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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
A neurobiological approach to the cognitive
deficits of psychiatric disorders
Amit Etkin, MD, PhD; Anett Gyurak, PhD; Ruth O’Hara, PhD


C ognition refers to a broad range of mental

processes including attention, decision-making, behav-
ioral–, thought– and self–regulation, problem solving,
language, and memory. Dysfunctions in these processes
have wide-ranging correlates and are related to prob-
lems in general adjustment, emotional and social func-
Deficits in brain networks that support cognitive regula- tioning, and well-being. The prefrontal cortex (PFC)
tory functions are prevalent in many psychiatric disorders. has been implicated in this array of functions, with
Findings across neuropsychology and neuroimaging point multiple neural subsystems within the PFC subserving
to broad-based impairments that cross traditional diag- and coordinating different aspects of these processes.
nostic boundaries. These dysfunctions are largely separate Most psychiatric disorders include disruption of some
from the classical symptoms of the disorders, and mani- aspect of cognition. Increasing evidence indicates that
fest in regulatory problems in both traditional cognitive these deficits may predispose individuals to develop-
and emotional domains. As such, they relate to the capac- ing the psychiatric disorder, may be an early marker of
ity of patients to engage effectively in their daily lives and subsequent illness, may help maintain the disorder, and
activity, often persist even in the face of symptomatically may predict the likelihood of recovery. Indeed, cogni-
effective treatment, and are poorly targeted by current tive functioning in some psychiatric disorders predicts
treatments. Advances in cognitive neuroscience now allow long-term illness course independent of symptoms that
us to ground an understanding of these cognitive regu- may be more characteristic or diagnostic of the illness
latory deficits in the function and interaction of key brain (eg, hallucinations in schizophrenia, mood regulatory
networks. This emerging neurobiological understanding problems and rumination in depression). As such, cog-
furthermore points to several promising routes for novel nition and associated neural circuitry is increasingly
neuroscience-informed treatments targeted more specif-
Author affiliations: Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and
ically at improving cognitive function in a range of psy- Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA (Amit Etkin,
chiatric disorders. Anett Gyurak, Ruth O’Hara); Sierra-Pacific Mental Illness Research,
© 2013, AICH – Servier Research Group Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2013;15:419-429. Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC), Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health
Care System, Palo Alto, California, USA (Anett Gyurak)

Keywords: amygdala; anxiety; bipolar; cingulate; default mode; depression; emo- Address for correspondence: Amit Etkin, Stanford University, Department of
tion regulation; executive function; prefrontal; schizophrenia Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 401 Quarry Road, MC: 5797, Stanford, CA
94305-5797, USA

Copyright © 2013 AICH – Servier Research Group. All rights reserved 419
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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
Selected abbreviations and acronyms Neural systems supporting EF and ER
dACC dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Cognitive regulation of behavior and emotions is sup-
EF executive functioning ported by several circuits in the PFC. While the PFC is
ER emotional regulation typically not necessary for the learning or performance
rTMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of simple tasks, when task demands change, the PFC is
vACC ventral anterior cingulate cortex required for proper adjustments in behavior to maintain
VLPFC ventrolateral prefrontal cortex accuracy and goal-directed behavior. This capacity of the
PFC is conserved across mammalian species.3-5 Viewed
recognized as an important target for new treatments this way, the PFC is responsible for maintaining an inter-
in psychiatry. nal representation of current goals and modulating activ-
The most consistently documented cognitive deficits in ity in brain regions responsible for perception or action
psychiatric disorders involve executive functioning in order to flexibly achieve these goals. In order to
(EF). Executive functions, often referred to as cogni- accomplish this, the PFC must be able to maintain a rep-
tive regulatory or executive control systems, include resentation of goals in the face of distraction, update
three broad categories of functions: (i) inhibitory func- these representations as new information is received
tions (the ability to suppress one response in favor of through multiple sensory modalities, and provide a feed-
another); (ii) working memory (the ability to maintain back signal that can select the neural pathways appro-
and manipulate multiple pieces of information at the priate for the current task context.6
same time); and (iii) cognitive flexibility (the ability to Within this broad capacity for EF, several more specific
adjust response or attention quickly in the face of subgroupings of functions are possible, commonly con-
changing demands).1,2 Higher-order EF, such as prob- sidered to be inhibition, working memory, and cognitive
lem solving and planning, typically builds upon a com- flexibility. Nonetheless, any individual task paradigm
bination of these three components. As a regulatory aimed at one of these domains will, to some degree,
capacity, EF is central to a range of normal and abnor- involve one or both of the others. Working memory in
mal behavior particularly relevant for psychiatric ill- particular is a function common to most tests of EF.1,2
ness, and has been suggested to impact psychiatric Consistent with this, neuroimaging studies have identi-
functioning through involvement in, and overlap with, fied a set of regions frequently implicated in EF across
emotional regulation (ER) processes. Indeed, both EF a range of tasks.7,8 Moreover, these regions can be fur-
and ER deficits are pervasive throughout psychiatric ther parcellated into two well-conserved cognitive con-
disorders, to varying degrees of severity and specificity, trol networks—a frontoparietal network containing the
and hence may be of significant transdiagnostic impor- dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) and posterior parietal cor-
tance.There is evidence that the neural circuitry that tices, and a cingulo-opercular network containing the
supports EF and ER is largely overlapping. In this dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), anterior insula,
review we will focus specifically on the contribution of and the anterior PFC (Figure 1A).7,8 In addition to these
circuit abnormalities relevant to EF and ER to psychi- common cognitive control networks, a set of regions
atric disorders. We restrict our focus to patients aged 60 including the inferior frontal gyrus, supplementary
and below to insure that the relationship of cognitive motor area, and subthalamic nucleus have been impli-
deficits to psychiatric disorders is not primarily due to cated in response inhibition specifically.9 Beyond the
age-related changes in cognition. We will begin with an cognitive control networks, the default mode network
overview of the neural systems underlying EF and ER, has also been importantly implicated in EF. This network
followed by a description of how deficits in these sys- is comprised of medial prefrontal, medial, and lateral
tems, or their behavioral output, subserve a range of parietal, and medial temporal regions. Concomitant with
psychiatric disorders. Finally, we will examine the rela- engagement of the frontoparietal and cingulo-opercular
tionship between EF and ER capacities and current network, the default mode network deactivates (Figure
treatments, as well as avenues for novel treatments 1A). Deactivation is associated with a negative blood
through a neurobiological understanding of EF and oxygen level-dependent response on functional mag-
ER. netic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans, and suppression

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of gamma band activity on intracranial recordings.10,11 Implicit ER, on the other hand, has only recently begun
Momentary impairments in this coordination between to be understood at the neurobiological level. We have
activation in the frontoparietal and cingulo-opercular reported on a task wherein subjects spontaneously reg-
networks and deactivation in the default mode network ulate emotional conflict, a salient emotional stimulus,
are associated with lapses in attention and behavioral adaptively from trial to trial. In this task, the ventral
performance.12-14 Conversely, internally oriented menta- anterior cingulate cortex (vACC) regulates emotional
tion, such as self-reflection and autobiographical mem- conflict on a trial-by-trial basis by dampening amygdala
ory, activates the default mode network,10 further sug- activity, but without involvement of activation in EF-
gesting that the balance between the cognitive control related cognitive control networks (Figure 1C).19,20
networks and the default mode network is important for Moreover, activation of the vACC during regulation in
flexible transitioning from an internal focus of attention this task is specific, and not seen during similar regula-
to externally focused attention demanding tasks. tion of nonemotional conflict.19 The causal role of the
Evidence indicates that the above described EF circuitry vACC has been demonstrated in a recent lesion study, in
is also crucially implicated in the regulation of emotions. which subjects with vACC lesions were impaired only in
Emotions themselves are complex, coordinated phenom- the regulation of emotional conflict, but not non-emo-
ena that involve behavioral, cognitive, and physiological tional conflict.21 Thus, ER and EF involve a set of over-
changes, activate action tendencies, and create subjective lapping brain circuits for attention and behavioral
feelings.15 ER includes an array of processes, ranging from adjustment, with ER having additional circuit-level
the deliberate and effortful deployment of cognitive specificity with respect to explicit versus implicit ER.
resources to alter an emotional reaction,15 to the uncued,
spontaneous, use of “automatic” (ie, implicit) processes Perturbations in executive functioning
that occur entirely outside of awareness.16 Consistent with in psychiatric disorders
the fact that explicit ER requires deliberate and effortful
deployment of cognitive resources, neuroimaging studies Schizophrenia, psychosis, and bipolar disorders
have found that it is also associated with activation in the
frontoparietal and cingulo-opercular cognitive control Neuropsychological findings
networks implicated in EF more broadly,17,18 along with
decreased activation in the amygdala (Figure 1B). As While psychosis is a hallmark symptom of schizophrenia
such, understanding and remediating deficits in core com- and dominates its acute clinical presentation, cognitive
ponents of EF has bearing on both EF and explicit ER. dysfunction both predates onset of psychosis and is pre-

EF Explicit ER Implicit ER

Cognitive control networks Default mode Implicit ER-specific

Figure 1. Key regions important for emotion regulation and executive functioning. EF, executive function; ER, emotional regulation; dACC, dorsal
anterior cingulate cortex; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; LPFC lateral prefrontal cortex; vACC ventral anterior cingulate cortex

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
sent in the absence of psychotic symptoms.22 A vast body sion tomography (PET) imaging. A meta-analysis that
of work has found that patients with schizophrenia typ- included all of these studies found that across all of the
ically perform 0.8 to 1.5 standard deviations worse than EF domains tested, patients consistently hypoactivated
control subjects in most neuropsychological tests sub- a set of largely lateral and medial prefrontal regions.32
served by PFC function.23 Impaired capacities include Specifically, patients hypoactivated the DLPFC, ventro-
the domains of EF outlined above, including verbal lateral PFC (VLPFC), dACC, and thalamus (in the
memory, and verbal fluency. Cognitive dysfunction is region of the mediodorsal nucleus). This is consistent
more chronic, predicts poor outcome (including impair- with the failure to engage normal cognitive control cir-
ments in functional capacity), and is not substantially cuitry in the prefrontal cortex. Interestingly, greater acti-
helped by available pharmacotherapies.24,25 Impairments vation was found in patients in a more posterior region
across these domains are found in individuals with pro- of the dACC, along with a portion of the VLPFC, which
dromal psychosis, which worsens further in those who may reflect network inefficiency or efforts to compen-
transition to psychosis.26 These data therefore support a sate for impaired activation of prefrontal cognitive con-
neurodevelopmental view of schizophrenia, such that trol regions. In part, however, whether hypoactivation or
core and pervasive cognitive impairments are present hyperactivation is observed reflects the difficulty of the
early on, long before a clear clinical picture emerges. task. DLPFC activity in healthy subjects, for example,
Moreover, deficits in many of these cognitive domains decreases from its peak as working memory is stressed
are seen in unaffected first-order relatives of patients beyond its maximal capacity.33 In line with the interpre-
with schizophrenia, consistent with a strong genetic con- tation that the DLPFC of schizophrenic patients oper-
tribution to the risk of schizophrenia.27 Further, studies ates less efficiently than that of controls, patients hyper-
of monozygogic and dizygotic twins concordant and dis- activate this region as they strain to keep up at low
cordant for schizophrenia found that additive genetic working memory loads that control subjects can easily
factors were the main source of phenotypic correlations handle, and hypoactivate this region at higher working
between schizophrenia and measures of executive func- memory loads that exceed patients’ working memory
tion.28 Together, these data have led the US Food and capacity, but not that of controls.34
Drug Administration (FDA) to allow approval of med- The network formulation of EF circuitry outlined above
ications aimed at improving specifically the cognitive argues that cognitive impairments may arise because of
symptoms in schizophrenia, separate to psychotic and failure to activate prefrontal cognitive control networks,
other symptoms. failure to deactivate the default mode network, or abnor-
Recent work has also implicated a similar range of cog- malities in the interaction between prefrontal cognitive
nitive deficits in other disorders that include psychosis. control networks and the default mode network. In line
Even when euthymic, patients with bipolar disorder with this prediction, patients with schizophrenia also dis-
show cognitive impairments relative to healthy controls play a failure to suppress activity in the default mode net-
with medium to large effect sizes, especially within EF.29 work with cognitively engaging tasks.35 This default mode
As in schizophrenia, their first-degree relatives also have deficit is also seen even after controlling for task diffi-
impairments in EF, albeit with small to medium effect culty or performance impairment.36 The reciprocal rela-
sizes.29 Similarly, cognitive impairments in bipolar disor- tionship between prefrontal cognitive control networks
der correlate with poor functional capacity.30 More and the default mode network is also perturbed in schiz-
broadly within the category of affective disorders, ophrenia.37 As with the neuropsychological data, abnor-
patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) who malities in activation of cognitive control networks, deac-
have psychotic symptoms are also cognitively impaired tivation of the default mode network, and interactions
to a similar degree to bipolar patients.31 between these two networks are all perturbed in unaf-
fected first-degree relatives of patients with schizophre-
Neuroimaging findings nia.36,38,39 These impairments in network activation, con-
nectivity, and interactions may furthermore be related to
Consistent with the neuropsychological literature, imag- disruptions in glutamatergic signaling implicated in schiz-
ing studies of schizophrenia have used a variety of tasks ophrenia, specifically through activity at the N-methyl-
that probe elements of EF with fMRI or positron emis- D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Blockade of the NMDA

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receptor in healthy subjects using ketamine results in demonstrates a similarly broad EF deficit in PTSD to
decreased cognitive control network activation, blunted that in MDD, including inhibition, sustained attention,
default mode network activation, reductions in the reci- working memory, and task shifting.47,48 These deficits are
procal connectivity relationship between these regions, particularly notable when reaction times are measured
and impairment in working memory task performance.40 for relatively simple tasks done under time pressure (eg,
Imaging studies of EF in bipolar patients have yielded shifting impairments in the Trail-Making Test but there
broadly similar results as observed in schizophrenia. are fewer impairments in the Wisconsin card-sort test).
During a working memory task, depressed bipolar One important potential confounding factor for this
patients fail to activate the DLPFC and deactivate the work, however, is the high rate of MDD comorbidity
medial PFC (mPFC) component of the default mode with PTSD. In one meta-analysis, presence of comorbid
network.41 In another study of euthymic, manic, and depression significantly moderated the magnitude of
depressed bipolar patients, DLPFC hypoactivation was PTSD deficits in sustained attention, working memory,
observed in all patient groups.42 Bipolar patients also and attentional shifting.48 Given the high prevalence of
show generally similar disruptions in reciprocal connec- comorbidity amongst mood and anxiety disorders, it is
tivity between the default mode network and cognitive unclear whether the common incidence of depressive
control networks as patients with schizophrenia.37 symptoms—which also comprise some of the diagnostic
Disruptions in more anterior lateral prefrontal regions criteria for PTSD—indicates the presence of a separate
have also been observed during working memory in depression-related psychopathological process or if this
unaffected first-degree relatives of bipolar patients.43,44 is simply one type of clinical presentation for individu-
als with trauma-triggered psychopathology.
Depression and anxiety disorders Outside of PTSD, limited neuropsychological assessment
data are available on social anxiety disorder, in which
Neuropsychological findings the subtle deficits that have been observed in cognition
appear to be at least partially related to elevated situa-
Of the affective disorders, MDD has been best studied tional anxiety.49 In obsessive-compulsive disorder
with respect to neuropsychological measures of cogni- (OCD), deficits have been observed in shifting tasks,
tion. Indeed, so pervasive are the presence of EF in which have been attributed to greater perseverative
MDD, that they are considered a core symptom. Deficits errors, consistent with a view of OCD as involving an
in a range of EFs have been found in MDD with small overly rigid pattern of cognition.50,51 Reports of other EF
to large effect sizes, depending on the test or component deficits in OCD have been conflicting or inconsistently
of EF under investigation.45 In particular, measures of observed. For generalized anxiety disorder and panic
inhibition, sustained attention, working memory, and disorder, studies are limited and findings mixed.
task shifting are all impacted, suggesting that there is a However, some investigations indicate that individuals
broad disruption in EF. In a recent large meta-analysis with anxiety comorbid with another psychiatric disorder
of these studies, the authors failed to find an effect of are more likely to have executive function deficits than
current symptoms (ie, symptomatic versus remitted those without comorbid anxiety.52
patients) on many aspects of EF task performance,45 sug-
gesting that many of these impairments persist beyond Neuroimaging findings
the current mood episode, much as noted in bipolar dis-
order. Much as with schizophrenia, individual studies have
Components of EF function are also implicated in anx- reported both hypoactivation and hyperactivation of pre-
iety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder frontal cognitive control regions in depression, compared
(PTSD). Popular models of PTSD center around impair- with healthy controls.53 This disparity between findings
ments in the learning and extinction of fear-based mem- across studies, however, can also be seen in light of these
ories.46 In part due to this view, cognitive functioning has networks functioning inefficiently, whereby depressed
not been as well studied in PTSD relative to MDD, patients need to recruit these regions more during less
though PTSD has nonetheless been better studied than challenging task conditions, and thus are unable to suffi-
other anxiety disorders. Available evidence, however, ciently increase their activation to cope with more chal-

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
lenging task conditions. Though few direct comparisons ders, in which biased emotional processing has been
have been made between patients with depression and well-documented (especially in terms of biases towards
those with schizophrenia, DLPFC inefficiency may be negative stimuli),62 these network impairments may con-
greater in schizophrenia than depression.54,55 tribute to both cognitive dysfunction and perseverative
Depressed patients also fail to deactivate the default emotion-related cognition such as rumination.63 That is,
mode network,56 which is also related to local glutamate impaired ability to engage EF and disengage from an
concentrations.57 Perturbations have also been observed internally focused default mode-dominated state, cou-
in the reciprocal relationship between prefrontal cogni- pled with a bias to remember and attend to negative
tive control networks and the default mode network, stimuli, may maintain inwardly oriented negative cogni-
with the greatest abnormalities found in the most rumi- tion in conditions such as depression and PTSD.
native patients.58 In PTSD, most imaging studies have Overall, dysfunction in EF and the neurocircuits sub-
examined symptom provocation as well as other nega- serving these cognitive control processes, may represent
tive emotional processing tasks,59 with only a handful a potential core endophenotype of severe mental ill-
employing conventional tests of EF. Nonetheless, pre- nesses across traditional diagnostic categories. In light of
liminary evidence implicates abnormalities in cognitive the relationship between cognitive dysfunction and
control network activation during working memory in worse functional capacity in various disorders, the sever-
PTSD.60 More recently, we have found evidence of ity of trans-diagnostic real-world functional impairment
impaired default mode connectivity and deactivation in may be the primary symptomatic expression of the
PTSD.61 Importantly, for both connectivity and deacti- severity of the disturbance in cognition.
vation, these deficits were specific for PTSD relative to
both healthy controls and patients with generalized anx- Perturbations in emotion regulation
iety disorder (who had similar levels of general anxiety in psychiatric disorders
and depression symptoms but not due to trauma).
Given the close relationship between circuitry important
Summary and integration for EF and ER, the expectation is that in those patients
in whom there is a deficit in EF, there will also be a
Cognitive dysfunction, and in particular impairments in deficit in ER. Moreover, even for those patients in whom
EF, can be found across a wide range of psychiatric dis- the EF deficit is more subtle, the combination of a mild
orders. The greatest severity of impairment appears to EF deficit with robust emotional capture of attention
be in chronic psychosis, but can nonetheless be seen in could result in an ER deficit due to heightened reactiv-
nonpsychotic mood and anxiety disorders. Moreover, ity. However, unlike for EF, there are no well-validated
these impairments largely persist into periods with neuropsychological assessments of ER, and hence the
reduced or absent expression of disorder-related symp- literature developed on ER focuses on neuroimaging.
toms, and are also largely not normalized by current
antidepressant, mood-stabilizing, or antipsychotic med- Schizophrenia, psychosis, and bipolar disorders
The imaging findings from studies of EF across psychotic Though the emotion regulation literature has focused
and affective disorders mirror the neuropsychological primarily on affective disorders, one study of patients
findings, wherein broadly similar abnormalities were with schizophrenia found that they failed to activate a
observed across symptomatically disparate disorders. VLPFC region implicated in explicit ER during efforts
Specifically, deficits were observed in activation of cog- to downregulate negative emotion, and failed to show
nitive control networks, deactivation of the default mode the expected reciprocal amygdala-prefrontal relation-
network, and in the reciprocal interaction between these ship.64 Interestingly, in the same study, patients with bipo-
two brain systems, all of which may contribute to cogni- lar disorder hyperactivated the same region (half were
tive dysfunction. In psychosis, where these impairments euthymic and half hypomanic). The authors interpreted
appear to be greatest, and where there is less evidence this as suggesting a deficit in engagement of cognitive
for biased emotional processing, they may be expressed control over emotion in schizophrenia, and inefficiency
primarily as severe cognitive deficits. In affective disor- of this circuitry, once engaged, in bipolar disorder. One

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additional factor that may account for different ER in both explicit and implicit ER that cross traditional
abnormalities in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is diagnostic boundaries. It may be, however, that the cause
that bipolar patients generally overengage emotional of these abnormalities differ across disorder, with a pri-
systems in response to facial expression stimuli, while mary deficit in EF and disruption of normal pathways
schizophrenics underengage these systems.65 Another for emotion processing accounting for ER abnormalities
study of only euthymic bipolar patients, however, found in schizophrenia, and more subtle EF deficits together
underactivation of the DLPFC, VLPFC, mPFC, and with heightened emotional capture in affective disorders
ACC during downregulation of negative emotion.66 accounting for ER abnormalities in those conditions.

Depression and anxiety disorders Towards future interventions targeting EF

and ER dysfunction
Studies in affective disorders have also shown relatively
similar deficits in explicit ER across disorders. Available evidence suggests that EF and ER abnormali-
Depressed patients generally activated cognitive control ties persist during euthymic states, are seen during periods
circuitry the same as, or more than, controls during of lower expression of psychotic symptoms, and are not
explicit downregulation of negative emotion, but either normalized, even when symptoms have remitted with
did not show amygdala decreases,67,68 did not show the treatment. As such, EF and ER represent a broad domain
expected reciprocal amygdala-prefrontal relationship of dysfunction in psychiatric illness that is unaddressed by
during regulation,69 or were unable to sustain those current treatments. This pressing clinical and scientific
decreases.70 In remitted depressed patients, DLPFC need has motivated efforts to identify potential novel cog-
hypoactivation could be seen during explicit downregu- nitive enhancers in schizophrenia, including Measurement
lation of negative emotion, suggesting that ER deficits and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in
may also be a trait marker in depression.71 Though fewer Schizophrenia (MATRICS), Treatment Units for Research
studies of explicit ER have been conducted in anxiety on Neurocognition and Schizophrenia (TURNS), and
disorder patients, during downregulation of negative other related approaches. What is notable about
emotion these have found DLPFC and mPFC hypoacti- MATRICS is that it was conceived as a process that would
vation in PTSD,72 generalized anxiety disorder,73 social also involve changing expectations at the FDA to allow as
anxiety disorder,74 and panic disorder.73 a primary indication the improvement in cognition, even
Implicit ER has only very recently been investigated in the absence of effects on other symptoms of the disor-
with neuroimaging, and its parameters are only now der. Potential compounds emerging from this and related
being fleshed out.16 Using the emotional conflict task work target glutamatergic transmission, nicotinic acetyl-
described above, we found that patients with generalized choline receptors, and selective dopaminergic agents.
anxiety disorder or major depression all failed to acti- Another emerging trend involves brain training
vate the ventral ACC and failed to dampen the amyg- approaches. Having already identified the neural circuits
dala.75 Consistent with this finding, patients with PTSD important for EF and ER, as well as demonstrated
(but not patients with social anxiety or specific phobia) abnormalities in these circuits across multiple psychiatric
hypoactivated the ventral ACC and hyperactivated the disorders, it may be possible to strengthen the function-
amygdala during symptom provocation and negative ing of these neural circuits by repeatedly doing adaptive
emotional processing.59 During fear extinction, a process versions of the tasks that normally engage them. In other
that also involves ventromedial PFC activation, patients words, deficits in working memory may be ameliorated
with PTSD, schizophrenia and OCD all similarly failed through a challenging course of working memory train-
to activate the ventromedial PFC.76-78 ing. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that
this once-controversial proposition may be possible, at
Summary and integration least in certain contexts. Moreover, adult brains, even
those dysfunctional because of mental illness, still retain
Despite a bias in the study of ER towards affective dis- a surprising degree of plasticity.79-81
orders and the relatively early stage of this literature, the Brain training has been most extensively investigated in
available neuroimaging evidence suggests abnormalities schizophrenia, where it derives from a tradition of cogni-

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
tive remediation research and psychosocial rehabilitation. Despite this, relatively little is understood about the
In schizophrenia, evidence shows that brain training mechanism of rTMS. One recent resting-state fMRI
alone, aimed at EF and basic sensory discrimination and study examined connectivity patterns of sites within the
gating, can yield beneficial effects on tests of EF and in DLPFC that are in clinical studies associated with bet-
terms of daily functioning.82 Very early evidence points to ter or worse clinical outcome.88 They found that the sites
promise for EF-focused brain training in depression as associated with the best clinical outcome were also those
well.83 Within the affective disorder spectrum, additional for which the reciprocal relationship was strongest with
benefit may be gained through brain training methods the default mode network. We have recently used con-
that diminish negative biases. There is already evidence in current TMS and fMRI89 to examine the effects of tran-
anxiety disorders that training subjects to avert their sient activation of DLPFC subregions with single exci-
attention from threat stimuli may modify their attentional tatory TMS pulses, as well as inhibition of each of these
bias and diminish symptoms.84,85 Thus, an optimal brain subregions with trains of low-frequency rTMS. We found
training approach for affective disorders may target both that targeting a region in the posterior DLPFC, typically
the EF abnormalities identified in these disorders and associated with the fronto-parietal network, causally
emotional reactivity, which together may improve their inhibits in particular the mPFC component of the
capacity for ER. More generally, computer-based brain default mode network.90 By contrast, an anterior DLPFC
training interventions have the advantage that they can regions typically associated with the cingulo-opercular
be readily standardized and well controlled in random- network fails to do so. Taken together, these data suggest
ized trials, do not require involvement of a therapist or that improvements in cognition may be possible with
even particular treatment expertise in the provider, and rTMS, and that targeting rTMS based on an under-
can be readily disseminated. Much more work, however, standing of how specific cortical targets causally modu-
will be needed to optimize this training approach (eg, late key cognitive control and default mode network cir-
dose, duration, type of stimuli, ideal target populations) cuitry, such as through concurrent TMS/fMRI, may allow
from where it currently is. optimization and personalization of rTMS treatment.
Finally, and in line with the concepts driving brain train-
ing, it may be possible to selectively target EF- and ER- Conclusion
related circuitry using brain stimulation. Transcranial
magnetic stimulation (TMS), for example, can be used The importance of abnormalities in EF and ER is clear
to activate local superficial cortical sites, and their inter- across a broad range of psychiatric disorders, suggesting
connected network partners, and when applied repeti- that they represent core and related endophenotypes of
tively (rTMS) produces plastic circuit changes. rTMS severe mental illnesses. The findings reviewed here
directed at the DLPFC has been used for over two demonstrate that a clearer neurobiological understand-
decades for the treatment of MDD, for which it received ing of these disruptions in both EF and ER is beginning
FDA approval in 2008. Left high-frequency DLPFC to emerge, and that this understanding has already led to
rTMS also appears to improve cognitive functioning pri- promising avenues for remediation of these deficits. ❏
marily in studies of depression,86 and bilateral DLPFC
rTMS improves working memory in schizophrenia.87

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Neurobiology of cognition in psychiatric disorders - Etkin et al Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 15 . No. 4 . 2013

Una aproximación neurobiológica al déficit Une approche neurobiologique des déficits

cognitivo de los trastornos psiquiátricos cognitifs des troubles psychiatriques

Los déficits en las redes cerebrales que dan soporte Les déficits des réseaux cérébraux à la base des
a las funciones de regulación cognitiva son fre- fonctions régulatrices cognitives sont prévalents
cuentes en muchos trastornos psiquiátricos. Los dans de nombreux troubles psychiatriques. Les don-
hallazgos de la neuropsicología y de las neuroimá- nées de neuropsychologie et de neuro-imagerie
genes apuntan a grandes deterioros que cruzan las mettent en évidence des atteintes importantes qui
fronteras de los diagnósticos tradicionales. Estas dépassent les frontières diagnostiques tradition-
disfunciones son en gran medida independientes nelles. Ces atteintes sont bien séparées des symp-
de los síntomas clásicos de los trastornos y se expre- tômes classiques des troubles psychiatriques ; ce
san en problemas de regulación de las áreas cog- sont des problèmes de régulation dans les
nitiva y emocional. Es así como ellas se relacionan domaines émotionnel et cognitif traditionnels. À ce
con la capacidad de los pacientes de participar titre, ces troubles se reflètent dans l’aptitude des
efectivamente en la vida y en la actividad coti- patients à participer efficacement à leurs activités
diana, y a menudo persisten a pesar de los trata- et à leur vie quotidiennes ; ils persistent souvent
mientos sintomáticos efectivos y están mal abor- malgré un traitement efficace sur les symptômes et
dadas por los tratamientos actuales. Los avances en sont mal pris en charge par les traitements actuels.
las neurociencias cognitivas nos permiten aterrizar Les progrès des neurosciences cognitives nous per-
una comprensión de estos déficits de regulación mettent maintenant de comprendre comment ces
cognitiva en la función e interacción de las princi- déficits de la régulation cognitive trouvent leur ori-
pales redes cerebrales. Esta comprensión neuro- gine dans la fonction et l’interaction de réseaux
biológica emergente además señala algunas rutas cérébraux clés. Cette compréhension neurobiolo-
promisorias para nuevos tratamientos en base a las gique récente ouvre plusieurs voies prometteuses
neurociencias, orientados más específicamente a pour de nouveaux traitements basés sur les neu-
mejorar la función cognitiva en varios trastornos rosciences et s’intéressant plus particulièrement à
psiquiátricos. l’amélioration de la fonction cognitive dans de
nombreux troubles mentaux.

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