Anxiety Assessment

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Introduction: when we talk about Anxiety,it is a nutural defence of body and mind for getting

prepared for potential dangers.. We see Lion, We Run.. That is the most appropriate response
one can show towards the threat. In fact optimum anxiety is must to operate in this world for eg;
we have exam,whether we prepare for it or not depends on that minimal anxiety ( we call as
worry) which gives us the fear of failure so that we could perform better..That is why there is
difference between worry and anxiety, worry is more grounded in reality and anxiety leads to
catastrophic thinking. Anxiety is often called as Disorder of control because a person always
strives excessively to overcome any bad consequences of ‘Future’ related to relationships,
career, education, health and life itself. Why I said future, because person suffering always
keeps on anticipating, thus becoming difficult for him to focus on present tasks leading him to
more worrisome obsessive thoughts..
Anxiety starts with unnecessary worrying but it usually ends in many physiological problems -
gastrointestinal, dermatological, sexual, even life threatening disease as cancer.. Our Body has
a certain limit to fight against the stressors, once that is crossed , it backfires..
with this perspective, it has become necessary to address this issue with a more clinical
approach. In order to do so it's mandatory for a professional to begin the intervention with
assessments so that we can get a proper idea of the severity of anxiety, client is suffering from.
Today I am going to introduce you to Anxiety scale,it’s called Hamilton Anxiety Scale .. it has 14
sub sections that include all the physiological and psychological symptoms of anxiety.. we will
go in detail about each item so that you can fill the scale without any confusion.. this data will be
with us, there will be full consideration of confidentiality. Moreover it is up to you whether you
want to include the name in the questionnaire or not, you can just include only the gender and

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