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A very good morning to our lecture MR Mazlan bin Yaacob and my fellow friends.

Today my friends and I will explain about the topic MAKING SUGGESTIONS AND TURN-TAKING.

I am Mathiventhan will explain about the homesickness, Nevaashini will explain about having an
unfriendly roommate and lastly Kettishvar will explain about living with messy and not so hygienic

We will explain the problems and give our opinion to solve the problems.

Now I am going to explain about homesickness. Homesickness is the feeling of emotional distress
when we are far from our home and in a new environment.

Mathi-There are several ways to solve the problem. Firstly, we must make new friends so we can
share our feelings to them to avoid us from being left alone.

Mathi -Next, we need to make ourselves busy with activities

Nevaa- Yes I agree. Its important so that our mind will not get distracted by thinking about them.

Mathi-Other than that, we need to have a POSITIVE MINDSET as we need to be prepared in any
situation to learn new experience at a new place.

Nevaa-Ohw sounds interesting..

Mathi-We also must NOT PICKUP BAD HABITS TO FORGET THE SAD FEELING such as smoking or
taking drugs .

Mathi -Moreover, we need to allocate A TIME TO MEET them and till that we shouldn’t DISTURB
THEM by calling them regularly because we need to be independent.

Kettish-Besides that, we need to get ATTACHED TO THE THINGS AS THEIR MEMORY by keeping their
belongings such as t-shirts or pens so we can remember our good memories with people we love the

Nevaa- So, what can conclude from this homesickness.

Mathi- In conclusion, as a human we all will face this kind of problems where we must solve it.


Mathi-Nevaashini what’s your point living with unfriendly roommate.

Nevaa- Good question mathi. Having a very unfriendly roommate its not easy to manage. But there
are several ways to solve it. First of all, be kind when we address what’s bothering us. So for this, we
can talk to them gently and find out a solution for this problem so we can avoid conflicts.

Nevaa – Next, get a coffee together, and try to get to know a little.

Kettishvar – Yes I do agree. We should spend some time getting to know our roommate. If we invite
them for a cup of coffee and try to get to know them, maybe the we could understand the reasons
for some of their reactions and behaviours.

Mathi – Other than that, we should find a place in campus where we can get a little peace. Just like
vacations help us refocus after exams, time away from the room will help us relax after suffering
from roommate problems
Nevaa – That’s great. Moreover, try to sit down and set up a list of rules. This might sound boring but
it will help a ton in the long run. Communication is the key to any sort of relationship, and if we get
together and develop a few “house rules” we’ll be less likely to step on any toes.

Nevaa – Lastly, set up a financial system if we’re living in a place where we both pay rent. So, we can
avoid misunderstanding issues .


Nevaa – Kettish what’s your on point living with messy and not so hygienic mates.

Kettish – Nevaashini, We can explain our problems. I personally have a belief that all kind of
problems can be sorted out without creating a big fight. The same goes here. By explaining our
problem to our roommate, they would definitely understand. Using polite tone and being humble
without throwing up a rude attitude would definitely make our roommate understand that he
should also keep our room tidy and clean.

Nevaa -Yes, being humble would make them cooperate with us to clean our room and make our
rooms a hygienic place to live.

Kettish -Secondly, we should Keep our spaces private. By this method, both of us wont be using
each others belongings and could maintain our cleanliness. And also it could reduce the risks getting
transmissions of germs.

Mathi- Other than that, we can advice the benefits of hygienic atmosphere to our roommate. Low
risks of dandruff, clean air and peaceful surrounding are some of the benefits by maintaining
hygiene. By advising these to our roommate, they would change their habit and become a clean
person too.

Kettish – Besides that, we can clean the room together. We wont feel the burden too much. Besides
that, cleaning together would create a good bonding between roommates. Hostel life is somewhat
interesting but difficult. By this method, roommates could help each other and become good friends
because a friend in need is a friend indeed. In conclusion, each problems has its own solution. We
should be patient and wise enough to act accordingly.

Thank you

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