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Real Statistics Using Excel

Levene's Test

Updated 14-Jan-23

Copyright © 2013 - 2023 Charles Zaiontz

Levene's test for homogeneity of variances

Levene's test using group means Anova: Single Factor

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4 SUMMARY

51 82 79 85 Groups Count Sum Average
87 91 84 80 Method 1 8 91.75 11.46875
50 92 74 65 Method 2 8 69.25 8.65625
48 80 98 71 Method 3 8 78 9.75
79 52 63 67 Method 4 8 84.75 10.59375
61 79 83 51
53 73 85 63
54 74 58 93 ANOVA
x̄j 60.375 77.875 78 71.875 Source of Variation SS df MS
s j
214.2679 157.5536 164.5714 181.5536 Between Groups 34.584 3 11.5279948
Within Groups 1715.6 28 61.2714844
Absolute value of residuals
Total 1750.19 31
Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
9.375 4.125 1 13.125
26.625 13.125 6 8.125
10.375 14.125 4 6.875
12.375 2.125 20 0.875
18.625 25.875 15 4.875
0.625 1.125 5 20.875
7.375 4.875 7 8.875
6.375 3.875 20 21.125

Levene's test using group medians Anova: Single Factor

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4 SUMMARY

51 82 79 85 Groups Count Sum Average
87 91 84 80 Method 1 8 79 9.875
50 92 74 65 Method 2 8 67 8.375
48 80 98 71 Method 3 8 76 9.5
79 52 63 67 Method 4 8 83 10.375
61 79 83 51
53 73 85 63
54 74 58 93 ANOVA
med 53.5 79.5 81 69 Source of Variation SS df MS
s j
214.2679 157.5536 164.5714 181.5536 Between Groups 17.3438 3 5.78125
Within Groups 2638.63 28 94.2366071
Absolute value of residuals
Total 2655.97 31
Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
2.5 2.5 2 16
33.5 11.5 3 11
3.5 12.5 7 4
5.5 0.5 17 2
25.5 27.5 18 2
7.5 0.5 2 18
0.5 6.5 4 6
0.5 5.5 23 24

Levene's test using 10% trimmed group means Anova: Single Factor

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4 SUMMARY

51 82 79 85 Groups Count Sum Average
87 91 84 80 Method 1 8 91.75 11.46875
50 92 74 65 Method 2 8 69.25 8.65625
48 80 98 71 Method 3 8 78 9.75
79 52 63 67 Method 4 8 84.75 10.59375
61 79 83 51
53 73 85 63
54 74 58 93 ANOVA
trim x̄j 60.375 77.875 78 71.875 Source of Variation SS df MS
s j
214.2679 157.5536 164.5714 181.5536 Between Groups 34.584 3 11.5279948
Within Groups 1715.6 28 61.2714844
Absolute value of residuals
Total 1750.19 31
Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
9.375 4.125 1 13.125
26.625 13.125 6 8.125
10.375 14.125 4 6.875
12.375 2.125 20 0.875
18.625 25.875 15 4.875
0.625 1.125 5 20.875
7.375 4.875 7 8.875
6.375 3.875 20 21.125
Real Statistics function Levene's Tests

Levene Mean #NAME? type p-value

Variance means #NAME?
63.94531 medians #NAME?
71.91853 trimmed #NAME?

F P-value F crit
0.188146 0.903572 2.94669

Real Statistics function

Levene Median #NAME?


F P-value F crit
0.061348 0.979712 2.94669
Real Statistics function

Levene TMean #NAME?


F P-value F crit
0.188146 0.903572 2.94669
Levene's test for homogeneity of variances

Test of means Absolute value of residuals Anova: Single Factor

Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3 Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 SUMMARY

13 12 7 2 0.9 6.5 Groups
17 8 19 2 3.1 5.5 Method 1
19 6 15 4 5.1 1.5 Method 2
11 16 14 4 4.9 0.5 Method 3
20 12 10 5 0.9 3.5
15 14 16 0 2.9 2.5
18 10 18 3 1.1 4.5 ANOVA
9 18 11 6 6.9 2.5 Source of Variation
12 4 14 3 7.1 0.5 Between Groups
16 11 11 1 0.1 2.5 Within Groups
x̄j 15 11.1 13.5
sj2 13.33333 18.76667 14.05556 Total
ngle Factor Levene's Tests

type p-value
Count Sum Average Variance means #NAME?
10 30 3 3.333333 medians #NAME?
10 33 3.3 6.666667 trimmed #NAME?
10 30 3 4.055556

SS df MS F P-value F crit
0.6 2 0.3 0.064032 0.938117 3.354131
126.5 27 4.685185185

127.1 29

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