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Topic: Plants (Trees)

Learning Objective: To explore the different types ofplants and trees

Link: The Plant Kingdom: Characteristics and Classification | Educational Videos for Kids - YouTube

What are Trees?

A tree is a tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood. Trees can
live for many years.

The four main parts of a tree are the roots, the trunk, the branches,
and the leaves. Two types of trees are evergreen trees and deciduous
The leaves are mostly green, butthey can come in many colours,
shapes and sizes.

The roots are usuallyunder the ground. A single tree has

many roots.

The trunk is the main body of the tree and is covered with
bark which protects it from damage. Branches grow from
the trunk.

Bark: The trunk is covered by the bark, which protectsthe

tree against damage. Some trees have rough bark while
some have smoother barks, some have lovely colours like
red and white.

Types of trees: Evergreen vs. Deciduous Trees - YouTube

Examples of evergreen tree

Ghaf tree

Examples of Deciduous trees

Activity 1

Activity 2
Explain how Deciduous trees are different from Evergreen trees.

Activity 3

This is a Birch tree. Do you think it is a Deciduous tree or

Evergreen tree? Explain your answer.

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