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SEMESTER 2 2023/2024


MATRIC NO. 212505






DATE 24th MAY 2024


One of the most important metrics for figuring out how unsaturated fats, oils, and other
lipids are is the iodine value (IV). Its definition is the quantity of iodine grams that react with
100 grams of the material. One well-known and frequently used approach for this kind of
analysis is the Wijs method, which is as simple as adding iodine monochloride (ICl) to the
sample and letting it react with the double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids.The iodine value
sheds light on the chemical makeup and quality of fats and oils, affecting things like stability,
shelf life, and suitability for different industrial uses. Higher degrees of unsaturation are
indicated by high iodine readings, and this is generally correlated with increased reactivity and
oxidation susceptibility. Low iodine levels, on the other hand, are indicative of a higher
percentage of saturated fats, which are less oxidative but more stable.

The Wijs method is based on the addition of iodine monochloride (ICl) to the sample in
an acetic acid solution. The iodine reacts with the double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids to
form diiodo compounds. After a specific reaction period, the unreacted iodine monochloride is
quantified by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution, using starch as an indicator. The amount
of iodine absorbed by the sample is then used to calculate the iodine value.


1. To determine the iodine value of palm oil

2. To calculate the iodine value of palm oil

Type of oils Volume of sodium thiosulphate (ml) Average

mass of
1 2 3 Average Blank sample (g)

Coconut oil 22.4 24.9 20.7 22.7 31.5 1.007

Palm oil 24.4 21.2 18.7 21.4 25.6 0.432

Crude oil 21.8 19.1 18.6 19.8 26.4 0.408

Olive oil 9.5 10.0 9.5 9.7 10.0 0.312

Soybean oil 18.5 15.5 15.8 16.6 21.0 0.155

Carotene 19.5 20.1 20.0 19.9 21.4 0.154


The reasons why we need to warm the sample lightly include increasing the reaction
rate.The pace at which iodine monochloride and the unsaturated bonds in the lipids react can be
accelerated by warming the sample. This guarantees that the response is finished in the allotted
amount of time. Results that are reliable and consistent can be achieved with a consistent
temperature. Then, to ensure a complete dissolution at room temperature, fats and oils can be
solid or semi-solid, particularly if a large percentage of saturated fatty acids are present. For an
accurate measurement and reaction with iodine monochloride, the sample must be fully melted
and uniformly liquid, which can be achieved by gently warming it. Iodine monochloride can only
react uniformly with all of the unsaturated bonds in the sample if there is complete dissolution.

The role of chloroform is to dissolve the sample.Regardless of the level of saturation,

chloroform is a great solvent for fats and oils. In order for the iodine monochloride to react
equally with all of the unsaturated bonds in the sample, it helps to completely dissolve the lipid
sample. This is especially crucial as precise and repeatable outcomes depend on a homogenous
solution.Then, an ideal reaction media for the smooth addition of iodine is provided by
chloroform. It preserves the circumstances required for the successful interaction of iodine
monochloride with the unsaturated sites in fatty acids, which results in the creation of diiodo

The sample needs to be stored in a dark place for an hour because when exposed to light,
iodine monochloride (ICl) might break down due to its sensitivity to it. Iodine monochloride can
dissociate into iodine (I₃) and chlorine (Cl₂) when exposed to light, which could affect how
accurately the iodine value is determined. This photodecomposition can be avoided by storing
the sample in the dark, which keeps the reagent whole and ready to react with the unsaturated
bonds in the lipid sample.The reaction between unsaturated fatty acid double bonds and iodine
monochloride is not immediate as it takes time to reach its full potential. It is essential to ensure
the reaction has enough time to completely react with all accessible unsaturated sites by keeping
the sample in the dark for an hour.
The iodine value (IV) indicates the degree of unsaturation in the fat or oil. A high level of
unsaturation in the fat or oil is indicated by a high iodine value. This indicates that the fatty acid
chains include a large number of double bonds. High iodine fats and oils are those high in
polyunsaturated fatty acids.Higher iodine levels are found in oils high in polyunsaturated fatty
acids, such as linoleic and linolenic acids. Sunflower oil, soybean oil, and flaxseed oil are a few
examples.Meanwhile a lower levels of unsaturation in fat or oil translate into fewer double bonds
when the iodine value is low. Low iodine fats and oils are usually high in saturated fatty
acids.Iodine levels will be decreased in oils that are heavy in saturated fatty acids, such as stearic
and palmitic acids. Coconut oil, palm oil, and animal fats like lard and butter are a few examples.

The error that might occur during the experiment includes the incomplete dissolution as
the reaction between iodine and the unsaturated bonds will be incomplete. Then,the exposure of
the light can cause its decomposition which affects the accuracy of the reaction.The precaution
that can take on this experiment is to ensure the sample is fully dissolved by gently warming if
necessary and using a solvent such as chloroform.Then, keep the reaction mixture in a dark place
to prevent photodecomposition of iodine monochloride.

The best sample for making soap is olive oil because it is rich with oleic acid.This makes
it fantastic for light cleaning and moisturizing. The resulting soap is gentle and
skin-conditioning.A stable lather and a hard bar of soap are produced by it. It works
exceptionally well in high percentages on skin that is sensitive.Drying oils are made of oils that
go through a chemical process called polymerization in the presence of air, forming an elastic,
solid film. They are useful in applications like oil paints and varnishes because of this
characteristic. Drying oils are primarily characterized by a high concentration of polyunsaturated
fatty acids, which aid in the polymerization process.Soybean oil is a semi-drying oil. It has a
higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to palm oil and olive oil but is not as
effective as the best drying oils.It can be used but is not ideal. It may require additional
processing or blending with better drying oils.


The iodine value of palm oil was determined and calculated which is 12.338.


Determination of the iodine value of fats and oils1. (n.d.-a).

Iodine number (Wijs method). (n.d.-b).

Iodine value. Iodine Value - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.).

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