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Intra IITPD 2023 - InRounds

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Context for Motion 1:

Often, countries need to (or want to) borrow money for a variety of reasons ranging from
developmental plans to paying off debts. There are multiple players who provide credit to
nations, such as other countries, IMF, World Bank, private entities etc. Note that each
private entity has its own terms of providing money and it is has been seen that some
private players set up terms of contract with nations which can be exploitative.
Motion 1:

THP a world where private players are not allowed to finance

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Context for Motion 2:

A free market economy is defined by the idea of no government intervention in the matters
of the market and the prices, conditions for sale, etc are all decided by the people in the
market (i.e., the buyer and the seller).

When most people discuss the “free market,” they mean an economy with unobstructed
competition and only private transactions between buyers and sellers. However, a more
inclusive definition should include any voluntary economic activity so long as it is not
controlled by coercive central authorities.
Motion 2:
THBT a free market economy is better for India.
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Context 1 for Motion 3:

Recently, the Adani group has been in the news after they faced a huge loss in stocks and
company value after they were accused of malpractice, fraud and market manipulation by
the Hindenburg report. Note that they have denied these claims and the truth behind the
claims hasn't been uncovered yet.
Context 2 for Motion 3:

Hindenburg is a company that researches other companies, tries to talk to their employees,
goes through their history, and their accounts (as far as they can obtain the details) to find
instances of malpractice or illegal activities. Once the report on the target company is
ready, it shorts the stocks of the company in the hope that their report will cause the
company's stocks to fall, giving them a profit.
Motion 3:
THR the rise of companies like Hindenburg.

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