,
mentally saying thank you to the rest of the champagne in her system, she
said:"Get out of the way, there are so many of you today that it's hard to
cursed of the for
corner of her
saying eye, she saw Thomas cringe and mentally
– There will be even more of me, and you won't be able to do it at all.
She smiled suddenly, realizing that Stefano wasn't
going to do anything to her. Because he needs her. You need it like air.
In disbelief, she saw the smile he
gave her in return. She saw the man who had been with her all day.
"You're a ladies' man, aren't you?"
Why did she say that?.. What does his personal life have to do with it?
careShe didn't
about her.
She stared into his eyes and felt him
draw back. Stefano's smile widened, revealing a pure white
– I see you're not wasting your time either."

– This is my personal life, and you shouldn't care about it.

– I don't care about her. I just don't know what you're
doing here at this hour." He glanced at his watch. "I'll
beat the hell out of you tomorrow."
– You've already shaken it out today!" – Stop it! " she shouted, and
then stopped. Yes, it
took a lot of her energy. And it wasn't even about running on the beach! It
that they had been walking in the terrible heat for a long time! And in
something else,
in the inexplicable,
Diana opened her in the secret,
mouth in the herself,
to defend unknown. butShe washave
didn't confused.
time to say
One minute Frank was in
anything.turned to Thomas.
Say-Visconti her head, and then suddenly he was gone. Now
all her thoughts
– You're free for today.
on this devil,
Chief, it'sand
not she hated
hard him
for me tofor it.
–" Thomas began, but the angry
Stefano in his eyes
him. didn't
- OK.change.
Have a nice day."
The guard looked at Diana and whispered:
"Tomorrow, Lady Dee.
Thomas left, leaving them alone. And they were standing opposite
each other, and it seemed that all the people had disappeared. It was just
him and her. Not
knowing what to expect from him, Diana lowered her eyes,
fighting desperately
"Diana with herself.
–" he touched her chin, lifting it, and their eyes
met again, " let's go home.
– Your next girlfriend is waiting for you.
usedShe hated
to it, herself
because for being
a small smileso direct, his
touched butlips.
Visconti seemed to be
"Your Frank is waiting for you."
– That's great, let's go our separate ways.
"No," he said, grabbing her arm and leading her toward the exit.
He didn't say anything all the way home, but that didn't scare her
anymore. Let him keep quiet rather than shout. She
'd never heard him scream, though. Why did people call him the Devil?
- What were you doing in the Bunker? Did Thomas call you?"
- Yes.
- I'm sorry.
– For what?" He looked up from the dark road for a moment

– You had plans, and I broke them. But you didn't have to come.
I just scared the hell out of Thomas with my behavior.
Visconti turned away and frowned.
– That's for sure. But I was in the neighborhood, I had
some business to attend to, so you didn't distract me.
Diana looked up at him, her eyes tracing the perfect profile.
Stefano was as beautiful as a god. No. Like the devil. A black,
aristocratic devil who burns out hearts.
– Do you like looking at me?"
"Very much.
He laughed and looked at her.

– The devil. The Black Devil.

Once home, Diane collapsed on her bed, exhausted
, and cursed her decision to go to the club. There wasn't much time for
sleep. But so does he! Then a thought occurred to her,
which she immediately voiced.
– You let Thomas go. Who will protect me?
— me.
She half rose from the bed, watching as Stefano Visconti
shrugged out of his jacket and settled on the sofa. Sleeping in the same
house with him?! Is he out of his mind?
But as if he'd read her mind, he whispered, " I don't know.
– Don't be afraid of me, Diana. We have three
hours of sleep left, and there's no point in driving home.
She suddenly felt sorry for him. It's not going to get him much sleep.
on this old couch. What if he has a meeting tomorrow? He needs
good concentration, a clear mind, and he is sleepy
and "Stefano,"
she whispered in the dark.
- what?
Diana got up from the bed again.
"Come sleep here.
She heard him laugh.
— no.

Chapter 12
Diana ran down the beach, her feet sinking into the sand. It was hard
and uncomfortable, and she fell several times, but she got up and ran
risking fainting. And even though Stefano
had left her with Thomas, she couldn't afford to stop for even
a minute to take a break. It wasn't that she would cheat
and he would find out,it was just that she was running for herself because
she understood
When his phonehow important
rang in thephysical fitness
morning, Dianawas in herthat
realized new job.
she had slept in a dress. Her head ached and she was terribly thirsty, but
when she saw how
easily and quickly her tormentor rose, she decided not to whine, not
to show her weakness in front of him. It's my own fault. In addition
to physical
Seeing strength,
him in hisyou need
house to morning
this ask for more brains.
was... strange. He put
the gun down on the table next to Diana and smiled.
"Is there coffee in this house?"
More than his calmness, his gun, and his smile, she was annoyed
by the endless phone calls.
– I'll throw your phone away someday."
He immediately shoved the phone into her hands, and it rang again. It
was Diana almost dropped it in her surprise and immediately handed
it back.
And now she was running, remembering the morning and smiling. She
the surprise and relief on Thomas's face as she went out to meet him.
He probably thought Stefano had shot her. But no. She's alive!
Moreover, Stefano
"Lady Dee, Visconti
that's enoughhimself was guarding her sleep.
for today.
But she kept running, even though her lungs ached and her heart
was pounding. He needs her in great physical shape.
Diana had overheard Stefano telling Thomas about some kind
of setup. And then he left. He drove off into the unknown in his black
Lexus. I didn't tell her anything. He'd
been receiving phone calls since morning, and when she saw the anger in
his eyes, she knew something
terrible had happened.
"What's wrong, Thomas?"
– They gave us a present in the south – five corpses.
The girl stared at him in disbelief.
– Someone is provoking our boss, Lady Dee, by throwing
bodies at his territory.
She turned and ran on, feeling a surge of new strength
and a sharp pain shooting through her heart. Where is he? What will
happen to him
? How can she help him? So far, nothing. But she will
Being at home was unbearable. Diana paced from corner to corner,
occasionally glancing at her phone. But he was silent.
"Don't worry so much, Lady Diana, he'll be fine. As
soon as everything is settled, he'll call you.
Thomas was comforting her, so he must have noticed her nervous
state. But
why was she so nervous about Stefano? He's no stranger
to this sortthis
"Does of thing.
happen Foroften,
him, Thomas?"
this is the norm. But not for her!
– This is the second time. The first one was not so long ago, on a slope
Fivenear thewere
people port.shot.
Diana gasped. A forgotten image came to mind: sirens wailing,
the city at night, empty streets, her big man, whom she did not
let die, doing an indirect heart massage, rhythmically pressing on
a powerful chest. So that's what happened there! It wasn't Stefano who
killed them,
no. It was a "gift" made by his enemies. How did she not
cross paths with him there? But there were so many people, she didn't
youat all,out
find justwho
did did
her it?"
job. Saving a life.
— no. There are guesses, but these are just guesses. You can write
Vulture, but he off to say anything. No one says anything, Lady Dee, no
one takes
"The dead," she thought again of the big man, " who
are they?" They're from Morte Nera, are they Visconti's people?
- no. These are not our people. They were killed in Visconti territory,
which means that he is responsible for their deaths. There are such rules
in our world
. Therefore, each head of the clan will never allow himself to be killed
on his territory, and if this happens, the body is thrown on the ground.

enemy territory – this has happened before. Vulture likes to do that.

And Visconti is just as good at it. But today's-they were killed right
here, you know, Lady Diana?
The world was even crueler than she'd thought.
The value of human life for people like Stefano Visconti,
Richard Knight,and John Griffin was not the same as for ordinary
people. They played with people's lives, telling them who should live and
- Responsibility
should die. And howto towhom?
die. And where to die.
"In front of the police, in front of your people.
Diana looked at Thomas in surprise. Did she hear correctly? Did he
say "in front
of the police"? Everything is bought from them: the police, doctors,
judges, "she recalled the words of the ambulance driver. And so it was.
– What will he get for it?"
– Loss of trust. His allies may turn their backs on him.
"Like Knight?"
"Probably him, too. But I don't think so. Knight benefits from Visconti,
usesheour port with a good discount. They have long
been in friendly and business relations, but, frankly, you can't trust
"Why does Stefano trust him?"
Thomas leaned closer to her and whispered.
– He doesn't trust anyone.
To live to kill, to love no one, to trust no one –
that was his life? What's the point, then? In the money? Why do we need
money if there is no one to share it with? Except
for the whores he's always filming.
"What's the point of living like this, Thomas?" I don't understand.
The bodyguard shrugged and looked out the window at
the passing cars.
"I don't know, Lady Dee. There's no point. Just like me. And as you will
not have.
She shook her head.
know "No,
whatThomas. My
it is yet. new
But life will
it will. have
You'll meaning. I just don't


Diana stopped at the glass doors and turned

to see that there were too many cars in the parking lot. Black, large,
different brands, all with tightly tinted windows. The doors
and trunks of some of them were open. Men Diane
had never seen before bustled around, looking them over and checking
out. what's going on?"
"Ah, so you've decided to go after all. "
where's Visconti going?
" The dark-skinned driver got out of the car, patting the
roof with his hand.
– First to see Grief, then to a dealer in Kentucky.
Diana started. She was afraid of these cars, these people, the bustle.
"Thomas, what's going to happen?" – What is it? " she whispered.
"I don't know, lady, but I think I'll leave you here.
My boss needs me.
If Thomas decided to go with them, then it's really
serious. The girl rushed inside and quickly went up to the second
floor. But she stopped at the massive door, not daring to enter.
As she held the doorknob, she heard Olga's voice.
"Come in, he's in his room."
Diana was angry: did she ask permission? Pushing
the door open, the girl entered. And what was happening in the parking
lot, compared
to what was happening in the office, now seemed like child's play.
Antonio Grasso and a couple of other men were laying out weapons on the
carefully checking each one, Dylan Reed, a lawyer
, wasDiana
on the phone,
hadn't pacing to
expected nervously
see themwith
all. papers
And theinamount
his hands, and
of weapons
that appeared before the eyes, could plunge into shock.
Cooper was why
"Diana, fiddling with
aren't the
you wires from the walkie-talkie.
Hearing a familiar voice, she turned around. Stefano was
here, too, how could she not have noticed him right away? She wanted to
run away from this
madness, but
"Diana, she Antonio's
girl," just stoodvoice
and couldn't sayof
her out a her
shock, " can you
help me
He raised the gun, muzzle up, and Diana recoiled.

- We need to charge each one.

— no.
With trembling hands, she straightened her hair and looked up at him.
Stefano. He walked over to Michael and took off his jacket. Diana had
the urge to shake him so that he would come to his senses and change his
about this whole circus! She crossed the room at a brisk pace and came
right– up to him.
What's going on here?" Are you distraught?
Visconti gave her a predatory smile and looked at Michael,
who still had the wires in his hands
– You haven't answered my question."
Right in front of her, he pulled off his T-shirt, revealing a perfect
The torso.
girl hastily turned away and closed her eyes. She wouldn't be able to
at him!
"YouShe couldn't
could have stand
– I warned you.
She clenched her hands into fists, fighting the urge to
turn around.
"This is crazy.
"Crazy what?" Michael, are you sure they won't be visible?" He was
talking to her and Michael at the same time, but Diane
wanted Stefano to hear only her.
"I'm sure." The wires are so thin that no one will notice.
– I'll
breath come in
caught with
heryou." She couldn't help but turn around, and for a
second her her eyes over the prominent muscles of his stomach and
As she ran
chest, she
realized that God had given him not only a devilish appearance, but also a
that she wanted to touch. Oh, the gods! Why did she look?
Sighing, she started to turn away, but her attention was drawn to the
black– Are you crazy?"
Heon her shoulder
didn't – a black
seem to notice herCeltic cross
frantic filled
gaze. But with script.
she knew
Many times more
she couldn't than Thomas.
hide anything from Dozens
him. Heof times.
understood, because he was
watching her intently.

Michael silently taped the wires to his skin, trying

not to interfere with them.
- Yes. She must be crazy. Aren't you crazy to go to your death?
— no. That's how I live.
"Stupid. And thoughtlessly. You lead people. The vulture will kill
you on its territory.
He took a step toward her, ignoring Michael's efforts.
– What do you suggest?"
– I'll come with you, give me a gun.
Why did she say that? Why did she want to be there with him? She
didn't understand herself. The only thing she felt was the fear
of never seeing him again.
— no.
His answer was rough and firm. Everyone in the room fell silent
and looked in their direction. Diana looked down, and Stefano nervously
pulled on his T-shirt. Too nervous. Thomas took a step back. Even
Michael decided to wait it out. But she wasn't Thomas or Michael, she'd
"Steph,to meet
take the stubborn
it. She Devil.
can shoot a bullet from a cannon.
Antonio took her side because he knew how to assess risk.
Diana nodded in agreement. But Stefano grabbed her arm,
pulled her close, and growled in her ear.
— no.
I went straight back to Michael. And she was left standing on the
losing her last hope. Madness. She asked him to let her kill her, and he
refused. She couldn't believe she'd asked for a gun. What's wrong with
Who is she? Why was she so reluctant to let him go? Why
would she
– I'll takeyou
hear up and
a gun for track
keep him? of your location." If anything
goes wrong, "Michael looked at Diana," we'll all go after
them. And you, too.
Stefano put on his jacket and pulled out a wire, plugging a small
earpiece into his ear.
"I'm going to the car," Michael said, and shook his hand. "Good luck."
And don't forget to pull out your earpiece before meeting with the dealer.
"Call everyone to get their weapons. Tell
them we should be on our way in fifteen minutes." I don't like it when my
friends are waiting for me.

same enemies.
Michael nodded and left. A shiver ran through Diana. Anger,
pain, resentment for the words thrown at them… And fear. The fear at the
center of this
tangle of emotions began to signal. Fear for the life of Stefano
She stood at the window and watched as people came in and took
up weapons, and cars turned around in the street, forming up in a single
He said it was his life, apparently he liked being on
the edge between life and death. So why should she care?
Let him
She go where
hated him.heShe
wants, let him
doesn't caredo whatStefano!
about he wants. This is his
Nothing! He right.
would leave now, and she would go home and go to bed. And she doesn't
care if he lives or dies
. Diana sighed, knowing she was lying to herself.
As she watched him tuck the gun into his belt, covering it with his
jacket, she realized that he was staring in her direction.
She turned her gaze to the cars that were parked in the parking lot.
is ready. There was only one white van among the black cars
, bringing up the rear. What was in it, she didn't know, but when she saw
"I'm come out
going," of heard Stefano say, but she didn't turn around.
her, "Good
she knew it Steph."
luck, was theStay
only in
connection between them.
touch. If something goes wrong, I'll go
with the second group.
Her stomach clenched, but she tried not to show her
fear. When she heard his footsteps behind her, she closed her eyes,
squeezing herlater,
"See you fingers.
These words were thrown at her. And to hide her excitement,
she said without turning around –
" When you are killed, I hope I will be free."
Visconti didn't leave. But he didn't answer either. Diana knew that it
him annoyed
not to make eye contact. She was lying. And he knew it. Antonio was
heard thetaking her words
door open. in.
His footsteps faded behind
her, leaving her heart aching. What had she done? Why didn't you wish
me luck, hiding my excitement behind a mask of indifference? Feeling a
break out of her chest, she touched her fingers to her lips, hating herself
for it.
all. What if she never saw him again? Will her life
be the same as before? Work, family, children...
Moving away from the window, Diana pushed open the door and ran
happen! him. No!heIt had
penetrated deep into her soul, changing it
She ran down the steps, oblivious to anything in front of her.
The urge to catch up with him was stronger than the fear. Hoping to make
it in time, she
grabbed the handle of the glass door and ran outside. But it was
too late.
sheby one, the cars passed the barrier and pulled out onto the
road.She was late. The spasm in my chest made my heart ache. Diana
walked slowly past the rest of the cars, realizing only now that
he'd only taken half the people with him when he'd left. She yanked open
the driver's door of one of the black BMWs.
– Why didn't you go with him?"
The man Thomas had been talking
to looked at her in surprise.
"There was no order, Lady Diana.
He knew her name. And she didn't know anyone! Diana felt as if she
had entered through the Looking Glass.
"Who gives the orders?"
"Visconti isn't here yet, Antonio Grasso. We are waiting for his
herselfcrossed the distance
and Antonio, to the
she headed building's
for entrance.
the stairs, but her legs
hold her up – the pain in her muscles was so intense that for a second she
thought she was going to fall. But, forcing herself, she still managed
to get up. displeased look no longer annoyed her, Diana
ignored her stupid jealousy.
– Why didn't you send everyone with him?"
Antonio looked at her and smiled.
– You said yourself that he leads them to their deaths." Let
at least someone stay alive.
She thought she'd misheard.
– Are you laughing?"
And he did laugh.
"Diana, girl, we've separated the people just in case. If
the connection to Stefano goes down, Michael will determine his location,

and we'll go there.

– But it may be too late!
"Maybe," he said. – It's a big risk, but it's better than
losing everyone. After all, we don't know how John Griffin will react to the
. Maybe
already waiting for us. Which is most likely.
"Everyone knows about the corpses already, and Gryph is no fool, of
has increased
course, hesecurity and is waiting for us to answer.
Diana sat up, it was painful to stand. The pain seeped into my soul,
eating away at me.
– Why go if you know they're waiting for you there?"
– It is his duty, Diana, to defend his territory, to threaten
the enemy, to show that we can respond. Otherwise, they'll throw
corpses at us. And also to collect a debt – Grif has not paid for
the parking of ships in the port for two months.
"Why did Stefano only take one gun with him?" Why so
Antonio sat down across from her and put his hand on hers.
"I'm afraid this one will be taken away from him, too.

Chapter 13
There is nothing worse than looking at the slow-moving hands
of a clock and waiting. Two hours passed, and it seemed like an eternity.
Diana crawled up on the sofa in the waiting room and tried
to relax. She hadn't chosen this place to annoy
her secretary. It was just that here, surrounded by greenery and flowers,
there was a comfort
that she really needed. But now it wasn't enough either. Each
ring echoed in my chest. She thought of the handsome man
with the big tattoo on his shoulder, his blue eyes, his whisper, so
inviting, gentle, exciting. Her conscience pricked her for the words
she'd spoken before he left. What if she never saw him
again and couldn't tell him it was a lie? If it were possible to
turn back time and correct a mistake… And now he thinks
she hates him. He wants freedom. But this is not the case! Because it was
only"You should go home, you bastard.
him that she at
looked found
Olgait.and smiled unkindly. The bastard.
For some reason, there was a man down there in the car who knew her
But this was the first time she'd seen him. And this bitch deliberately
called her that,
"Ladyher superiority.
Diana, Olga. ForAnd stupid. Diana didn't want
to answer,
That wasbutwhat
she couldn't.
Thomas had called her, and that was what the man she
'd spoken to in the parking lot had called her. She liked her name. Like
Princess Diana.
Olgamust have thought
nervously threw the so,papers
her "Lady
the Dee" for short.
"What kind of lady are you?" A beggar girl warmed by a rich man!
A streetwalker from a poor neighborhood.
It was unforgivable for Diana to do anything like this,
but she had to put this red-haired beast in its place.
Standing up, the girl slowly approached the
secretary's desk and, leaning down, just a few centimeters from
the secretary's face, whispered:

– There will come a time when you will regret what you said, and you
crawl at my feet and beg for my forgiveness. Diana
straightened up proudly.
Olga looked startled, –then
I'll think
Sheabout whether
jumped to forgive you or
up from
not."seat, about to say something, but Diana ignored the
impulse and went to the stairs and started down, glad that she was able
to respond to the insults without raising her voice.
"Diana! Matt called from the guard post. –
Any word from the boss?"
The girl stopped beside him, looking out through
the glass door.
"Nothing yet, Matt.
She never forgot for a second what was tormenting her soul.
How long has it been? Two hours? More? Why is there no news?
– It was serious today, wasn't it?" I've never seen anything like this
in the Just
movie: likeguns. I would like to take part in this as well.
Diana looked at him in surprise. Why do men
have to shoot all the time? Why do they enjoy it?
Adrenaline rush? Fight for your territory? For your woman?
"Matt, it's dangerous, don't you think?" Or is it like a game to you men
? Are you devoid of fear?
He thought about it.
"Well, that's cool, Diane. Have you seen Visconti today?
"I did, but
not heavily I don't
armed want guards
security to see him like this
in black anymore." I want peace and
I don't want his mobile phone to be torn apart by terrible calls! I don't
want his anger and wires on my body! I don't want guns in my belt! I don't
want him to be threatened with a gun aimed at his head, I don't want
what gave out.doing?"
are you – I just He
want him back."
wanted to stroke her hair, to comfort
he was but to touch her.
The girl wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, pulled
together and said:
"Happiness isn't about being cool, Matt. It may appeal to women,
but the one who loves you will hate it all.

She turned around and went outside. Leaning against the wall, she
watched the road, waiting for the black cars to appear. But they
were all gone.
"Lady Diana, can I take you home?" The man
in the black suit got out of the car to meet her.
– What's your name?"
"Simon, lady.
She smiled at him. Where did Stefano get such nice people?
Except for the secretary, of course. There's clearly a story behind it.
"Why ' lady'?"
Simon shrugged.
– So the boss said: "Now we will have a girl working with us,
a real lady, please treat her with all respect." You
're in Morte Nera, lady, and his word is law here. We respect his choice.
But between you and me – - he grinned broadly – " when I first saw you,
I knew he was right – you're a real lady.
Diana could have thanked God for sending her this
man. She needed to hear something nice about their boss
. What he'd said to her for protection, she'd taken as an
unexpected but insanely pleasant compliment.
"Thank you, Simon, but I'll stay here.
"As you say, Lady Diana."
The man was about to get into the car, but her question stopped him.

– Everything was fine. But they don't tell us much. We're just waiting
for orders." If we go, something must have happened.
Diana let out a sigh of relief and looked down the road. The time
dragged on indefinitely. After standing outside for a while longer, Diana
returned to the building to find Antonio. He found himself in his
office, sitting at his desk, looking off into the distance. Dylan Reed was
walking beside her, talking
on the phone.
Antonio looked at her.
"Take me to the basement and teach me how to shoot." I don't want to
any time.
Antonio got up from his seat, looking at her in surprise.
Dylan lowered the phone at her words.
– We can't.

Diana was restless, she had to do something,

and shooting might distract her.
- why?
"Visconti has to teach you, he has his own approach.
"Wait, Dylan," Antonio said. "Nothing will happen
if she just pulls the trigger. Diana, I'll take you.
He was right, nothing would happen, but this way she
would stop thinking about Stefano for a while. Dylan went with them, even
he was against the idea. A lawyer by training, well-read, intelligent,
intelligent, he lived by the rules dictated by the head of "Morte
Nera".The three of them went down to the basement, where not so long ago
Diana, feeling
insane fear, first picked up a gun. Everything was the same:
targets, weapons, dimmed lights. But then she felt fear
because of the order:"Shoot!" And now Visconti wasn't there,
his voice wasn't there, his blue eyes weren't there. But she would give
anything to laid out the pistols in front of her, and although Diana didn
hear it again. anything about them, she noticed that they were all
't understand
– I want to show you all the toys we have."
He picked up the first pistol and took aim.
"Beretta 92F, 9 mm caliber. Made in Italy
, it is one of the most widely used and recognizable
pistols in the world. The size of the trigger guard allows you to shoot with
The front part of the bracket with a notch is adapted to hold
the gun with both hands. The pistol has a small recoil for
such a caliber and good accuracy of fire. When shooting
from twenty-five meters at point-blank range, all fifteen hits
fit into a circle
Diana with
didn't a radius of
understand thirty
much of millimeters.
what was being said. His story is a
of words for her. Antonio handed her the gun,
Try it."the
Do safety off. how to aim?
you know
She picked up the heavy toy and Ruki remembered that it was the
gun Stefano had given her. The handle was too thick, but her
long fingers wrapped around it easily.
Dylan approached Diane from the other side.
"Front sight, rear sight, Diana. Do you know anything about it?"
She shook her head, and he looked at Antonio.
"Visconti will kill us if we put
the wrong information in her head right now.
The girl looked at them in surprise.
– Don't everyone shoot the same way?" I thought: aim
and shoot.
– No, Diana. Antonio chuckled. "Everyone does it their own way.
Stefano has his own secrets: how to hold, how to stand, even how
to breathe, and what to think about. Dylan and I do it exactly like you
said, " Aim and shoot." Visconti's bullet never evades
more than a few millimeters, even if he shoots
with his eyes closed. He has no equal.
Diana looked at the gun.
– But I'm a good shot too, isn't that why he
took me?"
"You're a natural marksman, and he'll teach you
how to use it." Do you think it's that simple? No. You will shoot
and hit the target, and tomorrow your hand will waver in front of a living
person. Or you will have to shoot on the move – it is much more difficult
Dianaup. Haveat
looked you ever tried
Antonio shooting
in surprise, two guns
shaking herat once?
in denial.
It is necessary to have
plasticity, good physical training, patience
and calmness. Shooting with a rifle and shooting with a pistol are two
different things.
It turns out that shooting is a whole science. And it would be a long
time before Stefano took her on the case. She couldn
't do anything. That's why he categorically said no today. And she
was offended by his rudeness. But he wasn't rude. He was worried about
her. Diana took aim with one eye closed, holding
the gun in both hands, and pulled the trigger sharply. The recoil gun went
off with
a dull pop, and her hands shook. The bullet that flew out hit
the target. Not the center. No. But close.

"Got it!" – Oh, my God! " she exclaimed.

Antonio nodded, looking at Dylan.
"That's what you saw.
Diana turned to them, hoping to be praised.
"I'd say fine," Antonio said, taking the gun from her, " but
Visconti will say it was the worst shot he ever saw.
– How?" Didn't I hit the mark?
"Hit the target, but not the target. There was a lurch, Diana.
She looked at the men in surprise, then at the target.
The bullet missed the center, but it hit the target. Rarely
can anyone do this without experience.
– What is a roll?
"Ask Stefano, and he'll tell you all about it." In the meantime, I'll let
you shoot with it - " He put another weapon in her hand,
and Diana, holding it in her hand, realized that it was lighter than the
previous one. -
FN Five-seveN pistol. Its special feature is a six-gram
cartridge with a bottle-shaped sleeve. It is almost two times
smaller than the standard one. One of the" chips " of the cartridge is
the ability
penetrate a kevlar
took aim. – It bulletproof vest.
's probably cool to break through a bulletproof vest.
"That's not the right word," Dylan said, smiling.
Diana pulled the trigger and was immediately stunned. The recoil was
less than that of the Beretta, the bullet passed through the target without
touching the center.
Antonio handed her another one.
- Gun "Walther" - has excellent ergonomics, is quite
reliable and is available in several versions. The magazine capacity is
sixteen rounds, which is quite convenient.
She'd heard the name in books and movies. The real
Walther in her hands trembled slightly. Frantic to try
each one, Diana took aim and pulled the trigger. The recoil jerked her
arms sideways
, and- Past.
she lowered the
Just past it.gun, looking at the target.
"Walther" didn't meet her expectations. Too rude.
Antonio gave her the last one.

"The FN-FNP45 pistol. For shooting in a dimly lit

room or on the street at dusk, the front sight and rear sight have round
white inserts that speed up and simplify pointing weapons at the target
in such conditions.
This gun was not just massive, but really
huge, but it also fit comfortably in the hand.
She took aim and pulled the trigger. It's nice to shoot it.
The bullet missed the center, and as she lowered the gun, Diana
sighed, with the result.
not satisfied
"You'll learn. Dylan patted her on the shoulder and left the basement.
"Which one do you like best?" Antonio laid
out four pistols in front of her, and she thought about it.
Having tried all the models, Diana already roughly understood what
each of them was. One in the hand fit better, but
the recoil was stronger, the other with less recoil, but big
and -bulky...
This one. Diana picked up the Beretta. - It is more comfortable,
it has a large handle, but it shoots with a small recoil. I think
you can hit the
Antonio target with it.
"Good choice, lady, very good. The best weapon of all.
Diana smiled and looked down at the gun in her hands.
"Beretta", I think, is an Italian brand.
– What did Stefano bring with him just now?"
"I took it.
A true Italian with real Italian weapons. Why
wasn't she surprised? The Beretta suited him, just as big, powerful
, and crisp.
Antonio left her alone, deciding to go up for the news. The silence
and the dim light, the targets and weapons, would have driven her crazy
before, but now,
holding the gun in her hands, she felt pleasure. Even his breathing
became more ragged, his eyes lit up, and a smile
touched his lips. Diane wrapped both hands around the barrel and aimed it
the target, trying to keep the front sight steady. I pulled the trigger and
my hand
shook again. By. Cursing, she aimed again,
closing one eye. She imagined the enemy standing in front of her,
in the very center of the target,and her finger was about to pull the
trigger, as if she were trying to pull the trigger.

Hands touched the Beretta, leveling it slightly, and a soft

baritone voice whispered in my ear.
- The thumb should lie parallel to the bolt, so that there
is no roll.
Her heart leapt in her chest, and she loosened her grip, letting
go of the gun. Stefano caught it in time. Diana turned
to meet laughing blue eyes, finding herself caught
between his arms. He was still holding the gun, now behind her.
She dropped her eyes to his lips at the sudden closeness.
– You're alive!"
– Unfortunately, yes, and you're not free.
She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head and trying to say
theresomething, but There were a million of them half an hour ago, but
were no words.
now she couldn
't say a word. She just threw herself at him, pulling
him into a tight hug, feeling his hands on her back. Feeling
his breath against her ear, his scent, the unshaven skin of his cheek
scratching lightly against her soft skin, she was ready to shout thank you
to God
– I don't want to be free.
for giving
He ranitone
back to her.
hand through her hair.
"This is a meeting. It was worth dying for, Michael.
Diana looked at him in surprise, thinking he was crazy,
Stefano smiled and pointed to the earpiece in his ear.
He released her, and she moved away. How could she forget about the
of wires
She onputhis
handand the
over whole
her mouthvanand
with a listening
laughed softly, and Visconti
as he Everyone
took out his at Morte Nera was listening to them now.
– I see you've already started studying?"
She nodded at him, afraid to say a word. He looked down at
the gun in his hand.
– «Beretta».
"I know," she said, just as quietly.
With one hand, he pulled her to him, and with the other, he pointed
of the muzzle
gun at the target and fired, hitting it right on target. The bullet
cut into the black dot. Diana noticed that he wasn't even aiming.

"Impressive," she whispered, not taking her eyes off the target. "
I want to do the same."
"Come on, then," he whispered in her ear, and she nodded.
Chapter 14
... It was the fourth week of training, and Diana's strength was
running out. Every morning, Stefano chased her down the beach, and after
lunch, they
drove to the Gyrfalcon ,where a row of targets
were– waiting for your
This is not her to shoot. it's dangerous here.
– I'm safe, Diana.
During the day, the Gyrfalcon was empty and quiet, all the crime
bosses gathered closer to night. That was why he trained
her during the day, under the hot midday sun. As she sweated, she
hated him, but quickly regained control of herself, and she was angry, but
she did all his tasks. Stefano could see how hard it was for her
, how tired and exhausted she was, but he didn't let her go. He was cruel
and merciless.
– If I die, my death will be on your conscience.
– I've had too many deaths on my conscience to even
notice yours.
Stefano was joking, and knowing that made her even angrier.
The first week was particularly difficult: Diana couldn't even
imagine how much she was doing wrong.
- Weapon grip is very important. If it is wrong, the gun
will walk in the hand, respectively, there will be a scatter on the target.
He moved behind her, wrapping one arm under her breasts
and holding her tightly to him. His other hand was holding
Diana's outstretched hand with the gun in it:
"Don't strain your arm, Diana, relax. Otherwise, it will shake.
He leaned back slightly with her.
– When you stand with a gun in your outstretched hand, it pulls you
Therefore, it is necessary to bend slightly back.
She couldn't
concentrate on what she was doing, and she kept thinking about his strong
his whisper, and his warm, strong body… I wanted to drop everything and
run away.
Burrow into the ground. What kind of devil did she get, for what sins?
- Your arms should not be bent, otherwise
you will get hit in the face with a gun at the moment of shooting.
Sometimes he would abruptly let go of her and walk away, then curse
and come back. It seemed to her that it was all her fault, that he
didn't have the strength and patience to teach her. Was she so
untrained that even his nerves were on edge?
"Breathing, Diana. He put his arm around her again from behind and
put his hand on her
chest. – There is one secret: when you shoot a gun,
you need to exhale completely before you pull the trigger
. Press it only when you inhale. When I
teach you how to shoot a rifle while lying down, it will be exactly
the opposite.
There were many secrets. He'd fill her head with them, and
she'd panic because she didn't want to remember anything.
- Everything comes with experience. You'll learn.
Sometimes Antonio would come to watch their training,
while handing Stefano some papers to sign. Diana
knew that they had lost their boss, who was completely devoted
to her. Only in the evenings, when he left her alone, did he go
off into the unknown. She knew where she
was going, and it hurt her to think about it. But Diana remembered the
agreement: stay
out of each other's personal lives. He had his life, but she didn't
even have the strength to get out of bed. Camilla called her many times,
offering to go somewhere, but Diana refused, without going
into -details.
Tell me, what night clubs do you visit, so as not to
accidentally meet you there?
"Am I boring you?"
In the morning he would come to her again, at six o'clock sharp, and
lift her out of bed with a devilish smile on his lips. She couldn't get up on
her own.
– Do you even sleep at night?" It seems to me that you eat someone
and get energy.
– You're almost right.
Annoyed, she would get out of bed and shake her fist
at him before heading for the shower.

Stefano just laughed, bringing a smile to her lips as well. And no

matter how hard she
tried to hide it, he noticed. A mob boss who kept his
enemies at bay, smuggled weapons and God knows what
else, a soulless killer, the head of Morte Nera, Stefano Visconti, was with
an ordinary person, with whom you can talk about anything,
Diana began to understand the look in his eyes: she could see when he
with whom you can laugh, or just keep quiet.
was angry, when
Just smile is enough.
he was nervous, when something was bothering him, when he was
thinking. She seemed
The slight smirk on his lips and the narrowed look in his eyes are a
to understand
sign him completely. And it began to help her in training.
that he has something else in mind for her. And she didn't like this
"something else"
very much. Seeing that grin, Diana would run away from him, laughing
and sinking into the sand, falling, rising, feeling him running after
her, Diane
lostand knocking
so much her down.
strength in theShe
monthover on she
that her had
and starts
to eat for both of them: herself and – while Stefano was on the phone –
him. He justbutsmiled
she doesn't
at hermanage to do it She
good appetite. verycould
well. feel
the change in her body, feeling the hard muscles in her legs and touching
the firmness of her stomach.
– I think my breasts are bigger."
- No more, yours is quite adequate size.
– Are you saying that now as a man?"
"Like your coach and boss.
He forced her to stand with her arm outstretched, holding it in her
she was holding a match. I turned on the timer myself and watched,
the result. For the first three minutes, standing in this position, Diana was
"Then you'll thank me when you feel how steady
Five minutesislater
the weapon shehands."
in your was moaning, and seven minutes later she hated
him.But her least favorite activity, hard labor, bullying
and torment – when he lowered her head into the water and held her, not
her breathe, counting out fifteen seconds, then he pulled her hair,
and "Sadistic.
she took a deep breath, wiped her face.

But Visconti just grinned as he turned off the timer and evaluated
the result.
- Tell me, you have so many security guards in the "Morte Nera", they
all went
through this horror?
— no. You're the only one. But you're not security. You're a sniper.
'll beAnd
the you
– Something tells me you're right.
Stefano had dismissed her bodyguards, and now no one was
following her. From the moment he'd gone to see Vulture and they'd
to a small truce, he'd decided that they didn't need any extra tails.
Besides, a trusted source had told him that Nicholas Griffin
was Stefano
out of town.
also gave her the car – just tossed the keys in her hands.
looked carefully at the parking lot and found a new white
– You'll ride the white one, work the black one. Will it suit you?
"That'll do."
He showed her the weapon hidden in the car. "Every car we
drive has this." She remembered.
When Diana arrived at the office, the polite bodyguards
and security guards always smiled, only Olga, as usual, crumpled
the paper at the sight of her. It wasn't as annoying as it used to be. Diana
it was justno
have jealousy.
idea, ladies," Olga said to Diana,
who was always spitting venom, " our boss got a call from Adeline
Parker and they booked a table for the evening at the Millennium
- Thank you for the warning, Olga, now I definitely won't
go there.
Diana went into the office and sat down at her desk. Everyone was
already gathered, waiting
only for her. Now she attended meetings that dealt
with the transfer of goods. Stefano was preparing her for her first meeting
with the dealer. She
put her hands on the table, her fingers clasped tightly together. Why was
she so
- Tomorrow at 15.00 on the field we will meet with "Zayed" dealers.
product isIt's
ournot even I've
money. a stand-alone deal – it's
already prepared just
everything. Stefano put his
a deal that she'll
hand on the table. sit in the car and watch.

table black briefcase and opened it.

Diana gasped when she saw the wads of dollars.
"There's exactly five million here.
"My mummy," she whispered, drawing the
others ' attention to her.
Diana looked at Stefano in surprise.
– What do you want to buy from them for this amount?
Michael laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. Dylan cleared his
and throat
straightened his tie.
"Cocaine, girl. Antonio looked at her carefully.
The blood drained from Diana's face. God, what had she gotten herself
into? dealer!
's a drug He And she's an accomplice! It's a lifetime commitment! No!
The death
She leaned her elbows on the table and closed her eyes. If she had
been given the opportunity to change everything now, she would never
have come to this
Stefano closed the briefcase.
Dylan, you're with me. Diana, you too.
She looked him straight in the eye.
– Do you sell drugs?"
– I don't sell drugs, Diane. I'll resell them to Mexico.
Stefano nodded to everyone present, indicating that the conversation
was over.
"I'll meet you here tomorrow at twelve."
The two men left, and Michael smiled at Diana and clapped her on the
– Welcome to Morte Nera.
She looked
he approved at him
of such blearily, not believing that even
a thing.
"You'll just sit in the car and watch tomorrow.
Stefano buttoned up his jacket, looking at her. "Nothing will
happen. I wouldn't have taken you if I wasn't sure you
were safe.
Diana jumped up from her seat.
"You're a drug dealer! She jabbed a finger at his chest. –
Are you involved in illegal arms trafficking, racketeering, murder, what
else? What else do I not know? Maybe you run a brothel and are
a pimp? Do you sell people?

Visconti narrowed his eyes at her and leaned

close to her face.
— no. I don't trade.
"This is crazy. If you are caught tomorrow, you will face the death
penalty. You are a living corpse.
Stefano smiled slightly, his eyes never leaving hers.
"I don't understand, Diane, who are you worried about?" For the
yourself? Or For
for me?
She immediately looked down, not knowing what to say. Of course, for
themselves, all people are born egoists. Or would it be for the people,
the drug addicts, who needed a new dose and Stefano would give it to
But they're almost dead anyway, it's only a matter of time. And those
people who
might get hooked on cocaine, why feel sorry for them? It's their choice.
there is always aischoice
- Tomorrow a day –off
accept or refuse,
training. Youwithout ever
can sleep having
in the tried it.
Or She frowned. How could she forget, he had a date.
was she
In the worried about
restaurant. him?be
He won't Still
upunable to find
this early an answer, she
turned and headed
– I don't for the
have days off. door.
Without turning around, she opened the door, stepped out
,and slammed it shut.
Diana clenched her fingers into fists as she walked to the car, her
nailsinto her palms. Everything was boiling inside.
"Diana! Matt called out.
The girl turned around, forcing a smile on her face.
– I heard you're going to meet your boss tomorrow."
Anger surged through her again. Everyone already knows about it!
so?! Yes,
Whathow if the information gets to the police? What if Morte Nera
has a spy who takes information out of the building?
"Who told you that?"
Matt looked at her in surprise, not understanding her annoyance.
"The cars are already being prepared for tomorrow.
Visconti's confidant told me.
– Who?"
"Tom is his personal security guard.

Diana glared at the second-floor window where

her boss's office was located. She knew Thomas, he wasn't a traitor, but
she would have to talk to him. Taking a few kilos of cocaine
across town is too much of a risk. You can run into
anyone, from the Vulture to the police. The fewer people
who know about it, the calmer it is.
When she got home, Diane stripped off her clothes and took a
shower, trying to wash off the day. She already
smelled like cocaine. And what did she want when, out of fear for her own
life, she agreed to his proposal? And signed up to be
a hitman, work for him, kill… It's just that she didn't think that
in addition to "bad people who cross his path", there would also
be drugs. Although, what's in there?… She agreed to kill!
Now he will spend his whole life paying the price.
Then there's Visconti and his stupid date...
you can have a couple of targets in the Gyrfalcon before twelve in the
afternoon. But he'd
be tired after a crazy night. Diana shuddered. Turning off the water, she
– Youadon't
around herself
to go if youand went
don't into
want to.the room.
She cried out in surprise when she saw Stefano standing
in the center of the room.
– What are you doing here?" What if I went out naked?!
He smiled.
– But you're not naked."
Diane's hand tightened on the towel.
– How did you get here in the first place?"
– All doors are open to me.
She probably forgot to close them, there's no other explanation. It's
not like he's a ghost to walk through walls.
– You have a date, you're late." Don't make the girl wait.
Visconti ignored her and sat down on the sofa.
– You don't have to go if you're afraid.
– I'll go." Although I'm afraid. And I'm afraid, yes. Because I still have
there is a sense of fear unlike you.
Visconti smiled and narrowed his eyes, thinking about something.
About something
important. He's coming up with something again. She was already afraid
of his imagination.
"Go now. You should go now.
– Why are you chasing me?" I was just thinking...
Diana stopped him with a raised hand.
– Don't think anything, just leave.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think of that."
Stefano stood up and turned away.
"You can get dressed, I'm not looking."
The girl went to the dresser, took out clean clothes, and, while
to watch Stefano, threw off the towel and began to dress. He wasn't
looking, as he'd promised. It didn't really surprise her.
"Everyone, you can watch it.
He turned back to her.
– What's wrong, Diana?" What's bothering you so much? Drugs? Are
you about tomorrow?
She lowered her eyes, unable to hide anything from him. But she
know what was bothering her. All. Literally everything. And the drugs, and
's trip, and
– It's allhis indiscretion, and his date. The date was
"You're her mind.
She came close to him and looked him straight in the eye
– It's all right.
Stefano gave her
a small smile.
- Yes, I'm lying.
I taught you to lie blatantly to your own detriment.
Diana stepped away from him, still glaring at him.
– How do your people know about tomorrow's deal?" Why
shouldn't she be silent, why should she shout about it on every street
She wanted to scratch her palms again, so that the excruciating
physical pain would become stronger than the mental one.
– Because I trust my people.
"A lie. You don't trust anyone.
He looked at her in surprise.
"That's right. I don't trust anyone, so I always
play it safe. Tomorrow at 15.00 two teams will go to the scorched field

cars. In fact, the deal will take place elsewhere. I'll turn
down the road. That's how I test my people, Diana.
And he's doing great. Step forward and shoot.
– Do you check everyone? Dylan? Michael? Antonio? They are your
close subordinates.
I only take careexcept
of suchAntonio, he's like amyself.
large operations father figure to me. And I trust
him, but
She sat down on the sofa, covering her eyes with her hands, and
laughed. Hell, she
was worried about him, and he was a few steps ahead of her. He sat
down – Inext
want toto
her andiftook
know hercoming
you're hands in" That's why I'm here.
I need to know for sure.
She looked up at him, feeling his hands massaging her
fingers. She had seen this picture before. "I just want to relax
you," he said at the time.
– Why do you trust me?"
– Because I know you, Diana. You're untouched by money
and bribes. You're clean.
Too clean. So pure that he doesn't even know
– I'll come with you." How can I abandon my tormentor?
She wrapped her arms around him, smelling his scent, feeling the
hard muscles
his back, his breathof and his whisper. Of course, she would go with him,
and it
had been enough for her that time when she had been all worked up about
him. She'll have to carry five
ringing Not a problem.
of their Drugs?
cell phone Cocaine?
startled them Good. Only with
both. Pulling him.
it out of
his pocket,Nearby.
Stefano turned off the sound.
– You have a date!"
He scowled at her and tossed the phone on the table.
"I'm tired, Diana. From everything.
Pulling away from her, Stefano leaned back on the couch,
folded his arms, and closed his eyes. Oh, how she understood him. She
had been in this state for a month. When there is no strength for anything.
Friends are forgotten, and there is no time to even remember them. All the
was taken away by the one who was sitting next to him.

She rested her head on his chest, and he ran a hand through her
hair. She could hear his heart beating in unison with hers
, and she could feel his soft breathing. It was so peaceful and sweet
that I wanted to lie there forever. No one else was needed. She
would have given half her life to prolong this moment. And she was afraid
to think about what had caused it.
– Am I too old for you?"
She looked up, not understanding the question.
– Am I a child to you?
" And that scares me.
Stefano got up, picked up the phone, and started to leave, but
stopped in the doorway
Diana jumped up from the sofa and ran after him, but Visconti was
- No!for the car.
– Stop it! " she shouted. "To your question."
He turned to her.
"This is crazy. Go inside and close the door. For all locks.
She stood in the doorway, afraid to move.
"That's an order, Diana.
And she immediately obeyed, disappearing through the door.

Chapter 15
In the morning, Diana got up too early for a day off from training.
She stayed up all night, remembering what Stefano had said. Where did he
go? Where
did you spend the night? Why did his last words
rush through her like a current? And why did this current flow through her
whenever he was around? She hated herself. And there is even
moreSheof it.
had Heother
her peace of mind.
to think about today: about money, drugs
, and security. And in her mind's eye, a black – haired Devil with cold
blue eyes.
Diana took her time getting dressed. As she threw on a short
denim jacket, she realized that she didn't know how to dress for such
an event. When Stefano went to see Vulture, he
was wearing a T-shirt. He took it off while Michael was sticking the wires
to his body with a Band-Aid. Remembering this, Diana groaned and sat
down on a chair,
Afterher face with
parking her hands.
the white Mazda"It's crazy,"
outside thehe said Diana
office, yesterday.
wentAnd he
was right.
and, deciding to take her time, leaned on the car and briefly
closed her eyes. She turned her face up to the sun, enjoying the warm
rays, and held her palms up, feeling the heat on her hands, which were
cold with
excitement. With every breath she took
, she took in a sense of calm and peace,trying to forget about the deal,
– Whatand
the drugs, are Stefano
you doing?"
When she opened her eyes, she saw Matt and smiled at him.
"I'm meditating." It helps you relax a lot. Try.
He laughed and stood beside her, raising his hands and closing his
– Do you need to say something?
— no. Just think.
"About what?"
- About pleasant things.
lose They stood
herself there
in her for a while
thoughts longer,
again. Think and Diana
about was able
pleasant to So she
told him, didn
't she? What was going on in her head? What was she thinking?

"Diana, what are you thinking?"

She sighed, dropping her hands.
"About the pain inside me.
Matt looked at her, his smile fading.
– You said to think about the pleasant, but you think about the pain?"
The girl smiled.
"It's strange, but this pain feels good, Matt
–" By the way, the boss
is angry as hell today.
Diana looked at him in surprise. Angry? To whom? For what? She
had only witnessed his anger twice: when he'd picked her up from
the Gyrfalcon after Nicholas Griffin had attacked her, and when he
'd told her, "No,"when he'd left for John Griffin's. It was
all Family Guy stuff.
Diana glanced at her watch and sighed. It's time. Everyone's already
. – What happened?" She went inside the building, Matt following close
"I don't know, Diana, he's been like this since morning.
She nodded and started up the stairs.
"Diana! Matt shouted, and she whirled around. – What are you
doing tonight?
Matt walked over to her and grinned broadly. An attractive
guy. The smile suits him, makes his face look boyishly cute. How
had she never noticed this before?
"I want to take you out..." He ran a hand through
his thick brown hair, clearly nervous, and then immediately felt
averting his brown eyes. "I'm sorry, maybe I... maybe I shouldn't treat you
like Diana came down to him.
– How can you not come to me?
"Well, you're always with the boss. They say all sorts of things about
believe Butare,
I don't
"What's that?" Her mouth dropped open in surprise. "A whore? His
whore?! As soon as she said it out loud, her anger immediately
turned to wild laughter. "I agree, Matt. I'll go with you
tonight, and tell them I'm not like that." You're right.

– That's what I thought. You're too good for him. Diana could see
how relieved he was.
Diane nodded at him and ran up the stairs to her boss's office.
– Good luck, - Olga threw another shot of poison at her – - today
his mood is just right for you.
At her words, Diana felt a chill creep up her skin.
The worst picture loomed – he'd probably killed
them all, and now it was her turn. Afraid to put her hand on the door
handle, she
tried to relax. Just like he'd taught her, standing behind her and holding
her tightly with his
hands under her breasts. Then she could not do it, did not relax.
No one was holding
– I don't need youher now.
yet, She
" he will
said succeed! Inhaling and exhaling,
she entered.
Visconti, towering over the seated men. – I'll call you."
Diana flinched at his tone and the murderous look in his eyes. She
saw Michael look at her piteously. Antonio sat over
his papers, clutching his head. Dylan was typing away on the computer,
ignoring her. Stefano himself stood behind them,
hands clasped behind his back. His furrowed brows and narrowed eyes
spoke volumes. For her.
Diane found the door handle with one hand, pressed it, and
then stopped. As she looked at him, she realized that
a rage was stirring in her, making her hands shake. She had never
felt anything like this for him. Even when he was drowning her, she
could punch him in the chest and he would laugh. When he made
her do push-ups twenty times, pressing down on her body. She hated
him playfully. But he'd never been so rude
to her before.
– I'm not going with you.
– You don't have to go.
Diana's stomach clenched. For some reason, she felt like she
'd lost something. Something familiar and warm.
Pulling the handle, she went out to the reception area, where Olga
was already celebrating her victory with a smile.
"Good-bye, Miss Oliver. Serves you right.
Diane ran to her desk, grabbed her coffee cup, and threw
it on her chest.
"Don't piss me off.
"You little bitch! What have you done?" Olga jumped up
and began wiping coffee from her face and shirt.
"Too bad the coffee was cold."
Diane hurried down the stairs, and as she ran past Matt,
she called out to him.
"I remember, Matt, at eight o'clock tonight at Saint Beach!"
She got in the car and rested her head on the steering wheel. So many
came feelings
over her: resentment, pain, anger… The way he looked at her, the
he spoke rudely – everything can be postponed, but after the words" you
have to go " something broke inside. She didn't understand Stefano
She slammed on the gas and the car whined away from
the spot. he is gentle and affectionate, sometimes prickly and angry. He
lives up to his
nickname. Just as beautiful and deceptive.

Why she had come here, Diana couldn't understand.

I just drove without thinking. And now, standing on the edge of the cliff
and not venturing
too close to it, she tried to relax, knowing
that something was wrong. She sat down on the grass and closed her eyes.
In this
place, she left her fear behind. Now she wanted to leave her
pride behind, make herself forget her resentment, get up and go back to
But her legs wouldn't move, and she just sat there. It seemed like an
eternity. She wondered what he would do if he didn't find her. He might
not even
notice. After
It was all, heclose
getting said to
"youthedon't haveappointment,
dealer's to go", whichandmeans that
Diane hestill
was didn't
care. He'll
thinking, go alone. With five million dollars there and a bag of cocaine
back. Unless,
thinking… of course,
I finally they
realized killshe
that him. If they
was didn't
wrong. killall,
After him, hewas wrong!
He's lucky again,
the boss. Heand
they atdid, she would be free.
his subordinates. She had expected
him to be lenient, to give her a break. But he doesn't have to give her
a discount on everything just because she's been around for twelve years

hours a day. She was nothing to him! A subordinate, a killer, created by

hands. And no one
Completely lostelse. She
in her hadthoughts,
own no right to
sheresent Stefano.
her eyes, then abruptly stood up, covering her mouth with her hand.
– I came for you.
She It seemed
studied histoface
Diana that hetrying
carefully, was following her everywhere, and there
to read his
mood. was no escape from him.
– Why?"
No smile. Bad sign. His eyes don't meet hers. Will he
kill her? Diana backed away, but Stefano grabbed her with one hand,
pulling her close.
– Are you crazy?" Do you want to break down?
Diana glanced back and found the edge of the cliff a step away. He
still held her, afraid to let her go.
– What are you doing here?"
– I told you, I came for you.
She tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but Stefano scooped her
up and carried her away from the cliff. I put it down only near
the black Lexus.
– I'm not going."
"You're going."
– You said you didn't care.
– I didn't say that.
She was almost growling at him.
– You said, ' You don't have to go!'
– I've changed my mind.
There was no limit to her surprise! She turned and walked
back to her car.
"Diana, I'm sorry.
And she stopped. I was ready to throw myself into his arms
and go wherever he said, even to the devil's den itself.
– I've had a rough day. One of my ships carrying
weapons was hijacked by Somali pirates. They demand
ten million dollars for its return. The entire crew was taken hostage.
Diana turned to him, her eyes wide. Is he kidding?
"Ten million?" But there are people there!

"There are weapons in there, Diana, worth a lot more than that.
– You're talking about money again!
– And you're talking about people again!
Visconti leaned one hand on the car, trying to control himself.
She laughed, sitting down on the grass and covering her face with her
– I wonder what you're going to give me tomorrow."
– I don't see anything funny.
But from
, either she couldn't
laughterstop, tears welling up in her eyes
or fear.
"Buy cocaine for five and sell it for ten?"
She stopped laughing when she realized what she had said. This
money can feed the whole of Africa. How did he get so much?
He closed the distance between them in a few steps and lifted her up.
its from the ground:
"Come on."
– Where to?"
"I'll sell your organs."
She struggled, but Stefano just grinned.
- Buy cocaine. We have a deal in a few minutes. Or have you
He released her and opened the doors of the black Lexus.
"Get behind the wheel." If I say "two hundred and twenty," give me
and two hundred
twenty. If I say "shoot," then shoot. He tossed the
gun to her, and she caught it immediately. - Pull the trigger smoothly,
aim with two eyes. You need to see everything around you and be able to
the situation.
The blood drained from her face, and the hands holding the gun
went cold. She couldn't shoot, she's not ready! He had given her so many
tasks that she was at a loss. Noticing her confusion, Stefano
walked over to her and put his arm around her. I had to bury my face in
his chest.
"And if I don't succeed?" If you get killed, what do I do?
"Better shoot yourself right away. Drug dealers are known
Was he joking? Diane pushed him away, tucking the gun into her belt,
silently thanking herself for wearing a denim jacket.
"I hope you don't get killed.

Stefano went to the trunk and opened it, thinking for a

Just relax. Pretend you
've been doing this for years… he looked at her, assessing her
age – " okay, just be yourself. Remember what I taught you.
I need you."
"How's the air?"
"Damn it, Diana! Yes, like air.
She watched as Stefano pulled two pistols out of the trunk
and checked the ammo magazines. The weapons in his hands made him
more powerful and terrifying. And it suited him perfectly. Diana even
admired it.
Carefully hiding both guns, Stefano picked up the black briefcase
with the money in it.
"Get in and let's go."
Diana obeyed, but before she hit the gas pedal, she took a deep
breath and let it out calmly, noticing how
her heartbeat had slowed.
Stefano was leading the way, while simultaneously turning off the
cell phone. He put it in his pocket and opened the briefcase. Diana
could see an insane amount of money out of the corner of her eye. Five
She "Maybe
had neveryoudreamed
shouldn'tof buy
a figure,Itwith this money
is easier to addyou could live
the same
your whole
amount and buy the ship.
Closing working,
life without the blackprovide
briefcase, Stefano future
a carefree glaredfor
at her.
your children and
Can you lend it to me?"
The girl nodded, understanding the meaninglessness of her words.
How did she know how much more money he had? Clearly not the last
one to make this purchase.
"Turn right.
Diane drove the car down a small dirt road,
rocks starting to fly out from under the wheels. Her excitement increased
with each new
thud."Stop," he said, and she slammed on the brakes.
Stefano turned to her and looked her straight in the eye.

"Listen carefully: when we get there, you're going to turn the car
's trunk toward them. I'll get out and you'll stay behind the wheel. Do not
it under any circumstances. If something doesn't go as
planned, then leave. You go to the office and say to Antonio, "Square
one She
at five," do you
him, her eyesunderstand?
wide with horror, but she couldn
't speak.
"Understand, Diana?" Visconti shouted, and the girl nodded. –
Just in case, do not forget about the weapon, you have at least
learned how to shoot. This will help.
She turned her gaze to the windshield, realizing that she was gripping
the steering wheel with such force that it was unlikely that anyone would
be able
to pull her out of the car. The future frightened her, and she wanted to
leave everything
"Let's go." and run away,
and Diane
run asstepped
far awayon from
the this
gas nightmare as possible.
again, driving slowly over the bumps.
"It was stupid to come here together. I should have taken security,
put all those damn wires on you, so they
could track us down if anything happened.
Visconti smiled at her words.
"It's all right, just a five-minute thing.
His optimism gave her a bit of confidence, but it still
wasn't enough. Diana realized that she was trembling,
her breath coming in short gasps.
After a few meters, she saw what she was so afraid to see.
Something that an ordinary person wouldn't be likely to witness: two large
black cars were parked behind each other in the middle of a deserted
The doors swung open, and two men stepped out of each. Panic
came as soon as her brain realized the danger – there were
four of them! Too much for the two of them, especially since
she wasn't an assistant at all. When she felt the gun in her belt, her
skin "Turn
the car around."
His voice was as cold as ice. Diana tried to control
herself as she turned the car around and backed up as she approached
the men.
"Well done. Now sit still.

Stefano opened the door and went out. When she was alone, she
tried to look out the window without being noticed, but the trunk
opened and their eyes met in the rearview mirror
in front of her. Stefano gave her a view for viewing, moving away from the
in the direction of the four men. She couldn't hear them, but she could see
in the mirror. One man, dressed all in black, Oriental in appearance,
a black beard, and
closer to a formidable
the seat, so thatappearance, checked
she could feel Stefano for
the cold
weapons with
metal of the his she
gun, hands. A her
kept terrible
eyes picture...
on them. Her hand slid
under the seat, finding another gun. My God, she's covered in guns!
Two more are in the trunk. She didn't know how to shoot with both hands,
but she was afraid to do even that.
Stefano put the briefcase on the ground, opened it, and the formidable
squatted down and took a wad of money. He quickly ran his hand over the
banknotes. For a second, she thought she'd go crazy if they
started counting that money, stretching the fun out of five
million. Fortunately, the man quickly closed the briefcase and gave the
to open four large boxes containing cocaine. She realized
this when the dealer stabbed one of the bags with a knife and the white
looseEverything is so unnatural that it hurts my eyes. Creepy and scary.
She was on the
felt the cartip of the
shake as knife.
the menStefano
loadedpicked it up with a finger
and tasted
crates. it. Diana
Afraid shivered
that they mightand
see closed herDiana
the guns, eyes for a moment.
turned pale
and leaned back in her chair, but she was still watching them. Her hand
involuntarily went to the gun on her back, but she
stopped in time, afraid to move. The two men moved away, and she
breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Stefano in the rearview mirror.
's all. Just like he promised. "A matter of five minutes." Already ready
to go,
But she
hesat upstill
was straight, putting
standing herthe
behind hands
car, on the steering wheel and
the trunk fordoor
her open
boss.with one hand. Their eyes met again in the rearview
and Stefano gave her a small smile, one eye narrowed. She opened her
because she knew that look – he was up to something! Something that
always scared her with its suddenness! And she wasn't wrong. He took out
his pistols and, holding them in both hands, took a step back, so as not to
let them fall.
without hesitation ... start shooting at the dealers. Diana screamed and
covered her head with her hands in horror. She could hear the popping
sounds that hit
her nerves as they raced through her body. She wasn't thinking about
Shewere simply
heard no thoughts!
the trunk slam shutShe was
and afraid. The image
of Stefano holding
passenger door next two
to pistols,
her open.shooting at four armed
men,– froze in my mind's eye. At
Get out of here! " a painfully four o'clock!
familiar He'scommanded,
voice mad! He doesn't stand a
and she
chance. He's
looked up, dead!
still unable to believe that he was alive. "Let's go." Two
and She
twenty, Diana!
stepped on the gas pedal and gripped the
steering wheel with trembling hands. Looking in the rearview mirror, she
saw the bodies of four
men, and her mind flashed back to the night when she had been
summoned to the slope near
the port...

Chapter 16
Diana drove the car at breakneck speed. In the trunk
were four boxes of cocaine briquettes, next to a man
who shot four people,and in his hands...
- Do you have the money?!
He gave her a strange look as he pulled out his cell phone.
– You think I killed them because I just wanted
to shoot?"
God, God, God! What had he gotten her into? Now she's an accessory
to a crime. She will be shot without trial.
"Go to the cliff," he said, while simultaneously
typing and speaking in Italian. Diana didn't understand a
word of it. I still couldn't wrap my head around what had happened.
guns, murder, now more Italian! She realized that
she hadn't been able to get to know this man since they'd met. He
a mystery. Diana couldn't understand what he was thinking. He probably
do itDiana
himself, solving
pulled everything
up beside on the
the white fly, inand
Mazda seconds. Yesterday, he was
got out,
preparing her on the hard ground.
her feet wobbly
for one,
– I got a bither
asking of atomess
be with him, not We
on one-fifth. trusting
needanyone. Today
to remove I shot
it. He
dealers, taking
disconnected goods
the call, and money.the
slamming Does
of the know?
Lexus. And Michael? And
"Who did you call?"
"Ours." We need to clean it up before the cops find out."
She looked at Stefano and didn't understand: what was it that drew
man? her
cruel and heartless. Doing God knows what, living
in a dangerous world. Now she understood his words: "This is my
life, Diana, and you ask me if I love anyone. I don't like
it because it's too dangerous." Dangerous is an understatement.
Deadly dangerous.
– Do you even have a heart?"
He smiled at her.
"I thought not." It turned out that there is.

"I've had enough! She shouted and went back to her car, but
Stefano grabbed her arm.
"Diana, I need that money. You said that correctly-these five
and five more.
She dodged him.
– I didn't mean five plus forty kilos of cocaine.
It was impossible to do without it?
"You can't," Stefano whispered, " the money from his sale
will also be used for ransom."
It loomed over her, blocking out the sun, which was already
dim. It seems that her life has entered a dark period.
– Couldn't you have warned me?"
- Everything happened suddenly.
"Lies! She called out, and he looked at her in surprise. – You
planned it all, standing here. You put your guns in the trunk!
I'm not stupid. Only then I didn't know why there were guns in the trunk.
I'll know now.
"You're observant." Well done. His voice was cold,
and Diane felt creepy. – I have another assignment for you." Give me the
to the Mazda."
Visconti held out his hand, and the girl recoiled.
"You want to kill me?"
– I don't know why, but I don't like your look. What are you
up to again?
"The keys, Diane. Stefano took a step toward her, and out of fear, she
took out
her keys and tossed them to him. Catching them, the man smiled: - Now
you Did she hear you?" Did she understand him correctly? Is he all
rightget intohead?!
in the the "Lexus"and go to the office, they are waiting for you there.
I'll take
your car to the airport.

"Diana! Visconti shouted, and she flinched. "Too many

questions. Can you do everything in silence?
He was yelling at her again. Today, he's not the Stefano she
knew. It was a real Devil. And Diana, overkill in yourself

fear, stepped forward to meet him.

"I want to know what I'm risking."
Without a word, Stefano opened the door of the white car, tossed the
on theblack
then stopped and looked at her. Diana was afraid of him
, and yet she was afraid of being without him.
– You're not coming back, are you?"
She turned away and headed for the Lexus, knowing that she would be
takingback to the city, where she would run the risk of falling into the
the drugs
hands of the police. He had abandoned her!
Framed and abandoned! He takes the money himself and leaves for
another life.
He doesn't care about her, or his people, or anyone else. When she opened
the door, she
– I'll be back, Diana, I promise. I always keep my word.
turnedHe to look at
cupped Stefano,
her face inand he cursed
his hands and as he quickly" I don't know.
closed– I'm flying to Italy, I need help. Then you'llher
the distance between them and hugged tightly.
have to fly to
Somalia. I don't know when, but I'll be back. I won't leave you.
Stefano wiped away her tears with his fingers, and she couldn't stop
crying. How would she be without him? What is Somalia?
Diana clung to his shoulders, all resentment forgotten
, all drugs and murder forgotten. She didn't want to let him go. He kissed
cheek, whichyou
– When was saltytowith
come tears, and
my office, openwhispered:
the top drawer of my desk,
and there's an envelope in it. Take it. It's yours.
Diana watched as the white Mazda turned and sped
off into the distance, leaving her all alone. Sharp pain inside
and emptiness… She's alone. Alone again.
It took too long to get to the office. Wiping away the tears
that were rolling down her cheeks, she drove slowly, not speeding. On
his car. On his Lexus. Sometimes hating him for everything,
sometimes wanting to see him so badly. It was dangerous to drive in his
– it was packed with all the most terrible things. However, this did not
at wanted to deliver
a building markedthe goods to
"Shipping help theSV",
company mad
man. It madethat
she realized her her
herself. Heover.
was madeWith
her like this.
a sigh of relief, she
drove into the parking lot, passing the barrier. Matt ran out to meet Diana.

"To the covered garage!" He pointed to a black gate in the building

to the right.
She hadn't noticed them until now. With a nod to the guy, Diana
swung the steering wheel to the right.
Matt opened the heavy metal doors and she drove inside,
disbelieving to see that there were black cars everywhere, the same ones
that Stefano
had taken on deals with his security guards. They were also standing in
street when he went to see Vulture. That's where he hid them.
" Whenfor you
a place
at athis
car,Lexus, Diana
you feel sad.saw
the Infiniti,
"Really?" and
Is her heart
it that sank withI'll
noticeable? the memory...
get rid of her tomorrow.
" It suits you.
He didn't get rid of her. But I never rode it again. Trying to
To erase his words, his image, his voice from her mind, Diana opened
the car door and got out.
"May I congratulate you, Lady Dee?"
Matt laughed and bowed to her. Diana realized that he knew
what she was carrying, and he met her not just like that, but on someone's
orders. She tried to collect her thoughts. Now she needs
the main one:
"Where's Antonio?"
– At home.
Matt pointed to the entrance to the building, and Diana ran to him.
"Diana, tell me how it went!"
It seemed to her that this nightmare would never end. The last
thing she wanted to do right now was remember what had happened. She
as four people were shot, the killer left her with four
cases of cocaine,
– Don't ask. and Matt asks, " What's going on?": how did it go...?"
- It must have been cool? I heard there was a shootout.
Diana froze. A shootout? No. There was a murder.
"Matt, what exactly did you hear?" What's going on here anyway?
She refused to understand reality. She was told one thing,
but in reality something else was happening.
"Boss and Dylan are off somewhere. In place of Visconti now
Antonio Grasso. Who were you even with?" I hear you're carrying cargo.

The girl nodded at him.

"I was with Visconti -" Her heart sank again. "I was.
– Did you shoot?"
– Did I shoot?" Diana asked. For a second, she thought
they were going to hang all four bodies on her.
"Well, did you shoot?"
"No, I didn't shoot.
Diana ran up the stairs so fast that she didn't notice either
the stairs or Olga. When she reached the massive door, she literally
pushed it open with her foot and entered, hearing the secretary's shouts
behind her.
The office was empty. Olga ran into the office and blocked Diana
's path.
Diana pushed her away as she walked over to his desk.
"When you come to my office, open the top drawer,
there is an envelope in it. Take it. It's yours."
"Don't you go poking around in other people's things, you venal bitch!
are documents!
But Diana wasn't listening to her. When she opened the top drawer,
actually found an envelope inside. The girl picked it
up and
Olgaheld it to her
pounced onchest.
her, trying to snatch the envelope out of her hands.
Give it back!
Diana was so tired mentally and physically that these screams started
to drive her crazy! She pulled a pistol from her belt and pointed it at
Olga, startled by her own reaction. The receptionist screamed,
covering her head with her hands, and Antonio
and Michael came rushing into the office.

When she saw them, she put the safety catch on the pistol with one
and finger
tucked it into her belt.
"She'll kill us all!" Olga's voice was trembling. "She's got a gun!"
- Olga, come out! Antonio said, pointing to the
door for his secretary. – You asked for it. Don't cling to her, everyone is
already on
today!breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that Antonio was on
her side.
She couldn't stand any longer, so she sat down in the big leather chair that
looked like she was sitting on the floor.
still clutching the envelope to his chest. She hated them all, and herself
even more. She wished she hadn't come to
such a beautiful building on the outside and a dangerous one on the inside
that Antonio
Friday night.
walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
– The first time is always hard, then it will be easier.
The word "later" made my skin crawl. This is just the beginning
of her new life. She looked down at the envelope in her hands, where
her name was written in legible, beautiful handwriting. "It's yours."
She opened it to find a wad of dollars and a note with the same
crisp handwriting: "Treat yourself while I'm gone. SV."
There was something else at the bottom of the envelope, and Diane
opened it wider, her fingers finding
the keys with the Infiniti logo on them. The pain gripped her heart
so hard that she could have screamed. He'd left her
a car, the same one he'd first used to pick her up! The one she
raced on, feeling the first crazy rush of adrenaline for the first time! The
one she liked so much. She held the keys in her hand to see
what Stefano was thinking, to feel his energy,
to feel the warmth of his hands.
Antonio and Michael looked at each other, apparently equally puzzled.
"I brought four cases of cocaine, – she said on an exhalation.
Diane. "They're in the car in the garage.
Her voice lost its emotionality, became empty, almost
– You're doing great, girl. Antonio sat down next to her, and Diana
that she was sitting at the boss's desk,taking his place. But Antonio waved
his hand, stopping her just as she started to get up. Now
it didn't make sense who was sitting where, because everything was in
chaos:She was grateful to him, grateful for his support and understanding.
Shethe head,the
placed in the building,
envelope andinkeys
in front of her and stared at
them. And she was silent.
"Diane," Michael said first, " I know this is
hard for you, I've been through it myself. But you'll get used to it, I
promise you that.
"You'd better tell me, girl, what's gotten into Visconti?" Why the hell
did he shoot everyone there?

Diana started. Didn't he know about his boss ' plans?

Was it as unexpected for him as it was for her?
– I don't know." The deal was done, the boxes were loaded into the
and I was ready to go, waiting for Stefano to get in… She lowered
her eyes. "But he decided not to stop there.
To Diana, glared
that at Michael.
he didn't approveSomething toldactions.
of the boss's me
– What's wrong?" – What is it? " she asked softly. "He took the ransom
I've brought you an item, sell it, find someone who can buy it for
fifty Antonio
so you can sendatthem
looked the
her in rest of it.
surprise. Too
– You even know that?"
She just shrugged, trying to keep a straight
Antonio covered his face with his hands, and Michael
laughed at Diana. – I knew it.
She didn't understand, but seeing the smile on Michael's lips,
she sighed.

"I don't even doubt it now," Antonio said, looking at

The phone rang suddenly, startling her
, and she didn't dare pick it up. Antonio did it himself, pressing
the button, and Olga's voice said nervously:
"Richard Knight here to see you."
"Let him come in.
Immediately, the door opened and Richard came in, smiling. Diana
smiled back at him, remembering the way he'd showered her with
"Lady Diana," Knight said, bowing to her, " it's so unusual to see you
in this place, but it sure as hell suits you."
Diana immediately jumped up from the boss's chair, giving it to
of the"Richard, what
table, and the hellface
Richard's are immediately
you doing here?"
took Grasso sat down
on a dejected at the
– I'd leave the girl there, you old bastard.
It's time to give up the place of youth, isn't it, Michael?

Diane's smile widened as she looked at Michael, who just

shrugged in response.
"Knight, your jokes are going to give me a heart attack,
" Antonio thundered.
"No one will take Visconti's place, he's as tough as the devil. By the
that's why I came.
– I wonder what kind of wind blew you toward us." Do you want to
his place?
Richard laughed, nodding back.
"Everyone wants his place, but mine is enough for me. I'm on a
subject. He called me, I know everything. He looked at Diana. "
By the way, with the christening of you, young Lady Dee, it is very
dangerous to carry goods across town
in a car that was involved in
a fatal transaction. Visconti must have trusted you to do
sucha thing..." We have enough problems as it is, " he interrupted
Diana tightened her grip on the keys. She wanted to get out of here,
get in the car, and go home to clear her head.
"Yes, yes, here's what I want to suggest. Stefano asked me to find
a buyer to get rid of the crates faster. They're
a dead weight around your neck right now. Another couple of days, and
will find out that their people are missing and the money with them, and
is toDiana's
blame? face
That's right,
paled. It the oneeven
hadn't with occurred
four boxes.
to After
her. a couple of days,
you won't
And no wonder – everything was happening so fast that she just didn't
have time tothem.
selling think.This should be done now.
Antonio's voice was nervous.
"I'll make a deal with Vulture, he can buy the cocaine. But I
will arrange it not on my own behalf, of course, so that I can sleep in
peace. You
drop""four crates
He'll shooton
ushim, get the
all when he money, and
finds out we– gave him
the Zayd product, " Antonio said.
Knight smiled slyly and lowered
his voice to a whisper. We'll send
Diana to him for a deal. She'll sell him four crates, and we'll

let's stay in the shadows. I hope she doesn't have a Morte Nera tattoo on
Chapter 17
Diana thought she had misheard. It couldn't be
true! This is crazy, they want to send her to their
most dangerous enemy.
She leapt to her feet, fighting back her fear and anger.
"I'm sick of cocaine." I bought it, brought it back, dying of
fear, but I won't sell it. Figure it out for yourself.
Antonio gestured for her to sit down, but there was so much anger in
that she didn't understand the order. Michael came to her rescue, his
hands– My man, when he contacts Vulture, says you
pressing down on
're a messenger her Zayd,
from shoulders.
he'll fall for it.
- Who is "Zaed"? – What is it? " she demanded, still struggling
with Michael's grip.
"Enough! Antonio's voice boomed. "Visconti will kill us if
he finds out." I don't agree with your plan, Knight. Think of another one.
Diana let out a relaxed sigh: at least someone was thinking properly.
"Diana is
inexperienced, and anything can happen to her." And if John Grief
guessed where she was coming from, he would shoot her on the spot. Then
will shoot
Knightus all. his fingers on the table in frustration. But
he didn't seem to have any other plan:
– I'm not sure who else can sell forty kilos of cocaine in
such a short period of time. I'm out of ideas. You can
send him to Mexico to Corrado, as Stefano wanted, but it's a long time,
and I understand the money is needed now.
Everyone was silent for a few minutes, lost in thought.
Diana fiddled with the keys to the Infiniti, thinking
back to this crazy day. How much weight had fallen on her, so
small and fragile, so defenseless. Already defenseless. Without
it. Feeling the chill of loneliness and the fear of the unknown, she began
to withdraw into herself. Stefano would have come up with something,
if he had to do it on the go. Perhaps he would have asked for it himself

She had to go to Vulture because there was no other way out. But she
't know
sure. to her at that moment, she never understood. What
had changed her mind, she didn't know, but as she stood up and looked
Knight straight in the eye, she said,
" What do you want out of our deal with Vulture?"
Knight immediately smiled, understanding the meaning of her words.
"Fifty percent for giving you guys a tip on each other."
Out of the corner of her eye, Diana saw Antonio open his mouth, but
she waved him off. Because right now, Stefano would
be doing what she was doing. Studied it.
Knight laughed, looking away.
Diana smiled automatically, still looking him
in the eye.
"Fifteen and not one percent more, or you'll be standing there
with me."
She saw Knight's lips break into a smile as he
shot a quick glance at Antonio. Diana never understood why.
"Forty, period," Richard said.
"You can use the port for free for fifteen days and the whole month
"Diana! Antonio shouted. – What the hell?" What are you talking
looking andand
at her sixwondering
months free," Knight
at the traincontinued to bargain,
of thought.
Antonio was already up from his seat, visibly nervous. It wasn't up to
to decide, Diane knew, but the money was needed now,
and every percentage Knight took was a big loss to
the hostages.
"Fifteen and three months," Diana said.
She saw Knight's eyes widen, clearly shocked
by the suggestion. It seemed to her that he was pleased, but obviously
it from others. She
"Twenty-five could
and read
three it in his eyes. Like Stefano had taught her.
"My last word is fifteen and three. If you're not happy, all
the best to you, Mr. Knight, and thank you for your help.
Diana sat down across from him, her hands folded on the table,
watching intently. Everything was fine with him. She saw it.
"I think I understand Visconti," Richard said. "For a second
, I thought I was talking to him. "
Well, Devil's spawn, fifteen percent of it
is mine and three months of free use of the port. I agree.
Smiling and celebrating her victory, Diana shook his hand. Before she
fully realized what she'd signed up for, she leaned
back in her chair.
"But I have a condition," she said. "No one will say anything
Visconti before the transaction is completed. He can't know.
Antonio looked at her in surprise, knowing that Diana
was trying to protect them all from Stefano's wrath. Wise of her. But in
reality, Diana was protecting him, her tormentor, from unnecessary
worries. Let him go about his business quietly and not think about her.
"Wise," Knight said, " very wise. Let him be
in the dark for now.
The euphoria was quickly replaced by fear. She
felt that two people were constantly fighting inside her: a little
girl hiding from fear, and another Diana, a woman who would
do anything for ... him.
Fear no longer had a place in her life.
Taking a deep breath in and out, as Stefano had taught her, she
Into looked
– What chance do I have of staying alive?" Can I cross
paths with John Griffin's son on this deal?
"It should go smoothly," he said. "Don't
worry about Nicholas, he's definitely not going to be there. He's too
stupid, he
only has parties in his head. His father doesn't take him on such deals. By
the way,
Dianayou didn't
rolled up her sleeves to show off her clean, unmarked hands.
Why me: Stefano
hadn't do you have
on your
a hinthands?
of that in all that time? She
glanced at Antonio, and he answered the unspoken question,
" Every new member of our clan is
on probation, Diana. At least he was smart enough not to get you
a tattoo early.

"Or not enough," Knight whispered to himself, knowing that if

anything happened to her, their boss would blame himself first
. They wouldn't have sent her to Vulture with a cross on her arm. Right
, Diana was the only person who could do it. She
had every chance. Grief didn't know her face, although he knew that
Visconti had smashed his son's nose in the Gyrfalcon for
a girl, but who
– What she was,
is "Zaed"? who
Will she was,
I finally findand
Dianashe came from was a
"Drug dealers from Iraq. The head of Zayed, Ahmad ibn Mubarak.
Your boss killed his messengers today.
Such a formidable Arabic name caused a new wave
of fear and horror in Diana, and the fact that her boss shot his people-
increased it. finds out the cocaine is from Morte Nera, he'll kill me."
"If Grief
"Let's hope that by the time he finds out, you'll be long gone."
And he won't be able to find you." "Ahmad will find him
sooner. Thus, we win in any case: we get rid
of the goods and eliminate our enemy. When Ahmad ibn Mubarak finds out
that Gryph has the cocaine
, he –will
the dealthat
killed Gryph's
to be men.
with Morte Nera,
and I'm sure Ahmad knows about it.
Diana wanted to know all the nuances.
– You look at me like he does, Diane. I don't even feel
comfortable, "Richard said, and Michael looked at her, knowing
that the head of the center was right. "Of course, Ahmad knows who the
deal was with, but
our dear friend Antonio will call him and tell him that the deal didn't
takeHeplace, the lying,
wasn't peoplehejust
wasdidn't show
clearly up, they
amused disappeared
by the along with
whole situation. the
also wanted
to frame Vulture, and Diana was already regretting giving him the right to
months of free boat parking in the port. Just
fifteen percent of the deal would have been enough. She realized her
mistake too
late, remembering Stefano's instructions: "Think, Diana, think." It
was "All
right," to get
the tosaid
girl know this person
softly. better,
– I'm not reallyand then make
worried a
I hope that Buttheshe
consequences of this venture will not affect "Morte Nera".
thought with her heart, while her master thought with his head. In this

Knight nodded at her, rising from his seat.

– I'll get back to you, but count on tomorrow morning or tonight
. The faster, the better.
When he left, Diana thought Antonio was going to strangle her.
Cursing in Italian, he clutched his head.
"Where did he find you?" You gave up the port! Now you're going to
shot by Vulture yourself! Even Visconti is going to see him, accompanied
by aDiana
wholegot up, took the keys and envelope, and headed for the door.
retinue! You're
– I spent alone!
more A agirl!
than monthAmong the
alone murderers!
with the killer. You
can't even imagine what I went through. My life has become
a test of endurance. He tortured me physically, tried
to drown me, forced me to drive two hundred and twenty kilometers an
to keep my balance over the cliff so that I couldn't breathe.
And I realized that there is no tougher person than Stefano Visconti
. He smiles, and an insidious plan is born in his head.
I'm not afraid of Vulture. Not anymore. Because your boss beat all
the fear out of me. And I'm glad that I met him, he gave me something that
shook Diana opened the door and went out, glaring at Olga, but
me up,
threwkept herbalance.
me off eyes down and pretended to be busy with her paperwork.
walked briskly up the stairs, down the hall, and into the covered parking
lot. But
"Diana, how did it go?" Matt's voice snapped her out of her reverie.
He movedshe saw thetoblack
closer Lexus,
her and she froze.
lowered his voice to a whisper.
She walked past the cars, picking out one to meet
Vulture. They were all black sedans, armored or not, she couldn't
tell. Michael came to her rescue as he ran into the parking lot behind her.
to the airport, there's a white Mazda parked there, bring it
"But it's my car!" – Oh, my God! " she exclaimed.
– This is your car now. Michael pointed to the black door.
"Infiniti," and Diana looked down at the keys in her hand. She'd
forgotten all about them.
"Wow, Dee," Matt said, " that's the boss's cool car..."

Michael glared at him, but Diana didn't notice the

look as she walked over to the car, running her hand along the roof. A
– How her lipsyou
can at protect
the memory.
yourself with a pistol when
six people are shooting at you at the same time with rifles?
"The car is bulletproof.
She opened the door and sat down, smelling the leather of the new
salon. I reached under the seat with my right hand and found the gun. "
Each of our cars has such a toy. To the
driver's right. So that in case of danger, you can immediately pull it out."
God, she'd missed him. In his voice, in his eyes, in his
"It's her car now, Matt, mind you," Michael said, " in
every sense of the word.
Matt lowered his eyes.
– I get it.
Opening the window, Diana saw Thomas and several other men
with submachine guns on their backs. He gave her a small nod of greeting.
"Thomas, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Lady Diana, what can I do for you?"
"Tell me, do you have a man without a Morte Nera sign?"
Thomas glanced at Michael and Matt in disbelief, then
looked back at Diana.
I can personally accompany you.
But Tomas didn't fit, and Gryph probably knew him as
Visconti's best bodyguard. She needed someone who didn't
show up anywhere and preferably without crosses on his hands. She
and leaned back in her chair, mentally reviewing each
of the bodyguards. She didn't need security, she needed a driver
who,like sheyou,
"Thank hadThomas,
just a few hours
but ago, could
I'm afraid me.
you can't
Matt interrupted as he approached the Infiniti.
– I don't have a Morte Nera sign, Diana.
She looked at him in surprise. How could she forget that
she came to work at the same time as him? They didn't have time to fill
out a sign for him either.

"Did Grief see you when he came here?"

Matt thought about it, knowing that if he said yes, he'd miss it
something to do.
— no.
Diana gave him a big smile, knowing he was lying. But
there was no choice. I don't think they'll see Matt at the wheel. Today, no
one looked at it, everyone was busy with business. But Matt had lied to
her, and Stefano
would have you'll
– Then said, "Lie!" but she
come with me wasn't him.stuff to Vulture."
to sell this
– Where to?" Thomas shouted. – Will you go to Vulture's?" Lady Diana,
are you out of your mind? Does the boss know about this?
– Doesn't know and won't find out. If everyone keeps quiet. Diane
knew perfectly well that the boss would figure it out for himself, the only
question was when.
There wasimmediately
Matt still time. "Get in the
jumped incar,
and Matt, and I'll
she pulled outtake yougarage.
of the to the airport."
"I'll be back tonight, Michael," she called, and slammed
on the gas.
The car was going too slowly through the city, but Diana couldn't
afford to go any faster, even though her only desire was
to turn out of town, accelerate to two hundred, and fly ahead without
about anything. No, by thinking about him. She would think of him. But
now,– Our date today will be held in an unusual form.
I've looking
already startled, she out.
figured that was What
control herself.
of me?
"Drive, Matt. That's all. I need to keep my hands
free if I have to "– she turned away - " shoot."
She thought she saw him twitch in surprise. So he didn't
know who she was or why she was hired by Morte Nera.
– I think I'd better shoot, Diane." I'm a man.
She laughed as she looked at the boy. She was sure that he
thought of her as the boss's mistress. But it wasn't like that: she was his
eyes, ears, and hands. She also gave the port to Knight for three months
of free use today. Visconti would kill her.
"No, I'll shoot, believe me.
" Who are you to the boss? He gave it to you
your own car, the only one of its kind in this city, and yet you

you go to his enemy to sell cocaine, ready to shoot? Who

are you?
Diana was watching the road. Who is she? Who would give her the
answer to this
"Don't ask, Matt. I do not know who I am.
She drove him to the airport and said goodbye.
"Stay in the office, I'll come back later."
Matt nodded and headed for the white Mazda. It was
painful to see the car. In the morning, Diana rode in it, then raced to the
then… Stefano found her. How he'd found her was unclear, and
the fact that he knew
Remembering theeverything
envelope withscared
money in it, she opened it again,
out the bills, and began counting them. I glanced nervously in
the rearview mirror after the first ten thousand. Why does she need so
much money? She
hadn't earned that much yet! Leaning back in the seat, she
closed her eyes. She had never held so much money in her hands.
at him in her
Diane mind,the
stashed shemoney
remembered the note:
in the glove "Treat yourself
compartment beforewhile
she could
I'm gone. SV." A
finish counting it, smile touched her lips. Stefano even thought
then she would
stepped onmiss
the him. And he
gas pedal andwas right.
drove to She missed
the mall. him.
needed the money, he guessed, and she needed to buy some clothes for
her meeting with Vulture. Right now, she wasn't dressed like a drug
dealer, but like
a schoolgirl stuck between the ages of sixteen and seventeen.
She should have looked older, much older even than her twenties. Would
Grief believe that a girl like that could sell forty
kilos of cocaine? Diana had no idea what she would need
for such a meeting, or where to buy such things. She stopped at
the barber shop and looked at herself in the mirror. Look. Her
hairstyle. Her hair was too long to make her look like a
straight-A student, but not like a woman holding a
gun. Stefano always grabbed her by them when she did something
wrong. He must have been annoyed by her hair. It was
"Shorter, much shorter. Up to your shoulders, " she said bitterly to
a pity to cut them off, but she was willing to do even that for him.
the master.
The barber nodded, picked up a pair of scissors, and ... Diana saw
long golden strands fall to the floor. Closing her eyes, she mentally
reassured herself. Work, that's her job. The hair should not
interfere with it.
The master cut and cut, and it seemed to her that she was
completely without hair. Then he gave them a light blow-dry twist,
creating volume,
and —yanked her cape.
Diana, who had been sitting with her eyes closed all this time, opened
them and looked at her reflection in disbelief: slightly curly
golden curls framed her face in a gentle halo, creating
a disorderly effect. The length was above the shoulders, but this did not
spoil the overall
picture. Amazing! Diana grew up about three years. Three more can
be added with cosmetics. She smiled at the master,
nodded contentedly, and he winked at her.

Chapter 18
Once in the mall, Diana was taken aback. The multiple
floors, the escalators, the people going up and down everywhere,
the sound of voices, shouts, conversations, stares-all of this was driving
her crazy.
She didn't like shopping, perhaps also because such
malls took up not only time, but also money that she didn't have.
After walking through the first floor, she went to several sports
shops, still not fully understanding what she needed to buy. What makes it
easier to
She turned
sell drugs? Thereatwas
the sound
no oneof
familiar voice. Camille.
"What happened to your hair?" I barely recognized you!
Diana ran a hand through her short hair and smiled.
"Like it?"
Camille nodded, still looking at her friend.
"Very much. It suits you. But you look older now. What do you
do in a sports shop?
Really, what is she doing in it? Maybe she should have gone
to the hunter's shop.
Diane looked down, her hands going through things she didn't
even like.

– Why didn't you call me?" You and I always went

together. Oh, right – "she said," you're so far away from
Frank and me that you can't go any further. Is it okay that I'm
talking to you? Or has your mafia boss put a
guard on you again?" I won't get beaten up?
Diana looked at her in surprise, first smiling, then
laughing. She loved Camille, despite her long tongue.
And it was a pity that she couldn't tell her the whole truth.
Diana was so eager to share it with someone,
to be understood and pitied. But it will never be understood, and certainly
regretted. She's a hitman.
– I'm alone.

"All alone?" Or is he somewhere nearby? Camille

pointed at the store.
— no. He's gone.
"So you're still with him?" I'm tired of being jealous of him.
He took you away from us. When will you be back, Dee?" I miss you.
Diana looked into the eyes of her friend, the only one and so dear.
Yes, he took it from his friends. He took it from her. She wasn't
her own person, and Stefano had taken over her time completely.
"A lot of work, Cami. I don't have time for anything.
- Who do you work for?
Diana took her hands off her things, trying to think of an answer.
It's hard to lie to your friends, but sometimes there's no way out:
"As a secretary.
"Wow! Camille seemed to fall for the lie. – You don
't have to tell me how you work with a man like that. Just tell
me "–she came closer – " how is he in bed?
" Diana shouted, and all the salesmen turned to look at
Her friend's expression took on a look of dissatisfaction. She
was still waiting for the main thing in Diana's life, but for Diana it was
compared to, for example, what she had experienced today and what is
to be– experienced.
I have to go."Stefano is right:past
Diana brushed people
herlive in their
friend ownthe
and left world, they
even- know
wait –going on behind
- her friend their her
ran after backs.
– - wait!
I'm sorry.
Diana stopped walking.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just weird: he's so
bad, like he's always around you, but there was nothing between you
. How is it?
"Maybe because I'm so good?" Maybe he respects me?
Not everything is measured by the bed, Kami, there are more important
Her friend looked at her in surprise.
He's waiting for you. Does he have a chance?
Diana, who was about to leave, braked abruptly. Frank. How
often she'd said that name. Earlier. She's forgotten about it for a month

your own name.

"I don't have time right now, Camille, I'll call you."
– Can I go shopping with you?" I'll keep quiet.
Camille put a finger to her lips.
Diana was already desperate to buy herself some clothes.
Glancing nervously at her watch, she nodded. There was still time. But the
strength is already
running out. The day seemed endless, and the night would last even
The "You'll
vibration of her
leave the phone in three
office at her pocket made
o'clock this her heart beat
morning, faster.
Diane. We She
'll a soft
be waiting forbaritone
you." voice, but it was Antonio.
She disconnected the caller.
"I need your help, Camille. Diana headed
for the escalator, and her friend ran after her. – I need some clothes."
tight-fitting, so as not to restrict movement, comfortable, and beautiful,
of course.
– Why do you need one?"
With nine hours to go before the operation, he still had to get
ready – get dressed, put on makeup, give Mat instructions
, and finally eat. Diana wasn't thinking about sleep anymore. Working on
the Ambulance, she was used to night shifts. But then, she was resting
during the day! It was now the second day on my feet,
and I didn't count last night – I couldn't sleep because of Stefano and the
words he'd
said "Consider
the night before.
it a camping trip."
"Camping?" Camille asked, surprised. "Do they take secretaries on
camping trips yet?"
the items she'd
went to chosen,
every but Diana
store and didn't
Camille like it. It wasn't like that.
Jeans are not.
Sports black pants with red inserts-no. Diana
laughed, imagining herself in front of Vulture in those clothes. Topic – no!
What They went around two floors, but all in vain. On the third floor
, eveningOnly long sleeves!
dresses of various brands were sold. As they walked along
the shops, they looked at the windows.
"Kami! Diana exclaimed, looking at the golden dress on
the mannequin. "Look how beautiful it is!

The dress was indeed extremely beautiful: gold,

embroidered with beads, tight around the hips, falling in a long train
at the back. The waist remained bare, and only a tangle of two strips
of fabric above the navel, intertwining with each other, rose higher,
covering the chest, leaving room for fantasy. Her back was
completely bare, showing off her curves, and only below the waist
the fabric gathered in a knot, covering what needed to be covered.
"My God! my friend shouted. - Let's try on this beauty.
Once inside, Diane realized that it was a boutique of damn
expensive evening dresses from Sherri Hill. From the scowls
of the saleswomen, she knew that people like them didn't belong here, and
yes, they
were right. But as she touched the fabric of the gold dress and felt its
weight in her hands
, she imagined Stefano touching the gold
beads on her chest. And a shiver ran over my skin. The girl stared
in fascination, forgetting
"I'll try it on," why
she said, she had
looking at come
to the mall in the first place, forgetting
the young salesgirl, beckoning her to come about Vulture, the drugs, and the
deal.She carefully removed the dress from the mannequin and carried
it in her arms to the fitting room. Diana followed, taking off her denim
jacket as she went.
Camille was waiting behind the curtain of the fitting room, looking at
the rest
of her clothes, and when Diana came out, she cried out in delight and
If yourherhunk
sees you in it, he'll take
you her hand.
on the spot. You're almost naked.
Diana was embarrassed, feeling the fabric with her hands and looking
at herself
in the mirror. The dress delicately covered her thighs, fanning out on the
Her "Ifirm
likechest was lightly
it, Camille. grazed
Diana by hands
ran her the coarse
downbeaded fabric,
her thighs,
which could beOlga,
remembering pushed
andaside with
smiled. one
She finger to
seemed if desired.
understand. She
really wanted her tormentor to see her in that dress. Maybe
it was crazy, and she had nowhere to wear such a dress, but
she really wanted to have such a chic thing in her wardrobe. Who knows,
maybe there will be a moment in her life, and she will put it on, because
is so unpredictable.

– I'll take it." Diana nodded to the saleswoman, who immediately

"Three thousand."
Camille gasped and whispered to her friend.
"Take it off immediately, or you'll tear it."
Diana thought she must have imagined it, but when she looked closely
at the consultant, she realized that it wasn't a joke. How can a dress cost
three thousand dollars?
"Is it made of real gold?"
- "Sherri Hill" is a brand. We have very expensive dresses.
Diana went back to the fitting room and began to take pictures of him.
It was
believe thathard
the to
only thing she liked was worth
a fortune. How can a rag cost so much, even if it
's a brand? Pay three thousand dollars for the name of the company?
Diana looked at
herself in the mirror again, remembering the words he'd written: "Treat
yourself while I'm gone." He left her money, and today, in addition to the
he left her with forty kilograms of cocaine. In a few hours
, she– would meet
I'll take up with
it." Diane his worst
went to the enemy to get rid
cash register andofput
on the table,
Isn't she worthy of this
pulling out a wad of dollars.dress? It is worthy of a hundred such dresses!
Camille stared at her friend in shock.
– Where did you get that kind of money?" Did you rob a bank? After a
few seconds, she added, " You're sleeping with him, Diana, don't deny
"No, Cami, I'm not sleeping," Diana smiled at the saleswoman, who
immediately offered high-heeled shoes to match the dress.
After trying them on, Diana realized that they fit perfectly on her leg,
it taller. She paid another fifteen hundred dollars for the shoes and left the
store. Glancing at her watch, Diana realized that
there wasn't much
"Diana," time
Camille left.
whispered, " tell me, am I dreaming?" Where
did you get so much money?
She didn't want to answer that question. She grabbed her friend's
arm and led her to another store. She found a pair of black leggings,
a black sleeve jacket, a black leather belt, and – in
the shoe department-black heeled boots, and went to the fitting room,
leaving her friend dumbfounded at the door. After a couple of minutes, she
out. Camille put her hand over her mouth. – You look like a
killer, just like your crime boss."
"Fine, I'll take it. Diana looked at
herself appraisingly in the mirror once more, noticing how her clothes
accentuated her feminine
figure, her curves, and the heels made her look taller and more graceful.
looked like a wild black cat, and her short blonde hair made
her look even more sexy. As she slid her thumb into her
leather belt, she
– I won't ask realized there was
you anything. stilleven
I won't room foryou
ask thewhy
After paying,
need such she and
clothes. ButCamille wentI don't
know this, outside.
like it.
"Me too, Cami. Diana was looking for a car in the parking lot.
– I'll drive." Do you need a ride?"
Diana exhaled as she saw the black Infiniti. She
didn't want her friend to know about the expensive car either:
"No, thanks, I'll take a walk."
"With a three-thousand-dollar dress?" By the way, tell your handsome
mobster that he'll be a complete idiot if he doesn't take you down as soon
he sees
in him.
nodded, thinking about her own business. It was five hours
the scheduled time, and she was getting nervous. Maybe she
'll never
fordress again.Cami. Diana left her friend behind
your help,
and headed for the car.
Diane relaxed a little as she got in, smelling the interior again
. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, gathering
my thoughts.
– Now I'm not going to believe there's nothing going on between you,
is hisDee.
Opening her eyes, Diana saw her friend again. She was tired of
listeningguesses. She was tired of it all.
to Camille's
"His car, his money," Diana said. "Think what you want.
She started up the Infiniti and, despite her friend, started driving.
"He bought you!" "That's the last thing Diana heard.

The words were etched into her mind, giving her something to think
about. Bought it?
Didn't she earn it by enduring his bullying? What it was worth
to be close to him, just to be there, feeling his touch,
looking into his blue eyes, and then meet other women.
No, he didn't buy it! It wasn't for sale. He just needed her.
air. she got home, Diana quickly changed her clothes and sat down
in front of the mirror.
As she picked up her mascara, she noticed how much her hands were
shaking. She
wanted to add a couple more years to her new age, so
she tried toon put onlips
her as much makeup
with redaslipstick.
possible. She
it. no longer
Satisfied with her work, she put the finishing touch
a nineteen-year-old girl, but a full-grown woman, a panther,
graceful, proud, and dangerous. She was willing to sell forty
kilograms of cocaine.
As she arrived at the office and climbed the stairs to her office, she
continued to feel a sense of excitement: her heart was beating
faster and faster by the minute. She opened the office door and walked in,
looking at
the two men sitting at the table. No one left but Olga, and everyone was
"My God! Antonio exclaimed, looking up from his papers.
for her. Knight and Matt were here, too.
Knight stood up, looked her over, and smiled sweetly.
"Holy Virgin Mary, Diana, I don't recognize you. You look like – - he
paused, trying to find the right words - " a black cat."
"That's awesome," Michael whispered.
The girl grinned and went to her seat, but when she realized that
now she didn't like it, she sat closer to her boss, feeling the
eyes of everyone present on her.
– I'm ready." She folded her hands on the table and looked at Antonio.
I am–interested in all the details of the transaction: where, when and who
will be there.
Grasso leaned back in his chair, studying her, and a small smile
touched his lips again.
"I don't like this idea," he said, and Diana looked at
him in surprise.
It wasn't very pleasant to go out into the unknown at night, but if she
to help goingshe would keep her word.

"I've reached an agreement with Vulture through my agent,"

Knight said, " and he thinks you bought the drugs from Zayed, so let
him think so. Ahmad himself does not yet know that his men have been
killed. It might
be very late in the morning, so I made an appointment for the night. You
bought them at Zayed's for four million, Diana, remember. You sell it for
five."And if he threatens her, Knight?" Antonio interrupted. –
Vulture starts to
thought bargain,
about insist
that?" Dianaon–your own.toFive,
"he said her,"period.
will be unarmed. There's no other guard but Mat, but he'll never be able to
Vulture alone. Even Visconti doesn't allow himself a one-on
-one deal with him. There is always a lot of security, everything is
rechecked a million
– I won't times.Diana
count them. How knew her chances of getting a
goodyou count
deal wereyour
slim,money in the
but they dark?
were there. – I'll just take them."
"Well," Knight said, " you open your suitcase on the way,
and half of it's there. We'll burn two and a half million dollars.
Diana turned to him, her eyes narrowing slightly.
– You want me to count five million dollars in the dark
while they keep their guns trained on me?" Are you out of your mind?
Antonio slammed his hand down on the table, and everyone started.
– Don't count it, just take it and go. And be careful
when you turn your back on him, remember Visconti: he shot
four people. I don't guarantee your safety, but as the boss
orders, "he looked at Matt," if anything happens to her
,just call me first, I'll send our guys over, we'll be ready."
"So are my men," Knight said, nodding at Antonio.
Everything was so complicated! So many people, such terrifying
discussions, plans, that Diana couldn't help but remember how
she and Stefano had performed the same operation together. Same risk,
same product, same money. But it was just the two of them and there was
no panic! He was
calm, he didn't talk about death, he just gave clear instructions
and knew for sure that everything would go exactly as he wanted. He was
. This is a goodDiana
"Enough! example. She also
shouted. needs
– I don't to be
need anyconfident, it
cars or help,
's important to hold her head up proudly in front of the
I can do it myself." You don't have to frighten me, just give enemy.
me some good advice.

There was silence. Everyone thought about it.

"Your voice shouldn't shake," Michael said, breaking
the silence first. Her voice is confident and clear. They may ask leading
questions, especially when they see a girl in front of them – do not answer.
smile slyly. be alarmed if someone asks you to roll up your sleeves to see
if there is a cross, do it calmly, not quickly, "Antonio continued,"
a little surprised. Gryph is also not a fool, he watches your
reaction. When you go back, make sure that there is no tail.
Michael will be waiting for you at the airport, you will give him the money,
and he
will fly to Milan to see Visconti. Call me on the way so I
can get in touch with Ahmad and tell him that his people didn't show up
for the deal. wants to know where you came from, so
"If Gryph
Good luck,
pretty," Diana.
Richard Knight said, smiling, " tell him you're from Canada, and
it was fate that brought you to Zayd." Speak in a veiled way.
She took a deep breath and let it out. It won't be easy, but she
can handle it.
Chapter 19
The white Mazda passed through the lighted streets and entered the
road. Tonight seemed darker than usual. Heavy clouds
obscured the sky and hid the yellow moon, only occasionally
to in
thetheir way.
car, massaging her fingertips
and trying to calm herself. It turned out badly. She could hear
her own heart pounding and kept replaying the future
deal in her head.
– I wanted to participate in this process, but I didn't think it would
be so creepy. Matt looked in her direction. – In any case, no
matter what happens, I won't leave you.
She nodded at him, smiling slightly, feeling her
hands tremble.
"Thank you, Matt, but I have a favor to ask. When I get the briefcase,
I'll try to throw it in the car as quickly as possible. If you
hear gunfire, promise me you'll leave right away with the money.
She remembered Stefano shooting at those men, and they hadn't
expected this from him. She knew that Gryph would be
expected to do much the same. "
I'm wearing a bulletproof vest, Diane, I'm not leaving you."
She smiled back nervously. The bulletproof vest won't save him. There
is A bullet in the forehead and that's it, the end.
a head.
"You have to get the money to the airport, Matt. That's your job.
If Vulture starts shooting, you can't help me,but you can't help
your boss.
– He's going to shoot me when he gets here, Dee, so we're
both dead."
She sighed, her palms sweating.
They were going north, into Gryph's territory – that was his
condition. Stefano always tried to arrange such meetings outside the city,
so that in the event of a shootout, corpses would not end up on his
Maybe she has a chance to survive? Maybe Gryph didn't want
to kill her.

– Are you doing this for him, Dee?" This is stupid.

She looked at Matt in surprise. Yes, she was doing it for him,
for Stefano Visconti. He'd dragged her into it all, leaving her with four
crates of drugs and very little time. Hadn't he thought about the possibility
she might go further for him? Did he think she'd get cold feet? And while
he's gone, will he live a normal life? He hadn't thought of that. But she
couldn't do that. He cut her off from reality, allowing her to come to his
world. He hadn't thought about the fact that he'd changed her. And
something else, a strange
desire to help, was born as soon as she realized that by selling
kilograms of cocaine,
Perhaps. he couldn't
But she would buylivethe hostage
without boat faster
and "We're
return here to her.
coming," Matt said, and Diana peered
into the darkness.
She saw headlights and dark figures. How many are there?
It was hard to see, but there were definitely not two of them. A shiver ran
through her,
and as she closed her eyes, she remembered Stefano holding her over
the cliff. At that moment, she had trusted him with her life, and she was
not mistaken –
his strong arms slowly,
Matt drove held her tightlywarily
looking in their
at embrace,
the dark, not letting
her fall. She
indistinct was alone now.
"Turn the car around with the trunk," Diana said. It
was the only thing Stefano wanted from her as she sat
behind the wheel of his Lexus.
– Why?" I won't see you again.
"Turn it around, Matt," Diana said, unbuckling
her seat belt.
Obediently, he turned around, pulling up to the spot lit by the
of other cars, and stopped the Mazda, looking at Diana.
"Lots of them, D. Three cars.
– I know, " she whispered, taking a deep breath. - Do everything
Just like I said. No amateur activities. Take the money to the airport.
Exhaling, she saw Matt pull out his gun and smiled
at him as she got out of the car.
The headlights pointed at her were blinding, and all she could see
were figures moving in her direction. Hands clenched into fists,
she felt her fingernails digging painfully into her palms, and the pain
brought her back to consciousness. She forced herself to raise her head
and straighten her shoulders, walking slowly toward the
horror that awaited her. There were six men, all dressed in black, holding
submachine guns,
and only one stood unarmed in the center. She knew immediately that it
was a Vulture. Graying hair, delicate facial features were barely visible
in the darkness, he was not tall, but the energy radiating from him
was Adark and
small strong.
smile Dianaher
touched feltlips,
his which
power.surprised Diana. The girl
stood in front of him and raised her hands to indicate that she was
unarmed. So
did Stefano,
The manshewithsaw
in the rearview
gun mirror.
groped her, sliding his hands over
her body,
the touch madeand
her feel sick, brought back her fear.
– I'm a single, unarmed woman. You are a formidable man
with armed guards all around you. Her voice was hard as stone, and she
tried not to let her excitement show. She saw the grin on
Gryph's face as he motioned for his men to lower their weapons.
"That's better," Diana said, seeing Vulture look
at her in surprise.
"I've never seen a woman attend such an event,"
he said loudly. Who are you?
Diana could feel her legs starting to feel wobbly, and she spread
them wider and put her hands behind her back.
– I'm the one who will sell you forty kilos of merchandise.
He laughed, nodding at her and coming closer.
- Well evaded the question.
Diana stared at him. Now that he was
so close, she realized that he wasn't as strong as Visconti. Gryph was
an old man, but he was domineering and haughty, and there was cruelty in
his black eyes
. Nicholas looks
"Money," a bit
said like him,
Diana, " andbut
I'll he's
showobviously bigger than his father.
you the goods.
" Yes, and with character. Gryph
looked at his men, smiling. His smile was cruel, not
as charming as Stefano's. And a spasm went through her.
Diana lifted her head and forced a smile.
– I thought you were a business man." We're not
here to discuss me. Let's get down to business. Money, Vulture.

He held up his hands in a show of surrender, and with the finger of

one hand
, ordered his men to bring the briefcase. Immediately, a man
placed a black
- Open suitcase
it. Her voiceon the
was asground between
hard and them.
stony as ever, even though
her insides were shaking.
Gryph grinned, sat down, and opened the briefcase. Diana also
sat down and ran her hand over the bills. She had already seen five
million, and now it seemed to her that Gryph wasn't lying to her.
"Count it," he whispered.
But she didn't want to stay here too long, so she closed the briefcase.

He looked at her in surprise as he rose from the ground.

"And if it's not five?"
– Then I'll come back for the debt.
Grief nodded.
– What's your name?" I need to know so I can tell my friend
to the secretary about your arrival.
She smiled. "Call me whatever you want."
But – - she lowered her voice to a whisper – " I
'm the only one. Your secretary will definitely not confuse you.
- Product! Grief shouted sharply, and Diana was startled by
the sudden change in his mood.
Without turning her back on them, the girl took two steps back,
found the button on the trunk, and opened it.
"Take it." She pointed to four crates. "They're yours.
Immediately Gryph's men with guns, glaring at her, began
to unload the cargo and drag her to the black briefcase.
"How do you know that much?"
- "Zayed" shared. Diana smiled, remembering Stefano.
She watched as Grief opened all the boxes in turn and
stabbed one of the briquettes with his knife, rubbing the white powder
between his fingers.
"Clean," he said. – You've satisfied me. Zayed products
are the best. It is a pity that Ahmad is no longer working with me.
Grief stood up, and Diana realized that the most dangerous
part of the bargain had arrived. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his
men raise their weapons
and aim at her. Her heart stopped beating for a few seconds, just like
when Visconti was dipping her in water, not letting her breathe.


"You can take the money," he said, and she took

a step toward him, scooped up the black briefcase with one hand, and
backed away, careful not to turn her back on them. Her throat was dry,
and she began to choke. The image of Stefano
shooting at people flashed through my mind. She held herself together so
as not to show
"Stop!" her fear
Gryph's menacing voice stopped her. "Check her hands,
as she backed toward
I don't want Morte Nera theinvolved
car door.
in the deal." If you
're a decoy Visconti duck, I'll shoot you myself.
Diana watched the armed men slowly approach her,
and even though her hands were clean, she was nervous.
Diane set the briefcase on the ground and held out her hands, palms
and Grief, surrounded by his men, came over to get a
better look at
"Maybe her.
higher?" He looked down at her shoulders. "Or lower?"
God help her! She prayed that he wouldn't start undressing her
in front of everyone in search of the cross.
– I don't know what you're looking for, but I'm not going to undress.
He grinned, showing his teeth.
– If I order you to, you will undress." You're an unarmed woman,
and I'm a man with an armed guard.
– Is that what you're bragging about?" Your advantage is only in them.
looked around at his men. – A man is not a man if
he is only strong in terms of weapons and people in front of a woman. Do
you want
Diana hated herself for saying that. She was challenging him.
to undress
He would haveme? her
Please, butand
raped only you.
then killed. She didn't even have time
to throw Matt the briefcase with the money in it.
Grief laughed and waved her toward the door of the white Mazda.
– Just for your courage, I won't do it. It's a pleasure to have
such a charming person, and I don't want
you to think badly of me when you think of my name." I hope to see you
grabbed her briefcase with one hand, opened the door with the
as sheandwasexhaled
"Let's go faster."
Matt immediately stepped on the gas pedal and the car
took off at its fastest speed, taking off on bumps and bumps.

it's over. Diana clutched the briefcase in her hands and couldn't believe
what was happening. She closed her eyes and laughed.
"I screwed Visconti's biggest enemy. We did it, Matt!
The guy looked at her, smiling, releasing one hand from the steering
and wheel
pulling her to him, kissing her cheeks and forehead. Diana was
laughing. He
was glad they had survived. She was glad that they had succeeded!
The car sped to the airport, where Michael was waiting for them.
- Everything worked out! – Stop it! " she shouted. – I have the money!"
Antonio, Diana Grasso
She heard pulled out her awalkie-talkie
let out relaxed sigh.and pressed a button.
"Well done, Diana, Michael is waiting for you." I've sent Thomas with
him, you,
'll guard he and Matt can take care of the car. You
will separate at the airport.
"Yes," Diana said firmly, looking in
the rearview mirror.
Everything was clear, Gryph wasn't following them. Leaning the radio
back in the backseat, she buried her face in her hands, feeling
her chest rise and fall heavily, and her breathing was still labored. I didn
't feel like sleeping anymore. That's what Stefano was talking about. Here
's the adrenaline pumping through your veins, making your brain work
as fast
stopped in front of the airport building, and Diana picked
up a black briefcase.
— thank you.
"An unusual date," the guy smiled at her.
– Where are you going now?"
"I'll get rid of your white Mazda." I'll pour gasoline
on it and set it on fire.
Diana ran her hand over the glove compartment, saying goodbye.
"Why is it white?»
She smiled, remembering her own question. Why Stefano chose the
white Ascar
outremained a mystery.
of the car, she gave it one last look
and waved to Matt. When she looked at the airport building, she was a
confused, not knowing where to go, but when she saw Thomas running
"Lady her,
Dee! He put his arm around her, and she was startled to return
she embrace.
his relaxed. – You did well. I'll take you to the plane."

Diana pulled away from him. To the plane? Straight to the plane? But
as she followed Thomas, she realized that he was leading her past the
airport building.
When she saw the small Challenger ahead of her, all lit up and ready
to take cargo on board, Diana stopped. The wind blew hot
air over her,Michael
"Diana! smellingshouted
like tires
asand fuel. The
he hurried smell
down of ramp.
the the sky.
She ran to meet him, leaving Thomas behind. Michael
pulled her into his arms, lifting her off the ground. Wrapping her arms
tightly around him,
she whispered:
– I did it.
"You're a good girl, Dee." "Tell me, how did it
go?" What did Vulture say? How did he react when he saw you?
He wanted to know everything, and she desperately wanted to tell him
the details, but she didn't have much time.
"It's okay, it seems like he was slightly shocked to see
a woman in front of him.
"You're brave, Diana, I believed in you. I knew you'd
make it, but I was still worried.
She handed him a black briefcase. The one that had caused her
to go through all this horror. She did it. Stefano might
have complimented her, or maybe -
"Michael," Diane touched his arm, " don't lie to him, he
'll feel it. One way or another, he would know the truth. Don't hide it.
Michael nodded at her. He would have to take on all of Visconti's
"Do you want to give him something?"
backDiana took
quickly, a step
she back
wanted toand
see looked
him, todown. Shelaugh,
hear him wanted him to come
to look into his blue eyes, to feel his touch,
to feel him close to her. But when she looked up at Michael, all she said
"Good luck to you all."
So they parted, in the lights of the airport, in the crazy warm night.
Loneliness and sadness replaced the feeling of victory over
Vulture. As she walked toward the black BMW in which Thomas was
waiting for her,
Diana could see the dawn. The first rays of the sun were waking up,
the city with bright colors. Only then did she feel how
tired she was.

Chapter 20
It seemed to Diana that she had slept for at least
twenty-four hours after that night. Her strength failed her, so that when
she awoke, she soon fell asleep
again, feeling no hunger, no sense of time. She didn't dream
; it was
When as Diana
if she had fallen
opened herinto a state
eyes again,ofithibernation,knowing
took her a moment to that
Thomas was guarding her sleep.
out what day it was and what time it was,but when she looked out the
window, it
was morning. She slept long enough to finally
get up. The mobile phone, so necessary for determining the date
and time, was found under the covers, and Diana did not believe in what
she saw –
there Aswere twenty
she lay missed
in bed calls! Tossing
and stared it aside,
at the ceiling, she
she wondered who could
thanked God
have called her for turning off the sound.
so many times. Although she had guessed, her curiosity still got
the better of her. She picked up her cell phone again, opened her missed
calls, and her heart raced wildly. Eleven calls
were from Stefano, which proved that Michael had arrived safely
in Milan. Inhaling and exhaling again, she looked down: three from
Camille, two from Frank, three from Michael-probably trying
to warn her of her boss's anger, and one from Knight, who
She gotwanted
out oftobed
and put onher. People have
a dressing gown,lost it. went
then For the whole
to the
and looked out at the street, where the black BMW was still parked.
Poor Thomas. He must have hated her. Diana had just opened
the door whenlet's
"Thomas, Thomas got out
go inside andofget
car some
and came to meet
coffee." her.tell me
You can
what happened during the day."
"Thank you, Lady Dee, but I've just started work, and I've been
James. How are you? Did you get enough sleep?
She smiled as she held up her cell phone.
"Eleven missed, Thomas, what do I have to wait for?"
The bodyguard sighed.
"The boss called me, Lady Dee, as soon as Michael arrived with the
He understood and was furious. Ordered me to guard you until

until his return.
Why isn't Diana surprised? It was just like him to put
a guard on her, and for such a long time at that.
– And if I tell you I don't need a guard, will you leave?"
— no. Until his arrival.
– Did he say when he'd be back, by any chance?" Diana smiled.
"Unfortunately, I don't have that information."
Thomas. – You'll have to put up with it.
She nodded to him and went back inside. She'll accept what else she
has to do. No one will break His orders, not even Antonio.
I wonder how much the boss gave him. Visconti probably already
knows that she let Knight use the port for free
for three months. He would definitely drown her when he returned,
right into the sea, and bury her body in the sand. Should I call Knight? Or
Michael? Or Antonio? Will they come to her defense? Well, of course,
they will get up, because everyone participated in this event. Stefano
started it first! If he hadn't left her four crates of cocaine, she
would be walking out of a late-night disco with Matt in her arms.
Or not? I'd be at home with my head buried in my pillow, pining for my
She looked down at the phone in her hand again, wanting to hear
his voice. Even if he screamed, even if he said what he wanted,
even if he hated her, but she wanted to hear him.
Diana pressed the call button, and her heart sank. As she lifted the
to her ear, it rang, and almost immediately a soft baritone voice answered.
– I'll strangle you when I get there, Diane."
Hearing her name spoken by him was exciting, and she didn
't even realize that he didn't say hello, but immediately started talking
about his plans for the
– IsEven
it dayso,
orshe enjoyed
night?" she listening
whispered tointo
She was bored.
smiling slightly as she listened to the silence in response.
"Afternoon," he said more gently.
Diana pictured him with his phone in his hand, because she
had seen this picture so often.
– It's morning… After a moment's silence, she began
to justify herself and the others. – You left us no choice!"

they left me with forty kilograms of goods. What do you think we

should have done?
"I think I gave Knight the job." Diana
could hear the anger in his voice again. "Definitely not for you. Did I ask
to go"No,
to Vulture,Diana?" Did I –ask
– the girl said softly. Youfordon't.
it? No one asked me,
I went to him myself. Why are you shouting? I gave you five million.
Now you have the money for the ransom. You could have said "thank you".
"Thank you?" I'll thank you when I get there. I
'll take the whole soul out of you ...
– You've already taken it out of me! Diana shouted. – You've already
done it!"
She paused, feeling like she was about to cry. She had risked
it for him, and he was so cruel. He would always be cruel to her.
He can't do it any other way.
"Diana," Stefano said after a few seconds, " what you
did was to your own detriment. Grief knows you by sight now.
Ahmad set his bloodhounds on him yesterday. You sure as hell didn't think
through. Gryph will be looking for you now. Do you think I still
hand almost dropped the phone. She was ready to hear
anything but that… He doesn't need her anymore.
– So why are you putting guards on me?" Get Thomas out of here! Her
voice trembled, and her eyes were filled with tears.
– I said, ' what do you think?'" You didn't answer.
– "I do not know," she whispered.
There was silence again. When she was ready to turn it off
Visconti, something suddenly stopped her. An understatement.
"I need you," Stefano whispered softly, and Diana closed
her eyes, feeling the tears run down her cheeks.
"How's the air?"
"Yes, like air.
"Can I hang up?" She wiped away her tears, and
something terrible, frightening, incomprehensible happened inside her.
Everything shrank. She
was "Can
I call you back?"
– Whenever you want.

Pressing end, Diane flipped the phone away, feeling

the tears continue to fall from her eyes. She threw off her robe
and quickly put on a tracksuit before running outside.
She wanted to run away from herself. To avoid feeling what she
just experienced. When she reached the beach, she stood looking
out at the blue waters of the ocean, and put her hand over her mouth,
letting out another
flood of tears. She fell to her knees. She wanted to scream, but she held
back, hating the strange feeling that was stuck in her heart like a stake. A
crazy, dangerous feeling that thrilled her down to the thinnest nerve
endings, stopping her breathing and making her heart
beat faster – she understood the feeling. Only now did she
realize it. She did. She loved Stefano. Passionately, painfully,
madly and to death. She loved everything about him! All of it! Just as
he is – cruel and proud, gentle and smiling, menacing
and treacherous, beautiful as a god and dangerous as the devil. Hating
for feeling this way, Diana got to her feet and ran along the bank,
making herself suffer even more, forcing herself to fall and get up,
stop and run on. She worked herself to a pulp,
trying to you getthe
forget hurt badly?"
blue eyes. Thomas asked
But nothing sympathetically
worked. She lost, as
and girl
won. Butback from
it is the beach
necessary in a him
to love depressed mood.
silently, secretly, secretly. He
won't"Very much. "That's not what she meant, not at all.
know Yes, sheit.
about had inherited his love and fear of losing him.
When she got home, she couldn't catch her breath and sat down on
and the
beganbedto take off her clothes. How could she not understand herself
How long has this been going on? A month? More? Where was the feeling
of dread
that came with seeing him? Why was there only awe left?
At what point did she make a mistake? When did you step on the wrong
path? God,
he'dInheld herto
order close whenherself
distract he'd taught
from herherthoughts,
how to shoot, and she'd been
she invited
Camilleby tothe
house that evening.
of his hands on
- Let's watch her body. He
a movie! smiled
Her friendathanded
her, and
CD,warm. Even
and Diana
when he was
put it on angry, she loved him.
the computer.

But Diana's thoughts were far from reality. She was waiting for the
She was afraid to hear his voice, but she desperately wanted him
to call.
"Dee, you look so sad. What happened? Did he offend you?"
Camille sat down next to her friend and hugged her.
"It's okay," Diana tried to pull away, but suddenly
realized that she couldn't keep quiet anymore, she wanted
to tell someone. "Today I realized that I love him.
"My God! Camille said, jumping up and down. – I knew
this would be the end of it!"
She hugged her friend tighter and buried her face in her neck.
Do we have unrequited love?
Diana pulled back, looking at her friend in surprise. What's the
It's not even up for discussion. Who is he and who is she! He couldn't love,
told "It's
her so himself.
just There is no place for love in his life.
my love.
Camille went to the window, opened the curtain a crack, and pointed
at the black BMW.
Why did he put
guards on you again? What is he afraid of?
But it was so difficult to explain to her why she needed security that
didn't say anything.
"And this?" Camille pointed to the Infiniti parked
outside the house.
- A gift. It's just that my car is a wreck.
– And
many the three-thousand-dollar dress in your closet?" Aren't there too
– I earned the dress.
– You know, you can get a simpler car and
a cheaper dress.
– He didn't have time. I'll get the car back.
"How stupid.
Diana smiled. Really stupid. A silly little
girl has fallen in love with a man who is also
thirteen years older than her.
The ringing of her cell phone startled her, and Camille

– Your mafia king missed you."

Diane reached under her pillow, pulling out her phone,
and prayed it wasn't him. And God heard her – Richard
Knight called. Abruptly, she jumped out of bed and went into the kitchen,
closing the
behind Iher.
haven't been able to reach you in days. Are you even
– What do you think?" I slept for almost a day.
– I want to cheer you up-a mouse has fallen into a mousetrap.
It took Diana a moment to figure out what kind of mouse he was
it dawned about, but the
her that when mouse was a Vulture, she knew that Ahmad had
found it.
– What's going to happen to her now?"
"This is happening, girl... now the mouse will be looking for the cat.
So it is better for the cat to lie down at home until the return of its black
Then the cat will pat the cat, all the birds will get it, I'm even afraid
that the birds will lose their tails, but I think he will be more
Diana laughed. withGod,
the this
cat. was
She the
can first
her claws.
who'd made her laugh all day.
"Well, the cat will be home, but if the birds need
a cat's help, she will be happy to help.
"No, no, a mouse will do. For the mouse, the black cat will be
remembered for a long time. Bye, girl, you understand me.
She understood him. She liked Knight immensely, was
comfortable with him, and didn't lie to her. Stefano also said that Grief
be looking for her. Let him search, let him turn the whole city upside
down. I don't think he
'll come
"Dee, here, to this
is that little
him?" house.
You're For someone
cheering up. who'd sold
five "No,"
said, tucking the phone back undercramped.
' worth of cocaine, it was a little her pillow

Time passed very slowly. Every day Diana forced herself

to stand with a match in her outstretched hand, counting aloud. Three
later, she was stretching the bill, and five minutes later, she was angry
with the results. She also
wanted to shoot. It seemed to her that in so much time, she would lose
her skills.

"Can I go to the Gyrfalcon, Thomas?"

"No, Lady Diana, it's the boss's order.
"The boss?" What boss?
She was joking, and Thomas was smiling. There were now two bosses.
was One
sitting in the office, managing business, the other flew to Somalia.
'd heard Thomas talk. Stefano never called her
again. Diana didn't know if she was upset by this fact or not, but without
Occasionally, she'd show up at the office, chat with Matt, and laugh
it, there
about thewere such outbursts
Antonio of emotion.
was overwhelmed That
with pleased her.
– I'm alone!" He took all the people with him, what was he even
thinking about!
But the new boss was well aware that Somalia was far more important
than the ships that arrived with the cargo.
– I can help you.
" We've been losing money for a month now because of Knight.
Diane knew that the port wasn't the best idea.
She liked Knight, but he really fucking used him for free.
And what's more, Antonio gave him fifteen percent of the deal, as
agreed. Diana now understood the losses they had suffered
because of her, and she was afraid of Stefano's possible reaction.
– Only two months left. I hope Stefano comes back.
by the end of the term.
Antonio chuckled.
"He'll be back soon, don't get your hopes up. He's been gone for more
go a
onmonth, andthere.
vacation he
– Maybe he will decide to fly to the Maldives?
"Yes, of course," he said. "First he'll settle his own affairs here,
wipe his hands of our blood, and fly to the Maldives.
The prospect was not encouraging. Not only did she not even
know how to look him in the eye, but she also had to answer to him
, coming up with excuses for her actions.
"Transfer Matt to personal security," Diana said.
After the deal with Vulture, she'd felt that Matt deserved a better
job than just sitting at the entrance.
– Are you doing amateur work again?
- You know, I would have redone everything here! Diana asked angrily.
Antonio grinned and looked up from his papers.
"Tell that to the owner of this place. By the way, about the place.
You don't have anything to do "– he tossed some papers at her-
" go to the construction site and give them this." I have enough to do, and
has decided to dump
Diana studied theeverything
papers. Sheonhad
my the
plan of the nightclub in her
. Looking at him
carefully, I walked down the stairs, past Olga, past Mat, and out into the
Since the last time Diana had been there, a lot of things
had changed: a full-fledged two-story building stood in the middle of...
excavated earth. When Diana found her boss at the construction site, she
gave him
the plan.
– Who is responsible for the design of the building?
The stern man looked down at her, clearly
not interested in her as he urged the workers to finish
the construction as soon as possible.
"I don't know, miss, the landlord isn't here, and if he doesn't arrive
soon, I'm afraid the construction will have to be suspended."
Diana stared at the building, pondering his words.
Suspend it means that you will run into money again.
– What are your ideas? Who should I contact to hire
a designer?
The foreman shrugged.
– I need to at least know what's going to be inside so that my workers
in." started the interior decoration.
Diana nodded.
– I'll think of something. Perhaps the owner will be
back in a few days. The thought of his return made her shiver,
and her heart beat faster in her chest. Was she worried? Yes.
Everything from his first glance to his last word scared her.

Chapter 21
Diana spent the next two days thinking. She was afraid
of meeting Visconti, but she was still waiting for her. How would she look
him? What if he guessed her feelings? He would notice her agitation. No,
Diana was sitting on the beach, running sand through her fingers,
she couldn't look him in the eye.
she felt
when the phone vibrate.
"Get ready, girl," Antonio's voice was strained, " they
'll be arriving in a couple of hours." I'll meet you at the office."
The caller hung up, and Diana continued to stare into the blue
distance until Thomas's voice roused her from her thoughts.
"Lady Dee, I have to go to the airport, will you come with me?"
Heart pounding and silence. Rapid breathing. Trembling all
over my body. She put her hand in the sand and scattered the handful to
the wind, giving him
freedom, knowing that her freedom was over. That's all. Again
the blue eyes, the gentle smile, and she was captured. In his captivity. Her
– Take me to the office."
On the way, Diana dialed Knight. She didn't know why,
but she probably just needed support.
"Yes, my dear, are you preparing for the arrival of the Morte Nera
I want to give you one piece of advice-stand your ground, we did
you've known him for a long time, will
,there was no other
he still be angry afterchoice.
all this time?"
Knight grinned into the phone.
But I don't think he'll be mad at you
, and Antonio and I will get much more. By the way, I'm going to Morte
see you
His there.
words cheered her up a little. And she really wanted to see Knight
in the office
at such a difficult hour. But then she remembered that
Dianewould know
entered about
the the port
building and right away,
nodded and as
to Matt sheshe
cursed inwardly.
After going up to the reception area on the second floor, she sat down on
the sofa,

located next to dense green vegetation, without

venturing into Antonio's office.
Olga laughed maliciously.
– You're finished. He'll come back and kick you out of here, and you
won't bother me any more.
How Diana would have liked that! Leave, run away, and never
come back. Not to feel what she was afraid to feel.
Diana tucked her legs under her and lowered her head to her lap. God, she
was so worried. I don't know if it's more from the beating
Stefano is about to give them, or from her love for him. Let
her scream, let her get out of Morte Nera. This is better than being
around him, tormenting yourself with this feeling.
The massive door opened
and Antonio came out, looking at her in surprise.
– Why are you sitting here?"
Diane looked up, realizing what had made him get out: she
'd heard cars approaching from below.
– I'm afraid."
Grasso smiled, pointing up the stairs.
You have nothing to fear. Let's go.
She stood up and immediately felt her legs tremble. It
wasn't his anger she was afraid of. She was afraid of herself, afraid to see
afraid to take the first step toward him, afraid to look into his eyes,
afraid to breathe next to him.
Diana leaned against the wall and closed her eyes when she saw Antonio
coming down
"That's to the
right, first
stay floor
here so and Olga jumping
he doesn't see youup from
and gether seat,
in a bad mood." her short
The receptionist smiled angrily and stalked
down the stairs.
Diana took a step forward, but quickly realized that she couldn't go
any further
. Taking a deep breath, she let it out
and walked the distance to the stairs in a few steps, but when she saw
a lot of people at the bottom, she backed away again… She pressed herself
against the wall. She
wanted to run, but there was nowhere to run! She could hear
many voices, but she couldn't distinguish the soft baritone voice. It
was as if he didn't exist at all. Maybe Stefano didn't show up. Did
happen? After standing alone for a few more seconds, she said:

I risked a step forward, stepped out of the shadows, and saw him-proud,
tall, and devilishly handsome. Visconti was saying something to Knight,
his gaze traveled up the second floor and settled on her. He immediately
stopped talking, and her heart stopped beating. Only her chest rose
and fell with excitement. Without noticing how she was stepping forward
step by step
, not looking away from him, Diana realized that he was also walking
towards her, no longer paying attention to the others. She was bored. She
missed him so much that as soon as he came up the stairs, she threw
into his arms without expecting it. Then
she felt strong arms wrap around her, holding her close. She could smell
"I have two questions for you," he whispered in her ear, and
him again
a shiver went through her. – What's wrong with your hair, and why are you
, his cheek scratching her soft skin, and her heart
giving my port away to crooks?"
was pounding again.
As she released him from her embrace, her gaze touched his
face, his lips, his unshaven cheeks, and his tired blue eyes. She wanted
to put her hand on it, but knowing they were being watched, she only
whispered back,
" You won't be grabbing my hair now, and I
was wrong about the port."
A small smile touched Stefano's lips, the one she'd
missed so much all along. Let him shout if he wants to, she will endure
anything just
to be– with him,still
Are you to see himtoevery
strangle She was no longer afraid of the
new –feeling
I thought about it every day. Hiswas
that was born in her, she ready
gaze to hide
dropped it.
to her
neck, and he ran his thumb along it. Diana stopped
breathing and closed her eyes, but not out of fear, no. From something
exciting. The unknown
– If you've and of
had enough thrillingly
looking atpleasant.
each other, why don't we go
into the study?" Diana opened her eyes and saw Antonio. Stefano
withdrew his hand. said in a different tone. "Let
"Yes, indeed,"he
's go through.
Diana saw Michael coming up the stairs,
and she smiled and held out her hands to him.

- hello! He pulled her into his arms. Michael

has become such a family during this time. "How are you?"
She moved away from him, turned to make sure that the others
had entered the office, and only then did she answer.
- OK. Tell me, how are you doing?"
"Diana, it was hell. Michael's smile faded, and she
noticed the lines that had suddenly appeared on his face. "God
forbid I have to go through this again. It's scary. And if Visconti still has
the strength to hold a meeting right now, he's mad.
"I don't think we should worry too much," said Knight,
whom she hadn't noticed at first, " he's tired, he doesn't have the strength
I wanted to believe it. Diana was the last to enter the office and sat
down across from Antonio in her old seat, catching
Stefano's displeased look out of the corner of her eye. The change in his
mood was nothing new to
her: one minute he was hugging her and smiling, the next he was
sitting proudly, watching them all, his fingers clasped together. Diana
glanced at
Dylanwho lowered
nodded hisboss
to his gaze. She
and felt sorry
placed for Grasso.
two black He, as
briefcases in the
the deputy,
middle will be punished.
of the table, and Diana recognized them immediately. One was the one
that Stefano had given
to Zayd before killing them, and the other was the one that she had taken
from Gryph. Looking at Knight and Antonio in surprise, she realized that
he didn't need the money. Stefano brought them back. She'd
tried so hard, risking her life and Matt's. Feeling
a sudden heat inside her, she ran a hand down her neck, fidgeting
– First of all, I want to say a big thank you to those who participated
in thisthe chain. She
operation: still couldn't
Dylan, Michael,figure
we didout if he'd
a good bought
job. the ship or not.
And if
nodded to them, then paused to choose his words. – I
so, why
listen is all the
carefully tomoney here?What the hell happened to you guys?
the others.
His voice wasn't rough, but it was cold, and Diana was nervous.
"You asked us to sell the product, and we sold it," Knight said
, his voice completely calm.
– I asked you to sell the product, not her!" He pointed at Diana. –
Why the hell did you drag her into this?"

His voice was getting rougher, and Diana, glancing at her

tormentor, came to Knight
's defense. All eyes turned
to her. "It wasn't Richard's fault. Antonio couldn't stop me either, I
was determined.
His blue eyes followed her every word, every
movement. Diana knew that, and that made her even more nervous.
– I don't remember letting you do
any amateur work." You also managed to give the port for three months
to this cunning guy, not counting fifteen percent of the deal, which is
to seven hundred and fifty thousand. But I can live with it. What I
'm worried about is that Grief saw you, Diane. After your deal with him
, Ahmad shot most of his men and took four cases
of cocaine. Believe me, Vulture has dreams of you now, and in each of
he kills you, slowly and painfully. Did Richard Knight think
about"I this outcome?
thought," Stefano
Richard glanced
nodded, " of in Knight's
course direction,
I did. But giving
him the no
we had floor.
other choice. How else can you sell forty kilos a night?
To Diana's surprise, Stefano slammed his fist down on the table
– You had no right to drag her into this!" I didn't ask you
to come to her for help.
"Wait, Steph, don't get too excited," Antonio said, reassuring
his boss. "If Diana hadn't sold the goods to Vulture that night, Ahmad
would have shot us. By the way, thank you for that – you left her
with four boxes of merchandise.
Antonio was right, and Stefano knew it – Diana could see it in his
eyes. He tried to put the blame on them, but it was mostly his
own fault. He leaned back in his chair, tapping his pen on the table as he
. – I did it deliberately. I knew you were going to get into trouble,
but that doesn't absolve you of responsibility for your actions. I wouldn't
have left you such a "gift" if I had known that you would send
a defenseless girl to make a deal. What motivated your choice? Because
Gryph doesn't know her? Now he knows. And if he finds out she's one of
it'll be a bloodbath. What am I supposed to do now?" Kill her?
Diana flinched under the influence of his sly, devilish
gaze. He can't do this! Why would he say that in
front of her? She stopped balling her fingers into fists as she felt
her heart pounding. The fear returned. Now only Stefano could
decide what to do with her next. He could wring her
neck with one hand.
"Don't kill anyone, Steph, let the girl go and let her live
as before.
Diana looked at Antonio in disbelief.
All she wanted to do was jump up, knock the table
over on top of them, and run. Yes, to Arizona to visit my mother! And
never again to appear
in this terrible place! The insidious Devil turned out to be scarier and
than the night, she would be lucky if he let her live. Looking down, she
remembered his words: "I need you. Like air." She had fallen
in love with him, which meant that he only needed her for a while. It was
and painfully offensive, a spasm formed in my chest, which did not allow
me to breathe.
"Well, since you don't need her anymore," Knight said calmly
They were just
, " I guess I'll talking
take about
her in." her life
I need in front
people, andof her.almost
she's They decided whether
ready.would live
or die. On the plane, Visconti must
Richard winked at her, and she knew that one more word and she
have pictured her agony in vivid detail. What kind of death did he choose
would faint. It was tossed around like a toy, like a doll.
for her?
The terrible dream did not end, but grew into reality. She glanced at
Stefano, who was about to hand her over.
"Fuck you all.
Diana heard Knight laugh, saw
Stefano look at her in surprise, Michael whistle, and Dylan
look down. She got up, went to the door, and yanked it open. She ran out
the waiting room and down the stairs, but
Matt blocked her way.
She stopped, looking at him intently, not understanding what
he wanted from her.
"Sorry, I don't have time. She stepped around him and headed
for the glass doors, but as she gripped the handle, she realized they were

locked up.
"Boss's orders, Diane. Sorry.
She couldn't believe it: Matt was in league with them. She turned
to see Stefano standing at the foot of the stairs.
"Then sell me out!" – Stop it! " she shouted, pressing herself against
Whythe door.
give – for free? Great deal!
it away
Visconti was walking slowly toward her, a smile on his lips,
and Diana pressed herself even closer to the door, trying to disappear.
– I don't sell people. He moved so close to her that she
had to turn away to breathe.
She remembered all the prayers her mother had said to her, and now
she prayed to God to get this man away from her.
"Diana." He turned her face to him, and she looked up into his blue
eyes, biting her dry lips. – You're under my protection, do you remember
that?" I won't give you up to anyone.
The girl shook her head in disbelief.
– Will you kill me yourself?"
He smiled at her,
" No
, then let me go."

– What do you want to do with me?"

He leaned close to her ear and whispered just three words.
"Make you mine." He took a step away from her and signaled Mat
to open the doors. "Officially.
Stefano grabbed her around the waist so she wouldn't run away and
her outside to his car. He took care of that, too – Thomas drove her
to the entrance! Another traitor! She hated them all! But, feeling
hot touches
– What areon her
you body,
up to?"for some reason she walked calmly.
– I told you. He opened the door of the Lexus and helped her into it.
The urge to escape crumbled, turning to dust. His
guards are everywhere – they'll shoot her at the first wrong move. Visconti
sat down next to her, and Diane pressed herself against her door, just as
she had the first time
she got in his
– Don't becar.
so afraid, I'm not going to drown you. He stepped on
the gas pedal and the car lurched forward.

Antonio's right, it's

my mistake. Stefano looked at her. –
They took advantage of you because you're the only one without
a Morte Nera sign. We'll fix that now.
She knew what he was trying to do – a tattoo on her arm.
To insure himself and her against Knight's encroachments and Vulture's
After that, she would never be able to help them in
an emergency.
– I don't want to!" "No!" she screamed, but she knew she was lying.
Both myself and him. "
I'm lying.
Visconti grinned, looking ahead.
– I missed you."
Looking at his perfect profile, his smile, everything
that had happened in the office was forgotten in a second. Why does he
say he
missed– You
is itme,
you promised.
her blood?
So you're lying.
"No, he didn't, but I'm not lying.
Diana found herself fidgeting with her fingers again, nervous
and nervous.
– You wanted to kill me."
– I was joking.
– What kind of circus did you put on in the office?
"I love shows.
– I noticed.
Diane relaxed back in her seat. She didn't
understand Stefano: was he joking, and did the others believe him? Or did
they pretend too? Why had Knight winked at her when he'd told her he'd
keep it?
So he knew.
– You brought back ten million dollars. You couldn't save
the ship?
Stefano looked at her again, smiling. –
I just felt sorry for the money.
Diana frowned. What does "sorry" mean? But he could, then
how? After all, Somali pirates are famous for their cruelty. And he's
still there, alive. Visconti guessed what she was thinking

– Don't make me angry and go against the whole Morte Nera thing.
would stilleveryone
be alive.
He killed them all.
– Do you always shoot straight at the target?
The car stopped and Visconti helped her out, opening the door
on her side and holding out his hand.
- It turns out that I will also participate in such operations?
– I hope there won't be any more of them.
Chapter 22
He held Diana's hand as he led her down the dark
corridor. She stepped carefully, afraid to step on anything dangerous in
the dark
. – Do they comply
with all
sanitary and epidemiological
requirements here? I wouldn't want to catch some kind of infection.
– I assure you, everything here is sterile.
It hit the bucket against the wall, sending it flying with a crash.
Diana snuggled up to Stefano.
– I noticed.
"Who's there?" A voice boomed, and a moment later
a big red-haired man in a gray tank top appeared in the doorway. His
entire body was
covered in tattoos. He seemed twice as big as Stefano
. Startled, Diana
"Visconti, mypressed
God! Thecloser
manto her boss.
smiled broadly. – Is that you?"
"I, Fabel, am your worst nightmare.
But they laughed and shook hands, and Diana
let out a sigh as she realized that this formidable man wasn't dangerous.
– You brought a chick, I see."
Stefano immediately stepped in front of her, glaring at Fabel.
"Be careful.
The man raised his hands.
Come on in." I don't care about your chicks
, I'd like to deal with my own.
They went into a room where the lamplight shone on a chair
where the customers must have been lying while Fabel drew a drawing
under their skin.
It was cleaner and more spacious than the hallway. But when Diana saw
the attributes
lying on the table,she panicked. Needles, typewriters, templates
with drawings, paints-all this inspired her with fear and horror. She
'd never imagined it would look... like this. For
a moment, she wondered if someone had asked her if she even wanted
to wear a Celtic cross. But only for a second. Because there
were two answers at once: no one, and she was willing to have what her
tormentor had.

"Well –" the man looked at Diana, " what are we going to do?"
She thought she had misheard. Diana
glanced pointedly at Stefano, who was looking at the album on the
counter next to the chair, and realized that he hadn't heard Fabel's
– Do you have something to offer?" She turned to Fabel. –
Do I have a choice?"
The man shrugged.
– There's always a choice.
He was interrupted by Stefano's angry voice.
"What choice?" What are you talking about? She has no choice. Sit
down, Diana.
whichShe sattodown
one use. in a chair and held out her hands. Both. To choose from.
Not knowing
"Visconti, I don't understand, do you want to make her a cross?" I
thought it
was your comfort chick."
"What pleasures, Fabel?" His menacing voice startled her
, and she dropped her hands to her sides. "She's a member of Morte Nera.
– I'd say so right away. Since when do you have women working for
Not you?
enough of those who accompany you in the evenings?
Diana looked at Stefano for a sharp response, but
all she saw was a smirk. Fabel's words confirmed her suspicions –the blue-
eyed Devil was surrounded by women. They followed him everywhere.
, Fabel," Stefano reminded him, and Fabel
sighed and looked at Diana, who had decided to break in on the
– Do you have any templates? I want to look at them first. Her
voice didn't falter, even though her stomach was churning. She wasn't
asked – she
was "And
here," Fabel tapped his head, "and here,"
pointing a finger at Visconti.
Diana glanced over at Stefano, who had stripped off his
jacket, then his T-shirt… He was naked to the waist. The perfect
body of God. She closed her eyes, praying it would all be over soon.
But it was just beginning. She realized this when Stefano sat
down very close to her and turned his shoulder with the big cross
on it to Fabel.
"I'm sorry to embarrass you, but I'm the only one with the template.
Diana opened her eyes, and her gaze ran over the muscles of his
chest, which was covered with black curls of hair. She wanted
to touch him, to run her hand over him, to feel his full power.
She could feel the warmth of his body.
– Where are we going to do it?" On your wrist? Fabel asked.
No one answered him. She was busy studying his body, and he
was watching her closely for her reaction.
"You tell me when you're done."
Diana touched Stefano's shoulder, hoping to get a better look
at the tattoo. But as soon as she touched her skin, she pulled her hand
feeling a strange
"Where do youheat inside
want it?" her. He smiled at her.
She didn't want any more crosses. The desire became different,
strange, unknown, alluring, stirring the blood. He was
hypnotized, the Black Devil. He lured her with his body, his
eyes, his smile. No wonder all the women fell to their knees before
him. She would have fallen on her own. But when she found the strength,
she clenched
her hands into fists so that her nails dug into her skin, causing her pain
and -bringing her out of the hypnotic state he had plunged her into.
On the shoulder.
Why she said that, Diana couldn't explain, but as she looked
into Stefano's blue eyes, she wanted to be special to him...
different from everyone else. To be his Diana.
"But you can't wear it on your shoulder, there's only one such cross,"
Fabel looked at
Stefano in surprise, waiting for him to confirm,"only the boss
of Morte Nera has it." The others have a small cross on their wrists.
But he was still looking at Diana, and the sly smile
tell her.
touched his lips again.
"Do it on your shoulder, Fabel. Just like me.
– Are you crazy?"
Stefano gave him a stern look, and he lowered his head and began
preparing the materials.
"Then you can fucking delete it," he muttered under his breath. -
Think about it, maybe a little one? You can do it on your chest. You can do
it on your ass.
You can go to...

- Do it already! Stefano snapped and looked back at Diana. –

Are you sure?" You'll have to live with him for the rest of your life. And it
won't always
be pretty.
Yes, she was sure! And it wasn't about her pursuit of
the Morte Nera championship, it was about him, the man she
wanted to be closer to.
"I'm sure. She shrugged out of her denim jacket, still wearing her tank
She was pleased that she was wearing it instead of a T-shirt that
Stefano nodded to the man, who, muttering to himself
would have had to be removed completely.
, moved closer to Diana and began to rub her left
shoulder with alcohol.
The girl sighed heavily as she watched him, but she felt
the energy of the other person's body close by and calmed down. Watching
Fabel, Diana realized that he was only going to knock out a cross for her
by looking at the original. How would he do that? After all, this is hard,
painstaking work.
– Are you sure you can do it without stenciling?"
Fabel scowled at her as he picked up the needle and inserted it.
put it in the typewriter. Stefano laughed.
"Don't worry, Diana, he's a master of his craft. I bring
all the members of Morte Nera to him.
"You want an exact copy?" "What is it?" the man asked, and
looked carefully at Stefano's large cross.
"Like twins."
It was so strange to hear such words from him, his action
spoke volumes. But Diana couldn't think about that right now, she couldn
't think about anything but the inexplicable warmth inside and the strong
"Then be patient, it will be a long job.
– We're in no hurry. Visconti's blue eyes met
hers, making her heart beat faster. But as soon
as Fabel touched the typewriter to her skin, Diana screamed. But she
didn't look
away. It hurt, but she endured it, frowning slightly, sometimes trying
to look at her work, but at the same time being afraid to distract Fabel.
sat quietly beside him, letting Fabel stare at the cross.

"So strange," Diana whispered, drawing his attention

Visconti. "The Cross and the Devil. It's a bit of a paradox.
He smiled, narrowing his eyes slightly.
- Celtic cross-a symbol of protection. I have the biggest
cross, like the head of Morte Nera, which means that the protection comes
from me.
The rest of them have crosses by rank – Antonio has the middle one on the
elbow of his left hand, Dylan and Michael have a little less than
Antonio, also on the elbow of the same size, because
they occupy the same position in the clan. The guards have small
Celtic crosses on their wrists, showing it, they warn
the offender. Stefano chuckled. – And why the "Black Devil", I do not
know, is so called by the people. Maybe it's the black hair. Well,
is not from a good
intently, life.
ignoring the
pain of the needle. The biggest cross in rank is his. Now
it began to dawn on her: what would they do to her, then? Why did he
me to do the same? What will Antonio think when he finds out? They'll
think– their
"Morte Nera" is translated from Italian as " Black
boss is crazy for letting some girl make a big
Death." Stefano laughed. "Maybe that's why I'm the Black Devil."
"It's a bit of a mystery," Diana whispered, and frowned at
another painful injection.
– You're patient.
"The pain of the body is not so bad, but the pain of the soul is much
was Fabel spentthe
tired from three hours
pain, poring over
but looking the
at the drawing,man,
blue-eyed creating a
she knew that
her masterpiece. Diana
fatigue was nothing compared to his. Glancing at
Stefano from time to time, she noticed how much he had changed in
appearance –
his skin was darker under the scorching sun, which made him look even
more beautiful, and there were two creases between his eyebrows
from thinking too much, making serious decisions. His black, slightly curly
hair had grown back, and a few strands now fell over his forehead, and
she She closed her eyes, pushing her thoughts away, and to stop
thinkingto touchher
about it, strange
then slowly run her
desires, she hand over
his face, touching his unshaven cheek, feeling the prickle of it.

– What city were you born in?

She had an opportunity to learn more about him, and she didn't want
to miss it. And if it wasn't for Fabel, Diana would have asked a lot of
"In Milan.
"So you went home?"
Stefano glanced at Fabel, who didn't seem to notice their
conversation, but nodded in silence. Diana realized that there was some
secret he didn't want to talk about.
"Is it beautiful?"
"Very much. It's very beautiful there.
Diana smiled. She wasn't anywhere. Even in Arizona, where
her mother had gone.
"The Italian mafia is strong," Fabel said, and they
all looked at him. He looked up from his work and
shrugged. – What did I say?" It's true.
Half an hour later, he finished his work and wrapped
the film around Diana's shoulder
. And there's no pressure on this arm for three days
Diana was even upset: if her boss had arrived, then he would start
tormenting her tomorrow. And if she can't?
Stefano handed him a wad of hundred-dollar
bills, and he nodded approvingly.
"Any whim is for your money, Visconti. Even if it's weird this
time.Diana was still in pain when they got into the car, but
she tried not to show it.
"Does it hurt?"
You can't hide anything from Stefano Visconti.
"Nonsense. It will pass. Why did you let me make a
cross like yours?
She looked into his eyes, but he immediately looked away, started
the car, and pulled out onto the road. The question hung in the air.
– Then why don't you tell me about yourself?" Or will you also remain
Stefano smiled.
– What are you interested in?"
– Your childhood. Your youth. Your family.

His smile suited him so well, and it made his eyes sparkle like
and sapphires,
Diana couldn't help but admire them.
– My mother is a very smiling, kind, charming woman
who won the heart of my formidable, arrogant father. He winked
at her, and she laughed.
– Who do you look like?"
Visconti considered.
"Looks like my mother." He must have taken after his father.
– You are not arrogant, though you can be formidable. There's
– shesomething
sighed – "about you you
that sets " apart.
Diana couldn't find the right words.
- what? Stefano looked at her in surprise.
— I don't know. Your stateliness. Your gait. Proud,
She saw him smile and nod, waiting for her to continue.
"That's it?"
Handsome as a god, strong as the devil, he was for her the ideal,
the standard of male beauty. But she couldn't tell him that.
She just nodded.
"Well, if that's all, then thank God.
- why? "What is it?" she asked.
"Otherwise you'll start thinking," he laughed, " and
you'll guess everything."
So there must be a secret after all. She was right – there was
something Stefano
hadn't said. And it was something that had its roots in the distant city of
– Do you have a wife and two children in Milan? Diana tensed.
Muchhe got there?"
to her delight, Stefano shook his head,
and she let out a relaxed sigh.
– Maybe you were a child with a terrible temper and your
father sent you here?"
– I may have had a terrible temper, but my father
didn't send me here. I sent myself out.
Diana reasoned aloud.
– If you didn't stay in your homeland, then there must have been a
was Stefano
probing nodded.
her thoughts, testing
The devil takeher
it! logic and recognizing
He listened her
to her talk. Heat the
same time

an opinion about yourself.

– What's the reason?" Diana was silently glad that she'd
seen through him without him noticing. Or noticed it?
"So what is it?"
The girl shrugged.
– Do you love your mother?"
"Of course,
" he said, smiling.
"Him, too. Then the smile faded from his face.
So he left because of his father. Who is his father?
– Your father leads an honest life, and you ran away because of it.
You and he are two opposites. And your mother,even if she knows it,
loves you just the way you are.
Visconti slammed on the brakes, and Diane was glad
she was wearing her seat belt. She guessed right.
– You can still think. Why didn't you think like that when
Did Knight come up with a crazy idea for a deal with Vulture?
She looked out the window and saw that he had stopped
at her house. Diana vaguely remembered what was going on in her head
at the time of the transaction, but she probably only knew that she had
made the deal at
the behest of her heart. For his sake, for the man sitting next to her now
, his velvety voice stirring her blood. She wasn't thinking.
She "This
just loved
beEven then, without
explained," understanding
she whispered as she this feeling.
got out of the car.
Stefano followed her.
– You should have thought, Diana. Knight is as cunning as a fox. He is
just for an opportunity to use the port for "so".
Stefano grabbed her arm, trying to look her in the eye. "I don't care about
it's not about it.
stopped walking. His touch sent a shiver
through her. He didn't shout, but she could hear the worry in his voice.
– What were you thinking when you agreed to go to Vulture's alone at
To my sworn enemy. My people sent you there, and they
'll be punished, but you had to have some sense, Diana
. What
was you thinking?
silent, not knowing what to say. Even though she wanted so
badlyout what was in her heart! But she couldn't.
to shout
– You're the reason I did this. And you can't punish your people,
they were against everything. But I insisted. Diane opened the door
and stepped inside, turning on the lights and tossing her keys on the table.
Her hands
were shaking and her heart was pounding. I wish he didn't
ask any more questions. But as she felt his presence in the house, she
knew that
Visconti would not just leave. "I just wanted to help you,"
Diane corrected
- thanks. herself,
Stefano trying
helped toout
her make up for
of her the "because
jacket. of you"remark.
– But I don't think I
asked you to help."
not guess
inher feelings.
front of the mirror, wearing a T-shirt with
a plastic wrap wrapped around her shoulder, she tried to take it off.
"Please." But you don't have to ask me, I do it
Visconti tossed her jacket on the couch and came up behind her, his
fingersfor the edges of the film.
"You'll have to get used to living differently. You are now part of a
onlyworld where are granted.
my requests
He lifted her hand slightly to unwrap the tape. Diana
watched him in the mirror, not understanding what he was saying. He did
it with such tenderness that for a second it seemed to her that it wasn't
who shot the people "Zaed", but now a completely different
person was standing in front of her – caring and affectionate. She could
Stefano's hands on her skin, making her feel warm all over.
As he unwound the last bit of film, their eyes
met for a second, and then a new wave of heat passed through her. Not
"Oh, my God.
to betray
It washer
an feelings,
amazing Diana turned
piece of work:her back
each to was
turn the mirror
made to
examine thecraftsman
by a skilled large black Celtic
who knew cross.
his job. It is unlikely that anyone would
be able
to repeat this. The patterns intertwined inside the cross so
ornately, as if it were a maze. No, Thomas had a different cross,
much, much simpler. The cross on her shoulder screamed its greatness.
Truly royal,looked
Diana charming and mesmerizing.
at Stefano. Back in Fabel's basement, they
didn't have the energy to get a better look at the tattoo, they were so tired

we wanted to run faster. Now his blue eyes shone

like sapphires in the dark.
"Amazing," he said. "Fabel recreated my cross one
Chapter 23
Stefano left abruptly, saying a hasty goodbye to Diana. The room
was as empty as her soul. Diana lay back on the bed,
wincing slightly at the pain in her shoulder. I thought about him and hated
myself. How
can you force yourself not to think if it's everywhere? Now even on her
body! She
touched the
Diana crossgiven
hadn't – andhim
it still
keysBut theInfiniti
to the physical pain
yet, even though he'd
was nothing compared to what was going on inside her.
the car parked in the yard. He didn't say anything. She
would return it tomorrow. Why would she need a car if Thomas was with
her everywhere? He
's both a security guard and a driver. She liked Thomas, but Diana wanted
a normal
human life with her own secrets. It's been more than a month
the deal withwith
fiddled Vulture, maybephone
her mobile he's already forgotten
for a long all about it.
time, looking
I should
at probably
the initials "SV".ask Stefano
Then to remove
she pressed thethe
button. Tomorrow.
The phone She'll
do it tomorrow.
rang long and hard, and she was about to cancel it when
he answered.
"You want to wish me sweet dreams?"
The girl smiled.
"Yes and no. You want to know what we're doing tomorrow?"
I mean our training sessions.
"Ah, yes," Stefano said after a short silence, " we
'll move on to the next stage, the one I brought you here for. I'll
need your help soon." Come to the office tomorrow at lunchtime and I
'll give you something.
Visconti's soft baritone voice was maddening. Diana lay on the bed
and smiled as she introduced him.
"Are you home?"
finally home.
Why did she say that?.. There was a chuckle on the other end of the
knew line, and
he'd Diane
gotten it right.

"I hope you'll be home, too."

– I'm always at home. Good night, Stefano, and sweet dreams."
She heard Visconti sigh.

– What else?" - the girl was surprised.

"Tell me what you've been doing in my absence."
She shrugged, as if he could see her. I suffered without
him, missed him to the point of insanity, sat on the beach and looked at
the horizon. But
she said aloud:
– Before you assigned Thomas to me, or after?"
Because before that, I only went to the mall once, and then I was
afraid to leave the house.
Stefano was silent, but even that silence was as sweet as honey.

Diana didn't doubt it. So it will be. He promised to take the soul out
of her. Let him take it out, maybe that'll make her hate him at least
for a while.
"Good night, Diana."
She fell asleep as soon as they said good-bye, with a calm
heart, knowing that he was home. Knowing that he was alone.

The next morning there was a heavy downpour. The patter of

raindrops on the window
woke Diana from a sweet dream. Looking outside, the girl realized
that the weather today was set against her training. When she got back
to bed, she tried to roll over on her left side and screamed at the
pain that reminded her of the cross on her shoulder. After examining it,
sitting inwas beginning
the to subside.
kitchen with a cup ofItcoffee,
was unusual
see a
tattoo on
the window
andbody, she wasn't
for some reasonused to it yet.of Frank. Not so long ago, she was
she thought
sitting in the same position,
onfuture life. It
her jacket andhad seemedthe
grabbing to her
keysthen that
to the there were
Infiniti, Dianatwo
ways, but
outside. today
The rainthere was onlydown
was pouring one. And
like aFrank
wall, wasn't
and as there.
she stood under the
roof, Diana considered
the options that would make her run to the car the least
painful. She waved at Thomas and went out into the rain anyway,

I quickly reached the car and, getting in it, ran along the front panel,
saying goodbye to the beauty-today she will give the keys to its owner.
Maybe he would let her drive this beauty again,
Diana wouldn't have minded.
When Diana reached the office, she headed straight for the covered
garage. Matt opened the gate for her.
- hello! Diana got out of the car, closed the door carefully
, and ran her hand along the roof. – What's new?"
No surprises, I hope?"
She realized that she was afraid to enter the building, remembering
the day
Visconti waswhen
furious about the hijacking of a ship in Somalia.
"It's quiet, you don't have to worry.
"That's good," Diana said, smiling, and headed for the building.
"Dee, how are you?" I'm sorry about yesterday. This was the boss '
how She
tried tonot
away and he'dwhat hethe
closed wasdoor
talking about. But then
on her.
"I remembered
understand, Matt. We all live by his orders.
– What did he do to you?" Did he hurt you?"
The image of a half-naked, insanely beautiful,
strong, strong man sitting next to her in some
basement popped into her mind. He looked at her, and she had a strange
that "No,
madeheher wanthurt
didn't to touch him. What
me. Diana smiledhad
done to her?
for the stairs.
She walked slowly, feeling a little nervous,
greeting Olga on autopilot.
– Good afternoon."
But she hissed again in displeasure.
– Are you still alive?" I thought he killed you after last
night's performance."
Diana walked slowly away from the door and turned to her secretary.
"As you can see, I'm alive. But soon I will cut off your sharp tongue,
Olga jumped up from her seat, narrowing her eyes.
you really
a beggar
such a from
man can
the garbage
be with such
dump! He picked you up
a simpleton?
out of

For some reason, Diana wasn't mad at Olga, but someone had to
put her in her place. Again.
"How can such a man be with such a snake?" He'll
cut out your tongue himself if he gets the chance.
– What are you doing here?" Michael's voice said. – How
much can I do?" Olga, leave her here before the boss sees her. Otherwise
, everything will end very badly for you.
Diana smiled slyly at the receptionist, who pursed
her lips and looked down. It's not a victory, but it's not a defeat either.
was tired of her. It was necessary to put such
a guard
"Doesin Visconti
front of the
know what she's doing?" Diana
stepped aside with Michael. "She throws herself at everyone. And in front
of him, she pretends
to beMichael
laughed and invited her to sit down.
"He knows, of course. But he can't help it, he pleads
jealousy. Sorry, I guess.
– What connects them?" I feel like he's holding her for a reason
Michael whispered into her ear.
– Her father used to work at Morte Nera as a personal security guard
Visconti, but was killed by Vulture in a shootout. Then the chief got it, too.
I don't know how I survived. But in the end, protecting him, Olga's father
And before he died, he asked me to take care of my daughter. She was left
an orphan. So Visconti brought her here. And she thought she was his
DianaNever mind,
nodded. it's story
Olga's her loneliness that makes her so angry.
did not come
as a surprise to her, and she had expected something similar.
– You'd better tell me, can I congratulate you?" Are you
officially in Morte Nera now? We need to celebrate this! Michael grabbed
hands, examining them, but when he didn't see the cross, he looked at
her in surprise. – He didn't?" I was sure as hell. He was so mad at
all ofDiana
us yesterday, I thought
hid her hands hesleeves
in the was going to brand
of her
last.she explain
To Michael?
"It's okay, Michael, I have a cross, just not on my arm.
He looked at her in surprise, then smiled, probably
imagining something vulgar.
- I agree, girls can go anywhere, it will even decorate it
even more.
Diana laughed, not knowing who would adorn whom-the cross
of the place or the cross of the place. But in any case, he was thinking
Michael rolled up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing the crook of his
elbow, where
a black cross with an ornate pattern was emblazoned. But not as
grand, not as intricate, not as beautiful as
hers."That's mine. Dylan's is the same. Antonio has one too, only
bigger. The others have it on their wrists. I knew he'd do it to you like
we did, because it's just plain ignorant to equate you with security.
Diana started.
– Does it mean that much to you?" Size and location?
- of course. It's like stepping on a ladder. We are one family, but
each of us knows our place. Visconti is on the highest level,
his cross is the biggest and most powerful. Just below
Antonio, then Dylan and I. So now you've joined us.
I'd like to believe it, but knowing what kind of cross she was wearing
on her
shoulder, Diana began to understand the gravity of what was happening.
did he make herDiane
"Michael," one? said,
Stefano didn't
taking off answer her question. Maybe it's just a
her jacket.
joke.She saw his eyes widen, and for a few seconds he
literally stopped breathing. Abruptly, he pulled the jacket back over her
"Don't show it to anyone, for God's sake. Has he gone mad?
Diana shrugged.
"Michael, what does this mean?"
– I can't imagine, but it makes me think he cares about you
very much."
Of course, the road! He needs her like air! He put
everything he owned into it. She is his eyes, ears, and hands. Or not? What
he cared about her in some other way? As much as she cares about him?..
She didn't know
what else to do to motivate such an act.

– You know, Michael, it's weird, but if you think there's anything going
on between
us, you're wrong. The girl looked at him. "
Stefano promised me immunity, and he's not breaking
that promise. So don't be like Olga, don't think of me as
just Diane
another whore.
didn't I work
know why honestly and don't
she was making sell myself.
excuses to Michael. It
was their boss who should be making excuses to his people, since he didn't
the cross on hersaid,
Michael body.taking her hands in his. If Visconti
gave you his word, and by the way, demanded the same of us, you can
trust him. He would never break it. You can be sure of that. But
I also know my boss and this is the first time I've seen him like this. You
can see that he
treats you in a special way. But what causes this,
Whether sheI do notpleased
was know. Maybe he doesn'ttoknow.
or disappointed hear
that Stefano would never allow himself to touch her, Diana wasn't
sure. What she wanted, she didn't know. Everything was new to her: her
love for him, her body's reaction… This is excitement…

"Thank you, Michael," Diana said, rising from the couch. "I think I
'll go." He doesn't like to wait, and I'm already late.
Michael nodded in understanding, and she smiled, knowing she'd
found another friend at Morte Nera.
She knocked on the door, yanked the handle, and stepped inside,
hoping he wouldn't hear her heart pounding in her chest.
Stefano sat in his chair, studying the papers that had accumulated in
absence. Today, he looked especially good in a white shirt
with the top button undone and a black vest from a classic
suit. He reminded her of an aristocrat. An Italian aristocrat. She
thought of his family. About my mother and father. Diana never asked
who they were. But he wouldn't have answered, just said, "Think, Diana,
think." She
'll find out for herself. Because he is too sleek and graceful for
her an
seatordinary family.
in silence and The mannerisms
handed andkeys
Stefano the clothing
the Infiniti .that
the man wasn'tI as
It's great, simple
wish as he so
I'd driven looked.

Visconti looked at them with a slight frown.

– This is your car, Diane, and I gave it to you. I just didn't have time
I'll get Dylan to get the paperwork done."
She thought she'd misheard him, but when she saw Stefano
pick up the phone, she said, " I don't know.
"But it's an expensive gift. I can't accept it, I've
already spent some of the money you left behind.
He shook his head and spoke into the phone.
"Dylan, get the car identification."
Then he hung up.
– You said I was sad to see this car." So take
it for yourself.
Diana smiled at the memory.
– I was joking.
"I did. I want it to be yours. Take it as my
apology for leaving you alone with forty kilos
of cocaine.
"And the money?" There were - " She still hadn't counted them.
– You've earned the money. Enduring my bullying during
training. Anyway – "he leaned back in his chair," stop
talking about money.
Dylan came into the office, breaking up their argument. He nodded to
sat down
from her. I've brought the car donation agreement – " he
handed it to Stefano.
It was uncomfortable, but at the same time it was nice to know that
was she
becoming the owner of such a gorgeous car. For some reason
, I remembered Camilla's words when she said that such an expensive
gift is made only when a person is truly dear.
"Now you, Diana. He indicated the place where to sign.
Then she handed the contract back, and Dylan signed it, too. "That's all.
It's yours now.
Stefano handed her the keys, smiling slightly as he did so.
"Congratulations, Diana. Dylan held out his hand, and she took
it. "It's a great car. Exclusive.
He winked at her and headed for the door.

– Why do I need an exclusive car? "What is it?" she whispered, and

was Stefano
– Do you like her?"
"Very much.
"So you have good taste." I obviously don't have much, since
it makes me sad to see her.
Stefano laughed, and she smiled. She wanted to kiss him so badly
his, but she only thanked him.
– This is the most expensive gift anyone has ever given
me, and it's not about the cost of the car. Just because it's from you.
Thank you.
Stefano nodded and went back to his papers. He pulled out a
document and handed it to Diana.
– I opened a bank account in your name, and now you can
use it.
She looked at him quizzically, but accepted the documents.
What's the bill? Why would she want it?
– I don't understand."
Visconti got up from his seat and sat down opposite her, where
Antonio usually sat.
"That's the way we do it, Diana, and everyone
gets a percentage on every successful deal. I install it myself. You brought
me ten
million dollars, and you should be rewarded for your courage and bravery,
" "But I didn't do it out of self – interest,"
he said, surprised. – I did it for you and your captured ship.
I don't need the money. I've had enough of what you left me.
Stefano smiled and shook his head. But she was telling the truth,
not lying! When she went to the Vulture, there was no question of money
at all. All the
more reason for her to frame Visconti for a certain amount, giving the port
to Knight
and –paying him with
You were fifteen
mepercent of the
on a deal withfive
themillion. What kind
Zayed people, youof
money was
carrying he talking about?
kilos of goods across town. He leaned across
the table toward her. "Then you personally sold them to Vulture. You made
deals, Diane. One of them – independently. So I transferred you
two hundred thousand dollars.

"How much?" the girl screamed when she heard the sum. "God,
take them back!" I made you bankrupt because of the Vulture deal, so let
them be compensation.
– I'm not bankrupt, don't worry. And you still don't have enough
to pay off the debt for Knight. Stefano laughed. – You gave him
fifteen percent of the five million, plus free
use of the port for three months. You have to work for me
for half your life to cover such expenses.
Diana was in shock. What was she thinking when she made this
deal?.. What was Antonio thinking at that moment?! Why didn't you stop
Stefano buttoned up the top button of his shirt and got up to grab his
tie and jacket.
Chapter 24
They were sitting on the fourteenth floor of the Grand Palace
, in the Savini Italian restaurant, where modern architecture
combined with old paintings. Diana was glad that
she was wearing a white flared dress with thin straps, but to
hide the cross, she had to throw on a denim jacket. Stefano
laughed at her ingenuity.
– I warned you.
– I have nothing to hide, I can take it off, and then there will be your
problems. She shrugged out of her jacket, exposing her shoulders as she
sat down proudly at the
table.Yet, compared to his elegance, she looked
like a simple little girl. But now she's rich and can
afford something to match him.
– Aren't you afraid with me?" What if Gryph sees us together?
– Scary. But I don't think he's going to go into an Italian restaurant, or
into even
Knight's building.
Diana picked up the menu.
"Knight's Grand Palace?" I did not know. By the way, I recently
visited your construction site, the workers require sketches of interior
Stefano looked at her, his eyes narrowing slightly.
– You know, I have so much work to do that I've already regretted
building it a hundred times.
- Hire a designer. Although no, I think if you create a club
yourself, it will be more familiar to you. Diana set the menu aside. -
For example, what do you want in it? If you have Italian roots,
you can create something like this place. Or maybe you want
a French version? Or something gangster-like? Or modern? Everything
is in your hands.
Visconti smiled charmingly.
– I don't even know what to call it.
– The name will come naturally when you understand what happened.
And the name should come from here "– she pointed to her chest – " from
the heart."
"Diane –" he said, looking at the menu again, " do the design.
I'll pay you back.
She didn't know what to say. Diana was happy to help, but what if he
didn't like it?… Picking up the menu, she began to choose a dish, but
most of the names were unfamiliar to her.
– I highly recommend "Ossobuco" or "Risotto alla Milanese", here
the Italian chef, cooks amazing.
Diana debated whether to take his advice or take
something familiar, but her thoughts kept returning to the club. And if
you really want to make it Milanese-style, hire a real
Italian chef, maybe even poach this one? She
closed her eyes briefly, imagining what she would do if she were
building a nightclub. Perhaps two floors, a white staircase with carved
ornaments on the railing rises to the second floor, which is divided
into two zones: a restaurant for those who want a more relaxing holiday,
and a dance area – a bar counter and tables with upholstered seats
would be located closer to the wall, giving more space for those
who like noisy incendiary entertainment. fun and dancing.
You'll need to search the Internet for information.
Is there anything special about Milan? Something of your own?
- Milan is the center of fashion, it is a lively, bustling and fun city.
There's a lot to see there. For example, the pride of Milan is the Milan
Cathedral, the most famous opera house in the world "La Scala",
the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology and many,
many moreyour
– And things.
favorite place? Where do you like to visit?
Stefano lowered his eyes and frowned, clearly not wanting to answer
"Let's order already." He called the waiter and recited
the names of the dishes.
He was evading the question. So there was something he didn't want
to tell her. But everyone has secrets, and she didn't blame him.
Although she would have been interested to know what there was in Milan
that he
hadn't mentioned.
"Oh, my God! Diana turned at the familiar voice and saw
Richard Knight. – I didn't expect to see you in my diner."
Do you mind if I join you for a few minutes?" Am I

He winked at Diana and took a seat next to her.

"You've already sat down, Knight," Stefano smiled, " but we don't mind
it's really just for a few minutes."
Diana was glad to see the head of the center, despite everything
that had happened. Knight was burning with his inner energy, full
of positivity and smiles.
"How hurt
He didn't are you,
you, Diana?"
did he?"Richard glared at Visconti. "
She shook her head, looking at her boss,
fascinated by his beauty, grace, and smile. Did she say how
a smile suits him? It makes my skin feel hot and cold. At the same time.
Stefano stared at her the same way she stared at him. His
gaze trailed over her lips, and he averted his gaze to look at Knight.
"I see it's hot in here," he said.

"Really?" Stefano said sarcastically, and Richard gave him a wicked

. smile in response
– All right. I wanted to talk to you about work, but I don't think
you're much use right now.
– The last thing I want to talk about right now is work. You'd better
us the best wine from your cellar.
Diana, remembering the cross on her shoulder, breathed a sigh of
Knight was sitting on the other side and couldn't see him. Very good. She
wanted to pull on her jacket to hide him from prying
eyes and unnecessary questions that she couldn't answer. But
Diana could feel Knight's gaze on her, and he was looking at
her hands, at the crook
- OK. Richard stood of
up.her elbows,
"Wine now,but he couldn't
about see the cross.
work that
night. Today as usual?
"Yes, as usual," Stefano said, and nodded at him.
Diana could only guess what they talked about in the
evenings. Visconti had let her into this world, but he had never fully
it to her. She was with him during the day, but
she didn't know what was going on at night. And she tried not to think
about it, because any
"Getled to theaway
Thomas samefrom
me. jealousy. It was another
new feeling, intertwined like a snake with her love.

Stefano looked at her in surprise.

Did he offend you in some way?"
Diana wanted to stamp her foot in sudden anger,
but she couldn't help but frown.
– I have the right to privacy.
– I'm back, Diane – - his blue eyes were watching
her intently - " now you won't have time for your personal life.
"You have a lot of work to do," she reminded him.
"Go to a nightclub.
Stefano was right, she was going to take care of the design of his
and nightclub
spend all her free time doing it. So I don't have to think
about his blue eyes every second.
– We have a very big deal ahead of us, "he said, leaning toward her,"
and the
very ship we rescued from Somalia is due
in port soon. I'll have to sell the cargo. And it's not four boxes, Diane.
And it will be bought not by intermediaries, but by Ahmad ibn Mubarak
himself, the head
of Zayed.
A chillAnd,
ran you
overknow, it's going
her skin. to leaned
Stefano be a lotback
harder. I'll need you on
in deal.
his Butwatching
chair, not as a the
driver. Likeserve
waiter a sniper, Diana. As soon as he was gone,
the dishes.
he continued.
– I have a month to teach you how to shoot a rifle."
So you won't have a private life, I guarantee you that.
– You want me to kill Ahmad ibn Mubarak himself?" Are you
"No," Visconti said, shaking his head. Everything will
depend on him. Once I understand his intentions at the time of the
transaction, I'll give
you aMy sign. The strongest
appetite was gone. survives.
Kill to protect your boss?
There's a month ahead, and she'll be able to set herself up for it. She'll be
right– there.
«Beretta»? Diana whispered. "On a ship?"
He nodded silently. But she knew it without him. The ship was
Italy. weapons
– Why can't we send the ship straight to Ahmad?" It would
be easier that way.
Stefano smiled and raised his glass of wine to his lips.

- It will be easier where it is convenient for me. Ahmad ibn Mubarak is

angry after
the loss of five million, I would not like to be his guest,
because the deal was supposed to be between "Zayed" and "Morte Nera".
Antonio called and said that his people didn't show up. He
did everything
Diana took right. Ahmad
a sip of doesn't
her wine, suspect
tasting me. Or
the tart - "He
taste paused,
in her mouth – she
then continued," Suspects and wants revenge.
a connoisseur of expensive wines, but this particular one was beyond
– YouKnight
wantsent them
to play the best,
it safe, don'tjust as Stefano
you?" She had requested.
set her glass down on the table. – Why not find another buyer?
"There will be others," he said. "How's the wine?"
"It's great. Many others?
"Relatively, but there's enough work to do. Stefano took a sip
and smiled. "Knight's a sly little guy, he's getting a little dirty, and he's
sent the Chateau Grand-
Does he .know the taste of every wine? Even the richest
person who has become so in the course of a lifetime is unlikely to know
this by the age of thirty-two
. You have to be born that way. Grow up among all
the expensive
Diana could and refined
see her, giving her a wry look.
him smiling
He knew what she was thinking.
– I'm trying to figure out who you are, " she said, and began to
She didn't touch on personal matters anymore – everything has its
There was something he didn't know about her either. To him, she was
just Diana, a
good shot, and he didn't know how much she loved him. And yes,
she also got into the car with him for a reason, a higher power forced
her to do it. She was also innocent – which was also a secret he
'd never know, because he'd promised not to touch her.
It was much harder now than it had been before she'd met him. I should
given myself to Frank – it wouldn't have hurt so much right now. And now,
in her
mind," an elegant devil speaking with an Italian accent. All
other men ceased to exist. But we need to move on
and build a personal life, give birth to children, as she wanted. Now
she has enough money for everything. Just to survive in his world...

They rode down in the mirrored elevator, and she stared at her
– Did I mention that a smile suits you very well?"
Their eyes met in the mirror, and for a second she thought
he was looking at her strangely, not in the same way as always. It was
an exciting, thrilling look. My skin crawled.
Stefano watched her in the mirror, then turned his gaze
to touch her hair, running it through his fingers.

Seconds of silence. She could have sunk to the ground,

hating herself and hating him for the wild desire that rose up inside
her at his touch. What was he doing with her? It's too nice.
Now she understood all of his women – he had bewitching magic,
hypnosis. But he would never be with her, and he would never be her
man. She will watch his life from the sidelines, not giving
herself peace of mind with a crazy feeling. How could this happen? Where
was her
head? How had she allowed this man to be so deeply embedded in her
heart? She thanked God that the elevator doors opened
and Outside,
Stefano got outraining
it was first. as hard as it had that morning.
Diane stopped next to Stefano and said,
" Spare me Thomas."
"Are you at it again?"
– I'll run away from him.
– Then I'll find you." Visconti went to the car and opened
the passenger door. Heavy raindrops fell on him,
but he didn't seem to notice them.
Diana quickly got into the car and shook off the water. Sensing his
presence at her side, she turned around, and suddenly felt
the urge to wipe the drops from his face. She
watched in fascination as raindrops dripped from his jet-black hair
"My God," she whispered, and Stefano looked
at her carefully. Diana wasn
't thinking about that at all, but she did the right thing by asking
a meaningless question. He shouldn't see her as another one

a lustful whore. She works for him, he's her boss, and he
's out of reach. She wouldn't fall to her knees before him.
"We'll start tomorrow. I have a lot to do today.
At that moment, she didn't even realize how peaceful
she'd been while Visconti was working on a boat in Somalia. Her desire to
better in his eyes, the way he wanted her to be, made itself
felt after three weeks of hell and torment. Under the scorching sun, under
a heavy
downpour, every day, from morning to night, he trained her. When she
came - The butt of the rifle should rest on the shoulder monotonously,
home, sheits
changing immediately
position in fell
the down, she stopped even eating, there was
one desire-to a wild field, far away from prying eyes.
were training
Diana aimed at targets that seemed
too far away, and missed again and again.
– I'm a mediocre person.
– You'll learn.
Stefano was always there. And now, as she lay on
her stomach, aiming the rifle, he put his hand on her back.
– Take a few deep, calm breaths to
enrich the body with oxygen. Shoot only when you exhale, that
's when you're most relaxed. This is the difference from shooting with a
He lay down beside her and watched her take aim.
– You should be able to hold your breath, which is why I
kept you underwater. Also, remember the match? She taught you
stamina. A sniper must be able to hold the rifle in one position,
and your hand has no right to tremble. Your trembling is my death.
Diana looked up into his eyes. Stefano would be hoping for her,
there standing
in the distance. She has no right to make a mistake!
– How do I know when to shoot?"
"Very simple. He got up and helped her up. – By the time
I arrive for the deal, you'll already be in your seat.
I go to them, and you take aim at Ahmad. I raise my hands,
and they check me for weapons. He raised his arms, placing his feet
shoulder-width apart. "Hands, Diana, look at my hands, they will be a
If I understand that they want to remove me, I will do this."
there are only two last fingers left, creating
a "pistol" effect – no one will notice, but it will be a signal for you
to shoot. Immediately. You take out Ahmad in one shot,
then it's our job. At this time, you calmly get ready
and go to the car, which will be waiting for you in the forest. But you'll be
alone. From now on, you work alone.
Diana sank to the ground, trying to process the new
information. Not difficult, but very scary. What if she misses?
They'll kill him. Her mistake was his death.

Chapter 25
She was too used to Stefano. In her eyes, he was no longer a
murderer. He was cruel, but she stopped noticing it. Every night,
lying in her bed, she knew he wasn't sleeping alone. He kept her
out of his personal life. He wouldn't let her into his life.
A couple of times Diana went out to dinner with Camille and Frank
to try to distract herself. Friends shared
interesting experiences from working in the Ambulance, and Diana
more and more convinced that she was different. And they remained the
She –looked
I'm notatsure
Frank andthe
what realized
mafia that
is todidn't feel he
you, but even
a quarter
spoils the of what
hell out she felt for
of you!" Stefano
Camille Visconti.asItthey
exclaimed made her sad.
walked around
the mall looking for new collections of famous brands. Diana realized
that shopping is a joy and an opportunity to escape from
reality. She gave gifts to her friends – she liked to see
their happy faces. She also designed a nightclub,
hiring Italian designer Luisa Giordani,
a dark-haired woman of thirty-five, energetic, full of ideas
and ambition, as her assistant.
"The paintings will be hanging in the restaurant. I already ordered
them from
Italy. - Diana said on the phone, walking around the halls that were
just about to become perfect. – It was difficult
and Stefano
cost youlaughed
a lot. at her businesslike tone.

He removed the guards, making sure she wasn't in any danger. Grief
was out of town for a while. This was great news – he wouldn't
interfere with their work. The ship was already in port, waiting to be
Negotiations with dealers were so frequent that Diana hadn't seen
Stefano in a week. Too long. They only talked on
the phone, and sometimes she didn't even dare call him because she didn't
want to
bother him. She trained alone in the morning, driving out of
town in her new Infiniti. Hitting exactly the target from a large distance

from the distance, she was exultant. Shooting with a rifle wasn't easy for
but she did it anyway. She did it. But will everything be like this in life,
when instead
Diana of a target
walked throughthere will empty
the still be a living
of the future nightclub
and, returning to the stairs, sat down on the boards. She decided to make
halls and risked getting disapproval from the head of "Morte
Nera". But he was so busy that if she'd asked for five,
Stefano would
"You're have written
covered out a check
in whitewash," inbaritone
a soft silence. voice whispered in her
ear, her out of her reverie.
She had already forgotten his voice in person.
– I forget myself here.
She wasn't lying. As she concentrated on the repairs, she forgot
, andherself,
her job.him
Stefano sat down next to her, not afraid to get dirty.
"It's beautiful here. You do it better than any other designer.
Diana laughed.
– There's nothing here.
"Do you remember the first time we came here? I reminded her
Visconti. It was the first time she'd ever gotten in his car. She was afraid
of him
and kept close to the door. How long has it been since then? How many
long– Then you said it wasn't a club yet, just a pile of bricks.
and "infinitely fastand
He smiled, months?
it warmed her heart. – What
do you want to do here?"
She thought about it.
– Something new for people and native to you.
Just like you.
Diana turned to him. Did he think she was unusual?
– When? Diana asked, and she was sure Stefano would understand.
She was referring to the deal with Ahmad – her debut.
"In five days." Let's go. He took her hand and led her out of
the room and into the fresh air.
The sun was warm on her face, but even that wasn't as warm
as his hand. The workers looked back at them and drew
conclusions. This pleased Diana, for at least it might help her find some
way to deal
with these loafers.

She was in her car, following a black Lexus. Stefano

was heading out of town, toward the Gyrfalcon ,and soon stopped
at a familiar house with targets behind it.
– Why are we here?"
"Diana, I need to talk to you."
The words alerted her. They smelled cold and ... death.
Stefano walked past the cabin and headed for the firing range. She
followed him uncertainly. Diana understood the look in his
eyes all too well. Right now,he was distant and preoccupied,
cold and cruel. It scared her.
– What do you want?" What are you up to? You won't kill me?"
Visconti turned to her and smiled. Diana exhaled, realizing
that she wasn't personally in any danger.
– Diana, you've been shooting targets for months, but it's
not the same as in real life. Killing a living person is
difficult. This is completely different. Your hand will shake and you won't
pull the
trigger. I need to make sure that you can do it. He
moved very close to her, his eyes never leaving hers. -
ProveSheyour willingness.
took a horrified step back, unable to believe her ears. What was
he about?
– How?"
– I'm not forcing you to kill a man right now. Visconti
chuckled. "The idea has crossed my mind, though. At least kill
the dog.
He pointed to the red dog, which was wagging its tail happily,
and Diana felt sick with horror. Or from his cruelty. Stefano pulled
out his gun, thumbing the safety off, and handed it to her.

One word from him is someone's life. Let the dogs, but life! Diana
licked her dry lips. Why isn't this a dream? Why not a terrible
nightmare? She wants to wake up! But everything was happening in
Holding the gun tightly, she could feel her hands shaking. He
's right – she can't.
– I can't!" she screamed, looking into his cold blue eyes.
– You can! Learn more! His voice echoed in her mind. "

Diana tried to target the unsuspecting animal, which

was running and frolicking in the grass. But she couldn't! I couldn't
kill someone who deserved to live.
"It's just a dog, Diana," Stefano's voice boomed.
у тебя не будет столько времени думать. Мой приказ – твой выстрел.
Чувствуя, как от отчаяния рвутся наружу слезы, она готова была
уже все бросить и бежать, но внезапно ощутила его руки на рукоятке
пистолета. Он сильно сжал ее пальцы, направляя пистолет на собаку.
И как только выровнял, отпустил.
– Стреляй.
Сердце бешено стучало, Диана начала задыхаться. Бог ее не
простит! Он не простит ее даже за то, что она села в чертову машину,
вручив этому дьяволу свою жизнь. Она сама во всем виновата. Она
связалась с ним, и, о боже, самое страшное, что могло случиться, –
влюбилась в него. Как безумная.
– Стреляй!
– Он не в чем не виноват. – Смотря сквозь мушку на рыжего пса,
дрожащими губами прошептала она. – Я не могу убить беззащитное
Стефано нахмурился и снова шагнул к ней, прошептав на ухо:
– Если ты сейчас же не нажмешь на курок, я приведу к тебе
живого человека.
И Диана поверила ему. Потому что Стефано Висконти мог так
поступить. Чувствуя слезы на щеках, она закрыла глаза и нажала на
курок. Прогремел выстрел и следом за ним – визг животного, который
тут же смолк. Она попала в него с закрытыми глазами. Осознав это,
Диана от ужаса уронила пистолет.
Она села на землю, закрыв лицо руками, и разревелась, сама не
понимая, от чего больше – от того, что убила животное, или от того,
что человек, которого она любит, вновь доказал свою жестокость.
Почувствовав руку на своем плече, она машинально скинула ее.
– Диана…
– Уйдите.
Стефано не стал настаивать, просто ушел, подняв с земли
пистолет. Она слышала звук удаляющихся шагов и вновь заведенный
двигатель машины. Он оставил ее. Опять.

Диана посмотрела на то место, где в последний раз видела собаку.

Она убила ее своими руками. Нет! Это он убил ее руками! Он – дьявол,
с которым ее связала судьба за какие-то грехи. Это проклятие –
находиться рядом с ним.
Диана поднялась и поняла, что не может сейчас никуда ехать. Она
не в состоянии нажимать на педали и соблюдать правила дорожного
движения. Пройдя мимо своей «Инфинити», девушка свернула к бару,
где когда-то они с Камиллой и Фрэнком сидели и расслаблялись после
тяжелого рабочего дня. Тот день стал решающим. Лучше бы она не
приходила сюда…
Зайдя в тускло освещенный зал, Диана прошла к стойке бара
и, сев на стул, посмотрела на бармена. Того самого, что протянул ей
записку. Он вытирал бокал, но, увидев ее, опустил его.
– Вас я тоже ненавижу, – прошептала севшим голосом Диана, –
налейте мне виски.
Он послушно исполнил ее заказ, налив в маленькую рюмку
порцию золотистой жидкости. Она залпом выпила ее и рукой
приказала повторить.
– Думаю, босс не одобрил бы, – сказал бармен, наливая ей еще.
Диана взяла рюмку и снова выпила, ощутив горечь во рту
и разливающийся по телу жар. Становилось лучше. Мышцы
– Да? – саркастически произнесла она. – Значит, надо выпить еще.
Она поставила пустую рюмку на бар, но бармен убрал ее
и вернулся к бокалам, временами посматривая на Диану.
– Понятно, – она поднялась, – сделаю это в другом месте.
Выйдя на улицу, Диана почувствовала вибрацию в кармане
куртки. Испугавшись, что это Стефано, она решила не доставать
телефон. Но он вибрировал так долго и настойчиво, что ее нервы
сдали. Это оказалась Камилла.
– Хочу предложить тебе пойти на крутую вечеринку в «Поло-
клуб». Я достала два пригласительных. Тебе и мне.
Диана вздрогнула. «Крутая вечеринка». Кто собирается на такие
мероприятия? Ее Дьявол со своими шлюхами? Сейчас одна мысль
о нем вызывала тошноту.
– Что за вечеринка, Ками? Для кого она?
– В честь открытия клуба. Вход только по пригласительным.
– Откуда они у тебя?
– Один очень непростой пациент отдал свои – из-за проблем со
здоровьем он не может пойти туда. А я почти спасла ему жизнь.
И в благодарность он мне их подарил. Пойдем, Диана, такое бывает
раз в жизни. Фрэнк дежурит сегодня, и, кроме тебя, мне не с кем
Диану смущали эти «крутая вечеринка» и «непростой пациент».
А что, если Стефано будет там? Сейчас ей меньше всего хотелось его
– Где он находится, этот твой «Поло-клуб»? В какой части города?
Камилла задумалась, немного помолчав:
– На Вайт-авеню. Северная часть.
В глазах Дианы блеснули язычки голубого пламени, и губы сами
растянулись в улыбке. Его там не будет! Никого из «Morte Nera» там
может быть, как и из «центра»: ни Ричарда Найта, ни Стефано
Висконти, никого. Это территория Грифа, но он уехал, ей ничто не
мешает развлечься. В конце концов на ней крест «Morte Nera», никто
не будет связываться
– Я согласна, с Висконти.
– ответила Диана. – Еду домой переодеваться.
Приезжай ко мне, поедем от меня на «Инфинити». Раз клуб крутой,
надо соответствовать.
Камилла от радости завизжала в трубку, а Диана, улыбнувшись,
села в машину и помчалась домой.
К ее удивлению, Камилла уже ждала подругу, сидя на ступеньках
– Как ты медленно.
На ней было серебристое платье чуть выше колен с глубоким
декольте. Тонкие бретельки перекрещивались сзади серебристой
лентой. Диана даже позавидовала Ками. Она не могла надеть что-то
открытое, Стефано позаботился об этом. Теперь она поняла, почему он
разрешил ей сделать крест на плече – с ним она не могла пойти
в подобное место.
Зато ее шкаф был полон новых вещей – об этом Висконти тоже
позаботился. Диана решила примерить белое платье-карандаш от
«Диор» с черными вставками в виде ненавязчивых узоров.
– Боже, что это? – воскликнула Камилла, дотрагиваясь до черного
креста на плече подруги. – С каких пор ты увлекаешься тату?

– С тех самых, как связалась с… королем мафии. – Диана

посмотрела на себя в зеркало, проводя руками по изгибам талии.
Платье село отлично, по-другому и быть не могло.
– А нельзя было сделать его в другом месте? Не таком заметном?
И надень лучше золотое платье за три тысячи.
То самое платье, которое она купила, думая о нем, своем
мучителе? Нет. Она не наденет его, направляясь на север и оголяя
плечи. Оно было куплено для него. Но за все время Стефано так ни
разу ее никуда и не позвал. Вечер для него – это время распутства
и сладких утех. Она не входила в перечень ни того, ни другого. Она
была просто убийцей. Такой же, как он. Она – член «Morte Nera», и их
связывает только
Накинув работа.
на плечи белый пиджак, Диана поняла, что выглядит
просто отлично.
– Платье за три тысячи не скроет тату, Камилла, а мне не стоит
светить ею перед публикой.
– Почему?
– Долго объяснять. Не спрашивай. Давай просто уложим волосы
и накрасимся. – Диана попыталась перевести тему разговора,
и Камилла поддалась, забыв о своем вопросе.
Как Диана ни старалась, волосы уже не поддавались укладке, как
раньше. Они отросли, а она не стриглась, как Стефано просил ее.
Поклявшись себе, что подстрижется завтра же, Диана просто
выпрямила их.
Ехать за пределы центра было немного страшновато. Она давно
не была в этой части города. Члены «Morte Nera» не часто посещали
север. Только по необходимости и с охраной. Сейчас она была одна,
с единственным пистолетом под сиденьем в машине. Но он ей не
пригодится, она не собирается больше стрелять. Она собирается
вдоволь навеселиться, чтобы забыть себя. Она не член «Morte Nera»,
сегодня она просто Диана.
Подъехав к небольшому одноэтажному зданию из белого кирпича,
Диана поняла, что это новый клуб, возле которого располагалось поле
для игры в поло. Игра для богатых и знатных. Кто же хозяин этого
заведения? Она надеялась, что не Джон Гриффин, иначе ей придет
конец, как только он увидит ее. Но засланные в клан «Белых Волков»

люди Найта в один голос утверждали, что Гриф уехал из города. Она
надеялась, что их слова правдивы.
Девушки ступили на лужайку из мягкой зеленой травы, и Диана
увидела стойло с лошадьми. Она обожала этих животных за грацию
и красоту.
– Как тут красиво, – прошептала Камилла, смотря куда-то вдаль,
а Диана нахмурилась, понимая, что этот клуб составит отличную
конкуренцию ее ночному клубу. Вернее, ночному клубу Стефано
Предъявив пригласительные на входе, девушки прошли внутрь.
Несмотря на единственный этаж, маленьким клуб нельзя было
назвать – места было предостаточно. Светлые тона от пола до потолка
создавали иллюзию расширения пространства. Диана тоже думала об
этом, делая наброски. Теперь придется что-то менять, чтобы не
повторить идею местного дизайнера… Рассматривая картину,
висящую в центре зала, девушка поняла, что она гораздо меньше той,
что заказала она. На ее картине Милан смотрится гораздо
аристократичнее и сдержанней, под стать ее синеглазому королю.
Подумав о том, что когда-то и ей придется вместе с ним принимать
гостей в честь открытия клуба, Диана улыбнулась. Пора было думать
о названии.
– Мне тут нравится, – шепнула ей на ухо Камилла, смотря на
мужчин в элегантных пиджаках.
Пока она разглядывала гостей, Диана изучала дизайн и меню
фуршета, подмечая для себя все достоинства и недостатки.

Глава 26
– Шампанское, дамы? – Высокий мужчина лет сорока приятной
внешности протянул девушкам два бокала, и они, улыбнувшись,
приняли угощение. – Прошу прощения, мы, кажется, не знакомы.
Меня зовут Пол Слоун.
– Камилла Росс. – Ками слегка присела в реверансе, чем
шокировала Диану.
Но глаза Пола блуждали не по ней, он неотрывно смотрел на
Диану, ожидая ее ответа.
– Диана Оливер.
Теперь только он улыбнулся и удовлетворенно кивнул. Диана
поняла, что пристально наблюдает за его мимикой, и тут же опустила
глаза. Она ненавидела себя за то, что даже расслабиться не может без
уроков главы «Morte Nera».
– Приятно видеть таких очаровательных дам в моем заведении, я
даже не ожидал увидеть здесь такую красоту.
– Это ваш клуб? – удивилась Диана, и Пол кивнул ей. – Он
превосходен. А лошади просто восхитительны.
Слова Дианы ему польстили.
– Сегодня, к сожалению, просто официальный прием, но уже
завтра клуб будет работать в полном режиме, и я настаиваю на том,
чтобы вы посетили игру. Уверен, она произведет на вас большое
– О, Диана, мы же придем завтра? – Камилла схватила подругу за
руку в надежде, что та ответит согласием, но Диана лишь молча
– Прошу меня простить, – сказал Пол, – мне надо встречать
гостей. Рад был познакомиться, Диана, – он кивнул ей, – Камилла. До
Когда девушки остались вдвоем, Камилла закрыла глаза
и с улыбкой произнесла:
– Какой мужчина! Он – владелец этого клуба. Он богат. И красив.
Не так, как твой король мафии, конечно, и не так молод, но все равно
в нем что-то есть.

– Мой король уже зрелый мужчина. – Диана нахмурилась. – У нас

разница в возрасте тринадцать лет!
– Глупости. Вы были бы прекрасной парой, если бы Бог наградил
его решительностью, а тебя – смелостью.
Диана звонко засмеялась, чем привлекла внимание мужчин
и нескольких женщин. Осознав это, она замолчала, поднеся бокал
с шампанским к губам.
– Ему никогда не быть моим, Ками. Он поклялся не трогать меня
и сдержит слово, а я буду только рада. Мне отношения с ним не
нужны. – Диана вспомнила собаку и ту горечь, что ощутила в тот
момент, когда нажала на курок. Она рада, что пришла сюда – сможет
хотя бы на время забыть об этом.
Камилла вздохнула, смотря на подругу:
– Даже не знаю, кто из вас глупее – ты или он? Однако я еще тешу
себя надеждой на ваши близкие отношения. – Она прошептала ей это
на ухо: – Быть рядом с таким мужчиной и не воспользоваться этим,
Диана, это кощунство.
– Кощунство – воспользоваться. На него вешаются сотни женщин,
а мне нужны отношения не на одну ночь, а на всю жизнь.
Камилла махнула рукой, давая понять, что все равно считает себя
правой. Ее взгляд скользил по залу, пока Диана размышляла над
сказанными ею словами.
– Бог мой! Это же Себастьян! – Камилла махнула рукой парню,
стоящему в дверях. – Помнишь моего предпоследнего ухажера?
Себастьян – его друг. Что он тут делает?
Диана улыбнулась, глядя на перевозбужденную от количества
мужчин подругу, и прошептала, пока Себастьян не подошел:
– Скоро вернусь.
Камилла кивнула ей, и Диана, поняла, что подруге уже не до нее.
Она оставила ее наслаждаться мужчинами, а сама направилась к
который ломился от закусок. Взяв одно канапе на палочке с оливкой
конце, она засунула
– Ахмад не будетее в рот и, повернувшись
устраивать к залу,
с ним разборки, при случайно
встрече сразу
услышала и конец.разговора,
Я лично передал
что к сделке
ее внимание:
с наркотой
причастно «Morte Nera». И хоть Висконти в тот момент не было
в городе, я уверен, это его рук дело.

Сердце Дианы чуть не выпрыгнуло из груди. Она развернулась

вполоборота, делая вид, что снова выбирает закуску.
– Девка – его подстава, я больше чем уверен. Хоть Гриф и говорит,
что не верит в это, мол, что девки Висконти годны, только чтобы
с ними трахаться. А тут пришла такая деловая, одна, гордая, не
– Когда они встретятся?
– Ахмад сказал, в субботу. Через пять дней. – Мужчина тихо
засмеялся. – Висконти придет на сходку и уже не уйдет живым.
Слушать дальше Диана не могла. Все внутри сжалось от страха.
Боже! Стефано знает об этом, он догадывается! Он готовил ее к этому,
она нужна ему. Как воздух! А если попробовать уговорить его не
ходить на сделку?.. Какая она дура! Устроила истерику из-за собаки,
а он просто хотел подвести ее к завершающему этапу – принятию
чужой смерти. Она вспомнила, как попросила его уйти, вспомнила
шум колес его машины, удаляющейся все дальше и дальше от нее. Она
глупа. Он умен. Стефано всегда знает, что делает, он всегда на шаг
впереди. Ему готовят пулю, а она, обученная его защищать, плачет из-
за собаки.
Разговор мужчин пошел о другом, и Диана вернулась к Камилле.
Ей надо было срочно ехать. Сейчас она сядет в машину и будет искать
Стефано по всему городу. И будет просить прощения за свою глупость.
Она не допустит его смерти, она сможет застрелить того, кто посягнет
на его жизнь.
– Ками, мне надо идти. Ты поедешь со мной? Я отвезу тебя.
– Как? Так рано? Но мы только пришли. Познакомься, это
Себастьян, а это его друг Дерек. Моя подруга – Диана Оливер.
Диана мельком взглянула на них, ненадолго задержав взгляд на
золотистых глазах Дерека, и тут же схватила подругу под локоть:
– Я уезжаю.
– Я остаюсь. – Камилла дернулась, чтобы высвободить руку. –
Я останусь с Себастьяном. Уеду на такси. А может, на «Феррари». –
Она засмеялась.
– Позвони, как приедешь домой. – Диана кивнула молодым людям
и направилась к выходу. Еще раз посмотрела в сторону мужчин,
разговор которых подслушала, и опешила – тот, кто стоял тогда к ней
спиной, говоря такие страшные вещи, был Пол Слоун.
Хотя чему удивляться! Ведь он враг «Morte Nera»! Надо было
уходить отсюда как можно скорее, и желательно сделать это как
незаметнее. Еще раз кинув взгляд в сторону Пола, она поняла, что он
слишком занят разговорами, и ему явно не до нее. Удовлетворенно
выдохнув, она направилась к дверям и уже на пороге столкнулась
с черным мерзким
– Боже… взглядом.
– прошептала Николас
Диана, Гриффин.
смотря на его хитрую улыбку.
– Бог ты мой! Так заскучала, что сама пришла ко мне? Твой
любовник уже не удовлетворяет тебя?
Диана смотрела в его глаза, шокированная внезапной встречей.
Тут же в голову полезли нехорошие мысли. Позади стоял Пол Слоун
в окружении своих людей, враг «Morte Nera». Если Николас сейчас
привлечет к ней внимание, а он это обязательно сделает, ей конец.
Диана поняла свою ошибку. Враги Висконти – ее враги. Как она
вообще могла сюда прийти? Как могла забыть про Гриффина-
Диана решила срочно увести его за собой. Пол Слоун не должен
знать, кто она. Иначе она не выйдет отсюда живой. В любом случае
шансов на жизнь у нее мало. И с каждым новым словом, новым
действием их становилось все меньше.
Диана прошла мимо Николаса к своей машине, стараясь не
провоцировать его на какие-либо действия. Шла молча. Ей было
страшно, но она старалась не показывать этого. Мысли в голове
путались. Она чувствовала, что Гриффин-младший преследует ее. Она
успела сесть в машину, но закрыть дверь он ей не дал:
– Уходишь? Что ж так мало побыла? Мы еще не обсудили то, что
случилось в «Кречете», или ты думаешь, я забыл?
– Уверена, что нет. – Твердо ответила девушка, пытаясь закрыть
дверь, но Николас по-прежнему держал ее. – Но у меня нет сегодня
настроения говорить об этом. Я тороплюсь.
– К своему любовнику? А он не хочет поделиться тобой?
Николас схватил ее за руку, причиняя ощутимую боль. Диана
попыталась вырваться, но он лишь сильнее сжимал пальцы. В голове
возник образ синих глаз и первый день на пляже: Стефано учил ее не
сдаваться, и она не собиралась этого делать. Но и кричать она не
могла. На ее крик сбегутся все члены клана «Белых Волков». Она не
знала, что хуже: Николас или Пол? Диана не поняла, откуда в ней

взялось столько силы, но осознав, что ее ноги свободны, она со всей

силы ударила его в грудь каблуком. Николас согнулся от боли:
– Сучка! Ты мне за это заплатишь!
Она видела вспыхнувший гнев в его глазах. Но быстро закрыв
двери, вжала педаль газа и выехала на дорогу, оставляя его позади.
Дрожащими руками Диана держала руль, не понимая, куда едет.
Темнота, корявые деревья парка, свисающие ветки и плохо
дорога лишь усугубляли ситуацию. Она боялась разогнаться. Она
слышала, как бьется ее сердце, как шумит кровь в ушах, как
прерывисто ее дыхание давит спазмом на грудь. В горле пересохло,
и она облизнула губы, смотря в зеркало заднего вида, отчетливо видя
фары машины, догоняющей ее. Хотелось надеяться, что это не
Николас. Но, когда Диана поняла, что машина едет слишком быстро,
почти догоняет ее, надежда пропала – это был он. «Инфинити»
рванула быстрее. Темнота и страх мешали Диане следить за дорогой.
Она сбавляла на поворотах, которых было чересчур много в этом лесу.
Чужая машина обогнала ее и проехала мимо, но затем, резко
затормозив, встала поперек дороги, перегораживая ей путь. Диана
закричала и, закрыв глаза, резко надавила на тормоз. Ее машина
с ревом остановилась, и девушка грудью ударилась о руль. Она еще не
пришла в себя, когда почувствовала, что ее водительская дверь
открылась и чья-то рука схватила ее за волосы.
– Что, сучка, решила поиграть со мной?
Это был голос Николаса, она почувствовала его мерзкое дыхание
на своем лице. Все происходило так неожиданно и быстро, что
сознание не успевало за происходящим. Он навалился на нее, не давая
ей возможности двигаться. Диана плотно сжала челюсти, попыталась
ногами оттолкнуть его, но он грубо придвинул ее к себе, раздвигая их.
– Давай, сопротивляйся, можно подумать, тебе не нравится.
Я всегда мечтал попробовать шлюх Висконти, он находит чертовски
красивых баб. Интересно, ему будет приятно воспользоваться тобой
после меня?
Диана готова была потерять сознание от страха, но инстинктивно
продолжала сопротивляться – она вырывалась, выгибалась под ним,
пытаясь опрокинуть. Но Николас оказался сильнее.
– Пусти меня. – Слезы выступили из глаз девушки. Руки
Гриффина-младшего блуждали по ее телу, царапая, оставляя синяки.

Грубо. Больно. Мерзко. Он находился между ее разведенных ног,

а Стефано говорил, что это плохой знак. Шансы ничтожно малы. –
Я тебе ничего не сделала.
Он рывком стянул с нее пиджак, оголяя плечи, но крест привлек
его внимание, и Николас остановился:
– Дьявол! Ты не просто его шлюха! Ты из «Morte Nera»! – Парень
был в шоке и еще пару секунд обдумывал свои действия. Но в итоге
похоть и месть взяли свое. – Я убью двух зайцев сразу – шлюху
Висконти и члена «Morte Nera»! Вот это удача!
– Он убьет тебя, – прошептала Диана, – если ты хоть пальцем до
меня дотронешься.
– Не ты ли та самая девка с кокаином? Сучка! – Николас был
в бешенстве. – Ты подставила нас! Дрянь! – Он влепил ей пощечину,
и от сильного удара голова Дианы запрокинулась. Она почувствовала
привкус железа во рту. Ощущая жар на месте от его удара, чувствуя
блуждающие руки на своем теле, слыша рвущуюся ткань платья, она
перестала сопротивляться. Смысла не было. Он изнасилует ее и убьет.
Она, вероятно, заслужила это, из-за нее Ахмад убил много людей его
клана. Она совершила грех и теперь расплачивается за него. Слезы
застыли в глазах, она закрыла рот рукой, чтобы не закричать. Он
над –ней:
Сейчас ты узнаешь, кто лучше – он или я.
Гриффин разорвал платье, оставляя ее в нижнем белье, его
взгляд пробежал по ее телу. Он находился между ее ног, причиняя ей
боль. Не так все было задумано Дианой. Не так она хотела. Но ее
жизнь пошла по другому направлению, и теперь все было не так. Она
вспомнила Стефано, его улыбку и заплакала еще сильнее. Он найдет
изнасилованной и мертвой. Что он почувствует? Гнев? Почувствует ли
он ту боль, что испытывает она сейчас? Без нее в субботу его убьют,
и она встретит его в аду. Диана не желала ему такой участи. Она
должна бороться, ведь он учил ее не сдаваться! Она поняла, что
закрывает рот рукой, а значит, рука свободна! Уже не чувствуя страха,
девушка наблюдала, как Николас расстегивает «молнию» на ширинке
своих джинсов. Диана протянула руку под сиденье и достала оттуда
пистолет. «В каждой нашей машине есть такая игрушка. По правую
руку водителя. Чтобы в случае опасности можно было сразу вытащить
его». И она вытащила! Пальцем бесшумно сняв с предохранителя,

направила его на Николаса и, не мешкая, нажала на курок. Прогремел

выстрел! Тут же повсюду разлетелась кровь, обрызгав Диану. Она
слышала, как упало его тело на асфальт и наступила тишина. Самая
жуткая тишина в ее жизни. Она держала пистолет в вытянутой руке,
боясь, что Николас сейчас встанет и, обезумев от злости, снова
накинется на нее. Но было тихо. Он не вставал. Она больше не видела
его мерзких глаз, не слышала его грубых слов, не ощущала его хватку.
Она оказалась свободной. Надо было бежать!
Выскочив из машины, голыми ногами ощущая холод асфальта,
она зажала рот рукой. Она его убила! Он был мертв! Лежал в
позе на дороге, и Диана отчетливо видела расползающееся кровавое
пятно на его рубашке – она попала прямо в сердце. Диана видела, как
быстро лужица еще теплой крови превращается в целый океан,
ползущий к ее ногам. Она дернулась в машину. Ее руки дрожали,
а мысли путались от шока. Попытавшись собраться, она медленно
вдохнула и выдохнула. Рукой она нащупала сумочку на заднем
и достала мобильный
Стефано телефон.
быстро взял Диана знала, кому надо звонить.
– Ты уже пришла в себя?
ему.Услышав его голос, Диана разревелась. Еще пять минут назад она
думала, что умрет и больше никогда его не услышит.
– Я убила человека, – прошептала она сквозь рыдания.
– Это шутка? Диана, ты пьяна? – Стефано не верил ей, но раньше
она и сама бы себе не поверила.
– Нет. Я его убила. Его тело лежит на дороге и мне страшно. –
Новый всхлип, и вот слезы опять побежали по ее щекам.
– Где ты? – Его голос резко изменился, став твердым, как
камень. – Дьявол! Где ты?!
Диана выскочила из машины и стала всматриваться в темноту,
переступая лужу крови и тело Николаса.
– Я не знаю. – Она так и не поняла, куда свернула, спасаясь от
преследования. С Камиллой они не ехали точно не этой дорогой. –
Недалеко от «Поло-клуба». На севере, Стефано, я на севере.
– Дьявол! – Его голос приобрел нотки гнева. – Оставайся на
месте, ничего не трогай. Он точно мертв?

Диана посмотрела на тело, трогать его ей не хотелось, но из

практики она знала, что такое пуля в сердце. И потому твердо
– Да.
– Я сейчас приеду.
– Я боюсь, что кто-нибудь увидит. – Диана задержала дыхание,
пытаясь не вызвать новый поток слез.
– По той дороге мало кто ездит. Но если вдруг кто-то остановится,
убей и их.
Она не ослышалась?.. Нет, он точно не шутил. У нее не было
другого выхода, ей придется убивать всех.
– И ничего не трогай.
Стефано отключился, и она опять осталась одна. С пистолетом
в руке и телом Николаса Гриффина. Диана прислонилась к машине,
стирая с лица слезы, и только сейчас обнаружила, что ее платье
порвано. Она рукой схватилась за края, пытаясь скрыть обнаженное
тело. Все еще не веря в случившееся, Диана не переставала кидать
взгляды то на дорогу, то на тело. Как она выжила? Казалось, это
невозможно. Но Гриффин сам напросился! Если бы она не
пристрелила его, он сам бы ее пристрелил. Выживает сильнейший. Ей
помог пистолет «Morte Nera» и желание не оставлять в этом мире
Стефано Висконти.
Казалось, прошла целая вечность, пока она ждала его. Ноги
замерзли, кровь Николаса на них начала засыхать, превращаясь
в корку. Услышав шум на дороге, Диана устремила взгляд на яркие
фары, приближающиеся к ней. Машин было много. Не две. Их было
восемь. В груди снова дал знать о себе удушающий спазм, но слез уже
не было. Она видела, как из остановившихся машин вышли люди
с оружием и среди них был Стефано.
– Диана! – крикнул он, и девушка, сжимая обрывки платья,
попыталась пойти ему навстречу, но ноги отказывались идти,
и, выронив пистолет на асфальт, она смогла только прошептать:

До свидания (итал.).

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