Structural Clinical Interview For Assessment of Personality Disorder2

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Tulasi P sychiatric and Drug De-Addiction

Structural Clinical
Rehabilitation Centre. Interview
For Assessment of Personality
New Delhi.
India. Tulasi – IV, Axis II.
DSMPsychiatric and Drug De-
Ad diction D – II
S C IRehabilitation Centre.
New Delhi.
India. Tulasi Psychiatric and Drug De-
Ad diction Rehabilitation Centre.
New Delhi.

Tulasi Psychiatric and Drug De-Addiction Rehabilitation

Centre. New Delhi. India.
Structural Clinical Interview For
Assessment of Personality
DSM – IV, Axis II.
S C I D – II

Psychiatric and Drug De-

Addiction Rehabilitation Centre.

New Delhi.

Before discussing about personality disorder, let’s have a look on what personality means? What is Personality? our
self? our identity? our consciousness? our subconscious beliefs that reflects in our consciousness. Personality is
ourreflectionto the outer world and represent our self about who we are? Our self image and our existence.
Personality is a “Greek” term, represent “Persona” means Mask that actors use in the theater to perform different
identities at the same time. Personality a characteristic of the individual the way he or she Think, Feel and Behave.
Personality embraces moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people.
It includes behavioral characteristics, both inherent and acquired, that distinguish one person from another and
that can be observed in people’s relations tothe environment and to the social group.
"Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his
characteristics behaviour and thought" (Allport, 1961).

“The characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique” (Weinberg & Gould, 1999).

Personality disorders (PD) are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring

maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating
from those accepted by the individual's culture. These patterns develop early, are inflexible, and are associated with
significant distress or disability to deal with the present real life situation.

Personality disorders are characterized by an enduringcolectionofbehavioralpaternsoften associated with considerable

personal, social, and occupational disruption. Personality disorders are also inflexible and pervasive across many
situations, largely due to the fact that such behavior may be ego-syntonic (i.e. the paetrns are consitent with theego integrity of the individual)
and are therefore perceived to be appropriate by that individual. This behavior can result
in maladaptivecoping skillsand may lead to personal problems that induce extreme anxiety, distress, depression or other form
of disability and unmanageability in individual’s life.

Structural Clinical Interview For Assessment of Personality Disorder, DSM – IV,

Axis II S C I D – II

This inventory is consisting of questions regarding individual’s predominant personality traits. These questions are
about the kind of person you generally are, that is how you have usually felt or behave overthe past several years.

Circle “NO” if it does not apply to you.

Circle “YES” if the questions completely or mostly applies to you and mark it by1 -: Mild

2 -: Moderate or3

-: extreme

The level of frequency and intensity you feel effecting your personal, social, and
occupational disruption or disharmony and disruption in other important areasof your life.
And if you do not understand the question or are not sure of your answer, please leave it blank, or can askfor clarity for
interpretation and understanding.

1. Have you avoided jobs that involved having to deal with alots of No YES

2. Do you avoid getting involved with people unless you arecertain No YES
they will take you?

3. Do you find it hard to be “open” even with people you areclose No YES

4. Do you often worry about criticized or rejected in socialsituation? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

5. Are you usually quite when you meet with new people? No YES

1 2 3

6. Do you believe that you are not good, as smart, or asattractive as No YES
most other people?
1----2 ---- 3

7. Are you afraid to try new things? No YES

1 2 3

8. Do you need a lot of advice or reassurance from others before No YES

you make everyday decisions -: like what to wear or what to order
1----2 ---- 3
at a restaurant?

9. Do you depend on other people to handle important areas in your No YES

life such as finance, child care or living arrangements?
1----2 ---- 3

10. Do you find it hard to disagree with people even when youthink No YES
they are wrong?
1----2 ---- 3

11. Do you find it hard to start or work on tasks when there isno one No YES
to help you?
1----2 ---- 3

12. Have you volunteered to do things that are unpleasant? No YES

1 2 3

13. Do you usually feel uncomfortable when you are byyourself? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

14. When a close relationship ends, do you feel you immediately No YES
have to find someone else to take care of you
1----2 ---- 3

15. Do you worry a lot about being left alone to take care ofyourself? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

16. Are you the kind of person who focuses on details , order, and No YES
organization or likes to make lists and schedules?
1----2 ---- 3

17. Do you trouble finishing jobs because you spend so muchtime No YES
trying to get things exactly right?
1----2 ---- 3

18. Do you or other people feel that you are so devoted to work (or No YES
school) that you have no time left for anyone elseor just having
1----2 ---- 3

19. Do you have very high standards about what is right orwhat is No YES
1----2 ---- 3

20. Do you trouble throwing things out because they mightcome in No YES
handy some day?
1----2 ---- 3

21. Is it hard for you to let other people help you unless theyagree to No YES
do things exactly the way you want?
1----2 ---- 3

22. Is it hard for you to spend money on yourself and otherpeople No YES
even when you have enough money?
1----2 ---- 3

23. Are you often so sure you are right that it doesn’t matterwhat No YES
other people say?
1----2 ---- 3

24. Have other people told you that you are stubborn or rigid? No YES

1 2 3

25. When someone asks you to do something that you don’t No YES
want to do , do you say “yes” but then work slowly or do abad 1----2----3

26. If you don’t want to do something, do you often just forgetto do No YES
1----2 ---- 3

27. Do you often feel that other people don’t understand you, or don’t No YES
appreciate how much you do?
1----2 ---- 3

28. Are you often grumpy and likely to get into arguments? No YES

1 2 3

29. Have you find that most of your bosses teachers, No YES
supervisors, doctors, and others who are supposed toknow
1----2 ---- 3
what they are doing really don’t?

30. Do you often that it’s not fair that other people have morethan No YES
you do?
1----2 ---- 3

31. Do you often complain that more than your share of badthings No YES
have happened to you?
1----2 ---- 3

32. Do you often angrily refuse to do what others want andthen later No YES
feel bad and apologize?
1----2 ---- 3

33. Do you usually feel unhappy or that life is not fair? No YES

1 2 3

34. Do you feel that you are basically an inadequate personand often No YES
dint feel good about yourself?
1----2 ---- 3

35. Do you often put yourself down? No YES

1 2 3

36. Do you keep thinking about bad things that have happenedin the No YES
past or worry about bad things that might happen in the future?
1----2 ---- 3
37. Do you often judge harshly and easily find fault with them? No YES

1 2 3

38. Do you think that most people are basically no good ? No YES

1 2 3
39. Do you often always expect things to turn out badly? No YES

1 2 3

40. Do you often feel guilty things you have or haven’t done? No YES

1 2 3

41. Do you often have to keep an eye out to stop people fromusing No YES
you or hurting you?
1----2 ---- 3

42. Do you spend a lot of time wondering if you can trust yourfriends No YES
or the people you work with?
1 2 3

43. Do you find that it is best not to let other people knowmuch about No YES
you because they will use it against you?
1----2 ---- 3

44. Do you often detect hidden threats or insults in thingspeople say No YES
or do?
1----2 ---- 3

45. Are you the kind of person who holds grudges or takes along No YES
time to forgive people who have insulted or slightedyou?
1----2 ---- 3

46. Are there many people you can’t forgive because they didor said No YES
something to you a long time ago?
1----2 ---- 3

47. Do you often get angry or lash out when someone No YES
criticizes or insults you in some way?
1----2 ---- 3

48. Have you often suspected that your spouse or partner hasbeen No YES
1----2 ---- 3

49. When you are out in public and see people talking, do you No YES
often feel that they are talking about you? 1----2----3

50. Do you often get into the feeling that things have no special No YES
meaning to most people are really meant to giveyou a message
1----2 ---- 3

51. When you are people, do you often get the feeling that youare No YES
being watched or stared?
1----2 ---- 3

52. Have you ever felt that you could make things happen justby No YES
making a wish or thinking about them?
1----2 ---- 3

53. Have you had personal experience with supernatural? No YES

1 2 3

54. Do you believe that you have a “sixth sense” that allowsyou to No YES
know and predict things others cant?
1----2 ---- 3

55. Does it often seen that objects or shadows are reallypeople No YES
or animal or that noises are actually people’s voices?
1----2 ---- 3

56. Have you had the sense that some person or force isaround you, No YES
even though you cannot see anyone?
1----2 ---- 3

57. Do you often see auras or energy fields around people? No YES

1 2 3

58. Are there very few people that you’re really close to outsideof your No YES
immediate family?
1----2 ---- 3

59. Do you often feel nervous when you are with other people? No YES

1 2 3

60. Is it not important to you whether you have any close No YES
1----2 ---- 3

61. Would you almost always rather do things alone than withother No YES
1----2 ---- 3

62. Could you be content without ever being sexually involved No YES
with anyone? 1----2----3

63. Are there really very few things that give you pleasure? No YES

1 2 3

64. Does it NOT matter to you what people think of you? No YES

1 2 3

65. Do you find that nothing makes you very happy or verysad? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

66. Do you like to be the centre of attention? No no YES

1 2 3

67. Do you flirt a lot? No YES

1 2 3

68. Do you often find yourself “coming on” to people? No YES

1 2 3

69. Do you try to draw attention to yourself by the way youdress or No YES
1----2 ---- 3

70. Do you often make a point of being dramatic or colorful? No YES

1 2 3

71. Do you often change your mind about things depending onthe No YES
people you’re with or what you have just read or seen on TV?
1----2 ---- 3

72. Do you have lots of friends that you are very close to? No YES

1 2 3

73. Do people often fail to appreciate your very special talentsor No YES
1----2 ---- 3

74. Have people told you that you have too high an opinion of No YES
1----2 ---- 3

75. Do you think a lot about power, fame, or recognition that No YES
will be yours someday? 1----2----3

76. Do you think a lot about the perfect romance that will beyours No YES
1----2 ---- 3

77. When you have a problem , do you almost always insist onseeing No YES
the top person?
1----2 ---- 3

78. Do you feel that it is important to spend with people whoare No YES
special or influential?
1----2 ---- 3

79. Is it very important to you that people pay attention to youor No YES
admire you in some way?
1----2 ---- 3

80. Do you think that it’s not necessary to follow certain rulesor No YES
social conventions when they get in your way?
1----2 ---- 3

81. Do you often feel that you are kind of person who deservesspecial No YES
1----2 ---- 3

82. Do you often find it necessary to step on a few toes to getwhat No YES
you want?
1----2 ---- 3

83. Do you often have to put your needs above other people’s? No YES

1 2 3

84. Do you often expect other people to do what you askwithout No YES
question because of who you are?
1----2 ---- 3

85. Are you NOT really interested in other people’s problemsor No YES
1----2 ---- 3

86. Have people complained to you that you don’t listen tothem No YES
or care about their feelings?
1----2 ---- 3

87. Are you envious of others? No YES

1 2 3

88. Do you feel that others are often envious of you? No YES
1 2 3

89. Do you find that there are very few people that are worth ofyour No YES
time and attention?
1----2 ---- 3

90. Have you often become frantic when you thought that someone No YES
you really cared about was going to leave you?
1----2 ---- 3

91. Do your relationship with people you really care about havelots of No YES
extreme ups and downs?
1----2 ---- 3

92. Have you all of a sudden changed your sense of who youare and No YES
where you are headed?
1----2 ---- 3

93. Does your sense of who you are often changeddramatically? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

94. Are you different with different people or in different No YES

situations, so that you sometimes don’t know who youreally
1----2 ---- 3

95. Have there been lots of sudden changes in your goals, career No YES
plans, religious belief, and so on?
1----2 ---- 3

96. Have you often done things impulsively? No YES

1 2 3

97. Have you tried to hurt or kill yourself or threatened to doso? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

98. Have you ever cut, burned or scratched yourself onpurpose? No YES

1----2 ---- 3

99. Do you have a lot of sudden mood changes? No YES

1 2 3

100. Do you often feel empty inside? No YES

1 2 3
101. Do you often have temper outbursts or get so angrythat No YES
you lose control?
1----2 ---- 3

102. Do you hit people or throw things when you get angry? No YES

1 2 3

103. Do even little things get you very angry? No YES

1 2 3

104. When you are under a lot of stress, do you get suspicious No YES
of other people or feel especially spaced out?
1----2 ---- 3

105. Before you were 15 years of age, would you bully or No YES
threaten other kids?
1----2 ---- 3

106. Before you were 15 years of age, would you start No YES
1----2 ---- 3

107. Before you were 15 years of age, did you hurt or No YES
threaten someone with a weapon like a bat, brick,
broken bottle, knife or gun?

108. Before you were 15 years of age, did you No YES

deliberately tortured someone, or cause someone
physical pain and suffering?

109. Before you were 15 years of age, did you torturedor No YES
hurts animals on purpose?

110. Before you were 15 years of age, did you rob, mugor No YES
forcibly take something from someone by threatening him
or her?

111. Before you were 15 years of age, did you forced No YES
someone to have sex with you, to get undressed infront
of you or touch you sexually?

112. Before you were 15 years of age, did you set fires? No YES

1 2 3
113. Before you were 15 years of age, did you No YES
deliberately destroy things that weren’t yours?

114. Before you were 15 years of age, did you breakinto No YES
houses, other buildings, or cars?

115. Before you were 15 years of age, did you lie a lotor No YES
“con” other people?

116. Before you were 15 years of age, did you something No YES
steal or shoplift things or forge someone’ssignature?

117. Before you were 15 years of age, did you run awayfrom No YES
home and stay away overnight?

118. Before you were 13 years of age, did you oftenstay No YES
out very late, long after the time you were suppose to
be home?

119. Before you were 15 years of age, did you oftenskip No YES
Axis II, Personality Disorder, DSM – IV Non Significanton
Significant Personality
Findings, impression and diagnosis. Traits or

Cluster “A” personality Disorder

Paranoid personality disorder Schizoid

personality disorder Schizotypal

personality disorder Cluster “B”

personality Disorder Antisocial

personality disorder: Borderline

personality disorder: Histrionic

personality disorder: Narcissistic

personality disorder Cluster “C”

personality Disorder Avoidant

personality disorder Dependent

personality disorder:.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Other types of personality disorder

Depressive personality disorder

Passive – aggressive personality disorder

Treatment Plan -:
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ _
Type of

Guarded, defensive, distrustful and suspicious. Hyper vigilant to themotives

of others to undermine or do harm. Always seeking confirmatory evidence
of hidden schemes. Feel righteous, but persecuted. Experience a pattern of
Paranoid pervasive distrust and suspicion of others that lasts a long time. They are
generally difficult to work with and are very hard to form relationships
They are also known to be somewhat short-tempered.

Apathetic, indifferent, remote, solitary, distant, humorless. Neither desire

nor need human attachments. Withdrawn from relationships and prefer to
be alone. Little interest in others, often seen as a loner. Minimal
awareness of the feelings of themselves or others. Few drives or ambitions,
if any. Is an uncommon condition in which people avoid social activities
and consistently shy away from interaction with others? It affects more
males than females. To others, they may appear somewhat dull or
humorless. Because theydon't tend to show emotion, they may appear as
though they don't care about what's going on around them.

Eccentric, self-estranged, bizarre, absent. Exhibit peculiar mannerisms

and behaviors. Think they can read thoughts of others. Preoccupied with
odd daydreams and beliefs. Blur line between reality and fantasy. Magical
thinking and strange beliefs. People with schizotypal personality disorder
are often described as odd or eccentric and usually have few, if any, close
relationships. They generally don't understand how relationships form or
the impact of their behavior on others.

Impulsive, irresponsible, deviant, unruly. Act without due consideration.

Antisocial Meet social obligations only when self-serving. Disrespect societal
customs, rules, and standards. See themselves as free and independent.
People with antisocial personality disorder
depict a long pattern of disregard for other people's rights. Theyoften cross
the line and violate these rights.

Unpredictable, manipulative, unstable. Frantically fears abandonment

and isolation. Experience rapidly fluctuating moods.Shift rapidly between
loving and hating. See themselves and othersalternatively as all-good and
all-bad. Unstable and frequently changing moods. People with borderline
personality disorder have a pervasive pattern of instability in
interpersonal relationships.

Dramatic, seductive, shallow, stimulus-seeking, vain. Overreact to minor

events. Exhibitionistic as a means of securing attention and favors. See
themselves as attractive and charming. Constantly seeking others'
Histrionic attention. Disorder is characterized by constant attention-seeking,
emotional overreaction, and suggestibility. Theirtendency to over-
dramatize may impair relationships and lead to depression, but they are
often high-functioning.

Egotistical, arrogant, grandiose, insouciant. Preoccupied with fantasies of

success, beauty, or achievement. See themselves as admirable and
superior, and therefore entitled to special treatment. Is a mental disorder in
Narcissistic which people have an inflated sense of theirown importance and a deep
need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe
that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's

Hesitant, self-conscious, embarrassed, anxious. Tense in social situations

due to fear of rejection. Plagued by constant performance anxiety. See
Avoidant themselves as inept, inferior, or unappealing. They experience long-
standing feelings of inadequacyand are very sensitive of what others think
about them.

Helpless, incompetent, submissive, immature. Withdrawn from adult

responsibilities. See themselves as weak or fragile. Seek constant
Dependent reassurance from stronger figures. They have the need tobe taken care of
by a person. They fear being abandoned or separated from important
people in their life.
Restrained, conscientious, respectful, rigid. Maintain a rule-boundlifestyle.
Adhere closely to social conventions. See the world in terms of regulations
and hierarchies. See themselves as devoted,reliable, efficient, and

Somber, discouraged, pessimistic, brooding, fatalistic. Present themselves

as vulnerable and abandoned. Feel valueless, guilty, and impotent. Judge
Depressive themselves as worthy only of criticism andcontempt. Hopeless, suicidal,
restless. This disorder can lead toaggressive acts and hallucinations.

Resentful, contrary, skeptical, discontented. Resist fulfilling others’

expectations. Deliberately inefficient. Vent anger indirectly by
undermining others’ goals. Alternately moody and irritable, then sullen
and withdrawn. Withhold emotions. Will not communicate when there is
something problematic to discuss.

Explosively hostile, abrasive, cruel, dogmatic. Liable to sudden outbursts

of rage. Gain satisfaction through dominating, intimidating and
humiliating others. They are opinionated and close
-minded. Enjoy performing brutal acts on others. Find pleasure inabusing
others. Would likely engage in a sadomasochist relationship, but will not
play the role of a masochist.

Deferential, pleasure-phobic, servile, blameful, self-effacing. Encourage

others to take advantage of them. Deliberately defeat own achievements.
Seek condemning or mistreatful partners. Theyare suspicious of people
who treat them well. Would likely engage in a sadomasochist relationship.

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