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5/30/24, 10:44 PM Levels of Measurement | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Levels of Measurement
Total questions: 30
Worksheet time: 32mins
Instructor name: Mrs. Hooten

1. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

The teacher of a class of third graders records the height of each student.

a) Nominal b) Interval
c) Ratio d) Ordinal

2. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

The teacher of a class of third graders records the eye color of each student.

a) nominal b) interval
c) ordinal d) ratio

3. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

The teacher of a class of third graders records the letter grade for mathematics for each student.

a) ratio b) interval
c) nominal d) ordinal

4. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

The teacher of a class of third graders records the percentage that each student got correct on the
last science test.

a) ordinal b) interval
c) ratio d) nominal

5. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

A meteorologist compiles a list of temperatures in degrees Celsius for the month of May.

a) ratio b) nominal
c) ordinal d) interval 1/6
5/30/24, 10:44 PM Levels of Measurement | Quizizz

6. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

A meteorologist compiles a list of temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit for the month of May.

a) ordinal b) ratio
c) nominal d) interval

7. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

A film critic lists the top 50 greatest movies of all time.

a) nominal b) interval
c) ordinal d) ratio

8. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

A car magazine lists the most expensive cars for 2017.

a) interval b) ordinal
c) ratio d) nominal

9. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.

The roster of a basketball team lists the jersey numbers for each of the players.

a) ordinal b) nominal
c) interval d) ratio

10. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.
A local animal shelter keeps track of the breeds of dogs that come in.

a) nominal b) ordinal
c) interval d) ratio

11. Indicate which level of measurement is being used in the given scenario.
A local animal shelter keeps track of the weights of dogs that come in.

a) ordinal b) interval
c) ratio d) nominal 2/6
5/30/24, 10:44 PM Levels of Measurement | Quizizz

12. Is the following qualitative or quantitative data?

Favorite foods of statistics class.

a) Quantitative b) Qualitative

13. Is the following qualitative or quantitative data?

Breeds of dogs owned by CHS Seniors.

a) Qualitative b) Quantitative

14. Is the following qualitative or quantitative data?

Age of statistics parent or guardians

a) Qualitative b) Quantitative

15. Determine the level of measurement

Weight of walleye caught on Lake Erie

a) Nominal b) Ordinal
c) Ratio d) Interval

16. Determine the level of measurement

List of popular video games

a) Nominal b) Ordinal
c) Interval d) Ratio

17. Determine the level of measurement

Height of students in inches

a) Interval b) Ordinal
c) Nominal d) Ratio

18. Determine the level of measurement

Hourly wages of students in fastfood.

a) Nominal b) Ratio
c) Interval d) Ordinal 3/6
5/30/24, 10:44 PM Levels of Measurement | Quizizz

19. Determine the level of measurement

Popular baby names in 2017

a) Ratio b) Interval
c) Nominal d) Ordinal

20. Determine the level of measurement

Birth year of employees at your work

a) Ordinal b) Interval
c) Ratio d) Nominal

Temperature of the body expressed in Kelvin

a) Ratio b) Interval
c) Nominal d) Ordinal

Number of students in the classroom

a) Interval b) Ordinal
c) Ratio d) Nominal 4/6
5/30/24, 10:44 PM Levels of Measurement | Quizizz

23. ages of students in a statistics class

a) Nominal b) Ratio
c) Ordinal d) Interval

24. A ___________ is a characteristic that we observed and measured from every element of the

a) Data b) Variable
c) Value d) Observation

25. A qualitative variable

a) B. Is not numeric b) A. Always refers to a sample

c) D. All of the above are correct d) C. Has only two possible outcomes

26. The ratio scale of measurement

a) B. Cannot assume negative values b) C. Has a meaningful zero point

c) A. Usually involves ranking d) D. Is usually based on counting

27. The ordinal scale of measurement

a) A. Has a meaningful zero point b) B. Is based on ranks

c) C. Cannot assume negative values d) D. All of the above

28. A part of the population.

a) biased sample b) sample

c) population d) random sample

29. The entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey.

a) population b) biased sample

c) sample d) random sample 5/6
5/30/24, 10:44 PM Levels of Measurement | Quizizz

30. ___________ consists of numbers representing counts or measurements.

a) Categorical data b) Quantitative data

c) Mathematical data d) Population data 6/6

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