Koolhaas GenericCity

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1. Introduction 1.

1 Is the contemporary city like the contemporary airport—"all the a zone of potential value—a kind of pre-historical condition that might finally be worthy
same"? Is it possible to theorize this convergence? And if so, to what ultimate configu- of architectural attention—is only a disguised insistence on the priority of and dependency
ration is it aspiring? Convergence is possible only at the price of shedding identity. That on the center: without center, no periphery; the interest of the first presumably compen-
is usually seen as a loss. But at the scale at which it occurs, it must mean something. What sates for the emptiness of the latter. Conceptually orphaned, the condition of the periph-
are the disadvantages of identity, and conversely, what are the advantages of blankness? ery is made worse by the fact that its mother is still alive, stealing the show, emphasiz-
What if this seemingly accidental—and usually regretted—homogenization were an ing its offspring's inadequacies. The last vibes emanating from the exhausted center
intentional process, a conscious movement away from difference toward similarity? preclude the reading of the periphery as a critical mass. Not only is the center by defin-
What if we are witnessing a global liberation movement: "down with character!" What ition too small to perform its assigned obligations, it is also no longer the real center but
is left after identity is stripped? The Generic? 1,2 To the extent that identity is derived an overblown mirage on its way to implosion; yet its illusory presence denies the rest
from physical substance, from the historical, from context, from the real, we somehow of the city its legitimacy. {Manhattan denigrates as "bridge-and-tunnel people" those who
cannot imagine that anything contemporary—made by us—contributes to it. But the fact need infrastructural support to enter the city, and makes them pay for it.) The persistence
that human growth is exponential implies that the past will at some point become too of the present concentric obsession makes us all bridge-and-tunnel people, second-class
"small" to be inhabited and shared by those alive. We ourselves exhaust it. To the extent citizens in our own civilization, disenfranchised by the dumb coincidence of our collec-
thathistory finds its deposit in architecture, presenthuman quantities will inevitably burst tive exile from the center. 1,5 In our concentric programming (author spent part of his
and deplete previous substance. Identity conceived as this form of sharing the past is youth in Amsterdam, city of ultimate centrality) the insistence on the center as the core
a losing proposition: not only is there—in a stable model of continuous population expan- of value and meaning, font of all significance, is doubly destructive—not only is the ever-
sion— proportionally less and less to share, but history also has an invidious half-life— increasing volume of dependencies an ultimately intolerable strain, it also means that the
as it is more abused, it becomes less significant—to the point where its diminishing hand- center has to be constantly maintained, i.e., modernized. As "the most important place,"
outs become insulting. This thinning is exacerbated by the constantly increasing mass of it paradoxically has to be, at the same time, the most old and the most new, the most fixed
tourists, an avalanche that, in a perpetual quest for "character," grinds successful identities and the most dynamic; it undergoes the most intense and constant adaptation, which is
down to meaningless dust. 1,3 Identity is like a mousetrap in which more and more then compromised and complicated by the fact that it has to be an unacknowledged trans-
mice have to share the original bait, and which, on closer inspection, may have been formation, invisible to the naked eye. (The city of Zurich has found the most radical,
empty for centuries. The stronger identity, the more it imprisons, the more it resists expan- expensive solution in reverting to a kind of reverse archaeology: layer after layer of new
sion, interpretation, renewal, contradiction. Identity becomes like a lighthouse—fixed, modernities—shopping centers, parking, banks, vaults, laboratories—are constructed
overdetermined: it can change its position or the pattern it emits only at the cost of de- underneath the center. The center no longer expands outward or skyward, but inward
stabilizing navigation. (Paris can only become more Parisian—it is already on its way to toward the center of the earth itself.) From the grafting of more or less discreet traffic
becoming hyper-Paris, a polished caricature. There are exceptions: London—its only arteries, bypasses, underground tunnels, the construction of ever more tangentiales,
identity a lack of clear identity—is perpetually becoming even less London, more open, to the routine transformation of housing into offices, warehouses into lofts, abandoned
less static.) 1,4 Identity centralizes; it insists on an essence, a point. Its tragedy is given churches into nightclubs, from the serial bankruptcies and subsequent reopenings of
in simple geometric terms. As the sphere of influence expands, the area characterized specific units in more and more expensive shopping precincts to the relentless conver-
by the center becomes larger and larger, hopelessly diluting both the strength and the sion of utilitarian space into "public" space, pedestrianization, the creation of new parks,
authority of the core; inevitably the distance between center and circumference increases planting, bridging, exposing, the systematic restoring of historic mediocrity, all authen-
to the breaking point In this perspective, the recent, belated discovery of the periphery as ticity is relentlessly evacuated. 1.6 The Generic City is the city liberated from the
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captivity of center, from the straitjacket of identity. The Generic City breaks with this of the Generic City is an eerie calm: the calmer it is, the more it approximates the pure
destructive cycle of dependency: it is nothing but a reflection of present need and present state. The Generic City addresses the "evils" that were ascribed to the traditional city
ability. It is the city without history. It is big enough for everybody. It is easy. It does not before our love for it became unconditional. The serenity of the Generic City is achieved
need maintenance. If it gets too small it just expands. If it gets old it just self-destructs by the evacuation of the public realm, as in an emergency fire drill. The urban plane
and renews. It is equally exciting—or unexciting—everywhere. It is "superficial"—like a now only accommodates necessary movement, fundamentally the car; highways are
Hollywood studio lot, it can produce a new identity every Monday morning. gJjjmMira a superior version of boulevards and plazas, taking more and more space; their design,
2,1 The Generic City has grown dramatically over the past few decades. Not only has its seemingly aiming for automotive efficiency, is in fact surprisingly sensual, a utilitarian
size increased, its numbers have too. In the early seventies it was inhabited by an aver- pretense entering the domain of smooth space. What is new about this locomotive public
age of 2,5 million official (and ±500,000 unofficial) residents; now it hovers around the realm is that it cannot be measured in dimensions. The same (let's say ten-mile) stretch
15 million mark. 2,2 Did the Generic City start in America? Is it so profoundly unorig- yields a vast number of utterly different experiences: it can last five minutes or forty;
inal that it can only be imported? In any case, the Generic City now also exists in Asia, it can be shared with almost nobody, or with the entire population; it can yield the absolute
Europe, Australia, Africa. The definitive move away from the countryside, from agri- pleasure of pure, unadulterated speed—at which point the sensation of the Generic City
culture, to the city is not a move to the city as we knew it: it is a move to the Generic City, may even become intense or at least acquire density—or utterly claustrophobic moments
the city so pervasive that it has come to the country. 2,3 Some continents, like Asia, aspire of stoppage—at which point the thinness of the Generic City is at its most noticeable.
to the Generic City; others are ashamed by it. Because it tends toward the tropical— 3.3 The Generic City is fractal, an endless repetition of the same simple structural mod-
converging around the equator—a large proportion of Generic Cities is Asian—seem- ule; it is possible to reconstruct it from its smallest entity, a desktop computer, maybe even
ingly a contradiction in terms: the over-familiar inhabited by the inscrutable. One day it a diskette. 3.4 Golf courses are all that is left of otherness. 3.5 The Generic City has easy
will be absolutely exotic again, this discarded product of Western civilization, through phone numbers, not the resistant ten-figure frontal-lobe crunchers of the traditional city
the resemanticization that its very dissemination brings in its wake... 2,4 Sometimes an but smoother versions, their middle numbers identical, for instance. 3.6 Its main attrac-
old, singular city, like Barcelona, by oversimplifying its identity, turns Generic. It tion is its anomie. ^^^^^Q 4,1 Once manifestations of ultimate neutrality, airports
becomes transparent, like a logo. The reverse never happens... at least not yet. ^^^^^^ now are among the most singular, characteristic elements of the Generic City, its strongest
3.1 The Generic City is what is left after large sections of urban life crossed over to vehicle of differentiation. They have to be, being all the average person tends to experi-
cyberspace. It is a place of weak and distended sensations, few and far between emotions, ence of a particular city. Like a drastic perfume demonstration, photomurals, vegetation,
discreet and mysterious like a large space lit by a bed lamp. Compared to the classical local costumes give a first concentrated blast of the local identity (sometimes it is also
city, the Generic City is sedated, usually perceived from a sedentary position. Instead of the last). Far away, comfortable, exotic, polar, regional, Eastern, rustic, new, even "undis-
concentration—simultaneous presence—in the Generic City individual "moments" are covered": those are the emotional registers invoked. Thus conceptually charged, airports
spaced far apart to create a trance of almost unnoticeable aesthetic experiences: the color become emblematic signs imprinted on the global collective unconscious in savage
variations in the fluorescent lighting of an office building just before sunset, the sub- manipulations of their non-aviatic attractors—tax-free shopping, spectacular spatial
tleties of the slightly different whites of an illuminated sign at night. Like Japanese food, qualities, the frequency and reliability of their connections to other airports. In terms of
the sensations can be reconstituted and intensified in the mind, or not—they may sim- its iconography/performance, the airport is a concentrate of both the hyper-local and
ply be ignored. (There's a choice.) This pervasive lack of urgency and insistence acts like hyper-global—hyper-global in the sense you can get goods there that are not available
a potent drug; it induces a hallucination of the normal. 3.2 In a drastic reversal of what even in the city, hyper-local in the sense you can get things there that you get nowhere
is supposedly the' major characteristic of the city—"business"—the dominant sensation else. 4.2 The tendency in airport gestalt is toward ever-greater autonomy: sometimes
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they're even practically unrelated to a specific Generic City. Becoming bigger and big- the residual. In the original model of the moderns, the residual was merely green, its
ger, equipped with more and more facilities unconnected to travel, they are on the way controlled neatness a moralistic assertion of good intentions, discouraging association,
to replacing the city. The in-transit condition is becoming universal. Together, airports use. In the Generic City, because the crust of its civilization is so thin, and through its
contain populations of millions—plus the largest daily workforce. In the completeness immanent tropicality, the vegetal is transformed into Edenic Residue, the main carrier of
of their facilities, they are like quarters of the Generic City, sometimes even its reason its identity: a hybrid of politics and landscape. At the same time refuge of the illegal, the
for being (its center?), with the added attraction of being hermetic systems from which uncontrollable, and subject of endless manipulation, it represents a simultaneous triumph
there is no escape—except to another airport. 4.3 The date/age of the Generic City can of the manicured and the primeval. Its immoral rashness compensates for the Generic
be reconstructed from a close reading of its airport's geometry. Hexagonal plan (in unique City's other poverties. Supremely inorganic, the organic is the Generic City's strongest
cases penta-or heptagonal): six ties. Orthogonal plan and section: seventies. Collage City: myth. 6.3 The street is dead. That discovery has coincided with frantic attempts at its
eighties. A single curved section, endlessly extruded in a linear plan: probably nineties. resuscitation. Public art is everywhere—as if two deaths make a life. Pedestrianization—
(Its structure branching out like an oak tree: Germany.) 4,4 Airports come in two sizes: intended to preserve—merely channels the flow of those doomed to destroy the object
too big and too small. Yet their size has no influence on their performance. This suggests of their intended reverence with their feet. 6.4 The Generic City is on its way from hori-
that the most intriguing aspect of all infrastructures is their essential elasticity. Calculated zontality to vertically. The skyscraper looks as if it will be the final, definitive typology.
by the exact for the numbered—passengers per year—they are invaded by the countless It has swallowed everything else. It can exist anywhere: in a rice field, or downtown—it
and survive, stretched toward ultimate indeterminacy. ^^^^^^^Q 5.1 The Generic makes no difference anymore. The towers no longer stand together; they are spaced so
City is seriously multiracial, on average 8% black, 12% white, 27% Hispanic, 37% that they don't interact. Density in isolation is the ideal. 6.5 Housing is not a problem.
Chinese/Asian, 6% indeterminate, 10% other. Not only multiracial, also multicultural. It has either been completely solved or totally left to chance; in the first case it is legal,
That's why it comes as no surprise to see temples between the slabs, dragons on the main in the second "illegal"; in the first case, towers or, usually, slabs (at the most, 15 meters
boulevards, Buddhas in the CBD (central business district). 5.2 The Generic City is deep), in the second (in perfect complementarity) a crust of improvised hovels. One solu-
always founded by people on the move, poised to move on. This explains the insubstan- tion consumes the sky, the other the ground. It is strange that those with the least money
tiality of their foundations. Like the flakes that are suddenly formed in a clear liquid by inhabit the most expensive commodity—earth; those who pay, what is free—air. In either
joining two chemical substances, eventually to accumulate in an uncertain heap on the case, housing proves to be surprisingly accommodating—not only does the population
bottom, the collision or confluence of two migrations—Cuban emigres going north and double every so many years, but also, with the loosening grip of the various religions,
Jewish retirees going south, for instance, both ultimately on their way someplace else— the average number of occupants per unit halves—through divorce and other family-
establishes, out of the blue, a settlement. A Generic City is born, 6, Urbanism 16.1 The dividing phenomena—with the same frequency that the city's population doubles; as its
great originality of the Generic City is simply to abandon what doesn't work—what has numbers swell, the Generic City's density is perpetually on the decrease. 6.6 All Generic
outlived its use—to break up the blacktop of idealism with the jackhammers of realism Cities issue from the tabula rasa; if there was nothing, now they are there; if there was
and to accept whatever grows in its place. In that sense, the Generic City accommodates something, they have replaced it. They must, otherwise they would be historic. 6.7 The
both the primordial and the futuristic—in fact, only these two. The Generic City is all Generic Cityscape is usually an amalgam of overly ordered sections—dating from near
that remains of what used to be the city. The Generic City is the post-city being prepared the beginning of its development, when "the power" was still undiluted—and increas-
on the site of the ex-city. 6.2 The Generic City is held together, not by an over-demand- ingly free arrangements everywhere else. 6.8 The Generic City is the apotheosis of the
ing public realm—progressively debased in a surprisingly long sequence in which the multiple-choice concept: all boxes crossed, an anthology of all the options. Usually the
Roman Forum is to the Greek agora what the shopping mall is to the high street—but by Generic City has been "planned," not in the usual sense of some bureaucratic organization
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controlling its development, but as if various echoes, spores, tropes, seeds fell on the Towns are like year-rings. Somehow, New Towns age very quickly, the way a five-year-
ground randomly as in nature, took hold—exploiting the natural fertility of the terrain— old child develops wrinkles and arthritis through the disease called progeria. 6.15 The
and now form an ensemble: an arbitrary gene pool that sometimes produces amazing Generic City presents the final death of planning. Why? Not because it is not planned—
results. 6.9 The writing of the city may be indecipherable, flawed, but that does not mean in fact, huge complementary universes of bureaucrats and developers funnel unimagin-
that there is no writing; it may simply be that we developed a new illiteracy, a new blind- able flows of energy and money into its completion; for the same money, its plains can
ness. Patient detection reveals the themes, particles, strands that can be isolated from the be fertilized by diamonds, its mud fields paved in gold bricks... But its most dangerous
seeming murkiness of this Wagnerian wr-soup: notes left on a blackboard by a visiting and most exhilarating discovery is that planning makes no difference whatsoever.
genius 50 years ago, stenciled UN reports disintegrating in their Manhattan glass silo, Buildings may be placed well (a tower near a metro station) or badly (whole centers miles
discoveries by former colonial thinkers with a keen eye for the climate, unpredictable away from any road). They flourish/perish unpredictably. Networks become over-
ricochets of design education gathering strength as a global laundering process. 6.10 The stretched, age, rot, become obsolescent; populations double, triple, quadruple, suddenly
best definition of the aesthetic of the Generic City is "free style." How to describe it? disappear. The surface of the city explodes, the economy accelerates, slows down, bursts,
Imagine an open space, a clearing in the forest, a leveled city. There are three elements: collapses. Like ancient mothers that still nourish titanic embryos, whole cities are built
roads, buildings, and nature; they coexist in flexible relationships, seemingly without on colonial infrastructures of which the oppressors took the blueprints back home.
reason, in spectacular organizational diversity. Any one of the three may dominate: some- Nobody knows where, how, since when the sewers run, the exact location of the tele-
times the "road" is lost—to be found meandering on an incomprehensible detour; some- phone lines, what the reason was for the position of the center, where monumental axes
times you see no building, only nature; then, equally unpredictably, you are surrounded end. All it proves is that there are infinite hidden margins, colossal reservoirs of slack,
only by building. In certain frightening spots, all three are simultaneously absent. On a perpetual, organic process of adjustment, standards, behavior; expectations change with
these "sites" (actually, what is the opposite of a site? They are like holes bored through the biological intelligence of the most alert animal. In this apotheosis of multiple choice
the concept of city) public art emerges like the Loch Ness Monster, equal parts figura- it will never be possible again to reconstruct cause and effect. They work—that is all.
tive and abstract, usually self-cleaning. 6.11 Specific cities still seriously debate the mis- 6,16 The Generic City's aspiration toward tropicality automatically implies the rejec-
takes of architects—for instance, their proposals to create raised pedestrian networks tion of any lingering reference to the city as fortress, as citadel; it is open and accommo-
with tentacles leading from one block to the next as a solution to congestion—but the dating like a mangrove forest. 7. Politics 7,1 The Generic City has a (sometimes distant)
Generic City simply enjoys the benefits of their inventions: decks, bridges, tunnels, relationship with a more or less authoritarian regime—local or national. Usually the
motorways—a huge proliferation of the paraphernali a of connection—frequently draped cronies of the "leader"—whoever that was—decided to develop a piece of "downtown"
with ferns and flowers as if to ward off original sin, creating a vegetal congestion more or the periphery, or even to start a new city in the middle of nowhere, and so triggered
severe than a fifties science-fiction movie. 6,12 The roads are only for cars. People the boom that put the city on the map. 7,2 Very often, the regime has evolved to a sur-
(pedestrians) are led on rides (as in an amusement park), on "promenades" that lift them prising degree of invisibility, as if, through its very permissiveness, the Generic City
off the ground, then subject them to a catalog of exaggerated conditions—wind, heat, resists the dictatorial. ^^^^^^H B.I It is very surprising that the triumph of the
steepness, cold, interior, exterior, smells, fumes—in a sequence that is a grotesque cari- Generic City has not coincided with the triumph of sociology—a discipline whose "field"
cature of life in the historic city. 6.13 There is horizontally in the Generic City, but it is has been extended by the Generic City beyond its wildest imagination. The Generic City
on the way out. It consists either of history that is not yet erased or of Tudor-like enclaves is sociology, happening. Each Generic City is a petri dish—or an infinitely patient black-
that multiply around the center as newly minted emblems of preservation. 6.14 Ironically, board on which almost any hypothesis can be "proven" and then erased, never again to
though itself new, the Generic City is encircled by a constellation of New Towns: New reverberate in the minds of its authors or its audience. 8.2 Clearly, there is a proliferation
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of communities — a sociological zapping—that resists a single overriding interpretation. independent of destination... 9.4 Instead of specific memories, the associations the Generic
The Generic City is loosening every structure that made anything coalesce in the past, City mobilizes are general memories, memories of memories: if not all memories at the
8.3 While infinitely patient, the Generic City is also persistently resistant to speculation: same time, then at least an abstract, token memory, a deja vu that never ends, generic
it proves that sociology may be the worst system to capture sociology in the making. memory. 9.5 In spite of its modest physical presence (Lipservice is never more than three
It outwits each established critique. It contributes huge amounts of evidence for and—in stories high: homage to/revenge of Jane Jacobs?) it condenses the entire past in a single
even more impressive quantities—against each hypothesis. In A tower blocks lead to sui- complex. History returns not as farce here, but as service: costumed merchants (funny
cide, in B to happiness ever after. In C they are seen as a first stepping stone toward eman- hats, bare midriffs, veils) voluntarily enact the conditions (slavery, tyranny, disease,
cipation (presumably under some kind of invisible "duress," however), in D simply as poverty, colony)—that their nation once went to war to abolish. Like a replicating virus,
passe. Constructed in unimaginable numbers in K, they are being exploded in L. worldwide, the colonial seems the only inexhaustible source of the authentic. 9.6 42nd
Creativity is inexplicably high in E, nonexistent in F, G is a seamless ethnic mosaic, Street: ostensibly the places where the past is preserved, they are actually the places where
H perpetually at the mercy of separatism, if not on the verge of civil war. Model Y will the past has changed the most, is the most distant—as if seen through the wrong end of
never last because of its tampering with family structure, but Z flourishes—a word no a telescope—or even completely eliminated. 9.7 Only the memory of former excess is
academic would ever apply to any activity in the Generic City—because of it. Religion strong enough to charge the bland. As if they try to warm themselves at the heat of an
is eroded in V, surviving in W, transmuted in X. 8.4 Strangely, nobody has thought that extinguished volcano, the most popular sites (with tourists, and in the Generic City that
cumulatively the endless contradictions of these interpretations prove the richness of the includes everyone) are the ones once most intensely associated with sex and misconduct.
Generic City; that is the one hypothesis that has been eliminated in advance. 9, Quarters Innocents invade the former haunts of pimps, prostitutes, hustlers, transvestites, and to
9.1 There is always a quarter called Lipservice, where a minimum of the past is preserved: a lesser degree, artists. Paradoxically, at the same moment that the information highway
usually it has an old train/tramway or double-decker bus driving through it, ringing omi- is about to deliver pornography by the truckload to their living rooms, it is as if the expe-
nous bells—domesticated versions of the Flying Dutchman's phantom vessel. Its phone rience of walking on these warmed-over embers of transgression and sin makes them
booths are either red and transplanted from London, or equipped with small Chinese feel special, alive. In an age that does not generate new aura, the value of established aura
roofs. Lipservice—also called Afterthought, Waterfront, Too Late, 42nd Street, simply skyrockets. Is walking on these ashes the nearest they will get to guilt? Existentialism
the Village, or even Underground—is an elaborate mythic operation: it celebrates diluted to the intensity of a Perrier? 9.8 Each Generic City has a waterfront, not neces-
the past as only the recently conceived can. It is a machine. 9,2 The Generic City had a sarily with water—it can also be with desert, for instance—but at least an edge where it
past, once. In its drive for prominence, large sections of it somehow disappeared, first meets another condition, as if a position of near escape is the best guarantee for its enjoy-
unlamented—the past apparently was surprisingly unsanitary, even dangerous—then, ment. Here tourists congregate in droves around a cluster of stalls. Hordes of "hawkers"
without warning, relief turned into regret. Certain prophets—long white hair, gray socks, try to sell them the "unique" aspects of the city. The unique parts of all Generic Cities
sandals—had always been warning that the past was necessary—a resource. Slowly, together have created a universal souvenir, scientific cross between Eiffel Tower, Sacre
the destruction machine grinds to a halt; some random hovels on the laundered Euclidean Coeur, and Statue of Liberty: a tall building (usually between 200 and 300 meters)
plane are saved, restored to a splendor they never had... 9,3 In spite of its absence, drowned in a small ball of water with snow or, if close to the equator, gold flakes; diaries
history is the major preoccupation, even industry, of the Generic City. On the liberated with pockmarked leather covers; hippie sandals—even if real hippies are quickly repa-
grounds, around the restored hovels, still more hotels are constructed to receive triated. Tourists fondle these—nobody has ever witnessed a sale—and then sit down
additional tourists in direct proportion to the erasure of the past. Its disappearance has in exotic eateries that line the waterfront: they run the full gamut of food today: spicy:
no influence on their numbers, or maybe it is just a last-minute rush. Tourism is now first and ultimately maybe most reliable indication of being elsewhere; party: beef or
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synthetic; raw: atavistic practice that will be very popular in the third millennium. 9.9 term—structure. They are prepared in the 10,000 architectural offices nobody has ever
Shrimp is the ultimate appetizer. Through the simplification of the food chain—and the heard of, each vibrant with fresh inspiration. Presumably more modest than their well-
vicissitudes of preparation—they taste like english muffins, i.e., nothingness. 10, Program known colleagues, these offices are bonded by a collective awareness that something
10.1 Offices are still there, in ever greater numbers, in fact. People say they are no longer is wrong with architecture that can only be rectified through their efforts. The power
necessary. In five to ten years we will all work at home. But then we will need bigger of numbers gives them a splendid, shining arrogance. They are the ones who design
homes, big enough to use for meetings. Offices will have to be converted to homes. 10,2 without any hesitation. They assemble, from 1,001 sources, with savage precision, more
The only activity is shopping. But why not consider shopping as temporary, provisional? riches than any genius ever could. On average, their education has cost 30,000 dollars,
It awaits better times. It is our own fault—we didn't think of anything better to do. The excluding travel and housing. 23% have been laundered at American Ivy League univer-
same spaces inundated with other programs—libraries, baths, universities—would be sities, where they have been exposed—admittedly for very short periods—to the well-paid
terrific; we would be awed by their grandeur. 10.3 Hotels are becoming the generic elite of the other, "official" profession. It follows that a combined total investment of 300
accommodation of the Generic City, its most common building block. That used to be billion dollars ($300,000,000,000) worth of architectural education ($30,000 [average
the office—which .at least implied a coming and a going, assumed the presence of other cost] x 100 [average numberof workers per office] x 100,000 [number of worldwide officesi)
important accommodations elsewhere. Hotels are now containers that, in the expansion is working in and producing Generic Cities at any moment. 11.4 Buildings that are com-
and completeness of their facilities, make almost all other buildings redundant. Even plex in form depend on the curtain-wall industry, on ever more effective adhesives and
doubling as shopping malls, they are the closest we have to urban existence, 21st-century sealants that turn each building into a mixture of straitjacket and oxygen tent. The use of
style. 10.4 The hotel now implies imprisonment, voluntary house arrest; there is no silicone—"we are stretching the facade as far as it will go"—has flattened all facades,
competing place left to go; you come and stay. Cumulatively, it describes a city of glued glass to stone to steel to concrete in a space-age impurity. These connections give
ten million all locked in their rooms, a kind of reverse animation—density imploded. the appearance of intellectual rigor through the liberal application of a transparent spermy
^^^^^K^^^ 11,1 Close your eyes and imagine an explosion of beige. At its epi- compound that keeps everything together by intention rather than design—a triumph
center splashes the color of vaginal folds (unaroused), metallic-matte aubergine, khaki- of glue over the integrity of materials. Like everything else in the Generic City, its archi-
tobacco, dusty pumpkin; all cars on their way to bridal whiteness... 11.2 There are inter- tecture is the resistant made malleable, an epidemic of yielding no longer through the
esting and boring buildings in the Generic City, as in all cities. Both trace their ancestry application of principle but through the systematic application of the unprincipled. 11.5
back to Mies van der Rohe: the first category to his irregular Friedrichstadt tower (1921), Because the Generic City is largely Asian, its architecture is generally air-conditioned;
the second to the boxes he conceived not long afterward. This sequence is important; this is where the paradox of the recent paradigm shift—the city no longer represents max-
obviously, after initial experimentation, Mies made up his mind once and for all against imum development but borderline underdevelopment—becomes acute: the brutal means
interest, for boredom. At best, his later buildings capture the spirit of the earlier work— by which universal conditioning is achieved mimic inside the building the climatic con-
sublimated, repressed?—as a more or less noticeable absence, but he never proposed ditions that once "happened" outside—sudden storms, mini-tornadoes, freezing spells
"interesting" projects as possible buildings again. The Generic City proves him wrong: in the cafeteria, heat waves, even mist; a provincialism of the mechanical, deserted by
its more daring architects have taken up the challenge Mies abandoned, to the point where gray matter in pursuit of the electronic. Incompetence or imagination? 11.6 The irony is
it is now hard to find a box. Ironically, this exuberant homage to the interesting Mies that in this way the Generic City is at its most subversive, its most ideological; it elevates
shows that "the" Mies was wrong. 11.3 The architecture of the Generic City is by defi- mediocrity to a higher level; it is like Kurt Schwitter's Merzbau at the scale of the city:
nition beautiful. Built at incredible speed, and conceived at even more incredible pace, the Generic City is aMerzcity. 11.7 The angle of the facades is the only reliable index
there is an average of 27 aborted versions for every realized—but that is not quite the of architectural genius: 3 points for sloping backward, 12 points for sloping forward,
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2-point penalty for setbacks (too nostalgic), 11,8 The apparently solid substance of the is a connection between architecture and behavior, that the city can make better people
Generic City is misleading. 51% of its volume consists of atrium. The atrium is a dia- through as yet unidentified methods. 12,3 One of the most potent characteristics of the
bolical device in its ability to substantiate the insubstantial. Its Roman name is an eter- Generic City is the stability of its weather—no seasons, outlook sunny—yet all forecasts
nal guarantor of architectural class—its historic origins make the theme inexhaustible. are presented in terms of imminent change and future deterioration: clouds in Karachi.
It accommodates the cave-dweller in its relentless provision of metropolitan comfort. From the ethical and the religious, the issue of doom has shifted to the inescapable domain
11,9 The atrium is void space: voids are the essential building block of the Generic City. of the meteorological. Bad weather is about the only anxiety that hovers over the Generic
Paradoxically, its hollowness insures its very physicality, the pumping up of the volume City. 13-Itleniity 13,1 There is a calculated (?) redundancy in the iconography that the
the only pretext for its physical manifestation. The more complete and repetitive its inte- Generic City adopts. If it is water-facing, then water-based symbols are distributed over
riors, the less their essential repetition is noticed. 11,10 The style of choice is postmodern, its entire territory. If it is a port, then ships and cranes will appear far inland. (However,
and will always remain so. Postmodernism is the only movement that has succeeded in showing the containers themselves would make no sense: you can't particularize
connecting the practice of architecture with the practice of panic. Postmodernism is not the generic through the Generic.) If it is Asian, then "delicate" (sensual, inscrutable)
a doctrine based on a highly civilized reading of architectural history but a method, women appear in elastic poses, suggesting (religious, sexual) submission everywhere.
a mutation in professional architecture that produces results fast enough to keep pace If it has a mountain, each brochure, menu, ticket, billboard will insist on the hill, as
with the Generic City's development. Instead of consciousness, as its original inventors if nothing less than a seamless tautology will convince. Its identity is like a mantra.
may have hoped, it creates a new unconscious. It is modernization's little helper. Anyone 14, History 14,1 Regret about history *s absence is a tiresome reflex. It exposes an unspo-
can do it—a skyscraper based on the Chinese pagoda and/or a Tuscan hill town. 11,11 ken consensus that history's presence is desirable. But who says that is the case? A city
AU resistance to postmodernism is anti-democratic. It creates a "stealth" wrapping is a plane inhabited in the most efficient way by people and processes, and in most cases,
around architecture that makes it irresistible, like a Christmas present from a charity. the presence of history only drags down its performance... 14,2 History present obstructs
11,12 Is there a connection between the predominance of mirror in the Generic City— the pure exploitation of its theoretical value as absence. 14,3 Throughout the history of
is it to celebrate nothingness through its multiplication or a desperate effort to capture humankind—to start a paragraph the American way—cities have grown through
essences on then- way to evaporation?—and the "gifts" that, for centuries, were supposed aprocess of consolidation. Changes are made on the spot. Things are improved. Cultures
to be the most popular, efficient present for savages? 11,13 Maxim Gorky speaks in rela- flourish, decay, revive, disappear, are sacked, invaded, humiliated, raped, triumph, are
tion to Coney Island of "varied boredom." He clearly intends the term as an oxymoron. reborn, have golden ages, fall suddenly silent— all on the same site. That is why archae-
Variety cannot be boring. Boredom cannot be varied. But the infinite variety of the ology is a profession of digging: it exposes layer after layer of civilization (i.e., city).
Generic City comes close, at least, to making variety normal: banalized, in a reversal of The Generic City, like a sketch which is never elaborated, is not improved but abandoned.
expectation, it is repetition that has become unusual, therefore, potentially, daring, exhil- The idea of layering, intensification, completion are alien to it: it has no layers.
arating. But that is for the 21st century. 12. Geography 12,1 The Generic City is in Its next layer takes place somewhere else, either next door—that can be the size of
a warmer than usual climate; it is on its way to the south—toward the equator—away a country—or even elsewhere altogether. The archaeologue (= archaeology with more
from the mess that the north made of the second millennium. It is a concept in a state of interpretation) of the 20th century needs unlimited plane tickets, not a shovel. 14.4 In
migration. Its ultimate destiny is to be tropical—better climate, more beautiful people. exporting/ejecting its improvements, the Generic City perpetuates its own amnesia
It is inhabited by those who do not lilce it elsewhere. 12.2 In the Generic City, people are (its only link with eternity?). Its archaeology will therefore be the evidence of its pro-
not only more beautiful than their peers, they are also reputed to be more even-tempered, gressive forgetting, the documentation of its evaporation. Its genius will be empty-
less anxious about work, less hostile, more pleasant—proof, in other words, that there handed—not an emperor without clothes but an archaeologist without finds, or a site even.
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15. Infrastructure 15.1 Infrastructures, which were mutually reinforcing and totalizing,
are becoming more and more competitive and local; they no longer pretend to
create functioning wholes but now spin off functional entities. Instead of network and
organism, the new infrastructure creates enclave and impasse: no longer the grand recit
but the parasitic swerve. (The city of Bangkok has approved plans for three competing
airborne metro systems to get from A to B —may the strongest one win.) 15,2
Infrastructure is no longer a more or less delayed response to a more or less urgent need
but a strategic weapon, a prediction: Harbor X is not enlarged to serve a hinterland
of frantic consumers but to kill/reduce the chances that harbor Y will survive the 21st
century. On a single island, southern metropolis Z, still in its infancy, is "given" a new
subway system to make established metropolis W in the north look clumsy, congested,
and ancient. Life in V is smoothed to make life in U eventually unbearable. 16. Culture
16,1 Only the redundant counts. 16,2 In each time zone, there are at least three perfor-
mances of Cats. The world is surrounded by a Saturn's ring of meowing. 16,3 The city
used to be the great sexual hunting ground. The Generic City is like a dating agency: it
efficiently matches supply and demand. Orgasm instead of agony: there is progress. The
most obscene possibilities are announced in the cleanest typography; Helvetica has
become pornographic. ^^^^Q 17,1 Imagine a Hollywood movie about the Bible, A
city somewhere in the Holy Land. Market scene: from left and right extras cloaked in
colorful rags, furs, silken robes walk into the frame yelling, gesticulating, rolling their
eyes, starting fights, laughing, scratching their beards, hairpieces dripping with glue,
thronging toward the center of the image waving sticks, fists, overturning stalls, tram-
pling animals...People shout. Selling wares? Proclaiming futures? Invoking Gods?
Purses are snatched, criminals pursued (or is it helped?) by the crowds. Priests pray for
calm. Children run amok in an undergrowth of legs and robes. Animals bark. Statues top-
ple. Women shriek—threatened? Ecstatic? The churning mass becomes oceanic. Waves
break. Now switch off the sound—silence, a welcome relief— and reverse the film. The
now mute but still visibly agitated men and women stumble backward; the viewer no
longer registers only humans but begins to note spaces between them. The center emp-
ties; the last shadows evacuate the rectangle of the picture frame, probably complaining,
but fortunately we don't hear them. Silence is now reinforced by emptiness: the image
shows empty stalls, some debris that was trampled underfoot. Relief... it's over. That is
the story of the city. The city is no longer. We can leave the theater now... 1994

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