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Birla Public School

Pilani, Rajasthan

Name-Manas Sharma

Class- XI

Submitted to
Mam Deepika Shekhawat

Digital devices

The project is based on the topic “Overuse of Digital

Devices". The information or data which is presented
has been extracted from various sources. The purpose
of This project is to visualize and display the knowledge
about how digital devices in affect a healthy person in a
long run. It may have various effects on a person's
health and mentality. Let's find out how......

This certificate is presented to Master Manas Sharma

For completing the summer assignment under the
guidance of Mam Deepika Shekhawat and successfully
submitting it before the last date of submission.

Teacher’s Sign
Student’s sign
(Based on interviews conducted)
Q1. Does digital device affect one's behavior or attitude?
Ans. It may vary from person to person but as much as I have
Observed yes it can affect one’s attitude or behavior.
Q2. How does it affect a person’s attitude?
Ans. If the person is a teenager, then he may get influenced by
The agenda or ideas on the internet which get posted. The person
May become violent at times or even talk about things he originally
Didn’t like or prefer.
Q3. Can digital device affect a person in any other way?
Ans. It can make a person dependent and addicted on it. It can also
make a person lazy.
Q4. Can digital device affect one’s sleep schedule?
Ans. Yes, digital devices like smartphones, computers can make a
person stay up late which may affect his schedule.
Q5. Can a person get urges to use smartphone as soon as they wake
Ans. Yes, now a days most of the people use their phone as soon as
they wake up. This is the sign of addiction and dependence on digital
Q6. Can smartphone negatively affect one’s work life?
Ans. Yes, smartphones can affect a student's grades and affect one’s
mental health too.
Q7. How do digital devices affect one’s mental health?
Ans. Overuse of digital device can lead to headaches, fever and can
worsen one’s eyesight.
Q8. How can digital device affect a child?
Ans. Overuse of digital devices can make a child lose his imagination
powers and creativeness. If the child is highly connected to Digital
devices and isn’t active, it can make a child lazy and can further lead to
obesity and other health issues.
Q9. Can one schedule their usage of digital devices?
Ans. It actually depends on the person itself and sometimes the age
group too, like adults can often resist the urge to use smartphones but
it is different for teenagers or children as they are vulnerable to
addiction during this age. Well, I myself have tried scheduling my usage
of digital devices and I feel that it is just better to discipline ourselves
and totally cutting off the usage of these devices unless I have some
work from it.
Q10. Will u allow your offspring to be under the influence of digital
Ans. No, I won’t allow them to be influenced, I would rather want them
to play outside, develop good hobbies instead of having them be
dependent on digital devices. Even if I can’t stop them from using it I
would try my best to limit their usage.

National library of medicine-


Research gate-


The prevalence of digital play devices, including tablets and

smartphones, has led to overuse among some young children.
The purpose of this research is to examine the overuse cases
among young children. Participants of this qualitative case
study were five children aged five to seven years, their parents,
and a psychiatrist. The data were mainly obtained through
semi-structured interviews. Interviews were further supported
by close observations, a collection of digital play diaries, as well
as an interview with a psychiatrist who specializes in childhood
gaming addiction. Then data analyzed using content analysis
techniques. The results are presented in five themes: practices,
reasons, feelings about overuse, restricting playtime, and
content. The first three themes described the nature of the
overuse, while the last two themes described the parents’
efforts to restrict their children’s digital play. Findings revealed
that the joint effects of different factors triggered children’s
overuse, that parents and children felt a range of emotions
from happiness to aggression, and that parents’ restrictive
mediation strategies were mostly infective.

This project is submitted by Manas Sharma of

Birla Public School.

Birla Public School is a boarding school which was

founded by the Birla Education Trust in 1944 under the
guidance of Maria Montessori. In 1952 the school was
made a residential institution, in 1953 the school was
granted the membership of Indian public school
conference motto: Shiksha, Gyan and Karm.

I, Manas Sharma would like to express my gratitude to

my English teacher Mam Deepika Shekhawat who gave
me this opportunity to this wonderful project.

I would like to also thank my parents who helped me

complete this project on time without failure.
Part 2

A Photograph

By- Shirley Toulson

About the poet

Kathleen Shirley Toulson (20 May 1924 – 23 September 2018)

was an English writer, poet, journalist and local politician.
Toulson attended Prior's Field School and worked with the
Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War II.
She studied English at Birkbeck, University of London, and
worked at Foyles bookshop before becoming a journalist. As a
poet she was a member of The Group, an informal group of
poets who met in London from the mid-1950s to the mid-
1960s. Her work was included in the group's 1963 anthology A
Group Anthology.
In 1962 she and her husband Alan Brownjohn were elected as
Labour councilors in the Wandsworth London Borough Council.
Her 1973 short story 'Playground of England', appearing in the
Welsh journal Planet, satirized the objectification of Wales as a
tourist destination by English second home owners.
Starting in 1977 with her book The Drovers’ Roads of Wales,
Toulson was the author of several books about walking routes
used by farmers moving livestock from Wales to England. She
contributed a profile of the novelist Christine Brooke-Rose for a
1986 reference publication.

The poem is a tribute to the poet’s mother. She is looking at an
old photograph of her mother which has a frame of cardboard.
The picture has three girls in which the middle one is the oldest
and tallest.
It is her mother when she was twelve years old or so. Beside
her, on both sides are her two cousins, Betty and Dolly, who are
holding her hands and are younger than her. They went for
paddling on a beach holiday. Her uncle took the photograph
then. The poet could not help but notice her mother’s sweet
face. The sea touched her terribly transient feet which depicted
that she changed over the years and the sea remained the
After twenty-thirty years, her mother would laugh at the
photograph. She would make the poet look at the photograph
and tell her how their parents would dress them up for the
beach holiday. The beach holiday was her mother’s favorite
memories while her laugh was the poet’s favorite memory.
Both lost something which they cherished a lot and yet cannot
live that moment again.
Those sweet moments were memories now.
Now, the poet’s mother had been dead for the past twelve
years, which is the same number as of her age when the
photograph was taken back then. She cannot express the grief
that she has from her mother’s absence.
Theme of the poem

Shirley Toulson’s poem ‘A Photograph’ is a loving tribute

to her mother. The poem reflects the passage of time
and its three stages. In the first stage, the photograph
shows his mother enjoying a holiday on a beach along
with her two girl cousins. She was 12 at the time. The
second stage transports us to twenty or thirty years later.
This stage shows the mother laughing at her picture and
the way she and her cousins were dressed in the picture
at a beach. In the third stage, the poet sadly remembers
the dead mother with his broken heart. The photograph
revives nostalgic waves in the poet.

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