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Unique Paper Code : 32517906

Name of the paper : Control systems (DSE)
Name of the Course : B.Sc (H
(H) Electronics under CBCS
Semester : VI
Duration : 4Hrs
Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for candidates:

1. There are six questions in all, out of which you have to attempt any four questions
2. All questions carry equal marks
3. Use of Scientific non- programmable calculator is allowed.

A translational mechanical system is shown below.

The system is composed of two masses M1and M2, two dampers b1 and b2 and a spring K .The
restoring force for the spring is proportional to its displacement i.e.

The damping effects can be modelled by the linear equation

𝑓 ( )
Application of force F(t) to the mass results in a displacement . The equation of motion for the
system is obtained by applying Newton's second law of translational motion.

Draw the Mechanical

echanical Equiva
lent circuit of the system considering F(t) as an input
in force and write
state equations for the system. Using Mechanical Equivalent circuit draw F-vv analogous electrical
network for the system .

2. Speed controls find wide application throughout

th industry and the home. O Output frequency
control electrical power from a turbine and generator pair. By regulating the sp
speed, the control
system ensures that the generated frequency remains within toleran
ce. Deviations from the
desired speed are sensed, and
an a steam valve is changed to compensate
ensate for the speed error. The
approximate system block diagram is shown in figure below

Find the loop transfer function, the forward path transfer function, the error ratio ,the feedback
transfer function and the closed loop transfer function for the system shown above.
From open loop transfer function i.e. G(s)H(s), draw the bode plot and determine phase
cross over frequency, gain crossover frequency, phase margin, gain margin and stability of the

Pole –Zero map of ann open loop [(G(s)H(s)] transfer function having variable gain K is given

Find the open loop transfer function for the system. Draw the root locus of the system with
gain K as a variable . As an aid to plotting determine real root loci, asymptotes,centroid,
reakaway points and the gain at which the root locus crossesjw axis. Find from the root locus
plot the values gain K for which a closed loop system is critically damped.

A continuous stirred tank reactor in which an aqueous solution of sodium acetate
(CH3COONa) is neutralized in the mixing tank with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to maintain a
particular pH in the mixing tank. The amount of acid in the mix is controlled by varying
varyin the
rotational speed of a feeding peristaltic pump. A nominal linearized transfer function from

HCl flow rate to pH has been shown to be
Y ( s) 3s 2  2 s  7

U ( s ) s 3  5s 2  12 s  5
Express transfer function in Controllable conical form (CCF). Draw the state signal flow
graph and obtain the state model for the system. Also, show that system is controllable or

5. The model of a TCP/IP router whose packet-drop probability is controlled by using a random
early detection (RED) algorithm; Using Figure given below

as a model, a specific router queue’s open-loop transfer function is

G(s) 
s( s  1)( s  2)

. Draw the Nyquist plot and hence calculate the range of values of K for system stability.
Compare the answers by means of the Routh-Hurwitz criterion.

6. A system having a forward path transfer function with unity feedback as shown in figure
below is used in a video laser disc focusing system for recording

Determine the value of undamped natural frequency and damping ratio. To allow for fast error
free focusing of the laser beam on the laser disc, a tachometer feedback is introduced (figure

What should be the value of K to obtain damping ratio of 0.6. Also calculate the percentage
peak overshoot, delay time,peak time, rise time and settling time with in the 2% of the final
value in both cases. Reduce this block diagram to unity feedback form also and write
characteristics equation.

Semi log graph

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