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Productive Communication in English

Alumno Carlos David Campos Narciso
PTB en Contabilidad

Essay on interests about video games and watching movies

In my personal opinion, video games are an excellent way to develop cognitive and
strategic skills. From an early age, video games can help improve hand-eye
coordination, problem solving and the ability to make quick decisions. In addition,
many modern games have complex stories and deep characters, which seems to
support the idea that video games can be an advanced form of interactive
narrative. For example, games like "The Last of Us" not only offer action and
adventure, but also present moving stories and well-developed characters that
leave a lasting impression on players.

On the other hand, watching movies also has its own set of benefits. In my
personal opinion, movies are a window to different worlds and experiences that
would otherwise be inaccessible. Through cinema, people can explore different
cultures, historical epochs and perspectives. This not only enriches your
knowledge, but can also increase your empathy and understanding towards others.
In addition, watching movies can be a social activity that strengthens personal
relationships. Going to the movies with friends or family, and then discussing the
movie, can be a great way to connect and share opinions.

In conclusion, I think that both video games and movies are valuable interests that
can offer multiple benefits to those who enjoy them. Not only do they provide
entertainment, but they also encourage the development of cognitive, social and
emotional skills. In addition, these interests usually evolve over time, influencing
each other and enriching each other. Therefore, it seems to support the idea that
these hobbies are not only forms of leisure, but also important tools for personal
growth and continuous learning.

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