MGT515AC SP24 GroupAssignment Case

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Christopher P. Wright, Ph.D.

Yanogo Automotive
As an analyst at the national office for Yanogo Automotive Corporation, you have been presented
with the sales records for the national dealer network in 2023. As a first step, you would like to explore
and summarize the data. This information will go into a short report to your boss, the national sales

Data set

The provided data set provides customer information for cars sold by a national dealer network in 2023.
The variables included are:

Customer ID: unique alphanumeric identifier for each customer

Region: general area in which the dealer of record is located
Age: customer age at time of purchase
Marital status: indicates whether customer is married or single (including divorced, widowed)
Gender: customer gender – male, female or other
Income: household income of customer
Children: number of children living in the same household as the customer
Education: highest level of education that the customer has achieved
Occupation: general category of customer’s profession
Homeowner: indicated whether the customer owns their own home
Work commute: distance customer drives from their home to work
Purchased type: indicates whether customer purchased or leased

© 2024. This case was prepared by Dr. Christopher P. Wright solely for the purpose of a class assignment. It is not
intended to illustrate effective or ineffective management. This case is fictionalized and any resemblance to actual persons
or organizations is coincidental. No portion of this case may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means –
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the express permission of Dr. Wright.
Assignment Questions:
a) Data exploration. For each variable in the data set (excluding customer ID):
i. Indicate the data type: nominal, ordinal or interval.

ii. If numerical, determine mean, median, standard deviation, maximum, minimum and range.
If not, list the unique values.

iii. Choose and construct an appropriate chart (bar, line, histogram or pie) to help illustrate the
distribution of values in its column. (For nonnumerical columns, countif() or a simple
pivot table can be used to find the required counts.)

iv. Based on the chart in (iii), does anything about the distribution stand out to you?

b) Data summarization. Create the following pivot tables and describe what you see:
i. Display average income for each education level.

ii. Display average income for education level against occupation (these should not be on the
same axis of the table.)

iii. Display the count of customers (use Customer ID column as value) for number of children
against marital status.

iv. Add homeownership under marital status to the pivot table in (iii).

v. Display the proportion of customers who “buy” (note: use if() to convert column to 0/1,
then use display average) for levels of work commute (use “group” values to reduce the
levels to a more manageable and illustrative number.)

vi. Display the proportion of customers who “buy” for work commute against gender.

vii. Create a pivot chart based on the table in (vi).

viii. Play with the various combinations of variables in a pivot table. Is there one that shows
anything particularly interesting? Provide at least one.

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