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(clause 128 of p.o. Guide, part-1)

a t l - ir f l
Js£± 3T?R iT, <£ d M H I'f:, 3 P | R h 'K « T ,

r-X ^ J a Z Z T L 'im T S Z ± J \ 'rr* 9

T tiy iT H T r c jn r q T ra p m m $nn r

iixxn ii nmn iixjrTTixriximnrrrrrrgrtin nnirommmn tim nim timtnnnnrn rm
3 3 Z S X 3D 3 X S 2 3 .

AKSHARAM’, 8th Cross. 2nd Phase
S H I K S H / 1 -1
Girinagar, Bangalore-560 085
Ld K, y ooo

n wq - *n rj fm ft ii

^ R ^ r T I i r f l

"Aksharam" 8th Cross, II Phase, Girinagar
Bangalore-560 085. Ph.: 6613052

Serial No.

- ?.

ii ^ t t f | ^ 55 jn r r w r T j^ n r f^ : n
In ambiguous matters noble men seek the counsel of their
own conscience.
Dear friend,
Namaskaras to you. Our best wishes to you on your pur­
suit of knowledge through our postal Samskrit coaching
scheme. We presume that you have set aside a few precious
hours of your day for the study of Samskrit.

Here is the first lesson of the third semester for

you. ang I

The lessons of have taught us the different cases

with examples. As we know there are seven cases. There is
also the vocative case of address called I

Note the use of all these cases in the following stanza :

TW for^FT: mg n TFT II
2 3

The great King Rama is always victorious. I shall serve

16. f^ J : I
Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu, the lord of Lakshmi. Sri
Rama destroyed the army of the demons. Salutations to that 17. ST: * T F F ^ I
Rama. There is no greater refuge than Rama. I'am a servant
of Rama. Let my mind find union with Rama always. 18. 5 %. ^ 93T^McT I
O ! Rama 1 Save me.
19. W I : 10^TH^ W I

20. SFjfT: JTFT ^< 4 ^ cfW’TM I

( g w iW r fi:)
We have learnt that the roots of all the words are called The lessons of "Parichaya" have taught the verbal forms
"Dhatus". A set of affixes called Krith affixes added to roots and participle forms and their usages. This is to refresh your
give rise to participle of Kridanta forms. In the lessons of memory-
"Parichaya" under the head "words" we have learnt these
1. ^ - to abuse, censure, blame.
participles. In this lesson let us study them with examples :
1 . 7TjjfrT - blames - Rl^Hld: f^ T I
1. I

2 . 3TcT: s&^T. I
2. - is blamed - =fk=H f ^ 1!: I

3. ?T: 'TrFI STf^T I

3. 7Tff^TfrT - will blame - ar^TTW: 'iR H fd I

4. ^ I 4. ' He/She blamed -

'ifi& H H J tffaT 3TpT I
5. W : ^ I
5. - to be blamed - - (bad conduct)
6. l

7. W : 33rMfrld=l-d: I
6. 7Tff5 3T - to blame - 7Tf%3^ 3TR®M^ I
8. |^TT: #R ^T : ^ ^R T : I
7. 'ils>Vii - having blamed - ^rffc^T 7RT: I
9. f^TvFxT: ^ n : I
8. f l w - having blamed - HTg 3F: ?TPT: ?
10. *T: iTT^3TPT?RR H: ’f t W : I
9. ^ V W x f t - (He/She) blaming - WTFT: Tl ^
11 . %: 4T ^ |R d ^ K I
<5[rcft I
12 . ^TT: ^ SRT: I
10.^TffW: - 7Tff?rr - 7TffcI^ -He/she/it was blamed - ^T^T:
13. VJft: TF# ^ R ^ f r r e f r r I
3# T : I WMT I f5T 7l f ^ II
14. ^ ^tft i
1. liquor 2. forgot 3. Jump 4. expressed (told) 5. hearing 6. peacocks
15. if a c r f t ^J'J-^dl IT^T: fq f fe R T ; I
7. slipping 8. no one 9. ruined 10. though knowing.
4 5

As above make sentences with the following form of roots. V.

2. ^ - to tire out, fade, to be wearied -
fm \ f|* n t t
?) WTfrT R) 3) jrnft1 ^ftj w m : i
V) - M H itfl k ) K)
5tTF^T^r^T^T R 41rl^
• vs) JeTTrWT 6) RWT \) W : - 7?THT - ¥ 1 ^ II
3. JF^ - to take -
q ^ w r:
?) R) ^ 3)
^T , fa n , f^TT, WT, 5TPT:, M ^T :, ^ T :, TO, f lf : ,
V ) ^ T ? R T ^ -^ tc R c ft \ )
%TFRT:, 3 , ^ l i ^ H , ^ ^ ^ I
r\ ) vs) ^t?^T - srfcrqw
6) *pjf^ - ^ f t \) IJ^RT: - ^ T T - Jj^ra^ I
I am of the opinion that most of the people are polite only
4. 5TT - to smell -
for one of the following reasons viz. to show off or due to
? ) fasfcT R ) 5 T T ^ 3 ) gTWfrT greed or out of fear or shame. I feel that a great man who is
without any desire and modest from his heart cannot be
v ) s t r r t ^ - s n w fr \)
%.) S T R ^ - STMT - oTRTFT vs) - f^ iR ft
6) STITT: -. STM - 5TRT^ II
S F ^T P ft
- to show off, - out of greed, f^PTT - out of fear,
W ^ T :
1%TT WT - or owing to shame, TO 3Tft - all these
In the lessons of Parichaya we learnt something about
people, fM ld: - are modest, 3 ■ but, - I feel, WT - a
riddles. In Shiksha also let us know some more examples
great man. R'fld - whose modest 3TT^T - from his heart,
w rra r T^rr qrf?r ^ f?r*3fa i - is difficult to find.
WT^TTH ^ n ^ frT II

A chariot is moving on the hill aud the charioteer is stand­

ing on the ground. It is moving with a speed of the wind, but In thei previous standard we have read the story of the
not going on, even a single foot. Answer - Here chariot epic Raghuvamsha. Let us now read the story of
means the potters wheel. It rotates on a hill (stand), chari­ "Shishupalavadha" of poet Magha.
oteer (potmaker) stands on ground. Though it rotates speed­
1 . 5TFT: + M t f : , 2. M r f : + 3. ^ T : + TO, 4. TO +
ing it does not move on.
5. %CFm: + 3 + 3 T T f ^ I
6 7

prose order meaning and summary). Now let us know about

3FW^TT. First we have to find out necessary questions on
verbs in order to find out the W l ? etc (as answers)
f ^ lN d li ^IcTTT^ - 3T: ^ t By this method we can understand the meaning of the shloka
clearly. Therefore let us know about it.
^TTrT: I 5R W W T =fT: I <K|R|^ 5^ H K <^$:
5TWIH, 3T?l'i=iH I f^ T : ^ I #T ^T ^ 31^^ |
Anvayakram a
H k ^ lH : ^ 3 r f ^ “ f^ T ! ^TFTTfcT I *T#T f | I
Here is an episode from the Ramayana of Valmiki, while
rT*Trfa ^ 5FT S%T ^trWT STFRffsf^T, f W 1" ffrT I ^T
in search of Sita, Rama befriends the monkey chief Sugriva.
^TFT ^tTT 2 WfoT^ ’f t p # FT I 3T%?rtsft STT^T: <TFTT^ Sugriva sends his monkey servants to all directions in order
^ftcT: I W i ; HARi^Mdli 3J^?WT ?f W*T 3 4 fex^T I to trace Sita. Anjaneya is one among them. Informed by the
vulture Sampathi he- sets out to the southern direction to find
^T: 5 TWT\ | g -# ^ ^
Sita. He leaping across the ocean reaches Lanka. Having
3TTWTR; | M # 3 ^T: ^TC«TFT s fftm ^T 6 found Sita imprisoned by Ravana in the Ashoka garden he
*fldlH^k4> # 7 I ^T«TT 3F4 ^ 8 sjc^T begins destroying the garden. He is seized then by Indrajit
3TTWfrr, cfqT TT^RT: l^p ff ‘ Rl&HW' ?fcT 9 =TTRT 3cq*r: | ?TPT and is brought before Ravana. There Hanuman speaks a few
words of advice to Ravana. The verse describing the above
10 W i^ fl^ I WH: |:f^T T : I <Jjf W TT^TW^K
situation runs as follows.
fc3T ? ft^ W R frR T ^ rT^TT ^ F fc r ft I^ T M F T W ffct
F=5^T%T ^TR^: I 1. W * ! W r r K -rN I^ I

?TK^T W^T SjcWT ‘ cTCT^' fc q ffrfK T ^ I j R T ^

H K < ^ ft: 4 k + M JKI<ts ftfrTWT^ 11 I .
cT*^ H W tI ^ ff tW T : , 3TWI^ 3T*fa^ 3 ? ^ : ,
^ ^IIH H ^ II
In the previous tesson of Parichaya we came to know
about TT^ftWT, 3i-=(H, SF^TPf and cTTFFT (Dividing the words,
Strong, composed Hanuman the best of the monkeys said
1. May you listen 2. Demon 3. With nails 4. having torn 5. in to the powerful Ravana the words pregnant with meaning.
another birth 6. he who took away Sita 7. Demon 8. wearing
9. by name 10. Unbearable 11. returned
Carefully note the following points while doing Anvaya of
Eg. 3=r: + W : rWT + ¥R5 O T : + ^TTrT: ffSTT + 3Tft
the shlokas.
S%: + f | ftRjqiVt: + |frT *fRPT: + + 3Tft
1. Carefully split the words of the shloka.
3ll'in: + arf^T ?Rt + 3^ + srft H: + ■CT2W:
2. Find out the verb.
^T : + ?TT^I 5IWFIT: + ^

3. Write common case ending words. Please commit to your memory the following verse to that effect.
4. Raise appropriate questions on verb.
qT ^ f^ T frfift^ T F T I
The words in the above shloka are split. The verb of the <T3 ^ T W ^ favR hR im ul ^ l f r II
shloka is 3TR which means "said". and
After having marked the verb and the words in the same
3M !I: are in Nom. case, ^TFFT, on the other hand case ending, construct a sentence with primary subject, object
are in Acc. case, and 11^ are also in Acc. case. and verb. The sentence of the above shloka would thus be­

^ ff^ T is an indeclinable. a r^ :, tPJ,

Now the following questions can be raised-

- told.
? = f fa n w : - Strong, composed Hanuman, the .best of the monkeys said
to the powerful Ravana the words pregnant with meaning. .
^ T :
3 ^: #£<T: ? = 3T5qn: 2. 3Tt I
w tt fw ra # ]; ii

#£?T ^

¥raT, f T O , I
T [W ^ = 3T «f^ -
? = ^rrfr^r

If the questions ^:/W H/fa*{ are put on the verb we get Oh, the king of demons ! at the behest of Sugriva, here I
have come to your mansion. The brother Sugriva, the mon­
the subject for an answer. If the questions are key chief has enquired about your well being.
raised we get the object.
3T^T^R T
And also, We get the answer consisting of the affix ^cTT
for the question ‘f% f^TT'
5TM: - (I) have come 3 1 ? ^ - has asked.
m T: ? = 3 ^ (**$&?[) ? = ffrfT: O ^ f)
When the question <£1^1*^ is raised on the subject or the
SIM: ? = H ? = ^TTcfT
object we get the adjective as an answer.
% STM: ? = ^ 3 B I^ ? =
In Samskrit both the adjective and the substantive will
have the same gender, number and case. 3 T M ^ ? = cR 30T^ ? = (^ V n )
JfM: ? =
10 11

f^ rn : 3T^TT*f:

1. Generally in many shlokas single sentence comprised of Oh, the king of demons" ! At the behest of Sugriva, here,
the subject, the object and the verb is found, While con­ I have come to your mansion. The brother Sugriva, the mon­
struing the shlokas. key chief has enquired about your well being,

Eg. Like in the previous shloka <T 3- ^ |

In few shlokas two such sentences are found. In the vr»rf«ffqrf^cr ^ it
above stanza too there are two sentences.
q^f^T F T :
1. ariePT SIM: I
2. I §#T?T,
2. If in a stanza there are words denoting location then the ^ I
question should be raised on the verb.

Eg. ^ frFSfrT, STRTT^ TOfcT, ^T^fcT I

Please listen to the message of the noble brother Sugriva
In these sentences it is but apt to raise the question 5 ^. - meritorious and beneficial words will bring good here (on
the earth) and there (in the other world)
3. If 1he question of in its possessive case is raised on
the object we get the answer in the form of a person or a
thing to whom the object belongs.
Eg. STM'T STM:, ^ ’F^frT, 'TsfcT I - listen 3T^r - is
In such examples the question should be put on the object. *»: ? - (W{) (SRff) 3T^r ? - (^ r f)
4. In order to know the cause of’ the action, the question f% ^P3 ? - (^ ) #£?T
is raised on the verb.
(He) knows by hearing. ^ifN'W ? - HSWH: f5T ? - 15
(He) fell by running. 3^: ? - ¥TjJ: 3^: ^
In these sentences the cause of the question is known
through the question on the verb. fkmt
Keeping in mind the above special points and the general 1. Even this stanza contains two sentences.
points of the previous lesson the construing (Anvayakrama) 1. I 2 . T IW ^ (3Tf^T)
of the present shloka will be as follows-
2. In the absence of a verb a shloka consisting of words in
5fM:, M , Nom-case should be supplied with either srf^T or *RfcT.'
ffaT:, I The process is called 3T*4I$k .
12 13

3. Adverb is the answer one gets when the question W { is 7. If there are more than one verb with each one form
separate sentences.
raised on the verb.
*T3fcT - ^>4 tT3frr ? ?ft¥ / * R [ H<i|cl 8. The question V with reference to the verb elicits
- s w ^ a rf^ r the location and words in the locative case.

srf^T - is capable of) 9. The question or ^FTT: with reference to the object
elicits an answer in the genetive conveying the one to
4. If in a stanza in the absence of the subject the verb
whom the object belongs, (eg. W o k ItI I
in II person is however expressed then the word
? is answered as 3TOFT I)
should be supplied.
I ^ 10. The question (for what reason) with reference to
the verb elicits as an answer, the adverb in the sen­
So in the light of the above special & previous general points
the present shloka can be construed in the following way- tence.

¥ 1^ :, IcHH: (M) 11. The verb Sff^T or 'HTfrT is to be supplied when there is
no verb in a verse and if the verse has words ending
n, W (^ )
in the nominative case.
3T^TT*f: 12. In a verse where the verb is in second person the sub­
Please listen to the message of the noble brother Sugriva ject r# is to be supplied. If the verb is in third
- meritorious and beneficial words will bring good here (on person ( s w p ? ) the subject a r ^ is to be supplied.
the earth) and there, (in the other world)
13. The question ? (how ?) on the verb elicits as an
Rules fo r prose order
answer the adverb in the sentence.
Following are the rules to be followed while giving the
prose order of a verse. Following these try to give the prose 14. When a verse has both a common noun and a name
order and meaning of Samskrit verses. referring to the same individual, the phrase ‘f% •TPT'
1. The words in the stanza must be carefully split up. should be used while giving the prose order.
2. Nouns, verbs and indeclinables must be identified. eg : f i15'7!: ^TFT «IM: arf^r I (There is a boy called
3. Nouns in the same case must be put together. Krishna) Here is a common noun. We have to ask

4. '^T ', and such other questions must be put ^ ? The answer is f^ T : lo
with regard to the verb.
15. When the word is used in a verse, the question put
5. The question V with reference to the nouns
also must have 5? (eg. 5^)
elicits the adjectives.
eg. THT ^ 3Tf^r I %^T: fW Slf^T I STT^: W f f :
6. The question 'f% (after doing what ?) with refer­
arf^T I In this sentences if we ask we get the an­
ence to the verb elicits the indeclinables ending in ^
swer TT^RT: 5^ I
14 15

21. The indeclinables and the vocatives which doesn't suit

16. The question %^T TR* V and '^TT TF? V elicit an an­
the objectives should be set aside while giving prose
swer which refers to the person accompanying the
eg. ^ ^ ! *ri T$T I
eg. TT*T: TT^ ^F^fcT I (therefore O God ! Protect me)
TFT: TfFFTT TTI JF^frr I In this sentence the word rF^ does not Suit to any other
Here the question to be asked are TFT: %^T TT| Tr^frT ? word ^ is Sambodhana (vocative case). These should
Ans. TFT: ^T^FFT TF? 'K ilc l I be set aside.
22. When the words *TTF^ are used in a verse and
W ? TftcFTT TT^ etc.
there is no verb, the verb 3rfr% or *TTfrr must be sup­
17. The question %*T ? elicits the subject ( ^ = iii'b ) and in­
plied. Though *RF[ refers to the second person the
strument ( w ui<IN<h) verb will not be on second person because of the rule


TFT: ^ R F ^ ? - ^FFT (^FT) 23. The question with the verb, elicits a dative in­
II. # T T M : fr^cT: I finitive as the answer. (Indiclinables ending with
TFFT: f ^ T : ? - TFT^T (^T T ) eg. TT: ’Tfoj fhllHM I
18. When verbs like "to send" and "to take along" are TT: f% ^ f^fTePT |
used, there will be two words in the accusative case,
one of them answer the question *f%' while the other
‘$ r ?
IftTT: 3M r 5TFT ^rfrT (cowherd takes the sheep to village). Pravesha lessons dealt with sandhi in Vowels. Let us
know about Sandhis in consonants.
jfFT: ^FTfrT ? 3R t ^nfcT I
When a Consonant is followed by either a consonant or a
%T: ^FrfcT ? JTFT I
Vowel, the change that takes place is known as
19. When prose order is given for (a feature »§r=wRr, and 31^*11 are four impor­
where verses have a common verb) the common verb
tant types of I
is to be picked out and the prose order given together.
Study the follow ing examples.
20. When the indeclinable is used, the question
'f w F ^ ' is to be put. ■H’l+l + ?TTf%: -
eg. srfTrT I
(This book is meant for the boys) - TTfr^R #
arf^r ? ^ ftoftt f t srf^r i

When and the letters of WT are either followed by or

preceded 5M and the letters of W t , is replaced by tT V T P C rft"
WR and cR7! is replaced by W T. This is known as M W R T
Reg. No.

C. ^ T T ^ W J
A description of the boundary of our country in the
Puranas- jp w : <nsj
3 tTT < 5^1^ I jr ^ m
^ W e ft ^ ^RffrT: II 1. Complete the following sentence with suitable participles.

The land tha t-is to the north of the ocean and to the ?. sn?PF: - ^ I
south of the Himalayan mountain is known as ^TRcTW'f I The R. I
people of the land are called "Bharatiya".
3. jptfteRT: - 3T F rf% ^T I
V. I

2. Write the prose order of the following Verse.

TTPPm VTCfr*T ^ TR hra^ I

m H tff rRft II
- must read, w i - Mahabaratha.

CD - o
> 8 |
?s I 3
0~T I> 33
5‘ CO
co . > x
0! § 2
3. co 33
CD 00- ;*
2 C
0 O
o 03 3
o 3 =r —1 Q <
o ca
03. o > 1 CD
—I « D0 O O
{9 C1D s
ai = 5 °
3J 33
CD o -0 ^ m CO
CO o "0
-nT oo
CJl o
(clause 128 of p.o. Guide, part-1)

a t l - ir f l
Js£± 3T?R iT, <£ d M H I'f:, 3 P | R h 'K « T ,

r-X ^ J a Z Z T L 'im T S Z ± J \ 'rr* 9

T tiy iT H T r c jn r q T ra p m m $nn r

iixxn ii nmn iixjrTTixriximnrrrrrrgrtin nnirommmn tim nim timtnnnnrn rm
3 3 Z S X 3D 3 X S 2 3 .

AKSHARAM’, 8th Cross. 2nd Phase
S H I K S H / 1 -1
Girinagar, Bangalore-560 085

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