Characterization and Surface Treatment Effects On Topography of A Glass-Infiltrated Alumina:zirconia-Reinforced Ceramic

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Characterization and surface treatment effects

on topography of a glass-infiltrated
alumina/zirconia-reinforced ceramic

Alvaro Della Bona a,∗ , Tiago A. Donassollo b , Flávio F. Demarco b ,

Allyson A. Barrett c , John J. Mecholsky Jr. d
a Dental School, The University of Passo Fundo, P.O. Box 611/613, Campus I, BR 285, Km171, Passo Fundo, RS 99001-970, Brazil
b Dental School, Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil
c Department of Dental Biomaterials, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
d Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective. Characterize the microstructure, composition and some physical properties of a
Received 23 March 2006 glass-infiltrated alumina/zirconia-reinforced ceramic (IZ) and the effect of surface treatment
Accepted 20 June 2006 on topography.
Methods. IZ ceramic specimens were fabricated according to ISO6872 instructions and pol-
ished through 1 ␮m alumina abrasive. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed
Keywords: using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), backscattered imaging (BSI), electron dispersive
Microstructure spectroscopy (EDS) and stereology. The elastic modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio () were deter-
Composition mined using ultrasonic waves, and the density () using a helium pycnometer. The following
Surface topography ceramic surface treatments were used: AP-as-polished; HF-etching with 9.5% hydrofluoric
Physical properties acid for 90 s; SB-sandblasting with 25 ␮m aluminum oxide particles for 15 s and SC-blasting
Ceramic with 30 ␮m aluminum oxide particles modified by silica (silica coating) for 15 s. An optical
profilometer was used to examine the surface roughness (Ra) and SEM–EDS were used to
measure the amount of silica after all treatments.
Results. The IZ mean property values were as follows:  = 4.45 ± 0.01 g/cm3 ;  = 0.26 and
E = 245 GPa. Mean Ra values were similar for AP- and HF-treated IZ but significantly increased
after either SC or SB treatment (p ≤ 0.05). The surface concentration of Si(K) increased 76%
after SC treatment.
Significance. HF is an inadequate surface treatment for bonding resins to IZ ceramic. Treating
IZ with either SB or SC produced greater Ra values and the SC showed a significant increase in
the surface concentration of silica, which may enhance bonding to resin via silane coupling.
© 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rior mechanical properties. The development of new technolo-

gies and research are introducing these materials to dentistry.
Zirconia-based ceramics have been used for a great number of In-Ceram Zirconia (IZ) (In-Ceram Zirconia, Vita Zahnfab-
applications in the bioengineering field because of their supe- rik, Germany) was developed by adding partially stabilized

Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 54 3311 5142; fax: +55 54 3316 8403.
E-mail address: (A. Della Bona).
0109-5641/$ – see front matter © 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
770 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 769–775

zirconia to In-Ceram Alumina, combining the toughening of a glass-infiltrated alumina/zirconia-reinforced ceramic

mechanisms of zirconia with the established technology used (IZ) (In-Ceram Zirconia, Vita Zahnfabrik, Germany) and
for the partially sintered glass-infiltrated alumina to produce to examine the topography resulting from surface treat-
stronger, tougher metal-free ceramic restorations that can be ments, testing the hypothesis that the silica content on
successfully used as posterior three-unit fixed bridges [1–4]. the high crystalline ceramic surface is increased by silica
There are some studies reporting the microstructure, compo- coating.
sition and mechanical properties of IZ [2–10]. However, none
of them present a complete characterization of the ceramic IZ
microstructure related to the effect on surface treatment. 2. Materials and methods
Quantifying microstructural parameters is important
to develop structure/property relationships. Quantitative In-Ceram Zirconia specimens (12 mm × 2 mm) were fabricated
microstructural analysis provides an association among the according to ISO6872 instructions and supplied by the man-
constitution, physical properties, and structural characteris- ufacturer (VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany). The
tics of materials [1,11,12]. specimens were polished through 1 ␮m alumina abrasive
There are several physical and mechanical properties con- before performing the analytical analyses.
ventionally used to characterize the behavior of ceramics, The dynamic elastic modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio () were
such as: elastic modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio () and density (). determined by means of ultrasonic waves and a computer pro-
The elastic or Young’s modulus (E) is a measure of the stiff- gram (ECALC and Sigview-F software, Nuson Inc., Boalsburg,
ness or the material’s resistance to elastic deformation. The PA, USA) based on a set of equations that uses the time of
greater the modulus, the stiffer the material, or the smaller flight, density (), and thickness (t). The specimen thickness (t)
the elastic strain that results from the application of a given was measured using a digital caliper (Digimatic caliper, Mitu-
stress. The modulus is an important design parameter used toyo Co., Kawasaki, Japan) and the weight (w) of the specimen
for computing elastic deflections. Poisson’s ratio () is the ratio was obtained using an analytical balance (Mettler H31, Mettler
of the lateral to axial strain. Theoretically, a typical  value Instrument Corp., Hightstown, NJ, USA). The density () of the
for isotropic materials is 0.25, but the maximum may be as material was obtained using a Helium Pycnometer (Accupyc
high as 0.50. It is related to the shear modulus (G) and elas- 1330, Micromeritics Instrument Co., Norcross, GA, USA) after
tic modulus [E = 2G (1 + )] [13]. Since the velocity at which calculating the volume (V). Piezoelectric transducers/receivers
sound travels through a solid can be readily measured by (Ultran Laboratories Inc., Boalsburg, PA, USA) and an ultra-
ultrasonic wave transducers and receivers, the velocity of the sonic pulse apparatus (Ultima 5100, Nuson Inc., Boalsburg)
sound wave and the density () of the material can be used were used to measure the time of flight through the ceramic
to calculate the dynamic Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio specimens. Longitudinal and shear (transverse) time of flight
values [14]. values were obtained and used to calculate the  and E of the
The volume of crystalline materials and their volume ceramic.
changes with temperature are closely related to the crystal Semi-quantitative and qualitative analyses were per-
structures. The density () is directly determined by the crystal formed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), backscat-
structure, that is, the efficiency of atomic packing. The den- tered imaging (BSI), electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and
sity, as usually measured (g/cm3 ), depends on the number of stereology principles.
atoms per cubic centimeter and on the atomic weight of the As-polished (AP) IZ specimens were mounted on aluminum
constituents. The volume of a glass is largely determined by stubs using carbon coating paste for better conductivity and
the nature of the vitreous network. The density is a minimum were carbon coated in a vacuum evaporation system (Ion
value for the pure network former and increases as modifier Equipment Co., Santa Clara, CA, USA). The thickness of the
ions are added [15]. carbon layer was approximately 250 Å. Secondary electron
Ceramic microstructure and composition are also control- and backscattered images (SEI and BSI) were recorded. The
ling factors in the development of a micromechanical reten- composition of each ceramic phase was determined by elec-
tive surface by acid etching, which is the most popular surface tron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) using a scanning electron
treatment process leading to resin bonding [11]. However, the microscope (JSM-6400, Jeol LTD., Tokyo, Japan) and the ZAF
high crystalline content ceramics are resistant substrates to correction method. The analysis was performed at an acceler-
surface degradation by acid etching [16–18] and are difficult to ating voltage of 15 kV. Each ceramic phase was analyzed three
bond chemically to resins via silane coupling agents because times at different locations and average values of composi-
of the reduced silica-based matrix. tion were determined. Compositional element concentrations
Silica coating the ceramic surface seems to be a promising above 1 wt% were recorded.
method to promote the bonding of acid-resistant ceramics to The crystalline volume fraction (Vv) was estimated based
resin. It has been suggested that this surface treatment pro- on stereological principles. An auto beam-area measure-
cedure can increase the silica content on ceramics and metals ment function was used based on intensity histograms from
enhacing the bond to resins via silane agents [17–20]. How- backscattered electron images (Link ISIS program, Oxford,
ever, there is limited knowledge regarding the surface topog- England and Link ISIS Instruments, Microanalysis Group,
raphy and chemical changes after treating the acid-resistant Bucks, England). Eight different areas from three specimens
ceramics. were used and averaged for the Vv value.
The objective of this study is to characterize the microstruc- As-polished (AP) IZ ceramic specimens were surface
ture, composition, and some of the physical properties treated as follows:
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 769–775 771

HF: Etching with 9.5% HF (Ultradent Products Inc., South Jor-

dan, UT, USA) for 90 s, rinse with water spray for 30 s, and dry
with oil-free air spray.
SB: Sandblasting with 25-␮m aluminum oxide particles
(Micro-Etcher - Danville Inc., San Ramon, CA, USA), using the
following parameters: blasting perpendicular to the surface
at a distance of 10 mm for 15 s, at a pressure of 2.8 bar.
SC: Blasting with 30 ␮m aluminum oxide particles modified
by silica (CoJet System, 3M-ESPE, MN, USA), using the same
blasting parameters applied for the SB.

Ceramic surface roughness parameters for AP, HF, SB, and

SC treated specimens were determined using an optical pro-
filometer (Wyko NT1000, Wyko Corp. and Veeco Instruments
Inc., Tuscon, AZ, USA) and software (Wyko Vision32, Version
2.210, Wyco and Veeco). The scan length of 50 ␮m collected 687
frames using a magnification of 10×. Five different locations
in three specimens (n = 15) were measured. Mean Ra values Fig. 1 – A Representative photomicrography (SEM in BSI
were statistically analyzed using One-way analysis of variance mode) of carbon coated AP treated In-Ceram Zirconia; the
(Anova) and Tukey’s test (˛ = 0.05). light crystals identified with numbers 1 and 2 are zirconia,
Some AP, HF, SB and SC treated IZ specimens were also the dark crystals are alumina (numbers 3 and 4), and the
mounted on aluminum stubs as described above for SEM/EDS glassy phase is in grey (number 5). The image is colored by
analyses. Silica mappings were generated from all ceramic the ISIS software for volume fraction calculations. An
treatments in addition to the compositional element analy- intensity histogram is produced from the percentage values
sis. of red (zirconia) and green (alumina) as measured by the
Link ISIS computer program. Magnification is 5000× (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of the article.).
3. Results

The mean and standard deviation values of volume fraction

shown in Fig. 3A–D. The mean surface silicon content val-
(Vv), density (), dynamic elastic modulus (E), and Poisson’s
ues (element percentage of Si) and the mean values of the
ratio () of the IZ ceramic are as follows: (Fig. 1).
roughness parameters for the IZ ceramic surface treatments
used in this study are summarized in Table 1. As alumina and
VV(alumina) = 63.7 ± 9.3%; VV(zirconia) = 32.4 ± 7.7%;
zirconia crystals are not etched by HF, similar mean Ra val-
VV(glass matrix) = 4.0 ± 2.1% ues are shown by AP- and HF-treated ceramic surfaces. The
latter showed a slightly higher value probably because the
acid etches the scarce glassy matrix, which can be observed
 = 4.45 ± 0.01 g/cm3 in the SEM image (Fig. 3B) and by the decrease in Si con-
tent on the HF-treated surface (1.25–0.87%) (Table 1). Yet, SEM
E = 245 ± 6 GPa images and roughness profiles show a higher retentive sur-
face pattern for SB- and SC-treated surfaces (Fig. 3C and D),
which agrees with the significantly increased mean Ra values
 = 0.26 ± 0.005
(Table 1). Such surface morphology should increase the bond
A representative SEM–BSI micrographs of the microstruc- to resin by micromechanical retention. In addition, the sili-
ture is depicted in Fig. 1. The different phases were identified con content increased 76% on the SC treated ceramic surface
and semi-quantitative EDS analyses were performed (Fig. 2)
at representative areas (numbers 1–5 in Fig. 1). EDS analysis of
the compositional element concentration of IZ ceramic phases
revealed alumina [Al(K) 49.4%] and zirconia [Zr(L) 31.8%] crys-
tals in a glassy matrix based on La2 O3 [22.5% La(L)]. The aver-
age composition of the zirconia phase (Fig. 2), without carbon
and oxygen is as follows: Zr(L) 82.0%; Ce(L) 16.5% and Al(K)
1.2%. The average composition of the alumina phase (with-
out carbon and oxygen) is Al(K) 99.8%. The results suggest
a zirconia-reinforced, alumina-based ceramic infiltrated by a
lanthanum oxide-based glass. In addition, the zirconia phase
is stabilized by cerium oxide.
Representative SEM photomicrographs and roughness pro- Fig. 2 – Representative semi-quantitative EDS analysis with
files of the ceramic surface treatments used in this study are ZAF correction of the composition of zirconia crystals.
772 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 769–775

Fig. 3 – Representative images of the treated IZ ceramic surface topography (SEM photomicrographs, magnification 5000×)
and surface roughness (optical profilometry, magnification 10×). (A) As-polished IZ ceramic surface. (B) HF-treated IZ
ceramic surface. (C) IZ surface sandblasted with 25 ␮m alumina particles. (D) Silica coated IZ ceramic surface.
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 769–775 773

Table 1 – Mean values of roughness parameters, statistical grouping for Ra and the amount of silica for the ceramic
surface treatments used on the In-Ceram Zirconia
Surface treatments Ra* Rq Rt Si(K) element %

As-polished (AP) 207 ± 17 nm a

321 ± 14 nm 12.5 ± 3.4 ␮m 1.25
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) 231 ± 14 nma 330 ± 10 nm 24.2 ± 3.1 ␮m 0.87
Sandblasting (SB) 1.0 ± 0.2 ␮mb 1.6 ± 0.5 ␮m 63 ± 4 ␮m 0.98
Silica coating (SC) 836 ± 49 nmb 1.6 ± 0.1 ␮m 55 ± 2 ␮m 2.21

Ra, the average roughness as calculated over the entire measured array. * Different superscript letters (a and b) indicate statistical significant dif-
ferences (p < 0.05); Rq, the root-mean-squared roughness calculated over the entire measured array; Rt, the peak-to-valley difference calculated
over the entire measured array.

(1.25–2.20%) (Table 1). This should also increase the chemical ceramic is partially stabilized by ceria (Ce(L) 7.5%) with no
bond to resin via silane agents. traces of yttrium (Y) in the ceramic composition.
The brittle nature of ceramics demands a greater margin
of safety in strength than with metals. All dental ceramics
4. Discussion tend to fail at the same critical strain of the order of 0.1%
[23]. For this reason, any increases in strength and toughness
Most of today’s high-strength ceramic materials are based have to be associated with an increase in the elastic modulus.
on alumina and/or zirconia. The In-Ceram system has been The mean Poisson’s ratio and dynamic elastic modulus values,
developed using an alumina slip casting technique to build the respectively 0.26 and 245 GPa, are very similar to the mean val-
framework that is fired to form an open-pore microstructure, ues reported by a previous study (0.26 and 240 GPa) [9]. These
which is infiltrated with lanthanum oxide-based glass. There- same authors estimated the crystalline volume fraction (Vv)
fore, the values indicating the high mechanical properties of of IZ based on stereology principles using transparent grids
this system depend upon the complete wetting of the porous and the line-intercept technique. The average percentage for
microstructure by glass infiltration. It has been reported that each phase had to be calculated due to the presence of mul-
an addition of about 33 wt% of zirconia (In-Ceram Zirconia) tiple phases and the variety of grain shapes. Therefore, they
resulted in an increase in flexural strength values from 500 to reported 33% of alumina, 34% of zirconia, 23% of glass and 8%
about 750 MPa [2,9,21]. Therefore, as a different material, the porosity [9]. The present study used an auto beam-area mea-
In-Ceram Zirconia (IZ) needs to be characterized and its prop- surement function based on intensity histograms from several
erties well understood to estimate the clinical performance of BSE images to estimate the average Vv value of the different
such ceramic. ceramic phases. The Vv analysis revealed 63% of alumina, 32%
Microscopic examination is useful for the study and char- of zirconia and 4% of glass matrix. The results are from AP
acterization of materials. Examination of microstructures is ceramics, so no porosity was observed, which may explain the
often related to material properties and the information is difference from results reported by Guazzato et al. [9], where
used to predict properties and improve the design of new the IZ specimens were HF etched for 30 min.
materials [11]. A density value of 3.86 g/cm3 has been reported for In-
Structurally, all ceramic materials are either crystalline, Ceram Alumina [21]. However, no other study has reported
partially crystalline, or amorphous. Most crystalline ceram- the density value for IZ that seems to be a reasonable value
ics, except for single crystals, are actually polycrystalline (4.45 g/cm3 ) for this type of ceramic [24].
because they are composed of a large number of small Creating an effective micromechanical retentive ceramic
crystals, or grains, separated from one another by grain surface is crucial for an adequate adhesive bond and/or repair
boundaries. So, there are important relationships between of ceramic restorations [25]. Resin penetration and polymer-
chemical composition, atomic structure, fabrication process, ization into this retentive surface produce the most important
microstructure, and the properties of polycrystalline ceramics. adhesion mechanism of the resin–ceramic systems [25–29].
Therefore, quantifying microstructural parameters is impor- Several procedures have been reported and used clinically
tant to develop structure/property relationships. Quantitative to produce a similar micromechanical retentive ceramic sur-
microstructural analysis provides an association among the face. The most popular is acid etching with hydrofluoric acid
constitution, physical properties, and structural characteris- (HF). Laboratory and in-office airborne particle abrasion sys-
tics of materials [11]. tems have also been applied. These systems generally use two
Several methods can be used to determine ceramic compo- types of abrasives: alumina particles (SB) and silica modified
sition. This study employed a semi-quantitative analysis using alumina particles (SC-silica coating systems). The goal of the
electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), according to the pro- SC systems is to promote a retentive surface and to deposit a
tocol suggested by Della Bona and Anusavice [11]. According silica layer on ceramic and metal surfaces [11,16,17,26,29–34].
to those authors, this is one of the more reliable methods to However, a surface treatment can produce different retentive
analyze the composition of different ceramic phases. patterns on ceramics with different microstructure and com-
Most dental ceramics with a high content of zirconia are position [11].
partially stabilized by yttria and show high strength values This study showed that treating IZ ceramic using 9.5% HF
[6,16,18,19,22]. This study showed that the zirconia in the IZ for 90 s produced a similar surface topography as the non-
774 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 769–775

treated IZ ceramic (AP group), which is in agreement with (245 GPa) and Poisson’s ratio (0.26) compatible with this type
the mean Ra values obtained from the HF and AP treated sur- of ceramic.
faces (Table 1 and Fig. 3A and B). This result can be explained For clinical purposes, the microstructural and composi-
because the HF preferably etches the glassy phases, usually tional analyses along with the optical profilometry, revealed
silica-based phases, to produce a retentive surface [35–41]. an acid resistant ceramic material, to which an HF treat-
However, the IZ ceramic contains a small amount of a lan- ment produces an inadequate retentive surface pattern for
thanum oxide-based glassy matrix (4%), which hinders the HF bonding to resins. However, treating the IZ ceramic with
etching action and the production of micromechanical reten- the airborne particle abrasion systems (SB and SC) produced
tive sites, in accord with previous works [7,27]. Yet, EDS anal- significantly greater mean Ra values, which should bene-
ysis and silica mapping of the IZ ceramic surfaces showed fit the mechanical bond mechanism to resin-based materi-
that there is a reduction in silicon [Si(K)] after HF treatment als. In addition to the significant topography changes, the
(1.25–0.87%), supporting the assumption of the HF action on SC treated ceramic produced a 76% increase in the concen-
the glass matrix. tration of surface silicon [Si(K)], which should also benefit
Statistically significant ceramic surface changes were pro- the chemical bond mechanism to resins, via silane coupling
duced after either sandblasting with alumina particles (SB) or agents.
silica coating (SC) the IZ ceramic surfaces (mean Ra values
in Table 1). The topography changes produced by SB and SC
ceramic treatments were also evident under the SEM (Fig. 3C Acknowledgments
and D), supporting other studies [17,30]. In addition, EDS anal-
ysis and silica mapping of the SC treated IZ ceramic surface A preliminary report was presented at the 82th Meeting of the
showed that there is a 76% increase in the silicon [Si(K)] surface International Association for Dental Research, in Honolulu,
content (2.2%) when compared with the AP surface (1.25%) USA.
(Table 1), which should benefit the chemical bonding mech- The authors thank Major Analytical Instrumentation Cen-
anism of resin to ceramic via silane coupling agents. ter (MAIC, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Many studies have shown that high alumina content University of Florida) for the assistance with the analytical
ceramics are resistant to HF etching and just minor topo- procedures and instruments.
graphic changes are observed after airborne particle abrasion This study was partially supported by CNPq do Brasil grant
with alumina particles (SB) resulting in low bond strength # 300659/2003-2.
values to resin materials [16,17,20,29,31,33,34]. However, it
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