Khánh Hòa 20-21

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Part 1.

Summarise in your own words as far as possible the possible consequences described
in both texts of new developments in the creation and use of artificial smells. Your summary
should be between 100 and 120 words long.
A Some years ago, a book was published called The Romantic Story of Scent. On the jacket,
it said that since it was almost impossible to describe a fragrance in words, the readers had
been given the scents themselves. Eighteen labels on the jacket flaps corresponded to the
eighteen scents described – just scratch and sniff. Personally, I think the resultant conflict of
odours was likely to be unbearable.
It is all very well saying that this sort of thing will be limited to cookery books,
encyclopaedias of wild flowers and the like, but sooner or later some clown will commission
a history of those hot dog stands that infest London, the stench from which is detectable a
hundred metres away.
I believe that some theatrical and film producers, in a misguided attempt to add realism to
the work on offer, have tried pumping the appropriate artificial smells into the auditorium, as
called for by the story, only to find their plan going badly awry. In one case, they had failed to
devise any means of removing each smell from the place before the next one was due, so that
as the heroine was unwrapping an exquisite flower, the audience was still being regaled with
the fish that had been consumed in the previous scene.
B Smell has the ability to bring alive memories and images more intensely than other senses,
but nowadays most scents owe more to science and computers than to the mystique of the
finest perfume houses. One new company sees itself as translating ideas and concepts into
smells. Many thousands of people have been interviewed to help the company get as close as
possible to what its customers want.
The problem is that it’s difficult to talk about smells in a way that will mean anything to the
man or woman in the street because most people are unable to communicate their feelings
about smells beyond whether they like them or not. In an attempt to get round this
inadequacy, the company has developed a computer program which makes visual the scent
patterns of individual fragrances.
As a result, the company can measure and recreate any smell in the world. No smells are
ruled out. Some smells like vanilla, chocolate and toffee were once considered bizarre
perfumes, but have now become mainstream. For most people, though, the latest perfumes
emerging from the most fashionable designers may prove a challenge too far: they include
‘mud’ and ‘charcoal’.

Part 2. The graphs below provide information about the sales in England of three different
kinds of music. The graphs together cover five decades and the sales are measured in pounds
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant. You should write about 150 words.

The graphs delineate trading of three distinct types of music (pop, classical, rock) in England
over a five decades period. The measure unit is pounds sterling.
Overall, there was an upward trend in the market of rock music, as opposed to that of
classical and pop music. Despite its descending pattern, pop music still remained the most
popular type of music.
A closer look into the bar chart reveals that pop music brought about more than 4 million of
profit, compared to about 2 and 3 million recorded in classical and rock markets. Although
pop and rock were still the best-selling genres of music in England, their figures dropped
minimally to approximately 4 and 3.5 million despite mild waves during the next four years,
with classical music ranging from 1-2 million.
In contrast, classical music was the most popular type of music in the 1960s. Exactly 4
million euros were spent during the decade. The markets for the two other genres of music
were fairly the same, with no less than 2.5 million worth of profit. The next thirty years,
nevertheless, witnessed a downward trend in the sale of classical music, plummeted at about
2 million, halved that of its initial value. In opposition to this collapse, Rock music witnessed
an ascending trend in its commercial value, almost doubled its worth in 1990s, peaking at
exactly 5 million euros. Likewise, the economical value of pop music rose to amount 4.5
million in the 1980s before stabilizing at approximately 3.5 million euros by the end of the
shown period.

Part 3. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic.

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the
only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?
Environmental problems have become a controversial debate among the public in the recent
decades. Many individuals argue that waste from homes is not efficiently recycled and the
only possible solution to this crisis lies in governmental efforts to impose a legal obligation to
recycle. In this essay, I will elaborate on the reasons why I partly agree with this standpoint.
To commence with, implementing legal constraints certainly provides aid to the recycling of
wastes. Governments can impose strict law forcing householders to separate trashes into
respective bins. In this respect, failures to adhere this rule will lead to punishments, ranging
from a small fine or even prison sentences for repeated law violations. These measures can
act as a deterrent and encourage people to obey the law, thus facilitating a waste-free
environment and securing clean, beautiful surroundings.
However, I believe that the rather than introducing laws only, governments can also focus on
the education of minds. This is proved to be more effective than punishments in reducing
pollution in the long run. For example, children can be taught about recycling in schools,
while homeowners can learn about the debilitating effects of household wastes through
environmental campaigns or news and articles. As a result, they may reflect on their own
actions and thereby, be more active in recycling wastes and environment-related activities.
Moreover, governments can also implement severe regulations for companies that produce
packaging for household products. Corporations can designate packages to be more reusable
or reduce the number of boxes, hence encouraging costumers to recycle and ultimately
protect the environment. Furthermore, funds also can be spent on improving recycling
infrastructures and systems. In this way, waste can be processed more efficiently, regardless
of whether or not people have categorized it correctly, not to mention the saved fuels and
In conclusion, although I agree that introducing legal obligation for households to recycle
discarded items is an effective method to protect the environment, I uphold the view that
there are still various ways to persuade individuals to dispose their wastes more responsibly.

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