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Confusion of similar sounds in L2: /p/ and /b/ (no plosive sounds in the Vietnamese language)
Listen to the sound carefully /p/

Listen to the words carefully: pen, pig

Repeat as a class and a individual

Explain how to make the sound: press the lips together 👄-> release🌬

Minimal pairs: /p/ - /b/

+ pen - ben👦🏻

+pig🐷 - big
Same/Different Drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the same sound; say
different if they have different sounds.

T: pit/bit

Ss: different

T: pen/ben

Ss: same

T: pig/pig

Ss: same

One/Two/Three Drill: Listen to three words. Say the numbers of two words that are
the same

T: pill – pill - bill

Ss: one – two

T: bear – pear – bear

Ss: one - three

Odd one out Drill: Which one is different from the other three? Say the number.
T: bay – bay – pay – bay

Ss: Number three

T: cap – cab – cap - cap

Ss: Number two

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