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Veorcobullany Xa porno demander’. uae Powe me akemast (2): Yure Confiante « Aorloiert SS Penny was on her way to school when her phone beeped. Unknown nunber? ur so fat. We hate ul ‘She was really upset. At school, another message: luhat happened to your face? Penny was devastated. Her phone was her worst enemy. She ‘turned it off. She told her bestfriend Ashley about the mean texts ‘Thatday, the English lesson was about bullying. The teacher asked: “Does anybody know what eyberbulyng i?" A boy answered "Yes, | thnk ts when for example you spread wrong and nasty rumours ‘about someone on the Internet”. Then the teacher asked: "What ‘should the vitims of harassment do?” Ashley answered “They shouldn't lt bules continue. They should report the comments 0 ‘someone they trust.” Penny couldn't talk but she didn't miss a word of the whole conversation, Suddenly Ashley said: *! know someone who has, receved nasty comments about herset, its really mean and humiliating, because she's the most adorable person | have ever ‘mat” On her way home, Penny fet relieved because she knew her nightmare was over (BE tive et comprondre Je comprends le récit d'une : victime de cyber harcélement. Lis ce texte etréponds aux questions. a. Explique les sentiments de Penny avant et aprés sajournée diécole. b.Pourquoia-t-elle éteintsonportable cematin-a? . Quelle définition te garcon donne-t- ilduharcélement? d-Explique la réaction de Penny pendant ce cours, e-Précise la raison pour laquelle Penny siest sentie soutenue.

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