Data Warehouse

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who creator data warehouse

The concept of a data warehouse was first introduced by IBM researcher Barry Devlin in the late
1980s. However, the term "data warehouse" was popularized by William H. Inmon, another
prominent figure in the field. Inmon's definition of a data warehouse emphasizes its use as a
subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile collection of data that supports decision-
making processes.
Ralph Kimball is another influential figure in the development of data warehousing. Kimball is
known for his dimensional modeling approach, which focuses on designing data warehouses to be
user-friendly and easily understandable.
While these individuals played crucial roles in shaping the concept of data warehousing, it's
important to note that the field has evolved over the years with contributions from many
researchers, practitioners, and organizations. The development and implementation of data
warehousing solutions involve collaboration among professionals from various disciplines,
including database management, business intelligence, and data analytics.
best book data warehouse Inmon Kimball
When it comes to data warehousing, two prominent and influential methodologies are often
discussed: the Inmon and Kimball approaches. Each has its own strengths and perspectives on
designing and implementing data warehouses. Here are key books associated with each
For Inmon's Approach:
Title: "Building the Data Warehouse" Author: W. H. Inmon
This book is considered a classic in the field and provides a comprehensive guide to the Inmon
approach to data warehousing. Inmon emphasizes the importance of building a centralized,
integrated data warehouse as the foundation for business intelligence and decision support systems.
For Kimball's Approach:
Title: "The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling" Authors:
Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross
This book is a fundamental resource for understanding Kimball's dimensional modeling approach. It
covers concepts such as star schemas, snowflake schemas, and other techniques that emphasize ease
of use and query performance in a data warehouse. Kimball's methodology often focuses on
designing data marts for specific business areas and then integrating them into a larger data
Both of these approaches have had a significant impact on the field of data warehousing, and
practitioners often choose or adapt elements from both methodologies based on the specific needs
and requirements of their organizations. Reading books associated with each approach can provide
valuable insights and guidance in designing effective data warehousing solutions.

best book data warehouse Kimball
If you're specifically interested in Ralph Kimball's approach to data warehousing, one of the key
books authored by him and widely recommended is:
Title: "The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling"
Authors: Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross
This book is considered a cornerstone in the field of dimensional modeling and provides practical
guidance on designing and building data warehouses using Kimball's methodology. It covers topics
such as star schemas, snowflake schemas, and slowly changing dimensions, providing insights into
how to structure data for optimal query performance and ease of use.
Additionally, you might also want to explore other books by Ralph Kimball and his colleagues that
delve deeper into specific aspects of data warehousing and dimensional modeling. Some
recommended titles include:
1. "The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit" by Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross, Warren
Thornthwaite, and Joy Mundy.
2. "The Kimball Group Reader: Relentlessly Practical Tools for Data Warehousing and
Business Intelligence" by Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross.
These books provide a comprehensive understanding of Kimball's methodology and offer practical
advice for those involved in designing and implementing data warehouses.
best book data warehouse Inmon
Bill Inmon has authored several books on data warehousing, and one of his widely recognized
works is "Building the Data Warehouse" co-authored with Claudia Imhoff and Nicholas Galemmo.
This book is often referred to as the "Data Warehouse Toolkit."
Here are some details about the book:
Title: Building the Data Warehouse Authors: Bill Inmon, Claudia Imhoff, Nicholas Galemmo
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Publication Year: 2005 (3rd Edition)
This book is considered a classic in the field of data warehousing and provides comprehensive
insights into the principles, methodologies, and best practices for building effective data
warehouses. It covers various aspects, including data warehouse architecture, design, development,
and maintenance.
Keep in mind that the field of data warehousing evolves, and there may be newer editions or
additional resources available. Always check for the latest publications and resources to stay current
with the latest advancements and best practices in the field.
amazon aws service data warehouse
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a fully managed data warehouse service called Amazon
Redshift. Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, and cost-effective data warehouse solution designed
for analytics and business intelligence applications. Here are some key features of Amazon
1. Columnar Storage:
 Redshift uses a columnar storage format, which is highly optimized for analytical
queries. This helps in improving query performance and reducing I/O.
2. Massively Parallel Processing (MPP):
 Redshift employs MPP architecture, distributing query execution across multiple
nodes to parallelize data processing and achieve high performance.
3. Scalability:
 Amazon Redshift is designed to scale easily. You can scale your data warehouse by
adding or removing nodes to meet your changing performance and capacity
4. Automated Backups and High Availability:
 Redshift provides automated backups of your data and allows you to create snapshots
for point-in-time recovery. It also supports high availability configurations.
5. Integration with Other AWS Services:
 Redshift integrates seamlessly with other AWS services such as Amazon S3 for data
storage, AWS Glue for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and Amazon
QuickSight for business intelligence and visualization.
6. Security:
 Redshift provides robust security features, including encryption at rest and in transit,
IAM (Identity and Access Management) integration, and support for Virtual Private
Cloud (VPC).
7. Concurrency and Workload Management:
 Redshift allows you to manage concurrent queries and workloads efficiently. You can
set up queues and define priorities for different types of queries.
8. SQL Compatibility:
 Redshift supports standard SQL, making it compatible with existing SQL-based tools
and applications.
9. Performance Monitoring and Tuning:
 Amazon Redshift provides performance monitoring tools and features to help you
analyze and optimize the performance of your queries and data warehouse.
To get started with Amazon Redshift, you can use the AWS Management Console or leverage AWS
SDKs and APIs for programmatic access. It's worth noting that AWS also offers additional services
like Amazon Athena and Amazon EMR that can be used for analytical queries, but Redshift is
specifically designed for large-scale data warehousing.

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