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Vedika dhar 11th connected 29
What is nsso?

The NSSO was set up in 1950

to conduct large-scale sample
surveys throughout India. The
employees of the NSSO are
from the Indian Statistical
Service (appointed through
the UPSC) and the
Subordinate Statistical Service
(appointed through the Staff
Selection Commission).
The organization is at the centre of the collection of data and is
intrinsic to India’s mechanism of collection and interpretation of
crucial data on the households of the country. It carries out useful
surveys on demographic, agricultural, industrial, social and economic
factors, covering rural and urban households across the country.

The three major surveys in which NSSO is involved are

Socio-economic Surveys, Annual Survey of Industries, and
Agricultural Surveys. The NSSO takes responsibility for the
socio-economic survey from its design to the release of the survey
reports. However, it just collects data from the field in the case of
the other two surveys.
1. Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD)
2. Field Operation Division (FOD)
3. Data Processing Division (DPD)
4. Coordination and Publication Division (CPD)
Following are the objectives of the NSSO-

● Make the socio-economic survey analysis readily available for the researchers studying certain

population matters.

● Various statistical tools and techniques can be planned after studying these data. This is very

important to resolve any administrative problem. Moreover, these data published by the National

Sample Survey Organisation can be used to draw estimates of future trends.

● Individuals engaged in economic activities can collect public information from the surveys of the


● The statistical information can be used for state or national planning and policy requirements.

● The Governing Council is an independent institution. This council directs and

governs the functions of the NSSO. The collection, processing, and publication of

the National Sample Survey Organisation data are under complete autonomy of

the Governing Council.

● It conducts regular annual surveys on industries. It is called the Annual Survey of

Industries (AIS).

● NSSO is engaged in conducting surveys on various socio-economic issues like

morbidity, maternity, employment, childcare, etc.


● The NSSO decides the topic of a particular round of the survey.

● The National Sample Survey Organisation also prepares reports on agricultural

production. The timely estimation of crop yield helps in preparing these reports.

● It is also engaged in compiling the crop estimates of the states for a nationwide


● The National Sample Survey Organisation helps the states get reliable crop yield

estimates. This is done by developing survey techniques depending upon the

requirement of the states.


● It distributes publications to government and semi-government agencies on

statistical information.

● NSO integrates the statistical work of State Statistical Bureaus (SSBs).

● Data is distributed to the agencies of the United Nations by the NSO.

● The NSO formulates the development of the statistical system in the country.

● It maintains norms and standards in the field of statistics acting as a nodal


● The Government of India receives guidelines on the statistical analysis of data

and methodology from the NSO.


The National Sample Survey Organisation is necessary to properly plan

several government policies. It is essential to get information from the
ground and prepare data accordingly. This helps in formulating
statistical tools for the betterment of the country. The National Sample
Survey Organisations carry out mass-scale surveys every year, procuring
information on various social and economic issues.

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