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‘Atomic Structure’ and ‘Chemical Bonding’ Revision

1. Classify each of the following as an element, a compound, a homogeneous mixture or

a heterogeneous mixture:

a) copper b) steel c) nitrogen d) air e) sucrose f) gasoline

g) blood h) water i) soil

2. In what way are isotopes of a given element always different? In what way(s) are they
always the same?

3. Write the symbol for each of the following ions:

a) the ion with a 1+ charge, atomic number 55, and mass number 133
b) the ion with 54 electrons, 53 protons, and 74 neutrons
c) the ion with atomic number 15, mass number 31, and a 3– charge
d) the ion with 24 electrons, 30 neutrons, and a 3+ charge 18

4. Identify the subshell in which electrons with the following quantum numbers are
found: a) n = 2, l = 1 b) n = 4, l = 2 c) n = 6, l = 0

5. For the species i) K+ ii) N iii) O2-

a) Give electron configuration using only principle energy levels (K, L, M, N)

b) Give electron configuration using sub energy levels (s, p, d, f)
c) How many valence electrons are there in each
d) Give the values of the four quantum numbers for an electron present in the
valence orbital of each

6. What is ionisation energy and electronegativity?

7. List the following elements in terms of increasing first ionisation energy: F, Ne, K,
He, Li, C

8. Which one of the following molecules would be most polar (i.e. the largest difference
in electronegativity)? H2, HF, HCl, HBr, HI

9. Identify the following substances as Ionic or Covalent and draw ‘electronic dot
diagrams’ for each:
PH3, KBr, H2S, HF, MgI2
a) Complete the following for the covalent molecules:

Molecule Shape Polarity Intermolecular Forces





b) Arrange the above molecules in increasing order of Boiling point.

Multiple choice

1. A molecule is

a) a charged atom.
b) made up of two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds.
c) made up of two or more oppositely charged ions held together by electrostatic
d) made up of two metallic atoms held together by the electrostatic attraction of the
electrons and metallic ions .
2. Which one of the following is NOT an intermolecular force?
a) A covalent bond.
b) Dipole-dipole forces.
c) Dispersion forces.
d) Hydrogen bonds.

3. Which one of the following is the weakest type of force that can exist between atoms
or molecules?
a) Dispersion force.
b) Dipole-dipole force.
c) Hydrogen bond.
d) Covalent bond.

4. Dispersion forces are the predominant type of force between atoms or molecules of
a) covalent molecular substances whose atoms or molecules are polar.
b) covalent molecular substances whose atoms or molecules are non-polar.
c) metals.
d) covalent network substances.

5. In which one of the following molecules would hydrogen bonding play a role in
intermolecular attractive forces?

a) CH4
b) HI
c) NH3
d) C3H8
6. In order of increasing boiling points (i.e lowest to highest boiling point), you would
arrange the substances: H2O, CO2, CH4 and PH3 as follows:

a) H2O, PH3, CH4, CO2

b) CH4, PH3, CO2, H2O.
c) PH3, CO2, CH4, H2O.
d) CH4, CO2, PH3, H2O.

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