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System 800xA Training

Chapter 19 Operator Workplace


Chapter 19 Operator Workplace ............................................................................................................................................. 1

19.1 General Information ................................................................................................................................................... 2
19.1.1 Objectives............................................................................................................................................................ 2
19.1.2 Legend................................................................................................................................................................. 2
19.1.3 Reference Documentation .................................................................................................................................... 2
19.2 Modify an Operator Workplace................................................................................................................................... 3
19.2.1 Workplace Structure............................................................................................................................................. 3
19.2.2 How to Configure the Application Bar.................................................................................................................. 4
19.2.3 How to Configure Alarm Bands ........................................................................................................................... 6
19.2.4 How to Create Shortcuts for the Application Bar .................................................................................................. 8
19.2.5 How to Configure the Status Bar .......................................................................................................................... 9
19.2.6 How to Create Hot Keys....................................................................................................................................... 9
19.3 Aspect Filters ............................................................................................................................................................11
19.3.1 Using Aspect Filters............................................................................................................................................11
19.3.2 How to Create an Aspect Filter............................................................................................................................12
19.4 Startup Settings .........................................................................................................................................................14
19.4.1 How to Set the Default Workplace ......................................................................................................................14
19.4.2 How to Set the Full Screen Mode ........................................................................................................................15
19.4.3 How to Set the Startup Display............................................................................................................................16
19.4.4 How to Set a Default Aspect Filter ......................................................................................................................19

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19.1 General Information

19.1.1 Objectives
On completion of this chapter you will be able to:
• Configure display shortcuts
• Assign alarm bands in the application bar
• Define startup settings

19.1.2 Legend
> Indicates when you go from one menu to a sub-menu
Italic Indicates object and file names
“ “ Indicates dialog box buttons, tabs, menus etc.
Bold Indicates important topics
Indicates start/explanation of student activity

19.1.3 Reference Documentation

3BSE030322 Industrial IT 800xA – Operations
Operator Workplace - Configuration
3BSE036904 Industrial IT 800xA - System
Extended Operation

Chapter 19 - 2
System 800xA Training

19.2 Modify an Operator Workplace

19.2.1 Workplace Structure

The default workplaces are found in the Workplace Structure, which is where all
workplaces are configured.

It is recommended that a new workplace be created as a copy of an existing

NOTE! Do not modify existing workplaces, since they may be
overwritten by subsequent product upgrades.

There are several aspects that are involved in configuring a workplace object:

If creating a completely new workplace (rather then modifying a copy), additional

aspects such as the ‘Application Bar’, ‘Application Bar Shortcut’, ‘Status Bar’ and
’Alarm Band’ will need to be created as well.

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19.2.2 How to Configure the Application Bar

There are three parts to configuration of the Application Bar:
• Main
Determines the overall components available in the Application Bar.
• Fixed Displays
Determines which aspects are included, their size and position.
• Tool Collections
Determines which tools are available to the operator in the Tools Collection Bar

1. Open the “Config View” of the Application Bar aspect. In the “Main” tab
uncheck “Show Favorites”.

2. In the “Fixed Displays” tab, use the “Add” button to add the displays that should
be available in the Application Bar. The “Display with in” field needs to be
configured as well. This value will determine the percentage of space that this
aspect occupies in the Application Bar.

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System 800xA Training

3. Commonly these include Alarm Band, Alarm List, and Screen Bar Tools aspects.

The total percentage in the “Width %” column cannot exceed 100%. In the
“Height in pixels” field, the height of the fixed displays can be specified.

4. In the “Tools Collection” tab, the elements that should be included in the
workplace can be configured.

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5. The Audible Alarms Toolbar must be included in the workplace toolbar (such as
the Application Bar) for the audible alarm function to work properly. The operator
clicks the icon to silence the audible alarms.

19.2.3 How to Configure Alarm Bands

Alarm handling is also typically associated with the Application Bar. Many users
prefer to have a fixed “mini-alarm” window (Alarm Line) at the top of the Workplace
as we have configured in the “Fixed Displays” tab.
There are also alarm bands, which contains buttons that open separate alarm lists.
These Alarm Band aspects can be located in any structure, but are typically found in
the Control and Functional Structures.

The alarm band provides a summary display for selected alarm lists and provides a
link to the corresponding alarm list. The color of the button shows the highest priority
alarm presented at the moment. The number on a button can be configured to represent
the number of unacknowledged, active, and hidden alarms.

1. Create a new aspect of the type “Alarm Band”.

2. Select the “Config View” of the new aspect.

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3. Use the “Add” button to add Alarm and Event List aspects from various
structures, and configure the text that should appear in the “Caption Format:” and
“Alarm Text Format:” fields.

Once added, a given alarm list can be excluded by using the checkboxes. The
order of the alarm lists can also be modified by using the up and down arrows.

4. The new alarm band can then be added to the Application Bar.

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19.2.4 How to Create Shortcuts for the Application Bar

A shortcut in an Application Bar or Status Bar is used to get fast access to any
viewable aspect associated with a particular object.
1. At your workplace in the Workplace Structure, create a new Application Bar
Shortcuts aspect.

2. Right-click and select the “Config View”. Select “Add” and create shortcuts e.g.
to graphic displays, trend displays, group displays, alarm lists etc.

3. Select the “Config View” of the Application Bar aspect and enable the “Show
Shortcuts” box.

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19.2.5 How to Configure the Status Bar

The Status Bar is configured in much the same way as the Application Bar by clicking
on the “Config View” of the Status Bar aspect.

19.2.6 How to Create Hot Keys

Hot keys allow binding key combinations to invoking existing object or aspect verbs
or views. A list of predefined hot keys can be found in the electronic documentation,
3BSE030322 - Operator Workplace Configuration.

1. Go to the Workplace Structure and open the “Config View” of the Hot Keys
2. Click into the Hotkey column and press the key combination or function key to
define the hot key.

To define a key combination, place the cursor in the “Hotkey” field, and press the
required key combination on the keyboard. This field will be automatically filled
in with that key combination.

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3. Click the “…” button to define which aspect should be opened, for example, an
Alarm List aspect.

4. Select the entry “Main View” to open this view if the hot key combination is used.

5. Repeat the process to add more hot key combinations.

NOTE! Extend the window to see the list of hot keys.

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System 800xA Training

19.3 Aspect Filters

By default, a right click on a process display in an Operator Workplace provides the
operator a context menu with a lot of unnecessary aspects. This is not what the
operator needs. He only wants to see the aspects which are relevant for his work.
It is possible to filter out aspects from the aspect view window. This is done to
simplify the aspect view or to protect certain aspects from being modified.

19.3.1 Using Aspect Filters

All aspects for an object (in our case Operator Workplace) are viewable when there is
no aspect filter being applied.

From the pull-down menu at the top of the page, you can select a pre-configured
aspect filter.
With the “Process Operation” filter selected, the aspect view window now only has
two aspects available.

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19.3.2 How to Create an Aspect Filter

It is possible to modify existing aspect filters or to create new ones.
1. Select the Filter Configuration icon in the Engineering Workplace.

2. From the filter Configuration dialog, select “New…”.

3. Type in a Filter name and select “OK”.

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System 800xA Training

4. Select the aspects to be available (to be included in the filter) from the right hand
list. Use the “Remove ->” and “<-Add” buttons to move the aspect categories
from the one side to the other.

5. When finished, select the “Apply” button to create the filter.

Only the aspects that are included in the filter (and are defined for the selected object)
are now visible in the aspect pane.

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19.4 Startup Settings

This section deals with the startup settings of the Operator Workplace. After a login
the operator can only work with its workplace.
The Operator Workplace should:
• Always be on top
• Run in Full Screen mode
• Hide the Windows Task Bar
• Come up with a predefined process display as the overview graphic
• A default aspect filter should be applied for operators
• Start automatically when the operator logs in

19.4.1 How to Set the Default Workplace

To setup the default workplace for the operator:
1. Select the user group objects Operators in the User Structure. Select one of the
users and open the “Config View” for the Workplace Profile Values aspect.

2. Click on the “DefaultWorkplace” name, select “Local” as data source, and select
the check box “Update Enable”.

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3. Define the default workplace for this user in the field “ObjectName”.

From now on, a login of the operator user will open the Operator Workplace by

19.4.2 How to Set the Full Screen Mode

There are two workplace modes available:
• Windows Workplace mode
The application runs as applications normally do in Windows
• Operator Workplace mode
It is a full screen mode where the title bar is not visible. Pop-up windows are
always placed on top. The Application Bar and the Status Bar can not be covered
by a pop-up window

To set the Full Screen mode:

1. Select one of the users in the User Structure and open the “Config View” for the
Workplace Profile Values aspect.

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2. Click on the “WorkplaceMode” name. Select “Local” as data source and select the
check box “Update Enable”.

3. Select the “Operator Workplace Mode”.

19.4.3 How to Set the Startup Display

It is possible to configure the startup display for a Workplace or a User.

Workplace Setting
This is always done by copying the overview graphic display to the Workplace
Structure, and then renaming it to Startup Display.
The name Startup Display is a key name. When a workplace starts up, it looks to see if
there is a graphic display called Startup Display in the workplace object. If it finds
one, then it will automatically load this view into the panel area of the workplace.

1. Go to the Workplace Structure. If there is already an aspect called Startup

Display in the workplace object, delete it.

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2. Copy the Graphic Display aspect that is to be used to the Workplace object. This
should be the overview from which all other views may be accessed.

3. Paste this as an aspect in your Workplace object and rename it to Startup Display.

4. Open it in Graphics Builder and deploy the graphic.

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User Setting
Configure the startup object in the User Profile. On start up the default aspect from the
startup object will be displayed.
1. Select a suitable aspect such as a process display and open the “Properties” dialog.
In the “Aspect Details” tab check the “Default aspect” checkbox.

2. Select one of the users in the User Structure and open the “Config View” for the
Workplace Profile Values aspect.

3. Click on the “WorkplaceStartObject” name. Select “Local” as data source and also
select the check box “Update Enable”.

4. Select the object that you configured in the first step.

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19.4.4 How to Set a Default Aspect Filter

Any aspect filter can be set the default filter. All other users such as System Engineers
or Application Engineers are still able to see all aspects, and choose their own filters,
but the operator cannot configure this option.

1. Select an operator user in the User Structure, and open the “Config View” for the
Workplace Profile Values aspect.

2. Click on the “DefaultWorkplace” name, select “Local” as data source and select
the “Update Enable” checkbox.

3. Define the default Aspect Filter for this user.

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Chapter 19 - 20

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