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Create a Task model class with attributes for title, description, priority, and status.
Implement show the Details operations for ASP.Net MVC.
These Razor views are essential components of an ASP.NET MVC application, facilitating the
presentation layer. Each view corresponds to a specific action in the TaskController, enabling
users to interact with tasks. Views utilize Razor syntax to dynamically generate HTML content
based on data provided by the controller. They incorporate forms, links, and iteration to support
CRUD operations, enhancing the user experience of managing tasks.
Click the Details button

After Clicking :-
Create a Task model class with attributes for title, description, priority, and status.
Implement show the Create operations for ASP.Net MVC.
These Razor views are essential components of an ASP.NET MVC application, facilitating the
presentation layer. Each view corresponds to a specific action in the TaskController, enabling
users to interact with tasks. Views utilize Razor syntax to dynamically generate HTML content
based on data provided by the controller. They incorporate forms, links, and iteration to support
CRUD operations, enhancing the user experience of managing tasks.
Click the Create button

After Clicking Create Button coming to like this:

Output like this:-


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