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• Newton’s Laws & Applications
• Vertical Projectile Motion
• Momentum & Impulse
• Work; Energy & Power
• Doppler Effect; Electrostatics
• Electric Circuits; Electrodynamics
• Photoelectric Effect
• Absorption & Emission Spectra)










6 DOPPLER EFFECT 110 – 118









1|P age
This revision material is intended as a curriculum supplement for high school science teachers who would
like to revise with their students some concepts in preparation for the Grade 12 Physical Sciences Paper 1.
Teachers and learners are urged to use one, some, or all parts of the material. Some teachers may wish to
implement this material in its entirety in their classroom. Others may wish to utilize only part of the
material, perhaps the practice exam questions. Teachers are encouraged to reproduce and use these
materials in their classrooms and to contact the Kutlwanong Promaths curriculum team with any
assessment, comments, or suggestions they may have.
This is one in a series of Physical Sciences revision materials developed during the Promaths
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Workshops we presented at the different education
districts/circuits during 2012-'19.
This material offers, above all, an in-depth presentation on general problem-solving techniques in physics.
This greater and more careful approach/guidelines on problem solving is of crucial pedagogic importance.
Learners who do not master this early material (and is not so easy for many of them) can become
discouraged and may never recover.
Even more attention is given to important mathematical skills; command and grammar words; physics
data sheets and explanation of symbols; important definitions, laws and principles.

General exam problems (practice questions) from past question papers, ranked and arranged by situations
(contexts) have been reworked for increased clarity. Each exercise in this document contains
differentiated questions (easy, average, difficult).

The revision of this material has depended to a great extent on the Promaths teachers, and the hundreds of
teachers who have attended our Pedagogical Content Workshops we have presented and were kind
enough to send me their comments and suggestions for improvement. To all of them we owe a debt of
thanks. We also thank the Promaths Lead tutors and subject advisors from various provinces/ education
districts who read and checked the manuscript and offered valuable suggestions, both for previous
materials and for this new edition.


2|P age
This section will give you information about the different types of theory examination
papers that are covered in NSC Physical Sciences, the weighting of topics as well as the
cognitive level as per Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) and
Examination guidelines.

1. Important Curriculum Documents

The Physical Sciences subject area has been divided into six knowledge areas consisting of
physics and chemistry components — one of these is an integrated knowledge area spanning
both components.
This guide is informed by the following important documents:
• Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) – Physical Sciences.
• The Physical Sciences Grade 12 examination guidelines (2017).
The Physical Sciences Grade 12 examination guidelines (2017) give specific details
regarding the themes to be tested in each of the knowledge areas.
It outlines the format of the question papers in Chemistry and Physics, knowledge that is
required from content in Grades 10 and 11 and the core content that will be assessed in the
final examination.
• The National Senior Certificate (NSC) Diagnostic Reports (2014 -2019)
The National Diagnostic Reports give specific details on common errors and misconceptions
that were identified in previous examinations, providing crucial practice in subject areas and
question types that have caused problems for students in the past. They also provide
suggestions for improvement in relation to teaching and learning.

2. Format of Question Papers


SECTION A 10 X 2 = 20 SECTION A 10 X 2 = 20
NB: The examination does not necessarily include all the themes, but all the knowledge areas
are covered

3|P age
3. Weighting of Cognitive Levels

Papers 1 and 2 will include questions across all four cognitive levels. The distribution of
cognitive levels in Physics and Chemistry papers is given below.

4. Weighting of Prescribed Content

5. Data Sheet (Information Sheet)

Separate data sheets for paper 1 and paper 2 are included in the question papers.

TABLE 1: Physical constants TABLE 1: Physical constants
TABLE 2: Formulae sheet TABLE 2: Formulae sheet
TABLE 3: Periodic table
TABLE 4: Standard reduction potentials

4|P age
6. Prior Knowledge from Grades 10 & 11
All skills and application of knowledge learnt in Grade 10 and 11 are transferred and applicable
to assessment in Grade 12. i.e.

• The use of equations of motion in solving problem dealing with momentum, work and
• The use of Newton’s laws of motion
• Sound waves and properties of sound, and Electromagnetism
In both paper 1 and paper 2, there will always be questions on practical investigations and
the following definitions and concepts must be studied carefully:
➢ Dependent variable: This is the variable that is being measured in an experiment. It forms
the vertical axis (y-axis) of a graph.

➢ Independent variable: This is the variable that is manipulated or changed in an experiment.

It forms the horizontal axis (x-axis) of a graph.

➢ Control variable: This is the variable that is kept constant so that the relationship between
the independent and dependent variables can be found.

➢ Investigative question: It is a relationship between independent and dependent variables

(the order is not fixed). It is phrased as a question with a question mark.

➢ Hypothesis: It is an assumption prediction about the actual relationship between the

independent and dependent variables are/is and this can be proved right or wrong by doing an
investigation. It is a statement but not a question.

➢ Fair test: This is an experiment (or investigation) in which there is only one independent

5|P age
7. Physical Sciences (Grade 12) Syllabus Covered in 2020 (According to Promaths ATP)
Mark distribution for Physical Sciences NCS end-of-year Grade 12 Paper 1
Weighting Progress

KNOWLEDGE AREA Examinable Content (Topic/Subtopics) – Key Aspects MARKS

Grade 11 Grade 12 (+/-3)

Newton’s Laws and Applications 15 Completed

Vertical Projectile Motion 15 Completed
(63 Marks)

Momentum &Impulse 13 Completed


Work, Energy and Power 20 Completed



& Doppler Effect & 17 Completed


(17 Marks)

MATTER& • Photo-electric Effect 15 Completed

MATERIALS – • Emission and absorption 100%
Optical Phenomena Spectra
and Properties of

(15 Marks)

Electrostatics 18 Completed
MAGNETISM Electric Circuits. Electric Circuits (More 25 Completed
Emphasis - circuits with 100%
(55 Marks)
internal resistance)

Electrodynamics 12 Completed

TOTAL 150 150 (100%)

6|P age

• Learners must learn theory. There are obvious definitions statement/theories/laws/ principles/
processes that must be learnt [as stated in the Examination Guidelines].
• Learners must learn the laws, definitions and principles. These are ‘easy marks’ for learners
to get.
N.B: Two marks are awarded for a correct definition/ law/ principle. No marks are available
for an incorrect or partially correct definition.
• Learners must always start with the formula/equation exactly as shown on the
formulae sheet.
• Marks will be awarded for: Correct formula, correct substitution and correct answer
with unit.
• Learners must not manipulate the formula before the substitution.
• No marks will be awarded if am incorrect or inappropriate formula is used, even
though there may be relevant symbols and applicable substitutions.
• Learners must learn theory in order to correctly answer questions requiring
interpretation or explanation.
• In the question, any explanation MUST always start with what stays constant, e.g.
“For a constant velocity of sound / speed if the frequency increases, λ decreases”.
• Learners must learn the symbols so they can know their meanings and can therefore
use the correct equation. Make sure learners know which symbols are vectors – these
symbols will therefore also have a direction
• Learners must read questions slowly and thoroughly. Be sure what information has
been given and what it is they have to calculate.
• Make sketches to make things easier and fill in as much information as possible on
their sketches.
• If objects move in opposite directions, e.g. up and down or left and right, learners
must allocate symbols for the directions before they do any calculations. Then stick to
their decision (choices of directions).
• Learners must make sure whether friction can be ignored or if it is present.
- Learners must know appropriate graphs: make a summary of all the graphs and
advice learners to study them.
- Graphs must be labelled / named.
N.B. Learners must make use of subscripts in equations to make things easier, e.g.
Vtot = I tot xRtot Wnet = f net x cos
But they must first write down the formula as written on the formula sheet.

7|P age
The solving of problems often requires creativity – each problem is different. Nonetheless, we
need to outline a general approach that will of some help, to both students and teachers required
to teach the physics course, in solving problems. Below is a summary of some techniques and
hits for problem solving in physics:
1. Before attacking any problem, it is very important to know the scientific definitions,
terminology, and basic principles and laws that apply.

2. Read written problems carefully. A common error is to leave out a word or two when
reading, which can completely change the sense of a problem.

a) It is very easy when presented with a diagram question to look at the

diagram and then try to answer the question. You must read and
understand the introductory sentences above the diagram first before
trying to answer the question. There may be a part of the question near
the end which requires you to use a piece of information that is
included in the introductory sentences in your answer.

b) When reading the questions, decide which area of physics you are
being asked about. Do not just look at a few words as you may then
misunderstand the question. For example, a question that mentions
‘electromagnetic radiation’ is not about magnets (just because the
word ‘magnetic’ is seen). If you are asked for a direct current
diagram do not draw a circuit just because the word ‘current’ is in
the question!
3. “One picture is worth more than a thousand words,” says an adage. [It is also a well-
known instruction to students for solving problems (“first draw a picture”)].

a) Draw an accurate picture or diagram of the situation. (This is probably the most
overlooked, yet most crucial, part of solving a problem.)

b) Use arrows to represent vectors such as velocity or force and label the vectors with
appropriate symbols.

c) Use a separate diagram for different types of vectors: say, one for force and one for
velocity, if both types of vectors are involved (Do not mix apples with oranges,
although they are both fruits).

d) Make sure to include ALL forces ON a given body, and make clear what forces act
ON what body (otherwise you may make an error in determining the net force ON a
body). A diagram showing all the forces acting ON a given body (and only on that
body) is called a free-body diagram.

8|P age
4. Usually you will need to choose a convenient x-y coordinate system (choose one that
makes you calculation easier). Vectors can be resolved into components along these axes.

5. Determine what the unknows are - that is, what you are trying to solve/determine using
appropriate symbols. (This will also help you identify the correct formula).

6. Decide what you need in order to find the unknowns.

a) It may help to see if there are one or more relationships (or equations) that relate
unknows to the knowns. But be sure the relationship(s) is applicable in a given case.

b) Beware of formulae that are not general but apply only in a specific case. (It is
dangerous for this reason to thumb through a book or formula sheet looking for an
equation that will work.) It is very important to know the limitations of each formula
or relationship – when it is valid and when not. Go through the formula sheet or
specific chapter in your prescribed physics book and try to make clear which
equations are general, and which are not, by explicitly stating the limitations of
important equations.

The use of different colors or brackets next to the equation to highlight equations that
are often valid only for very specific cases can be very useful.

For example, vf = vi + ½ a∆t2 [constant acceleration].

c) It is also helpful to determine what information is relevant, and what is irrelevant, in a

given situation or problem.

7. Try to solve the problem roughly, to see if it is doable (to check if enough information
has been given) and reasonable. Use your intuition and make rough calculations. (A
rough calculation, or a reasonable guess about what the range of final answers might be,
is very useful tool). And a rough calculation can be checked against the final answer to
catch errors in calculation (such as in the powers of 10).

8. Solve the problem, which may include algebraic manipulation of equations and/or
numerical calculations. Be sure to keep track of units, for they can serve as a check.

9. Again, consider if your answer is reasonable. The use of dimensional analysis (i.e.
working out relationships referring to the type of units used) can also serve as a check for
many problems.

9|P age

Examiners take account of the following areas in your examination papers:

• your knowledge (what you remember) and understanding (how you use what you
know and apply it to unfamiliar situations)
• how you handle information and solve problems
• your use of experimental skills

These areas of knowledge and skills are called cognitive levels assessment objectives.
The theory questions test mainly CL1&2 (knowledge recall with understanding) and
CL3&4 (handling information and problem solving). The purpose of the practical type
questions is to test CL3&4 (experimental skill and investigations). Teachers should be
able to give learners more information about how each of these is used in examination
papers. The table shows you the range of skills you should try to develop.

Cognitive What the skill means What you need to be able to do

nt objectives
CL1&2 remembering facts and Use scientific ideas, facts and laws
Knowledge with applying these facts to
Know the meaning of scientific terms e.g. center of mass
understanding new situations
Know about apparatus and how it works
Know about symbols, quantities (e.g. mass and weight) and
units (e.g. kg and N)
Understand the importance of science in everyday life
CL3&4 how you extract information Select and organize information from graphs, tables and
Handling information and rearrange it in a sensible written text
and problem solving pattern and how you carry
Change information from one form to another e.g. draw
out calculations and make
Arrange data and carry out calculations
Identify patterns from information given and draw
Explain scientific relationships, e.g. use the moving
(kinetic) particle theory to explain ideas about solids,
liquids and gases.
Make predictions and develop scientific ideas Solve
planning and carrying out Set up and use apparatus safely
Experimental skills experiments and recording
Make observations and measurements and record them
and investigations and analyzing information
Analyze experimental results and suggest how valid they are
Plan and carry out your own experiment and describe to
what extent your plan worked.

10 | P a g e
We use command words to help you to write down the answer examiners are looking
for. This table explains what each of these words or phrases means and will help you to
understand the kind of answer you should write. The list is in alphabetical order. You
should bear in mind that the meaning of a term may vary slightly according to how the
question is worded.

Command Meaning
Calculate A numerical answer is needed. You should show any working, especially when there are
two or more steps in a calculation.
e.g. calculate the work done by gravity
Deduce This may be used in two ways:
(i) You find the answer by working out the patterns in the information given to you and
drawing logical conclusions from them. You may need to use information from tables
and graphs and do calculations
e.g. deduce what will happen to velocity of the vehicle if …
(ii) You have to refer to a Law or scientific theory or give a reason for your answer
e.g. use your knowledge of the kinetic theory to deduce what will happen when...

Define You need to state the meaning of something,

e.g. define speed
Describe You need to state the main points about something (using labelled diagrams if it helps you).
e.g. describe a DC generator
You may also be asked to describe
• observations
e.g. describe the ways in which a force may change the motion of a body
• how to do particular experiments
e.g. describe an experiment to determine resistance using a voltmeter and an ammeter
Determine You are expected to use a formula or method that you know to calculate a quantity.
e.g. determine graphically the resultant of two vectors
Discuss You have to write down points for and against an argument.
e.g. discuss the energy loss in cables
Estimate Suggest an approximate value for a quantity based on reasons and data. You may need to
make some approximations.
e.g. estimate the volume of a test tube.
Explain You have to give reasons for your answer OR refer to a particular theory.
Find This is a general term meaning several similar things such as calculate, measure,
determine, etc.
List Write down a number of separate points. Where the number of points is stated in the
question, you should not write more than this number.
e.g. list three uses of converging lenses

11 | P a g e
Command Meaning
Meant See ‘Understand’
(what is
meant by the
Measure You are expected to find a quantity by using a measuring instrument.
e.g. length (by using a ruler), volume (by using a measuring cylinder)
Outline State the main points briefly.
e.g. outline a method of magnetizing an iron bar
Predict This can be used in two ways:

(i) You find the answer by working out the patterns in the information provided and drawing
logical conclusions from this. You may need to use information from tables and graphs
and do calculations.
e.g. predict what will happen to the direction of the resultant force if ….
(ii) It may also mean giving a short answer to a question stating what might happen next.
e.g. predict what effect an increase in temperature will have on the resistance.

Sketch (i) When drawing graphs, this means that you may draw the approximate shape and/or
position of the graph BUT you need to make sure that important details, such as the line
passing through the origin or finishing at a certain point, are drawn accurately.
(ii) When drawing apparatus or other diagrams, a simple line drawing is all that is
needed, but you must make sure that the proportions are correct and the most
important details are shown. You should always remember to label your diagrams.

State You should give a short answer without going into any detail.
e.g. state the hazards of damaged electrical insulation BUT: ‘state the meaning of…’ is
different. It is more like ‘understand’.
Suggest This may be used in two ways:

(i) There may be more than one correct answer.

e.g. suggest a precaution to improve the accuracy of the experiment
(ii) You are being asked to apply your general knowledge of physics or reasoning skills to a
topic area that is not on the syllabus.
e.g. applying ideas about safety features of a vehicle
Understand You should (i) define something and (ii) make a more detailed comment about it. The amount
(what do you of detail depends on the number of marks awarded.
understand by e.g. what do you understand by the term total internal reflection
the term.)

12 | P a g e
This a checklist of the mathematical skills you need for your physics exam. Tick each
box in the checklist if you know you have the skill. Teachers should explain these
skills to learners if they are not sure. The comment column is for extra notes and
You can: Checklist Comments
• add, subtract, multiply and divide
• averages
• decimals
• fractions
• percentages
• ratios
• reciprocals
• use standard notation (notation is putting symbols
for numbers e.g. x = 2, y = 5, atomic mass, Z = 12)
including both positive and negative indices

• understand significant figures and use them

• use direct proportion You should know that if you plot a
(stepwise increases) graph of y against x, then a
• use inverse proportion straight line through the origin
(inverse means turned up-side- down) shows that y is directly
proportional to x
the inverse of 4 is ¼ (= 0.25)
• use positive, whole number indices in algebraic Manipulation of algebraic expressions,
expressions often into simpler form or a form which
is easily handled and dealt with.
• draw charts You will be given the data
• graphs with line of best fit
• bar graphs
• line graphs

• determine the gradient and intercept of a graph

• select suitable scales and axes for graphs
• make approximate evaluations of numerical

13 | P a g e
You can: Checklist Comments
recall and use equations for: area = length x width
• the area of a rectangle volume = length x breadth x height
• the area of a triangle
• the area of a circle
• the volume of a rectangular block
• the volume of a cylinder
• use a ruler, compasses, protractor and set square

understand the meaning of:

• angle
• curve
• circle
• radius
• diameter
• circumference
• square
• parallelogram
• rectangle
• diagonal
• solve equations of the form x = y + z and x = yz
when two of the terms are known
• recognize and use clockwise and anticlockwise
• recognize and use points of the compass (N, S, E, W)

Use and application of:

• Trigonometric ratios in right-angles
triangles (determining lengths of
• Basic trig ratios /identities and inverse (ratios in sides and the size of angles)
terms of hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite)
• Pythagoras theorem • Intervals where a function is
• Trig functions/graphs positive, negative, increasing or
• Special angles
• Functions (linear, parabolic and exponential)
• Graph interpretation

• Basic Differential Calculus

14 | P a g e
This shows the syllabus in a simple way so that you can check
• the topics you need to know about
• details about each topic in the syllabus
• how much of the content you have to cover/ is covered in each topic?


Multiple choice – Usually, multiple choice questions are worth two mark in
Physical Sciences. Some questions are designed to test your ability to retain facts,
whereas others require you to apply a formula to work out the answer. Students often
make the mistake of thinking that multiple choice questions don’t take long to answer.
You should always ensure you allocate enough time to these questions as they’re often
more difficult than students imagine.

➢ Teachers may use MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS to address ALL key aspects and
concepts in Physics, as outlined in the Examination Guidelines.

➢ Do NOT focus on the correct answers ONLY. For example, Question 1.3 below can be used
to address ALL aspects on VERTICAL PROJECTILE MOTION including GRAPHS.

1.3 A learner is standing on the roof of a 25m high building. She leans over the
edge and throws a stone vertically upwards at 8m·s . Ignore the effects of air resistance.
She wants to calculate the time it will take the stone from the moment she throws the
stone until it hits the ground. She uses the equation, Δy = v i Δt + 21 at 2 for the
calculation. Which of the following shows the correct substitutions for the calculation?
A 25= 8Δt+½ (9,8) Δt
B -25= 8Δt+ ½ (9,8) Δt
C -25= 8Δt+ ½ (-9,8) Δt
D -25= -8Δt+ ½ (-9,8) Δt

➢ Do not attempt to look for any pattern, or any lack of pattern in the answers. In other
words, do not worry about how many questions have been answered A, B, C or D
and do not worry about the distribution of As, Bs, Cs and Ds.

➢ Make sure to develop learners’ skills in the answering of multiple-choice questions. In cases
where the answer is not immediately obvious, learners should go through steps of eliminating
obviously incorrect answers.

NB: Please note that there will always be at least TWO statements or items that are
obviously wrong. Eliminate them first.

15 | P a g e
Example 1: Multiple Choice Questions
A trolley starts from rest and is driven along a horizontal track by a motor which exerts a
constant driving force. The effects of friction and air resistance can be neglected. Which one of
the following graphs best represents the momentum of the trolley versus time?
A. B.

p p

t t

C. D.

p p

t t
Because of the constant force B and D are automatically out. The choice is now limited to A and
C. Option C will be the correct answer because the trolley starts from rest (zero).

NB: Where calculations are involved, it is advisable to do the arithmetic before looking at
possible solutions.

Example 2
Object A has kinetic energy E, object B of twice the mass is moving at twice the velocity of A.
The kinetic energy of B is

A. E B. 2E C. 4 D. 8E

1 2
Approach: Ek = mv = 2 x 22 = 8 OR
1 2
Ek = mv = E= ½ (2m) (2v )2= (½ mv2) 8 = 8E Therefore the correct answer is D

16 | P a g e
• Once you feel confident in tackling problems on Newton’s Laws and Applications,
Vertical Projectile Motion, Momentum and Impulse, Doppler Effect and Electrostatics,
go through as many of the associated exercises (i.e. general exam problems) as possible.

• These General exam problems (practice questions) from past question papers, ranked and
arranged by situations (contexts) have been reworked for increased clarity.

• All practice exam questions in this document have been carefully selected to incorporate
several concepts and techniques into one situation.

• Make sure that you practice as many of these problems as possible in order to help you
develop problem-solving skills required to excel in the examinations.

17 | P a g e

You Need to Know√

• A force is always exerted BY something ON something else.

• Distinguish between forces acting ON the body and forces exerted BY the body. Only the
forces acting ON the body affects its motion.
• “Gravity” is not a force, it should be “gravitational force of earth ON the body”.


• There are two different types of forces – contact forces (these act when two objects are
physically in contact, e.g. friction) and action-at-distance forces (these act through force
fields, e.g. magnetism, electrostatic f.)

• Specific forces
o weight (due to gravity, w or fg = mg)
o tension (within a string or cable, T)
o normal force (always acting perpendicular to the surface an object is resting or moving
on, N or FN)
o applied forces (a push or a pull)
o frictional forces (opposing the motion of an object)

• Frictional forces can be static (opposing the tendency of motion of a stationary object
relative to a surface) or kinetic (opposing the motion of a moving object relative to a
surface) …

• Friction forces are independent of the area of contact and the velocity of motion —
they are proportional to the normal force

• Kinetic frictional force (𝑓𝑘 or fk): fk = μkN, where μk is the kineticcoefficientof friction,
and N the magnitude of the normal force, N.

• Static friction force (𝑓𝑠 or fs): fs = μsN, where μs is the static frict. coefficient
o if the applied force, Fapp or 𝐹𝑎𝑝𝑝, does not cause the body to move, the static
frictional force is equal in magnitude to Fapp but in the opposite direction.

o the static frictional force is a maximum (fsmax) just before the body starts to move

o if Fapp exceeds fsmax, the net force will accelerate theobject

o once the object is moving, the kinetic frictional force is operative.

18 | P a g e
• The drawing of free-body diagrams is central to solving problems involving forces acting
on objects and as such, teachers should emphasise this during their teaching/revision.

NB: Force diagrams and free body diagrams:

➢ A force diagram illustrates a particular situation and the forces atplay.

In a force diagram we represent the object with a small block or circle and the forces that
act on it with vector arrows.

➢ A free-body diagram shows the relative magnitudes and directions of the forces acting on
the body isolated from its surroundings. In a free body diagram,

o a dot represents the object …

o arrows are drawn for each force (the arrow starts on the dot, with the arrow head
indicating the direction of the force)
o each force is named or labelled with its symbol.

For example, the force diagram and free body diagram for an object that rests on a table are as

Force diagram for an object resting on a Free body diagram for an object resting
table N
Legend: Legend:
N = Normal Force N = Normal Force
Fg= Weight Fg= Weight

Fg Fg

• The vector nature of forces is important (direction in which a force is exerted). The direction
of a force determines the direction of the change in motion.
• Balanced forces cause a body to maintain its present state of motion (at a constant/uniform
speed in a straight line or remaining at rest/stationary), and not a change in motion.

• In the absence of net forces or if the net force on an object is zero, a moving object tends to
move along a straight-line path indefinitely (NEWTON I).

NB: Objects will undergo changes in motion only in the presence of net force or only if the
net force is non-zero (NEWTON II).

19 | P a g e
You Need to Know√
Exam questions will require learners to apply Newton's Laws of motion to a variety of
equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems including:

❖ A single object:
➢ Moving on a horizontal plane with or without friction
➢ Moving on an inclined plane with or without friction
➢ Moving in the vertical plane (lifts, rockets, etc.)

❖ Two-body systems (joined by a light inextensible string):

➢ Both on a flat horizontal plane with or without friction
➢ One on a horizontal plane with or without friction, and a second hanging vertically from a
string over a frictionless pulley
➢ Both on an inclined plane with or without friction
➢ Both hanging vertically from a string over a frictionless pulley


According to Newton’s First Law of Motion, if no net force acts on it, a body at
rest remains at rest and a body in motion remains in motion at constant
velocity (that is, at constant speed in a straight line).
➢ Two or more forces act on a body without affecting its velocity if the forces cancel one
another out.
➢ What is needed for a velocity to change is a net force, or unbalanced force.
➢ To accelerate something, a non-zero net force must be applied to it.
➢ Conversely, every acceleration is due to the action of a net force.


According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the net force acting on a body
equals the product of the mass and the acceleration of the body (the direction
of the force is the same as that of the acceleration).

➢ Newton’s Second Law of Motion is the key to understanding the behavior of moving bodies
since it links cause (force) and effect (acceleration) in a definite way.
➢ In all but simplest problems that involve the second law of motion, it is helpful to draw free-
body diagram of the situation. This is the vector diagram that shows all the forces that act
ON the body whose motion is being studied.

20 | P a g e
➢ Forces that the body being studied exerts on anything else should not be included, since such
forces do not affect the body’s motion.
➢ To accelerate something, a non-zero net force must be applied to it.
➢ Conversely, every acceleration is due to the action of a net force.
➢ Forces are often transmitted by cables, a general term that includes strings, ropes, and chains.
Cables can change the direction of a force with the help of a pulley while leaving the
magnitude of the force unchanged.
➢ The tension T in a cable is the magnitude of the force that any part of the cable exerts on the
adjoining part. The tension is the same in both directions in the cable, and T is the same along
the entire cable if the cable’s mass is small.
➢ Only cables of negligible mass will be considered here, so T can be thought of as the
magnitude of the force that either end of a cable exerts on whatever it is attached to.

When solving problems,

Newton’s First TWO Laws of Motion (Newton I and II) form a whole and as such it is difficult
to isolate them in a problem.
• If the body tends to maintain its existing motion (moves at a constant/uniform velocity),
Newton’s First Law of motion applies.

• If an accelerating body is mentioned, or a (net) resultant force on a body, Newton’s

Second Law of motion applies.

You Need to Know√

In the solving of typical Newton’s Second Law of motion problems, we distinguish between
two situations:

i. If only ONE force is acting ON the body, use the formula, Fnet = ma.
ii. When TWO or more forces in opposite directions (horizontally or vertically) are
acting ON the body, firstly obtain an equation for the resultant/net force in terms of
the two (or more) opposing forces [the net/resultant is always the bigger force minus
the smaller force.

To solve problems related to Newton’s 2nd Law, apply the following procedure …
1) Choose 𝑥- and 𝑦- (or ⊥- and ∥-) directions as positive.

2) Determine all the forces acting on the object/s.

3) Draw a force diagram (or a free body diagram) and label the forces with as much
detail as is provided.

21 | P a g e
4) If any forces are not parallel or perpendicular to the line of motion,
resolve these vectors into their components.
5) The sum of all forces perpendicular to the line of motion must be zero – these have
no effect on the motion, except to determine the magnitude of frictional forces.

6) Find the sum of all the forces (Fnet) acting on object in the line of motion.

7) Apply Fnet = ma.

Solving Two Body – Problems

Use one of two (2) basic approaches …

1) Consider the system as a single object moving together. The total mass is the sum of
the individual masses, and the acceleration of the system is the same as that of the
individual objects. We can often calculate the acceleration of the system using this
Then take the objects individually, construct free-body diagrams for each, and identify
and calculate the individual forces acting. Thus, we can generally calculate the value
of any force acting between the objects.

2) In this approach, free-body diagrams are constructed independently for each object,
and Newton’s 2nd Law is use to relate the individual force values to the mass and
acceleration of each object. This generates an equation for each object, giving two
equations with two unknowns that may be solved using simultaneous equations.

❖ Emphasize the drawing of the free body diagrams, especially the skill to isolate the
bodies and then identify the forces acting ON each body.

22 | P a g e
LAW III: NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION (The Law of Action-Reaction)

Whenever one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body
simultaneously exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction
on the first body.
➢ All forces in nature occur in pairs. Therefore, an interaction exists between TWO bodies; this
interaction is known as an action-reaction pair.
➢ Newton’s Third Law of motion applies to two different forces on two different bodies: the
action force one body exerts ON the other, and the equal but opposite reaction force the
second body exerts ON the first.
➢ The action and reaction forces never cancel each other out because they act simultaneously
on TWO different bodies and therefore cannot be regarded as balanced forces.

NB: Application of Newton’s Third Law is often integrated in momentum and impulse

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation

• State Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Each body in the universe attracts every other
body with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
• Solve problems using:
mm mm
F = G 1 2 2 OR F = G 1 2 2
d r
• Describe weight as the gravitational force the Earth exerts on any object on or near its
• Calculate weight using the expression w = mg.
• Calculate the weight of an object on other planets with different values of gravitational
• Distinguish between mass and weight.
• Explain weightlessness.

NOTE: This law is more likely to be asked in Multiple Choice Questions to test learners
understanding of variables (proportionalities):
➢ Show how the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both interacting
objects (i.e. as the mass of either object increases, the force of gravitational attraction
between them also increases).
➢ Show how the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation
distance between the two interacting objects (i.e. If the separation distance between two
objects increases, then the force of gravitational attraction between them decreases).

23 | P a g e

Now that you have revised this material on Forces and Newtons’ Laws & Applications, go
through as many of the associated exercises as possible. Our exercises are mainly divided
into two:



• These problems are designed to incorporate several concepts and techniques into one
situation. Marathon Problems can be used in class by groups of learners to help facilitate
problem-solving skills

24 | P a g e
A 5 kg block, resting on a rough horizontal surface, is connected by a light inextensible string
passing over a light frictionless pulley to a second block of mass 3 kg hanging vertically.

An applied force F is acting on the 5 kg block as shown in the diagram below and the coefficient
of kinetic friction between the 5 kg block and the surface is 0, 2.
The 5 kg block accelerates to the left.

2.1 Define the term frictional force (2)

2.2 Calculate the magnitude of the:
2.3.1 Vertical component of F if the magnitude of the horizontal component of F (2)
equals 38 N
2.3.2 Normal force acting on the 5 kg block (3)
2.3 State Newton’s Second Law of motion (2)
2.4 Draw a labelled free-body diagram to indicate ALL the forces acting
on the 3 kg block (2)
2.5 Calculate the magnitude of the tension in the string connecting the two blocks (6)


25 | P a g e
Two wooden blocks of masses 2 kg and 3 kg respectively are placed on a rough horizontal
surface. They are connected by a string. A constant horizontal force of 10 N is applied to the
second string attached to the 3 kg mass as shown in the diagram below. Assume that both strings
are light and inextensible.

The system moves towards the right with a constant velocity

2.1 Define the term kinetic frictionless force (2)
2.2 What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the system? (1)
2.3 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the 3 kg
block as it moves towards the right (5)
2.4 Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the surface of the table and
the two wooden blocks (4)
The 10 N is increased to 30 N so that the system now accelerates
2.5 Calculate the acceleration of system. (5)


26 | P a g e

A man applies a constant pulling force on a heavy parcel of mass50 kg using a light
inextensible rope which passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown in the diagram
below. The coefficient of static friction between the parcel and the rough table surface is
0,34. The magnitude of the maximum static frictional force is 120 N. Ignore the mass of the


50 kg

2.1 Draw a free-body diagram showing ALL forces exerted on the parcel (4)

2.2 State, in words, Newton’s Second Law of Motion. (2)

2.3 Show that the magnitude of the vertical component of the tension force
in the rope is 137,06 N.
2.4 Hence, determine the magnitude of the tension force in the rope(T) as well as the
angle (𝜃) that the rope forms with the horizontal. (4)

2.5 The man now increases the magnitude of his pulling force. Under the action of
this new constant force, the parcel begins to slide horizontally along the table.

2.5.1 How will the magnitude of the normal force change as the parcel slides
across the table surface? State only INCREASES, DECREASES or

2.5.2 Give a reason for your answer to QUESTION 2.5.1. (2)

27 | P a g e
A 4 kg block B, resting on a flat, rough horizontal table, is connected by a light inextensible
string to a 6 kg block A. The string is passed over a light frictionless pulled in such a way that A
hangs vertically downwards as shown in the diagram below.

2.1 Write down Newton’s Second Law of motion in words. (2)

2.2 Draw a free-body diagram of ALL forces acting on block B. (4)
2.3 The kinetic frictional force experienced by block B is 32, 53 N to the left.
Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration. (6)
2.4 Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the surface of the table and
block B. (3)

2.5 How will the frictional force on the block be affected if the 4 kg block is
pulled at an angle of 300to the horizontal? (3)
Explain your answer.

28 | P a g e
A block of mass 6 kg rests on a rough horizontal table. It is connected by a light inextensible
string T which passes over a light frictionless pulled to another block of mass 9 kg hanging
vertically as shown below.
When a 30 N force is applied to the 6 kg block at an angle of 200 to the horizontal, the 6 kg block
accelerates at 3,35 m∙s-2 TO THE LEFT.

The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 6 kg block and the surface of the table is µk.
Ignore the effects of air friction.
2.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram that shows ALL the forces acting on 6 kg block. (5)
2.2 Write down Newton’s SECOND law in words. (2)

Calculate the:
2.3 Normal force on the 6 kg block. (3)

2.4 Tension in string T. (2)

2.5 Coefficient of kinetic friction (µk) between the 6 kg block and the table. (5)


29 | P a g e
2.1 A 4 kg trolley is at rest on a rough inclined surface, which makes an angle of 30 0
with the horizontal. A constant force F is applied, causing the trolley to accelerate up
the incline for 2m at 0, 43 m∙s-2. (Ignore the rotation effects of the wheels and air

2.1.1 State, in words, Newton’s Second Law of Motion. (2)

2.1.2 Draw a labelled free body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the trolley
as it moves up the slope. (4)

2.1.3 If the coefficient of kinetic friction, µk, along the incline is 0, 2, calculate the
magnitude of the:
(a) Frictional force on the trolley as it moves up the slope (3)
(b) Applied force F. (5)
2.2 A spaceship, mass 2 000 kg, is moving towards Earth. Calculate the magnitude
of the gravitational force that the spaceship will experience when it is 100 km above the
Earth’s surface. (4)

30 | P a g e
Block X mass of 4 kg is connected to block Y of mass 8 kg by a light, inextensible string.
Another light, inextensible string attached to block X runs over a frictionless pulley. The system
is pulled by means of a constant force of 180 N as shown in the diagram below. Ignore the
effects of air resistance.

2.1 State Newton’s second law of motion in words (2)

2.2 Draw a labelled free body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on object X (3)
2.3 Calculate the:
2.3.1 tension T in the string connecting the two blocks (4)
2.3.2 magnitude of the acceleration of block X (2)

31 | P a g e
Two scale pans each of mass 0,1 kg are attached to a light inextensible cable which passes over a
smooth pulley. A mass of 0,5 kg is placed on one pan and a mass of 0,3 kg is placed on the other
pan as shown in the diagram. The system is released from rest

2.1 State Newton's second law of motion. (2)

2.2 Consider each side separately and use Newton's second law to write an
equation for each side (2)

2.3 Hence, calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the system and the
magnitude of the tension in the cable. (2)

2.4 Draw a free-body diagram for the 0,5 kg mass piece while the system is accelerating.
The relative sizes of the forces must be clear. (2)

2.5 Calculate the force that the scale pan exerts on the 0,5 kg mass. (3)

2.6 State Newton's third law of motion. (2)

2.7 Describe the force that is the Newton third law pair to the force that the
scale pan exerts on the 0,5 kg mass. (1)


32 | P a g e

A 5 kg block, resting on a rough horizontal table, is connected by a light inextensible string

passing over a light frictionless pulley to another block of mass 2 kg. The 2 kg block hangs
vertically as shown in the diagram below.

A force of 60 N is applied to the 5 kg block at an angle of 10 to the horizontal, causing the block
to accelerate to the left.

The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 5 kg block and the surface of the table is 0, 5.
Ignore the effects of air friction.

2.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the
5 kg block. (5)

2.2 Calculate the magnitude of the:

2.2.1 Vertical component of the 60 N force (2)

2.2.2 Horizontal component of the 60 N force (2)

2.3 State Newton's Second Law of Motion in words. (2)

2.4 Calculate the magnitude of the:

2.4.1 Normal force acting on the 5 kg block (2)

2.4.2 Tension in the string connecting the two blocks (7)


33 | P a g e
In the diagram below, two identical metal spheres, X and Y, are a distance apart. The
gravitational force that Y exerts on X is shown by the force vector, F.

(Vector F is represented by a length of 2 cm).

3.1 State Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation. (2)

3.2 Copy the diagram into your answer book and then draw in another force vector
showing the precise magnitude and direction of the gravitational force exerted by
X on Y. (2)

3.3 Certain changes are now made, as stated below. For each of the following
changes, draw a new labelled diagram to show the precise magnitude and
direction of the gravitational forces which X and Y exert on each other:

3.3.1 the mass of X is doubled (2)

3.3.2 the distance between the spheres is doubled (with X and Y having the
same original masses as in 3.2). (2)


34 | P a g e

3.1 State the Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation in words. (2)

3.2 The distance between the midpoints of two metal balls, P and Q respectively of
masses 65 kg and 80 kg are 90 cm.
Q = 80 kg
P = 65 kg

90 cm

3.2.1 Calculate the gravitational force that P exerts on Q. (4)

3.2.2 Give only the magnitude of the force that Q exerts on P (1)

3.2.3 If Q is now replaced by a ball that is half ( 12 ) its original mass and the distance

between the balls is doubled, determine the NEW force.

Do not use the same formula as in 3.2.1. (3)


35 | P a g e

A space-ship, mass 3 500 kg, is at rest at point P, 2 x 105 km from the center of the earth.

3.1 State Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation in words. (2)

3.2 Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force that the space-ship
experiences at point P. (4)
Point Q is a point on a straight line between the moon and the earth. Point Q is a distance d
from the centre of the earth. The space- ship experiences a ZERO net force when it is at rest at
point Q.

The mass of the moon is 7, 35 x 1022 kg and it is at average 3, 8 x 105 km from the earth.
3.3 Calculate the distance between points P and Q. (5)

36 | P a g e

A spacecraft on a mission to explore the outer solar system was between Jupiter and Saturn at the
distances shown on the diagram.

The mass of Jupiter is 1,9 × 1027kg and the mass of Saturn is 5,7 × 1026kg.

3.1 State Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. (2)

The mass of the spacecraft is 2,2 × 103 kg.

3.2 Calculate the magnitude of the force that Jupiter exerts on the spacecraft at
the position shown. (3)

3.3 Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration experienced by the spacecraft

at the position shown. (5)


37 | P a g e

An Astronaut of mass, m is attracted to the earth by a force, F while on the surface of

the earth. She then goes into space as shown in the diagram below. Use the mass of the earth as

3.1 State Newton’s law of universal gravitation in words. (2)

3.2 Calculate the height, X above the earth, in terms Re where the astronaut will
experience half the force she experiences while on the surface of the earth.

The radius of the earth is Re. (5)

3.3 If the mass of the astronaut is 75kg. Calculate the force she experiences at the
height calculated in Question 3.2. (3)

38 | P a g e

You Need to Know√

Important facts about vertical projectile motion

• In the absence of air friction, a body thrown upwards, downwards or released from
rest is in free fall.
• The only force acting on the body is the gravitational force of attraction (of earth).
• The acceleration of the body (g) remains constant throughout its fall.
• At or near the surface of Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is equal to
approximately 9,8 m.s-2 downwards.

• In the absence of air friction, any two bodies (regardless of their masses) will hit the
ground at the same time if they are dropped from the same height simultaneously.

• For a free-falling body that is thrown upwards and return to the thrower’s hand, the
time taken for the upward motion is equal to the time taken for the downward motion.

• For a free-falling body that is thrown upwards and returns to the thrower’s hand, the
magnitude of the velocity at which the object leaves the thrower’s hand (v i) is equal
to the magnitude of the velocity at which the object returns to the thrower’s hand (v f),
although vi and vf are in opposite directions.
• if the object is being thrown upwards, it must start with a maximum velocity and as it
moves up, the magnitude of the velocity decreases until it is zero, when the maximum
height has been reached.
• at maximum height …

𝑣 = 0 m·s-1; 𝑎 = 𝑔 = – 9,8 m·s-2 (i.e. downward)

• the time taken to reach maximum height (the top of curve) (time up) is equal to
the time to fall to same position (height) (time down).

• if the object is being released from rest or being dropped, its initial velocity is
0 m·s-1. If thrown down- wards, the magnitude of vi is greater than zero, with
a negative direction (upward being taken as positive).
• if the object falls below the initial position, the magnitude of the velocity
increases … though it is in a negative direction (upward being taken as

39 | P a g e
Tips for Calculations

• The 4 equations of motion are very useful, indeed essential …

vf = vi + at ; vf2 = vi2 + 2aΔy ; Δy = viΔt + ½ a(Δt)2 AND Δy = (vf + vi)/2 ×Δt

• Ignore air resistance for all calculations unless it is specifically stated

that there is air resistance.
• Remember that displacement, velocity and acceleration are all vector quantities,
thus direction is very important. Choose a direction as positive for each
question dealing with vector quantities (unless instructed by the question to
take up or down as positive).

• Don’t change the choice of direction ½ way through a question.

Make your choice clear before starting your answer to a question.

• For as long as the acceleration of an object is constant (in whichever direction it

might be moving), it may be treated as a single motion. However, motion with an
upward and downward component may also be treated in two parts.

• If downward is chosen as positive, gravity will be positive.

If upward is chosen as positive, gravity will be negative.

• Emphasize the use of equations of motion, for e.g. to determine:

o The greatest height reached given the velocity with which the projectile is
launched upward (initial velocity)
o The time at which a projectile is at a height given its initial velocity.
o The height relative to the ground of the position of a projectile shot vertically upward
at launch, given the time for the projectile to reach the ground.

40 | P a g e
Hints at Solving Problem Solving on Vertical Projectile Motion

1. Draw a diagram (showing the trajectory of a projectile).

2. Learners should be advised to determine and show the frame of reference of motion before
they start with the question e.g. upward motion as positive / downward motion as
negative.[Choose the direction of displacement (velocity or acceleration) that is to be
If downward motion is taken as positive If upward motion is taken as positive

g =+9,8 m.s-2 g = -9,8 m.s-2

For an object moving upwards: v < 0 For an object moving upwards: v > 0
For an object moving downwards: v > 0 For an object moving downwards: v < 0
For an object at its highest position: v = 0 For an object at its highest position: v = 0
For an object at any position above its starting For an object at any position above its starting
point: y < 0 point: y > 0
For an object at any position below its starting For an object at any position below its starting
point: y > 0 point: y < 0
For an object at its starting point: y = 0 For an object at its starting point: y = 0

3. Write down what you are given (in symbols, remember the sign).
4. Write down what you want to find.
5. Write down the appropriate kinematic equation.
6. Always write the complete equation first and show all substitutions, even zero values.
7. Place a unit after every final answer.
8. The acceleration due to gravity is always constant and downwards and may be +ve or –ve
depending upon choice of sign convention.
9. The use of a velocity-time (v-t) graph often simplifies the calculation.
Represented on the graph are all the five variables i.e. v and t, the intercept on the v axis is
vi(t=0), the slope is a and the area under the graph is Δx/Δy.
➢ At the maximum or highest point, the velocity of the object is zero.
➢ The y intercept of a velocity time graph is the initial velocity of the object
➢ The x intercept of a velocity time graph gives the time taken to reach the maximum
➢ The gradient or slope of a velocity time graph is the acceleration of the object.
➢ The area under a velocity time graph is a measure of displacement/position.

10. Do not confuse instant velocity, and acceleration.

41 | P a g e
You Need to Know√
Graphical Interpretations

• Graphical interpretations for motion along a straight line (the x-axis) are as follows:

➢ The instantaneous velocity of an object at a certain time is the slope of the

position/displacement versus time graph at that tie. It can be positive, negative, or zero.

➢ The instantaneous acceleration of an object at a certain time in the slope of the velocity
versus time graph at that time.

➢ For constant-velocity motion, the position-versus-t graph is a straight line.

➢ For constant -acceleration motion, the velocity-versus-time graph is a straight line.

➢ In general (i.e., one-, two-, or three-dimensional motion), the slope at any moment of the
distance-versus-time graph is the speed of an object.

• It is VERY IMPORTANT to be able to draw and interpret graphs of motion for each scenario.
There are essentially three types …

1) displacement (or position) / time graphs

2) velocity / time graphs

3) acceleration / time graphs

42 | P a g e
Vertical Projectile Motion (VPM) GRAPHS - Scenario 1
It is VERY IMPORTANT to be able to draw and interpret graphs of VPM. You should
instinctively know the basic shape of each graph for any of the situations given below …
• an object dropped from a height above the ground (up is +)

vi = 0 m·s-1; velocity will be initial position = x (+); ground is 0

negative, since up is + a = –9,8 m·s-2 ; acc. (due to m .. as object falls, x decreases
gravity) is constant, and – note the curve.

• Suppose we take downward as positive (i.e. gravity in pos. direction)

In this case, the graphs for an object dropped from above the ground will look as
follows …

a = –9,8 m·s-2 ; Release position is 0 m ... as an

vi = 0 m·s-1; velocity will be
acceleration. (due to object falls, displacement increases –
negative, since up is + gravity) is constant, and note the curve

43 | P a g e
VPM GRAPHS - Scenario 2

• an object thrown up from a ground above the ground (up is +).


vi = pos. & decreasing; at tm

vi = pos. & decreasing; at tm h0 = ground level; hm = max. height
(or hm), v = 0 m·s-1; vf = – vi
(or hm), v = 0 m·s-1; vf = – vi a = – 9,8 m·s-2 ; acceleration is
constant and negative

VPM GRAPHS 3 - Scenario 3

• a ball is dropped from a height and bounces up off the ground, coming to rest on the ground
thereafter (up is +, ground is zero level)

In some graphs, the time interval Note the transition when the ball Acceleration constant
of thebounce is indicated by a bounces ... a dotted line must throughout, but note the
space between t1 and t2 connect the two parts of the velocity discontinuity at tm
graph …

• The mass of an object is irrelevant during free fall. It is only necessary when you have
to calculate the momentum with which the object strikes the ground.
• When drawing graphs, use a ruler for straight lines. The graph does not have to be to
scale, but it must have the correct shape. Label all axes, with name and unit. Graphs
must include the values asked for in a question.

44 | P a g e

Now that you have revised this material on Forces and Newtons’ Laws & Applications, go
through as many of the associated exercises as possible. Our exercises are mainly divided
into two:



• These problems are designed to incorporate several concepts and techniques into one
situation. Marathon Problems can be used in class by groups of learners to help facilitate
problem-solving skills


Exam questions will require learners to solve problems and sketch and interpret position
versus time (x vs. t), velocity versus time (v vs. t) and acceleration versus time (a v/s. t)
graphs for:

o A free-falling object
o An object thrown vertically upwards
o An object thrown vertically downwards
o Bouncing objects (restricted to balls

45 | P a g e
A boy, standing on the edge of a cliff, projects a ball vertically at a speed of 20m.s -1. On its
return the ball passes the boy and reaches the ground at the bottom of the cliff 6 s after it was
projected. Ignore all effects of air friction.

3.1 Define the term free fall. (2)

3.2 Give the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the ball the moment
it reaches its maximum height. (1)
3.3 Calculate the time taken by the ball to pass the boy on its way downward. (4)
3.4 Calculate the height of the ball above the ground 2, 8 s after it is released. (5)
On reaching the ground, the ball bounces inelastically from the ground.
3.5 Sketch a position-time graph for the motion of the ball from the time it is
projected till it reaches its maximum height after the first bounce. Use the top
of the cliff as zero position. Clearly indicate the time of 6 s on the graph. (4)


46 | P a g e
A stone is dropped from the roof of a tall building. After it has fallen a distance of x meters, it
passes a window which is 3, 05 m high in 0, 1s. Refer to the diagram below.

3.1 Define the term free fall (2)

3.2 In which direction is the stone accelerating as it passes the window?
Write down only UPWARDS, DOWNWARDS. (1)
3.3 Prove that the distance of x meters, between the roof and the top of the window
is 45, 95 m. (6)
3.4 Sketch a velocity-time graph from the instant the stone is dropped to the time
it reaches the top of the window. Indicate the velocity when it reaches the top
of the window. (4)

47 | P a g e
Ball A is projected vertically upwards from the ground, near a tall building, with a speed
of 30 m∙s . Ignore the effects of air friction.

3.1 Explain what is meant by a projectile. (2)

3.2 Calculate:

3.2.1 The total time that ball A will be in the air (4)

3.2.2 The distance travelled by ball A during the last second of its fall (4)

3.3 TWO SECONDS after ball A is projected upwards, ball B is projected vertically upwards
from the roof of the same building. The roof the building is 50 m above the ground. Both
balls A and B reach the ground at the same time. Refer to the diagram below. Ignore the
effects of air friction.

Calculate the speed with which ball B was projected upwards from the roof. (4)

3.4 Sketch velocity-time graphs for the motion of both balls A and B on the same
set of axes. Clearly label the graphs for balls A and B respectively.

Indicate the following on the graphs:

(a) Time taken by both balls A and B to reach the ground

(b) Time taken by ball A to reach its maximum height (4)


48 | P a g e
A ball is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a speed of 18m∙s-1. It passes the roof
of a 5 m tall building on its way up and reaches its maximum height at B. On its way down, the
ball strikes the roof of the building at point A as shown in the diagram below. Ignore the effects
of air friction.

3.1 Write down the magnitude of the velocity of the ball at point B the maximum height
above the ground. (1)
3.2 Write down the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the ball at point B. (2)
3.3 Calculate the following regarding the ball:
3.3.1 The time it takes to reach point B above the ground (3)
3.3.2 The velocity at the instant it strikes the roof at point A (3)
3.3.3 The total time it takes, from the instant it is projected to the time it strikes the roof at
point A (4)
3.4 Sketch the velocity-time graph for the motion of the ball from the ground up until it hits
the roof of the building.
Indicate the following on your graph:
i. initial velocity
ii. time at point B (the maximum height)
iii. final velocity (4)

49 | P a g e
The velocity – time graph below shows the motion of a ball that is thrown vertically upwards
from the balcony of a building. It takes 0, 5 for the ball to reach the highest point above the
balcony, after which it falls past the balcony and strikes the ground. Ignore the effects of

3.1 State the numerical value of:

3.1.1 The gradient of the above velocity – time graph.
Provide a reason for your answer. (2)
3.1.2 Time, Tx, as shown on the graph. (1)
3.2 Use ONLY the graph (and NOT equations of motion) to determine the maximum
height the ball reaches above the balcony. (3)
3.3 Calculate, using equations of motions and data from the graph, the:
3.3.1 Velocity, x, with which the ball strikes the ground (3)
3.3.2 Height of the balcony above the ground (3)
3.4 Sketch an acceleration versus time graph for the motion of the ball. (2)

50 | P a g e
A stationary rocket on the ground is launched vertically upwards. When it is 550 m above the
ground (point Q) an object is released from the rocket. At this instant, the velocity of the rocket
is 110 m.s-1. The object reaches its MAXIMUM height ABOVE ground at point R. Ignore the
effects of air friction.

3.1 Give a reason why the object keeps moving upwards after it is released from
the rocket. (1)
3.2 What is the direction of the acceleration of the object at:
3.2.1 Point P (1)
3.2.2 Point R (1)
3.3 ONLY use EQUATIONS OF MOTION to calculate the time taken by the OBJECT to…
3.3.1 reach its maximum height after being released from the rocket at point Q (3)
3.3.2 reach the ground after being released from the rocket at point Q (3)
3.4 Sketch the velocity versus time graph for the complete motion of the object.
On the graph indicate the following:
• Initial velocity
• Time to reach its maximum height
• Time when it reaches the ground (4)
51 | P a g e
A ball is projected vertically upwards from the roof of a 35 m high building at a velocity of
15 m∙s-1. The ball reaches the ground and bounces back.

3.1 Define the term projectile. (2)

3.2 Calculate the:
3.2.1 Maximum height the ball reaches above the ground. (4)
3.2.2 Time taken by the ball to reach the ground for the first time. (4)
3.3 Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion of the ball, from the time it was
projected until it reaches the ground after the bounce.
Show the following clearly on the graph:
(a) The initial velocity of the ball.
(b) The time taken to reach the ground for the first time. (4)

52 | P a g e
The position-time graph for a tennis ball thrown vertically upwards from the second floor of a
school building is shown below.
Ignore all effects of air friction.

The height of the second floor is 6, 5 m. The ball rises 0,9 m from the point projection before its
starts to fall to the ground.

3.1 Write down the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the ball while
it is moving upwards. (2)

3.2 Calculate the time t1 it takes the ball to reach its maximum height. (4)

3.3 Calculate the initial velocity of the tennis ball the instant it is released. (4)
3.4 Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion of the ball from the moment it is
thrown vertically upwards till it reaches the ground. Label the axes and show
all the relevant values on the graph. (5)


53 | P a g e
A tennis ball bounces to a vertical height of 0,9 m when it is dropped from a height of 1,8 m above the
ground. It rebounds immediately after it strikes the ground, and the effects of air resistance are negligible.

1, 8m


3.1 How long (in s) does it take for the ball to hit the ground after it has

been dropped? (4)

3.2 At what velocity does the ball strike the ground? (3)

3.3 At what velocity does the ball rebound from the maximum height after
the bounce? (4)

3.4 How long (in s) does the ball take to reach its maximum height after the bounce? (3)

3.5 Draw a velocity-time graph for the motion of the ball from the time that it is
dropped to the time when it rebounds to 0,9 m. Clearly show the following
on your graph:

(a) The time when the ball hits the ground

(b) The time when it reaches 0,9 m
(c) The velocity of the ball when it hits the ground, and
(d) The velocity of the ball when it rebounds from the ground (5)


54 | P a g e

A hot-air balloon is rising upwards at a constant velocity of 5 m.s-1. When the balloon is
100 m above the ground, a sandbag is dropped from it (see FIGURE 1). FIGURE 2
shows the path of the sandbag as it falls to the ground. Ignore effects of air resistance.

3.1 At the instant the sandbag is dropped, it moves upwards with reference to the
ground. Give a reason for this observation (2)

3.2 What is the magnitude of the acceleration of:

3.2.1 The hot-air balloon while the sandbag is in it (1)
3.2.2 The sandbag the moment it is dropped from the hot-air balloon (1)
3.3 Will the velocity of the hot-air balloon INCREASE, DECREASE or REMAIN
THE SAME immediately after the sandbag has been released?
Explain fully. (4)
3.4 Determine the maximum height P, above the ground, reached by the sandbag
after it is released from the hot-air balloon. (6)
3.5 Calculate the time taken for the sandbag to reach this maximum height after it has
been released. (4)
3.6 Calculate the total time taken for the sandbag to reach the ground after it has been
released. (5)
3.7 Draw a neat displacement (position) versus time graph for the sandbag's motion
from the moment it is dropped from the hot-air balloon until it hits the ground.
Label all available numerical displacement and time values. (5)


55 | P a g e
Whilst ascending the vertical tower of the Kingda Ka a wallet falls out of a rider's
pocket. The simplified velocity-time graph representing the vertical motion of the
wallet is represented below. Down has been taken as the positive direction. Air
resistance can be ignored.

3.1.1 What was the magnitude of the vertical velocity of the train at the instant the
wallet left the rider's pocket? (1)

3.1.2 Using information from the graph, calculate the height of the wallet above
the ground at the instant it was released. (2)

3.1.3 How many times did the wallet bounce before coming to rest? (1)

3.1.4 Draw a displacement vs. time sketch graph to represent the change in
position of the wallet with time. Use the release point as the frame of
reference. No numerical values need to be shown but the axes should be
labelled with the physical quantities plotted. (2)

56 | P a g e
3.2 A hot air balloon is rising vertically upwards at a constant velocity. A
cellphone is accidentally dropped from the balloon when the balloon is at a
height of 104,40 m as shown in the diagram. The cellphone strikes the ground
6 s after it is dropped. Ignore air resistance

3.2.1 Calculate the speed vb with which the balloon is rising when the
cellphone is dropped. (3)
3.2.2 State the velocity of the cellphone at the instant it is dropped (1)
3.2.3 Calculate the maximum height that the cellphone reaches above the
ground. (3)

3.2.4 Calculate the height of the balloon when the cellphone strikes the
ground. (3)


57 | P a g e

You Need to Know√

• Define linear momentum as the product of an object’s mass and its velocity.
• Linear momentum is a vector quantity has the same direction as the velocity of the object.
• Calculate the linear momentum from a moving object using p = mv.
• State Newton’s Second Law in terms of momentum: The net (or resultant) force acting on an
object is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the object in the direction of the net force.
• Express Newton’ s Second law in terms of momentum in symbols: Fnet = Δp
• Explain the relationship between net force and change in momentum for a variety of motions.
• Calculate the change in momentum when a resultant force acts on an object and its velocity:
- Increases in the direction of motion (e.g. 2nd stage rocket engine fires)
- Decreases (e.g. brakes are applied).

- Reverses its direction of motion e.g. a soccer ball kicked back in the direction it came from.

• Draw vector diagrams to illustrate the relationship between the initial momentum, the final
momentum and the change in momentum in each of the above cases.
• Define the impulse of a force as the product of the average net force and the time interval
during which the resultant/net force acts on the object.
• Deduce the impulse-momentum theorem: Fnet Δ t = Δ p
• Solve problems involving impulse and change in momentum when the applied force is in the
horizontal or vertical direction.
• Use the impulse-momentum theorem to calculate the force exerted, the time for which the force
is applied and the change in momentum for a variety of situations involving the motion of an
object in one dimension.
Note: Δp = Δ(mv) = pafter - pbefore
= mvf - mvi
= m (vf - vi)
• A common question in the final exam relates the concept of impulse to safety considerations,
e.g. airbags, seatbelts, arrestor beds. They are all related to increasing the length of time over
which a net force acts.
(For all safety features use the formula: Fnet = , therefore the purpose of airbags, seatbelts
and arrestor beds is to increase the time during which momentum changes and according
to the equation Fnet = Δp the force during impact will decrease).

58 | P a g e
Conservation of Linear Momentum

• Explain what is meant by a closed/an isolated system (in Physics), i.e. a system on which the
resultant/net external force is zero.

• A closed/an isolated system excludes external forces that originate outside the colliding
bodies, e.g. friction. Only internal forces, e.g. contact forces between the colliding objects, are
• State the principle of conservation of linear momentum:
The law of conservation of linear momentum: The total linear momentum of an isolated
system remains constant (is conserved).
• In problems where the Law Conservation of momentum is used, always start with:

Total momentum before collision/explosion = Total momentum after

pbefore = pafter
m1vi +m2vi = m1vf +m2vf

There are a number of different possible collisions that can take place between two objects
moving along the same line (one dimension):
o one moving object collides with a stationary object
o two objects move towards each other and collide
o two objects are pushed together and kept stationary – when they are released they
move apart (explosion)

• We classify collisions as either ELASTIC orINELASTIC.

o In an elastic collision, both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved.

o In an inelastic collision, momentum is conserved, but not kinetic energy.
• The conservation of kinetic energy is determined by calculating the total kinetic energy of all
parts of the closed system before the collision and comparing that to the total kinetic energy
of all the parts of the closed system after the collision.

NB: In order to prove that a collision is elastic or not, the TOTAL kinetic energy of the bodies
are calculated before the collision and after the collision SEPARATELY.
If the TOTAL kinetic energy of the bodies before the collision equals the TOTAL kinetic
energy of the bodies after the collision, then the collision is elastic. If not, the collision is

59 | P a g e

Now that you have revised this material on Momentum and Impulse, go through as many of
the associated exercises as possible. Our exercises are mainly divided into two:



• These problems are designed to incorporate several concepts and techniques into one
situation. Marathon Problems can be used in class by groups of learners to help facilitate
problem-solving skills

60 | P a g e
A tennis ball with a mass of 100g, is thrown horizontally and collides perpendicularly with a
wall at a velocity of 12 m.s-1. The ball rebounds in the opposite direction at a velocity of 12 m.s-1,
as shown in the diagram below.

12 m.s-1

12 m.s-1

4.1 Define, in words, the term impulse of a force as used in Physics (2)

4.2 Calculate the impulse that acts on the tennis ball while it is in contact
with the wall (3)

4.3 Use a calculation to illustrate that the collision of the tennis ball with the
wall is elastic. (4)

4.4 Draw a vector diagrams (not to scale) to illustrate the relationship among the
initial momentum, the final momentum and the change in momentum of the
tennis ball.

Clearly show the following on the diagram:

• The initial momentum, pi

• The final momentum, pf
• The change in momentum, ∆p (3)


61 | P a g e

Bishop and Jabu are standing on a trolley, which is moving to the right at 3 m·s -1 as shown
below. Bishop has a mass of 80 kg and Jabu a mass of 65 kg. The total mass of the trolley
and both boys is 175 kg.
3 m·s

Jabu jumps off the trolley at 3,5 m∙s-1 in the direction of the motion of the trolley. When he
lands on the ground he falls forward.

4.1 Name the principle (law) of Physics which explains why Jabu falls forward after
landing on the ground. (1)

4.2 State the principle of conservation of linear momentum in words. (2)

4.3 Calculate the magnitude and the direction of the velocity of the combination of
Bishop and the trolley immediately after Jabu has jumped off.

62 | P a g e
Truck A of mass 2 000 kg moving eastwards collides with truck B of mass 1 500 kg. The graph
(Not drawn to scale) shows how the momentum of each of the trucks varies with time.

4.1 Write down the principle of conservation of linear momentum. (2)

4.2 Write down the initial momentum of truck A. (1)
4.3 Determine the magnitude and direction of the velocity of truck B before the collision. (5)
4.4 Is the collision between the trucks ELASTIC or INELASTIC? Show how you arrived at
the answer by means of calculations. (5)

63 | P a g e

Scientists are investigating the possibility of making use of a subsurface nuclear explosive
in order to deflect asteroids from possible collision with the Earth.

Such a nuclear explosive was buried beneath the surface of an asteroid of mass
3,6 x1019 kg. Before detonation, a stationary astronaut on a nearby spacecraft measured the
velocity of the asteroid to be 5 m·s-1towards the constellation of Orion. When the explosive
was detonated the asteroid split into two fragments, A and B.

The explosion projected the two fragments A and Bin opposite directions towards the
constellations Orion and Scorpius with speeds of vA= 8 m·s-1 and
vB = 2 m·s-1respectively.

NB. All speeds are measured relative to the spaceship.

5 m ⋅ s −1
3,6 × 1019 kg 8 m ⋅ s −1
𝑣ԦA 𝑚A

A 𝑚B

B 2 m ⋅ s −1

4.1 State, in words, the principle of conservation of linear momentum. (2)

4.2 Show that fragment A has a mass of 2,52 x 1019 kg. (5)

4.3 Hence determine the impulse experienced by asteroid fragment A. (3)

4.4 The two fragments move apart from each other and after some time their
centers of mass are 150 km apart. Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational
force that the two asteroid fragments exert on each other. (4)

64 | P a g e
A cannon has a mass of 1 250 kg and is 1 000 times heavier than the cannon ball that
it fires during a routine training exercise. The cannon ball leaves the barrel at a horizontal
velocity of 80m∙s-1

The cannon comes to rest 1 second after being fired.

4.1 Define, in words, the term impulse as used in Physics (2)
4.2 Calculate the:
4.2.1 Maximum velocity with which the cannon moves backwards (5)
4.2.2 Magnitude of the average net force that causes the cannon to come to rest (4)
Sibusiso and a Palesa each wearing roller skates, stand facing each other on a flat frictionless
horizontal surface. Sibusiso pushes Palesa and Palesa moves to the right at 4 m∙s-1

4.1 State the principle of conservation of linear momentum in words. (2)

4.2 The masses of Sibusiso and Palesa are 80 kg and 50 kg respectively.
How does the impulse on Palesa compare to that on Sibusiso?
4.3 Calculate Sibusiso’s velocity immediately after pushing Palesa away from him. (4)
4.3.1 Calculate the impulse on Palesa. (3)
65 | P a g e
4.1 Railway carriage X, of mass 21 000 kg, crashes into the back of railway carriage
Y which is travelling in the same direction as X on a straight level track. The graph
shows how the velocity of each railway carriage varies with time.

(m. s-1)

time (s)

Ignore frictional forces between the railway carriages and the track during the collision.
Ignore air resistance.
4.1.1 Calculate the distance travelled by carriage Y between 1,0 s and 2,4 s. (4)

4.1.2 Calculate the magnitude of the change in momentum of railway carriage X

between 1,0 s and 2,4 s. (4)

4.1.3 Calculate the net force experienced by railway carriage X between 1,0 s
and 2,4 s. (4)

4.1.4 Calculate the mass of railway carriage Y. (4)

66 | P a g e
4.2 A small car of mass 1 084 kg was travelling east at a speed of 33 m·s . A large
SUV of mass 3 437 kg was travelling west at a speed of 28 m·s . The two vehicles
collided head on with each other.
Immediately after the collision, the small car was moving west at 5 m·s .

4.2.1 Name the law you would use to calculate the velocity of the SUV
immediately after the collision. (1)

4.2.2 Determine the velocity of the SUV immediately after the collision. (4)

4.2.3 Define an elastic collision. (2)

4.2.4 Use a calculation to determine if the collision was an elastic

collision. (5)

67 | P a g e

Collisions happen on the roads in our country daily. In one of these collisions, a delivery vehicle of mass
5 000 kg, moving at a velocity of 10 m·s-1 to the right collides head on with a car of mass 2 000 kg
moving at 15 m·s-1 in the opposite direction. Immediately after the collision, the car moves at a velocity
of 5 m·s-1 to the right.

10 m·s-1
15 m·s-1
5 000 kg

2 000 kg

4.1 Write down the principle of conservation of linear momentum in words. (2)
4.2 Calculate the magnitude of the velocity of the delivery vehicle immediately after
the collision. (4)
4.3 If the collision lasts 0,4 seconds, calculate the force the delivery vehicle exerts
on the car during the collision. (4)

The billboard below advertises a car from a certain manufacturer.

Safety first!
Both in one package!

Airbag Crumple zone

Before impact
After impact

4.4 Use your knowledge of momentum and impulse to justify how the safety features
mentioned in the advertisement contribute to the safety of passengers. (3)

4.5 Mention one disadvantage of passenger car airbags? (1)


68 | P a g e

In a Physics laboratory, a trolley of unknown mass, m, moves along a track at a constant velocity
of 0.4 m.s-1. A wooden block, mass 500 g, is released directly above and it lands on top of the
trolley. The trolley, along with the block, continues moving at 0.15 m.s-1 in the same direction, as
the diagram below illustrates.

4.1 Define, in words, the term momentum as used in Physics. (2)

4.2 Calculate the mass of the trolley. (4)

4.3 Is the collision between the wooden block and the trolley ELASTIC or INELASTIC?

Use a suitable calculation to justify the answer. (6)

4.4 Draw a velocity versus time sketch graph to illustrate the motion of the trolley
BEFORE and AFTER the block lands on it. (No values required) (2)

4.5 If the collision lasts 0,02 seconds, calculate the force the wooden block exerts

on the trolley during the collision. (4)


69 | P a g e

o The drawing of free-body diagrams and Applications of Newton’s Laws Motion is

central to solving problems involving Work, Energy and Power and as such, teachers
should emphasise this during their teaching/revision.
o The Conservation of linear momentum is often intergraded with Work, Energy and
Power in the examination.

Key Concepts:
• What is Work ?
• Work done on an object by a constant force
• Work done on an object by conservative forces
• Work done on an object by non-conservative forces
• Work-energy theorem
• Conservation of Mechanical Energy
• Power

Some familiarity with the following concepts would be helpful in understanding the
information in this module.

• Vectors
• Different kinds of forces
• Newton’s Laws of Motion
• Energy and Conservation of Energy

70 | P a g e
• Define the work done on an object by a force.
• Give examples of when an applied force does and does not do work on an object.
• Calculate the work done by an object when a force F applied at angle  to the direction of
motion causes the object to move a distance, using

𝑾 = 𝐹 ∙ ∆𝑥 ∙ cos(𝜃)

• Know that an object with larger potential energy has a greater capacity to do work.
• Positive net work done on system will increase energy of the system
• Negative net work done on system will decrease energy of the system
• State the Work-energy theorem: The net/total work done on an object is equal to the change
in the object's kinetic energy OR the work done on an object by a resultant/net force is
equal to the change in the object's kinetic energy.
• Solve problems using the work energy theorem, i.e. the work done on an object by a net
force is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy, using:

𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝐸𝑘 = 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 𝐸𝑘𝑖

• Examples may include objects on horizontal surfaces, objects moving in a vertical plane
and objects on inclined planes.
• Conservative forces (if the net work done by the force in moving an object around a closed
path, starting and ending at same point, is zero) and give an example (e.g. gravitational
• Non-conservative forces (nc) and give examples (e.g. air resistance, friction, tension,
applied forces)
Know that when:
• Only conservative forces are present, mechanical energy is conserved
• Non conservative forces are present, mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and
potential) is not conserved, but total energy (of the system) is still conserved.

71 | P a g e
❑ State the Principle of Conservation of mechanical energy (prior knowledge from grade
❑ Calculations:
Solve conservation of energy problems (with dissipative forces present) using the equation:

𝑊𝑛𝑐= ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝

❑ Examples may include:

• Objects dropped or thrown vertically upwards
• Roller Coasters
• The motion of a pendulum bob (swinging motion)
• Objects on inclined planes (frictionless surface)

❑ Define Power as the (Rate at which work is done).

In symbols :
❑ Calculate:
• Power involved when work is done
• Minimum power required of an electric motor to pump water from a borehole of a
depth at a particular rate using
Wnc = ∆Ek + ∆Ep
• Average power, Pav = Fvav
❑ Understand that:
• Average power - required to keep an object moving at a constant speed along a rough
horizontal surface or a rough inclined plane Apply to real life examples, e.g. the minimum
power required of an electric motor to pump water from a borehole of a particular depth at
a particular rate, the power of different kinds of cars operating under different conditions.

72 | P a g e

• Exam questions that require to application of the Work-Energy Theorem may be asked on the
following cases/contexts:

➢ In the horizontal plane [with and without friction]

➢ In the vertical plane [with and without friction]
➢ On the inclined plane [with and without friction]

• It is very important to draw a Force Diagram or a Free Body Diagram before trying to solve the
problem. (Grade 11 work – different kinds of forces).

• The formula W= F∆X Cos θisapplicable for any force. For example, if the work done by the
frictional has to be calculated then the formula will be adapted to

Wfriction= Ffriction∆X Cos θ

➢ Equation Wnet = ∆ Ek........ (i), state the Work-Energy Theorem as an equation.

➢ In words the Work-Energy Theorem states that: “The work done on an object by a net force is
equal to the change in kinetic energy of the object”.

From the work energy theorem, Wnet = Fnet ∆x cos θ = ∆Ek…………..(ii)

For purposes of calculations, equation (ii) can be used for calculations involving horizontal and
vertical motion of objects, as well as motion on inclined planes.

• The starting point for applying this theorem is to identify whether the object is accelerating or not.

➢ If the acceleration is zero (velocity is constant or zero) then Wnetis zero as well as (Fnet and ∆K is

➢ If the acceleration is not zero then there is a resultant force in the direction of the acceleration.
(Newton’s Second Law of Motion)
Determine this resultant force and then solve the equation.
➢ Remember that the resultant/net force is in the direction of the acceleration. This is not
necessarily in the direction of the motion (negative acceleration) so the value of θ may either be
00or 1800.
Note that:
➢ If an object moves at CONTANT VELOCITY, the work done by the net force is zero because
there is no change in kinetic energy. Individual forces can however do individual works.
➢ If the kinetic energy of an object decreases, the work done on it by the net force is negative.
➢ If the kinetic energy of an object increases, the work done on it by the net force is positive.

73 | P a g e
• If you are not restricted to use the Work-Energy Theorem, then in addition to the above
formulae, apply the relevant formula from the list below to solve the problem:

➢ V f = Vi + 2a ∆x (When acceleration is uniform)

2 2

➢ 0 = ∆U + ∆K (When mechanical energy is conserved)

➢ (U + K)I = (U + K)f (When mechanical energy is conserved)
➢ Wnc= ∆U + ∆K (When mechanical energy is not conserved i.e. when non-conservative forces act
on the object)
• Motion on Inclined Plane

➢ Before we attempt to apply the work-energy theorem to problems involving inclined planes we
must first familiarize learners with the components of weight (Fg) on the incline plane.
➢ Therefore the trigonometry of the inclined plane as it relates to Fg and N and their components
must be sharpened.
➢ Learners should know that the normal force for the same object differs in magnitude when it is on
an inclined surface and when it is on a horizontal surface.
➢ We use axes perpendicular and parallel to the inclined plane to resolve the weight into its
➢ The reason for this is that the component of the weight parallel to the surface of the inclined plane
influences motion on the plane and must be taken into account when dealing with motion on the
inclined plane.

NB:In case of an incline plane, do not put the weight as well as the components on the same
diagram, this will mean that the weight is applicable twice. (Use either the weight or the
components of the weight).

• As already mentioned, The formula W= F∆X Cos θ is applicable for any force. For example, if the
work done by the frictional has to be calculated then the formula will be adapted to

WfgII= FgII∆X Cos θ

• Remember to determine the value of θ (the angle between the force doing work and the
displacement) and substituting this value.

NB: Sin θ comes in when motion is on an inclined plane.

FgII= mgSin θ on the surface of the inclined plane, where θ is the angle between the inclined
plane and horizontal in this case.

74 | P a g e

Fnet ∆x cos θ W1 + W2 + W3 + …..

1. Draw a force or free body diagram showing all forces acting on the object.
2. Write down the equation: Wnet = ∆Ek
3. If the equation in 1 cannot solve the problem, write the following:
Wnet= ∆ Ek
Fnet ∆x cos θ = ∆Ek

4. If the equation in 2 cannot solve the problem, write the following:

Wnet= ∆ Ek
W1 + W2 + … = ∆ Ek
To use equations in 3 or 4 you will need the following information:

5. Find Fneti.e. the resultant force acting on the object. Use a free body diagram to help you.
OR identify the individual forces for which Fnet is the SUM.

6. Find the angle θ between Fnet (OR each force acting on the object) and ∆x. It can ONLY
be 00 OR 1800
Note: θ = 00: F and ∆ x have the same direction. F does positive work

θ = 900 : F is perpendicular to ∆ x. F does no work on the object.

θ = 1800: F and ∆ x have opposite direction. F does negative work

7. You will need the mass of the object and its velocities, initial and final, wherever
8. Calculate the work done by each of the forces.
9. If an object moves at a constant velocity, the net work done (Wnet) on an object is zero
NB. Find the Sum of All the Work Done on the object and equate them to zero and then
find the unknown. Always check your answer for correctness.

75 | P a g e
Work done by Non-Conservative Forces ….

𝑊𝑛𝑐= ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝 OR

𝐸 +𝐸 +𝑾 =𝐸 +𝐸
𝑘𝑖 𝑝𝑖 𝒏𝒄 𝑘𝑓 𝑝𝑓

• When work is done on an object by an external force/non-conservative force the kinetic

energy, and therefore also the total mechanical energy of the object, changes.
• A net applied force, frictional force, atmospheric resistance, tension and the normal force
are examples of external/non-conservative forces.
• Mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy.
• Since a net external force changes the kinetic energy, it will also change the total
mechanical energy by the same amount.
W = ∆Em = Emf – Emi

= (Ep + Ek)f – (Ep + Ek)i

∴𝑊𝑛𝑐= ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝

• Work-kinetic energy theorem includes all the work done on an object by conservative
and non-conservative forces that act on that object.

76 | P a g e

In order to measure the net force involved during a collision, a car is allowed to collide head-on
with a flat, rigid barrier. The resulting crumple distance is measured. The crumple distance is the
length by which the car becomes shorter in coming to rest.

In one of the tests, a car of mass 1 200 kg strikes the barrier at a speed of 20 m∙s . The crumple
distance, (x1 – x2), is measured as 1,02 m. (Ignore the effects of frictional forces during

5.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the car
during the collision. (3)

5.2 State the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.3 Assume that the net force is constant during crumpling.

5.3.1 USE THE WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the magnitude

of the net force exerted on the car as it is brought to rest during crumpling.(4)

5.3.2 Calculate the time it takes the car to come to rest during crumpling. (4)

77 | P a g e

A car with a mass of 2 000 kg accelerates from rest on a straight horizontal road. The engine
produces a force of 1 140 N on the car, while a friction force of 950 N also acts on the car.

5.1 Write down the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.2 Use the work-energy theorem to determine how far this car must travel in order
to reach a velocity of 2 m∙s-1. (5)

When the car reaches the velocity of 2m∙s-1, it starts to move up a slope that makes an angle of
15o with the horizontal. The force provided by the engine as well as the friction force remains the

5.3 Draw a free body diagram to show ALL the forces acting on the car as it moves
up the slope. (4)

5.4 Using the work-energy theorem, calculate the speed of the car after it travelled
0,5 m up the slope. (4)

78 | P a g e
A paratrooper in full kit, total mass 120 kg, jumps at a height of 450 m from a stationary
helicopter. The paratrooper’s parachute does not open and he reaches a terminal velocity
of 30 m.s-1 before luckily landing on a snow bank. The snow bank gives way, creating a
crater of 1,5 m deep. The paratrooper comes to rest at the bottom of the crater with minor


Snow bank 1,5m

5.1 Under what conditions will a falling body reach terminal velocity? (2)

5.2 Draw a free-body diagram indicating all the forces acting on the parachutist,
falling at terminal velocity. (2)

5.3 Will the mechanical energy of the parachutist stay constant throughout the fall?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)

5.4 Calculate the initial gravitational potential energy of the paratrooper, relative to the
ground. (4)

5.5 Calculate the paratrooper's kinetic energy just before he lands on the snow. (3)

5.6 State the work–energy theorem in words. (2)

5.7 Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the total work done by air resistance on the
paratrooper while he falls. (4)

5.8 Calculate the average force exerted by the snow in stopping him. (5)

79 | P a g e

A rescue helicopter is stationary (hovers) above the ground. It lowers a crate containing medical
supplies with a mass 50 kg onto the ground below. When the crate is at a height
of 20 m above the ground it has a velocity of 2 m.s-1. The crate is lowered at a constant
acceleration onto the ground with a cable, where it eventually comes to rest. Assume there is no
sideways motion during the descent. Air friction is NOT to be ignored.

5.1 Define a non-conservative force. (2)

5.2 Identify TWO non-conservative forces acting on the crate during its downward
descent (motion). (2)

5.3 Draw a free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the crate while it
is being lowered to the ground. (3)

5.4 Write down the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.5 Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the acceleration of the crate
as it is lowered to the ground. (6)


80 | P a g e
During a fire extinguishing operation, a helicopter remains stationary (hovers) above a dam
while filling a bucket with water. The bucket, of mass 80 kg, is filled with 1 600 kg of water. It is
lifted vertically upwards through a height of 20 m by a cable at a CONSTANT SPEED of 2m.s -1.
The tension in the cable is 17 000 N.
Assume there is no sideways motion during the lift. Air friction is NOT ignored.

5.1 State the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.2 Draw a labelled free body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the bucket of
water, while being lifted upwards. (3)
5.3 Use the WORK ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the work done by air friction on the
bucket of water after moving through the height of 20 m. (5)


81 | P a g e

A rescue helicopter is stationary (hovers) above a soldier. The soldier of mass 80 kg is

lifted vertically upwards through a height of 20 m by a cable at a CONSTANT SPEED
of 4 m·s-1. The tension in the cable is 960 N. Assume that there is no sideways motion
during the lift. Air friction is NOT to be ignored.

5.1 State the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the
soldier while being lifted upwards. (3)

5.3 Write down the name of a non-contact force that acts on the soldier during the
upward lift. (1)

5.4 Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the work done on the
soldier by friction after moving through the height of 20 m. (5)

82 | P a g e

A 4549,6 N applied upward force (up-thrust) enables a 102 kg rocket to accelerate upwards from
rest for 200 m, subject to a constant average resistance from air friction of 1 000 N.. Assume the
mass of the rocket remains constant.

4549,6 N

5.1 Draw a free-body diagram indicating all the forces acting on the rocket as
it accelerates upwards. (3)

5.2 Calculate the net work done on the rocket as it accelerates upwards. (6)

5.3 State the work–energy theorem in words. (2)

5.4 Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the final speed reached by the
rocket. (4)


83 | P a g e
A man pushes a crate, of mass 10 kg, up a rough surface inclined at 200 to the horizontal, with a
100 N force parallel to the surface.

The crate is pushed 5 m up the surface with an initial speed of 1, 5 m.s-1. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between the crate and surface is 0, 4.
5.1 Draw a labelled free body diagram to show all the forces acting on the crate. (4)

5.2 Calculate the work done by gravity. (3)

5.3 Calculate the:

5.3.1 energy lost due to friction (6)
5.3.2 work done by the man in pushing the crate up the surface (1)
5.4 State the Work - Energy Theorem in words (2)

5.5 Use the WORK- ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the final velocity of the crate after it
has been pushed 5 m. (4)


84 | P a g e
A constant force F is applied to a crate of mass 25 kg to move it upwards along a frictionless
inclined plane. When it reaches point A, its speed is 12 m.s-1 and 10,8 m.s-1 when it reaches point
B which is 3, 5 m further up the incline.

3, 5 m B

12m .s-1


5.1 Draw a free force diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the crate while
it is moving up the incline. (3)

5.2 Is mechanical energy conserved during this motion? Write down YES or NO
and briefly explain the answer. (2)

5.3 Write down the NAME of the conservative force that acts on the crate (1)

5.4 Give a reason why the normal force does no work on the crate during its
motion up the incline. (1)

5.5 In which direction does the net force act on the crate as it moves up the incline?
Write only FROM A TO B or FROM B TO A. (1)

5.6 Use ENERGY PRINCIPLES to calculate the magnitude of the force F. (6)

85 | P a g e

The diagram below shows a crate of mass 50 kg sliding down a steep slope. The
slope makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The motion of the crate as it
moves down the slope is controlled by a worker using a rope attached to the crate.
The rope is held parallel to the slope. The tension in the rope, FT, is 300 N and a
constant frictional force of 50 N acts on the crate as it slides down the slope.

5.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing the forces parallel to the
slope acting on the crate as it moves down the slope. (3)

5.2 State the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM in words. (2)

5.3 The change in kinetic energy of the crate is 450 J as it slides from the top
to the bottom of the slope.

Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the length of the slope, Δx. (5)

5.4 Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction on the crate as it moves down the
slope. (4)

86 | P a g e

A box of mass 60 kg starts from rest at height h and slides down a rough slope of length 10 m,
which makes an angle of 25° with the horizontal. It undergoes a constant acceleration of
magnitude 2 m⋅s while sliding down the slope.

5.1 State the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.2 Draw a free-body diagram to show ALL the forces acting on the cardboard box
while it slides down the slope. (3)

5.3 The box reaches the bottom of the slope.

Calculate the following:

5.3.1 The kinetic energy of the box, using the equations of motion (5)

5.3.2 The work done on the box by the gravitational force (4)

5.3.3 The work done on the box by the frictional force, using the WORK-ENERGY

5.3.4 The magnitude of the frictional force acting on the box (3)

87 | P a g e
5.1 A boy on roller-skates moves at a constant velocity in an easterly direction along a
frictionless horizontal part AB of a track carrying a parcel. He decides to increase his
velocity by throwing the parcel horizontally away from him.




5.1.1 In which direction must the parcel be thrown to cause a maximum increase
in the velocity of the boy? (1)
5.1.2 Name and define in words the law in physics that you have applied in
QUESTION 5.1.1. (3)

On reaching point B at a velocity of6 m∙s-1, the boy on the roller-skates, with total mass57 kg,
continues to move up a rough section BC of the track and comes to rest at position X, height 4m.
The magnitude of the frictional force acting on the roller-skates, is 40 N.

5.1.3 Calculate value Ө of the inclined plane. (6)

5.2 A remote controlled car is driven up an inclined plane at 30 0 to the horizontal as shown
below. The car of mass 4 kg, experiences an average forward force of 80 N. A frictional
force of 15 N is acting on the car as it moves up the plane. The speed of the car at the
bottom of the inclined plane is 3 m∙s-1.

80 N

3 m∙s-1

Use energy principles to calculate the speed of the car after it has travelled 5 m up the
inclined plane. (7)

88 | P a g e
The diagram below shows a truck of mass, 12 000 kg free-wheeling (with the engine
switched off) , up a straight inclined road of length 25 m.

On entering the incline at the bottom, point A, the truck is moving at 25 m.s-1 and on
reaching the top, B, of the incline the truck is moving at 20 m.s-1.

The truck experiences a constant frictional force of magnitude 3 400 N as it moves up the

25 m
5.1 State the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.2 Calculate the:

5.2.1 net work done on the truck on moving from the bottom of the incline to
the top of the incline. (4)

5.2.2 work done by the frictional force. (3)

5.3 Is the frictional force a conservative or non-conservative force? (1)

5.4 Calculate the height, h, reached by the truck at the top of the incline, B. (5)


89 | P a g e

A skateboarder of mass 75 kg is practicing a sequence of tricks at the local skate park on a

half-pipe. The skater leaves point A, 2,4 m above the ground. He skates down the ramp
towards point B. He reaches Point B, 1,6 m above the ground, with a speed of 3,75 m·s-1 just
by rolling along and without using his feet to push himself along the half-pipe.

The skateboarder has not oiled the wheels of his skateboard for some time, so there is
significant friction between the axles and the wheels of the skateboard.

75 kg

2,4 m B

1,6 m

5.1 State in words, the work-energy

theorem. (2)

5.2 Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on the skateboarder as he moves
from Point A to Point
B. (4)

5.3 Using the work energy theorem, determine the work done by the frictional force
exerted on the skateboard. (6)

90 | P a g e
5.4 The skateboarder thinks about constructing an inclined plane to join Points A and B
to provide an alternative route between these two points.


2,4 m

1,6 m

5.4.1 How would the work done by the gravitational force change if he were to roll
from Point A to Point B along the inclined plane instead of following the
curved track?


5.4.2 Explain your answer to QUESTION 5.4.1. (2)


91 | P a g e
Learners are required to apply the Conservation of Mechanical Energy to the following cases
(in accordance with CAPS):

❖ Objects dropped or thrown vertically upwards;

❖ “Roller Coasters”-Type Problems;
❖ The motion of a Pendulum bob (swinging motion);
❖ Inclined plane (frictionless surface)


• In the absence of dissipative forces (friction, air resistance), the total amount of
mechanical energy in a closed system remains constant.
• Expressed in symbols, E +E =E + E
k1 p1 k2 p2

• When NO work is done by external/non-conservative forces the mechanical energy

remains conserved (i.e. when work done by external/non-conservative forces equals
Since, Wnc = ∆Em = Emf – Emi
= (Ep + Ek)f – (Ep + Ek)I
It implies that: 0 = (Ep + Ek)f – (Ep + Ek)i
(Ep + Ek)i = (Ep + Ek)f
• In the absence of dissipative forces (friction or air resistance)
(EP + EK)i = (EP + EK)f (Conservation of mechanical energy)

• Other examples of non-conservative (dissipative) forces are air resistance, external forces
applied by a person, the normal force, tension

92 | P a g e

1. The MECHANICAL ENERGY is only conserved in a closed/an isolated system. ENERGY IS

2. If it is a closed system the mechanical energy at a specific point is equal to the mechanical
energy at another point. Do not water this down to Ep = Ek if the top and the bottom points are
being used. This is wrong and learners will not get credit for their work.
3. If mechanical energy is conserved, you can write the total initial energy at some point
Ei= Epi + Eki.
Then, write an expression for the total final energy at the final point that is of interest
Ef = Epf+ Ekf.
Because mechanical energy is conserved, you can equate the two total energies and solve
for the quantity that is unknown.
 (Ep + Ek)i = (Ep + Ek)f
 (mgh +mv2)i = (mgh +mv2)f
4. Remember to substitute all the zero values since the learners get credit for knowing the
values in question are zero. They have therefore to show the values.

5. Pendulum problems can be started with the equation,

ELowest= EHighest
 EPL + EkL = EpH+ EkH
 (mgh +mv2)L = (mgh +mv2)H
Note: equations of motion cannot be used, because this is not motion in a straight line.
❖ If it is not a closed system, calculate the Mechanical Energy at the different points
separately and use the difference in energy as WORK DONE BY FRICTION. OR
Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the necessary values.

Δ E = Ef–Ei = (Ep + Ek)f – (Ep + Ek)i= Work done on the object by the frictional force, OR
 Wnc =∆U + ∆K= ∆EME, Where Wnc is work done by the non-conservative forces.

93 | P a g e
A 50 kg cement block is lifted to the roof of a 10 m high building.

5.1 Calculate the increase in the gravitational energy of the block as it is lifted from
the ground to the top of the building. (4)

5.2 The block is now dropped from the roof of the building. While the block is
falling, mechanical energy is conserved. Explain briefly what this means. (2)

5.3 Use the law of conservation of mechanical energy to calculate:

5.3.1 The kinetic energy of the block at a height of 5 m (2)

5.3.2 The speed of the block the instant before it hits the ground (3)


94 | P a g e

A bricklayer stands on a scaffold 8 m above the ground. An assistant throws a brick, mass
2 kg, which the bricklayer catches at point P, 1,5 m above the scaffold. Ignore the effect
of air resistance.

The brick slips out of his hand and falls to point Q on top of the scaffold.

5.1 Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the brick at P relative to the
ground. (4)

5.2 Calculate the velocity with which the brick strikes the scaffold. (4)

5.3 Calculate the kinetic energy of the brick just before it strikes the scaffold at
point Q. (4)


95 | P a g e
A gymnast (of mass 25 kg) jumps vertically upward from a trampoline as illustrated below.


1,3 m

The gymnast leaves the trampoline at a height of 1,3 m and reaches a maximum height of 5 m.
Ignore the effects of friction.
5.1 Write down the law of conservation of mechanical energy in words. (2)
5.2 Using the law of conservation of mechanical energy, calculate the initial
speedvi with which the gymnast leaves the trampoline. (5)
5.3 Will the mechanical energy of the gymnast stay constant throughout the
jump (fall)?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)
5.4 Draw a free body diagram of All forces acting on the gymnast while she
jumps vertically upward from a trampoline. (1)

5.5 Write down the work-energy theorem. (2)

5.6 Use the WORK- ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the speed with which the
gymnast returns to the trampoline. (5)

96 | P a g e
A bullet (mass 0,02 kg) is fired at a wooden block A (mass 3,40 kg) and remains embedded in it.
The bullet-block system swings through a vertical height of 0,24m. The effects of air resistance
are negligible.

0,24 m

5.1 Calculate the change in gravitational potential energy of the bullet-block system
when it swings to maximum height. (4)

5.2 Name the law (or principle) of physics, which can be applied to determine the
velocity of the bullet-block system before it swings up to its maximum height. (1)

5.3 Determine the speed of the bullet-block system immediately before it swings to its
maximum height. (4)
5.4 Name the (or principle) of physics, which can be applied to determine the velocity
of the bullet before it strikes the block. (1)

5.5 With what speed does the bullet strike the block? (5)
5.6 What fraction of the original kinetic energy of the bullet is transferred to the
bullet-block system? (5)


97 | P a g e

An iron ball with a mass of 4 kg is held by a strong, light, inelastic rope. It is pulled sideways by
a horizontal force and held at position A, 45 cm above its lowest position. The effects of air
resistance are negligible.

5.1 Distinguish between potential energy and kinetic energy (4)

5.2 Calculate the potential energy of the iron ball while it is held at position A. (3)

5.3 The iron ball is now released. Ignore friction and, by using ONLY energy
relationships, show that the magnitude of the velocity with which the iron ball
passes its lowest position (i.e. position B) is 3 m. s-1. (5)

5.4 At its lowest position, the iron ball strikes a stationary trolley, C with a mass of
2,5 kg.

5.4.1 Calculate the momentum of the iron ball the moment before it collides
with the trolley. (3)
5.4.2 Calculate the speed with which the trolley C moves off, if the iron ball
loses half its momentum. (7)


98 | P a g e

A large padded bag of mass 40 kg is suspended at rest just above the ground by a long
Light nylon rope hanging from a tall tree. Sandile of mass 85 kg runs horizontally and collides
with the bag with a speed of 8 m.s-1. On colliding with the bag, he grabs on to the bag in such a
way that he and the bag swing away upwards as shown. The effects of air resistance are

5.1 State, in words, the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum. (2)

5.2 Calculate the combined speed of Sandile and the bag, immediately after he collides
with the bag. (5)

5.3 Calculate the maximum height, h, to which Sandile and the bag will swing. (6)


99 | P a g e

A 5 kg rigid crate moves from rest down path XYZ as shown below (diagram not drawn to
scale). Section XY of the path is frictionless. Assume that the crate moves in a straight line down
the path.

5.1 State, in words, the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy. (2)

5.2 Use the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy to calculate the speed
of the crate when it reaches point Y. (4)

On reaching point Y, the crate continues to move down section YZ of the path. It experiences
an average frictional force of 10 N and reaches point Z at a speed of 4 m∙s-1.

5.3 APART FROM FRICTION, write down the names of TWO other forces that act
on the crate while it moves down section YZ. (2)

5.4 In which direction does the net force act on the crate as it moves down section YZ?
Write down only from 'Y to Z' or from 'Z to Y'. (1)

5.5 Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the length of section YZ. (5)

Another crate of mass 10 kg now moves from point X down path XYZ.

5.6 How will the velocity of this 10 kg crate at point Y compare to that of the 5 kg crate
at Y? Write down only GREATER THAN, SMALLER THAN or EQUAL TO. (1)


100 | P a g e

A 3 kg metal block moves from rest at point A down an incline as shown in the diagram below
and reaches a speed of 6 m∙s-1 at B. Section AB of the path is frictionless.

5.1 Would you describe the movement of the block on section AB of the path as free fall?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)

5.2 Draw a labelled free body diagram to show all the forces acting on the
Block as it moves down section AB. (1)

5.3 Calculate the net work done on the block as it moves down section AB of the path. (3)

5.4 Use ENERGY PRINCIPLES to calculate the height of the block at position B. (4)

5.5 On reaching point B, the block continues to move down section BC of the path
which is 5m in length. The block now experiences a frictional force and reaches
point C at a speed of 2 m∙s-1.

Use ENERGY PRINCIPLES to calculate the magnitude of the average frictional

force acting on the block as it moves down section BC of the path. (5)


101 | P a g e

The simplified diagram below shows a slide PQ at a playground. The slide is 3 m long and 1,5 m
high. TWO boys, Sibusiso (of mass 40 kg) and a Thabo (of mass 22 kg), stand at the top of the
slide at P.

Thabo accelerates uniformly from rest down the slide. He experiences a constant frictional force
of 1,9 N. Sibusiso falls vertically down from the top of the slide through the height PR of 1,5 m.
(Ignore the effects of air friction).

5.1. Write down the work-energy theorem in words. (2)

5.2. Draw a labelled free-body diagram to show ALL the forces acting on:

5.2.1. Sibusiso while falling vertically downwards (1)

5.2.2. Thabo as he slides down the slide (3)

5.3 Use the principle of CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY to calculate

the speed of Sibusiso when he reaches the ground at R. (4)

5.4. Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the speed of Thabo when he
reaches the end of the slide at Q. (5)

5.5. How would the velocity of Thabo at Q compare to that of Sibusiso at R if the slide
exerts no frictional force on the girl?
Write down only GREATER THAN, LESS THAN or EQUAL TO. (1)
5.6. When Thabo reaches the end of the slide he starts running, but his speed remains
constant (i.e. same speed as he reached the end of the slide at Q). Calculate the power
atwhich he is running. Assume that the average frictional force acting on him remains
constant. (3)

102 | P a g e
A roller coaster operates on the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Thus there is a
continuous conversion of gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa. If it can
be assumed that no external forces are doing work on the car as it travels from the initial summit
to the end of the track (where finally an external braking system is employed), then the total
mechanical energy of the roller coaster car is conserved.

The diagram below illustrates a roller coaster car with a mass of 1 000 kg. The car is initially
lifted through a height of 40 m and then released on the track. Assume that no external forces
act on the car and answer the following questions:

5.1 Where does the original energy (at A) from the roller coaster car come from? (2)
5.2 What is the total mechanical energy of the roller coaster car? (3)
5.3 At what speed will the roller coaster car move at point C? (5)
A crane is being designed to lift a load of 1 000 kg vertically upwards at
0,8 m.s-1.
5.4 What power output is required to do this? (4)


103 | P a g e
The diagram below shows a roller coaster car starting from rest at point A. The route from A to
B is frictionless, while the route from B to C has a rough surface. The combined mass of the car
and its passenger is 1 000 kg.

40 m


5.1 State, in words, the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy. (2)
5.2 Use the law of conservation of mechanical energy to determine the speed of the car
atB. (5)

5.3 Use your answer to (5.2) in order to calculate the MAGNITUDE of the work
done by the frictional force while the car is moving from B to C. (5)

104 | P a g e

A windmill is used on a farm to pump water out of a well that is 37 m deep. The
water flows past point A, 37 m above the well to the dam with a constant velocity of
2 m•s-1.

5.1 Calculate how much energy is necessary to pump 90 kg of water out of the
well to point A. (4)

5.2 It is necessary to pump 90 kg of water per minute. What is the maximum power
that the windmill must produce? (3)

5.3 The farmer wants to modernize the farm. The farmer decides to buy a 0,5kW petrol
water pump.

5.3.1 Will the petrol water pump be able to produce the required power?
(YES or NO) (1)

5.3.2 Why would you advise the farmer to rather use a windmill instead
of a petrol water pump? (1)


105 | P a g e

The diagram below represents how water is funneled into a pipe and directed to a
turbine at a hydro-electric power plant. The force of the falling water rotates the

Each second, 200 m3 of water is funnelled down a vertical shaft to the turbine below.
The vertical height through which the water falls upon reaching the turbine is 150 m.
Ignore the effects of friction.

NOTE: One m3 of water has a mass of 1 000 kg.

5.1 Calculate the mass of water that enters the turbine each second. (1)

5.2 Calculate the kinetic energy of this mass of water when entering the turbine.
Use energy principles. (4)

5.3 Calculate the maximum speed at which this mass of water enters the turbine. (3)

5.4 Assume that a generator converts 85% of this maximum kinetic energy
gained by the water into hydro-electricity. Calculate the electrical power
output of the generator. (2)

5.5 Explain what happens to the 15% of the kinetic energy that is NOT converted
into electrical energy. (1)


106 | P a g e
A boy on a skateboard moves at 5m.s-1 to the right towards point A at the bottom of a slope
which is 1, 6 m high. He is carrying a 4 kg parcel. The total mass of the boy, his skateboard and
the parcel is 70 kg. He needs to increase his speed, in order to reach point B at the top of the
slope. He decides that if he throws the parcel horizontally, it will increase his forward velocity.

5.1 In which direction must the boy throw the parcel in order to increase his
forward velocity? (TO THE LEFT or TO THE RIGHT) (1)

5.2 Give the name of Newton's law of Motion that you used to obtain your answer in
QUESTION 15.1 (1)
5.3 State the Principle of conservation of mechanical energy. (2)
5.4 Calculate the velocity of the boy immediately after the parcel leaves his hand in order
for him to reach the top of the slope at point B. (4)
5.5 Calculate the minimum velocity with which he must throw the parcel in order for
him to reach the top of the slope at point B. (4)
5.6 How will the answer in QUESTION 5.4 be affected, if the boy throws the same parcel
with higher velocity in the same direction as indicated in QUESTION 5.1?
Explain your answer. (3)

107 | P a g e
A toy canon, mass 1, 6 kg, is at rest on a rough horizontal surface as shown in the diagram. A
steel marble, mass 0, 8 kg is fired horizontally to the east from the canon. Immediately after the
marble, the canon moves at 0, 26 m.s-1 to the west.

5.1 Calculate the speed of the steel marble immediately after firing the marble. (4)
5.2 The steel marble experiences a force F during the firing. Explain in terms of F
how the force experienced by the CANON compares with that experienced by
the steel marble. (3)

The canon reaches point A with a speed of 0, 2 m.s-1 and then moves down a rough
0, 5mlong slope AB.

5.3 Explain why this is NOT a closed system. (1)

5.4 Calculate the kinetic frictional force experiences by the canon as it moves from
A to B if the coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) is 0, 12. (3)

5.5 Using ENERGY PRINCIPLES only, calculate the velocity of the canon at point B. (5)

108 | P a g e
The block is at rest on a frictionless surface AB. The distance BC makes an angle of 15°
to the horizontal.

A bullet of mass 0,016 kg moving at a velocity of 360 m.s-1 collides with and enters a
stationary block of mass 2,984 kg. The bullet does not exit the block.

5.1 State the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum. (2)

5.2 Show by calculation that the bullet- block combination has a velocity of
1,92 m.s-1. (4)

At point B the kinetic energy of the bullet- block combination is 5,5296 J and its
potential energy at C is 4,6746 J. When slope BC has a frictional force the bullet block
combination reaches BC= 0,614 m.

a. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction for the block- bullet combination for it
to reach
a height, h, of 0,159 m. (8)


109 | P a g e

• State DOPPLER EFFECT: as the change in the frequency or pitch of the sound (or the
colour of light) that is detected when the wave source and the listener move relative to each
v  vL
• Use the general Doppler equation fL = f S for any calculation (i.e. when EITHER the
v  vS
source or the listener is moving).
• Teachers need to explain the Doppler equation to learners so that they can understand when
and why to add or subtract the velocities of the source or listener to that of sound.
v  vL
For example, if the source moves towards a stationary observer, only fL = f S or
v  vS
fL = fS are accepted as correct formulae.
v − vS
• This equation is a combination of FOUR scenarios:
1. A moving source approaching a stationary listener,
2. A moving source moving away from a stationary listener,
3. A moving listener approaching a stationary source and
4. A moving listener moving away from a stationary source.
• When using the general Doppler equation, the following approach can be helpful:
o If a source of sound waves moves towards a stationary listener, fL will be higher than fs, thus
vL = 0 and a negative sign is used for vs in the denominator in order to obtain a higher
observed frequency value.  fL = f s
v − vs
o If a source of sound waves moves away from a stationary listener, fL will be lower than fs,
thus vL = 0 and a positive sign is used for vs in the denominator in order to obtain a lower
observed frequency value.  fL = f s
v + vs
o If a listener moves towards a stationary source of sound waves, fL will be higher than fs, thus
vs = 0 and a positive sign is used for vL in the numerator in order to obtain a higher observed
v + vL
frequency value.  fL = f s
o If a listener moves away from a stationary source of sound waves, fL will be lower than fs,
thus vs = 0 and a negative sign is used for vL in the numerator in order to obtain a lower
v − vL
observed frequency value.  fL = f s
• Describe applications of the Doppler Effect with ultrasound waves in medicine, e.g. to measure
the rate of blood flow or the heart of a foetus in the womb.
• With light – red shifts in the universe (evidence for the expanding universe)
o Explain red shifts and blue shifts using the Doppler Effect.
o Use the Doppler Effect to explain why we conclude that the universe is expanding.

110 | P a g e

Now that you have revised this material on Doppler Effect go through as many of the
associated exercises as possible. Our exercises are mainly divided into two:




• These problems are designed to incorporate several concepts and techniques into one
situation. Marathon Problems can be used in class by groups of learners to help facilitate
problem-solving skills

111 | P a g e
6.1 The siren of a stationary police car emits sound at a frequency of 650 Hz. An observer
travelling in a car at constant velocity measures the frequency of the detected sound from
the siren for two different situations. The results obtained are presented in graphs A and
B below.

6.1.1 Define the Doppler effect. (2)

6.1.2 Which graph demonstrates the results obtained when the observer
was travelling towards the siren. Give a reason for your answer. (2)

6.1.3 Calculate the speed of the observer using the data from graph A.
(Take the speed of sound in air as 340 m.s-1) (5)

The observer now conducts a new investigation and from the results obtained the graph shown

6.1.4 Explain the change in the shape of the graph when compared to graphs B (2)
6.2 State ONE use of the Doppler effect in medicine (1)

112 | P a g e
A sound source, moving at constant speed, approaches and then passes a stationary detector.
The minimum and maximum frequencies detected are 749 Hz and 751 Hz. The speed of sound in
air is 340 m.s-1.
6.1 Write down the Doppler effect in words. (2)
6.2 At what stage was the frequency of sound recorded equal to 749 Hz, while the
sound source was moving.
(Write MOVING or MOVING AWAY FROM the detector). (1)
6.3 Is the wavelength detected at a frequency of 751 Hz, GREATER THAN, LESSER
THAN or EQUAL TO the wavelength of the sound produced by the source? (1)
6.4 Determine the speed of the sound source. (6)

6.1 A police car moves away from an accident scene at a constant speed with its siren
on. A paramedic at the accident observes a 7% drop in the frequency of the sound
of the siren in comparison to when the car was standing still. Speed of sound in air
on that day is 335 m·s-1.

6.1.1State in words, the Doppler effect. (2)

6.1.2 Calculate the speed of the car. (4)

6.2 An astronomer on Earth observes the missing frequencies in a line spectrum from a
distant galaxy. The frequencies associated with specific elements are all lower than

6.2.1 With what kind of line spectrum is the astronomer working?

Answer only ABSORPTION or EMISSION. (1)

6.2.2 Identify the type of shift seen by the astronomer. (1)

6.2.3 Is the distant galaxy moving towards or away from our Solar System. (1)


113 | P a g e
A police car is moving down along on a flat road at a constant speed and emits from its siren
sound waves with frequency 346 Hz. A woman sitting next to the road detects sound waves at a
frequency that is 50 Hz more than the frequency of sound waves emitted by the siren as the
police car is moving towards her.
6.1 State the Doppler effect in words. (2)
6.2 Explain, in terms of wave motion, why the frequency heard by the woman
is higher than the frequency of the source. (2)
Assume that the speed of sound in air is 340 m∙s-1
6.3 Calculate the speed of the car. (5)
6.4 State ONE application of the Doppler effect in medicine (1)
6.5 A line in a hydrogen spectrum has a frequency of 7, 55 x 1014 Hz when measured in
laboratory. The same line in the spectrum of a distant star has a frequency
of 17, 23 x 1011 Hz.
State whether the distant star is moving TOWARDS or AWAY from the earth.
Give reason for the answer. (2)

114 | P a g e
During an experiment, learners move at different velocities away from a stationary sound source.
The learners write down the observed frequency FL for each of the different velocities and obtain
the following graph. Ignore the effect of wind.

6.1 Write down an investigative question for this experiment. (2)

6.2 State the Doppler effect in words. (2)
6.3 Use the graph and write down the value of the frequency of the sound source.
Give a reason for the answer. (2)
6.4 Calculate the gradient of the graph. (2)
6.5 Use the gradient of the graph as calculated in Question 6.4 to calculate the speed of
sound in air. (3)

115 | P a g e
6.1 A bird, flying at a constant velocity, emits sounds with a frequency of 90 Hz. A
stationary observer hears the sounds from the bird at 88 Hz.
6.1.1 State the Doppler Effect in words. (2)
6.1.2 Is the bird moving TOWRDS or AWAY from the observer? (1)
6.1.3 Calculate the magnitude of the velocity with which the bird is flying. (5)
6.2 The velocities of galaxies relative to the earth can be determined by studying the red shift
observed in their spectrums. The table below shows the velocities of three galaxies, D, E
and F, relative to the earth.

Galaxies D E F
Speed (x107) m∙s-1 0,15 1,52 2,44

6.2.1 What is meant by the term ‘red shift’? (2)

6.2.2 State the type of spectrum observed for the different galaxies. (1)
6.2.3 Which galaxy D, E or F shows the greatest red shift?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)


6.1 A flying bat emits sound waves at a frequency of 75 Hz. A stationery observer detects the
frequency of the sound waves emitted as 73 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 340 m.s-1.
6.1.1 State the Doppler Effect in words (2)
6.1.2 Is the bat flying TOWARDS or AWA from the observer? (1)
6.1.3 Calculate the speed at which the bat is flying (4)
6.2 Briefly explain the observations that enable scientists to tell the universe
is expanding (4)
6.3 State TWO applications of the Doppler Effect in medicine (2)

116 | P a g e

An ambulance approaches a tunnel in a mountain at a constant speed of 20 m∙s-1. The siren of the
ambulance emits sound waves having a wavelength of 0,30 m. Take the speed of sound in air as
340 m∙s-1.

6.1 State the Doppler effect in words. (2)

6.2 Calculate the frequency of the sound waves emitted by the siren as heard by the
ambulance’s driver. (3)

6.3 Calculate the frequency of the sound waves heard by an observer standing near (4)
the tunnel entrance.

6.4 How would the answer to QUESTION 6.3 change if the speed of the ambulance
were GREATER THAN 20 m∙s-1? Write down only INCREASES,

6.5 The sound from the siren reflects from the mountain back to the ambulance
driver. Calculate the frequency heard by the ambulance driver. (3)

6.6 Write down ONE application of the Doppler Effect in medicine. (1)


117 | P a g e

6.1 The siren of an ambulance emits sound of frequency 930 Hz as the ambulance
approaches a stationary observer. The observer detects a frequency of 1000 Hz. Take
the speed of sound in air as 340 m·s-1

6.1.1 Name the phenomenon that describes the apparent change in

frequency detected by the observer. (1)

6.1.2 State ONE practical application of the phenomenon in QUESTION 6.1.1

in the field of medicine (1)

6.1.3 Calculate the speed with which the ambulance approaches the observer (4)

6.1.4 The ambulance is moving away from the observer. What effect will
this have on the wavelength of the sound heard by the observer?


Give a reason for the answer. (2)

6.2 The Doppler effect could be used to explain the motion of stars and other
heavenly bodies in our universe.

The two diagrams below represent the absorption spectra of a gas.

Diagram 1 represents the absorption lines in the optical spectrum of the Sun.
Diagram 2 represents the absorption lines in the optical spectrum of a super cluster
of distant galaxies.

6.2.1 Are the stars moving towards or away from the Sun? Explain the answer
by referring to the shifts in the spectral lines in the two diagrams above. (2)

6.2.2 From the comparison of the two diagrams above, what conclusion can be
made about the Universe? (1)

118 | P a g e
You Need to Know√

• Objects can be positively, negatively charged or neutral.

• Coulomb's law describes the electrostatic force between two point charges and can be stated
as: the magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional
to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between them.

In symbols: F = k

Note: As with Newton’s Universal Gravitational Law, Coulombs law describes TWO

1. The force is directly proportional to the product of the charges (F Q1Q2).
2. The force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centres of
the two charges ( F = 2 ).

Hints at solving problems using Coulomb’s Law.

• Draw a picture of the situation.

• List all the given information and convert to SI units if necessary.
• In the formula F = k 1 2 2 ,
o The charge is measured in Coulombs (C).
o The distance (r) between the centres of the two charges is measured in metres (m).
o G (Gravitational constant) and k (Coulomb’s constant: 9x109 N.m2 .C-2) must not be
o Remember to square the distance (r2).
• When you use Coulomb’s Law, substitute only the magnitude of the charges into the equation, and
not the signs.
• You then determine the direction of the force by deciding whether one charge exerts an electrostatic
force of attraction or repulsion on the other charge.

NB: The electrostatic force is attractive for unlike charges and repulsive for like charges.

119 | P a g e
• When there are more than two charges, every charge exerts a force on every other charge.
o Choose a positive direction.
o Decide whether each force points in the positive or negative direction.
o Use Coulomb’s law to calculate the magnitude of each force.
o Add ALL the forces to determine the net force
o Check that the answer make sense (in relation to the direction chosen as positive).

Electric field

• Describe an electric field as a region of space in which an electric charge experiences a force.
The direction of the electric field at a point is the direction that a positive test charge would
move if placed at that point.

• Draw electric field patterns for the following configurations:

o A single point charge.

o Two point charges (one negative, one positive OR both positive OR both negative)
o A charged sphere

• We can represent the electric field using field lines. By convention electric field lines point
away from positive charges (like charges repel) and towards negative charges (unlike charges

We use the following conventions when drawing electric field lines:

o Arrows on the field lines indicate the direction of the field, i.e. the direction in which a
positive test charge would move if placed in the field.

o Electric field lines point away from positive charges (like charges repel) and towards
negative charges (unlike charges attract).

o Field lines are drawn closer together where the field is stronger.

o Field lines do not touch or cross each other.

o Field lines are drawn perpendicular to a charge or charged surface.

o The greater the magnitude of the charge, the stronger its electric field. We represent this
by drawing more field lines around the greater charge than for charges with smaller

120 | P a g e
Some important points to remember about electric fields:

o There is an electric field at every point in space surrounding a charge.

o Field lines are merely a representation – they are not real. When we draw them, we just
pick convenient places to indicate the field in space.

• Define the electric field at a point: The electric field at a point is the electrostatic force
experienced per unit positive charge placed at that point.
• Calculate the electric field at a point due to a number of point charges, using the equation
to determine the contribution to the field due to each charge. (Restrict to three charges in a
straight line).

• There are TWO formulae used to calculate electric field intensity:

o In the formula, E = F , q is a charge which experiences a force in an existing field.

o In the formula, E = k however, Q is the charge which causes the field of we want
to determine the field intensity at any point. (In many questions, “due to” is
commonly used).

• When there is more than one charge, the electric fields to each charge add up, or superpose,
to produce a net electric field.

Note: Apply the same procedure used to determine the net force when there are several

o Choose a positive direction.

o Decide whether each electric field due to each charge points in the positive or negative
o Use the formula, E = k 2 , to calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field
due to each charge..
o Add ALL the electric fields to determine the net or resultant electric field.
o Check that the answer make sense (in relation to the direction chosen as positive).

121 | P a g e

Now that you have revised this material on Electrostatics, go through as many of the
associated exercises as possible. Our exercises are mainly divided into two:




• These problems are designed to incorporate several concepts and techniques into one
situation. Marathon Problems can be used in class by groups of learners to help facilitate
problem-solving skills

122 | P a g e
The diagram below shows a small metal sphere P on an insulated stand. The sphere carries a
charge of -4nC, as shown in the diagram

- 4 nC

7.1. Draw the electric field pattern around sphere P. Assume that no other charges
affect this pattern. (2)
7.2. Calculate the number of electrons in excess on sphere P. (2)

A second metal sphere T carrying a charge of +2 nC is places 1,5m from sphere P, as

shown in the diagram below.


- 4nC + 2nC

7.3. Calculate the magnitude of the electrostatic force that sphere P exerts on sphere T. (4)
7.4. The spheres are now brought into contact with each other and returned to their original
7.4.1. Calculate the electric potential energy of the system of two charges. (6)

7.4.2. In which direction will electrons flow while spheres P and T are in contact?
Write down only from P to T or from T to P. (1)

123 | P a g e
7.4.3 Calculate the net charge gained or lost by sphere P after the spheres
have been in contact. (3)

7.4.4 Calculate the number of electrons transferred during the process in Question
7.4.3. (2)

7.4.5 A third sphere R, carrying a charge of -2x10-9C, is now placed between P

and T at a distance of 1m from T.
Calculate the net force experienced by sphere R as a result of its interaction
with P and T. (6)



Two metal spheres, P and Q, on insulted stands, carrying charges of +5C and +5C
respectively, are placed with their centers 2cm apart. X is a point at 1cm from sphere Q, as
shown below.

2 cm 1 cm


7.1 Define the term electric field. (2)

7.2 Sketch the net electric field pattern for the two charges. (3)
7.3 Calculate the net electric field at point X due to the presence of P and Q. (6)
7.4 Use your answer to QUESTION 7.3 to calculate the magnitude of the electrostatic
force that an electron will experience when placed at point X. (3)


124 | P a g e
The diagram below shows two identical spheres R and S carrying charges of -6µC and +2µC
respectively placed a distance apart in vacuum.

7.1 State Coulomb’s Law in words (2)

Spheres R and S are brought into contact for a while and then separated by a distance of 20 cm
7.2 Calculate the charge on each sphere (2)
After R and S has touched, a third sphere T, of charge +4µC, is placed at a position as shown in
the diagram below.

7.3 Calculate the net electrostatic force acting on R due to the presence of
spheres S and T (7)

125 | P a g e
Two identical metal spheres each of mass 10 kg are placed on an insulated surface as shown

7.1 Write down Coulomb’s law in words (2)

7.2 Calculate how much charge of equal magnitude each sphere must have if the
electrostatic force must be exactly equal to the gravitational force exerted by
one sphere on the other? (5)
7.3 Two-point charges q1 and q2 are placed 50 cm apart. Charge q1 carries +20nC and
q2 carries -80 nC. Point X, Y and Z along a straight line are positions in the electric
field surrounding the charges. Refer to the diagram below.

7.3.1 In which position (X, Y or Z) can the electric field be zero? (1)
7.3.2 Point Z is 70 cm from point charge q1.
Calculate the net electric field at Z (6)

126 | P a g e
Three charges J, K and L are arranged on a horizontal plane so that angle JKL is a 90°
angle. The charges are -4 µC, +2 µC and +8 µC respectively. J and K are 50 mm apart and
K and L are 100 mm apart. J and L are fixed in position while K is free to move.

K (+2 µC) L (+8 µC)

100 mm

50 mm

J (-4 µC)

7.1 State in words, Coulomb’s Law. (2)

7.2 Calculate the magnitude of the electrostatic force between charges J and K. (4)

7.3 Draw a free-body diagram showing the electrostatic forces exerted on K due to
charges J and L. Also show on the vector diagram how the net force can be
determined. (3)

7.4 Calculate the magnitude and direction of the net electrostatic force exerted on K
due to charges J and L. (4)

7.5 Define, in words, electric field at a point. (2)

7.6 Calculate the magnitude of the net electric field at K. Give your answer in scientific
notation. (3)

127 | P a g e
Two metal spheres, M and N, on insulated stands carry charges + QM and -6 nC respectively.
The distance between the two charges is 20 mm and P is a point at 10 mm from sphere N as
shown below. The NET ELECTRIC FIELD at point P due to presence of M and N is
5,2 x 105 N∙C-1 westwards.

7.1 Define the term ELECTRIC FIELD at a point. (2)

7.2 Calculate the magnitude of charge QM on sphere M. (7)
7.3 The two spheres were allowed to make contact and moved back to their original
7.3.1 Draw the electric field pattern due to the two charges (3)
7.3.2 Calculate the…
(a) Number of electrons transferred from one sphere to another sphere
after separation. (4)

(b) Magnitude and the direction of the force that sphere M exerts on
sphere N after contact. (3)


128 | P a g e
Two charged particles Q1 and Q2 are placed 30 cm apart as shown in the diagram below. Point P
is 10 cm east of charge Q2

7.1 Define the term electric field at a point. (2)

7.2 Calculate the magnitude and direction of the net electric field at point P. (6)
The two charges are brought into contact with each other and placed at their original positions.
7.3 Calculate the charge on each of the particles after contact. (2)
After Q1 and Q2 were brought into contact, a charge Q3 is placed 0, 25 m due south of Q1.
Charge Q1 experiences a net force of magnitude 5, 1 x 10-1 N due to other two charges as shown
in the diagram below.

7.4 What is the nature of the charge on Q3? Choose from POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. (1)
7.5 Calculate the magnitude of the charge on Q3. (5)

129 | P a g e
Two very small, identical spheres, Q1 and Q2, with the SAME NEGATVIE charge, are placed on
insulating stands with their centers 6 mm apart. The magnitude of the electrostatic force that Q1
exerts on Q2 is 4 x 10-3 N. Point X is distance d east of Q2, as shown below.

7.1 Draw the resultant electric field pattern due to charges Q1 and Q2. (3)
7.2 State, in words, Coulomb’s Law of Electrostatics. (2)
7.3 Calculate the magnitude of the charge on Q1 (4)
7.4 The electric field at point X, due to Q1 ONLY, is 4, 44 x 10-15 N∙C-1 west.
Calculate distance d. (5)

130 | P a g e
Three charges Q1, Q2 and Q3 carrying charges of +2 x 10-5 C, -2 x 10-4 C and +2 x 10-4 C
respectively are positioned as shown in the diagram below.

7.1 State Coulomb’s Law in words (2)

7.2 Draw a diagram that shows the electrostatic forces exerted on Q1 by Q2 and Q3 (2)

7.3 Calculate the net electrostatic force on Q1 by Q2 and Q3 (7)


131 | P a g e
1. Ohm's Law governs the relationship between current and potential difference for a circuit
element at constant temperature. Mathematically we write R = .

2. Conductors that obey Ohm's Law are called ohmic conductors; those that do not are called
non-ohmic conductors.

3. Ohm's Law can be applied to a single circuit element or the circuit as a whole (if the
components are ohmic).

4. The equivalent resistance of resistors in series ( ) can be calculated as follows:

5. The equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel ( ) can be calculated as follows:

6. Real batteries have an internal resistance.

7. The potential difference (V ) of the battery is related to its emf (ε)and internal resistance (r)

ε = Vload + Vinternal resistance or ε =IRext+ Ir.

8. The external resistance in the circuit is referred to as the load.

9. Define power as the rate at which work is done. Mathematically we write P = W/Δt .

10. When Solving circuit problems involving the concepts of power and electrical energy, we use the
following: P = VI, P = I R or P = V2/R

132 | P a g e

Resistors in Series, Summary

❖ In a series circuit, certain general rules may be stated with regard to quantities of voltage,
current, resistance, and power:

Ïn a series circuit, voltage drops add to equal the total."

Ïn a series circuit, current is equal through all components."
Ïn a series circuit, resistances add to equal the total."
Ïn a series circuit, power dissipations add to equal the total."
❖ In a series circuit, the total resistance increases as more resistors are added.
❖ In a series circuit, resistors have the same effect as when you extend a resistance wire.
❖ In a series circuit, if one resistor is not working (burns out), the circuit is broken and no
current will flow through the circuit.
❖ In a series circuit, the total resistance will always be greater than that of the resistor with
the greatest resistance in the circuit.
❖ In a series circuit, transfer of power will be the greatest with the resistor with the greatest
resistance according to, P = I 2 R .
❖ In a series circuit, the resistor with the greatest resistance will also have the greatest
voltmeter reading (potential difference) according to V = IR and according to P = VI also
the greatest transfer of power.

Resistors in Parallel, Summary

❖ In a parallel circuit, certain general rules may be stated with regard to quantities of voltage,
current, resistance, and power.

Ïn a parallel circuit, voltage is equal across all components."

Ïn a parallel circuit, currents add to equal the total."
Ïn a parallel circuit, resistances diminish to equal the total."
Ïn a parallel circuit, power dissipations add to equal the total."
❖ The equivalent resistance is always less than the resistance of the smallest resistor in the
❖ In parallel circuit, each device operates independently of the others so that if one is switched
off, the others remain on.
❖ In parallel circuit, all of the devices operate on the same voltage.
❖ The current takes all the paths.
– The resistor with the lower resistance will have higher currents.
– Even very high resistances will have some currents..
❖ In a parallel circuit, transfer of power will be the greatest with the resistor with the smallest
resistance according to P = .
❖ In a parallel circuit, the greatest current will flow through the resistor with the smallest
resistance and according to P = VI will also have the greatest transfer of power.

133 | P a g e
Equivalent Resistance, Summary

❖ For both series and parallel circuits, we will want to calculate the net resistance of a set of
❖ In other words, we want to find what single resistance (i.e. equivalent resistance, Req) could
replace the combination of given resistors without altering the rest of the circuit: that is, the
total current I and the potential difference V must stay the same. Consider the figure below:

❖ The 8.0 and 4.0 resistors are in series

and can be replaced with their
❖ The 6.0 and 3.0 resistors are in
parallel and can be replaced with their
equivalent, 2.0.
❖ These equivalent resistances are in series
and can be replaced with their equivalent
resistance, 14.0.

Hints on solving Electric Circuits with Combination Circuits

❖ When analyzing combination circuits, it is critically important to have a solid understanding
of the concepts that pertain to both series circuits and parallel circuits.
❖ Since both types of connections are used in combination circuits, the concepts associated
with both types of circuits apply to the respective parts of the circuit.


❖ Always use different subscripts to identify the various components in calculations.
❖ The current is the same at all points around the circuit, except where the current splits in the
parallel circuit.
❖ In parallel circuits, where the current divides, the voltage is the same at all points.
❖ In series circuits, the current is the same everywhere, but the voltage divides.
❖ The question: “Calculate the current passing through the circuit” may be asked in a
variety of ways – and they all mean the same thing:

➢ Calculate the current through the ammeter.

➢ Calculate the current through the battery.
➢ Calculate the current through the light bulb/resistor.
➢ What is the ammeter reading?

134 | P a g e
The following steps may be used when solving circuit calculations:
1. If a schematic diagram is not provided, sketch the circuit and fill in the data.
2. Identify whether there is internal resistance or not?
3. If there is No internal resistance, the terminal potential difference on open circuit is equal to
the emf of the battery or cell
4. If there is an internal resistance,
Vemf = Vext. + Vint.
Vemf = IRext + Irint

When the battery delivers current.

5. It there is an internal resistance, there are TWO circuits: internal and external
 Calculate the emf (E) of the battery – if not given.
 Calculate the internal resistance (r) of the battery - if not given. (Grade 12)
6. For the external circuit, ask yourself how many resistors constitute this circuit and how
are they connected. (In most exam questions, the external circuit is a combination of Series-
Parallel circuits).

 If solving Series-Parallel circuits, solve the Parallel parts first, then you are left
Calculate the total resistance (R) of the resistors in parallel – i.e. the equivalent
resistance of the grid
 Calculate the total external resistance (R) of the circuit
 Calculate the total resistance of the circuit (R + r). (Grade 12)
7. Apply the formula (R + r = ). OR E = I(R + r)
8. Calculate the current through the circuit.

9. Calculate the answers to questions relating to different components of the circuit.

 Make sure you know which I, V and R applies to that component of the circuit.
 Make use of subscripts to identify the various components.
 Use the Ohm's law equation ( R = ) often and appropriately. Most answers will be
determined using this equation.
 When using this formula, R = , it is important to substitute the appropriate values
into the equation. For instance, if calculating I2, it is important to substitute the V2 and
the R2 values into the equation.

135 | P a g e
Useful formulae

There are 3 important formula that may be used to calculate current through a circuit with an
internal resistance– be careful how you use them! NOT IN THE FORMULA SHEET

Vemf Vext Vint (' lostVolts ' )

I total = ; I total = OR I total =
Rtotal Rext rint

Vemf = Vext. + Vint.

Rtot = Rext. + Rint.

IRtot = IRext + IRint

136 | P a g e

8.1 A group of learners conducts an experiment to determine the internal resistance of a

battery. They connect the battery to a rheostat, an ammeter and a voltmeter as shown in
the diagram below.

The data obtained are shown in the graph below.

8.1.1 Explain the purpose of the rheostat

8.1.2 Name the independent variable in the experiment
8.1.3 What is the value of the emf of the battery
8.1.4 Calculate Vinternal if the current in the circuit is equal to 0, 8 A

137 | P a g e
8.2 Three resistors and an electrical device are connected to a 30 V battery with internal
resistance r as shown in the circuit diagram below. The ammeter has a reading of 2 A.

8.2.1 Define the tern emf of a battery

8.2.2 Calculate voltmeter reading V1
8.2.3 Calculate the internal resistance of the battery
8.2.4 An additional resistor is connected at position X as indicated in the diagram. How
will voltmeter reading V1 be affected? Write down only INCREASE,
DECREASE or STAYS THE SAME. Give an explanation for your answer.

138 | P a g e
Learners perform an experiment to determine the internal resistance of a battery using the circuit
diagram below.

The readings obtained from the experiment are shown in the table below.

8.1 The equation used by the learners is:

R= −r
Use the data from the table to draw a graph of R verses ON THE GRAPH SHEET
8.2 What us the physical quantity represented by the slope of the graph?
8.3 Use information from the graph to determine the value of the:
8.3.1 emf of the battery
8.3.2 internal resistance of the battery
8.4 The voltmeter across XY is replace by a connecting wire of negligible resistance.
Determine the current in the battery.

139 | P a g e

A battery is connected to a circuit with four resistors and two switches as shown in the
diagram below. When switch S1 is open and no current flows, the voltmeter reading across
the terminals of the battery is 18 V.




8.1 Write down the term that describes the voltmeter reading when switch S 1
is open.

When both switches are closed, the voltmeter reading decreases by 0,9 V and the
ammeter reads 4,5 A.

8.2 Write down the term that describes the voltmeter reading when both the switches
are closed.

8.3 Calculate the internal resistance of the battery.

8.4 Which of the resistors in parallel carries the largest current?

Write down 4 Ω or 3 Ω. Explain your answer.

8.5 Calculate the resistance of resistor R.

8.6 Name the one environmental factor that could cause the resistance of R to change.

8.7 Switch S2 is now opened.

Will the voltmeter reading INCREASE, DECREASE or STAY THE SAME?
Explain your answer without doing any calculation.

140 | P a g e
A battery with an internal resistance of 0, 5 Ω and an emf ( Ɛ) of 24 V is connected in a ciruit, as
shown below. With switch S closed, the high-resistance voltmeter (V) has a reading of 22, 26 V.

8.1 Explain the concept emf of 24 V in terms of work done.

Calculate the:
8.2 Ammeter reading
8.3 Power dissipated in the 16 Ω resistor.
8.4 Current passing through resistor R.
Resistor R is removed from the circuit.

8.5 Will the power dissipated in the 16Ω resistor INCREASE, DECREASE or REMAIN
CONSTANT? Explain the answer without doing any calculations.

141 | P a g e
A battery with an unknown emf and internal resistance of 5 Ω is connected to a 43 Ω bulb and
other resistors as shown in the circuit below. Voltmeter V1 is connected across the battery and
voltmeter V2 is connected across the open switch S. Ignore the resistance of the ammeter and
connecting wires.

8.1 Define, in words, the term emf.

8.2 The reading on V1decreases by 4, 5 V when switch S is closed.
8.2.1 What causes the decreases in the reading on voltmeter V1?
8.2.2 What is the reading on V2 when switch S is closed?
8.2.3 Calculate the emf of the battery.
8.2.4 Calculate the reading on the ammeter.
8.3 Will the power of the bulb INCREASE, DECREASE or REMAINTHE
SAME when the 20 Ω resistor is removed?
Explain your answer.

142 | P a g e
The battery in the circuit represented below has an emf of 12 V and an internal resistance r.
Voltmeter V1 is connected across the battery. The resistance of the connecting wires is

Switches S1 and S2 are both open.

8.1 Write down the reading on voltmeter V2
8.2 Switch S1 is now closed. Switch S2 remains open. The reading on V1 is now 10 V
Calculate the:
8.2.1 Total external resistance of the circuit
8.2.2 Internal resistance of the battery
8.3 Both switches S1 and S2 are now closed
How will the reading on the ammeter be affected? Choose from INCREASES,
DECREASES or REMAIN THE SAME. Explain the answer.

143 | P a g e
In the circuit below, two resistors are connected in parallel, to a battery with an internal
resistance r and a high resistance voltmeter

When S2 is open and S1 closed, the voltmeter reading is 12 V

When S2 is closed and S1 open, the voltmeter reading is 16 V
8.1 Write down Ohm’s law in words
8.3 Calculate the voltmeter reading when both switches:
8.3.1 S1 and S2 are open
8.3.2 S1 and S2 are closed

144 | P a g e
In the circuit below, the battery has an emf of 12 V and internal resistance r. The three resistors
and the bulb are connected as shown in the diagram. The resistance of the bulb is 2 Ω. Initially
both switches S1 and S2 are open. Assume that all the connecting wires and an ammeter A have
negligible resistances.

8.1 With only switch S1 closed, the reading on the voltmeter drops to 10, 8 V.
Calculate the …
8.1.1 reading on ammeter A.
8.1.2 internal resistance, r of the battery.
8.2 With both switches, S1 and S2, closed, the ammeter reads 1, 5 A.
8.2.1 Calculate the power dissipated by the bulb.
82.2 What effect will the closing of both switches have on the “lost volts”?
Fully explain your answer.

145 | P a g e
A learner sets up a circuit to determine the emf (Ɛ) and internal resistance (r) of a battery.
The learner obtained the following graph form the data of the investigation.

8.1 Define, in words, the term internal resistance.

8.2 Using the graph ONLY determine the value of the following:
8.2.1 Emf (Ɛ) of the battery
8.2.2 ‘Lost’ volts when the current in the circuit is 0, 2 A
8.2.3 Internal resistance of the battery.

146 | P a g e
A learner set up the circuit shown below to measure the internal resistance of a battery.

She records the readings on the voltmeter and ammeter for different resistances of the rheostat.
The graph below was obtained from the results.

147 | P a g e
8.1 Define the term emf
8.2 Calculate the gradient of the above graph
8.3 What is represented by the gradient in Question 8.2?
8.4 Use the information on the graph to calculate the:
8.4.1 Emf of the battery
8.4.2 Internal resistance of the battery

148 | P a g e

Motor effect and electric motors

Motor effect : a moving load (current-carrying conductor), I, in magnetic field(B) experience a

force . Thus I + B→ F (all three to ┴ each other).

To get direction of F: Use Right-hand motor rule

Put your right hand out.
Fingers in direction of B: N →S.
Thumb indicates conventional current (+→ -).
Palm of hand indicates direction of F.

Size of F depends on

o angle between I and B

o strength of I, B
o length of conductor in B-field
Electric motor:

• Current-carrying coil (I) in external magnetic field (B) experiences torque (F) (coil turns).

• Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

• There are two types of motors - AC and DC.

DC motor AC motor

Principle of operation Motor Effect Motor Effect

Source of electric energy Alternating current

Energy conversion Electrical to mechanical Electrical to mechanical

Coil makes contact with Split-ring commutator and brushes Slip rings and brushes

Uses Smaller appliances, i.e. CD players, computers, Appliances needing large power, i.e. heavy
fans, laser printers – also in electric trains industrial machines
Advantages Easy speed control. Speed depends on potential Works from wall plug. Cheaper than DC motors
difference. Size of force can easily be changed

Disadvantages AC must first be converted to DC before motor Rotation speed same as frequency of AC, cannot
can work from wall plug. Requires regular be changed easily. Uses large current. Sparks, heat
maintenance, especially of brushes, thus more at brushes causes energy loss, reduces lifetime of
expensive than AC motor motor

149 | P a g e
Electromagnetic Induction and generators
Electromagnetic induction
Change in magnetic flux linkage induces emf in a conductor.

Lenz’s law
Direction of induced current opposes inducing action.
Dynamo effect Moving conductor (F) in magnetic field (B) induces an emf (current if circuit
closed (I)) i.e. F + B →I (all three ┴ to each other)

Use Fleming’s RIGHT HAND Dynamo Rule to get direction of I.

Stretch the fingers of the right handout.
Fingers indicate the direction of B.
Thumb indicates F.
Hand palm indicates the direction of the conventional current.

Faraday’s law
Magnitude of emf directly proportional to rate of change in magnetic flux.
Emf  ∆  /∆t.
• Moving coil in external magnetic field induce emf (current in closed circuit).
• Electrical generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

• There are two types of generators - AC and DC. An AC generator is also called an alternator.

DC generator AC generator

Principle of operation Electromagnetic Induction Electromagnetic Induction

Energy conversion Mechanical to electrical Mechanical to electrical

Coil makes contact Split-ring commutator and brushes Slip rings and brushes

Uses Electroplating with metals, electrolysis for Electricity generation at power stations.
manufacture of chlorine, refining of Generators at amusement parks, hospitals and
aluminium, copper, manganese. Many DC other essential services, building sites, for
generators are driven by AC motors. lights at accident scenes, etc.

150 | P a g e
Improving the efficiency of motors/generators

• Make more windings in the coil,

• Use soft iron core in centre (stronger B-field),
• Use horse shoe-shaped external magnets

Alternating current
Alternating current (AC) has many advantages over direct current (DC).
o Current and potential difference can be stepped up or down by transformers. Low I, high
V for transport of electrical energy over long distances so that energy loss is at minimum.
o Build power stations next to coalmines, lower transport costs of coal.
o Moving coil in external magnetic field induce emf (current in closed circuit). Mechanical
energy converted to electrical energy.

• The root mean square (rms) value of a quantity is the maximum value the quantity can have
divided by .

• Define the rms (root mean square) values for current and voltage as
and Vrms =
I rms = respectively, and explain why these values are useful.
2 2
• The rms value of AC is the DC potential difference/current which dissipates the same amount
of energy as AC.

• The average power dissipated in a purely resistive circuit with alternating current is
2 V2
Paverage = VrmsIrms = I rms R = Rrms

• Sketch graphs of voltage versus time and current versus time for an AC circuit. .

• The relation between rms values and maximum values for potential difference and current are
as follows:

V I Imax
Vrms Irms


Figure 1: Maximum and rms values for potential difference and current

151 | P a g e
The simplified sketch below represents an electrical motor.

9.1 Name the type of electrical motor that is shown above.

9.2 What energy conversion takes place in the above electrical motor?
9.3 The turning effect of the electrical motor can be increased by increasing the number of
turns of coil or by increasing the strength of the magnetic field.
9.3.1 Write down another way in which this turning effect can be increased.
It is intended to produce a maximum potential difference in the electrical motor
when a constant current is supplied.
9.3.2 In which position should the coil relative to the magnetic field be positioned in
order to produce maximum potential difference?

152 | P a g e
9.4 The graphs below shows the output of a generator.

9.4.1 Is the reading indicated as 330 V on the graph above a root mean square voltage
(Vrms) or a maximum voltage (Vmax)?
9.4.2 The generator produces the root mean square current (Irms) of 12 A. Determine
the rate at which the generator will transfer energy.

153 | P a g e
9.1 A simplified diagram of an AC generator is shown below. The direction of the current in
the coil is from b to a.

9.1.1 In which direction is the coil being rotated? Write only CLOCKSIWE or
9.1.2 A maximum voltage is generated if the coil moves through the position indicated
in the diagram above. Give an explanation for this observation.
9.1.3 Starting from the position shown in the diagram above, sketch a graph of output
voltage versus time for one complete cycle of the coil
9.1.4 State ONE way in which the generator shown above can be used to produce a
higher output voltage
9.1.5 Give ONE advantage for the use of alternating current
9.2 An electric fan with a power rating of 80 W is connected to an AC source which
produces 7 A maximum current. Calculate the resistance of the fan.

154 | P a g e

An alternating current (AC) generator installed on a farm produces the following graph of emf
against time.


ε (V)
0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 Time (s)

9.1 What is the period for one rotation of the armature of the generator?
9.2 Calculate the root mean square voltage (Vrms)for this generator.
9.3 An ohmic lightbulb rated 100 V; 40 W is supplied with energy from this generator.

9.3.1 Calculate the resistance of the lightbulb.

9.3.2 Describe the brightness of the lightbulb under these conditions. Choose
Explain your answer.

9.4 Draw a graph of current strength vs. time over the same time interval. Do not show
any values on the y-axis.

155 | P a g e
A generator is used to deliver current through a 120 W bulb. The graph below shows the change
in potential difference against time in the bulb.

9.1 What type of generator is used? Choose from ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC) or
9.2 Write down the energy conversion that takes place in the bulb.
9.3 Write down the name of the principle on which the functioning of the generator is based.
9.4 Calculate the frequency of the current.
9.5 Calculate that rms-current through the bulb.
9.6 Calculate the resistance of the bulb.

156 | P a g e
The diagram below shows the essential parts of a generator.

9.1 The coil rotates within the magnetic field

Write down the type of current (AC or DC)
9.1.1 Induced in the coil
9.1.2 Passing through the 20 Ω resistor
Give a reason for the answer
9.2 An AC generator is used in the commercial production of electricity
9.2.1 State ONE fundamental difference in construction between an AC generator and a
DC generator
9.2.2 Fully explain why AC is preferred to DC for transmission of electricity over long

157 | P a g e
9.3 The diagram below shows the output of the above AC generator. A 20Ω resistor is
connected in the circuit.

Calculate the:
9.3.1 Frequency of the power source
9.3.2 Average power dissipated in the resistor

158 | P a g e
Consider the following simplified diagram of a portion of an AC generator

9.1 What is the direction of the magnetic field if the direction of the current is as shown in
the diagram? Write from LEFT TO RIGHT or RIGHT TO LEFT
9.2 How will the magnitude of the induced current in the coil change when the speed of
rotation of the coil in the magnitude field is increased? Write INCREASES,
9.3 What type of energy conversion takes place in the electric generator?
The following figures (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) represents one full clockwise rotation of the coil

9.4 Draw a sketch graph of current verses time for one complete rotation of the coil. Show
the position of the coil corresponding to the current values of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
9.5 A lamp of average power 20 W is connected to the output terminals of the generator
mentioned above. The peak voltage produced by the generator is 12 V. Calculate the peak
through the lamp

159 | P a g e
9.1 The diagram below represents a simplified sketch of a DC motor.

9.1.1 Name the component which ensures continuous rotation of the coil
of the above motor.
9.1.2 Name the part of the motor which becomes an electromagnet when the
motor is in operation.
9.2 The electricity supply to a house decreases from 240 V to 200 V rms.
9.2.1 Calculate the peak voltage during the power decrease.
9.2.2 An electric iron dissipates 2 200 W when it is operated on an rms voltage
of 240 V. Calculate the power at which it will operate during the power

160 | P a g e
• Describe the photoelectric effect as the process whereby electrons are ejected from a metal
surface when light of suitable frequency is incident on that surface.
• Give the significance of the photo-electric effect: it establishes the quantum theory and it
illustrates the particle nature of light.
• Define cut-off frequency/threshold frequency, fo, as the minimum frequency of light needed
to emit electrons from a certain metal surface.
• Define work function, Wo, as the minimum energy that an electron in the metal needs to be
emitted from the metal surface.
• Know that the cut-off frequency corresponds to a maximum wavelength.

NB: A photon is a particle of light with a certain frequency, while a photoelectron is an

electron which has been emitted from a metal by a photon with sufficient energy.
• Three possible situations can arise:
o If the energy of the photon is less than the work function of the metal, i.e. the frequency of
light is less than the threshold frequency, no electrons can escape from the metal and the
energy is absorbed by the substance.
o If the energy of the photon equals the work function of the metal, i.e. the frequency of the
light is the same as the frequency of the threshold; the electron simply escapes from the
metal. It has no kinetic energy to move away from the metal.
o If the energy of the photon is greater than the work function, i.e. the frequency of the light
is higher than the threshold frequency; the photoelectron leaves the metal with kinetic

• Perform calculations using the photoelectric equation:

Energy of photon = work function + kinetic energy of photoelectron

E =Wo+ Kmax, where E = hf and Wo= hfo and Kmax = ½mv max

Meaning of symbols:

o E: energy of photon (J).

o h: proportionality constant - Planck’s constant (h = 6,63 × 10-34 J·s).
o f: frequency of the radiation in hertz (Hz).
o fo: cut-off frequency/threshold frequency (Hz)
o Wo: work function of the metal in joule (J)
o m: mass of photoelectron in kilograms (kg)
o Kmax: maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons(J)
o v: speed of emitted photo-electrons in m·s-1

161 | P a g e
• Explain the effect of intensity and frequency on the photoelectric effect.

o Know that the number of electrons ejected per second increases with the intensity of
the incident radiation.

o Know that if the frequency of the incident radiation is below the cut-off frequency,
then increasing the intensity of the radiation has no effect i.e. it does not cause
electrons to be ejected.

• The maximum kinetic energy of a stream of photoelectrons …

o is determined by measuring the stopping potential: the applied voltage needed keep
the photoelectrons trapped in the photo-emissive surface.
o increases linearly with the frequency of the incident light above the threshold
o is independent of the intensity of the incident light.
• The rate at which photoelectrons are emitted from a photo-emissive surface …
o is determined by measuring the electric current.
o is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light when frequency is
• On a graph of maximum kinetic energy vs. frequency …
o all curves are linear with slope equal to Planck's Constant.
o the intercept on the energy-axis is the threshold frequency of the material.
• Classical physics cannot explain why …
o no photoelectrons are emitted when the incident light has a frequency below the
o the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases with the frequency of the
incident light,
o the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of
the incident light, and
o there is essentially no delay between absorption of the radiant energy and the
emission of photoelectrons.

Emission and absorption spectra

• Explain the formation of atomic spectra by referring to energy transition.

• Explain the difference between atomic absorption and emission spectr

162 | P a g e
A learner investigates the photoelectric effect with the use of a photocell. The photocell is
irradiated by light of different wavelengths as shown below.

10.1 Define, in words, the photoelectric effect

10.2 The wavelengths of three sources of light are shown in the table below.

The threshold frequency of the metal used in the photocell is 6.45 x 10 14. The average
speed of the emitted photoelectrons are 2, 78 x 105 m.s-1. Identify the light used to
irradiate the photocell.
10.3 The intensity of the incident light is now decreased. How will this DECREASE or STAY
10.3.1 The ammeter reading. Write down only INCREASE, DECREASE or STAYS
10.3.2 The kinetic energy of the photoelectrons. Write down only INCRAES,
10.3.3 Give an explanation to your answer in QUESTION 10.3.2
10.4 Light emitted by gas discharge tubes as used in fluorescent lights produces a line
emission spectrum. Briefly explain how this type of spectrum is formed.

163 | P a g e

A group of physicists perform an experiment where they shine five different light sources (A, B,
C, D and E) onto the platinum cathode of a photocell.

They measure the maximum kinetic energies of the ejected photoelectrons and produce the
following graph of their results.

(× 10−18 J)
2 E

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
𝑓 (× 10 Hz)

10.1 What does the gradient of the above graph represent?

10.2 Define the term threshold frequency.

10.2 Use the 𝑥-intercept of the graph in order to calculatethe work function of the metal.

10.3 In one of the experiments the brightnessof one of the light sources was increased.
How would this affect… (Answer only INCREASES, DECREASES or REMAINS
THE SAME for both of the following subquestions.)

10.3.1 the number of electrons ejected per second?

10.3.2 the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons?

10.4 Calculate the speed of an ejected electron when light source E is used.

164 | P a g e
Different frequencies of light are shone onto the surface of a metal. The graph below shows the
relationship between the kinetic energy of photo-electrons and frequency of the incident light.

10.1 Refer to the graph and write down the threshold frequency of the metal.
10.2 Give a reason why no photo-electrons are released when light of frequency
45 x 10-19 Hz is used.
10.3 Calculate the velocity of the ejected electrons when a light with a frequency of
110 x 10-19Hz is shone onto the metal.
10.4 What effect will an increases in the intensity of radiation have on the velocity
of ejected electrons?
Explain your answer.

165 | P a g e
Light of different wavelengths is used to investigate the maximum kinetic energy of
photoelectrons ejected from a specific type of cathode (A). The following graph is drawn
from the results.

10.1 Define the term threshold frequency in words.

10.2 Write down the mathematical relationship between the wavelength (λ) of the light and the
maximum kinetic energy (Ek (max)) of the photoelectrons.

10.3 How will an increase in the intensity of the light influence the maximum kinetic energy
of the photoelectrons? Choose from INCREASES, DECREASES, or REMAINS THE
SAME. Give a reason for the answer.

10.4 The threshold frequency of cathode A is 1, 18 x 1015 Hz. Calculate the maximum speed
of an emitted photoelectron if cathode A is irradiated with light of wavelength 160 nm.

10.5 The photoelectric cell is replaced with one which has a cathode B of LOWER
THRESHOLD FREQUENCY and the experiment is repeated.
Redraw the above graph Ek (max) versus λfor cathode A and on the same system of axes
use a dotted line to draw the graph for cathode B.

166 | P a g e
Incident light of different wavelengths was shone on a metal cathode in an evacuated tube as
shown in the diagram below.

It was found that light of 500 nm releases electrons with zero kinetic energy. The micro-ammeter
gives a zero reading.

10.1 Define the term work function

10.2 Calculate the work function of the metal used as cathode
10.3 How will each of the following affect the reading on the micro-ammeter?
10.3.1 The intensity of the light is increased
10.3.2 Light of a wavelength 550 nm is used
10.4 The metal cathode is now irradiated with light of wavelength 400 nm
Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of an emitted photo-electron

167 | P a g e
The graph below shows how the maximum kinetic energy (E K)) of the photoelectrons emitted
from the surface of Lithium (Li) metal varies with the frequency (f) of the incident radiation.

10.1 What name is given to the frequency at x?

10.2 Write down how the value of Plank’s constant can be determined graphically
10.3 Explain why no photoelectrons are emitted at frequencies below x
10.4 Calculate the work function of Lithium if the value of x is 5, 6 x 10 -14 Hz
10.5 Calculate the maximum speed of emitted electrons when the frequency of the light shone
on the lithium metal (Li) surface is double the value of x
10.6 Copy the above into your ANSWER BOOK. ON THE SAME AXES draw the graph that
will be obtained if Magnesium metal (Mg) with work function greater than Lithium is
used, label this graph as B.

168 | P a g e
A learner conducts an experiment to determine which metal(s) will release electrons
when green light of WAVELENGTH 510 nm is shone on it. The table below shows the
different metals used in the experiment with their respective work functions.

Metal Work Function (J)

Gold 8, 16 x 10-19
Aluminum 6, 88 x 10-19
Sodium 4, 32 x 10-19
Caesium 3, 36 x 10-19

10.1 Calculate the energy of a photon of green light.

10.2 Using the data from the above table, identify the metal(s) which will release
photoelectrons when green light is shone onto their surfaces.
Explain your answer.
10.3 Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron when green light shines onto
the metal in question 10.2.
10.4 The intensity of the green light is DOUBLED. State the effects that this has on each of
the following:
10.4.1 The work function of each metal
10.4.2 The maximum kinetic energy of each emitted photoelectron
10.4.3 The energy of each photon of green light.

169 | P a g e

• Emission : electrical current through gas → gas glows

• Bright coloured lines of frequencies radiated when electrons fall back from excited state
• Frequency correspond to difference between energy levels
• Absorption : light through cold gas → frequencies absorbed cause black lines in continuous
• Infrared absorption: bonds in molecules vibrate with the absorption of light energy in
infrared part of spectrum. Energy absorbed if dipole moment of molecule changes with


The following table represents the different energy levels of the hydrogen atom as well as the
corresponding energy values, in joule (J) of each energy level.
n=4 E= -1,36 x 10-19J
n=3 E = -2,40 x 10-19J

n=2 E = -5, 44 x 10-19J

n=1 E = -2, 18 x 10-18J

11.1 The colour of light and its corresponding wavelength is given in the table below.
Red 650
Orange 590
Yellow 570
Green 510
Blue 475
Violet 400
Determine the colour of light emitted when an electron falls back from the third to second
energy level. Show ALL calculations

170 | P a g e
Line emission spectra are produced as a result of electron transitions between energy levels of
the atom. The diagram below shows some of the outer energy levels of the mercury atom. An
electron has been excited to the – 1,6 eV energy level (Level 4). The diagram shows three
possible ways that it can return to the -10,4 eV energy level (Level 1, ground state).

-1,6 Level 4
-3,7 Level 3
Energy (eV) Level 2

-10,4 Level 1 (ground state)

11.1 The three energy transitions produce three different spectral lines. Which transition
(A, B or C) will produce the spectral line with:
11.1.1 the longest wavelength
11.1.2 the most energy

11.2 Calculate the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation emitted when an electron
falls from Level 4 back to its ground state (Level 1) as shown by the transition
labelled C.

11.3 Write down ONE important use of line emission spectra.

171 | P a g e
This section covers other things you need to know such as:
• Data sheets
• Meaning of symbols in data sheets, units and definitions of physical quantities
• Definitions, laws and principles

172 | P a g e
1. Force (F): A force can be defined as something that attempts to change the condition of rest or
motion of an object.

2. Contact force: Is the force that acts on an object by making contact with it.

3. Non-contact Force: Is a force that acts on an object without making physical contact with it.

4. Net force (Fnet): A net force is a single force that has the same effect as the original forces acting
together on an object. OR A net force is the combined effect of all the forces acting on an object OR
the net force is the SUM of the individual forces acting on an object.
5. Normal force (N): Is the force or the component of a force which a surface exerts on an object with
which it is in contact, and which is perpendicular to the surface.

6. Frictional force (f): Is the force that opposes the motion of an object and which acts parallel to the

7. Static frictional force(f)s: Is the force that opposes the tendency of motion of a stationary object
relative to a surface.

8. Kinetic frictional force, fk: Is the force that opposes the motion of a moving object relative to a

9. Newton's first law of motion: A body will remain in its state of rest or motion at constant velocity
unless a non-zero resultant/net force acts on it.

10. Newton's second law of motion: When a resultant/net force acts on an object, the object will
accelerate in the direction of the force at an acceleration directly proportional to the force and
inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

11. Newton's third law of motion: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body
exerts a force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction on the first body.

12. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Each body in the universe attracts every other body with a
force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between their centres.
13. Weight: is the gravitational force the Earth exerts on any object on or near its surface.
14. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity.

15. Newton's second law of motion in terms of momentum: The resultant/net force acting on an object is
equal to the rate of change of momentum of the object in the direction of the resultant/net force.

16. Impulse: is the product of the resultant/net force acting on an object and the time the resultant/net
force acts on the object.

173 | P a g e
17. Closed/an isolated system (in Physics), i.e. a system on which the resultant/net external force is zero.
18. Principle of conservation of linear momentum: The total (linear) momentum remains constant/is
conserved in an isolated/a closed system/the absence of external forces.

19. Elastic collision: An elastic collision is a collision in which both momentum and kinetic energy are
20. Inelastic collision: An elastic collision in which only momentum is conserved and not kinetic energy.

21. A projectile, i.e. an object upon which the only force acting is the force of gravity.

22. Free fall: The motion of an object in the gravitational field of the earth under the influence of only
the gravitational force.

23. Terminal velocity: Maximum velocity reached by a falling object at the instant when the force of air
friction (air resistance) equals the gravitational force of the earth on the object.

24. Work is done on an object when displacement takes place in the direction of the force.

25. Work-energy theorem: The net/total work done on an object is equal to the change in the object's
kinetic energy OR the work done on an object by a resultant/net force is equal to the change in the
object's kinetic energy.

26. Conservative force: is a force for which the work done in moving an object between two points is
independent of the path taken.

Examples are gravitational force, the elastic force in a spring and electrostatic forces (coulomb

27. Non-conservative force: is a force for which the work done in moving an object between two points
depends on the path taken.

Examples are frictional force, air resistance, tension in a chord, etc.

28. Energy (E) is the ability to do work.

29. Gravitational potential energy (U): is the energy it possesses by virtue of its position in the
gravitational field of the earth.

30. Kinetic Energy (K) is the energy it possesses by virtue of its state of motion.

31. Mechanical Energy (ME) is the sum of the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of the object.

32. Principle of conservation of mechanical energy: The total mechanical energy (sum of gravitational
potential energy and kinetic energy) in an isolated system remains constant. (A system is isolated
when the resultant/net external force acting on the system is zero).

33. Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is expended (transferred).

174 | P a g e

34. Doppler effect: is the change in frequency (or pitch) of the sound detected by a listener because the
sound source and the listener have different velocities relative to the medium of sound propagation.


35. Coulomb's law: The magnitude of the electrostatic force exerted by one point charge (Q 1) on another
point charge (Q2) is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r) between them

36. Electric field is a region of space in which an electric charge experiences a force. The direction of the
electric field at a point is the direction that a positive test charge would move if placed at that point.

37. Electric field at a point: The electric field at a point is the electrostatic force experienced per unit
positive charge placed at that point.
38. Emf: measure of the amount of energy transferred per coulomb of charge passing through the

39. Ohm's law in words: The potential difference across a conductor is directly proportional to the
current in the conductor at constant temperature.

40. Faraday’s law: the magnitude of emf is directly proportional to rate of change in magnetic flux.
Emf ∆  /∆t.

41. Rms for an alternating voltage or an alternating current. The rms value of AC is the DC potential
difference/current which dissipates the same amount of energy as AC.


42. Photoelectric effect is the process whereby electrons are ejected from a metal surface when light of
suitable frequency is incident on that surface.

43. Photon is a Quantum/packet of energy found in light OR a particle of light with a certain frequency.

44. Photoelectron is an electron which has been emitted from a metal by a photon with sufficient energy.

45. Cut-off frequency/threshold frequency, fo, is the minimum frequency of light needed to emit
electrons from a certain metal surface.

46. Work function, Wo, is the minimum energy that an electron in the metal needs to be emitted from the
metal surface.

47. Atomic absorption spectrum is formed when certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation that
passes through a medium, e.g. a cold gas, is absorbed.
48. Atomic emission spectrum is formed when certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation are
emitted due to an atom's electrons making a transition from a high-energy state to a lower energy

175 | P a g e



Acceleration due to gravity g 9,8 m·s-2

Swaartekrag versnelling
Gravitational constant G 6,67 x 10-11 Nm2kg-2
Swaartekrag konstante
Radius of Earth RE 6,38 x 106 m
Straal van Aarde
Coulomb’s constant K 9,0 x 109 Nm2·C-2
Coulomb se konstante
Speed of light in a vacuum
c 3,0 x 108 m·s-1
Spoed van lig in 'n vakuum

Charge on electron e -1,6 x 10-19 C

Lading op electron
Electron mass me 9,11 x 10-31 kg
Elektron massa


v f = v i + a t Δx = v i Δt + 21 at 2 or/of Δy = v i Δt + 21 at 2

 v + vf   v + vf 
v f = v i + 2ax or/of v f = v i + 2ay
2 2 2 2
Δx =  i  Δt or/of Δy =  i  Δt
 2   2 

Fnet = ma p= mv

=  sN fk =  k N

Fnet t = p
w = mg
p = mv f – mv i

m1m 2 m1m 2 M M
F=G or/of F=G g =G or/of g =G
d2 r2 d2 r2

176 | P a g e
W = Fx cos  U = mgh or/of E P = mgh

1 1 Wnet = K or/of Wnet = Ek

K= mv 2 or/of Ek = mv 2
2 2
K = K f − K i or/of Ek = Ekf − Eki
Wnc = K + U or/of Wnc = Ek + Ep P=
Pave = Fv ave / Pgemid = Fv gemid


v=f T=

v  vL v  vL c
fL = fs fL = fb E = hf or/of E= h
v  vs v  vb 

E = Wo + Ek(max) or/of E = Wo + K max where/waar

1 1
E = hf and/en W0 = hf0 and/en E k (max) = mv max
or/of K max = mv max

2 2

kQ 1Q 2 kQ
F= 2
E= 2
r r

V= E=
q q

n= or/of n=
e qe

177 | P a g e
V emf ( ε ) = I(R + r)
I emk ( ε ) = I(R + r)
R s = R1 + R 2 + ...

1 1 1 q= I t
= + + ...
R p R1 R 2

W = Vq P=
W = VI  t
P = VI
W = I2R t
P = I 2R
V 2 Δt
W =
R V2

Pave = Vrms I rms / Pgemiddeld = Vwgk I wgk
I max I
I rms = / I wgk = maks
2 2 Pave = Irms
R / Pgemiddeld = I 2wgk R
Vmax Vmaks
Vrms = / Vwgk = V2
2 2 Pave = rms / Pgemiddeld =

178 | P a g e
Motion (P1) Work, Energy and Power (P1)
𝑣𝑓 = 𝑣𝑖 + 𝑎∆𝑡 𝑣𝑓 = final velocity (m·s-1) 𝐸𝑝 𝑜𝑟 𝑈 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ 𝐸𝑝 (𝑜𝑟 𝑈) = potential energy (joule, J)
𝑣𝑓2 = 𝑣𝑖2 + 2𝑎∆𝑥 𝑣𝑖 = initial velocity (m·s ) 1
𝐾 or E k = mv 2
𝐸𝑘 𝑜𝑟 𝐾 = kinetic energy (joule, J)
Δx = v i Δt + 21 at 2 𝑎/g = acceleration(m·s-2)/ gravitational 2 𝑔 = gravitational accel. (m·s-2) (= 9,8 m·s-2)
acceleration (g = 9.8 m·s-2) 𝑊 = 𝐹 · ∆𝑥 · cos(θ) ℎ = height above ground level (m)
 v + vf 
Δx =  i  Δt ∆𝑡 = time elapsed (s)
𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = ∆𝐸𝑘
𝑊 = work done by force F (joule, J)
 2  ∆𝑥 /∆y = displacement (change in position) (m) ∆𝑥 = displacement of object due to F (m)
∆𝐸𝑘 = 𝐸𝑘𝑓 − 𝐸𝑘𝑖 𝜃 = angle between F and dir. of motion
Force (P1) 𝑊𝑛𝑐 = ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝 𝑊𝑛𝑒𝑡 = net / total work done by all forces
W (J)
𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = force / resultant force (newton, N) P=
𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝑚𝑎 t ∆𝐸𝑘 ∆𝐾 = change in kinetic energy (J)
𝑚, 𝑚1, 𝑚2 = mass of object (kg) 𝑊𝑛𝑐 = work of non-conservative forces (J)
𝑤 = 𝑚𝑔 Pave = Fv ave
𝑤 = weight (N) ∆𝐸𝑝= change in potential energy (J)
𝑓𝑘 = 𝜇𝑘 · 𝑁
𝑓𝑘, 𝑓𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = kinetic, max static friction force (N) 𝑃 = power (rate at which work is done)
𝑓𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜇𝑠 · 𝑁 𝜇𝑘, 𝜇𝑠 = kinetic, static frictional co-efficient 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑒, 𝑣𝑎𝑣𝑒 = average power, ave. velocity
𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣 Waves, Sound and Light (P1)
𝑝 = momentum (kg·m·s-1)
𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡∆𝑡 = ∆𝑝
𝑣 = velocity (m·s-1) 1 𝑓 = frequency (Hz) | 𝑇 = period (s-1)
∆𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣𝑓 − 𝑚𝑣𝑖 𝑣 = 𝑓𝜆 T=
𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡∆𝑝 = Impulse f 𝜆 = wavelength (m) | 𝐸 = energy (joule, J)
m1m 2 ℎ = Planck’s const. (J∙s) | 𝑐= speed of light in
F=G d/𝑟= distance btwn two objects/centres (m) c
d2 E = hf or E = h a vacuum ( c = 3,0 x 108 m·s-1 )
G = universal gravitational constant 
g = G 2 OR v  vL 𝐿 / 𝑆 = listener / source
d (G=6,67 × 10-11 N·m2·kg-2 ) fL = fs
𝑓𝐿, 𝑓𝑆 = freq. perceived by S, emitted by L.
M v  vs
g =G 2 𝑔 = acceleration due to gravitational attraction
𝑣𝐿, 𝑣𝑆 = velocity of Listener, Source
by body with mass M, at distance r (from
v = speed of sound in medium
Electricity & Magnetism - Electric Circuits cont…
Waves Sound &Light – Photoelectric Effect (P1) 𝜀 = 𝐼(𝑅 + 𝑟) 𝜀 = emf (volts, V)
𝑟 = internal resistance of battery (Ω)
𝐸 = ℎ𝑓 = 𝑊0 + 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐸 = energy of photon (J). 𝑄 = 𝐼∆𝑡 𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅 𝑅 = resistance of a resistor/ total
ℎ = Planck’s constant (h=6,63 × 10-34 J·s) external resistance of circuit (Ω)
𝑊0 = ℎ𝑓0 𝑊0 = work function of a metal (J) 𝑊 = 𝑉𝑞 𝑊 = 𝑉𝐼∆𝑡 𝐼 = current (ampere, A)
𝑊 = V Δt
E k (max) = mv max
2 𝑓0 = cut-off /threshold frequency (Hz) 2
𝑄 (𝑜𝑟 𝑞) = charge (coulomb, C)
2 m = mass of a photo-electron (kg) 𝑊 = 𝐼2𝑅∆𝑡 R Δ𝑡 = time elapsed (s)
(me = 9,11 x 10-31 kg) W 𝑉 = potential diff. (volts, V)
𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼 P=
V = speed of emitted photoelectrons (m·s -1) Δt 𝑊 = work done (joule, J)
V2 𝑃 = power (watt, W)
Electricity & Magnetism - Electrostatics(P1) P = I 2R

kQ 1Q 2 𝐹 = electrostatic force (N) b/w 2 charges r m apart

F= 𝐸 = strength of electric field due to charge Q
(at distance r from Q) Electricity & Magnetism - Alternating Current (P1)
E= 2 (k = Coulomb’s constant = 9,0 x 109 N·m2·C-2)
r 𝑄 = charge (coulomb, C)
E = V= I max 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠 = root mean square current (A)
q q 𝐸 = 𝐹/ 𝑞 — electric field strength at test charge q I rms =
𝑉 = potential difference (volts, V)) 𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 = root mean square pot. difference (V)
Q 2
n= 𝑊 = work done (joule, J) 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑒 = average power (watt, W)
qe 𝑛 = number of electrons Vmax 𝑅 = resistance of a resistor (ohm, Ω)
Vrms =
e or 𝑞𝑒 = charge of an electron (C) (= -1,6 x 10-19 C) 2
Electricity & Magnetism - Electric Circuits (P1) 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 ∙ 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠
𝑅𝑠 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + ⋯ 𝑅 = resistance (Ohm, Ω) 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠2 ∙ 𝑅
1 1 1 𝑠 / 𝑝 = series / parallel 2
= + + ... 𝑅𝑠, 𝑅𝑝 = total resistance of a combination Pave =
R p R1 R 2 R
of resistors in series / in parallel

180 | P a g e
Information Sheet: Physical Constants for P1 and P2 (Grades 10 – 12)
Grade Name Symbol Value
10 Acceleration due to gravity g 9,8 m·s-2
11 Universal gravitational constant G 6,67 × 10-11 N·m2·kg-2
10 Speed of light in a vacuum c 3,0 × 108 m·s-1
Grade when first applicable

10 Planck’s constant h 6,63 × 10-34 J·s

11 Coulomb’s constant k 9,0 × 109 N·m2·C-2
10 Charge on an electron e – 1,6 × 10-19 C
10 Mass of an electron me 9,11 × 10-31 kg
11 Radius of Earth RE 6,38 x 106 m
11 Mass of Earth ME 5,98 x 1024 kg
10 Standard pressure p° 1,013 × 105 Pa
10 Standard temperature T° 273 K (0°C)
10 Molar volume of gas at STP Vm 22,4 dm3·mol-1
10 Avogadro’s constant NA 6,02 × 1023 mol-1
11 Universal gas constant R 8,31 J∙K-1∙mol-1

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