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OXFORD Listening 1 “4 Speaking Julie Hwang OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD [New York NY 10016USA Great Cltendon Set. Oxford. 2 6P, United Kingdom (Oxford University Press department ofthe University of Oxford [efurthes the University’sobjetve excellence in reset, cholarhip ndediction by publishing worlwide Oxford isa registred ade ‘ark of Oxford University resin the UKandin certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2019 ‘The moral rights of the author have bee asserted. ist published in 2019 ‘3013 2022 2021 2020 20:9 9876543 ‘No unauthorized photocopying Alright reserved, No par ofthis publication maybe reproduce stored ina retrieval system, or transite in any formorby any means, without ‘the prior permis in weiting of Oxford University Press, ors express ‘permitted by law by licence onder terms agreed with the appropriate Feprographics rights orzanizaton. 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(abyWererMuenzKer. 12 laNadsaBugen) (1b second Studio) (2) ‘Anna Nahabed), afjaren ui Wicklund), Monkey Busines Images) 3 Olena Yakobchuk sMonkey Business Images) 114(Tahwavebreakmed} [ubfaren Jai Wicklund), (ReSchank 24Tata Nioielo,2bjeurobanks} 2c) ‘Adam jan Fig, (2aNataia Sanikova), 25K Marmion), [Talia Nicolo) Table of Contents Introduction Quick Guide Animals Around Us Unit 1 Unit 2 Listening Check PAGES Speak ae Red Circle, Blue Square Unit 3 Unit 4 Listening Check PAGE20 Speak toric School Days Unit 5 Unit 6 Listening Check PAGE34 Speak Me and My Family Unit 7 Unit 8 Listening Check PAGES Speak a5 Likes and Dislikes Unit 9 Unit 10 Listening Check PAGE62 Speak pg =6My Face and Body Unit 11 Unit 12 Listening Check PAGE 76 Speak Workbook Picture Dictionary syllabus 12 16 18 90 ns ns “tatmom NX Introduction Welcome to Oxford Skills World Oxford Skills World: Listening with Speaking is a flexible paired skills course that takes students on a journey toward independent learning, providing them with strategies and support to reach their goals. For Students For Teachers * Student Book / Workbook * Downloadable Teacher's Pack with * Student's website with downloadable instructional support, assessment, audio and extra resources professional development videos, projects, and speaking resources * Classroom Presentation Tool © Teacher's website with downloadable audio and extra resources Be the Leader on Your Skills Adventure! Hil We're Olly and Molly, your skills adventure guides. We help you reach your goals by introducing new listening and speaking strategies, asking helpful questions, and giving friendly reminders. Most importantly, we cheer you on every step of the way! Let's go! 2 Introduction Inside Topic Opener Theme-based topics provide high-interest content relevant to students’ lives. My Goals introduces students to the objectives of each unit in. the topic.* Students learn and practice new vocabulary and complete the picture dictionary at the back of the book, Each Topic Animals Students listen to a Fun Fact to increase their engagement with the topic. Fun characters, Olly and Molly, encourage 21st century skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and communication Listening Goals are strategies students can apply to any passage Students apply strategies to high- interest fiction and nonfiction passages, think critically about what they hear, and make connections to their own lives. Quick Guide 3 Understand Students increase their comprehension of the passages by applying listening strategies they have learned. Students complete activities to strengthen their understanding of the unit's vocabulary, Listening Check With helpful reminders from Olly and Molly, students apply the Listening Goals from both units to a new text. 4 Quick Guide wecewemetrteaterntenn ot Students demonstrate comprehension of the unit's passage, vocabulary, and grammar At the end of each unit, students assess the progress they have made toward achieving their goals. Students complete activities to boost listening comprehension and vocabulary application. Get Ready to Speak « Speak Speaking Goals prepare students to speak in different contexts, Speaking Tips provide guidance on grammar, punctuation, and mechanics and help students speak fluently ‘and accurately, Workbook Workbook pages at the end of the book provide more opportunities for students to apply their Listening Goals and boost comprehension. speaking models and to organize thoughts for their own speaking. Students use graphic organizers to comprehend ‘Speak their Additional activities provide extra opportunities for listening comprehension. and vocabulary practice, Students apply the topie’s Speaking Tip to ensure proper usage in their own speaking. Scaffolded speaking models help students accomplish their speaking goals. Quick Guide 5 Stet Animals Around Us SCIENCE « MY GOALS UNIT 1 + Listen to the story Three Friends + Listen for the title UNIT 2 + Listen to the passage Animal Fun + Listen for the topic Look at the picture. What do you see? eee 1. What animals do you see? So + Give an introduction 2. Do you like the animals? Why or why not? Listen to the Fun Fact. Then answer the questions. @)2 1. What does this animal do? 2. What is your favorite animal? Why do you like it? A Friendly Animal Think, Pair, Share What animals can you see at the 200? Get Ready “erwords to Listen Qo Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©) cow duck monkey sheep @ Listen andwrite. Os 1, sheep 2. ar 4 Ce coice eee Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for the Title The title is the listening's name. It tells what the listening is about. Listen for the title at the beginning. Q Listen. Then choose Yes or No. ©)s 1. Mr. Frog is about a frog. He likes rain. (Wes) No 2. The Bananas is about a boy. He wants some banana juice. Yes No 3. Bird and the Books is about a bird. He likes to read. Yes No Ms Friends @ Listen to the story Three Friends. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. ©)7 Now put the sentences in order. a. Dan and Jane find Tom. b. Dan and Jane see two animals. 1 c. Dan and Jane go to a tree. Why is the title Three Friends? Nica Vac Understand Q Think about the title Three Friends. What does it tell you? ae Remember! | a. Dan, Jane, and Tom are friends. Listen for the O b. Dan has three friends. amas at Go Listen to Three Friends again. Choose the correct answer. ©)s 1. Dan and Jane see a cow /heep). 2. They go to the water / flower. 3. They see a dog / duck. 4. The monkey runs / jumps. 5. The monkey is John / Tom. Ge Listen. Complete each sentence with a key word. Then match. ©) 1, Theyseea sheep, 2. The sees the boy. 3. The is at the farm. 4. They point to the oO Listen to Three Friends again. Work with a partner. Complete the table. ©) 10 is not = isn't 1. acow v . asheep | a duck } @monkey | wlelwln . Tom Ge Look at @). Complete the sentences. Use It's or It isn’t. It isn’t acow. It’s _ asheep. acow. a monkey. MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the story. Ican listen for the title. I know what the story is about. % Unit 1 Understand 11 Get Ready ome ‘arcu to Listen ) Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©)11 crocodile elephant giraffe mouse Listen and number. ©) 12 9 Listen and complete the sentences. ©) 13 1. The mouse _ eats alot. 2. The can run. 3. The can kick. 4. The likes bananas. Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for the Topic The topic is what a listening is about. The title and pictures can tell you the topic. QB Listen. Choose ¥ or X. Qiv 1. vy] @ Go Listen to the passage Animal Fun. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. is Now choose v or X. Be 1. The boys and girls see animals. aq [x] i are {v] [x] Where can you 2. The boys and girls are in a little car. | al find the tophe? < 3. The boys and girls are happy. [vy] ad — Mle 2 '* Do you want to go on a safari? Why or why not? Understand © Think about Animal Fun. What is the topic? Choose Yes or No. Remember! The title and 1. a safari Yes No pictures can tell F he topic. 2. boys and girls on a bus Yes No nana Go Listen to Animal Fun again. Choose the correct answer. ©)i6 1. Where is the crocodile? |_| a. on the grass ¥| b. in the water 2. Where is the giraffe? a. by the water b. under the tree 3. Where is the mouse? a. by the bus b. on the grass Ge Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the key word. ©) 17 1. Seales oO Listen to Animal Fun again. Complete the diagram. ©) is MSR UCR UTC ed Crocodile Elephant Giraffe Mouse 1, __in the 2. water w = © Look at @. write. Use in, on, under, or by. He 2. Z The crocodile is in the The elephant is water. the grass. | oe bes | ™=O3 The giraffe is the tree. The mouse is the bus. = MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the passage. Tan listen for the topic. I know what the listening is about. s Pee eels Listening Check Remember! Look at the pictures. Listen for the title and the topic. What is the story about? GQ Listen to the story A Night at the Zoo. Choose the correct picture. 19 Go What does the title tell you about the story? Choose v or X. 1. The animals run and jump at night. v| @) 2. Something happens at the zoo at night. v| [Xx 3. You can see monkeys at the zoo. v| [x 4. The zoo has a lot of animals. [v] [x What is the topic? Choose v or X. 1. Sarah and Jim play at the park. x) 2. They see a little elephant. \v} |X} 3. They find an animal at the zoo. iw} Ll 4, There is a monkey in the park. [vy] [x] STU Pd oO Listen to A Night at the Zoo again. Choose the correct answer. )20 1. What does Jim say? a. “‘Thear Vv] b.“Tsee L] «. “I'm hungry!” something!” something!” 2. How big is the animal? a. little ] b. tall c. very big 3. What does the animal have? OC a. along tail |_| b. big feet C] c. green eyes 4. What does Sarah think? ia a. It'salion. [_] b. Isa mouse. [Jalsa giraffe. 5. Where is the monkey? |_| a. in the box b. by the rock |] « under an umbrella CG Listen to A Night at the Zoo again. Complete the sentences. © 2: Sarah and Jim are at the zoo. It is night. Jim: Sarah! I see something! Sarah: What is it, Jim? Jim: I don’t know. Sarah: Tt'san(1)__ elephant! Jim: It isn’t an elephant. It's little. Sarah: It's. a (2) Jim: It isn’t a duck. It has a long tail. Sarah: It's a (3) Jim: No! It’s a (4) !And it’s under an umbrella! Units 1. and 2 Listening Check 17 Get Ready to Speak SPEAKING GOAL: Give an Introduction An introduction tells about you. It tells your name. It tells where you live. It gives other information, too. © Read and listen to the introduction. Underline Iand my. 22 Speaking Tip Use Iand my in your introduction. Hello! My name is Jin-Goo Kim. Tam 8 years old. live in Seoul. It is a city in South Korea. I like cats. Go Look at J. What does the speaker tell you? Complete the diagram. My name 1 Jin-Goo Kim How old | Tlike | aE OMe PAC CCB obo oh Speak Ga Think. How can you give an introduction? Complete the diagram. How old My name | Tlive in | | like | oO Now write your introduction. Use your ideas from (J. Choose new words, too. Then draw a picture of your face. Hello! My name is lam years old. Tlive in Itisacityin Ilike oe Give your introduction to your partner. Me \ MY SPEAKING GOAL Units 1and2 Speak 19 Red Circle, Blue Square ART Ea: MY GOALS UNIT 3 + Listen to the conversation Cookie Count + Listen for numbers UNIT 4 y+ Listen to the story Fred the Clown + Listen for colors SPEAK Look at the picture. What do you see? 1. How many people are there? 2. Where do you run? Why? Where can you see 1, What do the people do? the colors? 2. Do you want to go on this run? Why or why not? Listen to the Fun Fact. Then answer er Think, Pair, Share the questions. ©) 23 FE a\ What colors do you like? oan © Pt Get Ready ‘Veywords to Listen Q Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. © 2" 60 brown circle square white GO Listen and color. ©) 25 Ga Listen and write. ©) 26 ib circle 2. 35 4, Peet acrrr Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Numbers Words like four and fen are numbers. Numbers tell how many. 8 Listen. Then complete the sentences. “) 27 1. She has three __ dolls. 2. There is train. 3. There are _ pencils. t% Ceekie Count °..¢ G6 Listen to the conversation Cookie Count. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. 28 Now put the sentences in order. a. Hannah sees Oscar. b. Oscar eats one cookie. j= = . What are the c. Oscar looks at the cookies. numbers? em eee) Understand Remember! Numbers help us understand how many. Qo Think about Cookie Count. How many cookies are there? a. Oscar eats one cookie. There are seven cookies. b. Oscar eats one cookie. There are eight cookies. Go Listen to Cookie Count again. Choose the correct answer. ©) 29 . Oscar /Hannah) . There are two / three colors. as cookies. . There are white / purple cookies. . There are pink / brown cookies. WFEWnNe . There are three / four square cookies. G Listen. Complete each sentence with a key word. Then match. ©)30 1. Thisisa square. 2. The teapot is 3. It'sa nest. 4. It'sa a. bo 4 oO Listen to Cookie Count again. Complete the diagram. ©)2: Sum 1. Cookies 2. Cookies Color brown Color Shape Shope Ge Look at @. Complete the sentences. Use this, is, brown, or white. | Ez Is_this a circle? acircle? Yes, it is. It’s a circle. No, it isn’t. It’s a square. | | a this a white circle? ______ a brown square? No, it isn’t. It’s a circle. No, it isn’t. It's a square. MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the conversation. _ Ican listen for numbers. Numbers tell how many. ae Init3 Understand 25 Get Ready yw LET to Listen Qo Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©) 32 we SS blue green yellow © Listen and number. D2 Listen and complete the sentences. (34 1. The pencilis green, 2. He has a vest. 3. She is in the car. 4. Ihavea yo-yo. 26 Unit 4 Get Ready to Listen Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Colors Words like red and blue are colors. Listen for color words. They tell what color things are. oO Listen. Choose Vv or X. ©)3s 7) [x 7 ie Fred the Clown Go Listen to the story Fred the Clown. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. 26 Now choose v or X. 1. Fred doesn’t have the car. aq x What color 2. Fred sees Joe. v| |e i RES CaiT 3. Joe has Fred’s guitar. Vv) |* fod '+ What colors are your toys? What colors are your friends’ toys? Understand Remember! Color words tell what color things are. © think about Fred the Clown. What color words are in the story? Choose Yes or No. 1. black, orange, pink, purple Yes No 2. red, yellow, green, blue Yes No Go Listen to Fred the Clown again. Choose the correct answer. (37 1, Who has Fred's car? \V) a. Joe b. Jim 2. What color is Fred’s skateboard? | a. orange C1 b. red 3. What color is Fred’s balloon? J a. blue (_] b. purple CG Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the key word. ©)3s & 9 @ € iE) o: Vb. a. C1 b. green @ 2 a. Clb. Lla. Lb. Py ee eke oO Listen to Fred the Clown again. Work with a partner. Complete the diagram. “29 Sete ead He _ has agreen guitar. He ared skateboard. LT _an orange balloon. I my car. I a blue balloon. You my yellow car! MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the story. , I can listen for color words. They tell what color things are. ‘ i Unit4 Understand 29 Rh Listening Check i} and ut Remember! Listen for numbers. They tell how many. Listen for color words. They tell what color things are. 8 Listen to the poem Traffic Light. Choose the correct picture. @)40 Go Read the sentences. Are the numbers correct? Choose v or X. 1. There are two circles. vy] & 2. There is one red circle. v) |x 3. There is one black box. v] [x 4, There are three squares. \Y} LX] Ga Read the sentences. Are the colors correct? Choose ¥ or X. 1. There is one green circle. OQ x 2. Yellow says “slow.” v| [x 3. There is one black circle. Vv! [x 4. Green says “stop.” [4] [x EMO CE Relea Their ad D Listen to Traffic Light again. Choose the correct answer. © 1. What shape is green? a. asquare ¥| b. acircle |] « arectangle 2. What does red say? a. go b. slow _| c. stop 3. How many yellow circles are there? a. one {_] b. two c. three 4. How many colors are there? _| a. three |_| b. four oO c. five 5. What is in the poem? a. apen b. crayons LC c. a pencil rE} Listen to Traffic Light again. Complete the sentences. (12 Idraw three (1) __ circles One, two, three Isee circles. Red, (2) , green Thave (3) Red says “stop!” Thave yellow. Yellow says “slow.” Ihave green. (4) says “go!” One black box. I have black. This is a traffic light. Go, crayons, go! Vrooom! Units 3and4 Listening Check 31 Get Ready to Speak SPEAKING GOAL: Give a Description A description tells what something looks like. It can be about people, places, or things. Read and listen to the description. What words tell about the tree? What words tell about the sun? Circle the words. @3 Speaking Tip Use color and shape words in your description. 14 bse eg Bt The Park = This is a tree. It’s big. aa = 6 It’s green and brown. This is the sun. It's a circle. » Its yellow. Go Look at (J. What does the speaker say? Use the words from the description. Complete the diagram. BUCc Lis Pee Renee messed Speak Ga Think about a favorite place. What words tell about the place? Complete the diagram. oO Now write your description. Use your ideas from @. Choose new words, too. Then draw a picture of the place. ~ Give your description to your partner. Use your picture. MY SPEAKING GOAL Vea a eee) School Days SOCIAL STUDIES MY GOALS UNIT 5 + Listen to the story The Special Notebook + Listen for greetings and endings UNIT 6 + Listen to the conversation The Box Look at the picture. What do you see? 1. Where are the children? 2. Do you like robots? Why or why not? sten for key words SPEAK + Use greetings and endings Listen to the Fun Fact. Then answer the questions. Quy 1. What can the robot do? 2. Can a robot help you at school? What can it do? © A Robot at School Think, Pair, Share What things do you have at your school? Get Ready ‘eywords to Listen Q Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. (v5 draw eraser notebook pen Go Listen and color. Qe CG Listen and write. Q)u7 1 notebook 2. 3. 4 36 Unit5 Get Ready to Listen Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Greetings and Endings Greetings start a conversation. They are words like hello or hi. Endings stop a conversation. They are words like goodbye or see you later. 8 Listen. Then complete the sentences. us 1. The greeting is hi, 2. The ending is 3. The teacher says to Kayo. The Special Notebook | Go Listen to the story The Special Notebook. What is it about? e Choose the correct picture. uo 7h: Now put the sentences in order. a. Mei and Paul go to the zoo. b. Paul uses the eraser. . laa ~~ What does Paul. ——— c. Paul draws a picture. 1 say at the end? Understand © Think about The Special Notebook. What is the greeting? What are the endings? Choose the correct answer. |_| a. hello, we're home, and goodbye Remember! b. hi, see you later, and goodbye creetings said conversation. Endings stop a conversation. Go Listen to The Special Notebook again. Choose the correct answer. ©)s50 1. Paul has a crayon /Gotebook. He draws a beach / zoo. Paul and Mei see a lion / crocodile. 2. 3, 4. Paul has a book bag / an eraser. 5. Mei likes / doesn’t like the notebook. Ga Listen. Complete each sentence with a key word. Then match. (51 1. This is my pen, 2. The _ ___ is little, ES _at the table. 4, It's my a. | | G Er Mem Corr) oO Listen to The Special Notebook again. Work with a partner. Complete the diagram. 52 WU ae a rd 1. notebook is my eraser. = This my pencil. MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the story. Ican listen for greetings and endings. They start and stop “ a conversation. 4 PT Ces ei Meh Get Ready Se ‘evens to Listen 8 Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©)53 backpack class paper ruler B Listen and number. Oss Ga Listen and complete the sentences. 55 1, The paper _ isin the cupboard. 2. This is my _ _ 3. It'sa 4. [have a big Preece en Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Key Words Key words are words you hear many times. Key words tell what a listening is about. 8 Listen. Choose the correct answer. (56 1. The key word is@encib/ long. 2. The key word is notebook / book. 3. The key word is table / flower. Was T_T » G Listen to the conversation The Box. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. @57 A Now choose v or X. — What words do they 1. There are two people. @Q x say many times? 2. The boy talks to his aunt. v| |x : 3. The boy talks with his mom. x Unit 6 Listen 41 Understand Remember You hear key words many times. 8 Think about The Box. What are the key words? Choose Yes or No. 1. box and class Yes No 2. present and backpack Yes No Go Listen to The Box again. Choose the correct answer. “)ss 1. Who gives a present to the boy? a. his teacher {v] b. his mom 2. What is in the box? a. a backpack oO b. aruler 3. Where can he take the present? a. to class oO b. to the store Ga Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the key word. “)s9 Ge eo = La. {v) b. a. backpack Oa SPA Ce ete te| oO Listen to The Box again. What are some questions? Work with a partner. Complete the diagram. @«o le What's 2. in the box? aruler? / oe a backpack? © Look at . Write. Use is, it, or isn’t. What's in the box? ita ruler? It ‘sa present. No, it isn’t. 3. Cs Is it paper? Is a backpack? No, it Yes, is! = MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the conversation. Ican listen for key words. They tell what the listening is about. % UT AMO md Listening Check Remember! Listen for greetings and endings. When do you hear them? Listen for key words, What is the listening about? Q Listen to the story Mouse and Frog. Choose the correct picture. @Q)«1 Go What is the greeting in the story? What is the ending? Choose v or X. 1. hi [v] [x] 2. hello [vy] [x] 3. goodbye vw} LX] 4. see you later [v] [x] CG What are the key words? Choose v or X. 1. pen v!| [x 2. backpack cad 3. paper v\ |x 4. eraser v} |¥ 44 Units Sand 6 Listening Check oO Listen to Mouse and Frog again. Choose the correct answer. («2 ale Who has a backpack? pa __| a. Frog . What does Mouse have? J a. aruler . Where is the paper? |) a. in the desk . What does Mouse do? [=] a. He jumps. . Who finds the eraser? (] a. Frog u |v] b. Mouse |_| b. athome [_] b. He dances. b. apencil b. Mouse c. Bird c apen c. in the backpack L_] ¢. He eats. c. the teacher G Listen to Mouse and Frog again. Complete the sentences. @ «2 “Hello, Mouse!” says Frog. “Hello, Frog! Look in my (1)__ backpack _! Thave a pen and (2) And this is my eraser” Mouse is happy. He jumps. The (3) and eraser jump, too. “Where are my pen and eraser?” “This is your pen. This is your (4) “Thank you!” !" says Frog. “See you later!” says Frog. eRe Get Ready to Speak SPEAKING GOAL: Use Greetings and Endings A conversation is a talk with two or more people. Conversations have greetings and endings. Qo Read and listen to the conversation. Underline the greetings. Underline the endings. Qo Speaking Tip Use words like hello or hito start a conversation Use words like goodbye or see you later to end it Mark: Hi, Trang! Trang: Look! I have a doll in my backpack! Mark: It’s a nice doll! _ Trang: Thank you. See you later! _ Mark: Goodbye, Trang! Go Look at €J. What are the greetings? What are the endings? Complete the diagram. fC hello } {2 ee uc ucla & ) & Speak G Think about your conversations. What greetings do you use? What endings do you use? Complete the diagram. ( eecuc hate oO Now work with your partner. Write a conversation about a backpack. What's in it? Use your greetings and endings from (. Then draw the things in the backpack. Me: , My partner: ! Me: Look! Ihave a(n) in my backpack! My partner: It’s a nice ! Me: : ! My partner: Ss ~ Say your conversation with your partner. MY SPEAKING GOAL Units5and6 Speak 47 Q Look at the picture. What do you see? 1. What's funny about this picture? 2. Do you like watermelon? What's your favorite fruit? PEM Ct wut haa i. - . » FUN FACT * * of i ao @) isten to the Fun Fact. Then answer e questions. What games do you 5) « play with your family? 1. Do they eat fast or slow? Do they eat a little or a lot? 2. What games do you like? Topic4 Meand My Family 44 URIS Get Ready eras 7 to Listen Q Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. «so Fate parents girl children Go Listen and color. ©)67 G Listen and write. Oe 1 girl 2. 3. 4. COU AUC Naar) Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Questions Questions ask for information. They begin with words like what, where, or who. Listen for these words. Q Listen. Then complete the sentences. ca 1. The question word is who. 2. The question word is 3. The question word is Go Listen to the story My Family. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. ©) 70 Now choose or X. 1. Meg looks at a picture. What are the question words? 2. The picture shows Rosa's family. 3. The family has four children. ea Understand Q Think about My Family. What question is in the story? i Remember! a. Where is the boy? Questions ask b. Who are they? for information. G Listen to My Family again. Choose the correct answer. ©)71 1. The picture shows (Matt’s)/ Meg's parents. 2. They are at the beach / playground. 3. The boy's name is Jason / Jack. 4. Jessie is a boy /girl. 5. Matt likes / doesn’t like fish. ic] Listen. Complete each sentence with a key word. Then match. ©)72 1. My parents _ are at the beach. 2. Ican see the 3. The has a cup. 4. The has a cup, too. 7 } | | c. d. LV, = CMU PA eer] Oo Listen to My Family again. What are the questions? Complete the diagram. 73 1 Who 2. - are they? is this? 4. is this? 3. are the children? G Look at @). Write the questions. Use who, where, or what. = a Who are they? They are my parents. This is the beach. ay They are Jason and Jessie. It’s fish. MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the story. Ican listen for questions. : Unit7 Understand 53 to Listen Get Ready gam terwons F e\ J — Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©) 7» grandparents uncle ) Listen and number. ©)75 Listen and complete the sentences. (©) 76 1, My _ grandparents _ are at home. 2. The teacher talks to my 3. My likes pizza. 4. My is in my class. Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Answers We say answers after questions. Answers give information. Listen to the questions. Then listen to what comes next. Qo Listen. Does the picture show the answer? Choose Y or X. ©)77 1. 2. 3. ad a EI ams © xk v) [x] [Vv] [x] : Lg aly Go Listen to the presentation My Summer. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. 7s a. The family goes to the grandparents’ house. 1 " oe What do we get b. The boy and his uncle ride bicycles. Fone c. They play a game. eae Understand 8 Think about My Summer. What answer is in the presentation? Choose Yes or No. Remember! 1. He's my uncle. Yes No Listen for an answer after a question. 2. These are my parents. Yes No an Go Listen to My Summer again. Choose the correct answer. (79 1. What is in the picture? v| a. the grandparents’ house oO b. the parents’ house 2. What does the boy do? a. He plays a game. oO b. He swims, 3. Who is tall? a. the cousin OQ b. the uncle G Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the key word. ©)so 1. 2 MA Ola [VY] b. Ola L]b. grandparents oO Listen to My Summer again. What word tells about each person or thing? Work with a partner. Complete the diagram. si Game Cousin 2. It's 4. She's G Look at @). Write sentences. Use he’s, she’s, or it’s. 1. This is my grandparents’ house. This is a game. It’s big. This is my uncle. This is my cousin. MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the conversation. Ican listen for answers. ae Unit 8 Understand 57 Ts Listening Check gf F: eee Listen for questions. What do they ask? Listen for answers. What do they tell you? Qo Listen to the conversation Apple Farm. Choose the correct picture. @)s2 GO What questions are in the conversation? Choose or X. 1, Who is John? ~ x 2. Is he tall? vy LX 3. Where are your parents? (Ww) LX* 4. Do you have apples? v| |x CG What answers are in the conversation? Choose or X. 1. He’s my brother. 2. No, he isn’t. He’s short. 3. Yes, he is. He has a blue cap. 4. Yes, [have 10 apples! Py MA eM ule Raa g oO Listen to Apple Farm again. Choose the correct answer. ()s3 is How many boys are there? a. two [V] b. three c. four 2. Who is John? [| a. acousin [] b. anuncle |_| c. aparent 3. What does John have? [] a. ared shirt [| b. ablue car |] « ablue cap 4. Where is John? [_] a. under the tree b. on the chair es] c. by the table 5. How many apples are there? [ |icset2 b. 20 c 10 G Listen to Apple Farm again. Complete the sentences. ©)s¥ Three (1) boys are at an apple farm. Chris: Where is John? Todd: Who is John? Chris: He's my (2) Todd: There are some (3) .Isee a boy. Is he tall? Chris: Yes, he is. He has a blue cap. Todd: He's with your (4) ! He's under the tree. Chris: John! Do you have apples? Todd: Yes, I have 10 apples! Units 7 and 8 Listening Check 59 Ca Get Ready to Speak DnaB SPEAKING GOAL: Ask Questions to Find Information Questions help you get information. They help you find out about a person, place, or thing Qo Read and listen to the conversation. Underline the question words. ©) ss Speaking Tip Use question words like who, what, or how to find information. ‘I Justin: This is my cousin. Lily: Where does he live? Justin: He lives in Canada. Lily: How old is he? Go Look at €J. What are the questions? Complete the diagram. Questions Answers {1. Who is this? }—> [ This is my cousin. _] -— { He lives in Canada. | { 3. -— { He’s 11 years old. | Phas Speak CG Think about someone in your family. Complete the diagram. Questions Answers ( = | i = | > [ oO Draw the person. Then write about the person. Use your ideas from @. Choose new words, too. This is my He / She He's / She's Look at your partner's picture. Then ask questions about your partner’s picture. What do you find out about the person? MY SPEAKING GOAL eau a Lae) Likes and Dislikes SOCIAL STUDIES MY GOALS UNIT 9 # « Listen to the story Se Teddy Bear and Bird + Listen for likes 3 UNIT 10 + Listen to the passage 2% Pete and Mia + Listen for dislikes * Lil TM Look at the picture. What do you see? __ SPEAK 1. Are the people happy or sad? + Describe likes 2. Where do you go for fun? and dislikes Go Listen to the Fun Fact. Then answer the questions. 1. Is it long or short? Is it fast or slow? 2. Can you ride a roller coaster? Do you like it? Why or why not? ty BC) LRU RPL eed Li Get Ready ee a to Listen Qo Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©) s7 Woe L & bike boat scooter teddy bear G Listen and color. Oss G Listen and write. ©)s9 ile boat 2. 3. 4. Ce) Aner) Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Likes Likes are things people think are good. Listen for likes to know how people feel about things. Q Listen. Then complete the sentences. a0 1. The girl likes the ball, 2. The boy likes to ride on the 3. She likes the GO Listen to the story Teddy Bear and Bird. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. ©)9: xe, Now put the sentences in order. a. They go ona boat. b. Teddy Bear rides a bike. c. Bird flies up. ©. What toys do you like? eed Understand 8 Think about Teddy Bear and Bird. What does Teddy Bear like? Remember! a. the bike Likes tell how people feel about thi b. the scooter a ammne Go Listen to Teddy Bear and Bird again. Choose the correct answer. ©) 92 1. Teddy Bear has a ball /(ba loon). 2. The bike is big/little. 3. The scooter is little / big. 4. The boat is old / fast. 5. Bird gets / doesn’t get the balloon. Ga Listen. Complete each sentence with a key word. Then match. ©)93 1, Isee a blue boat. 2. He rides a 3. Is this your 4. She has anew ok. ae CT eee Lele oO Listen to Teddy Bear and Bird again. What does Teddy Bear like? What does Bird like? Complete the diagram. 1. Teddy Bear likes his new balloon. Teddy Bear }~| 2, Helikes the __ 3. Ilike this ( Bira } 4. She likes the B Look at @. write. Use like or likes. eg He likes __ his new balloon. He the bike. T's fun! i ‘T this boat,’ says She the scooter. Teddy Bear. It's little. MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the story. Tcan listen for likes. ui eee ellie Mare Get Ready «me ‘ers to Listen 8 Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. es carrots mango peach tomato Oo Listen and number. ©)s6 Ga Listen and complete the sentences. “97 1. The carrots _ are on the table. 2. He eats the 3. Idon't have a 4. Where is the Co) Matec ace Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Dislikes Dislikes are things people think are bad. Listen for dislikes to know how people feel about things. Q Listen. Is the picture correct? Choose ¥ or X. Qas He 2. Pete and Mia Go Listen to the passage Pete and Mia. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. @a9 A $ Now choose v or X. 1. Pete and Mia are thirsty. v| & Does Mia like carrots? 2. Mia doesn't like the salad. v) [x] ( i 3. Pete and Mia have mango juice. Vv) [x .. s What foods do you like? What foods don't you like? Understand © Think about Pete and Mia. What doesn’t Mia like? Remember! Choose the correct answer. People sometimes say what they don't like. {_] a. fish b. tomatoes Listen for these words. Go Listen to Pete and Mia again. Choose the correct answer.) 100 1. What is in the salad? {| a. eggs {| b. carrots 2. What does Mia like? {| a. peaches {-] b. pizza 3. How do Pete and Mia feel? {J a. sad {| b. happy Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the key word. tomato 3. 4. Le La LIb. Ca. PCT Uae eo D] Listen to Pete and Mia again. What doesn’t Mia like? Complete the diagram. © 102 B Look at @. Write. Use don’t like or doesn't like. prey I don’t like carrots. She the salad. Mia mangoes. = MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the passage. Ican listen for dislikes. 4 Unit 10 Understand 71 es Listening Check q el 0 Rememenl Listen for likes and dislikes. How do people feel about things? 8 Listen to the story What Do You Like? Choose the correct picture. @ 103 © what do Jake and Ben like? Choose v or X. 1. Jake likes bikes. v7] & 2. Jake likes carrots. [v] x 3. Ben likes peaches. Vv! [x 4. Ben likes chicken. v| |x G What do Jake and Ben nof like? Choose or X. 1. Ben doesn't like scooters. © [x] 2. Jake doesn't like scooters. [vy] 3. Ben doesn't like carrots. YJ 4. Jake doesn't like chicken. v) PPR LC RCM ACCU Re tag oO Listen to What Do You Like? again. Choose the correct answer. ©)i04 1. What do Jake and Ben do? vj) a. play b. read |zes 2. Who has a scooter? a. Jake [| b. Ben cs 3. Who has a bike? (| a. Jake [] b. Ben []e. 4. How do Jake and Ben feel? |_| a. sad |_| b. hungry ic 5. What does Ben’s mom have? T | a. chicken b. sandwiches C ce dance Lee Lee thirsty cake G Listen to What Do You Like? again. Complete the sentences. © 105 Jake and Ben play outdoors. “Tlike my (1)___ scooter _. It's fast!” says Jake. But Ben doesn't like scooters. They're little. Ben likes (2) Jake and Ben are hungry. “Tike (3) /" says Jake. But Ben doesn't like carrots. He likes (4) “Boys!" says Ben's mom. “Do you want chicken?” They like chicken! They go! ELLE Get Ready to Speak q...10 SPEAKING GOAL: Describe Likes and Dislikes Likes are things you feel good about. Dislikes are things you do not like. Qo Read and listen to the conversation. Underline and and but. ©) 106 Speaking Tip Use and and but to talk about likes and dislikes. Karam: I like video games, but I don't like books. What do you like? Beth: I like puppets. Do you like fruit? Karam: Yes, I like mangoes and bananas _ Beth: I like mangoes, but I don't like bananas. © Look at GJ. what do Karam and Beth like? What don’t they like? Complete the diagram. Likes Dislikes Likes Dislikes 1. video games || 4. 5. iz Peet MCMC aso As CeLg Speak Think. What do you like? What don't you like? Complete the diagram. oO Now work with your partner. Write about your likes and dislikes. Use your ideas from (. Choose new words, too. Then draw one like and one dislike. Me: Ilike , but I don’t like | . What do you like? My partner: I like Do you like 7 Me: Yes, Ilike and My partner: [like ’ but I don't like oe ~ Say your conversation with your partner. Talk about your likes and dislikes. MY SPEAKING GOAL eau mt eed ‘o eo MY GOALS My Face UNIT 11 + Listen to the story Tim Tiger and Friends + Listen for characters and names UNIT 12 + Listen to the conversation Funny Face 8 Look at the picture. What do you see? 1, What can the girl do? + Listen for the speaker ‘SPEAK aa 2. Do you do this? Do you like it? + Describea favorite activity Why or why not? Pn Ogee ial @ a FUN FACT cc a Up, Up, Up! 2 v OE Go Listen to the Fun Fact. Then answer — Think, Pair, Share the questions. ©) 107 What do you like to do ©) ©) outdoors? 1. What does the girl use to climb? 2. What can you do with your aa hands and feet? Sea ee mead Let's learn the LY, Get Ready ey words 1 1 to Listen Qo Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. © 10s body head legs teeth Go Listen and color. ©)109 Ga Listen and write. ©) 110 ie legs 3. 4. EMU RCAC rod BS Co) ° Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for Characters and Names Some stories are about people or animals. Listen for names of characters. They tell who is in the story. Listen. Then complete the sentences. 111 1. Harry — isalion. 2. The two hands are 's. 3. The girl's name is WP WwiARwh ba) a akel ial abs et Listen to the story Tim Tiger and Friends. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. 112 Now put the sentences in order. a. Tim Tiger is in the triangle. LJ b. Themouseandthehenhelp. |_| Who are the characters? c. Tim Tiger jumps. i] a ©. Who are your favorite characters from stories? Understand © Think about Tim Tiger and Friends. Who is in the story? : Remember! ira] a. Tim, Peter, and Max Listen for names. Names tell ; a ho the charact [] b. Tim, Max, and Heidi who the characters are Go Listen to Tim Tiger and Friends again. Choose the correct answer. ©)113 . Tim Tiger has a big arm head). . He has long legs / ears. . The mouse has a little / big triangle. . Heidi pulls Tim / Max. . Tim Tiger has little / big teeth. WwFfWwneo Ga Listen. Complete each sentence with a key word. Then match. 114 1, We have two legs, 2. I brush my 3. Ican touch my 4. This is my Rite oO Listen to Tim Tiger and Friends again. What does Tim Tiger have? Complete the table. ©) iis 2. body | | 3. legs | 4. teeth Ge Look at @). Complete the sentences. Use long or big. He has. a big head. He has He has. He has MY LISTENING GOALS Ican listen to the story. Ican listen for characters and names. ae Unit 11 Understand 81 Get Ready “teywords to Listen 8 Listen, point, and say. Write the words in your picture dictionary. ©) 116 re | oi eyes face mouth nose oO Listen and number. ©) 117 CG Listen and complete the sentences. 118 1. My face _ is little and round. 2. Icantouchmy 3. Ihave along 4. This is my POM ee Acree acdc Listen LISTENING GOAL: Listen for the Speaker The speaker is the person talking, There can be many speakers. Names tell who the speakers are. 8 Listen. Are the speakers’ names correct? Choose ¥ or X. @)119 a. Sally 2. (Cora )( Kenny ) 3. ( Julie Go Listen to the conversation Funny Face. What is it about? Choose the correct picture. ©) 120 Now choose v or X. 1, Anna makes a pizza. v &) 2. Mike helps. v| [x 3. They make a face. v\ [x A a} oe 'e What can you make with fruit? Who are the speakers? ities Understand © Think about Funny Face. Who are the speakers? Choose Yes or No. Remember! 1, Anna and Mike Yes No Listen for names. Who speaks? 2. Jacob and Anna Yes No a G Listen to Funny Face again. Choose the correct answer.) 121 1. What does Anna have? |_| a. cherries ¥) b. abanana 2. What does Mike have? a. apples |_| b. cherries 3. What does Anna make? |_| a. anose L_] b. eyes Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the key word. ©) 122 G@ ae S a. Va. LJ b. b. face eee ee in ed Oa b. a. Clb. FSU POL eae) oO Listen to Funny Face again. What can Anna do? What can Mike do? Complete the diagram. ©) 123 What can she do? What can she do? She can make a cake. What can she do? What can she do? MY LISTENING GOALS Unit 12 Understand 85 Listening Check Remember! Listen for characters and names. Who is the story about? Listen for the speaker. Who talks? 0 Listen to the story What Is It? Choose the correct picture. @ 124 Go Who are the characters? Choose ¥ or X. 1. Lucy x 2. Emma [vy] [x 3. Shoma Vie Ss 4. Maya v| |x Ga Listen to What Is It? again. Who is the speaker? Choose the correct answer. ©) 125 1. “Isee something!” Lucy 2. “What is it?” Lucy Maya 3. “It has little teeth!” Maya Shoma 4. “It has short legs!” Shoma Maya ET SARL MPM Sulu ReaCag D Listen to What Is It? again. Choose the correct answer. ©) 126 1. Where are the friends? |_| a. at the park b. by the flowers ¥| c. atthe zoo 2. What does the animal have? [_] a. abig nose _] b. big teeth |] c. long legs 3. What does the animal have? |_| a. round eyes |_| b. blue eyes c. green eyes 4. What is the animal? (_] a. ababy frog [| b. a baby bird {-] c ababy lion 5. What does the animal do? a. Itruns. [_] b. Itjumps. c. Itclimbs. Ge Listen to What Is It? again. Complete the sentences. ©) 127 Lucy, Shoma, and Maya are at the zoo. “Isee something!” says Shoma. “What is it?” asks Lucy. “I don't know.” “Tt has a big (1) nose !"says Maya. “It has little (2) !"says Shoma. “Tt has round (3) I" says Lucy. “It has short (4) "says Maya. It's a baby lion! The lion jumps. Units 11 and 12 Listenii

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