Chinesepod D2586

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Upper-Intermediate - E-commerce and


A: Jack好久不见,最近好吗?

Jack hǎojiǔbùjiàn, zuìjìn hǎo ma?

Long time no see, Jack, how have you been?

B: 最近还行吧,互联网行业也就那样了。记得你是做医疗方面的是吗?

zuìjìn hái xíng ba, hùliánwǎng hángyè yě jiù nàyàng le。 jìde nǐ shì
zuò yīliáo fāngmiàn de shìma?

I've been battling on, par for the course in the internet industry. I
seem to remember you're in healthcare?

A: 是啊,做了十年的医疗器材。对了,听说你最近在找合作项目?

shìa, zuò le shínián de yīliáo qìcái。 duìle, tīngshuō nǐ zuìjìn zài

zhǎo hézuò xiàngmù?

Yes, I've been making medical devices for a decade. Oh yes, I heard
that you've been looking for cooperative projects lately.

B: 你消息挺灵通的。

nǐ xiāoxi tǐng língtōng de。

You seem to be very much in the loop.

A: 我觉得投资健康医疗领域是不错的选择。你想啊,随着医疗改革的发展

wǒ juéde tóuzī jiànkāng yīliáo lǐngyù shì bùcuò de xuǎnzé。 nǐ xiǎng

ā, suízhe yīliáo gǎigé de fāzhǎn, Zhōngguó de yīliáo hángyè jiāng
miànlín gèngduō de fāzhǎn jīyù, zhè ge shìchǎng zài xiàng yī gè
fúwù wánshàn de fāngxiàng guòdù。

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I think that investing in healthcare is a good choice. Think about it, as
health reform gathers steam, there will be so much opportunity for
development for China's healthcare industry, with the transition
towards a service-orientated market.

B: 是啊。而且人们的健康观念也在不断进步,从原来的有病治病转变为预

shì a。 érqiě rénmen de jiànkāng guānniàn yě zài bùduàn jìnbù,

cóng yuánlái de yǒubìng zhìbìng zhuǎnbiàn wéi yùfáng hé zhìliáo
bìngzhòng, zhè yě wèi jiànkāng yīliáo de fāzhǎn tígōng le gèng
guǎngkuò de kōngjiān。

Yes. People's awareness of health is continually advancing, from the

original notion of getting treated for an illness when you get it,
there's been a move towards treating preventative medicine and
treatment with equal weight, which has provided more room for the
development of health treatments.

A: 我是搞医药的,你是搞互联网的。我们要整合现有的资源。互联网对整

wǒ shì gǎo yīyào de, nǐ shì gǎo hùliánwǎng de。 wǒmen yào
zhěnghé xiànyǒu de zīyuán。 hùliánwǎng duì zhěnggè yīliáo hángyè
de gǎigé shì bìrán de qūshì。 chuántǒng de yīliáo bǎojiàn jīgòu
gōngzuò xiàolǜ fēicháng dī, làngfèi le dàliàng de shíjiān hé

I'm in pharmaceuticals and you work in the internet sector. We

should pool our resources. Use of the internet in the reform of the
healthcare industry is an inevitable trend. Traditional healthcare
bodies are very inefficient and they waste a lot of time and money.

B: 我们可以考虑做一个手机APP,通过移动互联方式改变排队就医的问题

wǒmen kěyǐ kǎolǜ zuò yī gè shǒujī APP, tōngguò Yídòng hùlián

fāngshì gǎibiàn páiduì jiùyī de wèntí。 bǐrúshuō kāifā yī gè chǎnpǐn,
néng shíxiàn xiànshàng guàhào、 jiǎofèi、 chákàn jiǎnchá bàogào

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děngdeng gōngnéng。

We could think about making a mobile app, using mobile internet to

resolve the issue of having to line up at the doctor's office. For
example we could develop a product that could make an
appointment online as well as allowing people to pay fees and see
the results of the health checks online.

A: 这个主意不错!

zhège zhǔyi bùcuò!

That's a good idea!

B: 嗯,不过我们需要和医院达成合作意向,因为需要将医院的系统接入我

ng4, bùguò wǒmen xūyào hé yīyuàn dáchéng hézuò yìxiàng,

yīnwèi xūyào jiāng yīyuàn de xìtǒng jiērù wǒmen de chǎnpǐn。

Yes, but we'd have to get the hospitals to agree to it, because we'd
have to connect the hospital system to our product.

A: 这个我来想办法,毕竟我在医药行业待了这么多年,还是有点关系的。

zhège wǒ lái xiǎng bànfǎ, bìjìng wǒ zài yīyào hángyè dài le zhème
duō nián, háishì yǒudiǎnr guānxi de。

I can deal with that, given that I've been in the pharmaceuticals
industry for so many years, I have a few contacts.

B: 好,那我就负责产品和吸引客户。

hǎo, nà wǒ jiù fùzé chǎnpǐn hé xīyǐn kèhù。

OK, then I'll take responsibility for the product and for attracting
users to register.

Key Vocabulary

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医疗 yīliáo medical
器材 qìcái equipment
灵通 língtōng to connect
领域 lǐngyù field; sector
面临 miànlín to face
机遇 jīyù prospect
完善 wánshàn comprehensive;
过渡 guòdù to transition
观念 guānniàn notion
进步 jìnbù to progress
转变 zhuǎnbiàn to turn
并重 bìngzhòng to pay equal attention
广阔 guǎngkuò vast
搞 to be stuck with to do
整合 zhěnghé whole
必然 bìrán inevitable
趋势 qūshì trend
保健 bǎojiàn health care
就医 jiùyī to see a doctor
缴费 jiǎofèi to pay a fee
意向 yìxiàng intention
接入 jiērù to integrate
待 dài to spend; to stay
合作 to collaborate to cooperate

Supplementary Vocabulary

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创新 chuàngxīn innovatation
前景 qiánjǐng prospect
搞头 gǎotou worthy doing
应用 yìngyòng application
客户端 kèhùduān Client

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