2022 November Week 2 - Task C

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● Đọc kỹ nội dung bên dưới

● Khi đọc, tra từ điển kỹ và hỏi thày trực tiếp qua Messenger. Mục tiêu: Hiểu thấu đáo khi đọc.

● Tổng hợp từ vựng và câu hay từ nội dung đã đọc thành MỘT đoạn văn. Bạn cần đọc kỹ yêu cầu của đoạn văn
trước khi viết (xem bên dưới).
● Trừ câu chủ đề, bạn tuyệt đối KHÔNG TỰ VIẾT mà phải sử dụng từ vựng trong bài cho sẵn


Đoạn văn cần mở đầu bằng topic sentence (câu chủ đề) hoặc signposting phrase (cụm đóng vai trò biển báo nội dung).
Topic sentence hoặc signpost này cần cho biết rõ đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi nào trong đề. (0)

Tiếp sau câu chủ đề các lập luận. Mỗi lập luận gồm có 3 thành phần như sau:
● Nêu lập luận (1)

● Phân tích, giải thích hoặc làm rõ lập luận (2)

● Quay trở lại móc nối với đề bài (các từ khóa trong đề bài phải xuất hiện trong lập luận) (3)

Dưới đây là ví dụ. Trong ví dụ này, các thành phần của đoạn văn và lập luận được đánh số từ 0 đến 3.

Many people use written language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way than in the past. Why is that so? Does this
development have more advantages or disadvantages?

As regards causes for this trend, (0) social media destroy our focus, making reading particularly tedious (1). When people
are reluctant to read, they would find it difficult to memorize new expressions and proper grammar usage (2). This
throws some light on the worrying trend in which writing becomes less formal and more casual (3).

TASK 2: Many people use written language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way than in the past. Why is that so?
Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Quick communication almost requires writers to eschew rules of grammar and punctuation, exactly the opposite of what
is wanted on the page. Spoken language is full of incorrect grammar, unnecessary fillers, slang words and so on. Written
assignments, in turn, should be concise, clear, accurate and formal.

>eschew: Quick communication almost requires writers to eschew many writing rules.
>in turn: Written assignments, in turn, should more formal.

Poor writing costs sales and business: Let us examine the following story. A couple looking to buy a vacuum cleaner
found that the writing on the product box had glaring mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and the claims it
made were too over-the-top to be believed.
>glaring: The product box had glaring mistakes.

They were taken aback and decided to buy another brand. Because of sloppy and implausible writing, the company that
made that unsold vacuum not only lost that one sale but also damaged its general reputation. When your brand is
damaged, more is lost than a single sale: the hit to your company’s image hurts all your business interests, because the
public will associate your products or services with poor-quality work.

>sloppy: that shows a lack of care, thought or effort -> Sloppy and implausible writing made the company lose that one
sale, and damaged its general reputation.
>business interest: The hit to your company’s image hurts all your business interests.

Poor writing means lost ideas: If your team can’t write well, they can’t share ideas well. The best idea in the world—an
idea that could make your company more productive and profitable—will be lost if it finds no clear expression. A
recommendation report, for example, that’s incomplete, rambling, difficult to navigate, or muddled, may contain,
somewhere in the mess, an excellent idea—but neither the idea nor the employee will get the respect and attention they
deserve. Good ideas demand good writing; bad writing can leave even the best ideas lost forever in the fog.
>in the fog: Bad writing can leave even the best ideas lost forever in the fog.

Spoken language is not standardised; written assignments, in turn, should more formal. As a cause of increasingly
informal writing, quick communication almost requires writers to eschew many writing rules. As for the consequences of
this trend, it hurts business interests. Sloppy and implausible writing made the company lose that one sale, and damaged
its general reputation. Bad writing can also leave even the best ideas lost forever in the fog.

>glaring: The product box had glaring mistakes.

>sloppy: that shows a lack of care, thought or effort -> Sloppy and implausible writing made the company lose that one
sale, and damaged its general reputation.
>business interest: The hit to your company’s image hurts all your business interests.
>in the fog: Bad writing can leave even the best ideas lost forever in the fog.

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